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ft & CAMBRIDGE ii Mi PREPARE Joanna Kosta Second Melanie Williams f Edition coi rye aooe Cont een Seecaren Caetano corey toent Speconage necepay ore ‘Serine pty hp en Eos ayn Poriaears eran ann scar oases ctor eactcnpesemse acne ‘ptosis mea ae ee rs an poe Eanoctaamcaeanaenna infor aia Vt ny A wachallenge! 2. ourchangngplanet ALTURE National parks 2 onholday 4 wy place LUFESKLS crcl hinkng Accepting other peopl'sopinions vevew 1 5 school 1 Favour things [sHLTRE Secondary schootinthe UK 7 Adventureholdaye 8 Lente fate LUFE SKILLS Communication: Having good conversation evew2 3 Sports, gamesand activites 20 Useful websites [CHLTRE The Beata game 1 cy ting 22 Films LUFESKLS crest and innovation: Brainstorming ewew 3 33 Lie experinces| 44 Spentinginoney [OLTME shopping and money 45 Freetine 6 Languagesof te world LUFESKLS Leoringt lear: fective laring seven 4 47 Staying heathy 8 Fomcoverto cover ‘ALTME Engshtteraure 39 erent ingredients 20 Ue changes LUFESKLS Study sk: Taking exams enews Prepare forthe exam ‘extra actvtles Vocabulary ist ‘Grammar reference and practice Irregular verb st BaxTSLRELRSRASHHSELB EES geeae ry us a ITS AGHALLENGE! —Acoctivesof personaly 10 Penona des Lh >The alphabet ‘2OUR CHANGING Geographical features PLANET eh /6/ ana 0) ge 4 mats utara ational Parks page 8 ‘3.0% HOLIDAY Hotdays: Vays of oge20 vavelng Dien eters Gspeoteng Paz olde ocabulaty My Puce Homes poee2t fk ana is ajctives to describe homes Present simple and resent conlaueus Verbs we dont usually ‘eeinthe continuous Pastime ast continous an past sine Giring Pare if Sls rica thinking: Accepting other peoples opinions page 28 Review 1 Unis -4 page 20 5 SCHOOL Schoo subjects pages? Word patterns tohe FAVOURITE THINGS Materials age jective or describing object ‘uttre Secondary school inthe UK pageso ‘TADVENTURE oy activities HOLIDAYS Gspestingranz 42 ‘Things to take onan ee Adventure holiday SS LIFEINTHE FUTURE Future and household page pplnees Word wth wo meanings Life ks Communication: Having good conversation Review 2Units 58 pages? SPORTS, GAMES Sports and aces ‘AND AGTIVITES, ‘Sport voebulry page Sofie {USEFUL WEBSITES etcshie ae Internet noun and verte Grescingrart ‘culture The beaut game pages? ‘Comparative and saperatv adverbs Posesion ‘Weak forms and of Present continuous fo ‘ature ‘sentence stress: present ‘continuo future wth it Furr wth oy na ight Din and woot poges0 ‘must must hove to ad onthoveto ‘Smut and must ‘verb pars: gorunds nantes ‘The tuke ofEdnburgh's ers Regier ogo the Duke of Enturgh's Avard _ Theat changing planet Leomngabout the gla ands Frat tolday wit ends Teen vavel tis: oscon Gresingrarz Ane home Strange houses New aysof earning Garis Hog Sreningrons Specal memories srecen Beacons adventure ‘neshens What will you putin your tine capsule? Sraargrans Pressing aes ook tone climbing Cenre ‘hes hater sports? Greaingror een oubles Sagat websites or tong ‘conversation about the Duke of dnburgs Aare conversation about animals Giisteningracs ‘conversation wth ate ‘eceptonst Five short conversations Giisening are Wuirening rar nintersew about homesehooing ‘Asking people about their favour things ‘Aconwerstion about people's belongings Greringrans -Aconwesation about an venture hb ‘alkeabot an adventure heiay Gisteringrar2 Anintevow abouthomes of thefture Fie short conversations Giiseningracs Susrening Paes ‘convertion about Sports andimind pons Young app developers take about hee work “Talking about yourself @speskngrere nate about an ‘rina ‘conversation at 2 tour normation description ofahome Ssperkingrar. —_ ring are? Deserbing your perfect ‘hon Aéjectve ord ‘alkng about an vente haeay too, 0,05 wl @speskingran2 Talking about sports pera Sreting Paes @ciacernaona rar @servol subjots Wr xtectnsn vs @rirrae rime cpsute recat THOmy LIVIN Places in acy Determiner ogee Uncountablenouns the ‘Ta FILMS ‘yp of in ‘Relate proncurs who, passes Conjuneons sich hoe 2 Speing and sales Life Skis Cestivtyandinnovtion:Brlasorming_page’2 Review 3 unie-12 page 74 IBLIFE EXPERIENCES outdoor activites Present perfect with ever passe Pastparciles ea never ‘Past partes {4SPENDING MONEY Stops Proven pedet with jst, pace Iinteotmesaiement jet and aed ‘ndoney ‘ietontion: questions Snastatements ‘ultre shopping and money. page 4 16 FREE TIME Freetime activities Present perfec with or mem Colocation: abouthaving andsice fin Wea forme 6 LANGUAGES OF THE words to describe Prevent perfect and past, WoRLD Tangungs leaning simple aa LBrge numbers ‘Word tes numbers Life Sls Learingt err Efeetve ering, pages Review 4 Unis 13.16 pages TT STAVING HEALTHY body pars ‘efesive pronouns pase Adesso ops BFROM COVER TO Seoks and reading Fistcondonal COVER Words about booke Sentence sess age 102 ‘culture Engich Literature page 106 ‘9 DIFFERENT woréo describe ooking Present simple passive INGREDIENTS peed 08 inserts on dandmoke 20 LIFE CHANGES chorgeasaverband noun Fastsimpe passive page 2 Ucchonges Sounds and speing if ie Study ls: Taking exams page 6 Review's Unke17-20- page 38 Prepare forthe exam page 120 xtra activites page 136 Woeabutary tit page 40 Grammar reference and practice page 47 Key te symbols: SPrenuncation QIA2KeylorSchookexamtask @ Video Signs notices and messages Grading ar Unatmaies¢mevie hit? Show ngtoday aS Cnera Gruatingrae2 reading Paes ‘The peat outdoors 10 things todo before you're 16 Liteauie iy bby ~ geocaching Reding Pats Languages of the word Gsyeakingror ent Teenbesth ys and Fo Sigs notices and messages Gressingear ‘Books to make yu laugh the-simmer Gringo estas cereals ‘hese test Grrosing ans Lie hanges eve Peace @ racing rans World ie que Aconversaton about going to Gusering ran @seringrats An interven th an explorer convention bouts birthday plenie ‘Thre young people tak about freetime sees ‘atkaboutan uresual hobby Fie short conversations @scenng ras alkaboutaerent longsages Guiseing Pars Five hort conversations Gusenngract Aatkabout eaing ‘compton A talkabout cooking ‘competition Gisieing Pata ‘convesaon about a ew school Gisteningpa2 Wiscing Pat? king equests in ‘iferentsitvatons ‘nem Doing our own fe Quiz anemal GWrting Pars [An tesow aout an tnusuat hobby Information about your English ass Sperkingrans —-tingrares Giving aves Astory Sriringrare7 Tlling abou recipe Abogaphy @speshing rar @ Favours cies O tte experiences @ Fomous marets @ dierrtonevaes Great @riow tens rena }ravoure ods Pam Ce (ETS aa TES Se Herp your pronunciation oc PREPARE FOR THE EXAM yt find exam tasks keeouiedy or PREPARE TO WRITE Prepare pan and ‘deckyour writing sboutthetepilnthe ‘VIDEO Watch intervie th teenagers you rn pret eo ctl and learn new things. The award has four parts: Q Caer nt yea Ps ryess-Dosone ec and gt et 1 sits team someting new—or t beter atoning out, « 97201TON -Goeampnganahing thecourse yy) cen (dosha ar © sor 0 fo, oyu know bout any wards ples for young people your county? j ano Adjectives of personality ‘Read the poste and ook atthe photos ‘Then answer the questionsin pars 1 Whati The Oukeofanbure’s war? 2 Winatind of activites do stent for 1 Canyoude an award ke this at your sehoo? 4 thn, weuld yu the to do one? ‘ead the students mason page 11 and answer ‘the questions with Dani or Groce 1 Who plays two instroments 2 ho snappy with piece of work they ding? 3 hos preparing sures for anathet person? 4 Wo isteaehing another person how odo samthing! /10 0 uniT4 WD] syoucompleteveting ou ges 7]. witeanerito Mane Te Dake ct Aim eroeshonete wow. Beste youself and ny why you met © 3. Check the meaning ofthe wos nthe malls ‘on page. Then use themes complet the 2 ty brothers very __.He isin bed unt ‘iy and never does ry work 2 Wy grandpa’ 7, bute tl ally He eles eveyuere as plays tenn 3 Sonaisvery ste alvays inks of other people ands goodie them. 4 Everyone hes Toby. Hehe ost_boy 15 Ourteacerisso___ she aba makes ‘stagh 65 hen peak to adults, try tobe 7 Saraisvery — Shesmles at and shes cyto tao, 1 Host peopl in my las ak a ot but Fred mere docs sty, ‘9 Twas how odo my projet but the teocherwasvery —Shetold me about some great websites. 40 Sechitaisvery —___ She can paint and ha and she wes exelent ties < Ustenandchece Then repeat. 4, Wie sentences about you partner using the adjectives in xerese 3. cv the sentences to Yyourteacherto readout forthe cars tory and {guess who they ae about. ove odo The Duke of Edbugh Aaron person and im popula choo. fm funny — Testor make peopl laugh but | werk hae and motte tthe teacher. Mass ipertant tome. good atthe tar anc im arin to pay ths keybosrs Trmaveryoctvo parson =I lay hooky and 9 swimming evry wosk. mo tsching ry brober osu, ‘hope lean dots evar "ma ule parson fort ak rmvch, btn very coat, Amy ‘avout subject. lhe moment, Fm dna a 1g pat, ait going wal. ito 8 busy nt sey parse. Fm Ae oil My mighbours gut od an ‘fen go shaping with er She aye al ‘ma mins te rerbrthy son. My rn land |r plreing a party fo ar, but she ‘ean know about 1. compete the table wit amples ofthe present ‘Smpleand preset continous rom he bo mais. Presentsimple __Presnt continous 2, Look atthe exampesin erie X and complete therues 4 Wowsethepresent_totakabout things happening now around now and at themoment 2 Weusethe present_totaabout ‘things that are alwaystue or happen regulary ‘>> GRAMMAR REFERENCE AND PRACTICE PAGE 147 13. Chace the correct form the verb, 4 woth am watching Spartak Moscow play football every week 2 What do you usally et /oreyou sual eating fordinner 2 Sony eanttk now, busy. practising / prac the plano, 4 be earned sboutive lst tr, and row we lear are earn abet forest. 