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Ayurvedic Remedies For Cough And Cold!

No matter how well you take care of yourself, everyone catches a cold or flu at some time or the other.
That’s probably the reason why it is popularly known as a ‘common’ cold. A cold on its own does not
harm the body much but it leaves you feeling weakened and suppresses the immune system. Cold  is
a viral infection and hence is usually unresponsive to antibiotics and other medication.
However, Ayurveda can help manage a cold better and speed up the recovery process.

Cough and cold can be triggered by a number of factors including a sudden drop in temperature,

exposure to dust or pollen or staying in rooms with poor ventilation. Additionally, aggravating the Kapha
dosha can also cause a cold or cough. When the food we eat is not digested properly, its turns into ‘ama’
that triggers cold or cough when it reaches the respiratory system.  Some common ayurvedic remedies
for coughs and colds are:

1. Enhance your body heat: Keeping the body warm, especially the head, throat, chest and feet, is the first
step to recovering from a cold. Drinking a cup of hot spiced tea or a glass of warm water mixed with 1
teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, a few times a day, can also
help. Spices like cumin, coriander and black pepper are considered heat generating spices and hence
should be used liberally when preparing food.

2. Vapour therapy: To recover from a cough that is accompanied by congestion, try inhaling the hot vapours
of water mixed with a little eucalyptus oil. This helps dilate the bronchial tubes and unblocks the nostrils.
Inhaling the vapours of water mixed with rock salt can help relieve heaviness in the head and a mild cold.
Simple hot water vapours itself can even be inhaled to relieve sinusitis pain. To benefit from vapour
therapy, it is essential to sit in a room without the fan on and to cover your head and the vapour source
while inhaling the steam.

3. Dhooma Paan:  Inhaling turmeric smoke is said to have an antiseptic effect on the lungs and respiratory
tract. To benefit from this therapy burn a dried root of turmeric and inhale the smoke a few times. If you
do not have access to the dried root of turmeric, place a red hot piece of charcoal with a few dried leaves
in a clay pot, add a heaped spoon of turmeric powder to this and blow gently till it catches fire before
inhaling the smoke.

5 Homeopathic Remedies To Cure Deep Chest Cough!

Come winter or even a slight change of season, and it is easy to catch a cold. With cold, it is quite
normal and natural to develop a deep chest cough. However, it is to be noted that chest cough develops
due to different reasons. Some are due to chest infections, while others are dry cough. Thus, for these
different variations of cough, different homeopathic treatments are administered. Here is a list of some of
the common types of treatments for curing deep chest cough-

1. Pulsatilla: Pulsatilla is administered to those who have a sore throat, constant irritation in the eyes
and fever. When fever is accompanied with cough and cold, it is important to treat all three symptoms,
lest it might usher in a more serious disease. Homeopathy is often described as a holistic form of
treatment. Through the medicines, the personality of the patient can be determined. For instance,
Pulsatilla is administered on those who are soft, gentle, mild and timid and who have a fear of being
abandoned and thus cling on to people.
2. Nux Vomica: Those experiencing high levels of stress and falling prey to cough and cold with a sore
throat and sharp pain while swallowing should try a dose of Nux Vomica. This is used to cure cough and
cold, which block the nose, especially at night, making it troublesome for the individual to breathe. This
might also cause blockage in the ear and sharp pains while trying to swallow food.

3. Phosphorus: At times, one experiences an extreme bout of cough that is triggered through dry throat and
coarse fever. This violent cough can be nerve wrecking at times and a relaxing remedy is preferred by
the patient as soon as possible to soothe the irritation.
4. Bryonia: This is the best medicine to treat dry cough that can be a symptom of a slowly approaching
influenza. Such coughs occurs when an individual takes a high intake of cold drinks or due to sudden
weather changes. The cough is followed by fever and dryness of the throat. It might also itch to a certain
5. Natrum Mur: It is the best treatment for a dry cough, which often causes a tingling sensation in the throat.
This sensation creates irritation and often leads to sleepless nights for the patient. There is also
presence of whitish mucus in such types of cough.
These are some of the most common types of homeopathic treatments for treating deep chest cough.
Each cough is different in nature and origin, and hence should be treated differently as per the individual

Ayurvedic Treatment For Allergic Bronchitis!

A respiratory disorder, the inflammation of the lining in the bronchial tubes, which are responsible for
carrying air to and from your lungs is known as bronchitis. Allergic bronchitis is a disorder that develops,
if you have severe allergies which result in a bronchial immune system reaction.
Allergic Bronchitis requires medical diagnosis by your healthcare provider who can differentiate the
allergic form of bronchitis from the normal form of bronchitis by searching for other symptoms related to
the allergy. Allergic bronchitis often occurs due to seasonal allergies, making it an acute condition. If you
are suffering from lingering bronchitis issues caused due to allergies, an  allergy test is recommended so
that the doctor can accurately assess the condition.
The symptoms of allergic bronchitis are similar to the regular form bronchitis. Only difference is that the
symptoms are triggered by allergies. Some of the symptoms are given below:
1. Cough which may form mucus
2. Body aches and breathlessness
3. Headaches, blocked nose and sinuses
4. Fever with chills
5. Wheezing
Over the years, Ayurvedic practitioners have prepared and prescribed a number of remedies that can
address the issue of allergic bronchitis.
Some of the Ayurvedic remedies are listed below:
Below listed remedies should be taken 3 times in a day for quick relief.
1. 2 grams of Shringyadi Churna should be taken along with 100 mg of Kaphachintamani and Kaphaketu.
2. Talisadi churna should be mixed with honey and ginger juice.
3. 2 grams of Sitopaladi Churna should be mixed with 200 mg of Praval Pisthi as well as 100 mg of Rasa
4. Haridra khand (one spoon) should be taken along with a cup of warm milk.
5. Other natural remedies, according to Ayurveda include:
1. Haldi (turmeric powder) mixed with a glass of milk
2. Juice of Vasa
3. Tulsi (Basil leaves ground to make a juice)
4. Equal quantity of black pepper, dried ginger and long pepper (piper longum) mixed with honey

