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Academic Performance of Grade VI Pupils in Mathematics using Online

and Modular Instruction

I. Context and Rationale

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a new strain of

coronavirus. The virus causes flu like symptoms that can be fatal when the individual has weak

immune system. To mitigate the outbreak of the virus, the Philippine government order a

community quarantine starting March 15, 2020. The quarantine, however, has significant effect

on the society. Mass gathering are forbidden. Non-essentials stores are closed. Travel is

forbidden. Individuals must stay in their houses until it is safe. Many countries have decided to

suspend schools, colleges and universities. The severe short-term disruption in education is felt

by many families around the world: home schooling will affect parents’ productivity and also

the social life of children.

To ensure that learning will continue despite the lockdown, DepEd has been considering

to make some changes in the delivery of education for school year 2020-2021. One method of

distance learning is through online and modular instruction. A module is a self-contained,

independent unit of instruction prepared for the purpose of attaining specific instructional

objectives. Modular teaching is not a new approach in classroom settings. Self-instructional

modular program is useful not only to the fast learner group of students but also to the

remedial teaching for low achievers as well. It may help the low-achievers catch up in learning

the lessons with their classmates. It could be utilized within any setting helpful to the learner

and may be finished at the learner's own particular pace. The self-instructional program when

implemented will give a liberal mean for the students to achieve knowledge and skills in
learning mathematics because the students are allowed to choose his own time in learning and

minimizing any imposition of the school authorities regarding what is to be learned and under

what circumstances.

Mathematics curriculum is an important tool through which the mathematics teacher of

today can lead the students in achieving the country’s goal of development, modernization and

industrialization. The goal towards increased productivity, sustainable development and global

competitiveness that every Filipino should be provided the opportunity for growth and

development. Students who go to the secondary level of education mostly do not like

mathematics and are not good in this subject. They usually obtained very low marks in

mathematics. In addition to this problem, the classes usually have students with mixed abilities.

It is difficult for the teacher to teach a mathematics topic to serve individual deficiencies

especially the low ability students. The duration of each mathematics session is also limited,

thus the teacher usually has no chance to pay attention especially to low ability students.

There is evidence suggesting that modular improves academic performance of pupils. T.

The study of Hena (1997) on the development of modules in Basic Mathematics as tried out

among Teacher Education students proved that students are capable of performing better in

Math through the use of modules. Similarly, Rizaldo, et. al., (2007) concluded that students

performed better and mastered the subject matter using the modular method of teaching. Also,


(2000) found that experimental group exposed to the instructional material in teaching

Fundamentals of Math performed better than the controlled group. The modules were

acceptable as textbook in the subject. In connection to this, the researcher believes that

perhaps a better method to overcome the problem is the use of modular instruction program.
Thus, this study will be conducted to determine whether indeed that modular instruction has a

better impact on academic performance of pupils in mathematics.

II. Research Questions

In general, this action research aims to determine the effect of online and modular

learning on academic performance of grade VI pupils in mathematics. Specifically, it sought to

answer the following questions?

1. Is there a significant difference in the pre-test score of pupils between the modular

instruction group and traditional instruction group?

2. Is there a significant difference in the post-test score of pupils between the modular

instruction group and traditional instruction group?

3. Is there a significant difference in the mean gain score of pupils between the

modular instruction group and traditional instruction group?

III. Proposed Intervention

The intervention proposed in this study is the application of modular and online learning

instruction in the delivery of mathematics education on grade VI pupils. Modular and online

lessons shall be prepared for the students to be used for 2 weeks.

IV. Research Methods

a. Research Design
The study shall utilized a quasi-experimental research design. A control group and an

experimental group will be randomly selected at the beginning and the pretest shall be

given. The experimental group shall be instructed using modules and the internet while

the control group shall be instructed using face to face traditional method. Then, a

posttest shall be given to both groups. The result of the pretest and posttest shall be

statistically compared.

b. Participants/Sources of Data and Information

The subject of the study are the grade VI pupils of Bobongan Elementary School in

Barangay Bobongan, Labason, Zamboanga del Norte, Labason II District. One section

shall be instructed using traditional method which shall be referred here as the control

group. The other group shall be instructed using modules and online methods which

shall be referred as the experimental group. The same lesson shall be covered for the

two groups to facilitate comparison.