5 Vmauite anys dont aye dom novos doing my ameter 6 by dad eoching teaches me how to play tennis at the momen 4 Conrectne mistakesin the sentences 2 tine lot atthomonent. 2 Inmy fee tine, tn usally going othe cera, 3 Taal ny English Boke woul you He toby 4 Rightnow | watch besetbal. 5 Imusualy wearing cet, even nhenits ht 6 We are summing and sunbathing every day [5 Work wth partner Lokstthephotoson page 20. ‘Saywhatthe people are ing Then sy haw often hen youd the activites inthe photos. Shes playing the utr, ‘Soa yep 6 Imagine you ae wrting an email the Grace's and Dani's Make notes. Think of some + adjectives to describe oul 1 Sports and hobbies you usually do 1 things you aeesning planning oing now. Non write your emai, ITS ACHALLENGE! 11 Se ucuee y REGISTER TO DO THE DUKE OF EOE eR uL | NOME NEWS ACTIVITIES-«~PHOTOS «MESSAGES SEARCH: Tod, you ar going to tart using Me Duke of inburgh'sAwerd part of our school webete. The hase your deals on ft and chows te actvtos youre doing. You ca lso get news and meseapes ces tere {rom Me Jones here. re 4 alte onn orn wh al your deta, Choose your actives Youhave to ecu andegres CONTACT DETAILS ‘mene wn Jona tat. hop ssotopnat com a {4 Meso Avenue, ~haling alder people, iking up rubbish f 770 0 579 dare, sport or nari canter Paying an ant, stying a large ACTIVITIES: learn ess ormprovng yeu eran sls Yeuhav to do each actity you choses for at ast nhoura wok or thee mons. Tke neo proto, ‘ad wit about wat you are cing. Put at his User to pnt a beck abut your tne dong teaver Tis ost about 20. ] Personal details Read the web page quick, Whos for? Read Grace's deta. Matchqvestons 1-7 othe ‘ead the information onthe web Are the oS eens sentences ight) or wrong? 1 hat uray ane 3 here dou te? 4 that dou speak at hone? 5 What numbers can we cl you on? 6 Whats youremal ares? 4 whats youre name? 2 Hr Joness going to put news and messageson the website, 2 Nr Jones's going filin th stots fors, 43 Students need total tr ones before they ‘hooee her aches 4 Heute don tke the des, they can thooss hes stem ad heck Ten repeat «5 Stents hve open severathours - : eee GP 2 Ustento races contact datas Then repent «Sedona can pt fomation bout tr then. 7 Bry siden gt ebook bout their tine 2 Sevedon arene condo Nase ong the nar 3 taoraeans 4 roses © taxine powrs hipaa doyou thik most cave then bok stu vin? 12 UNIT WB PronunciaTiOn | rnesipnsee 3 Practice saying the eters ofthe slhabet, 4, acide which eter has ferent sound |) tisten ant check 15 Inpals, ask and answer questions using the ‘contact deta for Sm and J, ‘hats your emails? iy ema adress Sam brompeosimaiieam Hon do you spl that? Sem mbrownscoainalcom ores sse78 Mod oss 24 Je Iemarhemelycau "ae Set Manchester 4S Moorea 964463 coy 1. Usten tothe conversation What re Grace and Daniel taking bout Whos Finn? 2 Usten again. complet the table with the betes the ends chose sa stent the end ofthe conversation again Complete Finn's contac deta Eg Ped ‘Speaking Part 1 ‘1 Inpaisaskand answer questions to complete ‘theforn for eachother Spel your surnames ADDRESS UIE ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER: In pals, ak and answer the questions 7 me * How much homework 0% hat your vou bj Uist do you doin youre? io doyeu spend youre tine with? Tellme someting abet what you dat > rename Fon Te xa age 198 Risin ules A CHANGING PLANET @® What isthe weather the inyourcountry? letheweatherthesame vy year? AND Geographical features In psc, seus the quests. Then read the le and check Your es 4 How lds the arth? 2 Wats happening othe Earths ‘ester atthe moment? ead the article gain nd choose the best heading foreach paragraph. 1 Good ews none part ofthe worl 1 Problems forthe planet The age othe planet Sele the ath billon years Howe the ales sd forests we se today are nuch Younger B Hon the plane cnonges ‘han that For eamole Mount Eeets abou 60 rllon jer andthe Amazon oes only cl) 3, Mateh the words in lic Ini att the ‘mon yeas old. The youngest on nthe werd is @ Peete ane en Ten eet tetas Se 2 eran Sihchentta snet Scubatpetm epsom asa Soelocnmcwn tiptoe toa eeu eat ome Sear actly Sor ren ne Secreted Thapar ID) tsromttronsnecnmn aut one Saat agg ran [ath atraeundeynb ‘Seg bayer ese (twice tones Some rss Mer gcog ruse parnea "eet oemeonsone a Scion yee one cine tse Sheree anne tiene over Geode Sineecoe Sateen “14 uwiT2 A Complete each sentence with the coret word 9 Nye and oye tthe fora sw, 15 Wt five sentences f your own using the words ‘rom Exerle 3, WW ronnie se |G Usten tothe sounds 8 and 9 an repeat them. Then put the words nthe Bota the erect colar, ort ther south tht there these thing “think the Beart weather stan and check Thon repost testers abot he geography of your Ingroups of four steno each ther sentences hich geographical features om Execse 3 does ‘ich person talk abot? orks we don't usually use inthe continuous 1 fg th eine leon poe ‘The verbs above are about thinking, feeling and tnning thing, We don wsualy use them nthe 2. Which of hese words are lo about thinking, feeling ond onring things? belongto buy cmb fel nate fave love mean need” prefer run sing want’ werk ‘>> GRAMMAR REFERENCE AND PRUCTICE PAGE 148 3 Complete the sentences wing the present simple ‘or present continuous ofthe verbs In brackets 4 Canyoutumthe Voff1___ hats that Programme! 2 Siedoner”— (van totale you. Are you 2 ty _yousing!_ineento ei 4 Thotbook__felng) tome.’ ot. ny 5 lows Tahir. Can byt, Mam? 4, correct the mistakes inthe sentences. 1 Thee we ings nny tga needing refering ike that 3 Fenn he party was est. 4 My brothers king sumer and Fm king '5 Cetin the pool with mt The wateris fein yest [5 Us the prompts to write questions beginning Doyou. or freyou Then walk around the Team to play anrstrment? ie eabbage? oan project atthe mment? think Engl see ed study fo an xa Ini, cuss what youround ou. (OUR CHANGING PLANET “1 tog 11 Leak atthe pleturebeow: in pars, write down three thing you know abu panda. Read the atle once to ‘heck your leas 2. We thesesentance right (7) orrong 8)? 1 The writer helped to look ter ant pandas on he ip 2 Ws porsbleta naw pandas in several counties, 3 Pando ot est bamboo. 4 Say pandas re very ight when they are born. 4 Pande starteating bamboo tthe age of 18 months. 6 Selenite know enact how many wld pando thee ae 7 Ws possblets soa panda in Mes. Learning about the GIANT PAN ‘hen planned my tp to China, one of things aly ‘waned fo da watt wrk a the Djlangya Panda Ben ‘Cheng spent seven dys there, ooking ater the pandas, _hing ther food and dearing ter ensures. bamboo frst high nf maui fara Cho the part ey a he othe pare of Chie ahah Myanmar ana Yisram, Shey dont any mre Thy spend abou Trews 2 xing bao, but fey orsines oat er pars ‘eal annals At Duangyen, we ao gave tha at he ‘9p0e, ond special panda cakes made of ice, epge ard Nour | ‘ut rt pace wi tae 704 195Ktare, | Foals ustalyelyhave one bby pares, oc tine. Thecus ony wogh about 8 gare when hey bar The Ie cu snes aio abet eur mens ana thn gro ‘Sots thnk thre now beeen 1500 snd 2.00 ards {he 070 Terascan he nae going up beens ot tb wo scents a ng atlases tho the Duara anda Basen Grongau. Ter also about 25 pana n nos naruberf ators cartes bsudrg he United Sista Moen, Japan ans Gamay Animals atch the words inthe box to the potas Piste ae ce Ten eet ae ow i oiphin elephant gate ‘monkey panot penguin polarbear Stake {ger whale 2. Answer the question about the animals inesorciae 1 Wore do the arimats come om? 2 ihre do they he se, mutans forest? 2 Winich ae dangerous? 4 Look teach pacar Are fhe animatsn anor are thay wl? '5 How many ote armas ca You name intngaht © wane rows ‘whatareyourfvetaveurt animal? hy do you theta? ow ten do yougo to 0032 Dose ike hem ©] prcrane to wate Listing Pa Aare ia Ro" nd be prpnons 1 el taking eaten Srna ont 2 oer aina ha ek ch phat rer Gareacce of Ein thee tnconed owner ‘inet cng ce Psapnehs cats thesanemsogibesrie! on Nene Campari te tory oe cetera Pie” Ein + tnscnpetn sr aree eer ie ee es 3 Sep F Renda es Leese 3 all my fiends, Tari, are — Interested in animale. en ean ch > rare Forti an ag a2 Spee eg ae 70 Plan your adele about an animal. Choose ane af th animals in vocabulary Erercee Lora diferentone Write tres Parographe, ake nots for wht to Fncden each praraph Workin pales Look atthe photos of the two animals below Use the prompts 19 to wile questions about there animale. 