Science (Task 2)

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When I was reading the article, I’ve seen different issues on the overall structure of the article, which
can be seen in grammatical usage and tone that makes me doubt if it was legitimate information or not.
At first, I think it was just like the previous article I’ve seen as I search for this task, but as I read again
the whole article, I keep doubting some parts of the article, especially on the key points and descriptive
paragraphs, such as “Constellation determines the probability of an event to occur”, which is really gave
me doubt that it can be misleading information. Then after some specifications about the things I read
on the specific article, I realized that the article I’m reading was fake news. As I found out that the
article, I’m reading was linked to misleading information, I’ll conduct further research as I make sure and
perform the task. In reading some legitimate information about the constellation and figuring out what
I’ve learned in the previous lesson I attended, I’ve really seen a huge difference between the malicious
article to the legitimate information. Through this, I confirm that the malicious article was fake news. As
I now confirm that the article was fake, let's grind the context of the article through the use of scientific
explanation and facts. First, let's look at the title of the article, the article has the title “Three
constellation facts that you should believe before the world denied it all”, which is practically catchy for
the people who most likely don't have an idea about constellation at all. In addition to the detail of the
title, which is indicated, we can already say that there was something wrong with the title as it uses the
words “believe before the world denied it all”. As this task was dedicated to the Science subjects, we
would no longer talk about the title, instead, we would focus on scientific reasoning on why the article
can be classified as fake news. Let’s look to the first part of the context of the article, which has a
heading of Constellation determined and affect the natural phenomenon characteristics and traits. In
the context of the topic, we can understand that the author of the article explains and emphasizes that
the constellation makes an effect, which we can see and find out as something questionable. Also, the
author added, that the constellation affects the natural cycle including natural phenomena such as
weather, fog, thunder, tornadoes, and earthquake in terms of intensity, quantity, and probability. After
understanding the topic, I found the topic misleading it’s because it’s something pretty obvious that the
constellation and our environment including climate would not change at all. After all, as we all know
constellation is just an imaginary compilation and notation of the stars, and it is also obvious that the
only thing the constellation can affect our environment was through their appearance on our sky during
the night. Lastly, even we can consider our nearest star, the sun affects our environment by being a
source of energy, still, the constellation of the stars is very far from our planet to bring radiation. As I
make sure that the things, I’ve said were true, I’ve visited different websites, which talk about this topic.
Based on articles of legitimate sites from and, they said that that
constellation information is false and misleading because just likely I said they are all imaginary notation
of stars and they too far from us. So now, we can say that constellations are nothing to do about our
environment and climate, just imagine they are decorations in the sky every night. Next, we will go to
another portion of the article. In the second heading after the first one we saw, we can see the title
“Constellation affects the climate of the planet. ”. Just like the first one we have seen, it’s also talks
about the effect of the constellation on the climate of our planet. But as addition and supporting detail
from the first topic, it’s concluded that the constellation affects the increasing risk of climate change,
and it also emphasizes that we humans are not the only ones who affect climate change. Also, the
articles show strong expressions of evidence by using unspecified people and groups, but still, it doesn’t
give any proof or evidence to support their claim about the topic they indicating. For those reasons, I
found out the second point was also misleading information about the constellation. It’s because it
seems that the context of the topic of the second heading was being related to the first one, we have
discussed earlier. As we remember from earlier, we defined that the constellation doesn’t do anything
to do about our environment including our climate. So, discussing the constellation as one of the
reasons for increasing climate change would be out of context discussion. Like from my answers from
the previous, the answer would be the same, the constellation of the stars was really far to give any
climate affecting factor to our planet, such as heat and etc. Also, to be more specific, climate change was
occurred due to different human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuel, pollution, and extensive
economic expansion without considering the proper method. So, through those reasons of having a
climate change, how even close enough the star constellation they would not affect our climate unless
they would not burn us. Now, we would go to the last portion of the article. The third portion of the
article has the title “Constellation determines the probability of an event to occur”. We all know that the
constellations are related to different psychological beliefs, such as predictions and myths, which other
people use for being a psychic, especially in the provinces. Based on the last portion of the article,
they’ve explained how experts and research groups, find out and learned how a specific constellation
affects the probability and the possibility of things to be happen. Also based on the article, they
explained experts discovered babies who are born on the existing or dominant constellation facing the
planet, such as Orion, Leo, Draco, and Cancer are the ones to be most likely to be successful in terms of
career and educational background, which something mind-blowing to hear, but still, they haven't
shown any proofs and data that proves this claim. Also, as they continue to give another supporting
detail to the first example of the topic, they include that there was a specific constellation which most of
its appearance to the earth was the most likely a phenomenon to happen, which is also a mind-blowing
inclusion on the topic. In checking and evaluating those information and supporting detail to the topic, I
can also describe these as misleading information, because based on my overall experience of seeing
and knowing about the constellation on the skies, I can say that application constellation on the
probability and prophecy of different events and things are not accurate and legitimate enough to give a
dependable prediction, especially on the example they’ve used. As I repeat, we should all remember
that the constellation we’re not real and purely imagination notation of the stars on our sky, so using it
on fortune and probability would be a lie. Also, in addition, to clarify those statements by the author of
the last portion of the article are fake and misleading, I research and specified furthermore information
about how constellation is related to the probability of an event to occur. Based on the articles that
come out, they prove that constellations are doesn’t have to do about the probability of an event to
happen, because they said that there wasn’t a scientific basis and reasoning for this. Also, they explain
that the reason for the constellation being used for prediction is just a belief on observation from the
early civilizations, which spread and keep roaming even now. Lastly, I found out the last portion of the
article was fake because the overall implementation and context of the article was doesn’t really shown
a clear specification on the things that should be specifically detailed.

Conclusion: We can say and describe the overall article as misleading and fake because it was lacking in
terms of scientific proofing, explanation, and arrangement of structure of the context, which show a
clear sign of being fake news and misleading content that we cannot all deny. But still through the use of
legitimate information and scientific knowledge with the proper reasoning we can identify if the article
was fake. So, in terms of reading articles, we should all be responsible and intelligent to prevent the
spread of fake news, especially at this time when most people are on the internet

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