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Related Equipment 341 Notation vessel surface area, ft? surface area of coil required, A? specific heat of coil or vessel contents, BTUMb/ F D,. de=centerlne diameter of coi, (in) 1D, =inside diameter of vessel. ft D,. B, =ODAD of pipe. thd ODID of pipe. in. E=enthalpy, latent heat of evaporation, BEUMb f= friction ctor aninar flow factor te of flow or quanti cooled, fbr CTD = greatest temperature difference, °F 1 Succeleration due to gravity, 4.17 10 fhe? by hy=film coefficients, BTU APF ermal conductivity of pipe, BTUstr-A®°Fin inimum required length of coil, ft leveloped length of coil f LTD Sleast temperature difference. °F M-=ass flow rate, hr N=number of turs in coil NBS =nominal pipe size of coll in P p=pitch of col, in. otal heat required, BTUA eat loss From vessel shell, BTUAht nit heat loss, BTU/hr Reynolds number external pipe surface area, f? Specific grvity of liquid ime requited ta heat or cool the vessel contents, he all thickness of pipe, in {)=coll temperature, “F nitial temperature of vessel contents, °F nal temperature of vessel contents, “F t transfer coeflicient, BTU f°F velocity in coi. fesec Vp volume of vessel contents, I Specific volume, equal to inverse of density, IAv lb W=rate of lows, Ibyhe w=density, yi? ressire drop. pst eaight-line pressure drop, psi og mican temperature difference, °F incosty, of liquid to be heated or ternal pressure in coil, psig r v v DESIGN OF HELICAL COILS Helical Coil with Baffles and Agitators | ‘pee = Caution Span zone on a hot coll may cause or aces ane oamie ei Ue 342 Pressure Vessel Design Manual Calculations Solving for Heat Transfer Coefficient, U Gas tim hy The value of U can be taken from the various tables or calculated as follows: Heating Applications A Heating mosis (© Determine mass flow rate, M. M = 62465, © Determine 0 cr LID GTD-LTD ¢ Heat required, Q. = MC) aT +O. © Arca required, A, Q Gat he ‘© Asan alternative, compute the time required, T we,CTD “AUaT Cooling Applications P100086 tig oy sto 10 w | oaing mes ® © Cooling applications are equivalent to “heat | types of applications. Only the “parallel” type is shown. ¢ Determine mass flow rate, M. | M=624c8, © Determine AT. ¢ Heat required, Q. | | Q=Mo, are, recovered, © Area required, A, Q Wat # Av an alternative, compute the time required, T. Coil Sizing © Make first approvinare selection of nominal pipe size, NPS, z 3 a F ‘© Check minim centerline ruins, B R > 1ONPS 4 Select w pitch of nil, p. Note: Pitch should be 2 to 5 x NPS, Vee Determine the number of turns required, N. Yony +p Use N © Developed length, Ly are Subtract heat losses to atmosphere from heat to be | Related Equipment 343 Reynolds Number © For steam heating coils. 1. Given Q, determine the rate of flow, W: Q 2 Reynolds number, B, 631w # For other liquids and gases. 1. Find velocity in coil, V: 0.0509WVs v © Find R, critical For coils, the crtieal Reynolds number is a funetion of the ratio of pipe diameter to coil diameter, computed as fol lows ner = anan( 2) “he tl Royle a fo orc Turbuiont Figure 6-30, Various How regimes. 02s For other Bui and gues 2 a. 1 fw is lina, i Tana fow ‘ore! int 0000003361. 