2 What kind of anal? ‘ekindof animal ti 2 Where rom Trees / hat ats 3 Where? sonal 44 hot eat iormation about ts 2 hom nse weigh fei 6 how many /etinthe wd? Paragrapha how many retin the 7 What babies calla? vid /Inao08| ee ae ya We you article Try to incide the prepositions irom Gt Red. > Student, goto page 136, You have information PROVE Impalescompare your ates, Shout the takapo there Can youlmprovethem? > student, goto page 138. You have information Shout the rand eat there Discuss the questions a pals 1 Whatiss national parla hares Yellowstone National ard what do you know about it food the ot an check your eas Match the tots 1-5 with the photos AE a he wots neta oe he et aoa part ee oanee yomning, Montana and Suto rena en nee ven man ad ween cated pat 00 ook short mr orp 200 yer cnr Tra Vows TS 88 an reelsamaoemn cm aoe it a reece ptm in Vt 80 — ‘per we 6 ype of eras ne pak et eter Pe es rr ae stn, oon an oe YOU ren px tase no sor er aon ote wa down eos ne owtnn umn cod ny, butte ar somes Taran youu tbe cal when yourave 2 oe er fasagrt can bebaow 0 C.Peeploreed ec eos wer hey caring the a Most counties have beoufel natural Ieer These paces can be noni ee, dsr beac, You con “eo diferent animals ond plots there. People look afer hem s0 everyone con enioy them, 6 toa veaterin the park 7 Smeal ots paragraph : What on you see ona wan Yellowstone ark? Mount Washburn Transport ce lunch sandiches,\_—_ and cold inks Things to take» ightjactat nds Landscape you see | the Grand Canyon of elloustone an the mals you see nd maybe es Aer tep activity 2 about eoarephy © tanine powrs Which walkwould you prefer to gon? Explin why ou ‘esearch a natenal perkin your ‘aunty Use thelntemet oF books to find out vheriei + hat the andicape is he {at aniols and plants thee are {atthe climate se 1 hyitisanatonal park Preset your infomation tothe lass. Use pltures ane photos to make the resentation mere interesting. FIRST HOLIDAYS WITH aE g Lacsumeney ere need or ars ie end Prasto pont tree tne We gota ghia tena ten ae ety Sp othe snd hes We wre ‘ey reer orto but we oth ante asvim 30 ‘rewento the ech Yuan gest Wea own anced Sirsa me wet MO hor ber eee ‘ely ot andy andre Nevers yet hey waa weed Landon Sma and try bom ay oust thas Sato. When ‘reaver pty handy pact ya ‘ether her war i ton he am 2 ‘Sno nln money the cc We ye a Sous yt aay wash my end om atten fet rearourtoon ert want pases th 0 ‘ent bu sthanon fot slong oest lew racing pth ent up quebec! ae Row ‘Ede batallouthgs were we Then sun cane ot the reat dey Weed eveyng na haa gettin! yr YoU Read the arte quickly an find out whore pet Sophie, Fed and Cvs wert on ellday How id here do youth going on holiday? schol them getthere? ow often do you ean holiday? Do you slays goon holiday othe same place? Read the atl again andanswer the questions. How doyou usally et there? 1 What does he ate mean by rst hobo? - 2 eet aaeveremaeke CO oo EOS cee : - hat was the weather he when Ci an Tore Nolidays: Way of traveling were putting up the ten? |. Match the words inthe box to photos AK. ° bybike _byboat bycaach —onfoot byhlcoterbymotorbike bypane byseooter byship by tram Dyunderround Inpaesread the words aloud Which srethe len eters? climb fight guess hall ‘sand know wo where > Patan Fon Tae Eun PAGE 34 co | Undertine the past simple forms nthe sentences. 2 Where i hay 2 Where was | 3 Did they nave agood ine? 4 Wecloued curves, 5 im, Simon and ove by tram tothe inestaton. ty walt wast there 1 yrs ody was wih ny end Tor, 1 We let want my paces to dives, 50 we went by bus and then on fot 9 Mesied everthing Now answer these questions. 1 Which past simp verbs are ego? 2 hich ast simple vers re equa? 3 Which verb never hs din questions and negatives? 2 ndeting alt te examples of the pst simple in the ari, [3 Compete the sentences sing the past simple of theverbin bracats a (you go) onhoiay with your fait instar? 2 They __pottravel by bosttotheistand ecasethe weather be bad 3 We (wan) ove maseum, but we (pat have ne 4 the plane sive on time? 3 Theholiday (pote great, bt {enjoy the alternoonson the beach 6 (ou ben the mountains orthe wale lay? (4, Read questions and b and complet the answers, Then answer questions 1-8 2 Who dd Sophie init to oon holiday wih her? Sheinited to onlay wih he b imolst wala?” loethis wallet. 1 wich past smple quesion uses c+ Infiitve, orb 2 Wnatistheverb form inthe other question? 3 squeson a aking for aration about the subject or object? 4 SSqueston basking fr information about the subeetorabject? 5 choose a ob foreach question. 1 Who dd he boy see? mater om hi, 1 Hesawhie mathe 2 Whose the boy? 2 smother sa hin, 3 hesow hs mother > crmnan REFERENCE ND PRACTICE PAGE 148 6 Complete the sotencas ung the past simple of tha verbs in bracket 4 What_(jou/ es when you were on hoiay ina? 2 Who" ~ take) you tothe apo 3 Where you go camping lst ume? 4 Whe Took the fights, your mam or your dad? 15 Who (ou o}onholidsy with ast. {6 ho —_(ouy) youyournew ie? Wasi your parent 7 Correct he mistakes inthe sentences. ©1 | ated two nen ends on ny hoi 2 Sony we oul met yesterday. go topping and then jelng wih ry mum. 2 fear ny day on Satrdy, 201 spends thedayathome “4 Toate TV an payee he computer yesterday evening. 5 Tas iy you led he party early le Friday 1B Inpais askand answer the questions 1 Winer id you goon your last hada? 2 Who dd you gowith? 3 ow dd you et thee? 4 pat id you thee? 5 Wat wasthe best thing you i? Wy? (On HoLIDAY | Look at the photos of Moscow. Do you know ay ofthese places? ead the ort guiky ana find out who sted which place ‘na hat wating My sais oak ore Raion lors bore you {rl wanothe garam anny bt op. ened tbat te ae fectard and ports Riel gris army dh i have ect iy ass fed re, Te ba oscars fen ie oop Yor artes mi Groen pee Ergat Gh andl com ood ena ft ak maar then! The equine Hou eyo oe as Boer youre pace wae Oe bt on ote le teen Mscon rt pt presets mmm and ab a hops od be ‘Sve peste sl an nyu ety te soe od becute the wmsing satova oul istteneon Tent ernrbas ont ex MI me Poona {1 Mate the worden the bxto the things inthe 2, Foreach question choose the correct answer photo Ae There sre thee words for There ace te for Monique, fr Caio for Ola {wo word for. 1 Who thinks waking the Dest wayto travel ound ssn et debooe anes map 2 Who found the street food a Moscow ‘ecepionistsultase tour Wstor expense? 3 Who sasits important otto isthe tauarum? 4 Who spars lotf many on presents? § Whienpewon enjoyed tng te metro? 6 Whe sys you shoul lem some Russian before ging? 1 Wha sit was bette to buy postards than totakephotes! >> mere ron ri page aa {© wuxne powrs Ina eokette test testa Mieniptece Sacer omer etic bmretng a [2 ows inten ad cack Then apa ow compl ha srr withthe werd rn 2 ‘the box in Exercise 1. Sec, 2 Memes _ vetanererey ro 3 Nesiena ole was hoe Clits pet on gang s Sentyed aay na elon. cy ha rom ore eMac eta of thet 1 wtanne mut boa be prune om ly 1 Rescetanumin son also eye 3 mpals, ask and answer the questions. 1 How much luggage do you take wit you on raieay? 2 Who pals your suitcase 3 hat yt pun yor sua when you gon 4 Dayeu or your patents sully buy guidebook ‘hen you goon halide? '5 oyou semaps! When wasthelstineyou used arog? 6 ema tourists come vt your town? What othey keto see? 1 What does receptionist do? 1 bid you stay na hotel on your ast aldo? eb youthele ny |] Leokeat the photo in vocabulary Eerie 2. pats, seuss the questions. 2 What canyou see? 2 Who are the peop? 3: What arethey dang? 2. Ustanto the conversation between John © seudent on haliday i Wasco with is parts, land the hotel receptionist and check your leas. Why s John speaking tothe receptionist? © ste again. re the sentence ght (/) or wrong 7 3 don san ony cil 2 John wants lo around the cy inthe ernoon 23 The touritinformation centres along may fom 4 The receptionist as’ got an underground map ' don thins efter than the underground 6 John forgets 1 The pus before John hd several stats 1 Theres alin the ott Ea 91 =e John phones the tourist formation cetre ‘orsome mors infrmation, Listen ois onverestion Wat are hn and is ity ing LUsten agin and repeat te phrases from the the spoce museum please? ler Yes, cera. The museum's near the ene, and you canbook one Yeu realy enjoy Johns That’ perfect. Thanks. ‘here es the best way tole about the stony tour county John: That's realy gooctdes. oh, bythe way, have you got ay ifomation about he renin Clerk Yes course. all on our website ave god day. Inpaes, choose ty youboth know. what four places would tourists keto vist ints cy? Roleplay a conversation a2 tourist information centr. Us prass fom Bers 2tohelp you. ae questions. Then in pas, ask and answer ‘hem using the information low. 2 adcres? 2 open everyday? 3 what ie dose? 4 how much inks? 5 web address? INFORMATION CENTRE ez tater eh video and discuss he here do yout? Who doyoutve wit? Hom many bedrooms ate therein your hom? Doyousharea bedreen? aula and cay ed na madem house. had what’ the mos nesting thing about your oom? ng ram andthe the rund flo ad on ‘Wouldyouthetsveinanunusualhouse? ‘he fit floor te bedoars one with a bekcony tha aan thay even aa sal goren wha lie gate painted green. ksounds erect Match the word nthe Box to A-Kin the picture But Paula ang Gary wernt happy They both ‘wate tovesomenee more ntereting 9 hey farted took fora net home. They were aking Sthomer onthe internet ne when Ti Cars fag had andes Tim Padi only Baines: fre was sling one oth tres. Why drt Paula and Gary buy Rone make iin the nee home? Gary and Paul moog thir wa brian idea and bought it that se ay. Iawar abun year Gary was bling everthing fo thane hoe, hl Pals was working, He but ‘lpboards around th oar andthe sink nd he ven bt the shower They bought a sal sofa bce hare wrt enaugh space fore ig oe Finals months 290, ary fnsed the work onthe ly ard they moved nary ad Paula Tove ther new ome! Pal thinks the best hing "wood and ga ad ‘Gar loves the high rarra. talcony caing cooker cupboard = fivance fist floor page froundloer lamp sik sofa LUstn and check Then repeat Describe your home to your partner using words from exerze 1 Read the article sbovt Paula and Gnys homes ‘ead the text again, Anse the questions. {3nd Took tthe photos. hich pot, Kor 8, 4 ow many loos ad Pala and Gary ols house ‘shows whece Paula and Gary lve now? have what wes on eachfoor? Why dd Gary ana Paula want to eave hie tighome? hat is Gry and Pau buy fom Ta? \Whobuilt he things fr he new home? en di ary and Paula movelnt thle ew home? nat do Pula and Gate mos about ee new home? [20 unre Wi ois (22 oe 1 ‘every nervous whiewewatenes the match ‘Uren to the two words, Which hs anf 2 Nevwited ata bus sop when we rst met = 5 unde wich as sound? 