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The Local Government Leader’s Guide to

Table of Contents
03 Introduction

04 Connected Communities: A Status Report

06 Managing the Internet of Things (IoT)

09 Bridging the Digital Divide

12 Preparing for the Future of Work

15 Securing It All

18 Conclusion

ongstanding shifts
in work and educa-
Starting with Data
tion that accelerated To understand state and local government initiatives focused on
dramatically during developing connected communities, CDG conducted a national
the pandemic have changed survey of state and local government leaders in September 2021,
how communities think about collecting 150 responses. Most respondents represent municipal
connectivity. One of the most (37%), state (25%) and county (22%) governments, spanning a
profound changes for govern- range of roles, including administration, public works, IT, elected
ment leaders involves the governance, finance, health and human services, economic
notion of edgeless govern- development, public safety, education and more. Sixty-one
ment — where constituent percent of respondents are in senior leadership roles.
services mesh seamlessly
into a world of decentralized
work, hybrid learning and digital whirlwind and still dealing with the digital divide, prepare for
interactions in the other areas 20th-century procedures.” the future of work, and ensure
of residents’ lives. As governments look to these growing community
Governments have much work rapidly address these unmet connections remain safe
to do to meet these evolving needs within their operations and secure.
expectations. A Center for Digital and their broader communities, “We’re at a key inflection
Government (CDG) survey they must leverage and apply point where we can accelerate
shows that 42% of respondents the right approaches, tactics and and advance the depth and
don’t have a roadmap for the partners. Drawing from a survey power of that connectivity in
connected communities their of government leaders and ways that we couldn’t five or
constituents increasingly expect. expert interviews, this handbook 10 years ago,” says CDG Senior
Too many governments, says examines how governments can Fellow Christopher Cabaldon,
CDG Senior Fellow Bob Bennett, manage expectations in hyper- the former mayor of West
“are living in a 21st-century connected environments, bridge Sacramento, California.

A Status Report

onnected communities “We’re getting out of a reactive the center of connected
represent the evolution mode and trying to get into a community efforts.
of more discrete smart proactive one,” says Collin Averill, “There are important and
city and connectivity solutions marketing manager for critical resources for commu-
projects that began more Cisco Meraki. nities that governments can
than a decade ago. In Kansas That more proactive approach drive to improve quality of life,”
City, Missouri, for example, focuses on combining smart says Averill. “The government
large-scale efforts launched city technology with intelligent has the ability to roll out infra-
in 2016 with construction on networking capabilities to weave structure in ways that are tough
a streetcar line. The project together employees, services, to do otherwise.”
provided opportunities to add community assets, constituents Governments are approach-
smart sensors to improve traffic and information. In this model, ing connected community
circulation and public Wi-Fi the underlying network plays an projects with residents in mind.
access points across more essential role as the platform More than half (60%) of CDG
than 50 blocks of the city’s connecting these disparate survey respondents said their
downtown. functions and constituencies top drivers involve improving
Communities became — and puts government at constituent services or quality
more connected during the
pandemic out of necessity,
with governments shifting
service delivery online as their
What are the top drivers for connected communities
employees and constituents
in your jurisdiction? (Select up to 3 choices)
began learning, working and
socializing in digital settings. Improving constituent services
Now, the focus has shifted 43%
toward more coordinated Improving quality of life for constituents
approaches to build on these
efforts in sustainable ways to
Boosting economic and workforce development
meet evolving constituent
and employee expectations 35%
about digital services and Improving public safety
hybrid work. 31%

of life, followed by boosting What challenges, if any, do you anticipate while trying to achieve
economic and workforce plans for connected communities? (Select all that apply)
development and improving Lack of funding
public safety.
However, many barriers 68%
Shortage/lack of skilled staff
remain. Funding was the top
challenge cited by more than 39%
two-thirds (68%) of CDG survey Security issues
respondents, followed by 35%
staffing and security issues, Leadership buy-in
leadership buy-in, rising
costs and limited bandwidth. 33%
Rising costs
Even addressing the security
concerns involved with 31%
connected communities is Limited bandwidth
perceived through the lens of 31%
funding constraints, which was Public space connectivity
the top security challenge cited.
Smaller but significant 21%
External challenges
percentages of respondents
also recognize the limitations 17%
of their existing infrastructure, Lack of adequate Wi-Fi coverage in buildings
citing additional networking 15%
issues, including public space Poor application performance
connectivity, lack of adequate
Wi-Fi coverage in buildings, 15%
Unreliable network
and unreliable networks and
limited visibility as barriers 11%
to connected community Limited network visibility
initiatives. 10%
But perhaps the biggest Limited server-to-server connectivity
obstacle is the lack of a
broader vision, with 42% of 7%
Do not know
survey respondents saying

