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globally circulating the word with fire, on the wings of the Holy Ghost “
Monthly supplementary write-ups(bulletings) MMXVIII/V/ *

“…And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings:…” Dan

Correspondence minister in charge: Engr.(Pastor) Oluwanimifise M.K.O. Abimifoluwa

“…..globally circulating the word with fire, on the wings of the Holy Ghost “
Monthly supplementary write-ups(bulletings) MMXVIII/V/ *


MEMORY VERSE: “Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever:
for wisdom and might are his: And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings,
and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know
understanding:He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and
the light dwelleth with him. Dan 2:20”
TEXT: Gen 41:1-end,Dan2:20-22, Job 22:28-30, 2Cor 3:18,Ps55:19b
Introduction: Heraclitus (a greek philosopher) opined in the 6th century B.C that the”only
permanent thing in life is change”. The only constant thing next to the unchanging God in life is
Change itself. The Almighty God is the “unchangeable changer” ,the greatest and most
powerful agent of change. God is responsible for many changes in the world as He “…rules in
the affairs of men”. God changed the old covenant and replaced it with the new covenant. He
deposed Saul the first king in Israel and replaced him with David. He removed Eli and his family
from priesthood for messing up the sacred office. Woodrow Wilson submits that “If you want to
make enemies, try to change something. ” Thomas Edison opines” Restlessness is discontent-and
discontent is the first necessity of progress. Show me a thoroughly satisfied man and I will show
you a failure”.Whether positive or negative, desirable or undesirable, expected or unexpected
change will surface though the bible counsels in Proverbs 24:21 “My son, fear thou the LORD
and the king: and meddle not with them that are given to (evil ) change.
 Nothing on Earth is as permanent as change
 Change is an evidence of being alive and a proof that nothing on Earth is forever.
 Change is inevitably shared by everyone on Earth
 Life is always moving forward, nothing ever remains the same
 Our lives are in constant state of transition
 Those living quiet lives are also affected by change
 To a varying degree, we are continually being transported whether suddenly or gradually
into the new,the different, the unexpected and the unexplored.
 The price of progress is change
 Human history is a record of change
 To resist change is to work against life and destiny
 Change is the law of life( our body cells change every 7 years)
 If you are not happy with your present condition, change is the only way out
 You cannot change your past but your future can be altered by changing certain things in
the present
 The progressive achievement of man depend on the men who initiate change
 The world can only be changed by changing the men in the world

Correspondence minister in charge: Engr.(Pastor) Oluwanimifise M.K.O. Abimifoluwa

“…..globally circulating the word with fire, on the wings of the Holy Ghost “
Monthly supplementary write-ups(bulletings) MMXVIII/V/ *

 Modern invention has banished the spinning wheel, and the same law of progress makes
the woman of today a different woman from her grandmother. –Anthony
 Look up and not down; look forward and not back; look out and not in; and lend a hand.-
 Nothing is lost upon a man who is bent upon growth; nothing wasted on one who is
always preparing for his work and his life by keeping eyes, mind and heart open to
nature, men, books, experience. Such a man finds ministers to his education on all sides;
everything cooperates with his passion for growth. And what he gathers serves him at
unexpected moments in unforeseen ways. –Mabie
 Change that happen to us-This is an expected or unexpected(uncontrollable) Change that
affect our personal lives, families, career etc
 Change that occur around to us- This is an expected or unexpected(uncontrollable)
Change that affect our society,nation or the world around us indirectly affecting us
personally or our opportunity e.g a military coup d et-at or change in governance
 Change that happen within us- This is an expected or unexpected(uncontrollable) Change
that directly affect who we are physically, emotionally, mentally, morally and spiritually
e.g chronic illness or accident
 Change initiated by us-These are strategies and plans of adjustment in our lifestyles that
will move us from the present to a glorious future.They are the strategies and plans that
make our vision and mission a reality.