3 Wemere amazed whee were ning bal ead 4 Whe eaningthe Kuen, sau the broken G Inpais, match the words othe sounds window Inbsarie 5 Iisenoning hen we went outside. = Taronga er yucaed me ee et tee "the “Seat * Pea Writing Part 7 stem and check, Then repest S oe 6 Lookat the three picts Wie the stony show inthe pietares sing the past simple and past continuous Wite35 words or move 11 took at the example sentences fom the text. Find and underline al the verbs nthe Sentences. Which verbs are past simple and which verb are past continuous? 2 ary was bling everthing for ther new ome, wile Pala was ortng They were looking at homes onthe interet one ay when Tim, Gays dad, had an ea. «ial Gary fished the werk onthe ory and they movedin ‘2, Match ite sentences cin Berl 1 one action flows the othe. “The actions ae happening at the sare tine |W oneactoniterupts the other 13 Choose the comet words to compte the sentence ‘oform the past comtnuous, wee the resent) postsimpleof te verb beard the present] past parte > ont REFERENCE no RAGTCE PAE 180, onpee theses ung the st sno 4 ‘Soper continu ameter nae th one > Prerane Fon Te x ge 121 Smee 1 Wile my brother as painting hs bedroom, my aoe scr mtinte prést”” 7 Inpl,latmet tb wit ou i ane —ienanopinemtarnyarind sendy Tenwerivedte atu 2 Mjdad hy der ne then sath ps silent conor ith ‘when | arrived home from school, angen: Addin enon tee (ene {ed ma esting be. 5 erin panei! eve my ‘classroom with my friends. When | got to school. Who my pre uh ras Pissing computer games with my Wen, MY PLAGE 3 foo 11 Leokat the photos of the unusual homes. What do you tink they are tie inside? 12 Read the arc and match the photos AD tw paragraph 4. ieicl= HOU "Most of s Ive an apartment or ns hour. Our homes oftan look sir {to ournsighbour from the outsde, but on the ise they ean be Very Cerne Most of us ike our homes to be cosy one comfortble, but we have ‘very diferent eas about what that mans, Some people Ike to have right {lous and lots of frit, others prefer» col, medernloaking home. Homever, some houses look very unisua rom the ouside. Have alook st hese four photos. 4 Bove tng then is 11968, a group of evermers sracive house for you Sratha the deo ould ths Ieein Lebanon andi the shape of tiny house ona rockin the mide plane got smal windows, 20 of th iver Dina in Sti’ not FeEnot very ight aide, butina ony small but as you canes. tne county, sl windows Keep so not ony to got thorn ter howe coon summer IReanbe qute cols, 20 people we “his voryanumilhoure isin Ronin sume Moves nok ike par of Aepanese company ‘he roce and The wal nd ‘esigad th ootbal hoped ‘root ofthe hows are partof®houteln 2006 ie got 22 ser ‘ey big rock The farsiy ade the an fou lag and can ton top of Foue more than 20ers ago,'We water ts very al ut ha big antec ined, buttocks ute windows other is lt of ight ar, cool ond peaceful Weta grest plac ove! [3 Read the article again and answer the questions. 2 Whatdes the hosein Lebonen ook ke? 2 Why are smal windows imporane ajectivs to deseribe homes 3 Wainer ouse made of 4 Momld cease $ Wiccajcotninersiecinefierinsr 1 Bites wodsa te arteand compete € Winer domo pope tae thous hy? on™ { Meters pmoxtetox cusimigpenencers foot coy Nak “tem poset {© wwewe rowrs Wichot hese Rouses woulyu theta ei? stn and heh The repat Wor * ‘Wich ofthese oes wu a tv pinion | sce | Temper | sound | ight ing? oyounaw about any other nusvat homes? Tallyourparteraboutthem. [26 uwra 2. Inpatrtellyour partner about our home ‘ee the word in the box oh you Inga can om of ttl lacs inthe : article and decide how you can make it into a Simfoabie dy Doe, rn your tt fometethe cs ccc Go Listoning Part 1 | Foreach question choose the correct answer. J) hats the numberof Maras house? Bz 2 Which Jasons howe? eet 3 What ines enny ging to eve schoo! ody? Ger, © g eo es 4 cde ean pba? i 5 what sSarah gong todo this afternoon? eo > PREPARE FOR THE EXAM PABE 128 cg IB rere ro mae ae pee a oer ce = on ‘oni nanapsrmertin S50 Pade ‘ra sone nh ra ie eck sr th ty cee 8 gta tera vngroom, abstweem Sha 16. amy om bedtoo, Inet nmi hen Wee Pe ame ge anda ry ig sig ‘ese pronounsnstead of nouns, so we dowthaveto repeat ouns Which ous othe underine’ pronouns in Fernanda’: fesrption pace? Now replace he Undertined nouns la this paragraph with proneurs. avi ives wit ni fami ina sal hous in York Thehousa quite now sta the house hs two bedroars ‘ava shares bedroom wth hs baby sister Mla Mas two and alt. Daves mum, Fle, is3 doctor and hid, Franco, nurse. len ‘na ancia tat work at the oat hospital PL Think abottyourhome Where icf? What kindof home i Who tes ‘thre? How many roms hat go? Oo {youave your own oom, or youshare ‘Tbedroon® Make notes. \RTE White a description of your home. Use pronouns forsame of he nouns PROVE Read your description and tok for mistakes, Check that you Included athe formation {tom your plan and that youhaveused sme pronouns. ere © uresxus Other people ideas ‘an help usiear| 1 rake le eeretng ‘Weshoulditen other people and enoy Tearing new things when we ists opinions. 11. Make sentences that are tue foryou. steon | sos put ston | pecan be end 1 Sree | geosneymoc soncines | ec myconon Semele Inpaes, compare your sentences. id you have ‘thesame ces? 2. plain why each sentence i tue for you. {sometimes are with my parents because they know more than me, but other times they are too sti. 3. Look atthe words inthe Boe. nis, discuss the (questions. fims food olieays homework music sports 2 Doyou ttktoyourtends or family about hese tenis? 2 Doyou aways hve the same opiions? El 3 SKILLS CRITICAL THINKING Ts PEOPLE’S OPINIONS 4, Bothe quiz and choose thetwo best options. ‘Thenin pais, compare you answers. How important is it ‘opinions and think about he bes option. How good ‘0 you at string? Do the quiz © Uhnporate como dope oka sara Sor Tate Paty Tt nd’? ets reece psc conas ror [O) wherlsomeoralhcslonideaydoyouly ‘ves nore ith rea tink shar ‘Seer pros? agers deste od nce terme ‘Shay ens wth ver ae ten rk iamece G) Uiapimacimmncriitents COT ‘pa your opcn ed eas? @ tevemanapdipanarcmian ee ‘roan a reasons or tar plans. ‘xchange ideas with each ther by tng fndietenng. [OP et cooditalchange your opinion when| ‘veal aE ther poe a know ket change. oie ‘Maybe. nave god resson 55 Match the questions Sin xerese tothe 2 isimporantto have your own opinions ont nay agree mediate, Sometime you can change our opinion « Youshouldbe pote to other people ad lsten carey when they ate speshng Iesbesttotalkto other people when theresa problem and think of ideas tht make everyone Tis iporant to iste othe peoples ‘pion end ede thei dens te good or ba Dont get angry or stp string Maybe they are relly god ders! 6 Mach he GRE words in the gui the ‘ttn have the same opinion as speak when another person speaking bepetiets LUstn to David and Jenny dscssing what todo {or theifiend Martha's birthday. Do they gre in guste: mand answer the questions 4 Wy dosent David ke the de ofa surpcice pany? 2 iy oes Seay think the cinema cul be ‘gredidea? ‘Who wil pay forthe lod aan? Who wil end the tations? 6 What does nny want to ge Martha? 