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Mones, Ardrian E.

Materials needed:

cellophane sheet, paper glue, colored paper, bamboo stick, thick thread, glue stick, glue gun,

Plan: I would make a simple Christmas Lantern.

- December - 15

- December - 17

- December – 19



In December 15, I would buy the materials I would need for the creating of Christm as lantern. In
December 17, I would make the foundation of the Christmas Lantern with the help of one of my
family members. In December 19, I would wrap the bamboo foundation with the materials


- First, I would make the bamboo’s foundation to make the body of the Christmas lantern. The first
step is to combine two bamboo stick together by using rubber band or a thick thread. Then, repeat
the process to make a single star. After that, I would make another star, and put it to another one
with the thread.
- Secondly, our Christmas lantern would not be looking good if we would let it thin. So, we should
put a stick on the middle of the bamboo or the pentagonal shape of the star. The measurement
of the stick would depend on how big the Christmas Lantern is you will be making. After that, use
the glue gun for further strengthening the structure of the star.
- After we make the star itself, we would wrap it by the cellophane sheet with the sizes intended
by using glue. Then, repeat the process until you filled the whole lantern. Also, you can use the
glue gun for making sure that the cellophane would stick to the structure.
- Lastly, I would / we should make a design. In my own, I use crumpled paper as design by putting
them in the line of the star surfaces with the variety of color and by putting tail. You can also try
the other design by adding lights or other paraphernalia which can make the lantern more colorful.

Procedure that I should do.

Credits for image: -


Expected date to finished: December 20, 2021

Hello, ma’am Rose Ann! I am sorry if this task doesn’t reach the expected submission date, it’s
because I have some problem personally which affects my entire academic performance. Also,
my device was unable to function properly that cause a month to be fixed. While I take full
responsibility for the late submission.

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