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Cauarmiscaru Swami VIvEKANAND Tecunicat Universrry S To be filled, scanned and kept at 1* page of Answer Booklet. April-May 2022 Online Examination Student Name: Bug Mobile No: “}9,, Enrollment No.: ue 31813 4 ratno: 15] g/g} fo fq] 6/2] fo 13 [3 Course: mester: Branch/Specialization: Subject Code: Subject Name: Regular/Backlog: Date of Exam: Note: 1) Only above format is to be used for April-May 2022 Exams. Older/earlier format will not be accepted. 2) Nomenclature to, be mentioned In the Answer Booklet should be [Subject code_Roll No.Jonly. 3) Only Roll No. generated in Admit Card must be filled (College Transfer students must take care In filling their Roll Nos.). : 4) Students submitted Offline Exam Forms must attach Adhar Card in place of Admit Card in the 2" Page of Answer Booklet. | certify that above information given there in is correct and | shall be personally responsible for the same if proved wrong/false later on. ® ‘Newai, Bhilai (C.G) - 491107 Web:, E-mail:, -RKS Lec Disk (DT V Rema Rao Signatur pike. Crs: noo )'] Es Inbeduetln fo Production E Operation tmome erneub Le Producten bE Min etwity fra AM the business, (na'm Objed of Production is to [Matwe Pantene good: and dalisfied Gnsumh need. | Tro ducer = Means to Gath ths pow [Malrartols — twho finished ot faol good by Us og Machingry and lum = eCowse- | fae Auction also Known 45 a operation becouse ih yt pwcess fo Chang'an imbo Oubpats iby adding) on Ge ating Nolue fo an enti ty, | | The Weald" Opting" pecome Pamous eth dayelopment af Service Steen Such a8 bam YosPihu - bums portion eke. ty RD efivtons | - . Producten mamagement is He Pucess of Pavvenin g & Vequletiony Hye opewdons of ths Pak of a oubingss Which is besponsiléle — fon dchul bamsfarmadin of Motedlals —lnko Pinte froducts” - A.W. Field ay is Concumed Wilh the protess which Coma bre tepuls who Oubpyr Nonious pubs Such as Men, Meabulal, Monty, ms Prod) ele. Gm Q tye oukpur Such ts Coots On Sevices' : afl. A. Handing fro dx chon Moun agemmgn deals with decisty— [maring tuaked | her Ihe to Produc hun Processes So resulting Gevds Am Swices me | eta Cicconding fo SpeclMeatims, tw he tye Schedule demanded Onmounk and by tne On A our of — Mintun Cosh” | & + Pid Opjeckves of Production Poms ge ment The objecrwe of Product Menta orb Gm be Classified who two Mala Cobeo ries, 1. Ulmobe Objecrives We (mbermedtabe Obsecges. Ultiwebe Obrecriues | - “THe Primrony Obheerwe Of Fre Move fre Tunbn Achvirny \s fo make aNailabele — ab Prem determined Goats, Guallhy Slardads specified Amd Wilt tne Specitiad Hone Se he deter Gitly Menperig Gas: The mai ob: yecrwe cf Brrductim b fo Ynodues Qeds an Sunes ag Pu the ~delerrmind Costs ,° 4 vena ten Pro dnch ! “Wwe Roduck quatthy Skundads me established by Rwducr Specitigatons on by fap Comsumm ons. 3) \ \nlrrrmed ech? obj echves — — Travnboin lng Proper machinery And hui pwaeak! - “The raiwkenanee of Cx ishing Macy amd Cluipmemb should be dome om Trwaiy, New Machininy Should be acfaired as Pr the needs oF