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NAME: Felipe custódio da Silva NUMBER: 04 CLASS: 2°A

I Love you teacher is the best in the world


Take a look at the following situations. Based on the readings and the
discussion you have had with your classmates, write what you think our
government and the community should do in the following cases.

Case 1

Aduviri is a young Bolivian boy

who goes to school. You know
that, because he is a foreigner, his
family doesn’t have the same legal
rights as others Brazilians do.
From the things he shares with his
classmates, you know that his life
is miserable and that other
foreigners are abusing his family.

The Aduviri boy's right to be a normal student does not give the right of
others to "tease" his personal life with his family. School staff and students,
could sympathize with this boy, in a matter of study, help him in any way he
can, and about his personal life, if he really needs help with, clothes and
food, sympathize with a good donation , coming from a charitable
community. government should be more aware of the issue of immigrants
coming to the country. These immigrants arrive in the country, needing
housing and a favorable job to cover the costs at home, and never leave the
foreigners aside.
Case 2

Aini is from Egypt. She is a

Muslim who is enchanted by the
things Brazilian women are free to
do. Her Family is very strict and
uses radical methods to keep her
away from new friends at school.
This is causing her difficulty to
relate to peers not only to
socialize in school, but also in
more serious situations. For
instance, when she needs to do
group work outside the school.

When the issue involves the person's religion and culture, this can be very
complicated even with the person, because in addition to the discrimination that
this girl may suffer, for being a Muslim, and another part of society, she may be
wanting to be sociable with her. Every human being has the right to be free,
regardless of everything. The admiration she feels for Brazilians, is a life she
always wanted to have for her. So with that, it also fits, with the government, to
show solidarity with this family, to know what the family needs for these
foreigners. And the school could also talk to this family, to know why they
cannot socialize with other people, to know what they really need for their
Case 3

Chung Hee is a Korean boy who

is very aggressive. Everybody
has the impression that he is
physically abused at home, due
to his behavior and to some
bruises on his body. He is
constantly reprimanded at
school, due to his atitude, but his
emotional problems seem to
stem from conflicts outside the

About the boy Chung, what he will need most is a psychologist, an assistant
professor indicated for this branch. This way that he is used to, being an
imperative child, and with bruises on his body, can cause trauma to his personal
life, and in society. At school, branch employees should call their parents to talk
about the Chung boy, to know about his daily life, about everything. The
students could sympathize with him, try to get involved, and adapt with him, and
not be afraid. The government itself, to show solidarity like the school, talk and
help them with the financial income and health of the boy Chung

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