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MET # _______________________________________________
Lesson # ______________________________________________

Prerequisite Content-knowledge:
Basic understanding of personal relationship

Prerequisite Skill:
Understanding and experiential skills towards relationship
Recognize how individuals are affected by relationship

Prerequisites Assessment: Journal Reflection

Pre-lesson Remediation Activity:

1. For Students with Insufficient Level on Prerequisite Content-knowledge and/or Skill(s):

 Writing an essay “What kind of relationship do I have”

2. For Students with Fairly Sufficient Level on Prerequisite Content-knowledge and/or Skill(s):

• Answer a 20-item multiple choice test. They may open their modules/LMS as they answer it.

This part must articulate the following:
1. time frame a student is expected to finish in learning the lesson (and where to contact the teacher when concerns arise)
• This is a 120-minute lesson. For concerns, you may contact the teacher through email.
• or through mobile phone, 0949xxxxxxx.

2. the knowledge (RUA) the student is expected to gain from learning the topic/lesson
At the end of this course, the student is expected to do the following:

 Reflect on the meaning of teenage relationship

3. Context where the student is going to apply his/learning (In what PAA/EFAA and personal use?)
• This lesson is directly applied to the Performance Task.
• It will be applied too to the personal life of the students. He can use this to have a better perspective on relationship

4. Overview of the Lesson

This lesson introduces a deeper part of partner relationship. Hence, it will show the concept of love and romance.

Student’s Experiential Learning: (Note: Use the Flexible Learning Activity Identified for the topic/lesson relative to the General Enabling Teaching Strategy)
This section is intended for the presentation guide of the lesson proper. It must highlight the chunking of the topic into essential concepts through the use of formative questions.
Motive Question: What is your idea of death?
The teacher will encourage students to retrospect (asynchronous/offline/distance) and/or share (synchronous/F2F) their experience on their experience of relationship. This part must

focus on how did they struggle/cope with such occurrence. For further reflection, the following will be asked:

 What is love for you?

 Is love necessary in a relationship?

Chunk 1: Liking and Attractiveness

Formative question: what does liking and attraction makes in a relationship.

Learning Activity: The teacher will show a video and facilitate an interactive discussion

Chunk 2: Physical Attractiveness

Learning activity: The teacher will show another video and facilitate an interactive discussion
Compare and contrast the personal physical attractiveness of the students

Formative question: What is Physical Attractiveness?

Chunk 3: Love and Commitment

Learning activity: The teacher will discuss this part.
Compare and contrast the personal physical attractiveness of the students. Then, he/she will group the class and direct them to have a group discussion.

Formative question: What is love and commitment? How important are these components in the relationship?

Synthesis: Teenage relationship is something I will face if not today, in the near future. Thus, this leads me to a realization that each component of relationship is important to have a
healthy relationship.

RUA of a Student’s Learning: The learner will try to understand the table below and will make insights about it. For synchronous and F2F learners, the class will share their
reflections in a group discussion. For asynchronous and offline, they have to write it as an essay.

Post-lesson Remediation Activity:

1. For Students with Insufficient Level on Prerequisite Content-knowledge and/or Skill(s):

 Learners must read/watch the module/LMS/recorded lecture. Then, questions will be provided which would ask them to make short answers.
2. For Students with Fairly Sufficient Level on Prerequisite Content-knowledge and/or Skill(s):

 Learners must read/watch the module/LMS/recorded lecture. Then, questions will be provided which would ask them to make short answers.

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