Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

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Chapter Topics

■ Forecasting
■ Forecasting Components
■ Time Series Methods
■ Forecast Accuracy

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A forecast is a prediction of what will occur in the future

• Meteorologists forecast the weather,
• sportscasters predict the winners of football games, and
• managers of business firms attempt to predict how much of their
product will be demanded in the future.

 Good forecasts can lead to

 Reduced inventory costs.

 Lower overall personnel costs.
 Increased customer satisfaction.

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Forecasting Components

■ A variety of forecasting methods are available for use depending on the

time frame of the forecast and the existence of patterns.
■ Time Frames:
 Short-range (one to two months) such as daily demand or resource
 Medium-range (two months to one or two years) additional
resources for the upcoming year.
 Long-range (more than one or two years) new products for
changing markets, build new facilities.
■ Patterns:
 Trend
 Random variations
 Cycles
 Seasonal pattern
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Forecasting Components
Patterns (1 of 2)
 Trend - A long-term movement of the item being forecast.
For example, the demand for personal computers has shown an upward
trend during the past decade,
 Random variations - movements that are not predictable and follow no
 Cycle - A movement, up or down, that repeats itself over a lengthy
time span.
For example, The demand for winter sports equipment increases every 4
years, before and after the Winter Olympics
 Seasonal pattern - Oscillating movement in demand that occurs
periodically in the short run.

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Forecasting Components
Patterns (2 of 2)
 For example, retail sales in general increase during the Christmas season.
However, a seasonal pattern can occur on a daily or weekly basis. some
restaurants are busier at lunch than at dinner, and shopping mall stores and
theaters tend to have higher demand on weekends.

Figure 15.1 (a) Trend; (b) Cycle; (c) Seasonal; (d) Trend with Season
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Forecasting Components
Forecasting Methods

1. Times Series - Statistical techniques that use historical

data to predict future behavior.
2. Regression Methods - Regression (or causal ) methods
that attempt to develop a mathematical relationship
between the item being forecast and factors that cause it
to behave the way it does.
3. Qualitative Methods - Methods using judgment, expertise
and opinion to make forecasts.

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Time Series Methods

 Statistical techniques that make use of historical data collected

over a long period of time.

 Methods assume that what has occurred in the past will

continue to occur in the future.

 Forecasts based on only one factor - time.

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Time Series Methods
Moving Average (1 of 6)
 Moving average uses values from the recent past to develop
 This dampens random increases and decreases.
 Useful for forecasting relatively stable items that do not display
any trend or seasonal pattern.
 Moving averages are computed for specific periods, such as 3
months or 5 months, depending on how much the forecaster desires
to smooth the data.
 Formula for moving average (MA):
 Di
MAn  i1n
n  number of periods in the moving average
D  data in period i
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Time Series Methods
Moving Average (2 of 6)
Example: Instant Paper Clip Supply Company wants to forecast
orders for the month of November. Develop three-month and
five-month moving averages using the data.

Table 15.1 Orders for 10-month period

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Time Series Methods
Moving Average (3 of 6)
Example: Instant Paper Clip Supply Company wants to forecast
orders for the month of November.
 Three-month moving average:
 Di
MA  i1  90 110 130 110 orders
3 3 3

 Five-month moving average:

 Di
MA  i1  90 110 130  75  50  91 orders
5 5 5

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Time Series Methods
Moving Average (4 of 6)

Table 15.2 Three- and 5-month moving averages

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Time Series Methods
Moving Average (5 of 6)

Figure 15.2 Three- and 5-month moving averages

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Time Series Methods
Moving Average (6 of 6)
 Both moving average forecasts in Table 15.2 tend to smooth out the
variability occurring in the actual data.
 Notice that the 5-month moving average in Figure 15.2 smoothes
out fluctuations to a greater extent than the 3-month moving
 The appropriate number of periods to use often requires trial-and-
error experimentation.
 The major disadvantage of moving average does not react well to
changes (trends, seasonal effects, etc.)
 but is easy to use, quick and inexpensive.
 Good for short-term forecasting.

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Time Series Methods
Weighted Moving Average
 In a weighted moving average, weights are assigned to the most
recent data.
WMA   W D
n i1 i i

where W  the weight for period i, between 0% and 100%

Wi  1.00

Example: Paper clip company weights 50% for October, 33%

for September, 17% for August:

WMA   W D  (.50)(90)  (.33)(110)  (.17)(130)  103.4 orders
i i
3 i1
 Determining precise weights and the number of periods requires
trial-and-error experimentation.
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Time Series Methods
Exponential Smoothing (1 of 11)

 Exponential smoothing weights recent past data more strongly

than more distant data.
 Two forms: simple exponential smoothing and adjusted
exponential smoothing.
 Simple exponential smoothing:
Ft + 1 = Dt + (1 - )Ft
Ft + 1 = the forecast for the next period
Dt = actual demand in the present period
Ft = the previously determined forecast for the present period
 = a weighting factor (smoothing constant).

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Time Series Methods
Exponential Smoothing (2 of 11)
 The smoothing constant, is between zero and one. It
reflects the weight given to the most recent demand data.