their governments lack a 13%
plan, roadmap or strategy for Other
connected communities. The 5%
remainder of this handbook None
outlines strategies in four
critical areas that together 1% of CDG survey
will drive governments’
connected community efforts:
respondents said
managing the Internet of Things their government
(IoT), addressing the digital
divide, enabling hybrid work
lacks a plan,
environments in and beyond roadmap or strategy
government, and ensuring
connected communities
for connected
remain safe and secure. communities.

Managing the Internet
of Things (IoT)

s with other connected The pandemic provided current use cases, followed by
community initiatives, new impetus to monitor and location sensors, environmental
governments had control systems remotely. At the sensors, and smart streetlights
begun implementing same time, the influx of federal and traffic sensors.
the connected and automated stimulus funding has given The number of use cases
devices that compose the governments the opportunity to involving security and public
IoT well before the pandemic scale up infrastructure-related safety illustrate a key challenge
to collect data, inform and IoT systems, including ones around large-scale IoT deploy-
improve decision-making, and connected with municipal utilities ments. The bandwidth needed
automatically control remote like water. to stream video and leverage
systems. However, financial More than one-third of CDG artificial intelligence and
realities often limited efforts to survey respondents (35%) have machine learning (AI/ML) to
smaller pilots. begun using IoT devices, with trigger security alerts and
“We could not do things at most (20%) integrating them into monitor traffic is taxing existing
a scale that was capable of other systems and applications. networks. It’s not surprising
delivering impact and outcomes Smart cameras and sensors for that one-third (33%) of CDG
that could be viable,” Cabaldon security and cameras for law survey respondents said
says. enforcement represent the top their jurisdictions are already

experiencing network con-
straints that hinder their ability
Before, governments were making
to use IoT devices. decisions based on limited data. Now, it’s
“The architecture behind CCTV
hasn’t changed since analog
almost the opposite problem — over the
cameras,” says Clint Russell, course of a year, you could be looking at
Cisco Meraki product sales
specialist. “Now technology is
tens of thousands of data points.”
being forced upon the network, Anthony Hizon, Product Manager, Cisco Meraki
which can be a massive burden.”
Among the strategies for
deploying IoT at scale for
connected community efforts: Address bandwidth needs. have centralized platforms that
Networks need the capacity automate onboarding, managing
Identify specific needs. Let to support large numbers of and collecting information from
use cases drive the selection of connected devices and the multiple devices, particularly
IoT devices, not the other way data they generate. Along with given most governments’
around. Governments “need to increasing bandwidth, emerging constrained IT resources.
focus on the problems they’re technologies such as Wi-Fi 6
trying to solve, which should are optimized for large numbers Focus on how you can use
reveal what data they need to of IoT devices and the recent data. The constant stream of
solve the problem, which in rollout of Wi-Fi 6e adds an data from connected devices
turn gives them the device,” additional wireless spectrum. can be a double-edged sword.
says Bennett, who formerly “Before, governments were
served as Kansas City’s chief Simplify device making decisions based on
innovation officer. “Then you management. As connected limited data. Now, it’s almost the
have a network that grows devices grow exponentially opposite problem — over the
organically and residents see into the thousands in many course of a year, you could be
as a worthwhile investment.” localities, it will be critical to looking at tens of thousands of

What are your organization’s uses for IoT devices within your jurisdiction?
Smart cameras and sensors for security IoT-enabled water meters to conserve/distribute water

38% 11%
Body cameras and vehicle cameras for law enforcement Acoustic sensors to detect gunshots

