Lesson Plan P5 Semester 1

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School Year 2021/2022

Surabaya Cambridge School

Lesson Plan Art and Craft Primary 5


Composing People
Project title

Activity 1 Watching and understanding the video material

Activity 2 Drawing and coloring; Independence Day Celebration

Activity 3 Making Puppets

Learning objective are experience, making, reflecting, thinking and working artistically with the
details below:
1. Experiencing
▪ Encounter, sense, experiment with and respond to a wide range of sources. Including
from a range of art from different time and culture.
▪ Explore media, materials tools, technologies and processes.

2. Making
▪ Learn to use a range of media, materials, tools, techniques, and processes, with
increasing skill, independence and confidence.

3. Reflecting
▪ Celebrate artistic experience and learning.
▪ Analyse, critique and connect own and others’s work as part of the artistic process.

4. Thinking and working

▪ Review and refine own work.
Material Tools : Black marker, video material, buffalo paper, coloring equipment,
stationary, ice cream stick.

Type of assignment : Individual

Media : Zoom, Computer

Description :
Activity 1

1. Teacher upload video material about people’s face character and feeling.
2. Teacher asks the pupils to watch carefully.
3. Teacher asks the pupils to develop their creativity by drawing people’s feeling that shown
from the face.
School Year 2021/2022
Surabaya Cambridge School
Lesson Plan Art and Craft Primary 5

4. Teacher asks pupils to understand the sign of feeling from the face, for example is angry,
happy, excited, sad, etc.

Activity 2 Independence Day

1. We are commemorating the Indonesian Independence Day that we have to show the
patriotism feeling.
2. Two signs of feeling shown in this project are happiness, excitement, and sadness.
3. Here, pupils are asked to draw people with theme “Celebrating Independence Day” with
criteria showing the feeling from the face.
4. Pupils can choose freely about Independence Day Activity that they can draw.
5. The picture must be colored using coloring tools such as crayon, colored pencil, colored
6. Pupils have to submit this project on time in the Edmodo assignment.
7. The submission criteria are 2 drawings process and 1-2 final project.

Activity 3 Making Puppets

1. Teacher is conducting zoom class and write the attendance list.

2. Teacher reviews the material about people’s feeling and character.
3. Teacher explains the next project that will be counted as final project in the term 1.
4. Teacher shows the things is needed to make puppets.
5. Teacher explains how to make puppets, start drawing, coloring, cutting, and sticking on a ice
cream stick
6. Teacher gives example of 10 puppets with different sign of feeling.
7. Pupils may choose to draw boy or girl.
8. The project must be submitted on time.
9. The submission criteria are 2 drawings process and 1-2 final project.
Evidence of Achievement

By doing this task, the children will:

1. The sign of people’s character and feeling from their face.

2. Develop their understanding and creativity in drawing cartoon face.
3. Develop their understanding in cutting project.
4. Children will learn how to be more responsible.
5. Understand the feeling of patriotism to love Indonesia.
School Year 2021/2022
Surabaya Cambridge School
Lesson Plan Art and Craft Primary 5

Scoring Criteria:

1. The highest score is 95-97 with the criteria below:

▪ Follow the given instructions.
▪ Submit on time.
2. Pupils who submit late will have minus score 5 points.
3. The project that does not follow the instruction will be given at least average score around
4. The project that does not be colored will get score around 50-60.
5. The score of 40-55 will be given to the pupils with these criteria:
▪ Pupil who draws digitally.
▪ Pupil who prints the project and paste it, while there is no drawing and coloring
6. Pupils who do not submit the project will have 0 / zero score.

Surabaya Cambridge School

Primary Department
July 1, 2021

Headmaster, Art and Craft teacher,

Yulia Razak, S.S Mufidatul Mukaromah, S.Pd

School Year 2021/2022
Surabaya Cambridge School
Lesson Plan Art and Craft Primary 5

School Year 2021/2022
Surabaya Cambridge School
Lesson Plan Art and Craft Primary 5