tH? Onyemireotin* WH) Proper momnpe ver plarwning :, Irom Power bs a bypiced “a pub ‘my Pro deen activity, “The Sectim , briny, UF tlsation of Wompower epts im Aen evinng Mar Pas ductlen banger of ths Onponl Lato. | fackens Such as Powe, Worker Supply, maltriol handling, Che, Vy Movhani als, wy Memods. W [Ars We. oF () W) Retetinshi¢ of Paodueltm witta Prontetny F Unfonhinebety ronny People yoke Upem Huse Whe ong trgaged Am thy Mony Minleck debs, Sug a draling .bumspoting Stoning aremping fon tne Prensa fo tHe md Ad vwenel) Gnd Gflee Hy |Gedit , a6 toring — powasirte on hose tdha veal y “Produce the Geos, ® Famers offen decay by " ports of “midddemenh j because rey rim Hawk farmers ovone Bol (Preduee the foods Hoh People Cah, | RT Comse, we realize tak trey Produce only Fee Yor rnaberteds Cee Food is Pim made Ggr Fish meal. “The | Cm*nitowton oh Plas Ge Needed 2 hom which Me trucks, And Pw tessan Fiaan med pho dacten 6) * Coomomists hove defaced Pruductyn as fe Cnedon of Wlifiky Prat te be process Vices, Malin g Usefd Quod amd — SHVIC K The fishus bho Puduce Tigh meu adds Prom, UtibKy © Tas Pwcesse, Who Caled ovr tne Proceiginy ale adds Prom Ulitiy, Ther, one be from of paw makeriods amd Create Som ately, WS efi - The tal Yoad on Pru add Pace VHA ty by Moving Ene fish from loadin Ske fo MWe Packt Pout ad Men athe of be activily of Hwe |Processeng Mov's Product, to whae | 4 pemtles ea getting the [it 1s wosk desired: Pe The abittties — Greahed mw The Produchue | Pwcesses ang futher Chussified ‘ws rom Ut y Ord Pos sessin, UTAH, Pee thliby , Hong PVR, (6) The Pro cesson Mat [reeze Some of the fisn Rruduchium far (aren Whee “Tre Tis 1s Wor wot by being eld frm Periods 4 Welotie Penty fo Purleds of behutive Scandi, “Wine pray Bw Added bo he Producti, The feoge tro WC Hach CHherks hans po, iag the Faw amd Pow Preductyn fo Hose who Cow berry Use th add [ossessioy Ui ty % Mesh Vrs — peopte Pe ActiNihes ot ths fenmns And fishus CMd mar ficltnS ag berma Prwhuctue Bey treake Visible Chenges Ww Pwducttuw [% Yhan teat Greahe time Mace from and Posseim whicy AE goods ome SAVERS Prada | \r drones Pon Produchen Md Marding dGedds ANallalete -ar Hyg Yignr Fang cin the | Pace od from, Va wh wy hy Relakionshie ef Pw dudten With Finn ce psa See %) Fowanee != Finomer is a Riald With'n etonsnies Pout dads Wir allucotin ef tus Us ond Ltatoilih Own Tang wander Condi Hing of Carkainby ond [uacateldy. Froese Cm also be be deimed as x Senco oF Moms Momngemenrp, I {ey Pom ta frannee IS the Hing Vela of momey, Wier Blakes Hyak Ome ih OF Gneicy rodow wat mae Tok ome lh ob Coney Lomenno: Fiance alms be Rice ag sets eed on then Kets level ama rer expeene d | tye of berm — Fmones Gn be brocken Inte tree Ahram Sub Col? gota |. > Public Fimomee 2 Corfornke Famnee, am 4 > Pasencl Fimanee @) ¥ oe [Rao duct — Monn jon h- —_——. Troductin Menns Creating of ule tittes by Converting Fa Moberi A Vy fo Pnod roe duce by Nowe us Selentifie method ond Yvegulotins. It W You Magantert Field of Mama aomenh . Various | Sup -argas of ths Production — depertrngnh ane