For example, if Ft + 1 = 0.2 Dt + 0.8 Ft

which means that our forecast for the next period is based
on 20% of recent demand and 80% of forecasted (past)

 If we go to one extreme and let  = 0.0, then

Ft + 1= Ft
 In the other hand, if =1 then
Ft + 1= Dt
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Time Series Methods
Exponential Smoothing (3 of 11)

 The most commonly used values of  are between 0.10 and


 Determination of  is usually judgmental and subjective

and often based on trial-and -error experimentation.

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Time Series Methods
Exponential Smoothing (4 of 11)

Example: PM Computer Services (see Table 15.4).

 Exponential smoothing forecasts using smoothing constant of .30.

 Forecast for period 2 (February):

F2 =  D1 + (1- )F1 = (.30)(.37) + (1-.30)(.37) = 37 units

 Forecast for period 3 (March):

F3 =  D2 + (1- )F2 = (.30)(.40) + (1-.30)(37) = 37.9 units

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Time Series Methods
Exponential Smoothing (5 of 11)

Table 15.4 Exponential smoothing forecasts,  = .30 and  = .50

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Time Series Methods
Exponential Smoothing (6 of 11)

 The forecast that uses the higher smoothing constant (.50) reacts
more strongly to changes in demand than does the forecast with the
lower constant (.30).
 Both forecasts lag behind actual demand.
 Both forecasts tend to be consistently lower than actual demand.
 In general, when demand is relatively stable, without any trend,
using a small value for  is more appropriate to simply smooth out
the forecast.
 Alternatively, when actual demand displays an increasing (or
decreasing) trend, as is the case in Figure 15.3, a larger value of  is
generally better.

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Time Series Methods
Exponential Smoothing (7 of 11)

Figure 15.3 Exponential smoothing forecasts

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Time Series Methods
Exponential Smoothing (8 of 11)

■ Adjusted exponential smoothing: exponential smoothing with a

trend adjustment factor added.
Formula AFt + 1 = Ft + 1 + Tt+1
T = an exponentially smoothed trend factor
Tt + 1 = (Ft + 1 - Ft) + (1 - )Tt
Tt = the last period trend factor
 = smoothing constant for trend ( a value between zero and one).
■ Reflects the weight given to the most recent trend data.
■ Determined subjectively.
■ A high  reflects trend changes more than a low  .
■ It is not uncommon for  to equal  in this method.
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Time Series Methods
Exponential Smoothing (9 of 11)

Example: PM Computer Services exponentially smoothed

forecasts with  = .50 and  = .30 (see Table 15.5 next slide).
The adjusted forecast for February AF2 , is the same as the
exponentially smoothed forecast because the trend computing
factor will be zero (i.e F1 and F2 are the same and T2 =0)
Adjusted forecast for period 3:
T3 = (F3 - F2) + (1 - )T2
= (.30)(38.5 - 37.0) + (.70)(0) = 0.45
AF3 = F3 + T3 = 38.5 + 0.45 = 38.95

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Time Series Methods
Exponential Smoothing (10 of 11)

Table 15.5 Adjusted exponentially smoothed forecast values

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Time Series Methods
Exponential Smoothing (11 of 11)
■ The adjusted forecast is consistently higher than the simple exponentially smoothed
■ It is more reflective of the generally increasing trend of the data.

Figure 15.4 Adjusted exponentially smoothed forecast

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Time Series Methods
Linear Trend Line (1 of 5)
■ When demand displays an obvious trend over time, a least squares
regression line , or linear trend line, can be used to forecast.
■ Formula:

y  a  bx b   xy  nxy
 x2  nx
where: a  y bx
a  intercept (at period 0)
b  slope of the line where:
x  the time period n  number of periods
y  forecast for demand x  nx
for period x
y  ny

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Time Series Methods
Linear Trend Line (2 of 5)

Example: PM Computer Services (see Table 15.6)

x  78  6.5 y  557  46.42

12 12

b  xy  nxy  3,867  (12)(6.5)(46.42) 1.72

 x 2  nx2 650 12  6.52

a  y  bx  46.42  (1.72)(6.5)  35.2

y  35.2 1.72x linear trend line
for period 13, x  13, y  35.2 1.72(13)  57.56

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Time Series Methods
Linear Trend Line (3 of 5)

Table 15.6 Least squares calculations

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Time Series Methods
Linear Trend Line (4 of 5)

■ A trend line does not adjust to a change in the trend as does the
exponential smoothing method, it is assumed that all future
forecasts will follow a straight line
■ This limits its use to shorter time frames in which the trend will
not change.

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Time Series Methods
Linear Trend (5 of 5)

Figure 15.5 Linear trend line

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Time Series Methods
Seasonal Adjustments (1 of 4)

■ A seasonal pattern is a repetitive up-and-down movement in

■ Seasonal patterns can occur on a quarterly, monthly, weekly, or daily
■ A seasonally adjusted forecast can be developed by multiplying
the normal forecast by a seasonal factor.
■ A seasonal factor can be determined by dividing the actual
demand for each seasonal period by total annual demand:
Si =Di/D

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Time Series Methods
Seasonal Adjustments (2 of 4)

■ Seasonal factors lie between zero and one and represent the portion
of total annual demand assigned to each season.