Theme : Contrast
Project title : What to do on a boring day
Learning objective : Experience, making, reflecting, thinking and working artistically
1. Encounter, sense, experiment with a respond to a wide range of sources of art to a different
times and culture.
2. Gather record experiences and visual information.
3. Learn to use a range of media, material, tools, technology and process with increasing skills
independence and confidence.
4. Celebrate artistic experience and learning.
5. Embrace challenges and opportunities, working with growing independence.
6. Review and refine own work.
Material Tools : Black marker, video material
Description :
1. Teachers is greeting the kids for online session class that will be continued by calling one by
one to note attendance list.
2. Teacher is asking the kids of the difficulty of the previous projects Motivational Wall.
3. Teacher is calling the kids who did not finish the project and remind them to do it and
submit soon.
4. Teacher is showing the video material about what to do on a boring day related on art and
craft to push the kids to more creative.
5. Teacher is explaining what can we do on a boring day for example, drawing, coloring, making
something from reusable things.
6. Teacher is explaining, by doing art and craft can reduce time play gadget and art and project
is not always need to buy to make it. We can make something from what we do have at home
and change become useful for our daily life. Example is the pencil case.
Type of assignment : Individual and group
Media : Zoom, Computer
Evidence of Achievement : By doing this task, the children will:
▪ Be more creative
▪ Be more confident
▪ Get new experience of doing new things
▪ Get the test to solve the problem such as how to deal with bored feeling.
School Year 2021/2022
Surabaya Cambridge School
Lesson Plan Art and Craft Primary 5

Surabaya Cambridge School

Primary Department
July 1, 2021
Headmaster, Art and Craft teacher,

Yulia Razak, S.S Mufidatul Mukaromah, S.Pd

School Year 2021/2022
Surabaya Cambridge School
Lesson Plan Art and Craft Primary 5

Theme : Point and Color

Project title : Theory of Color
Learning objective : Knowledge, understanding, progression as explained below:
1. Experiencing: Encounter sense, experiment with and respond to a wide rage of sources
including a range of art from different time and cultures.
2. Reflecting: Celebrate artistic experiences and learning.
3. Thinking a working artistically: generate, develop, create, innovate and communicate ideas
by using and connecting the artistic making and reflecting.
Material Tools : 2 Buffalo papers, pencil, eraser, ruler, color pencil or crayon,
black marker
Description :
1. Teachers is asking the kids to watch and understand the video about theory of color (link is
shared in the Edmodo).
2. After watching the video, they are asked to prepare HVS paper that fold into 2 sides.
3. Teacher gives the example of Sunrays pictures, and kids are asked to draw lines like the 1st
4. Teacher ask kids to prepare color of monochromatic blue and monochromatic oranges.
Teacher show the example from the crayon. The kids may use crayon or color pencil.
5. Teacher ask to color the Sunrays using monochromatic blue and monochromatic orange like
in the example.
6. The middle of Sunrays picture (circle) is colored cream.
7. Submission Criteria:
• Kids are asked to take pictures (2 Pictures of their final project and 3 pictures of their
process doing this task).
• Kids are supposed to submit the assignment on time.
Type of assignment : Individual
Media : Edmodo, internet, computer, video, handphone
Evidence of Achievement : By doing this task, the children will:
▪ Understand the theme of Perspective in our daily life.
▪ Understand how to draw lines and practice to be more perfect.
▪ Understand to be more creative and see themselves become more creative.
▪ Kids will encourage themselves and be proud of their project.
School Year 2021/2022
Surabaya Cambridge School
Lesson Plan Art and Craft Primary 5

Surabaya Cambridge School

Primary Department
July 1, 2021
Headmaster, Art and Craft teacher,

Yulia Razak, S.S Mufidatul Mukaromah, S.Pd

School Year 2021/2022
Surabaya Cambridge School
Lesson Plan Art and Craft Primary 5
School Year 2021/2022
Surabaya Cambridge School
Lesson Plan Art and Craft Primary 5
School Year 2021/2022
Surabaya Cambridge School
Lesson Plan Art and Craft Primary 5