1) 9. Usten again an complet: the sentences with the phases nthe Useful anguage bas. © oseru uincurce emia ORE ae Festi Moyba bt Jenny: Wo it ast yearand twas fun Davids) nat do somthing lren? denny: We ld go ote cna. David (2) thecnera expensive. Jenny Yulerigit Do yeuthetheldea of pene Inapan Davi Ys, do. Thats 3). David, Do you think she wanisto gota theparkin {he cere forherbthday? Jenny: (a) thatthe best place. David: Do ou tink Mara lies orang or lemon? denny: (5) Wal do you thinks bes? “LO Ae the statements tue (7) false (for you? Inpalis, compare your answers an explain your ‘pinon- Be polite, think 2 footballs mor intsrering than basket 2 punt oeor non pasa 2 atsae nicer than dog 4 ith seater tan toy. A group of students fom another country are coming to vit your school. Your teacher ants yout plan some activites forthe ‘oy repre stimetable forthe dy. Workin sal grouse. Feadth stuaton, Indiv, thnk fn activity you could dont the student anathink a reason nyt goodie, Wate yur easin your notebook Inyour group, decce what activites todo and preparea Uimeable rth day Use the Use lnguoge rom Ener to ‘cus the best options. + Make welcome poster forthe visting ‘Stan to see when they arte. Ineude pleturs ang photos to mae strove. + Present your posterto another grup orto thelr ACCEPTING OTHER PEOPLE'S OPINIONS 3) 1 We the missing laters ocomplet the word 11 Choose the correct ptons:o complete the foreachset @mecs © colphin penguin alle 1 thet watch summing compations because az. swimming [swim too 4 tecepionst 2 Ofeauraa everyone wants wont have more ends 2 land 2 The weather was ely ht, but tlhe had {eat tine thee 2 tm 4 Inimytown, hres there oea to shopping ctr and sports centres, © comect tbe mistakes nthe sentences. sited Thao Cam Ven xo, but ld ted 6 very day we dong ferent testo rams ‘techool 2, compete the sentences with he correct words ert 2 Ido wantto goin the carto the beach 4 leant go shopping todo because woking Wiig god orus sets go eee me reeds 2 Complete the santences Us the present simple magcnee ‘or pesent continuous, 2 Howe yougots ——_ofthecly2wantto © 1 i ell the my new bedroom. Sewer tne museums I onaanto (ping ete A Wievegote Inourapartmentblock, 41 tin hati ver there what bution ruse Taivays se testa iene doh 5 Doyouevercometoschecl bik 2 Seyi (nethnow) wher the station Be Setar white arias a they te in ict" ——(eome) romanather tom, ees arctic 13 Thataeoplane ly) verylon ‘af i ith ight coloured 1 pel everthing OK eaters Some of them can ta 4 Niyaunt "raved att bat she 3 sets too, but hey can. They (not tavel athe moment. pend aot of me aimmingin te oer. ‘5 Fmsony.| not understand). Canyou [3 Read the descriptions of some nature words, eae ile the missing eters to completethe worés. Complete the txt about Gaby using the past © Thisplaceis water, but aslandall around spl and past eontouons, 1 Thsplace is very dy ts htin the day and fen cols at ight 13 This placa isa waterandlt moves allhe time, ale 4 THisplceis ow aris oten between two rountan ‘5 This laeiva ind of mountain, but thas -tholeintne top” [90 newew1 For each question, choose the correc plete 1 Whatday does Antoni play fatal? saat 2 How much family eto the 200 today? 7 "ee “& Eh Ba 2 hatin dos thet coach art OOO 4 atthe mnber eon ou? a 7 | el ve Ei Apt] 5 What ld arco uy fr his bedroo? om Look a the three pictures. Wt the story shown nthe pictures. Write 35 wor or roe eu=4 ‘Workin pars. Make questo and then ask and answer with your parmer. Take turns to Spek 2 Ager “ak tune to ask and ans the questions inthe table Now ets tak about your home. ' When dd your family moveinto thishome? 6 How many roms hasyourhome 00 What are fey 7 wnatcolouristhe Suriar inthe Iidngroom? 1 tien isyour {erourte oor something about your bedroom 2 ver Now lets tak aboot eur shoo 5 hon do you dive school in ‘hemorings? 6 Which anguages Aoyouleamat ‘shoot 7 How many oents are there inyourdlas? 1 hat’ your avourte subject something about sour essoom a ae) f ° [x uwrs School subjects {© 02 watenshe vdeo and cecusthe questions. ow many alferentssbjects do you sty? ow much homework you ually a ath the shoal subjects nthe Boe the pictures A ology ehemisry design and technoiogy ‘orig anguages istry cr PE physics rama LUsten and check Then repeat Read the article bout schools ia Fland hd choose the best te A seating young 2B New waysofeaming Time forhemework ead the atl again and answer the 1 stwhat age do Fensh students goto 2 ow ong are they at school every dy? 2 Do suidents have any homework? 4 Dosubject words appear onal school 5 Hon dosomeeapersthinkourbainswerk?( 6 InFniand, do students a 1 complete a roet atthe sae time — a. apa) bb study choot sets an then 7 what subject do stents tar when they do te prjecton Pompe” Inpaes, sok and answer the questions. 2 Which are your fovourte subject? 2 When subjects dort you enjoy a much? 3 When subjects ae you best at? Ininerational tet ef maths, scence ar reading, students in rand we. Te 1S good news But wren you lok more cul athe aereds, not 025) ‘roan, Finish eds dst choo) Unt ey ae oven yar oi. The ecoat yt ser about shou, ars thre ae ‘ny ve of our tases a day. Stns ‘xara 0, wy don thy do bay ats? Pomape somatng dee can exit “There another ui feature schoo Fld, Far ost of us he schoo rte Ent of uber ox examp ICT, stony, feo nase osc it one Ieson folowing amore But sone exes baler ow bras woxina corr way. They say 0 bra dot vio ou earing nto tibects. Ouran ken bata whan hay (etnew information rete Ti are Fev echolsdor teach oct ‘opr ay ge steric ‘ec eich as te water, anh og ‘Steal eubects be popec. ‘Show do some exerts bev we arn roe eas? Hero n example of proact ‘nth as of 12-year-old. Students watch | vieore-enactman fthe endothe ty of Pompei: Than on thr plop they compare ‘Scant lay unde te Romans wih moder Flan, Geos lookat teen pars of tha topic an then are ther oes. They ‘bo use SD pits 0 make a ty Roman bling Lato, tayo the pecs ofthe ling for gare, Ts project tudes Fistor CT, nd desgn an tenolgy Dow 9 id 134667 D Wa &® rrowunciarion | word patterns i |) Usten and lnk atthe word patersin the table. Then pt the words in he bo it he correct lum. © 000 2000 ope uence ‘ammunicate biology chemistry —classoom favourite geography history languages Science technology sen and check Then repeat. CUTTY Comparative and superiative adverbs | Look theses nthe sentnces, Dede which anes ate simple adverb, comparative adverbs ‘rsuperlatve adver. 1 Initeratioal sts of mata, slnce and eeing students in Finland wel. | 2 When youl mre cael atthe schools snot 570 expan. | 3 Sonhy dont they do Daly nets | 4 Do students lear eter when the school day isshortert 5 when teres eam, dostudents sud hac? 6 bo students ea orc cnt when they study subjects when they ty tpi T 56, how de some exper believe weleamn the most easly? 2 Leokat the comparative and supetatve adverbs andi 4, Wee the correc form of the adr fo ‘Everelse 1 again and answer the question. ‘he adjective in rackets. 1 Laura oon makes mistakes becouse ‘ia undo one ar ony ecdrrbe Seanaya des herhomeworkvery eu, 7 2 Hansspeats (ast inour 3 Complete the abe, im 3 You speak Egish much §5 Honecfus wal nthe exam, but aia pad 6 think work ——_ (hardin gh lesson than do nadence = 5 carectthe mistakes inthe sentences 3 an a Ca @ 2 vou speak Eng realy goo 2 made tends much ease amy new shoal > ORAMAR REFERENOE AND PRACTICE PAGE 181 1 na casas hlpa me speak ‘eae and beter 4 Cen is bus and youcan gt mre ‘ui home 15 Mybrother hes best the muse dass >> Work with aparner. Goto page 136, fo 11 Rese clara’ blog quick hor ie she studying now, athome oat schol? A few years ago, I wasn't very happy at School and I wasn't doing well in tests So, when I was eight, Mum and Dad ‘My patent found out what! needed to lar, Sometines had esons, bt most of he time ‘Thats how homeschooling works ber ‘My avout bobby was playing computer amos, so, with Det ep, began to wrt my Shoo, nats was boring, but now 1 was wef formaking my modes. made a model Bost end ‘So were there any bad things about homeschooling? No rely. mised my fend, ‘hem abot mine, Mine ‘mov tan Mey id. ter ‘wooks [alan study atacholbecausa need totake exams Idont wh ay fends aga Gem) Reading Part 3 2, Read class’ bog gain For each question, ‘hooes the corect never Why i lars patents teach er ahoms? 1 her parents ike er seo 8 Showa 0 ler her school. She was having problems at schoo 2 whatdoeslasa sa about homeschooling Inthe second paragraph? 2 She only earned what her pares tol hero. 18 She chase what she wanted to ean She studied in bed lot the tine 2 Class preterrea ngs at home because, 2 edad was able to explain toe. 8 feelped nerd tng she enoye, shehad mor time spendonf 4 hat asthe citfrerce between Claris Snaher fiend scoal experincas? 2 clas didnthas td any homework, 1 Clarissa always had more work to do than they aa {Her ends enjoyed themselves more what dos Carissa se about homeschooling inher bog? 1 Wesimportantto have daly lessons. B Wshud tod Greta seared. Lenin dant aayenaveto come from books, > PmePane For THE Ex PAGE 123 ‘TALKING POINTS: hat do youlte about gongtoschoet™ \What are the good things about homeschooling? hat arte boating about Would youth to sty at for Wy? Why nt? 11 What does tote mean inthis sentence? m5 now, and rm back t school because eed take eam é Iemingl tog tote wor = ~ Sal pera ada these tit aa Ay en ca ack aay ten ancac Then epee [3 Write an example sentence for each rmeaningof take. 4 Compete the questions with the correct form ofthe words rom Eerie and ‘hen answer them vat you the ai : 2 Which dot ness take to get the peikfomer!? The one on hele forthe one on tert Whotent—wouayoutieto 4 Haveyu taken ary _ today wth Your new camera? How many? ‘5 When sete fret ime you took to goromenhere Were you (6 Doyouustolytake_when you sreile 7 How do you fee when ou take an atthe end ofthe school year? [5 lnpairs,compare your answers. lst to the wha’ Hew scion a morning radio show. ‘boy elle ethan stalking abo his experience of Schooling What phase does Eten us forthe eduation hetadon he tip? G2 stem agin, Arete santences right (Vor rong A)? 1 There are four peopein Ethan fay 2 Ethan's mum ether ob boesus she ward to see ‘hewn. 2 than than were homeschled before they went 4 than’ pens dd tel anyone ee about ther plans 5 fut andethan'paentsheped with he word ‘choalng 6 Ruth and Ethan do aot of difeet things whe they are {than says he works harder at chool than he i when hewae word school, 13 Inpsie cites the questions. 1 Would ou thet be wold schol? 