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RIE FACTS AND LEGAL OPINION sat Narsingi Village, Mohd. say tanats tn Suevey No.176 10 179 situ aga Reddy 4 That on Dystviet belongs to Inamdar Late set Mandal, 8 {Late Sharituddin ie., Late Aneesuddin and nat the ofan childrens of Late Sha i fred for ORC in the year 2012 and the Inam Tribunal Le, the von, Rang Reddy District has granted ORC in favour of the cnanftxiin Inamdar basing on the documentary evidence ie, «1. Setuwar, Sesala Pahani, Kasra for the years 1950 to upto 2018, scar en ORC granted by the Inam Tribunal in favour of the L.Rs. of Late were challenged by the third parties in Appeals before the Joint ronaa Reddy District and the Joint Collector, Ranga Reddy District following due procedure under Inam Abolition Act, 1965 allowed the fied by the third parties. Aggrieved by the same the L.Rs. of Late Mohd, eos tuctdin filed C.R.P. No, 890 of 2017 and batch before the Hon'ble High Court jerabad and the said Revisions were dismissed on the technical grounds agneved by the same review petition vide 1.A.No, 3 of 2020 in C.R.P. No. 625 of 2017 and batch were preferred with a delay of 979 days in filing the petition, That the said review petitions were dismissed only on the ground of delay sven finding stating that the petitioner has to approach the Hon'ble oes Court aganeved by the orders in C.R.P. No.890 of 2017 and batch by virtue : 03.12.2021 Now, there are good grounds to approach the Hon'ble Apex Court w orders of the High Court in C.R.Ps and as weil as in Review vat the High Court has not passed orders on merits and the CRPS were y the Learned Single Judge only on the ground of suppression of 271% DULL on ments, The same has been occurred due to the reason nd the earlier GPA Holder of the 6 In view of the above said discussions the petitioners having merits in the Jnatter and to approach the Hon’ble Apex Court by way of appeals for their cause and grievance BRIEF FACTS AND LEGAL OPINION 1, _ That originally lands in Survey No.176 to 179 situated at Narsingi Vilage, Gandipet Mandal, Ranga Reddy District belongs to Inamdar Late Mohd Sharifuddin, 2. That the grand children of Late Sharifuddin Le, Late Aneesuddin and Others have applied for ORC in the year 2012 and the Inam Tribunal ie., the RDO, Chevella Division, Ranga Reddy District has granted ORC in favour of the LRs, of Late Sharifuddin Inamdar basing on the documentary evidence i.e., entry in Inam Register, Setuwar, Sesala Pahani, Kasra for the years 1950 to 1960-61 and entries in Pahanies upto 2018. 3. That the ORC granted by the Inam Tribunal in favour of the LLRs. of Late Sharifuddin were challenged by the third parties in Appeals before the Joint Collector, Ranga Reddy District and the Joint Collector, Ranga Reddy District without following due procedure under Inam Abolition Act, 1965 allowed the ‘appeals filed by the third parties. Aggrieved by the same the L.RS. of Late Mohd. Sharifuddin filed C.R.P. No. 890 of 2017 and batch before the Hon'ble High Court at Hyderabad and the said Revisions were dismissed on the technical grounds and aggrieved by the same review petition vide LA.No. 3 of 2020 in C.R.P. No. 890 of 2017 and batch were preferred with a delay of 979 days in filing the review petition, 4, That the said review petitions were dismissed only on the ground of delay and also given finding stating that the petitioner has to approach the Hon‘ble ‘Apex Court aggrieved by the orders in C.R.P. No.890 of 2017 and batch by virtue of an order dated: 03.12.2021. 5. Now, there are good grounds to approach the Hon'ble Apex Court aggrieved by the orders of the High Court in C.R.Ps and as well as in Review LAs, that the High Court has not passed orders on merits and the CRPs were dismissed by the Learned Single Judge only on the ground of suppression of material facts but not on merits. The same has been occurred due to the reason of the earlier counsel on record in CRPs and the earlier GPA Holder of the petitioner. 