27% 5%
Location sensors for tracking fleets, people and vehicles Do not know

23% 32%
Sensors that collect environmental data None

18% 9%
Smart streetlights to reduce energy costs Other

15% 4%
Sensors and traffic signals to improve traffic management


data points,” says Anthony Hizon, far-flung locations such as parks digital organization. A single
Cisco Meraki product manager. or remote utility stations. hour of downtime could be
“It can be overwhelming.” catastrophic,” Hizon says. The
Governments can benefit from Leverage IoT to monitor sheer number of connected
systems that aggregate, analyze the heart of the connected devices and the data gen-
and generate visualizations that community — the network erated by IoT deployments
help leaders make actionable itself. Sensors that monitor present a challenge for gov-
decisions. These kinds of critical networking infrastruc- ernment organizations with
capabilities will be critical for ture, such as routers and limited IT resources. Having a
governments to leverage IoT for access points, and identify platform with the capabilities
more sophisticated use cases, environmental threats or to manage devices, analyze
such as monitoring the usage of physical tampering, can data and strengthen end-to-
public facilities and optimizing become a critical part of end security will be critical to
transit routes and schedules. network operations. “These ensure they can effectively
are the plumbing of your enact IoT strategies.
Consider security
implications. The addition of
thousands of devices represents
a massive influx of endpoints
for IT managers to oversee. The
early history of IoT deployment
In Opelika, a Sensor-Driven
was rife with examples of devices Smart City Emerges
left with default passwords and
similar security gaps. Today, Located in a fast-growing region of Alabama,
more sophisticated capabilities the city of Opelika embarked on its connected
allow agencies to onboard new community mission with three priorities.
smart hardware in a way that Along with deploying public Wi-Fi in municipal
establishes them as trusted buildings and parks, the city plans to roll out
devices. It’s also important more than 1,000 connected environmental
to ensure that data — even sensors and smart streetlights.
seemingly harmless information
— between devices and central
The city is partnering with Auburn University to
servers is encrypted. “Even
deploy sensors to monitor parking, industrial
though it may not seem that
park emissions and water quality, with the
sensitive, that infrastructure will
be leveraged for more sensitive university helping leaders identify the right
data,” says Hizon. data to inform decision-making. Opelika is
also installing smart streetlights that are
Consider redundancies expected to reduce energy costs by 50% by
and remote locations. Given dimming lights during periods of low activity.
the mission-critical nature of
the systems that connected Like many municipalities, large parts of the 55
sensors monitor, it’s important square miles within Opelika’s boundaries are
to consider cellular failovers forested and rural, and the city is the first in North
and other technologies to
America to deploy a LoRaWAN-compliant solution,
ensure systems aren’t disrupted.
which provides long-distance wireless connectivity
Emerging 5G networking and
to IoT endpoints with low power consumption.1
other technologies can also help
governments deploy devices in

Bridging the Digital Divide

s millions of people while in more rural ones — both barriers. “Governments need to
began working and rural regions and less populated focus on all three,” says Chris
learning from home areas of large counties or Gugger, solutions marketing
during the pandemic, municipalities — access to high- manager at Cisco Meraki.
the availability of high-speed speed broadband may not be
internet access became a available at any cost. Consider whether to go it
necessity, not a luxury. Yet State and local governments alone or find partners. Some
the level of at-home access have long played a critical role jurisdictions — as many as
to broadband internet barely in access to public infrastructure 1,000, by one estimate — have
budged during the pandemic. and utilities, and one-third (34%) become internet providers, as
Nearly 60% of students in of CDG survey respondents Fort Collins, Colorado, has done
low-income households and said their jurisdictions are with its Connexion municipal
43% of adults still lack at-home currently working to address broadband utility, or by entering
broadband internet access,2 the digital divide, bolstered by public-private partnerships, leas-
providing an imperative for unprecedented federal funding ing existing fiber rings or offering
governments focused on to address broadband gaps. “The RFPs to multiple providers to
connected community initiatives. last mile is now maybe the last develop new connectivity.
“Providing a base level of half-mile,” Cabaldon says. The Over the past three decades,
connectivity where people can pandemic, he adds, “pushed our these efforts have yielded “a
apply for work, engage with the own internal questioning.” wide spectrum of successes and
city and do homework — that’s Among the strategies for bankruptcies,” says Gorsen. “The
the bare minimum,” Bennett says. addressing the digital divide: business model is viable, and there
Ongoing disparities in are examples of success, although
broadband access represent Focus on the big picture. governments must be cognizant
“a market failure,” says Mitchell While broadband availability is of the potential for failure,
Gorsen, Cisco public funding the most visible constraint to particularly around technology
advisor. In urban areas, the universal access, affordability refresh and being able to keep up
primary barrier is affordability, and adoption are also critical with commercial providers.”

