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Team Name: Aldebaran


Leadership and Management — Abigail Lam - Overall team manager. Might be responsible for
organizing the team, holding it accountable, submitting vital documents, and creating a
schedule/plan ahead of the project.

User Research and Communication — Hannah T Maung - Responsible for user research,
such as finding and recruiting participants, planning and conducting the user research, and
gathering feedback on the designs.

UX Design and Prototyping — Kayla Hunter - Responsible for the interface design and
workflow of the system. Might be the lead for the low-fidelity design and iteration of the
interfaces throughout the project.

Writing and Deliverables — - Responsible for producing, editing,

formatting, and proofing the written deliverables such as this or other Group Reports.

Communication and Collaboration

1. How do you plan to communicate and collaborate (e.g. Teams, Canvas Groups,
a. Discord
2. Did you schedule a tentative weekly meeting time yet? If so, when? How or where will
you meet?
a. Wednesday’s at 3pm PST
b. Zoom
3. Did you create a Google Drive, a Box, or a similar shared workspace, where you can
collaborate (e.g., to write and edit reports together)? If so, you may share a link.
a. Google Drive

Project Description

Most to-do list applications focus purely on transactional elements. Did you do the thing you
said you would do today? If we want to feel successful and feel good each day, we need to go
several steps further. Our product, Carpe Diem does just that.

Carpe diem

This app is all inclusive in functionalities needed to stay organized and productive throughout
one’s busy life. The app would essentially combine all the tools needed to be successful. These
functionalities include calendars, to-do lists, notes, habit trackers such as sleep, workout, and
eating. The app would be able to switch from different modes; work, school, sports, and
personal. In addition, the app would be able to be shared between friends, family, co-workers,
and more to help coordinate schedules and motivate each other.

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