c. Research Instruments

This study shall use two instrument, namely: (1) Modules of Math lesson and (2)

Teacher constructed test which shall be used to measure the academic performance of

the students during the pretest and posttest. See Appendix 1for a sample module.

d. Ethical Issues
The use of modular instruction is not a new method of instruction. This is applied in

cases where face to face instruction is not feasible. Applying this to grade VI pupils will

not in any way violate ethical standards in education. All information and data gathered

shall be confidential.

e. Data Analysis Plan

Data shall be analyzed using the IBM SPSS. The test shall be subjected to test of

normality to determine appropriate statistical test. For normal scores, t-test shall be

used to test mean difference. If the scores is not normal, then , Mann-Whitney U test

shall be used.

V. Action Research Work Plan and Timeline

VI. Plans for Dissemination

The result of the research shall be disseminated via the district DepEd Office. It will be
presented in conferences and seminars.
Abad, Ma. Leah I. (2006) “Training Needs & Performance of Engineering Math Teacher in the
State Colleges of Region VIII: Inputs to a Proposed In-service Training Program,” Unpublished
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Aggabao, Ambrose Hans. Development and Evaluation of Individualized Self-Instructional
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Figuerres, O. (1994) “Development and validation of learning packages in automotive
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Gregorio, Herman C. (1976) Principles and Methods of Teaching, Quezon City: Garotech
Publishing Hena, LJ (1997) “Developing Models for Teacher Education students in Basic Math
1”. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, University of Eastern Philippines, Catarman, Northern
Kemp and Smelie, (1989) Planning, Producing and Using Instructional Media, New York: Harper
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Teaching Analytic Geometry (A Publication of Research & Educational Development Training
Institute, Vol 6).
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College Students” Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Centro Escolar University, Mendiola,
Appendix 1

Lesson 1: Ratios

Student Outcomes
 Students understand that a ratio is an ordered pair of numbers which are not both
zero. Students understand that a ratio is often used instead of describing the first
number as a multiple of the second.
 Students use the precise language and notation of ratios (e.g., 3:2 , 3 to 2 ). Students
understand that the order of the pair of numbers in a ratio matters and that the
description of the ratio relationship determines the correct order of the numbers.
Students conceive of real-world contextual situations to match a given ratio.

Lesson Notes
The first two lessons of this module develop students’ understanding of the term ratio. A ratio
is always a pair of numbers, such as 2:3, and never a pair of quantities such as 2cm:3sec .
Keeping this straight for students requires teachers to use the term ratio correctly and
consistently. Students are required to separately keep track of the units in a word problem.
We refer to statements about quantities in word problems that define ratios as ratio language
or ratio relationship descriptions. Typical examples of ratio relationship descriptions include 3
cups to 4 cups and 5 miles in 4 hours. The ratios for these ratio relationships are 3:4 and 5:4 ,
Tape diagrams may be unfamiliar to students. Making a clear connection between
multiplicative comparisons and their representation with tape diagrams is essential to student
understanding of ratios in this module. Creating and delivering brief opening exercises that
demonstrate the use of tape diagrams, as well as providing fluency activities, such as Rapid
Whiteboard Exchanges (RWBE), is highly suggested throughout the module. Students bridge
their knowledge of multiplicative comparisons to ratio relationships in this lesson and through
the rest of the module. An example of a connection between multiplicative comparisons and
ratios is as follows:
Cameron has 5 shirts and 1 baseball cap. The multiplicative comparison is Cameron has
5 times as many shirts as he has baseball caps. This
can be represented with a tape diagram:


Baseball Caps
Students are asked to determine the ratio relationship of the number of shirts Cameron has to
the number of baseball caps he has. Using the tape diagram above, students see that for every
5 shirts Cameron has, he has 1 baseball cap, or the ratio of the number of shirts Cameron has
to the number of baseball caps he has is 5:1 .


Example 1
The coed soccer team has four times as many boys on it as it has girls. We
say the ratio of the number of boys to the number of girls on the team is 4:1
. We read this as four to one.

