Science 10 3rd Quarter

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Republic of the Philippines


School of Education
Laboratory Junior High School
Estancia, Iloilo

3rd Grading Departmental Examination

A.Y. 2020-2021

Name: __________________________________________ Grade & Section: ___________________ Date: ___________

I. TRUE OR FALSE: Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if incorrect.

_________1. In luteal phase, follicle matures and endometrium develops.

_________2. Menopause occurs when female ovaries no longer produce eggs.
_________3. Hormones are chemical substances released into the blood stream.
_________4. During the menstrual cycle, the ovary releases an average of two eggs.
_________5. The egg in the ovary matures when the pituitary gland releases hormones.

II. MULTIPLE CHOICES: Direction: On your answer sheet, write the letter of the correct answer.

1. My younger sister Oliva is having her monthly period. She is complaining for having a muscle cramps, abdominal pain
and at times mood swings and fatigue. Which of the following events correctly describes the role of hormones?
A. Pituitary gland controls and starts the menstrual cycle by releasing estrogen.
B. A sudden surge of FSH facilitates the maturation of follicle leading to ovulation.
C. Progesterone secretion happens before ovulation to control the secretion of LH.
D. Estrogen together with progesterone help increase the thickness of uterine lining.

2. A woman’s unsafe period is the day near or during _________.

A. fertilization
B. menstruation
C. ovulation
D. sexual intercourse

3. Which of the following refers to the first menstruation?

A. menstrual cycle
B. menarche
C. ovulation
D. fertilization

4. The release of FSH by anterior pituitary gland will stimulate the ovaries to release while over production of estrogen
will prevent the further production of
A. Estrogen: FSH
B. Estrogen: Progesterone
C. Progesterone: FSH
D. Progesterone: LH

5. Which endocrine gland has control over the function of testes and varies?
A. Hypothalamus
B. Pituitary gland
C. Reproductive glands
D. Thyroid gland

6. What happens during ovulation?

A. A sperm can fertilize an egg.
B. A zygote becomes an embryo.
C. An ovum is released from the ovary.
D. A follicle releases the hormone FSH.
7. Menstrual cycle is controlled by several hormones. Which of the following events correctly describes the role of
A. Pituitary gland controls and starts the menstrual cycle by releasing estrogen.
B. A sudden surge of FHS facilitates the maturation of follicle leading to ovulation.
C. Estrogen together with progesterone help increase the thickness uterine lining.
D. Progesterone secretion happens before ovulation to control the secretion of LH.

8. Which days of the cycle does menstruation occur?

A. days 1-6
B. days 7-13
C. days 14-20
D. days 21-28

9. What happens when the egg is released but not fertilized by a sperm?
A. The egg implants in the wall of the uterus.
B. The egg waits in the uterus until the next month.
C. The sperm waits in the uterus until the next month
D. The lining of the uterus is shed through a menstruation.

10. Which of the following events include in the uterine cycle?

A. Menstruation occurs
B. Ovary releases an egg
C. Development of the endometrium
D. Follicle becomes the corpus luteum and endometrium prepares for an egg

11. This hormone is responsible for initiating follicle maturation converting follicles into corpus luteum and causing
progesterone secretion.
A. Estrogen
D. Progesterone

12. The two endocrine glands that produce substances that develop reproductive organs are
A. Adrenal and Pancreas
B. Pituitary and Thyroid
C. Testes and Ovaries
D. Testosterone and Estrogen

13. Richelle gave birth recently. She breastfeeds her baby because breast milk provides ideal nutrition for infants and
contains antibodies that help babies to fight off viruses and bacteria. What hormones are responsible for breastfeeding?
A. Estrogen
B. Progesterone
C. Prolactin
D. Testosterone
14. Which of the following is the breakdown and discharge of the soft uterine tissues and the
fertilized egg?
A. pregnancy
B. menstrual cycle
C. menarche
D. menstruation

15. Which of the following does NOT happen when oocyte is released?
A. The corpus luteum then begin secreting progesterone.
B. LH stimulates the mature follicle to develop into a corpus luteum.
C. If the egg has not been fertilized, the corpus luteum breaks and continue to produce progesterone.
D. If the egg has been fertilized, it will soon start producing a hormone that helps maintain the corpus luteum.

III. MATCHING TYPE. Direction: Match Column A and B. Write the letter from Column B that correctly corresponds to
Column A.

_____1. center of emotion a. amygdala
_____2. relays sensory and motor signals b. brain stem
_____3. little brain c. cerebellum
_____4. for motor and sensory analysis d. cerebrum
_____5. connects the forebrain and midbrain e. frontal lobe
_____6. center of intelligence f. hindbrain
_____7. pons, medulla and midbrain g. hippocampus
_____8. regulates the sleep-wake cycle h. hypothalamus
_____9. controls autonomic actions i. medulla
_____10. gray and white matter j. midbrain
_____11. for memory and message retrieval k. occipital lobe
_____12. holds the cerebellum, pons and medulla oblongata l. pons
_____13. associated with reasoning and problem-solving m. spinal cord
_____14. associated with visual processing n. temporal Lobe
_____15. associated with perception o. thalamus

~ END ~

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