■ Seasonal factors are multiplied by annual demand to provide

adjusted forecasts for each period.

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Time Series Methods
Seasonal Adjustments (3 of 4)
Example: Wishbone Farms

Table 15.7 Demand for turkeys at Wishbone Farms

S1 = D1/ D = 42.0/148.7 = 0.28
S2 = D2/ D = 29.5/148.7 = 0.20
S3 = D3/ D = 21.9/148.7 = 0.15
S4 = D4/ D = 55.3/148.7 = 0.37
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Time Series Methods
Seasonal Adjustments (4 of 4)

 Multiply forecasted demand for an entire year by seasonal factors to

determine the quarterly demand.
 Forecast for entire year (trend line for data in Table 15.7):
y = 40.97 + 4.30x = 40.97 + 4.30(4) = 58.17
 Seasonally adjusted forecasts:
SF1 = (S1)(F5) = (.28)(58.17) = 16.28
SF2 = (S2)(F5) = (.20)(58.17) = 11.63
SF3 = (S3)(F5) = (.15)(58.17) = 8.73
SF4 = (S4)(F5) = (.37)(58.17) = 21.53

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Forecast Accuracy
 Forecasts will always deviate from actual values.
 Difference between forecasts and actual values are referred to as
forecast error.
 We would like forecast error to be as small as possible.
 If forecast error is large, either the technique being used is the
wrong one, or the parameters need adjusting.
 Measures of forecast errors:
 Mean Absolute deviation (MAD)
 Mean absolute percentage deviation (MAPD)
 Cumulative error (E bar)
 Average error, or bias (E)

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Forecast Accuracy
Mean Absolute Deviation (1 of 6)
 MAD is the average absolute difference between the forecast
and actual demand.
 The most popular and simplest-to-use measures of forecast error.
 Formula:
 Dt  Ft
MAD  n
t  the period number
D  demand in period t
F  the forecast for period t
n  the total number of periods

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Forecast Accuracy
Mean Absolute Deviation (2 of 6)

Example: PM Computer Services (see Table 15.8).

Compare accuracies of different forecasts using MAD:

 Dt  Ft 53.41
MAD  n   4.85

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Forecast Accuracy
Mean Absolute Deviation (3 of 6)

Table 15.8 Computational values for MAD and error

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Forecast Accuracy
Mean Absolute Deviation (4 of 6)

 The lower the value of MAD relative to the magnitude of the

data, the more accurate the forecast.
 Can be used to compare the accuracy of different forecasting
techniques working on the same set of demand data (PM Computer
Exponential smoothing ( = .50): MAD = 4.04
Adjusted exponential smoothing ( = .50,  = .30): MAD = 3.81
Linear trend line: MAD = 2.29

 The linear trend line has the lowest MAD; increasing  from .30 to
.50 improved the smoothed forecast.
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Forecast Accuracy
Mean Absolute Deviation (5 of 6)

 A variation on MAD is the mean absolute percent deviation

 Measures the absolute error as a percentage of demand rather
than per period.
 Eliminates the problem of interpreting the measure of accuracy
relative to the magnitude of the demand and forecast values.
 Formula:

 Dt  Ft 53.41
MAPD   .103 or 10.3%
 Dt 520

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Forecast Accuracy
Mean Absolute Deviation (6 of 6)

MAPD for other three forecasts:

Exponential smoothing ( = .50): MAPD = 8.5%
Adjusted exponential smoothing ( = .50,  = .30):
MAPD = 8.1%
Linear trend: MAPD = 4.9%

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Forecast Accuracy
Cumulative Error (1 of 2)
 Cumulative error is the sum of the forecast errors (E =et).
 A relatively large positive value indicates the forecast is biased
low, a large negative value indicates the forecast is biased high.
 If the preponderance of errors are positive, the forecast is
consistently low; and vice versa.
 The cumulative error for a trend line is always almost zero, and
is therefore not a good measure for this method.
 The cumulative error for PM Computer Services can be read
directly from Table 15.8.
 E =  et = 49.31, indicating the forecasts are frequently below
actual demand.

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Forecast Accuracy
Cumulative Error (2 of 2)
 Cumulative error for other forecasts:
Exponential smoothing ( = .50): E = 33.21
Adjusted exponential smoothing ( = .50,  =.30):
E = 21.14
 Average error (bias) is the per-period average of cumulative error.
 Average error for the exponential smoothing forecast:

E n 
et 49.31
 4.48
 A large positive value of average error indicates a forecast is biased
low; a large negative error indicates it is biased high.

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Forecast Accuracy
Example Forecasts by Different Measures

Table 15.9 Comparison of forecasts for PM Computer Services

Results consistent for all forecasts:
 Larger value of alpha is preferable.
 Adjusted forecast is more accurate than exponential smoothing.
 Linear trend is more accurate than all the others.
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