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1. Opening by the mc
Well, audience. Could we have your attention for this moment tonight? As our warm welcoming, good night, Al-Matlab. We
need your louder voice. We hope you, when we say Good Night it’s gonna your be chance to scream your powerful voice
loud. When we say “Good night” show a little bit louder with 99% energy that you have at this time. Good night, Al-matlab!
Allright My honourable audiences. Welcome in Al-matlab final speech contest 2022. And it’s gonna be the second time for
us to conduct one of biggest annual programs in our lovely boarding school.

‫س ِم هَّللا ِ ال َّر ْح َم ِن ال َّر ِح ْي ِم‬ْ ِ‫ب‬

ْ ‫سلِ ْي َن َو َعلَى َآلِ ِه َوَأ‬
‫ص َحابِ ِه‬ َ ‫ف االَنبِيَا ِء و ال ُم ْر‬ ِ ‫سالَ ُم َعلى اَش َْر‬ َّ ‫صالَةُ َوال‬ َّ ‫المين َو ال‬ َ ‫َأ ْل َح ْم ُد هلِّل ِ َر ِّب ال َع‬
‫س ْو ُل هللا‬ ُ ‫ش َه ُد اَنَّ ُم َح َّم ًدا َر‬ ْ ‫ش َه ُد اَنْ الِإلَهَ ِإالَّ هللاُ َوَأ‬ ْ ‫َأ ْج َم ِع ْي َن َأ‬
‫ح ال َعا ِرفِ ْي َن َو نَ ِّو ْر قُلُ ْوبَنَا بِ ِه َدايَ ِة‬ ‫و‬ ُ ‫ت‬ُ ‫ف‬‫ك‬َ ‫ا‬َ ‫ن‬ ‫ب‬ ‫و‬ ُ ‫ل‬ُ ‫ق‬ ‫َح‬ ‫ت‬ ْ
‫ف‬ ‫ا‬ ‫م‬ ‫ه‬ ّ ٰ ‫ ال‬, َ‫ال ٰلّهم يامقَلِّب القُلُوب ثَبتْ قُلُوبنَا َعلَى دينك‬
ِ ْ َ ْ ْ َّ ُ ِِْ َ ْ ِّ ِ َ ُ َ َّ ُ
‫اليَقِ ْي ِن اَل َح ْو َل َواَل قُ َّوةَ ِإاَّل بِاهللِ ال َعلِ ِّي ال َع ِظ ْي ِم‬

The honorable founding father of matlabus salik boarding school, therewith the respectable directors and teachers
The respectable judges
And all the excellences audiences
First of all, Let’s praise to our God the most gracious, the most merciful, the creator, and sustainer of the universe.
Peace always be upon to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided human life from the distraction into the
right way of Islam.


Good night your excellencies, Ladies and Gentleman, if you don’t even know who are we, let’s introduce our
selves firstly. I am Rasyid Indra Cahyo, me Habib Abdulloh Faqih and Me dimas okta hendriansyah. It’s an
awesome and precious chance for us. To be your Master of Ceremony Tonight on Sunday, 21 of August 2022 in
one of our great events: "AL-MATLAB FINAL SPEECH CONTEST 2022”.
2. Qira’
Excellencies ladies and gentlemen before we start our agenda tonight. To support our heart atmosphere to be
calmer. It’s gonna so much better if we listen the holy quran verses reading. So, let’s listen their amazing voice.
Will be reciting of Holy Quran by “sania and difa” the time is yours. (After reciting) thank you so much for sister
sania and difa
3. Opening program by directors
Ladies and Gentlemen stay tuned on the following agenda tonight, the advice and reminder are always needed.
That’s why, we trust on you as a good, wise and excellent adviser. Please welcome mister Barokah Miftahul
Ahsanin as the School Director for giving your brilliant welcoming speech. the time is yours. Give great applause.
(After opening) thank you so much for mister Barokah miftahul ahsanin, we hope your advice could guide us to
the better ways.
4. Welcoming the finalists
Ladies and gentlemen, here they are, after several elimination steps and some considerations. They did their limit
struggle to be able stand confidently on the stage up. So, please welcome the top grand finalist of final speech
contest 2022. Give great applause:
1. Muhammad bintang Al – Maulana from Kediri
2. Raihan Ega al yandra from Magetan
3. Ken daun ahmad Ally al huduri from Purwokerto
4. Wildan ahmad fahrozi From Malang
5. Sirru ma’nawi From Trenggalek