 Change is needed for progress
 Change is needed for polishing, fineness and shinning
 Change is needed for establishment
 Change is needed for upliftment(elevation)
 Change is needed for advancement
 Change is needed for new direction
 Change is needed for empowerment
 Change is needed for enlightenment
 Change is needed for re-assignment
 Change is needed for increment and enlargement
 Feeling useless Despair/hopelessness Lack of confidence Inferiority complex
 Dissatisfaction Nagging Murmuring Stagnancy

Correspondence minister in charge: Engr.(Pastor) Oluwanimifise M.K.O. Abimifoluwa

“…..globally circulating the word with fire, on the wings of the Holy Ghost “
Monthly supplementary write-ups(bulletings) MMXVIII/V/ *

 Aimlessness Critical attitude Suffocation Lack of Joy

 Decay Lack of productivity Wastage pillar to post syndrome
 Fireless life Multiple troubles Depression Acidic poverty/Lack
 Staleness Wasted potential Restlessness Passionless pasture
 Discouragement Obsolete consciousness Confusion Feeling of being resisted
 Sleeplessness Deep slumber Emptiness Merciless attitude
 Seared conscience Pride/ arrogance Lust Unscriptural behaviour
 Fear/worry presumptuousness Impenitence prone to conscious sin
Change plays a major role in human life towards physical, spiritual and moral maturity. Change
give rise to changes as the details of our lives are always in constant transition.The following
changes are inevitable in our lives:
o Your knowledge will change: We consciously/unconsciously/subconsciously pick up
information and knowledge from variety of sources.This changes/broaden/deepen our
perspectives about things/people and life generally. The more profitable/useful
information you acquire, the more powerful you become as you applied them
o Your Interest will change: As man grows through the challenges and experiences of life,
his interest changes with time e,g king David at old age could not touch the virgin
provided for him
o Your Values and priorities will change:The values and priorities placed on things changes
due to personal growth and maturity
o Your Body will change: We loose strength as we grow older
o Your Marriage will change: As we reach different transition period, things changes in
marriage.e.g Nursing period is different from when all the children are married
o Your Children will change: As they grow from baby to toddler,teenager,adolescent,adult
o Your Job may change
o Your clothes and shoes will change: At old age Women find high heel shoes not
attractive again
o Your diet will change: Some food and drinks will be dropped as age increases
o Your time spent sleeping will change: Body gradually becomes inactive and need more
Bad responses to change includes the following:
 Shifting blame Complaining Excuses Procrastination
 Murmuring weeping seeking pity Backsliding
 Worldliness Evil compromise Suicide Lukewarmness
 Occultism Idolatory Despair Other indicators
Correspondence minister in charge: Engr.(Pastor) Oluwanimifise M.K.O. Abimifoluwa
“…..globally circulating the word with fire, on the wings of the Holy Ghost “
Monthly supplementary write-ups(bulletings) MMXVIII/V/ *


 EXPECT CHANGE: Nothing is permanent except God and His promises. We must
live in continual expectation that things could change at any moment. We must be
spiritually and mentally prepared for change at all times. We must live to the reality that
change is a principle or Law of life. Also, the journey of life and destiny will take us to
places, meet people and the only ticket for this is change. Change propels and relocate
one to a new future dimension
 CULTIVATE PREPAREDNESS FOR CHANGE: After accepting the responsibility
and embracing the obligation of your divine assignment. You must inculcate profitable
charaters, destroy the unprofitable ones, develop skills to make changes in your personal,
spiritual, spiritual, marital, social life
 INITIATE OR CREATE A CHANGE: You can initiate(start) a change by creating the
next step towards the future. Develop the process and programs that can produce a
positive change in your life. Live in the “now-present” rather than living in the past
 ANALYSE AND INTERPRET CHANGE: It is often said that what really matter is
not what happen to man but his reactions to what happens. Analyse and interpret any
change that occur anywhere from the perspective that all changes contain within them
opportunities that are beneficial. Look for the good in every situations! Nothing is 100%
good or bad!!!
 DIRECT AND GUIDE CHANGE: After analyses, interpretation change for its
benefits, you must actively extract the benefits of the change regardless of the source of
change whether political, economical or environmental. You can direct, utilize any
change to advantage and advancement of your life’s purpose.
 PROTECT AND PLAN FOR CHANGE:As result of pharaoh’s dream and joseph
interpretation, Egypt was able to prepare for an impending change. They protect and
secure themselves in the time of plenty by planning ahead saving the excess for the rainy
 BE INSPIRED AND BE UPLIFTED BY CHANGE:Don’t ever panic because of any
change but let it provide an incentive for your spiritual upliftment and platform for
overcoming impossible situations.
classroom and every experience is a lesson. Welcome the unexpected as opportunities to
learn new lessons and acquire a new experience.Every change brings a measure of
discomfort which can be used as nourishment for growth,spiritually and morally.
 LEARN TO BENEFIT FROM CHANGE:You can use every unexpected circumstance
and situation of life to your advantage.Every change is a blessing in disguise.
 CHANGE IS NECESSARY FOR A BETTER LIFE:Change is necessary to move
forward in order to create something better for oneself and others.Beloved don’t just

