Primer 2021-2022

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About Us:

Saint Jude Thaddeus College Inc. is a school of excellence in learning, teaching, and valuing. We are
committed to the search of quality education and preparing young adults to engage assertively,
appreciatively and steadfastly in an ever-changing global community.


SJTCI is ever-ready to implement the online distance learning synchronously and asynchronously using
the Google application. Students shall be in live synchronous instruction to assess their responses
regarding the subject matter in real time. Asynchronously, students are provided with self-learning kit
to review their lessons. Teachers make each online class as interactive and as enjoyable as possible by
incorporating real lifelong learnings and skills necessary for the challenges of the 21 st century.

What do we offer:

Holistic Educational Accompaniment for Learners or H.E.A.L aims to establish holistic relationship with
the learners that carefully accompany each student in their academic endeavor. SJTCI strives to
accompany its students in their physical, spiritual, emotional, and social growth and development. It
allows the school and the students to be more open to each other and share the desire to take up the
journey of success despite of the overwhelming situation in the environment. SJTCI resolves to holistic
educational accompaniment as a solution to foster encouragement and motivation among the
students even in the time of the pandemic.



SJTCI is a member of the school network of Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization. The
institution takes the opportunity of the network to improve capacity of the administrators, teachers,
leaders and students through series of developmental programs. This partnership also provides an
opportunity for sharing good practices and resources with other institution of several countries.

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