Q% folkows:~ YM Ploml teop owe tm & Locoton MV Rew deri Powerit VY" Modrant ah Monn gement Y Reretaven Moma Jemenf | Y¥ Quaiy Gulrel Retadimaship ob Lronce With Prydichon +, Pro duertn — deparbnewr moiln duh Is te | Produce Hae Geods - Fon Produiny Qeuds {tk needs Fou Wohurted «labor ord Oh x Porses, Y Fen Paying a SP enses, Producti depanhmenh weeds money ond fund thin Will be FutPiled by Fumance de pantrron We Produchon deporte is ‘tespon ikl for tae Avtopment cmd Wanufactang of he Paduck th ty alto pespensible fon the Guak Fy Gabo. “Wwe — wYenkony Moma days Achy aS Hye lontdge beween Prs Se6S dopechmngat Und (Poduthrn depantvngaks The mucrluny Manda, de VUpips | Pre ayeabory Pelicy Com sidering Phe bequamer oF bom oduct deparrmewr md the Yronlsating depontmanhs Stumileanly , Hy Gipirey bond gatas Manoj’ wreaks, by Coandimatin with Bae Sane deponbramh amd the Products, bo Poa race han dade, tw .deelde -whether on jiaveskingr Wropesal fon w lo be made 9 » Vm Ae [ine tw oa rine duction ' - Locakog of ™ Industry Boa pea eats roma demgnth detisteny Th wa fwor Step detishn: finch. choice OF Gora enen an Wegion Second tre Usise UF She Within tre aga Sate ched. Nagle lin aes The Gaon! 2eshums oye - hum Shrolo S Such oy te crmoleg lend, Trontsatin a , Yesowe ? awa talall\ty aad Fimomctaf Shane gies: The objexire ot Pont beaten decisten 7 mars pry is fo MinimBe Me Sum Ch Uk Gots affected by (ecetton, facilites lesion (mds the — hesk ILoparphic Iueakims fon The UParenh cements Ww Nhe Supply Chala WwW E4 Plot locaton ig {por beur be cone of be fellowg ir th) Locedion ‘fluences ork tery or Pett as Needed W) Ls Gt a finentes Copied tnnesbmenlr end opnatim G's. locaton — ecistoms ore Mrakyles — bmg J lem amd wen > te pebitwe tun Noung tulh ouk Soumd Omd Cored — bo Gtoy Povnnlrey im He | beginning Vesa, Hye new faci lites may Crea Gali rious 7p droves Peblemn m* fue — Letaho, decision ods. 4PRcelhs the Cffreimey, effeehumess , Poduerivity aad | Pot blot lth, “We lecaten — deciston Stold be ‘taken Ney Cre Pky, as AMY tistake mary Cause Youn \vtohun + y [brs- we 02 () * Pont bay ouk ». Howir losjouk efars fo bys nanny omerh OF Phtical Trcillhes Seon as Pracliinuty, ei pan hy Puwmiting Che Wi in tng Factory build WS Sach & mMamnt So a fo we quickssp Flow of Matedeal ab Pre lywesh Gost And With bre Leask Crmounk of heading ‘M Paucessiay ae Vroduck fon rhe Teckiph OF rrovrentey by pra shigmert OF He Tmanshd Pro duct, me) DER ni Hon be v Re tonding fe Rigas = are Ovuet — gbyechwe ot Homt ayour Wy bo design 4 Par steed Qa ang e— Mer rok mah COmemieoly Heels the Yequined Owepur — quantity Om d quad Hy.» y w) Accondias Yo Jile Tund) 1 "Plone larygur (dealt y wvolyes edlec- akin of Space Ond “aavramse mort oh Chui prow Cron 4.17 Vm Suh W mommndr Anak Uneer{ OP 0 Fl Imgertance of _Plour (ory our: CY th i bony perm, Cornnit-menh Q \b Pacthakes Phe Pao duct Rweess, minimizes Maeno Amma tag Hane amd Goh ne ee Figyibilitky of Gperoutims, WY) ip fucttines easy Production Hew moze s COmumie, We Ch tye build + buducten of. Fbowston ott ecrue