Date / Learning Subject Material Description Type of Evidence of

Time Objective Matter Assignment Achievement
October 1. Pupils will Drawing Drawing 1. Teacher gives Individual/ ▪ 1 Picture
6 find their Theme: book, instruction to Demonstration (drawing)
sense to do Contrast Buffalo pupils to choose Through based on
an and paper the picture in Edmodo the
experiment. Complement (white) the example that platform example.
2. They are Water will be upload in ▪ Picture is
going to Color the Edmodo. colored
record their Brush 2. Pupils have to with water
experience Pencil prepare thing is color
with visual Eraser needed in this ▪ Picture is
information. Ruller project. made by
3. They are Etc. 3. Pupils will draw pupils and
going to the picture based they have
celebrate on the theme to submit
their art and they are the
what they choosing. process
have 4. Pupils should not photos.
learned. color the picture
4. They are first. They just
going to drawing and then
work take picture to
individually. submit.
5. Review 5. There should be
material. 3 picture of
process and 2
School Year 2021/2022
Surabaya Cambridge School
Lesson Plan Art and Craft Primary 5
final picture of
their project.
There will be
coloring session
with the teacher
during zoom
meeting in 3rd
week of October.
Date / Learning Subject Material Description Type of Evidence of
Time Objective Matter Assignment Achievement
October 6. Pupils will Drawing Drawing Zoom meeting ▪ 1 Picture
13 find their Theme: book, 1. Teacher do open Discussion via (drawing)
sense to do Contrast Buffalo session. She is Zoom (online based on
an and paper asking about the meeting) the
experiment. Complement (white) pupil’s projects example.
7. They are Water that has done Individual ▪ Picture is
going to Color without coloring. project colored
record their Brush 2. Teacher is with water
experience Pencil explaining the color
with visual Eraser theory of color ▪ Picture is
information. Ruller and color wheels. made by
8. They are Etc. Including pupils and
going to primary, they have
celebrate secondary, and to submit
their art and tertiary colors the
what they and also mixing process
have colors. photos.
learned. ▪ The
School Year 2021/2022
Surabaya Cambridge School
Lesson Plan Art and Craft Primary 5
9. They are 3. Teacher ask the score is
going to pupils the pupils 95.
work to color.
individually. 4. Teacher let the
10. Review pupils to
material. experience and
feel how they can
be more creative
while playing
with colors.
5. After all done,
teacher asks the
pupils to take
picture of their
6. 3 pictures of
their final
7. They have to
submit in the
Edmodo on time.
8. They are given
time to submit in
the Edmodo.
9. Teacher is asking
the pupil’s
feeling when
making this
School Year 2021/2022
Surabaya Cambridge School
Lesson Plan Art and Craft Primary 5
2-5 pupils have
to answer it.
10. Closing

Surabaya Cambridge School

Primary Department
October 1, 2021
Headmaster, Art and Craft teacher,

Yulia Razak, S.S Mufidatul Mukaromah, S.Pd

School Year 2021/2022
Surabaya Cambridge School
Lesson Plan Art and Craft Primary 5
School Year 2021/2022
Surabaya Cambridge School
Lesson Plan Art and Craft Primary 5
School Year 2021/2022
Surabaya Cambridge School
Lesson Plan Art and Craft Primary 5

Theme : Color Mixing

Project title : Saturation Quote
Learning objective :
1. Experiencing:
• Encounter, sense, experiment with respond to a wide range of sources including from
a range of art from different times and culture.
• Explore media, materials, tools, technologies, and process.
2. Making:
• Learn how to use range of media, materials, tools, technique, and process with
increasing skills independence and confidence.
Material Tools : Buffalo Paper, Water Color, paper, pencil, marker, glue, scissor,
origami paper
Description :
1. This is the continuation of project The Saturation.
2. In the saturation project, pupils are drawing a flower and color it using water color. They
try to apply how to mix the colors.
3. After finishing the Saturation, they are going to find the quotes from the internet.
4. Then, they write the quotes. The pupils can choose either writing on the paper or typing
in their computer and print out.
5. Next, they have to cut the quotes word by word. Then they are going to stick the quote on
their saturation project.
6. The last but not least, the pupils will submit by taking pictures of their projects and then
submit in the Edmodo.
7. The submission criteria are they have to submit 2 pictures of their process of making it
and 2 pictures of their final project.
8. After finishing this project, the pupils are expected to understand how to do color mixing,
understand the meaning of color based on psychology. They are also expected to be proud
of their projects. They can paste it on t
Type of Assignment : Individual
Media : Internet, Computer, Zoom
Learning Method : Demonstration
Evidence of Achievement : The pupils will get the meaning of each color, Pupils will get and
apply the meaning of color in their daily life, be discipline,
confidence, and proud of their art project.
School Year 2021/2022
Surabaya Cambridge School
Lesson Plan Art and Craft Primary 5

Surabaya Cambridge School

Primary Department
October 1, 2021
Art and Craft teacaher, Headmaster,

Mufidatul Mukaromah, S.Pd Yulia Razak, S.S

School Year 2021/2022
Surabaya Cambridge School
Lesson Plan Art and Craft Primary 5

Theme : Color Mixing

Project title : Motivational Wall part 1 and 2
Learning objective :
1. Experiencing:
• Encounter, sense, experiment with respond to a wide range of sources including from
a range of art from different times and culture.
• Explore media, materials, tools, technologies, and process.
2. Making:
• Learn how to use range of media, materials, tools, technique, and process with
increasing skills independence and confidence.
Material Tools : Buffalo Paper, Water Color, paper, pencil, marker, glue, scissor,
origami paper
Description :
1. Teacher is asking the pupils to draw shapes of oval on the buffalo paper. There is picture
example that has posted.
2. To continue, the pupils draw in other buffalo paper the decoration pictures. Decoration
picture can be heart shape, bird, flower, and so on.
3. The pupils have to color their drawing using water color or acrylic paint.
4. After the pictures have done, the pupils are asked search the Motivational Quotes from
5. This motivational quote can be download and print out from Google or they can draw by
6. Here, the pupils only choose one motivational quote only.
7. The finishing project means still 50%. They have to submit in the Edmodo box.
8. They have to make sure they made this project by themselves.
9. They have to submit 2 pictures of their projects and 2 pictures of their process on making it.

