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Electrical Circuits

Multiple choice Questions

Question The voltage across capacitor and current through inductor gives initial condition at _________________

Answer d
Question is an instant at which the network conditions are changed

Answer c
Question Initial condition in resistor are _________

Answer d
Question The network condition at t=0 are as _______ condition
A Final
B Steady state
C Constant
D Initial
Answer d
5 Question If the network remains for a long time without any switching action then it is _____ state
A Initial
B Steady state
C Particular
D Final
Answer b
Question Current in inductor cannot change instantaneously means

Answer d
Question Voltage across capacitor cannot change instantaneously means ___________

Answer d
Question At the time of switching the capacitor act as ___________
A open circuit
B Short circuit
C linear dense
D None of the above
Answer b
Question At the time of switching the inductor act as _______
A open circuit
B Short circuit
C linear dense
9 D None of the above

Question For the circuit, if the switch is closed at t=0 then i(0+)= ?
A 5A
B 1.5A
C Infinity
D 0
Answer d
Question If VL(t) is voltage across inductor L, then the current iL(t) through inductor L is given by


Answer c
Question If ic(t) is current through capacitor C, then the voltage across capacitor is given by


Answer c
Question At steady state, an inductor with zero initial current act as
A current source
B open circuit
C voltage source
D Short circuit
Answer d
Question At steady state, a capacitor with zero initial Voltage act as
A current source
B open circuit
C voltage source
D None of the above
Answer b b
Question During switching at instant t=0+, inductor with initial current Io acts as ___________
A Short circuit
B open circuit
C constant voltage source
D constant current source
Answer d d
Question During switching at instant t=0+, inductor with Zero initial current acts as _____________
A Short circuit
B open circuit
C constant voltage source
D constant current source
Answer b
Question During switching at instant t=0+, capacitor with Zero initial voltage across it acts as _______
A Short circuit
B open circuit
C constant voltage source
D constant current source
Answer a
Question During switching at instant t=0+, capacitor with initial voltage Vo acts as ________
A Short circuit
B open circuit
C constant voltage source
D constant current source
Answer c
Question In the source free series RL Circuit the current through inductor ___________
A Exponentially increases
B Sinusoidally increases
C Exponentially decreases
D Remains constant
Answer c
Question In the source free series RC Circuit initial voltage across capacitor Vo, the voltage across capacitor Vc(t)
A Exponentially increases
B Sinusoidally increases
C Exponentially decreases
D Sinusoidally decreases
Answer c
Question The time constant of series RC circuit is _______________


Answer c
Question The time constant of series RL circuit is _______________


Answer a
Question The expression for voltage across 10 ohm resistor VR(t) for t>0 is given by ____________


Answer b
Question In the undriven series RC circuit Vc(0-)=8 Volts. At t=2 msec, the value of ic(t) is
A 1.5577 mA
B 2 mA
24 C -1.5577 mA

D -2 mA
Answer a
Question In the circuit switch K is closed at t=0. The current through inductor at t=10 msec is 6.3212 A. Then the value of R is _________
A 1 ohm
B 10 ohm
C 1 kilo ohm
D 100 ohm
Answer a
Question The expression of current in R-L circuit is?
A i=(V/R)(1+exp((R/L)t))
B i=-(V/R)(1-exp((R/L)t))
C i=-(V/R)(1+exp((R/L)t))
D i=(V/R)(1-exp((R/L)t))
Answer b
Question In the expression of current in the R-L circuit the transient part is?
B (V/R)(-exp((R/L)t))
C (V/R)(exp((R/L)t))
Answer b
Question The expression of current in R-C circuit is?
A i=(V/R)exp(t/RC)
B i=(V/R)exp(-t/RC)
28 C i=(V/R)-exp(t/RC)
D i=(V/R)-exp(-t/RC)
Answer b
Question In an R-C circuit, when the switch is closed, the response ____________
A do not vary with time
B decays with time
C rises with time
D first increases and then decreases
Answer b
Question If the roots of an equation are real and unequal, then the response will be?
A critically damped
B under damped
C over damped
D damped
Answer c
Question If the roots of an equation are complex conjugate, then the response will be?
A critically damped
B under damped
C over damped
D damped
Answer b

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