6. Riski ahsanil mahbubi From Tulungagung

5. Watching video

Excellencies audiences, we can see that all of the performers have given their limit struggle to compete one each
other, fairly on the stage. Fighting sporty and apply the good attitude and manner too. Don’t you imagine how hard
their struggle before standing up the stage. How many times they did the practice? And how they can negotiate
themselves with their daily obligation. Well, excellencies audience. I feel so much curious how they could be here
confidently. Well, than we just having curious. Let’s watch how they did their scramble several weeks ago. Let’s
enjoy the video.
6. Judges intro
Ladies and gentlemen, I am sure that both of you all are quite curious with our excellency’s judges. previously,
we’d like to thanks so much for all of the respectable judges, who came and join in one of our biggest annual
agenda tonight. Well, excellencies audiences. Now, we’ll introduce you all.
From the first respectable judge. Give great applause for mister harminto budi Susilo from al matlab boarding
Next to him, give great applause for mister ….. from ……
And last respectable judge, from …. Give great applause for mister …
Previously, we had like to thank for all of committee team who have supported and help to prepare all of the
necessary preparations for this event.
Well, ladies and gentlemen. Now we arrived to the awaited part of tonight. The performances show of the finalist.
By the way, I’ve a little news leak. That one of our finalists tonight, which his age and his grade is the youngest
one. He competes himself with others older and have more experiences.


Excellencies audiences. We could look at them, they’d been already prepared themselves for their performance
tonight. After not only once or twice of practicing, but it’s more than for just a dozen times, long of day and night.
Full of confident and all of preparation and also graduated from the elimination. And now, on 21 August, 2022 is
gonna be our turn to take join in.
7. Junior performs
Ladies and gentlemen, as the unveiling of the performance. Please welcome, from Kediri regency, Muhammad
Bintang Al Maulana. give great applause
What a show from Bintang. I’m proud of him, cause why? In the age of him, confidently he could state his speech
on the audience-crowded stage. Well, we still have to observe, how the next performer will show his best on the
stage. Well, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, from Magetan regency, Raihan Ega Al yandra. give great
It could be considerations and valuation for the judges and may be also for the audience. We can’t put him down
after his performance because we know well that his performance is quite great. By the way, we still have last
performance from junior high school grade. It’s his time to show his result after his struggle on his dozen practice.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, from Purwokerto regency, Ken daun alliy Al huduri. give great

8. Mc exchange

All right Ladies and Gentlemen, those are all of the boy’s junior high school grade performance. Well, we’ve more
interested performance others. Excuse, me. Anah and frisya? Are you ready to stand on the stage? While we’re
waiting, little information for you all, after several minutes forward, we’ll show you all the finalists performances
from the girl students. And here they are as the master of ceremony, the most graceful girls, so please welcome,
umi fathanah and frisya rahma ahadina. Give great applause. Night girls

[Girls MC come to the stage] night, too. Thank you so much. You know, it’s will be so much expensive experience
for us.

[boys welcome with little conversation] the time and the stage now are yours. How do you feel tonight?

[girls mc] I’m fine, I’m good, we did it well

[boys mc] we’d like to please you to guide the audiences on the agenda tonight well.

[girls] We’ll do our best. And once more. For the excellencies masters of ceremony of the speech contest 2022,
thank you so much for giving me precious chance to be the master of ceremony tonight. Well, the excellencies
audiences, previously, we think we need to introduce us our selves. If you don’t even know, who are we. My name
is umi fathanah and me frisya rahma ahadina, will guide you to watch the speech performance tonight
9. Welcoming girl finalists
Ladies and gentlemen, here they are, after several elimination steps and some considerations, they did their limit
struggle to be able stand confidently on the stage up. Please welcome the top grand finalist of English speech
contest. Give great applause:
1. Nama peserta
2. Nama peserta
3. Nama peserta

10. Girls performances

Excellencies audiences. We could look at them, they’d been already prepared themselves for their performance
tonight. After not only once or twice of practicing, but it’s more than for just a dozen times, long of day and night.
Full of confident and all of preparation and also graduated from the elimination. And now, on 21 August, 2022 is
gonna be our turn to take join in.


Ladies and gentlemen, as the unveiling of the performance. Please welcome. (nama peserta pertama) give great

What a show from (nama peserta pertama). I’m proud of him, cause why? In the age of him, confidently he could
state his speech on the audience-crowded stage. Well, we still have to observe, how the next performer will show
his best on the stage. Well, ladies and gentlemen, plese welcome. (nama peserta kedua) give great applause

It could be considerations for the judges and may be for and also for the audience. We can’t put him down after his
performance because we know well that his performance is quite great. By the way, we still have last performance
from junior high school class. It’s his time to show his result after his struggle on his dozen practice. We, ladies
and gentlemen, please welcome. (nama peserta ketiga) give great applause

11. Mc exchange

Well, those all of the girl student finalists performance. Once more, thank you so much for the master of the
ceremony who gave us the chance to show our performance tonight, if we did a lot of the mistakes, we ask you
deepest apologies for us. And we’ll deliver back to you. Thank you!

[girls mc] well excellencies audiences, let me ask you a question. Anybody knows where is the boys master of
ceremony? Hello, our time’s up guys

[boys] Hello, we’re here. Wow, it’s totally amazing performance.