6. _ In view of the above said discussions the petitioners having merits in the matter and to approach the Hon’ble Apex Court by way of appeals for their cause and grievance. BRIEF FACTS AND LEGAL OPINION 1. That originally lands in Survey No.176 to 179 situated at Narsing Vitage, Gendipet Mandal, Ranga Reddy District belongs to Inamdar Late Mohd Sharifuddin, 2, That the grand children of Late Sharifuddin i., Late Aneesuddin and others have applied for ORC in the year 2012 and the Inam Tribunal i.e, the RDO, Chevella Division, Ranga Reddy District has granted ORC in favour of the LRs. of Late Sharifuddin Inamdar basing on the documentary evidence i.e., entry in Inam Register, Setuwar, Sesala Pahani, Kasra for the years 1950 to 1960-61 and entries in Pahanies upto 2018. 3. That the ORC granted by the Inam Tribunal in favour of the L.RS. of Late Sharifuddin were challenged by the third parties in Appeals before the Joint Collector, Ranga Reddy District and the Joint Collector, Ranga Reddy District without following due procedure under Inam Abolition Act, 1965 allowed the appeals filed by the third parties. Aggrieved by the same the L.Rs. of Late Mohd. ‘Sharifuddin filed C.R.P, No. 890 of 2017 and batch before the Hon'ble High Court at Hyderabad and the said Revisions were dismissed on the technical grounds and aggrieved by the same review petition vide I.A.No. 3 of 2020 in C.RP. No, 890 of 2017 and batch were preferred with a delay of 979 days in filing the review petition. 4, That the said review petitions were dismissed only on the ground of delay and also given finding stating that the petitioner has to approach the Hon'ble ‘Apex Court aggrieved by the orders in C.R.P. No.890 of 2017 and batch by virtue of an order dated: 03.12.2021. 5. Now, there are good grounds to approach the Hon'ble Apex Court aggrieved by the orders of the High Court in C.R.Ps and as well as in Review LAs, that the High Court has not passed orders on merits and the CRPs were dismissed by the Learned Single Judge only on the ground of suppression of material facts but not on merits. The same has been occurred due to'the reason of the earlier counsel on record in CRPs and the earlier GPA Holder of the petitioner. 6. In view of the above said discussions the petitioners having merits in the matter and to approach the Hon’ble Apex Court by way of appeals for their cause and grievance. Y Copy of Sehvar Rew. Survey Set and Land Record: Dept Taluka Total |Poie [Name of | Details of acres | kherab | the levied widen under flow Assessment | Area | Dar [Assessment - 7 | 2 Bf hs | {at 026 [Senor [Total [Potc inam acres | kharab “| Name of Village Narsingi village Garb Laluka the Kiatedar Copy of Sethwat Details of the assessment levied — Copy of Sethwar Rev. Survey Settlement and Land Records Dept. Deails of assessment levied 6 Dy Garden under lift Garden underflow ‘Area [Dar [Assessm [Area [Dar [Assessment | Area | Dar Assessment! 4 _jent rayon oo + — 7 [8 9 {10 mn [az Bia Tis alos _| Shiarfuddin Méhammed ‘Mohamined ‘Sharfuddin Mohammed | Sharfisdin 22 2 | & n Panmaktha 1-18 | 0-3 |Panmakika} 138) 04 | er __| Sharfuddin Sharfuddin ‘Mobainined | Molidenned | fete AEA Eas se fe ny 3 2 OX a Versus tea CLOREBHE ‘Ld30 SOBOD3S ONT Cie. 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On examining the matter placed on record, itis clear that ‘ id 5 bounel by tho tennets of the A.P. T.A. (Abolition of Iname Act, 10958. Howover, itis clear thatthe Appallants have purchased the land from th original namdhar vide regd. Sate doed Nos, 6084 of 1983 andl 1298 ot 1969 aa 2.1989. They svoms to have been in possession of the | sion of the land since this as evidenced by the revenue records and the act thatthe compensation for ana acquisition of past of the property for the Outer Ring Road vide avec _sPpeltantesiis Rena QceupaneyiRIghisiCericatertagrARIeduerthe:tnamehar. aL SSCs (SFR E TEV TS WS FF ORSUSUATNS a emitateatnees fer is not prohibited by the Act. As s
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