2 Would yourparents be good teaches) 3 Which pao he word wouldyoutie tvs? 4 What would you mise sbau your seo? fag 11 Imps, ora smal group, use the questions to describe Your prec sched Make notes sbout what ou dics. ere the schoo? ‘inet eson do you have? How many sens ae ter? lo are te tenner? Mow many esors do youhaveln a dayiwesk? How tong ae theschool dystoidaye? Doyou wear a unforn? Whats the food ie? another choo? 2. Now tlhe rest ofthe class abort your perect school POLL th 5 mpi ok around he csroom and at Woe etraptacite ee Doyouhavesfevourtething hati? ‘Byorcan that wemade tom the materia where iyo ge? Bee ay wha they we wyttspect? Utd jo he about 6 camisdoing projet tor schoo He asthe propeln the street about thei avourte things. Uisten othe recoeding Wich hing was a present? a NE |L took tthe photos below. atch the materi in tetera cotton glass gold eather metal paper plastic ther weed woo! fen and check en repeat What ae the thingsin the photos made of? Talkabout the photos with your partner aap oa lela 3 Lookatthesrmpie Whichvorsiraroon Utena and complete tbe. ‘done on eaectne Spear Speke | Speier Thebes mae cf wed Isa wooden box Sete oe {4 Worth our pres ste mater as Vath? | cir erate dfn te ings eee to, Sele ot | Theyiecotonrstins, Phos aim eo [3s unre FF mone 6 arcmin and. 11 took atthe pletres. Match sentences 1and 210 pictures and 8, Ga. iL 2 Hes send of her. 2 esi brothers dog 2 smn brother dog Complete the sentences wth the corect word. eee eee 4 Thats not ober’sboo, Paulas, Rober lost sentence has and which sentence hase? Why? yesterday 2 iigpmats hd fot on a boats see. 3. Complete senences, Us the word in bracts Ihinitbeangedos tendo inte nga or paand'v oro” 2 heals cr pre some Be nt wie ge 2 rary inca above 4 Yocan ue my ote ota bt you siaeeee et cy realy rote when nee. edi mye 4 Reyoutolingfryurha sew Pusinte sien het bar hehan potapnd uo oeing ero hae Puts 1 i ie sterlovs gig the_ (hl 6 Saytto eo ata. Tat pice {coerce s andi are § arch mista the eta. a Extpuenetren rep iueten D4 evan ayon tov tt forte “ideo ney dont ere 2 hyends names en fone as 2 Messhanmaewaon 4, Look tthe worden purple in the two eats 4 ngyour computer because yon ‘om hte Unatine he oem nd {ii ebcom se an cet prone. : omen acaa eee WW iene | 2 hand wean ou dat oe eample GQ. sen and repent Now compete te tbe 5 ‘she's friend of mine, Heea tena ofhee, Determines | Pronouns Theyre ends ours aa Ishearend of yours ‘LO Tink of tre things thats special and tong ie el ee {oserent people your yn pals each ou ‘ther abou them. Use the question to help you. 1 What che? What arethey made of? 2 Who de they belong to? 3 Where they come om? 4 Whyare they spect? 15 hatte can yousay about tem? >> coun REFERENCE Ano PRACTICE PE 162 FAVOURITE THINGS | co 11 Inpais,eyour partner about a special present someone gave you. What was? 2, dria and Pete wrote about special memories in ther ontine school magazine. {ook at objects Af Unat present di ris gt? What present id Pte ge? My epi mary om han wa th oat le Wo wore saying wh ry grandparents at ther house ‘inte county Tay Ined nan 0X wooden house Treamber the hose wae aways cold and twas eae ‘forest. When it wartime forbes, Grandma took me “psa tread me a try my bed here was 2 Idea wo blr, tne ely colo |rmember touching tang twas, e0 your. mde ier you,'my grandma sid all have he bake ‘Sn my beat home lacs realy sal hr, but |B. Read the article agin and answer the questions. 2 What as ns grandparents house le? 2 When did Anjo ist sete blanket 1 What waste? 4 Why do you think anja remembers ita big when Infact quite smal? Who was Pete's present rom? What idiot ie? ‘Why ihe fees when est tthe present thst happened when he tok tout ofthe box navn TALKING POINTS ‘oj'smemeryis fom when she was thre years ls Whats youreaestmemory/ Petes memory sah special foetbal. What ‘other special higs can ep someone ka eta? [2 unre PETE, AGE 14 My speci meaty rit tom vrylng 2901 Was ‘pening presants ony 1th Bethy. My cer brother {ove mos nro box evaeven hard Whet cul bet opened rand fk inde fn Bid 0 needed touch everything because lean 90, Rar smooth ard ‘ound | emamber thing ts ether Sota an feang upast an ply fot because ean’ see thea picked up ee qute hea, and emacs ‘So, My bother told be vs a spi footbal for ‘bine people, Thor le metal alin that make ‘roe when somecne ick or vows Perfect Now pay ootbal al the ie. Adjeoves for eT oer Soot 11 Match the wordsin the boro photos A. © cor tort haw toe Uile lovely old prety round “small “smeoth sft © iter and 2 Inpsirs, describe the objec inthe photos. se the neve fom Eserelse end thes you know, 3 eke tunsto describe sorething in the classroom {oyour partner fr them to gust what tl Use the word rom Eerie L'a help you Ie larg, smooth and cour ts made of paper and itsonthe wal. ve Listening Part 5 11 Foreach question, choot he correc neve. You vl bear armen talking to Marat bout some things she hs foun ine grancporents house, Whe does each thingbelong’s? Things People © cock Aan 2 computer De brite 2 hat Be cousin 3 toy ber 1D tater 4 painting DE arandtatner 5 joker DF arandmether mother 2, Usten again and check oreo Hunde Ki & Pnerane ro warre Acide ‘Te cry MUSEUM te ever Dewar ti cect ae ty vega bon sverige my ce Nespecal ter you data apnaoi you aap kin asa os wooden bxas 5 / ae Thover wae but hao 2 ‘ead the notice rom the museum and than ead Bens emallepy. What's his favour hing? tthe adjectives from the emalin the correct column in thetable pinion sie | Physelquaity [shape [age (alow Wate (pretty (big) tara “Iequare) new) (tue) _—_—_ geld) Find tree more examples of pire of adjectives inthe texton page 8 and add hem tothe table PLA You are ging to write tothe museum sbout something speci. Ue there questions to plan your email Whatist?— Wherewhadiditcometfom? What desitlaok ike? Pan your eral themuseum, what groupe of ajactvescon you ust esrbe your abject? What xderdotey gon? RTE Write an emai the museum, Use Ban Draw plete of the object. !nPROVE In pals, ead each other's emal. check for mistakes with adjectives, Rewrite your emails FAVOURITE THINGS al tohep you ite about 35 word, Discus the questions with your partner 2 Atwnatog do people start secondary schol in yourcountey? Work with partner. What do you know about secondary Schools in the UK? Discs your ideas, Rea the we Page ‘Were any of yourieas menoned? The secondary school The schoo! year system in the UK Miao hapten este nt Sapo see Sin nace antares rene othe ls ‘oon seo take erent alae wre cated compre Schoo Buiteear azo genme'sotecs, The school day whee chen ean ea oe “Teste yt eco acho ons ton abo BAS an eepscaly WNorhar and. InScotand, {9330 pm, Tera area Be mein ar nae r Wen, secanar snl cals Non> vn REFERENCE ND PRAGTICE PAE 164 3 Complete the sentences with the correct orm of wil 1 byphone st working very wel. _ (oot be) posible to text yu ater 2 Tthinkmy sister lorie at because she snssedhee train 2 People (se) diferent new tenoogy,notonly ‘hal smarighones. 4 peopl ve onthe moon inthe ature? dont ‘Binks do you? 4 Look at these examples rom the interview. Seats, bookcases and things the that igh nt look very aiferent But you ay neve table ordomer wth a computer inside. Tight our homes lok life onthe outside, to? |5 choose the corect wordt compat the rales 4 We use may, might when we think somethings posible defintely ging to happen inte fare 2 We ote use) douse thine before may, might 3 Aor may and might we use the efinve without J wh 4 Weuse/donotuse third person's with may and might 15 Tomakeanepative, weput ot belo / fer may andmight| 6 Tomakea question wth me, might, we se dort use the naar #0 > omanman REFERENCE AD PRACTICE PAE 184 6 ‘order to completethe sentences. 2 Nexsummer, __(4o// may) an ‘ne course on 1 Fm nat sue yet 2 How flp/ might techoony "prope inther homes? 2 We (beable / nt / may to see Yeu tomorow, wee very buy. pot ign wa robots a riyhouse 7 correct the mistates in the sentences. 1 Atew other fers cometo my house tater 2 meta pew end and hinkyou can lene 2 Heo rainthisevenng. The weather pp on my phore says sunshine al dy. «4 Forno bu the ook wl be on your kitchen abe 5 meet youn the satepark ate ve got rating ese 00 ade. (® rrownciarion | setand wont | Bg. stem and repeat, i Mouse wl be smal. ‘tive in ab house. People won'ese dor keys. Fon walk ayahere 9 Work with partner Use wil, wor, may, ‘moy not, might, ght wot talk about {our ideas Wom Aout you at he beloning ofthe un {LO Read the sentences Do you think these ‘things wil happenin the fate? When? 1 People wil ve under the sea 2 During the surner there might nt be any eat the rth Poe 3 Space travel wilget cheaper and might ten cout the seaplane tle 44 eple may vate to Mas andl thee “here be eae witout vers {6 People might beable to cormanicate with technology by jst thinking 7 Wost people wilive to be 10 ar thee bodies won gto {L1 Inroups of three seuss your answers. ‘sei wont may, may no, ih, mighenoe LIFE THE FUTURE “| ‘Thesis te bag nthe moon Vira tina eapaveinade Te apa ey about hes matte op, “Socal messages rem aourd te rire mean Ye ‘tora of Apo 1. Ao 11 foreraue @)—_—_ thre in 1988 ‘eae To reseagos rom) Tree ton on the te x62 ‘ery sn tir. ach ore sealer ‘Skaruman ar Thermessege re toenenewna yd ___ seme een the, Wo wi ta Be? {hoi wheretowe pole vacome om? They mig come omen bt oy int be To eueineacle system. ning scenester erent cume wimoneccinoes Seeman, Peers een ncaa eermengeeaeen mhrmsicenm aye erste oes sede Sseeieecsoee “aueceuitenon entra mbar teats norm ee eran megiestans eae Read the texts again and answer the questions Which time capsule, Aor 8 solder! Locks the photos of the ime capsules. What do you ‘inka time epee is? Do you think me capsules are goodies? Why hy nat? Read both texts quis choose the best efor ach tet. 1 Twosrebttrthan ene OM Reading Part 4 3 Read wnt For each question choose the correct Sewerforeeh gop. 2 outottheworld 2Arved ——Btrmellad —€ let 3A usual 2 diferent € avilable 4 feds B looks leans S.A undertonds 8 thinks brows SA eveywere —B nowhere € Somewhere >> PREPARE FoR THE EXAM PAGE 124 [@ unre 2 sunderthe ground? 