Motivational Wall Part 2

1. The instruction will be posted in the Edmodo On November Week 2
2. After printing out, they are going to cut it and stick on their picture of Motivational Wall.
3. The pupils also cut the decoration pictures that have been colored.
4. The pupils are asking to be creative in arranging the words and decoration pictures.
5. The pupils can add like twig, yarn, etc. to decorate their motivational wall.
6. The final project of motivational wall is going to be checked during Zoom Meeting on
November Week 3
7. The final project last submission will be on November Week 3 after zoom meeting.
School Year 2021/2022
Surabaya Cambridge School
Lesson Plan Art and Craft Primary 5

8. The Pupils have to submit 2 pictures of their projects and 2 pictures of their process on
making it.
Type of Assignment : Individual (Final Project)
Media : Internet, Computer, Edmodo
Learning Method : Demonstration
Evidence of Achievement :

• The pupils will be able to decorating picture creatively.

• They will get to know more about color mixing during coloring using water color. If
they draw the background like in the example, they are going to do color mixing to
duplicate the color of wood.
• The pupils who do this project but did not follow the instruction will get score
• The pupils who submit this project late will get 5 off discount of their score.
• The pupils who did not submit this project after 2-3 times reminder will get 0 score.

Surabaya Cambridge School

Primary Department
October 1, 2021
Art and Craft teacaher, Headmaster,

Mufidatul Mukaromah, S.Pd Yulia Razak, S.S

School Year 2021/2022
Surabaya Cambridge School
Lesson Plan Art and Craft Primary 5
School Year 2021/2022
Surabaya Cambridge School
Lesson Plan Art and Craft Primary 5
School Year 2021/2022
Surabaya Cambridge School
Lesson Plan Art and Craft Primary 5

Theme : Perspective
Project title : Reflection
Learning objective : Knowledge, understanding, progression as explained below:
1. Learners will gain an insight of developmental understanding of visual perspective including
the technical process of perspective within their work.
2. Learners will progress in skill of first hand drawing in both life and landscape sketching and
in line, scale, proportion and accuracy. They will incorporate the use of photography, develop
skill in creativity composition and local points, including image, editing and manipulation.
3. The unit of work encourage learners to reflect on other artist’s work as well as their own. It
offer many opportunities for reasoning, personal response, risk-taking, and suing a wide
range of artistic vocabulary.
Material Tools : Pictures printed on the buffalo paper or HVS paper, scissor
Description :
1. Teachers is greeting the kids for online session class that will be continued by calling one by
one to note attendance list.
2. Teacher is asking the kids of the difficulty of the previous projects Winter Fun.
3. Teacher is calling the kids who did not finish the project to do it and submit soon.
4. Teacher is making Q&A of the previous materials, about the meaning of color and theory of
5. Teacher is asking the pupils to discuss the material and make sure that pupils can answer
and understand the material well.
6. Teacher remind the kids to submit the project soon before December 4th, 2021.
7. Teacher is asking the pupils to write the reflection word about the class and teacher as the
evaluation for the teacher.
8. Pupils have to submit their reflection words in the Edmodo. They can decorate it, make it
nice, and boost their creativity.
9. Pupils who submit the reflection words will get more score. This will be end on December 3rd,
10. Teacher gives the example of the reflection words in the Edmodo. Pupils can choose to write
the reflection in Bahasa or English.
11. Teacher is close the class and say goodbye.
Type of assignment : Individual
Media : Edmodo, Zoom, Computer
Evidence of Achievement : By doing this task, the children will:
▪ Understand the theme of Perspective in our daily life.
▪ Understand how to draw lines and practice to be more perfect.
School Year 2021/2022
Surabaya Cambridge School
Lesson Plan Art and Craft Primary 5

▪ Understand to be more creative and see themselves become more creative.

▪ Kids will encourage themselves and be proud of their project.
▪ Pupils understand the material very well and can answer the questions.
▪ Pupils can answer Q&A about theory of color and meaning of colors.
▪ Share their opinion about the class and teacher.

Surabaya Cambridge School

Primary Department
July 1, 2021
Headmaster, Art and Craft teacher,

Yulia Razak, S.S Mufidatul Mukaromah, S.Pd

School Year 2021/2022
Surabaya Cambridge School
Lesson Plan Art and Craft Primary 5

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