Uhtleatin ef Mon POW er, and [Provides Fer tmployee's Carveniitnee SPAY, Comper | ak Worlr , Malmnun Expose to radenes| Vgnh ond Ventilovren, D) \r akfecks tne How Of vroreriod ond prece se S Ses \Upour Che (elorney Supowi son ad Grol , use oh Space and GxPlandlr Pes sibitjhe aK Objechve s of Plow teqou oe tl Prope, and Het ene Uhti etn of oweilable Pron Space W)] Te ensue froit Wmtr Proceeds frum ong Point fy dmothin Polak Witrawr ont Lerey ) Wrovido Mmough Puduten Crtelty Wy Raduce trohortorf hendlas Cons Y Reang Warads fo pusonmey Wi) (wereane Cmplyce Monel. | ts) Wi) (vy % i 04 (ny Uitte labour Ctticienty Redug Occiderts Yruduce GFheetine Pauduch on Provide ase of Sparvitten end Cobra Yrovide Gmploree Sapery cad health Mow Gaze Machine O ‘GIMipmeh Ut{irale, (iy Aimprime aw ducHvity Oxy To Minimize Gsh cf Pro ducting (x9 To Wiettmlee Gort oh — Produetinns (x Bett {hay deparnedh Nreherton sh p Pitow ase Mracaine oO CO trmevp VE eeting, | | ) w Gere: Plrewing ! = Copitcity Planing ‘thon Seem on: meneagod emphasts due to the Tmanciof benotits ob the GPficienk Ure Uf Capariby Bans within Mahovied jpoqu tameh Corn lung Sushoms and oth Whormooy Bites, bafta ochag Capri ty Com Exune dabevintind driven Performances vamecess ently lmagare war ia Woes, and nuilnnhe Soles and Menefactuy- Pe) Porsenna, Hlormener Ox Cd CaptEin, Con he Grstty md wanessy The tnabili ly te Prope UN momane Capicity Gn be q tenrtay bo he domi emenh Ob Moy tmum Finn Perfo nmol wy ¥| “To p S Fachons Loficlty Plantes t- Gloloal Full - Pome — latoon Sho banes =. “We fewer wei loble yesomnte yoy Vowe ne tricity resource’ Capaei hy Mannie be Comes — ond bye CovIDTID Pamdente kicked otf Mmoss'we waves of tre Stgmaton s On UUnd the Hobe - w) Detrond for inom Marka” ond develop — | aS SNUOP - | Employees me Leven ging he Wides p~ | Read te unting Ord paren Hon Sha uga ds Cause d iby He Guancah Restgrotin te ger Companies te wmeeh inty eeds . one key area of Cmtiyec damand 15 UP SKM ing, | i (\s iv Veauing wont Sched utes and locations Pogt ~ Pondomia, hemobe Ga ti hues be Wild Steg Jung ean dota Prom WEH Restart Sheus Mab ap wor'imaurty Ways of Suwergd Cmployge SPE Ported Wark) pewmutel~ Uy or (east Seme UF tre Vem = isallgamevr of Gmpeyce’s Stl S eks AM Buje tyeds To aCcour For tre Vewlenhy of Ansteg 4 eam Weeds fo hondle a 4% Payee & lor of PMs WIN fren hyn Mounes | Coupy thy Panning dwn boy Sei Sen UA Shitr fo Ie Age mend c. | While agile tesect Yona gener {s ro Ming NO vid - ty ‘Volatile Umpoar on business rummy mag Pms te ey tals Porthe. (9) [hs No 0% vb] Mewar ot Just by Tae CIT) Momefeckuniey !~ usr tn Tine (on the JIT) On ‘vavenhony Mans de mgt Syskem Be duchin Vaor thor aims bo WHatc Sapa Git lelerr Under this the pow Mabehal Od tabrin AC Pamned to oanine A dnd Won veeded bn the Production. “the Pyne benign hs F Lolag JT (3 Prof the Lompany dees Nor by lnwatr Hine Gnd money fo Slre the fou Moberi as, Sueh Os inventory momnstemerp Syston | Gr pony With be pakkme row Prelim ing Puce, Sur oy MUSh Gustuner Jrods Gmponies, Mm (ee oma bond JIT Wonth