Coordinate at all levels of
government — and beyond it.
Providing a base level of connectivity
States and large municipalities where people can apply for work, engage
must develop broadband
plans to access federal funds,
with the city and do homework — that’s
and all governments will the bare minimum.”
benefit in the grant process
Bob Bennett, Senior Fellow, Center for Digital Government
from regional or statewide
coordination and consortia.
“Grant reviewers look favorably
upon these kinds of collective, Leverage ‘middle mile’ or utility infrastructure to
well-thought-out networks that infrastructure. Governments connect key institutions, such
have lots of anchor tenants,” that have been successful as colleges and universities,
says Gorsen. “It’s the single- in providing access on public schools and hospitals.
use networks that are harder their own have focused on “Look at physical systems
to justify.” using existing rights-of-way not just as something that

In Miami-Dade, Connected Communities

Start with Libraries
The Miami-Dade Public Library System found itself an essential part of the
South Florida region’s internet connectivity during the pandemic, standing up 200
public Wi-Fi access points to allow people to connect to the internet from both
inside and outside its 49 locations.
“The pandemic drove us in a direction that we were already thinking of going,
but really sped us up,” says Ray Baker, director of the library system. “People
shouldn’t be marginalized by access to technology or bandwidth. That’s been
central to everything we’ve been doing around the digital divide.”
As part of a refresh of the library’s network, which added more than 1,000
smart cameras and 200 public Wi-Fi access points, the system now offers
one of the fastest Wi-Fi connections in South Florida, says IT Manager Julio
Campa. Along with improving security, the smart camera technology provided
new insights into traffic flow, facilities usage, and where floor plans helped or
hindered patrons. “It’s our mission to interpret what happens when people visit
the library,” Campa says.
Smart cameras also facilitate the sharing of information to other departments
that help maintain facilities, and a unified dashboard allows two staff members to
manage the system.
The library system has since acquired more than 600 internet-enabled
devices that residents can check out and use at home and is preparing to deploy
more than 2,000 Chromebooks. “It’s changed our role to making sure people can
get connected to the internet, whether the library’s open or closed,” Baker says.3

has to be maintained, but as Recognize funding The federal infrastructure bill
an asset that you can use to sources and limitations. includes funding for outreach
provide additional internet Broadband expansion is the to encourage people who lack
coverage or a point for IoT top-cited use planned for fed- internet access to sign up
devices that can help you eral stimulus funding among for broadband. That’s criti-
better manage other city CDG survey respondents. cal if governments intend to
services,” Bennett says. It’s vital for governments to fully address the digital divide,
“There are a lot of things understand and navigate the says CDG Chief Innovation
you can do when you change requirements and potential Officer Dustin Haisler.
your mindset about these exceptions involved with In Kansas City, community
assets.” federal grants and other pro- groups took the lead to
grams, according to Gorsen. ensure digital inclusion in
Consider new options for connected city efforts. “It’s
rural or last-mile access. The Focus on supporting okay for the city to stand
challenge of providing universal adoption among under- back and take a supporting
access is that the “last 1% to served communities. role,” Bennett says.
2% becomes infinitely more
challenging,” Russell says.
However, 5G and technologies
such as microwave radio and
fluid mesh networking are In El Paso, a Digital Initiative
Extends to Schools
providing new options that
allow some remote areas to
be reassessed on a case-by-
Located near the Mexico-United States border,
case basis.
“Five years ago, to have
the Canutillo Independent School District in El
reliable connectivity, it had to Paso, Texas, serves more than 6,000 students,
be fiber.” Averill says. “With the many of whom lack internet access at home. When
increased affordability of cellular, the pandemic closed school buildings, the district
pairing the two can be a really launched Canutillo Connect, a secure, private
great solution.” wireless network to provide students with free
internet access for remote learning.
Address staff capacity The network leveraged the district’s existing fiber
issues. Municipal networks network and public utility poles to create a
with open Wi-Fi access points Wi-Fi backhaul network. Fluid mesh radios and
typically also support other
access points were then deployed to create Wi-
government functions, including
Fi access networks in nine of the district’s most
employee access and IoT
sensors, challenging small
impacted neighborhoods. Now, the district and
IT staffs to manage multiple the broader community — which first launched the
functions and constituencies. Digital El Paso community wireless project in 2007
“Those are big hurdles they to address digital divide and economic development
have to overcome,” Averill says. issues — are working together to address broadband
“Having a platform that lets you access issues across the entire county. The
set policies across the network community plans to use Canutillo Connect as a
at every location and customize proven model it can replicate as it seeks grant
as needed helps with the limited funding from multiple sources.4
IT resources of staffing, budget
and time.”