100 Re ap, = Sommer AP= APUFis) Tuan ». For turbulent flow, coh b ‘ 0 reo“ **Zoa0 +500" 8600 omois nber 5 a, ‘Sample Problem 1 5 3 ; S01 Scam 4 x0 ° cr “é ® 000" #500 2000 Figure 631. Pressure drop factors for How-through coils. Fem ASME “Transaction Joumal of Basic Engineering, Voluma 81,1969, p. 126. Pressure Drop © IF steam is the beating medium, the pressure drop of | condensing steam is; ‘The units are as follows; {20.021 for condensing steam Kaien feet, Viein he isin Bisint < Heating Coil: Steam to Oil 4 Batch process «© No agitation (other than natural circulation). Coil material = carbon steel. «# Properties. Steam: V,=67 E=912 015 ot op = 042 S, = 0.89 Vessel: 8-ft diameter x 30-ftan-tan Liquid height = 15 ft ‘Volume to liquid height: 700 f° =5237 gallons ‘Temperatures: ty = 00°F ty = 60°F y= 20°F Tetime to heat = 1 hr ¢ Log mean temperature difference, OT. a (GD) => 2a) = 100 save(ir) 29% © Quantity of liquid to be heated, G. For atch process: C 001° hr © Mass flow rate, M. M = 62.405, = 62.4(700)0.89 = 98,875 lb/hr © Heat required, Q. (pT +Q,=98.675(0.42)160+0 12.-413BTU hr ¢ Heat transfer coefficient, U. U = frum Table 6.20; 50-200 {rom Table 6-21: 2 from Table 6-22 9560 by calewlation: 10-180 Area of coil required, A, Q__ 2.612.513) 408 1 ‘AT ~ -40(160) " 4 Determine the physical dimensions of the col Use, pipe 4 Pipe properties. Assume Sin, Sch 80 pipe, Related Equipment 4) =29in, o2aiTte o.16 ie ft © Length of pipe required, L, | Ar _ 408 30916 ‘© Check minimum radius 4458 D, 2 Pes od, = Be tod, > 103) = 36 > 30 1¢ Determine pitch, p. INPS = 5(3) = NPS = 263) Use p=2.5(3 © Find number of tums of spiral, N. oe VERO +0. 2350 Use (24) tums x 7.5in, = 180in.—OK, ‘© Find actual length of coll. Ly L=NnfeDo? +p ufrorroms | te of fine, Ww Q_ 2.812.413 E a2 86 ft L = 2864 lb/hr # Reynolds number, Ry # Velocity of steam in coil, V. 00085WY, _0.00085(2864)6.7 (oS = 1.94 t/see= 6952 A/he Pressure drop, OP. LAV? __ 2(0.01248646984") AP = Zep, ~ Hd.AT x 10590: 1.88 pst 348, 346 Pressure Vessel Design Manual Sample Problem 2 Proce ee oy a GTO) LTD ng no : wate”) e Cooling appleton: Pratl fw Process fluid: ‘Hot oil (vessel contents) Cooling medium: Water (eal content) Vessel ndoors Qn Discharge rater SOODGPHL hata Yes Baffles: ‘Yes Dyn i2ht D.=8a7h ts . ; zon Properties. Process fluid 0.42 H=13@ OF Goil medium 75 @ 90°F Temperatures n=lorr ‘© Log mean temperature difference, Ot cr =80 n= 40— LTD = ty ty = 110-90 = 20 (GTD-LTD __ 80-20 2S'8\ Crp *8\20, «Ma fore oo (0912) 240 be © Heat required, Q Q=MC,AT~Q, =24,990(0.42)3 — (51,319 BTU/hr (© Heat transfer coefficient, U. U = from Table 6-22: 10 — 20 Use U=I5. 8 Area of coil required, Ay 1,319 . A fay = TOOK ‘© Determine baffle sizes. Baffle width, B = 0.083D = 12in. Off wall, B= 0.021D = Bin. ‘© Determine the physical dimensions of the coi Dy _ 144 Nps = 2 8 = a nas Use 4-in, pipe, # Pipe properties Assume 4-in, Sch 80 pipe: 4 = 3.826in. D,= 03188 S= 1.178 RR Determine coil diameter, D,. Dy = M4 — 2(15) — 2(8) = 98in. (B17 FE) Length of pipe required. Ly Check mininaum radius os > 10(4.5) = 49 > 45 Determine pte, p Pog NPS = 544) = 20 Pai Use p= 2514) = 10in, = 08338 Find! number of turns of spiral, N. 55 ep? Ves + 085 216 Use (22) tarus x {Oin. = 220in, < 240in, —OK Find actual length of coll, Lae Lo= Nya tpt Rolated Equipment 347 © Rate of flow, W. W = 24,9901 /hr 8 Velocity, V. © Reynolds number, R. 123.94 Wi 123,9(3.826)1.4 a D.0161(0.75) Therefore flow is turbulent! 