be meer he neficel ty Smatf Crgenjzedoy, Tes pitads Gad Oly, Chas, e9 cad =. w Ad Nombenes of Susk wm Tine L \r Wups be yeduce te Grr & ing Omponsy dees Nop Mee Spend ™ Kroning tne fou prakshels, Compowies rate — {pss investmente In he Tew Walwlols a sy ardor bre Yah Hy sy utd fo mech bre Cummh Productton Process ww) Jr Speeds 4p we row Puc bun bag ny Comprvyy bos Ame veug trasart ls head 7, VW hetps fo Utminate tead fe Gnd ab he Same dativuries &s WU: UT yest 18 Shoatar flro duction buns, Tle [Yee Mor the Grypang Gn Swilttly Suey bo Gowns, Peudneh a) * Disadvoartyyes of JIT te one Mason disadvantage of TWis “vane ny Yramaje muh — Dysken ts oh ir Comd fo Potential Supply Chala di sruphon + « fer Slants ip ome bre Supetiens aus bo dettuer Phe (ev Metwred oa per the Seredul, ls Wark — ‘vnpach ne Com pany 's ‘Gmglere Pruducton Wes TUabs Wi bn ete the produerin 7 beslg hy the bite detiveny On Wer Co Ruling onders, fra Geample , yvta had fe Supend Yroduerm der (94 fin Severed dos athe ey lene \nvke Dard) Ore tS SupHller Ss. Tre | ond a Kyte ds we. Bawse OF dhIs, Ore Byory Sugplles Myo had bo Suspeng Ther Podacter on the Gubornker did Auf | Vequine then Sais fer the Heme he'a9, a) ui Seven Washes of AT ie OVH Produc) — “We mosh Sates DF He Wares, Overprodacy) Gry Cuuse a Utne type of Warts Oma beset “un Wmertonys Seung feo MCh Ch & Puduck thor goes MMUSed has ObVlew Cost. Storaae 1 Wotshe & Mloudey AS, Ord UX Cerssivi up am MSUoes tavertony, Otel bhed ty \nvenrory oo \avevtony washes betes fo dhe Waste [Pedueea oy Ynpo Ceased bwertenty. Ths Wotud eg he Wars fhe Wastes OF Gfited Hed up Lm Un pocesied mertor s tye Waxke s of enon spanking tae bNeuturtt /the Grhaines ‘Wed te held “Mvortony oPAe, ha mting of | te Stn ne Space Ole | &2 ; Gs = tv ‘Motion t Worrefil Mater fs cy of He motion Whe aon by q Puson, % A morching — tick Ckd be mindntaed. tf Moto cres ‘is Wed bo Add Voime that Gud hae heey Added by less rm bak Mugla oF (ho He Washed Motion Codd fefag be Cmyninns farm A vwonlrer bendy over te pitk Some Hing “PO” Hae Gecko ror fro add (He al real ord bean om Machines, Veauk Hey wa Coupe oh Aapyect hen Hh mat be ro plac 04, Defees beter fo a fro dace deNiaking from The “Steadads oF Us design On omy re Garrwods Gr fecteyy. Dehectue Padues Yash tne Yeplaced) Mas Yequine pap drwon Ana Anima, labor fo huss My teasy mignr ole los Cestmons/ By &) Wy Oun = Processing efavs by any Gnpumanie ob ae Protos ch Wromu fucka tn brat b Unnirserry Plant on nen bok Wilt Dever Nbe Seer om Add juny fowangs Wee Wir “Ast “be “Wad ae txampe A ounnr frucessiny H Mining ace eters fo lash bme Vecoure OF Stowed OA Wadbed (bo duckyn we the one Shep th bee Qreductn Uhaly Wie a Peviouw Year Ay Ord eed , Tras Peak oo Tans pack bs Yoving Moadraval — Prom ME Pediton to amother . fre Adds mo Ve to pae Wi mizlng these (ost, im bon stont Shs elp Poduer, so B wssenfleay, bs) mire = |V [Ts Ne: oh 69] Deter of ort Study wont Studay ea Jemate bem Cov Vase Hecho ques Poti catonly metrod Study OA Work Measuomertr Wie me wsad ty ak Nhs Ube Ord Which {aad Sy Shah