[girls] we just show our best. Surely, they shew the performances after long time practicing

[boys] exactly. Well girls, now we please you to back relax on the seat. Thank you so much for the time

[girls] literally, we should be thankful to you. Well, we’ll give the running of the agenda back tonight to you.
Thank you so much. [lanjut meninggalkan panggung]


12. Boys mc come to the stage

Wow, What the show! can you distinguish both of them? All of them are look so confident with their performance.
They could deliver their speech fluently in front of countless audiences. We hope they can inspire others to
develop their spirit for being the finalist at the next event.

13. Watching video

Well, excellencies audiences. Had you ever known, in 2020, our boarding school was reported by one of the most
popular newspapers in java island as the winner of radar Kediri school contest. And also, in 2019, our boarding
also reached the 3rd champion from the equivalent of east java regency. And I still remember in last year, from our
boarding school, there were several of students reached the champion in EnJe speech contest, especially as the
favorite champion. Well, excellencies audiences, here we’ll show, the recap of the achievement that al matlab
reached in speech competition. Let’s enjoy the video. [after video] wow, it’s making so much proud for our
boarding Scholl.

14. Guest speaker

You know what. Our boarding school has a student who could be the icon of speech in our boarding, With his
British accent. I doubtless that several of the audiences know well who is the student that we’re talking about. Or
may be both of the audiences still unsure to guess who is the student? Well, for all of you who don’t know who is
the student we’re talking about. Please welcome ilham Ramadhan aghifari. The time is yours. Give great applause.
[after perform] thank you so much brother ilham.

15. Senior performance

Well, ladies and gentlemen, and also respectable judges. We’ve seen already all the finalist either from the boys or
girls, from the junior high grade. But we still have another finalist with the higher ability, higher capacity of
mastering the language and surely with higher experience also. Their ability can’t be doubted one more time. So,


without any deviation more. As the beginning of the senior high school grade. He came from Tulungagung
regency. With the iconic glasses, please welcome Riski Ahsanil Mahbui, give great applause

Absolutely, we can see right? That the experience of the performer so much influence while he is standing up on
the stage. I’m sure, if one of us wanna do the practice and explore more the knowledge, we can reach what we
wanna be. Exactly it’s really needed to be what we wanna be. And I’m quite curious with the next finalist. Really?
The next finalist, will show his greatest result after long-long time doing the practice. Please welcome, from the
Malang regency, Wildan Ahmad Fahrozi, give great applause

I think we need learn more because you know, all the performances have performed so great and absolutely
excellent. Yeah, that’s right. Somehow, we have to do it. Well, the excellencies audiences. Now it’s gonna be the
for the last finalist. As the closing show, surely, it’s will be great also. All right, ladies and gentlemen, please
welcome, from Trenggalek regency, Muhammad sirru ma’nawi, give great applauses

16. Judges evaluate

Thank you so much for all of the finalist who had shown us your best performance. And I’d like to please you to
listen well up on your seat for the judge’s evaluation section. (peserta gaperlu naik)

Well, it’s will be so much better if we put our attention to the judges note delivering. We hope deeply the
evaluation of our weakness, for the finalist, audiences, master of ceremony, committee and all of every detail part
who joined in al matlab final speech contest 2022. And for supporting us to be better. The time is for your. [after
delivering] thank you so much for all the judges, therewith the constructive evaluation.

17. Champions announce

Allright Ladies and Gentlemen, at a glance we know well how they push their self at the limit struggle. Numbers
of the practice days and night. And how great they are, they don’t leave their daily obligation as the formal student.
And we had seen with our own eyes the result from what they did several weeks ago on the stage. And we’ve seen


together, the great performance from the finalist. After the great battle of al matlab final speech contest 2022
competition. At this time will be the most crucial moment, because it so much settle who will be the highest
winner of the contest tonight. To the respectable judges, we please you to announce the champions of al matlab
final speech contest 2022.

18. Judges announce the champions (optional)

If the time limited  just let the judges announce at the seat. The time is for you.

If the time still enough  for the respectable judges, we please you to stand on the stage to announce who will be
the winner from the contest tonight. The time and the place are yours  (setelah juri mengumumkan) thank you so
much for the respectable judges, we please you to back on your seat.

19. Closing

Congratulation to brother (para juara) we sure-enough proud of you. I truly believe that you did the best tonight.
We’ve known the obstacle how they could be as the title holder of al matlab final speech contest 2022. As the
winner we hope you so much to always and always be humble and be yourself. Because the title champion is just a
formally title that written your name there, but your manner is the real tittle of yourself. Better manner will show
better self-champion title. And for you who had not reach your expectation at this moment, don’t be worry, we still
have another chance in the next time. Keep your spirit always burning.

Well, the excellencies audiences, the whole chain of our agenda tonight had run completely well. As the closing,
we hope you all tonight and for the moment forward to keep your spirit up, to learn, to reach more knowledge and
to explore good vibes experience.
Thank you so much for all excellencies’ audiences, supporting-committee, respectable judges, the finalists, guest
star and invited guests. For those all of our mistakes, we ask your deepest apologize for us. Hope to see you again
in the next contest next year. See you


Finally we say “wassalamualikum warahmatullahi wr.wb”



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