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What is procrastination? Procrastination is a trouble persuading to

do the things you should do. When you procrastinate, instead of working
on important, meaningful tasks, you find yourself performing trivial
When you cannot convince ourselves of the urgency of performing
the necessary or desired tasks, this means that we procrastinate.
Instead of important things that make sense, you are doing something
insignificant: watching TV shows, watering flowers in the office, playing
computer games, spending time on social networks, eating (even if not
hungry), doing a second cleaning, wandering around the office aimlessly
or just "spit on the ceiling." Later, due to self-reproaches and frustration,
a feeling of helplessness arises, again leading to idleness.
“Procrastination is an emotion regulation problem, not a time
management problem,” said Dr. Tim Pychyl, professor of psychology
and member of the Procrastination Research Group at Carleton
University in Ottawa.
Approximately 20 percent of people are chronic procrastinators; for
them, the behavior cuts across all domains of life. You procrastinate
when you feel boredom, anxiety, insecurity, frustration, resentment, self-
doubt and beyond. So that it is a problem of bad moods, not laziness. A
lazy person does not want to do anything and does not feel any concern
about this. Procrastinator would be glad to do something, but he can not
Moreover, with more freedom to make our decisions and to
perform our actions, we have become easily confused about what is a
priority, what is essential and what is not, and with what is right and
wrong, and therefore we have become demotivated to do anything at all.
Also, there is important to add that procrastination is not relaxation,
we don’t work better under pressure, too. During the rest, we are filled
with new energy. With procrastination, on the contrary, we lose it. The
less energy we have, the more chances we have to postpone the task
for an indefinite period and do nothing again. So everyone need some
time for rest.
People like to leave everything at the last moment, explaining this
by the fact that they are better at working in conditions of emergency and
approaching the deadline. But in fact, this is not so: postponing cases to
the deadline is a breeding ground for stress, reproaches and inefficiency.
There are some trick to make yourself more productive and beat
Firstly, it is essential to have a personal vision and meet with
yourself when you can analyze what kind of priorities is important for
you, focus your effort on the right activities and set priorities to avoid
continually switching between actions.
Secondly, it would be better to set some to-do today goals. You
need to set some goals for you that is possible to finish per one day. And
the end of the day will motive you if you finish all your tasks.
Thirdly, you can make a habit list. we make a habit of doing
something, its implementation requires less mental energy to do it.
Learning new habits is, therefore, very important for personal
development. Changing behavior consumes a lot of psychic energy, but
engaging in highly structured cognitive behavioral therapy is one
approach that has worked for many.
To sum up, procrastination is a problem of the 21st century and it
arises from psychological problems such as stress, depression and
more. However, it is not difficult to defeat this problem if you learn to
analyze your condition, set realistic goals for the day, and also create
new habits.

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