 Let’s create a table to show how many boys and how many girls could be on the team.
Create a table like the one shown below to show possibilities of the number of boys and girls on
the soccer team. Have students copy the table into their student materials.
# of # of Total # of
Boys Girls Players
4 1 5
 So, we would have four boys and one girl on the team for a total of five players. Is this
big enough for a team?
 Adult teams require 11 players, but youth teams may have fewer. There is no right
or wrong answer; just encourage reflection on the question, thereby having
students connect their math work back to the context.
 What are some other ratios that show four times as many boys as girls, or a ratio of
boys to girls of 4 to 1 ?
 Have students add each ratio to their table.
# of # of Total # of
Boys Girls Players
4 1 5
8 2 10
12 3 15

 From the table, we can see that there are four boys for every one girl on the team.
Read the example aloud.

Suppose the ratio of the number of boys to the number of girls on the team
is 3:2 .
Create a table like the one shown below to show possibilities of the number of boys and girls on
the soccer team. Have students copy the table into their student materials.
# of # of Total # of
Boys Girls Players
3 2 5

 What are some other team compositions where there are three boys for every two girls
on the team?
# of # of Total # of
Boys Girls Players
3 2 5
6 4 10
9 6 15
 I can’t say there are 3 times as many boys as girls. What would my multiplicative value
have to be? There are as many boys as girls.

Encourage students to articulate their thoughts, guiding them to say there are as many boys
as girls.

 Can you visualize as many boys as girls?

 Can we make a tape diagram (or bar model) that shows that there are as many
boys as girls?



 Which description makes the relationship easier to visualize: saying the ratio is 3 to 2
or saying there are 3 halves as many boys as girls?
 There is no right or wrong answer. Have students explain why they picked their

Example 2 : Class Ratios

Direct pupils:
 Find the ratio of boys to girls in our class.
 Raise your hand when you know: What is the ratio of boys to girls in our class?
 How can we say this as a multiplicative comparison without using ratios? Raise your
hand when you know.
Allow for choral response when all hands are raised.
 Write the ratio of number of boys to number of girls in your student materials under
Example 2.
 Compare your answer with your neighbor’s answer. Does everyone’s ratio look exactly
the same?
Allow for discussion of differences in what students wrote. Communicate the following in the

1. It is ok to use either the colon symbol or the word to between the two numbers of the
2. The ratio itself does not have units or descriptive words attached.
 Raise your hand when you know: What is the ratio of number of girls to number of
boys in our class?
 Write the ratio in your student materials under Example 2.
 Is the ratio of number of girls to number of boys the same as the ratio of number of
boys to number of girls?
 Unless in this case there happens to be an equal number of boys and girls, then no,
the ratios are not the same. Indicate that order matters.
 Is this an interesting multiplicative comparison for this class? Is it worth commenting
on in our class? If our class had 15 boys and 5 girls, might it be a more interesting
For the exercise below, choose a way for students to indicate that they identify with the first
statement (e.g., standing up or raising a hand). After each pair of statements below, have
students create a ratio of the number of students who answered yes to the first statement to
the number of students who answered yes to the second statement verbally, in writing, or
both. Consider following each pair of statements with a discussion of whether it seems like an
interesting ratio to discuss. Or alternatively, when all of these examples are finished, ask
students which ratio they found most interesting.
Students record a ratio for each of the following examples:
1. You traveled out of state this summer.
2. You did not travel out of state this summer.
3. You have at least one sibling.
4. You are an only child.
5. Your favorite class is math.
6. Your favorite class is not math.
Example 2: Class Ratios
Write the ratio of the number of boys to the number of girls in our class.
Write the ratio of the number of girls to the number of boys in our class.
Record a ratio for each of the examples the teacher provides.

Exercise 1
My own ratio My ratio is 16:6 .
Exercise 2

Exercise 2
\Using words, describe a ratio that represents each ratio below.
a. 1 to 12 For every one year, there are twelve months.

b. 12:1 For every twelve months, there is one year.

c. 2 to 5 For every two non-school days in a week, there are five school days.

d. 5 to 2 For every five female teachers I have, there are two male teachers.

e. 10:2 For every ten toes, there are two feet .

f. 2:10 For every two problems I can finish, there are ten minutes that

Provide students with this description:
A ratio is an ordered pair of nonnegative numbers, which are not both zero. The ratio is
A :B or A to B to indicate the order of the numbers. In this specific case, the
number A is first, and the number B is second.
 What is a ratio?
 How do we write ratios?
 What are two quantities you would love to have in a ratio of 5:2 but hate to have in a
ratio of 2:5 ?

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