Cough - Symptom, Treatment And Causes

What is Cough?
A cough is a common condition that affects people of almost all age brackets. Cough can be either chronic
or acute in nature. Coughs that are generally acute in nature lasts for a week whereas a chronic cough can
span over a month. Cough isn’t detrimental to one’s health but in some severe cases can cause
lightheadedness, vomitingand consequent nausea. Sometimes, cough can be annoying causing severe
disruption in your sleeping pattern.
Causes of Cough
It is often times difficult to pinpoint the exact reason which triggers a cough. Bodily dysfunctions such as
existing conditions (Eg. Asthma, allergies) and external reasons such as tobacco usage, acid
reflux and postnatal dripping (a condition where the sinuses produce extra mucus which drips down from
the back of the throat) may trigger such a condition. In other cases, it may appear as a symptom of more
serious diseases like upper respiratory infection, bronchitis or sarcoidosis (accumulation of inflammatory
cells in various parts of the body).
Risk factors
Having a smoking habit is one of the primary reason for chronic cough. So much so that doctors have
termed it as a separate condition called smoker’s cough. It has been found that secondhand smoke or
passive smoking also leads to cough in addition to more detrimental damages to the bronchial passage
(region comprising the lungs). Between the sexes, statistics determined women are typically more prone to
developing cough than men. A relatively more sensitive cough reflex in women has been attributed as
A casual cough is normal and to an extent even beneficial as it helps clean irritants and unwanted
secretions from the lungs and the passage of the throat. This in turn prevents infection. But having
a persistent cough can be harmful as it can lead to a plethora of associated problems. Apart from a dry and
painful throat it can lead to further maladies such as headache, sweating, dizziness and even loss of
bladder control. Although mostly in rare cases, it can even cause a person to pass out (known
as syncope in medical terms).
Diagnosis and treatment
A general physician may prescribe you oral medications and cough syrup for a standard cough. Yet a
reason for concern may arise if the condition persists even after. In such cases, the doctor will evaluate
your medical history and make you undergo imaging tests such as X-rays and CT scans. Post diagnosis
the doctor may prescribe appropriate cough suppressants or strong antibiotics to relieve your condition.
Treatable by medical professionalSelf diagnosableLab test not requiredShort-term: resolves within days to
weeksSpread through the air or contaminated surfaces
Runny noseSore throatHoarsenessShortness of breathWheezingCoughing up blood

Headaches - Symptom, Treatment And Causes

What is Headache?
Headache is the symptom of pain anywhere in the region of the head or neck. It occurs in migraines (sharp,
or throbbing pains), tension-type headaches, and cluster headaches. Frequent headaches can affect
relationships and employment. There is also an increased risk of depression in those with severe
Types of Headaches :
Headaches such as migraines, cluster headaches, sinus headaches and tension headaches are really
agonizing conditions that most of us has faced for at least once in their lives. Most of the time pounding
headaches are treated with anti-nausea and pain relieving drugs. Headaches typically cause unwanted
symptoms like nausea and vomiting and make us feel week throughout the day. When a headache occurs,
the pain originates from the surrounding tissues around the brain or the skull, since anatomically speaking
the skull or the brain itself do not have any nerves that may give rise to the sensation known as pain. Since
pain are only felt in your metabolism when there are pain fibers in that particular part of our anatomy.
Headaches can develop when and only when nerves and the thin layer of tissue that surrounds the
muscles which encases our skull, eyes, ears, sinuses becomes inflamed or irritated for a plethora of
reasons. Headaches can be sharp, dull, throbbing, intermittent, constant, intense and mild, depending on
the cause of the malady.
In the year 2013, the IHS (International Headache Society) released their latest classification system for
this malady. It was though by the experts on this disease that as so many people suffer from this agonizing
illness, and since the treatment of headaches becomes very difficult at times, it was hoped that this new
classification system will help the health-care professionals to make a more accurate diagnosis of this
disease and hence allow a more better and effective options for its treatment.
The three major categories that heads has been classified based upon the pain of source are:
 Primary headaches
 Secondary headaches and
 Facial pain, cranial neuralgias and other kinds of more typical headaches
Primary headaches includes tension, cluster and tension headaches. According to WHO (World Health
Organization) 1 out of 20 percent people across the globe suffer with daily tension headaches in their lives.
While cluster and migraine headaches affect most men and women during their puberty. Secondary
headaches are those headaches which occurs because of underlying structural problems in the head and
neck of the patients. This is a very bad kind of medical condition, which can be life threatening at times.
Hangovers, traumatic and post-concussion headaches are also included in this type.
The third type of headaches which consists of cranial neuralgia happens because of the inflammation of
any one or more of the 12 cranial nerves which originates from the brain. One typical example of these
headaches is trigeminal neuralgia, which occurs because of the inflammation of the cranial nerve V and
cause intense facial pain when it get inflamed or irritated.
Treatable by medical professionalUsually self diagnosableLab test sometimes requiredChronic: can last for
years or be lifelong
Sensation of tightness or pressure across your forehead or on the sides and back of your head.Tenderness
on your scalp, neck and shoulder muscles.Dull, aching head pain.

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