Preparing for
the Future Of Work

or many governments, the continuing over the next 12 to for many roles holds potential for
transition to remote work 18 months. governments to improve their
in March 2020 happened Government leaders will own recruiting for hard-to-staff
literally overnight, as IT have to address ongoing positions.
departments cobbled together challenges to ensure these “It’s very evident that employees
solutions that successfully allowed hybrid efforts remain effective. prefer to have flexibility around
service continuity in the face of Network connectivity and issues when and where they do work,”
stay-at-home orders. Now, the with effective communication Haisler says. “The underlying infra-
task for governments is to build and collaboration are the structure that supports this is key
on those early efforts in more top challenges with hybrid to making that stick.”
sustainable ways. work cited by CDG survey Among the strategies
“We survived,” Russell says. respondents, followed by lack of for building a sustainable
“Now we have to adapt.” adequate equipment, security infrastructure for hybrid work:
One thing that’s clear is that requirements, and outdated
hybrid work is here to stay — hardware and software. Focus on simplicity.
both in and beyond government. Notably, only 13% of respon- Agencies must find better
Half of CDG survey respondents dents said hybrid environments approaches to enable remote
said their organizations remain are impacting the quality of access for employees, including
in hybrid work environments, services to residents. And the user-friendly ways to onboard
and nearly as many (46%) say ability to hire employees be- and manage devices, access
they anticipate hybrid work yond a jurisdiction’s boundaries virtual private networks (VPN)

What are the top challenges in instituting or planning to institute a hybrid workplace?
(Select all that apply)
Network connectivity Other

45% 7%
Communication/collaboration challenges None

40% 6%
Lack of adequate equipment for remote work Do not know

30% 5%
Security solutions and requirements

Difficulty communicating with others

Outdated hardware or software

Decreased quality of services to constituents
Only 13%
of CDG survey respondents
13% said hybrid work environments
Lack of access to important data/information are impacting the quality of
12% services to residents.
and authenticate securely. “If Don’t neglect in-office Bennett notes that Amazon
something’s not easy, people needs. The future of hybrid work selected Northern Virginia for its
aren’t going to do it,” Averill says. increasingly involves employees HQ2 project in large part because
“That’s really going to drive how spending at least some time of the technology skillset of the
organizations of any kind are in office settings. Connected region’s workforce and its invest-
going to advance their hybrid IoT solutions can help manage ments in broadband and educa-
work solutions.” hybrid workplaces. Beyond tion. “The pandemic illustrated for
immediate public health needs a lot of people that what the cities
Catalog and identify
gaps. IT organizations should
catalog the tools they used for
remote work and collaboration
across departments during If something’s not easy, people aren’t
the pandemic, determine
what’s worth keeping, what
going to do it. That’s really going to drive
they can discard, and identify how organizations of any kind are going
opportunities to consolidate
solutions when possible. They
to advance their hybrid work solutions.”
should also identify gaps Collin Averill, Solutions Marketing Manager, Cisco Meraki
and strategically partner with
solution providers, according
to Russell. In doing so, however,
it’s important to recognize such as monitoring capacity talked about in their Amazon bids
that different government limits, networking hardware can were critical enhancements they
agencies and functions manage a wide range of office made for people to go to school
will likely require different conditions — foot traffic and or work,” he says.
tools to work effectively. wayfinding, access, temperature, For both governments and
“It’s going to be a noise levels, occupancy and air private companies, the end goal
conglomeration of multiple quality among them — to help is the same — what Russell calls
technologies,” Russell says. “As in-office employees, welcome an “omnichannel environment”
much as we’d love to have an guests, secure critical areas, in which workers have the
end-to-end solution, at the end plan meetings and collaborate capabilities to do their jobs in the
of the day people use lots of effectively. office and at home. That, in turn,
different tools, and the needs can help governments meet
are going to be different across Think beyond government their primary goal for creating
different departments.” employees. More than one- connected communities —
third (35%) of CDG survey providing better services for
Build atop a unified platform. respondents see economic constituents, who now have
While there likely won’t be a one- and workforce development gotten a taste of governments
size-fits-all approach to hybrid as one of the top drivers providing digital services on
work applications, governments for connected community par with their commercial
still need to avoid a fragmented IT projects. Ensuring the entire counterparts.
environment — a “Frankenstein’s community has the bandwidth “If a citizen needs to pay utility
monster” of piecemeal point to enable hybrid work is a bills or talk to customer service,
solutions, Averill says. The key is critical component of these that experience needs to be the
to build on a common platform efforts. “Part of our role is same whether the employee is in
that can weave together multiple to make it possible for our the office or at home,” says Chris
cloud-based applications into a citizens to have these options Allen, Cisco Meraki audience
common system. as well,” Cabaldon says. marketing manager.