3 et poe pen tat 5 elorsomeone'sfaniy? 6 has something tor people tread? Discuss with your parte nich time capsule a you think wl be the most ntresting for the people wh wll open? Why? © tmunne rows © 0s viatch the video and ask and Srawer the questiens in groups at iyo pti your me capsule ‘shou peoplein etre whats Tietedayt Wt ih things wil you putin your aru time caps? Say why. AL nee OO 1 seetewedetoetomennetatte BV onepine To WRITE Sentences What ar the to meanings o eter? ~ too, oe, 05 well There are 7 messages wean onthetime cpsuleln gee ‘Some people at people in the fut : ‘town, Ina few years, people inthe town puttham inside the ime capt. aera 2. Each word inthe box has two meanings. What are they? ow many predicions does lana make? How many of then ae tre now oil Be book tnd petra ing watch truvina ew year? 3. >> Gotopagesss. ue, ing is in 965. ere remy predictions for 2025. There sl ies under ese an ere mig be | ead the five questions andthe possible answers. lie on Mes, 0, There Inviich questions wil you hear one person spesidng, and cashes iaahee: Inch quetions wil ou hear we people speaking? poses cee he sudents. Nest ders PE ia cae cera Usteing art 4 Vere ter ib ears ha die res 2. Foreach vson ches the crest anne. me ae & 1 You teet entstang tot eden leer 3 iat te in hey ein ete? ‘iar 2 smaronee 8 smarwathes snares Lookatthe wordin is ease sows land to admore 2 Youvil eas teachr tating sbut an atety : ‘tsetse dings ossh sy? formation ow wing 2 They nth the peecn ous Choose te caret option tcmplte 2 They eonple ie poet ome. theserenes They lt te project on acmpue 1 Tocamasttbe begining te me/ 2 Youviea boy ang about shopping fn Vitae buy comes tte esi nee tee ofa sentence. 2 Aithe begining ofa sentence, ols has ent havea omma() fer P20 You ace going to wet atettr fora time capa for our own town. Pan your ‘eas. what oye think the word wil be 1 someting wear 1 something read someting set ‘You will har a daughtertakng to he father about ‘new computerhets buying fret What does she ike best bout the computer? IW tesetware ein soyean? 2 theclur ‘wn Wt yourtr se an letr tess tohalp you snd sl yourleae Wit abou 60 wards, Uie al oo andar Youle ay kings hme about the Yeates holiday. hat il wether be he eojen your les. ‘ororow InPROvEInpaead each ters wie wee tees Cec ora andy to make 2 irtbedousy Yourtates betes € telbesunny > Paeran ror THe Eu NE 131 LIFE INTHE FUTURE 4\ 1D ure sis ‘Tohave good conversation, you shoud remember that: 1 aod conversation cludes evenjone “king oan cer person canbe even ore itt For exp, your pares’ nds or aunts, uel grandparents Soretmes thy kal he aston Sra you ony answer! The best wy o manage ths to think questions fo ask the ether parson People ke to tak sbout thr expriorces ae to ge an epinen about tgs. ‘Are these statements true) or false (F) for youn pairs, compar your ideas. amore than ten, que, s01 dont want tak "petro talkin pls than in groups. Wheto her diferent opinions + some people ae quiet, sme people He taking more conversations Croup conversations ar aso cfc to manage somtimes but thre are soma ee5 Ways 0 Mako Euro fererjone speaks, lncucng yourself you a a person ‘who canta easy nen tank bas the obere inthe {go1p yeu nace one peraonIset speck, then ask ‘hema queton.Asmple Ard y01? or Why? Or show erst Realy? nen you we in a group ana verona taleng a ‘sv ine, t's somatines hrs nar expacaly Yyouthink thee nt pote ting» co, When you wart to ge your om epnon pata, ou can use Excuse me, cans someting? Then cle peopl know you hve soaing ea, We ana ean to have good comeastions Linen tothe conversations and arewer the questions Conversation 1 oes the conversation include everyone? Poppy le? ow does the boystop his grandmothers ‘aston! Read the ox above antic (7 te best sntencs The ext omplains how to speak medley, 3 improve your conversation tls. € ask questions. 6 make more ends ‘Read the txt gain and match the two halves of 3 Tohep que people to speak {4 To gheyeur opinion when othe people sretlng You shoul ae himvher question 3 wal 4 oucan ak them aque, Complete the sentences with aver fom the box anover ask ge make show Speak tla 2 Nenu inwas ery afin in English inthe question inthetestbecavse 44 Pace suteyoubingacalelatorto 5 Canis queston? Whattime does the butlenve? Do you prefer to tsten orto speak Tellyour Parner au time when you prefered aten In ewton scoot the students are working on 2 aunty and an abject fom that county to nude Inthe capsule Listen tothe conversation. Which ‘ouney and which object does the group choose? Listen again and answer the questions. 4 which county is god :fotbalt 2 iy un octal goog abject to choose? 3 Whatdsthe chiren sey about Rusia. 4 What object do they thick about fray LUsten agin and ick he expressions you hea tea @ servi vancuace Helping others to speak| erupting politely Vihataboutyeu? | Canny something? Come on! Fardon? voy? Complete the conversation with some ofthe Drses rom the Use lenguage bos. Al: eho we should hoot a smal cout. )amier Jame: Fm pot sure Maybe big courrier pe ieee ‘amie: Because pople inthe future wl know more about aig cout Liye) thikite beter to choose» ure with intreting history. ‘at; Sor iy We ddr 2 your pinion. Uiye Thanks, Al Then we an choose an abject Youre going to make atime capsule ‘hat you will open ino years Ge + What wl you make the tie capsule tbo, aba. tn? + Hom wilyeudecorate Wil you Dram your time capsule and present ito the estof the cla HAVING A. }OD CONVERSATION 51 Ce 11 Usethe correct form of get goo take to complete the sentences 1 Atourschoo,we__examsatthe end of verter, 2 Lastsurmmer we _ pada baring hen we were on old. was amazing 2 pace om schol a about Devry aay 4 hy fiends _salngthisaernoon atthe acy cent 5 Our fight was at 00 inthe morning, 50 we epat 300 6 tetra taming onthe tet ater the Supermarket Thats the quickest way omy house 7 Myfiends__lostin the mounting but ‘nother nirfouna them, 1 Herta wecan another anguage and another science sect. 9 Ithinkr peter te surtngto vatershing. 2. Putthewordsinthe coret column, Bircontioning _ookase compass ‘ton fiat fridge gold heating “leather map metal Paste’ rool slver lasing bag aie tent torch eventare 13 Match the school subjects in the box to the pictures 1-10. biology chemistry drama fovegn languages geography hss ier mathe Pe 11 Choose the coect words tocompete the sentence. 1 shes ery god wel atctinbng 2 Youhavetobvings peneland ana book, 3 viemeat re mectng t5 pr tonerton 44 How was ye /yourdhnne yestrcay? (© omc the take in thee sentence, ‘went the beach ad saa th paces, then ween atte. 6 Thane to be end ofhin because funny. 7 Igoingte Mexico to visit Manvel, a rend 1 vie are meeting atte pat two olock cause before that ging to the den’, 2. Putthe wordsin brackets nthe corect order to make sentenes 2 Guill brotner/ ty My rama when heir wt/not ight s20u omarion, (ray / We ot ge tos well hepa 4 ste you/ your grandparents at ‘heweshend? hatte —__ il, got the) back? "(tak Fay et my earvea.on the school. 7 eight People’ sac} cars inthe ‘ure 8 What__{ve/ wi leamintodoys Engishesson? |B Complete the sentences wi the conect adverb formof the acectvein brackets. 1 Pleasewrteyournaime {lar onthe ‘exam pape. 2 Ourteam didnt win on Sturdy | played teal 2 Youhavetospeak_ oud) than that. No fone can bet you 4 Uaingoltran (est ofaltherunnersin the 236 obrpie ames. 5 Oven telson works __ (go. 6 My dachac an acide ht year Now eaves "earl than doe 1 iy baby brother sites (happy) ofalithe babe now. 1 Fred usualy gets up_(coi than is ‘in brother “9m exam For each question, choate the correct answer BilliGates; ‘Gates was brn on 2h Octobe 185. He reading asa child and did verywellin maths and sconce at schol "He went to Harser Unversity to study law in 173 buthe @)—_movetine frend Paul Allen. Microsoft grew quchly to ()—___onoct th bignest companies Inthe world end soon ill Gates was one ‘ofthe word's richest n,n 194 he ‘mari Melinda French in Hawa. Siyears ()__,hoandhiswite started to Bil and Welinds Gates Foundation toraure thay \wartedte de good things with their money. ‘This company (@)___peoplall over the world with Rel and education 1Awanted —B enjoyed © hoped 2ASpent Base C took 3A cosing i finshing € testing Q Ag Bhaopen — € become S Alster Bacon C net GAscos — Bgwer € helps > Work with partner. You are going to tak about the ‘Somes inthe pletures. iseuss these questons| ‘with your parte. Take turns to speak. section 1 oyou ihe these diferent homes? Why Why nt? 2 Doyou think + sdeepingin atetis comfortable? + sayingon a mountains dangeous? 