1 Straight-line pressure drop. AP, ap, 3.83662.) Pressure drop. AP. psi 348 Pressure Vessel Design Manual cea roneel pea mene, ‘Size(in.) | Schedule | 4, (in) Dict) ‘(fm ‘Medium Film Coetficient, he or ty coal aston loo ae ae 1 oss s aes Tar —_ = oie to fants 8 | cap ene oo = ows | 8 A Es oa = rosario a irae 7 - ars a5 Tr eee ible a 2 0 é [one are = oem er ie ica ia ego aoe leaeoeieiee cm SHS io = ; um | [E oes [Cone i coe ba asm tena ; 7 one ferns cer ase fe =e ae ae ee awe Coan sea ‘meas [aoe | oar oar Benzene 022 039) 056 Soe [wwe | a | aes [oar ne [aoe [ew ae] oar ene [ane | Tons] ae ae See [looser] eee Butane 0.1623 0.375 0.455 0.81 pe [cane [cow oe | om oN ee al oat [ar Related Equipment 349 Table 615 “raat Conduct Mall K, BTU 29 Fi. - Temperature, °F cai mo [0 [ae [| | mm | om] me | om ‘un Too awww | 18 | vaee | vere | wee | tesa | two] ate [ uc wea [tase teas | vaso | tore | sae | rare | Alum—1100 tempered “1476 1464 1482, 1440 1416 1416 1416 — ene -T8 wooo | eee [tame | vase | toea || tose Caton aol a Mo we | se | ef ee [eo | oo | me | ae Te |e] ee | | ae | ee | oe | oe | me 2% Cr-1Mo- ‘300 288 276 276 264 264 252 EE) SCr—}Mo_ 2 252 252 252 240 240 240 240 228 228 1 ee] 100] 10] moe ftw | we |e |e fre-oss We [eee eee | 25-20 SST 4 101 107 "4a 120 132, 182 144 a | Admiralty brass “ea0. 900 948 1008 1068, Naval brass 852 888 928 960 906 Z seco aco | ae] oe [ws | sme | sm | ome | oe | we cra zu [ze | 20 |e | ae | am | oo | oe | eo 7060-308 Ee one veo | 100] we [we | ee | ae | me | ms | me Nickel 356 52 396 oe oe | 88 238 we we | Tocnalienoy we [we [nef mo | wo] we [me | we | tm Tam wf ess | ves es 350 Prassure Vessel Design Manual Table 616 Properties of Steam and Water Sara Sea wae PAPSIG) Temp. ("F) Va (FPA) E(BTUMb) | x (centipolse) | Temp. (°F) Va (fen) | (centipotse) et Ll 78 7 a ve vee oom | 73 is 5 ove ise _ a -| we tH 2 28 ves 3018 72 as oT aes [eae [0 os 8 28 a. | -F O76 40 287 8 920 oo | 100 0.0161 068 % 28 e ore 0018 200 o0%8e 8 a a [0 ee veo ose 38 o0r8 00 ooirs | ore es oss 32 coi? %@ a i art oor wo | cone | ara 200 ot 2 or core 20 408 175, oy ‘0018 | — | . t able 6-17 eee Material issaeen een ry er 1 wa Light oi 042 55.5 waaton ous [eee oe | ess | Bunker "C” 0.96 oa 599 ‘erwioi | 086 a nD Taraspat a oa] aa a 02 1 ‘Molten parattin 09 0.62 — Related Equipment Table 6-18 viscosity of Steam and Wate, in centipise, * reali [pce ag | toe (ae “oa | zoo | su0 | 1060] 3000] SoGG | Tio Tean6 | T2008 pain | pela | pain | pala | pate pee | pee | ote | pats | pole | pois | pala | pale | pala (atest aaa | 0667 | 02a | oes | ors | o2ss are | osoe | ort | aco | 007e leatated water | 0010 | o010 | oor | aore | core or | oors | oor | are | oazs 0 oe | oott | ots | oot | ost doer | ooss | aoee | aoe | 0012 | ode | cous | ose | 0050 eso 0H | cote | a4 | 0000 | 0080 2010 | oo | 0040 | ace | oot | 0043 | cous | 047 | 019 400 a2 | cox | ove | 0039 | oom ‘0009 | 0088 | 0099 | 0080 | 0010 | core | aos | coer | 0009 80 ‘cae | cose | 038 | ose | oo fase | o0ee | 008 | onas | ocse | cost | oow | cow | oot 1200 ‘oasr | csr | oar | oosr | oor esr | aoa? | o0a7 | oos7 | ocss | cove | o0es | cous | 008 250 ‘2cas | oss | ocas | o0ss | 0.005 oss | 0088 | ocoe | aeae | oar | one | aor | ooss | oes 200 cat | 0004 | 003 | 0004 | ose bast | 0084 | oaas | cas | one | 003s | cost | 0015 | cove iso ax | oe | oa | 0094 | ose am | doe | oaae | aot | onse | oos7 | aot: | oss | oom 100 ae | ooaz | cow | oose | ocse one ass | oes | acat | ocar | oom | o0ss | o0s0 1080 ‘get | ovat | ost | cos: | 0.001 oot ze | aoe | ocxs | 000s | ooo | ooer | oose 1900 020 | aose | oso | 00% | oca0 000 020 | aoa | cox | oass | aos | 0049 | ooss 50 0029 | aazs | cas | o02 | 0.020 020 faze | ane | cca: | oass | aoe | oxse | o0se ‘00 ooze | ooze | cae | cas | onze 0028 ooze | asze | ocze | oass | aoes | 0.57 | 00s 50 0026 | 02s | ze | 0s | 002s over eer | aser | ooce | mss | oose | ocee | oor ‘00 ‘0028 | oczs | oes | 000s | 002s 0028 028 | axe | ocz7 | amv | aose | oor | oo7s Iso ‘ves | oae | ooze | ooze | ones 02a 02s | oes | onze, | o0s7 | aor | 0078 | oot foo 0029 | aces | 002 | 002 | 0029 ea 02s | oes | oaae | oar: | aor | o.0ws | ose eso vee | acze | ooze | coz | ooze ooze 02s | aces | ozea | oare | aves | o00e | cove ‘00 oat | oes | aces | coz | 00a zi cet | acer | a087 | ooo: | aces | 0101 | o10e Iso ‘0920 | aczo | azo | 0020 | 0020 ceo 020 | cei | 0085 | 0101 | as | 109 | ona oo 019 | aor | core | cota | 0019 org aore | 0109 | 010s | ox | arse | ons | orza [480 core | oor | oor | aoe | 017 017 onss | ore | otra | ozs | oz | oat | ors, lao dove | oars | oo | oors | 0018 owe ovat | are | ase | ose | ors | oer | 0180 [0 ais | oors | oor | ors | oors ons orgs | ost | oes | 0160 | ores | ores | arr ‘0 oor | oor | oor | oors | oor one ones | oxee | 0185 | 0190 | ose | 0198 | a2or 50 013 | oor | oors | oor | 0019 zee zea | ozz0 | o23t | 0208 | o2se | ozee | ones fo pore | acre | ante | oor | 0200 300 aot | oaot | o2¢0 | 020s | aato | oars | oste so for | aor | 0427 | o4z7 | o2ar oar oazr | eee | 0420 | oaar | case | o4sr | 0409 oo a0 | o2e0 | sao | 0680 | ose0 680 0880 | o¢e0 | o6#0 | ose: | cate | ones | acea lo ave | 1299 | 1290 | 1200 | 1.200 tam | 1299 | tase | 198 | 1296 | 1200 | t28e | a270 | 1.275 lee [rsa | 1780 | 1750 | 1759 | 1.750 rsa | v7se | s.rs1 | x40 | 1705 | o755 | 170s | 1700 | 1705 ‘eles dec below ndescorea wscostos ae fr walt Cea poe ‘epiod by pemisin by Cane Co, Techical Paper No. 410 Table 6-19 Heat Loss, O,, BTUMeAE F - Wind at ‘Surface ‘Sti Ar | _1mph 20 mph Uninsuiated 18 a 52 60 Tin ineuiaon | __018 02 om [ein sation oF oie | aeeoul Uninslated 2a + 7 100 Tn. nsulaton| 078 02 021 o2t in meulaton | om on ont on Uninsutated 27, a 6a 7a 200: Trin. ineulaion | O18 oar | ome 02 | t = 7 5 i ie Bin ineuiaton | on | Ot 34 on | 352 Pressure Vessel Design Manual Tobie 6-20 Heat Teanslr Cotican, STUN AE T ‘State of Controlling Resistance Ful ving up Haat | Fuld Recevng Haat cam] Rea is 25-80 180-200 Water ae 510 20-60 on us on I 210 Woterto Ar j Ex 2-160 Water ee 20 25-60 ow Usui I 0 "hte Water os cy oe 26 Gao Seam Boing Und wa 10 ‘Gas o oing Wate | 0-200 70-800 Stem to Water | ews | 10-00 20-80 Steam io OF Condensing Vapor (oes v2 210 Steam to A 0-200 Steam io Water | pot tinss oe — Sauce: W.H NeAaane, Ha! Taremision, McGraw Hil Beok Ca. re, 1902 epnted by nemstonby Gran Ca, Teel Paper No.1 et 1 Coir uss tung rts savin 2 Mastrum ves of abouks bo ued oly whon voc of Susi igh an concen 6 seng i consired naga, 5. ‘Nau comector apps lo pipe cots treareas kus undo Sia eorilon {1 “Ford comvstor ost ote nerd nid at ae les move ema By mechanical moans fd ow. ‘the aeognorshoudbe awa alana rela ll oem tho Matng mode one the col sted on. Ts ratura ckeuaton eto because wh lorcet ‘relson, wich lore 0 “egal” Teble 621 oot Tans Got, 6TUNC . ‘Heating Medium eee 150# Steam TT 10# Steam ‘180°F Water [nana oe 0, 1307 2B 7% 7 in ew ig aon © © 2 Ghee. pve 108F @ —s a Toluene, 80°F EJ - 475 425 itonao 100F 7 ry 2 Wate hoo 7 2 ee Wes so 60F 7 2 Var bang 7 oz Wat hr 160F 1 00 Related Equipment 353 Table 6-22 Heat Tansler Coefficient, U, BTUMes

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