Securing It All
ecuring connected level and industry partners to when employees use their own
community initiatives help us think through how to devices, training, finding staff
is an extension of the approach this not just from a with cybersecurity skillsets,
ongoing evolution of tech perspective, but how to securing remote cloud-based
government IT — from legacy evaluate that at the leadership applications and access, and
mainframes secured in a data level,” Cabaldon says. “The managing endpoints are key
center to a growing array of frameworks and tools available challenges.
cloud-based applications and at the policymaker level just At the same time as the
storage providers, as the edge aren’t there yet.“ threat surface has expanded
extends to encompass IoT Only 8% of CDG survey through the deployment
sensors and those devices respondents reported no of IoT and hybrid work
used by hybrid employees. But security challenges with environments, record numbers
the scope of the challenge has their connected community of ransomware attacks have
continued to grow. initiatives. Along with funding targeted governments, utilities,
“It’s an area where we need issues, respondents said education institutions and other
a lot of help at the municipal ensuring network security public entities. More than 2,300

local governments, schools Among the strategies for Bring together internal
and healthcare organizations ensuring that connected stakeholders. Even within an IT
across the country faced community initiatives department, different functional
ransomware attacks in 2021, remain secure: roles — security, connectivity,
according to one report, with cloud and operations — all have
efforts shifting to smaller Focus on a continuous critical roles to play in securing
counties and towns. Local approach to risk mitigation. systems and data. “One of the
governments alone suffered Governments can look to biggest hurdles to overcome
an estimated $623.7 million their utilities for a conceptual is getting consensus on where to
in losses.5 framework. “You know start,” Gugger says. “They
The growing scope of accidents will happen with the all need to have a place at
governments’ IT environments utility infrastructure, but they the table.”
and the threats against them have programs in place to
necessitate a broader shift in mitigate the risk,” Haisler says. Identify the most critical
thinking about cybersecurity, Technology platforms can help needs and the appropriate
according to Haisler. “People translate this framework into solutions. Depending on
still think things are securable practice by enabling IT staff to where a government is in its
— that’s not a reality,” he says. continuously monitor for threats connected community journey,
“It’s about how to manage the across the network and its its leaders may choose to
impact and protect personal endpoints to speed response focus first on securing existing
information.” and recovery. infrastructure or expanding

What security challenges, if any, has your organization experienced related to connected
community initiatives?
Lacking funds for secure technologies Managing endpoints

41% 16%
Ensuring network security when Do not know
employees use own devices
36% None
Training employees
33% Other
Finding staff with necessary cybersecurity skill sets
Securing remote cloud apps and
remote access to devices


People still think things are securable — that’s not a
reality. It’s about how to manage the impact and protect
personal information.”
Dustin Haisler, Chief Innovation Officer, Center for Digital Government

connectivity in secure ways. they secure certain types simplicity of mobile device
That decision guides what of data, including personal management solutions
solutions will have the greatest information such as health and other procedures can
impact. Secure web gateways records, payment data and help train users to access
and Zero-Trust access systems other sensitive information in hybrid work environments.
can provide secure access ways consistent with federal “The consolidation and
to existing infrastructure for guidelines such as HIPAA, convergence of networking
remote employees, while new FEDRAMP and its emerging and security across every
software-defined wide area state counterparts, and connection allows you to
networks (SD-WANs) can help other privacy standards. It’s take responsibility off the end
expand connectivity securely, also vital to make certain user,” Allen says. “You can go
according to Gugger. that constituent privacy is to employees and say we’re
Ultimately, cloud-based a key design component simplifying security so you
technologies can unify both of connected community don’t have to remember if
security and connectivity. Secure initiatives. In Kansas City, for you have the right password
Access Service Edge (SASE) example, privacy considerations … and they can think more
represents a consolidated, involved in the city’s IoT about how they are providing
cloud-based networking deployment — which included service to citizens.”
architecture that combines license plate readers — were
both domains into a single developed and communicated Recognize that securing
solution. “By combining these, months before launch. In similar communities remains a
it really allows users to connect fashion, the Miami-Dade Public community-wide effort. The
in a secure way anywhere Library System has focused on impact of cyberthreats is
from any device,” Averill says. ensuring that its public Wi-Fi community-wide, and some
“It democratizes our ability to deployments safeguard user governments are taking steps
deploy securely everywhere.” privacy. “Privacy on a public to educate residents about
Cloud-based security will library network needs to be cyber hygiene and help protect
also shift how governments protected in the same way as their personal devices. New
approach cybersecurity protecting a patron’s reading York City, for example, created
investment, according to history,” says Ray Baker, the its own free smartphone app
Haisler. “They won’t be able to library system’s director. to alert residents when they’re
treat it as an appliance versus accessing insecure networks
a continuous investment in risk Focus on training or using unsafe applications, all
mitigation,” he says. — and simplicity. Most while assuring them the NYC
governments have Secure app collects no private
Ensure solutions meet established plans to train information about its users.
privacy standards and employees and periodically “The ability to forget you and
requirements. Connected test their resistance to your ability to be forgotten is as
government services and phishing attempts, which critical as the ability to protect
workforces must ensure should continue. However, the devices,” Bennett says.