1 Iningnear waters unusual? {making ahome om a bus ist 1 eepingin a tee hour iin? 4 vic sbetrAhome on andor onthe water 7? 5 viichis beter? & home you ean mover a home that ayein one ples! Why? For each question, choose the corect answer 1 Youwilheara teacher taking to student out seool wp Whatdo fey nee ther walking boots 2 Youwilneara pet talkingabout her history omer What does sy abot? 1 She id tunderstand 8 Shela inhi She ddthave he bok 2 Youwilneara woman tang to er son Whatishe most unas about? = = 2 He dnt eat hie beset. = 1 emssoa the be = Hegotuplate. 4 Yul heart ends talking bout ‘ato the spons cent what dd they ‘othere? 1k They had a srac 2B They plyedtoms (¢ They went swineing. '5 Youwsl hears man aking to his daughter ‘atthe weather tke atthe moment A tsraiing. 8 ttswindy. € Wesunny. a ow many spertscanyou nme? Whi ones do youd at your shoal? Do youpay vide games? Which are yourfveurtes? AND Sports and activities Match the words inthe box to photos A. © cedminton boardgame cadgame climbing cick Gaceclass “Ging fishing ‘tnessclae pol larate purse Slateboarding "sing deo game LUsten and check Then repeat {along to Goo Zone cmbing cub now! You > Work with parte. oo page 17 ‘SPORTS, GAMES AND ACTIVITIES 5) Cia | Lookatthe photos. What do you thinks happening? Who do you think ‘he people inthe photo are? Read the arcle uly to check our es. Flaynga god ideo games tres them into wech ar to play. eae ete and mare people ealng pat nesports Ts thesbor me forseceni spots pay ako ames dganstoepepeincompatins Three ge tevnarerts ave the wo vee bg crowd atch mmatceson ar seen and mies more watch ale ‘ust ie ay nema spans prs playesustly play nts andhave fnew low he trough every como, rae fr mpaanteSprscampton. revenge andeSprschaninscanean mor tian {ton ez That makes send bea eto be Infcts texte awn Payers hve topic ferupto our ay thay er optics Te sees they py enagetien an tee aye Sports arena we ninth wy that some fools. Honeeysametp eSports ayes no Sree ees 2 Watishard orton eSports layers? Ghimoitteadeam A tho dont hve satoee tne ene ee 8 hey dont noe much one. a comes in They gt bore of playing video eas nemaraeas ‘ress fe sees 3 Whats the wits doingin the hed paragraph? ‘8 explaining why eSports sas arent fous 8 showinghow eSports and normal sports cn € descbing the daly eof an eSports star 4 What sadam come te'fr Koen elland? ‘A meting some famous footballers Insmal grou 8 winning ceo gare compestion € working fori our ool team ck and arawer the questions 2 Doyou ply vdeo game yes, which nes? 2 Would you tee to watch an eSports competion? 5 whatisthe bs tle forthe artic? ‘Why ny na 1 tev eSports» good tig? 3 Do you know any eSpors stars? 2 The story of espons, 4 boyeu tink eSports ea good name for these € Wnatare eSports! empetons? Why Why ot? 56 UNITS TMD Seats ocetelan 1 Find these word inthe ate, then meres 1 takepart 4 rie 2 tournament 5 champlon 3 fan 6 profesional 1 This person oc team comes fiatin a | campatton This person loves aspons star eam, € This escibesa peson who ams money er something mos people do as hobby | Tse competion that includes evra matcher games. Yar comatose i dn wen a competion. { Thismeanstojoinother people inan 2 Find these wordsn the tex winner, ployer, otbol Wat do they mean? Wecan arto some verbs and noun tamale a perso. the pein it ‘owl consonant vowel you must ‘double the ast eter belo addng Ihe word already ndsine, adr 3 Make people am these words © cum im dance dive go photograph un Sng Sh anim. teach "work 4, Make some sentences using a last one ‘word rom Eris 3m pals, compare your sentences “There were lt of photographers atthe spots tournament oy 1) 4. Youwi hear git cale Lily talg ther dad about °° © ports and min sors. Wich ofthese words 0 you ‘hin you wl ear Ltn ones sek the ones you hee beard games body bran ‘ardgames chess competion ‘auipment| football med) pae Ohmpics tournament" veo games <2. Rand the sentences, then ten aan. Decie itech Sentences igh (7 or won 1 Liyemplins to Dad what eSports ar. Olympics 2 Ly syeftes tthe most impetant thing for Spertspeope 4 ad agrees that thinkingisimertantin spor. 5 Liysayesome cess competion ae more famous than 6 ad and ly both think that oly medal respect 1 bad andl both thinkthat cher be nthe mpi one ay {© wauxwe rowrs © watch ies nd aad nthe Seo ‘hath ames you he stone Hon stooyou nba gon Dovanorame cent aryeopedst Doyouthnktha ges ncaa the oir wn et Eg 11 imsmalt group, talk about the sentences. Say you agree veh them ory dont and say why sete phrases in {he bot help you. 1 eSports ate nt sports because yu don'thaveta bee 2 Itsageodidea to have espors nthe Olympics. 3 Thinking ang sing your brain imperantineery spore 4 Mina spots wit bein te Obrint yar dene. Iihink/dorethink.. Thats te. Hogree/dor'tagee pets I supposeso aye lee ‘SPORTS, GAMES AND AOTIVITIES | WEBSITES 1] Maas CTD ano EE A tno von sneyniems see ec eae Whathing? \Whatd you do when you raves problem? Who do ‘yout? Doyou een ty to find advice olne? 11 Read he problems onthe website pars, dss the problems and thnk ef ome ace or ‘ech eron oe os ed Bete pace Hy goto dee heorawth some dove len of ine. The leacher moved me toa righer love group, bu she saye my ens hae to ly Inthe lower va. Pm wert sboctmouing 16 anew clas without am. iveaty mis sasing em What shou 5? ® 23, 13 ‘ame of my nelgrbours, and nave od iands om pany schec but tay oten forget to [eihng ener at na pts eer ri 13 o Tam homeschooled andl dor spend much ie wit pple my ag. am ands wih My beat fend won" stop copying mel love wearng Brght hes ane looking citerent tem everyone eve. Bu lst mont my Mena stato Buying ‘the same tinge ae me, Now we ook nary the same as each oa Ketys Ta 15 impairs ai and answer the 2 2 Listen or Many avn tee pees of adie othe teenagers ‘Wt the correct name beside ech number uetons. Then wie tee mor 1 2 a restr _ a ow 1 Hew meny contacts youve 3 san agin andmae notes abot the avis foreach person. nner in ‘osany ofthe svi th same yous? 2 mreyouttendy wh your Math the people 3-200 the descriptions» seihbcust eae ‘a 2 How many your ratio 2 post a Youthencarbispasen resryon? 2 Serena & Tispeson sata neurone. 4: To Boum hen yours 3 teishtour € Younoetispenonsdeaisinyourphoneoronine —* aye hotaay? 4 Coteiicna @ Tispesonbeorgto a poporck. 3 ionic” & Youben prsonverymucrardjeutroweach —G Wihadfvent pater, atk SSSomce Stara Sd answeyournew gestions ST cen trend# Youre peron along sie a topeter B ssmateg Thspesons putt our ay. Denton Thstsyourone sped end. 0 folate” TP Yaustcy wit ths parson 1 Youdon' meets person but you wrt tothe. J Uisten and check Then repeat. ————=— | @ Prownciarion | 5» D7. Ustonto the word and repent them. Then 77 Stthan ht theca cok ight caught — laughter enough “Tlgxe neighbour Fah staigre thought | fay fet | hight ight Feugh bought Aston and chock Then repeat. Vorb pattorns: gorunds infnitves |L took the oxample sentences. Then complete the rules about verb patterns Fm worried about movngtoa new as. Your geben = ance ‘Thankyou fo wring the webs. “ry totaktoher about hom you ee you decide to doth ou can pv her avi. “hay oem orn" me whan they ou My best nd won top opsneme HMrety sso har + weet gn go ter prepostions {Stoby o hec 2 eve the inne oar some verbs: fsb chose, Teo, ope len need want 3 We cane the gerund alter some verbs Sop 5 (also finsh, don ming) “ie can se ete the gerund othe nitive ater tose verbs sot, eg ey ke, lov, prefer 2. taokat three more examples what frm do we ‘se when the verb isthe subject ofa sentenes? | studyingalone st a Leong yourtrends behinds iu Waiting tert contact you fst stays goad iden. > GRAMMAR REFERENCE AND PRACTICE PARE 156 coos th cont fmf the ver. none : ‘sentence, both forms are possible, 1 My fend decided buy 10 buy anew par ofsungases, 2 Mal Waring or people makes me any. Thetped te tescherby cary earying| herbooks 4 Oneday,thopete be beng a doctor. 5 Swin/ Swimming inthe sea on aot day tetova 6 I don't mind os stg bythe wind 1 link toran runing the bet Kind of 18 Everyone loves to gt geting presents! 19 Fimthinking of get geting anew postr for yom 30 Saving Sve abit paket money every week ely god en. A Comect the mistakes ntve sentences. © + 1 hope see you ver soon, and hope that you Ukemy mete prone. 2 want te about my if 3 the play compute games best. 4 Youeon geo house aking the number che, 5 think its beta to rih study before we go out 6 Would you mind come ith meta te shops? [5 Complete each sentence with a verb fom the box Inthe gerund or infirtve cht came et gp improve pass play spar watch make 1 We ned howto soit rae hocalae an very good fr you ineed “the mats gta matt Mine sreterbie 4 TU Wiateat right makes you tied the ody. Trang with myneighbourfr__s muse realy late at nan nya very importa toe Jackdidetwane_——tormyparty ‘it ren realy good fn Hi best end spends he ee ime _ tothe shope wth the rev ge in our cls a Met oftine indoors quite boring. In groupe of tree each person writes afew “santenes abouts problem, Listen to each others problems and pve avis Wh ha the most Interesting problem? Who ges the best vee? cae, but we don know

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