bo the “anwrigatn, ob a Tre fecbors, Which tftper the Chee ene and Comomy OF Pe Sthuedhon brieg pore Wed by Ondey he efor mp vemenb. “We aly objective of Wonts Beda hs ho tm Quire Prod aed Uc HY DF Mo Mmarnwes Ome Marattaf » TMhe Gy oh Werk Study & Yo dakem'ne Hhe hove metad Ub Pertomen (xr oftrohn and to U'uninehe Woxrte oo 50 eth Producten wenenses [ess fo Hig are, | | e) %K Wor Skedy iy 4 fechwique whim deals wir Hoe _ fBlle Wing: (a) As to how shold 4 dub he dee, ony (by How mur Pine 4 job Should — betes fog Gmpe Hu, frrswar fon tne Pst CQussten found bay Mote Sheds on Mygthod Sada Or Wort Sal ice fas OU fr. tre Second Jusrtion- WY fomad toy Phe Hee SIRGT on Won ty Moasunmenl x Role ob Wwoals Shady ta To Slanderdise the Meld of dol y a Wwoats W) To muimtse The wir Csr PF Produc tte7, byte deerming FAS Stoned me fen doing | Qa leak | | | ey w To minimise — ty Movravoh — MINGENEVE OG Opa edema — MAM’ Mer Tw Ulrike Wr meeessen 7 fuman Movengh To Wntse fae (tities Sue ME mon, Mowehing Oma Waka of oth Cffediwe ° \wwfontence of Work Shady 4 Work Shidy Is. q hgan& OF ee the Prductin CPF loiny CPoduckyi hu) @F fre pln by Cinimatt, of Wasik tnd Um nec e039 ane, OP deahor le lk & Pecntgue +o Wd hey Non — Volue add 9 bprohy by twwerl grate ao aH tye ficlors Of eta) bye Jd. i) [rs Pre onl Gecrrote Id Syshemevke, Preceding ONewked techniqae to establish bine Slondonds, (28) Qk & gowg fo Coabribube to the Roh oy the Sevag Wit Start (mmidially od Cornel Hmeughenr tHe lipe 4 bre rae Aa vonte ga op Worle Study» & q \r holes fo achiee Me Smeth Productin How buh “Hinimun (a br nue hey Gy phates fe Hedue “bne Ont PS Pace by Arent nm coking tad Usnseessay Oprrotta; (iy lt Cneeres eth Werke — Mana Jengrt- | Yel ortey Ve Ir Aashers fn ee ta dat Werry Commi Hngul Ci) Wh haps te tebe “ether weatring nds bins. | | | (2%) (As. we. of dy Meaning of Method Shady - thelrod Shady deeds With oie) Cuay bopic/Cepher ond identipyg the Shun ord Wea fobs iv Mah. Ther Ph dying 0 Palin ty hla ova imi bofics ene Gveed wn a minimum frre Span, Simply pub Method Shady ty then Gach Ord Cubry Pitre of Shidy — Madtertef oq WOK is put una Sonus s Iw orders fs Ortue Mak every tuond ty de sys Food ard beh ned by you. This (5 abo ad Vantage OUS O% Ur Prevents Aad Kid wren m Misleading (nor mating Pon getting Hrrough as Ih deteched ond Cmventony omphiked ta tne He leemmtrey hotest, RlObseohwe of = Method Shady \- ) Tw improve the Quality a [ening al W Te \mpwve the usage gf Mobeiel books ard Other |i heratune. > G) To Athive an Connny ta Nuno €ffonbs Wy BQ Veduee the Unnecessary Fakgus. We wmpneve Pre design St Condition of te lyorkMace Ui) Te grove tae WeeMere fay owl Wi) Te finely ‘rpoue re Procestes. and fru Codenress, x Ad Vonkang e of meted Slay \ “Wer one Nunhous advortages of method Study . Some of tng one () Complety of Cove hefre me Ui) Aaaple damounb artine fia revision (ity There fy Mo host aminuhe ho she oy The Bae tho fy Sowed Ga he med bo Shdy other hook telored ty Me Subs eer, (@p x Scope of Method Skedy! - mune 10 Aifferee ores — Where You Gna