Seizing The Opportunity

fforts to build and Broadband expansion officials and budget directors
strengthen connected remains the top planned — and then think about how
communities are use for federal stimulus technology can be used to
accelerating. For funding across all types of help achieve those goals.
many government leaders, jurisdictions, according to “Your digital strategy needs
the COVID-19 pandemic CDG survey respondents. to match those priorities, and
served as “the stroke of Network modernization, if it doesn’t, then maybe you
lightning that opened up these cybersecurity upgrades and need to look at what those
opportunities,” Cabaldon says, remote work solutions were priorities are,” Bennett says.
If the pandemic was the also highly ranked, and state Given the narrow timelines
stroke of lightning sparking governments in particular plan for applying for funding, it’s
connected community to use stimulus funding to important to move quickly,
initiatives, federal stimulus and accelerate the development of according to Cabaldon. “One
infrastructure funding represent constituent-facing applications. of the key lessons has been
what Cabaldon calls a flood To determine where to to figure out the baseline
of potential to make them a start, IT leaders should strategy and potential points
reality. “City halls are drowning consider the policy goals of connection and unleash the
in funding opportunities at and outcomes that have technology and programmatic
the moment,” he adds. been identified by elected folks to try and make it fit

How is your organization utilizing or planning to utilize federal stimulus funding for technology?

1. Expanding 2. Modernizing 3. Upgrading
broadband networks cybersecurity

instead of developing a master offices to get signals from the handbook — managing the
plan that covers everything,” private sector on the oppor- growing number of connected
he says. Those silo-breaking tunities out there and how to devices that inform and
connections are critical: navigate them.” support services, addressing
“Connect your IT and tech Together, these efforts can the digital divide issues that
folks to those other teams help governments meet an impact constituents’ lives,
from public works looking enduring part of their mission. ensuring effective work
into infrastructure funding “In some ways, this is the most environments in and beyond
to make sure you’re seeing fundamental role government government, and assuring
IT opportunities across this plays,” Cabaldon says. “It’s residents that their personal
band of funding, not just those that connectivity that creates information and the systems
principally for IT itself,” he adds. meaning and belonging, and they rely on remain secure.
It’s also important to de- the kinds of collisions that are Meeting these needs through
velop the internal capacity to necessary for entrepreneurship, the effective deployment of
forge strong private-public innovation, commerce and technology can ensure that
partnerships. “Knowing how community building.” governments will remain at
to broker opportunities is so Connectivity is also essential the center of connected
critical,” Cabaldon says. “It’s for governments to address communities for years
much more incumbent on IT the challenges outlined in this to come.


Produced by:

Government Technology is about solving problems in state and local

government through the smart use of technology. Government Technology
is a division of e.Republic, the nation’s only media and research company
focused exclusively on state and local government and education.


At Cisco Meraki, we create intuitive technologies to optimize IT experiences, secure locations, and
seamlessly connect people, places, and things. Our cloud-based platform brings together data-powered
products including, wireless, switching, security and SD-WAN, smart cameras, and sensors, open APIs and a
broad partner ecosystem, and cloud-first operations. We hope to connect passionate people to their mission
by simplifying the digital workplace — making IT easier, faster, and smarter for our government customers.
Learn more at

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