Correspondence minister in charge: Engr.(Pastor) Oluwanimifise M.K.O. Abimifoluwa

“…..globally circulating the word with fire, on the wings of the Holy Ghost “
Monthly supplementary write-ups(bulletings) MMXVIII/V/ *

follow where any path may lead(without God’s approval).follow instead to where God
leads even if there is no path and leave a trail(legacy).


Open the door of your to heart Christ and Holy Spirit Rom 8:9; Rev 3:20
Walk in spirit always and follow His leading even if it does not make sense or palatable
Gal 5:16,Rom6:12-26
Listen attentively to the Holy Spirit and follow His leading to the letter Rev4:6,13 Rev
Initiate changes that are being led and inspired by the Holy Spirit since God is not
committed to back/continue/support or finish what He does not start(initiate)Rom 8:14
Be amenable, teachable, trainable and be ready to make some necessary
adjustment/correction 2Tim 3:16,ps37:31
Not all the information needed will be released at once, pay attention to smallest details
about your dream, relationships, environment physically and spiritually.
Pick every needed information from anybody, anywhere, anytime, anyhow and adjust
quickly Lk 12:50
Walk in discernment about every issues concerning the impending change 1Jn4:4
Uproot any deposit/spirit/entity that is not from the Holy Spirit from the Garden of your
life and burn it to ashes-Matt 3:10
Have a clear vision for your life and destiny Hab 2:2-3
Set clear goals to make your vision a reality 1Cor 9:24;Phil 3:13,14
Convert your vision to mission by taking practical steps towards your destination and be
passionate about your assignment on Earth Lk 15:2525-33
Avoid negative people(emptiers, wasters, polluters, robbers, destroyer)
Rejoice, pray and praise God always Phil 4:4
THE DRIVER OF CHANGE:WILL POWER-see the power of will
A man can do what he ought to do; and when he says he cannot, it is because he will not.
People do not lack strength; they lack will. When your will is God's will, you will have your will
Change does not necessarily guarantee progress but progress inevitably requires change.Growth
is a process, it is death that may be instant or automatic. Profitable changes are not easy to
achieve! It will require a lot of hard work, sacrifice, perseverance,self denial and crucifixion,
brokenness etc. The odds of Hell (partnering with the flesh and self in us Rom 7:1-24) rush into
action to stop/block/ distract/ confuse/divert us from making a profitable change .We must not be
discouraged but be ready to give it whatever it will take to succeed. We must emulate Job who
insist” … all the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come (Job 14:14) It is
someone who have nowhere to go that follows the crowd and he will never be followed by a
crowd. Some people are more comfortable with old problems than new solutions meanwhile a
Correspondence minister in charge: Engr.(Pastor) Oluwanimifise M.K.O. Abimifoluwa
“…..globally circulating the word with fire, on the wings of the Holy Ghost “
Monthly supplementary write-ups(bulletings) MMXVIII/V/ *

thoroughly bred horse never looks at other horses.It just concentrates on running the fastest race
it can.-”Eni ti won n wo kii woran”.We can not become what we need to become or get where
we need to be if we remain what we are and where we are! It is never too late to
change .Victoria ascerta!!!

Correspondence minister in charge: Engr.(Pastor) Oluwanimifise M.K.O. Abimifoluwa


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