apply merwd Shady for bether jesuh You Go we merd Study oy! - ) Improving wan Metyd and froceduncs Ky Sroothemry torte flow) a) Deker mining the best Sequence of eae yy Reducers Mornvky news WA wv Pedriciag pe Costs by reducer tae Cyche Hane of Operations. Ww WE be th ta oom ot Madi &) Hon dling gis Fees. | Wily wuonk'eg Proce a8e5, | (Co) “Todta and Equ pment wed, ee 2» ow = 5 6. %] Merred Shady Paw cede t= is an Organized Spprwuch ond irs Of Westhyatey ars om the Fouowiny Line basle Shope Steck bme Woalk bo be Mmayrod Record OM foots baling hy the ex torng Terhod, | Game bre Wecundsd fers CH ely bub “wrgenlet nly | Qerelep tye Mesh Ceommmicsk Metnod Cvnmenmncke Wir Poab reaub ene, Wek Pro Tad Mehwd a5 Slandond | PentHee raimkar he new wrctned, ce) \mshef (os) Cxemine Ste non at ERe Job ~ \Z Detection of te job ty be Studied fo. mothe aiprovemeir toy Whe method Shady | Yondt How @ as Mamaguled Ve Spon Siloti by Gnd tbs Csetecloy Jamey be based © eepronate eon eak UE hue Crs inlerhons Geomenn'te |Cov sida Susified Selection bagad UN the | GComo mie Wwonth of He job. By Recorder oh Rocks! Syshemotic {re ton dng fs hs \e rash Cancel SHE im MAthed Im PAU MEAL: Site dos cri pte’ ; Wecending 4 ly ond or by iptr-e’ preted Vos ths Weribehons: th Bnet veCrended, \ fon uge wmethod sludy s&s V cathe Gxavl nates 2 — Ss CaiHeel Graminaton ann s fo Omalyee pre frots Caitenhy ond Prechy five fo Cugbenmetwe Whi Arm pre bene ot Stledur, Y Devetopunerte ond Satectny, 5) \m Stonhoten, 6} oalabenance (35) [ hs Wor 36 ] (by i Main henvace tromage men’ » ~ | Plaimbenerte management achuives ong | Velobed With bepain (eplceminh and Ssavice of | Guponets on tune ldentiPioble — QnyP of Compenact ee Conner fo OP robe MA -SpecrPied avai tialoih for an Specified fu'ed. 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WY) Comply with Regubakins = Thee ane differarr dy pes of Veguletion by folly Yory by Indusiny, Ch) Plan Mara enone work! a | Shan teaic Morr bea mante Pranage mek welds Serduliay moatiherte Jobs aheed of tne, ‘Sy tettontowr ne cause if Efficiently -cliy bi utes has Apprapricte te amd fabon Vesouse He | Proactwe Prevenlinte arabes faxig, dhe bring Wy mind Awhen foud 9 eHoey fon Wenls is theh Wher a | | lo keep Man borenee Mayon ASSCh ba eats 5, oo » Grsune Personnel Safehy: Amotrer objective of tala hexante Mame gene is enouning Ine Safely of Ah Personne \mside and oubside of hond+9 equi Pmavh ead OW asses tah Could Pecme denganow ip Hooy Malfunction Whey Matibewmee 5 Fae pet tonagey Seely weneese fon eryone in the Oem! onto Frei iby Managemet - belaked hauh and Sakery Guidelines one 30 Ampontok jyash a jush o Pow Orample tuclude t= Rr Sanikalon ind jantontof Sewiees * Pest Contnof * Washe Moma Gener * ~ monagieg hvac, Clecchreni eof and Pla mb ing Wwonts | Xe) *K [ fins we 05 | \mbraducton of Pon [awage monk l= \m Modan imduares /'@ Muir mer Gord Maclnarty One Ney umytroturte Pons of Vre Produdin aches Tt kenge Mmounh of Mery ys Laneshed i machinvates find CYULpmeds. 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