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Name (Optional): _________________ Year and Program: ___________

Directions: Kindly rate the questions accordingly and honestly by putting a check
mark (√) on the boxes under the respective frequencies. If you haven’t tried doing
the mentioned violation, skip that number.

Legend: 5 – Always, 4 -Often, 3 – Sometimes, 2 – Rarely, 1 – Never

Statements 5 4 3 2 1
1 I was reprimanded for not following the        
proper hair-cut.

2 I was caught not wearing my ID.

3 I was reprimanded for borrowing another

student’s ID.

4 I was reprimanded for not wearing the proper

uniform within school premises.

5 I was reprimanded for not having my

uniform properly tucked in.

6 I was reprimanded for every time that I was        

wearing an earring.

7 I was scolded for wearing indecent clothing

(sleeveless, bakya, shorts) inside campus
during classes.

8 I was not able to get inside the campus

because I was not using the required hand-
held bag.

9 I was reprimanded for not attending the flag


10 I was called out by the guard whenever I was        

shouting/conducting boisterous conversation,
and creating disruptive noise.

11 I was scolded for every time that I was        

loitering in the hallways.

12 I was scolded for parking in non-parking areas        

inside the campus.

13 I was reprimanded for not following the

curfew hours in the campus.

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