Lesson Plan in Grade 11 - EMPOWERMENT TECHNOLOGIES: Earth Science

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School: GAMUT NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Grade Level and Section: Grade 11 - ICT


Observation Date: Quarter: 1ST


Earth Science
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of the principles and techniques of
Pangnilalaman) design using online creation tools, platforms, and applications to develop ICT
content for specific professional tracks
B. Performance Standard The learners shall be able to independently apply the principles and techniques of
(Pamantayan sa Pagganap)
design using online creation tools, platforms, and applications to create original or
derivative ICT content for use in specific professional tracks.
C. Learning Competencies Apply online safety, security, ethics, and etiquette standards and practice in the use
(Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto)
of ICTs as it would relate to their specific professional tracks.
(CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ia-b- 2)
D. Objectives At the end of this lesson, the students should be able to:
(Mga Layunin)
 acquire some tips on how to protect oneself from online crimes and malicious
 consider one’s safety when sharing information and acting responsibly when
carrying out relationships over digital media.
 Promote advocacy for online safety, security, ethics, and etiquette utilizing their
field of interest.

(Kagamitang Panturo)
A. References K to 12 Curriculum Guide in Empowerment Technologies
(Sanggunian) K-12 Most Essential Learning Competencies
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Rex Book Store (2016). Empowerment Technologies
2. Learner’s Materials pages Florino, M.J. (2020). Quarter 3- Module 2: Online Safety, Security, and Netiquette.
Empowerment Technologies- Grade 11
3. Textbook pages Pages 17-25
4. Additional materials from “Netiquette.” Netiquette Definition. Accessed February 17, 2021.
Learning Resource (LR)
Luminet. 2016. https://luminet.co.uk. December 14. Accessed February 17, 2021.
B. Other Learning
Resources PowerPoint presentation, laptop, projector, worksheets and Bond paper.
(Iba pang Kagamitang
C. Values Focus Team Work, Collaboration and Netiquette
D. Strategies Gamification Strategy, Sentence Completion Strategy, RAFT Strategy, Viewing Strategy,
Objective 8. Applied the range of Discussion, Tiering Instruction, PMI Strategy, Picture Analysis
successful strategies that (Indicator 7) and (Indicator 8)
maintained learning environment
that motivates learners to work
productively by assuming
responsibly of their own learning.

E. Teaching Philosophies Progressivism (Dewey, 1920) Learning by Doing (Part D, E, F of the lesson plan)
Indicator 16- Manifest a Perrenialism importance of mastery of the content and development of reasoning
leaner-centered skills.(Thomas Aquinas, 13th Century) (Part H and I of the Lesson Plan)
philosophy in various Essentialism focus on transmitting a series of progressively difficult topics and
promotion of students to the next level. (William C. Bagley) (Part G of the lesson
aspects of practice.

(Indicator 16)
Preliminaries Greetings
Checking of Attendance
Presentation of House Rules
Presentation of New Normal Classroom Norms

Indicator 5

A. Reviewing previous Review:

lesson or presenting
the new lesson The students will play
(Balik-aral sa nakaraang
aralin at/o pagsisimula ng Toy Claw for Brain
bagong aralin) Breaks in reviewing the
previous lesson.

The Toy Claw for Brain

Breaks will be played by
2 teams. The students
will be divided into 2

B. Establishing a purpose Sentence Completion Strategy

for the lesson
(Paghahabi sa layunin ng aralin) “Think about your life with Media”

Guide Questions:

1. Are digital media a big part of your life?

2. What kind of impact do digital media have on you?
3. What are your favorite and least favorite things to do with digital media?
4. Do you connect with others or create things with digital media?

Use your responses to help complete this statement:

My media life is like ___________________ because _____________

In answering the questions students will answer figuratively (Figurative

Language). student will use SIMILE- a comparison of two unlike objects
with the use of as or like.


My media life is like a desert, because there is a little life there.

My media life is like a track meet, because I am exhausted at the end of
the day!

Presentation of Objectives

(Indicator 1 - Integration Across Curriculum – English 9, Quarter 1, Week 9, MELC

Competency Code: EN9G-IIIe-20)
Objective 1. Applies knowledge of
content ACROSS teaching
curriculum areas.

C. Presenting Viewing Strategy. Morze, 2008

examples/instances of
the new lesson Have the learners watch the 4-minutes and 51-seconds video entitled,
(Pag-uugnay ng mga halimbawa
sa bagong aralin)
“Failon Ngayon - Cybercrime cases in the Philippines”.
ABS-CBN News (2017, May 5)

The teacher will select student randomly to answer the process questions.

Process Questions:

Who handles cybercrime in Philippines?

How do you report an online scammer?
What is the punishment for cybercrime in Philippines?

D. Discussing new The teacher will discuss on the following concepts:

concepts and practicing
new skills #1  Online Safety
(Pagtalakay ng bagong
konsepto at paglalahad  Security and Password
ng bagong kasanayan #1)  Netiquette


Process Questions:

How can we stay safe when using the Internet?

How can you say that you are a responsible Internet user?
Why it is important to be a responsible media user?

The teacher will give additional input about the video explainer and will
entertain questions for clarification.

Activity 1. COLLABORATIVE TASKS (Indicator 7)

Objective 2. Used research-base
knowledge of teaching and learning
to enhance professional practice. RAFT Strategy (Role, Audience, Format, Topic)  
(RAFT STRATEGY) Santa, C., Havens, L., & Valdes, B. (2004). 

The Students will be divided into 4 groups, they will be provided with
options that contain TOPIC that interests them and they will create tips on
how to protect oneself from online crimes and malicious conducts.

Note: Be thorough as possible in enlightening the TOPIC.


How to create a
PASSWORD Awareness Info graphic secure password
Netizen Storyboard Keeping safe
Behavioural Poster Rules of
NETIQUETTE Information Netiquette
Song lyrics Ways to protect
CYBERCRIME Teenager yourself from
cyber crime
CYBER Cyber Resilience Advertisement Common Types
SECURITY of Cyber Attacks
and Prevention

R.A.F.T. Scoring Rubric: 

Criteria 20 points 17 points 14 points

Role Role is convincingly Role is accurate but Role lacks both

and accurately lacks convincing details accuracy and
portrayed convincing details

Audience Point of view of the Point of view of the Point of view of the
audience is addressed audience is addressed audience is briefly
appropriately and but lacks supporting addressed but not
convincingly details supported

Format Format is correctly Format is alluded to but Format is not used

used not consistently used correctly

Topic Point of view on the Point of view on the topic Point of view on the
topic is clear, precise, is clear and accurate, topic in unclear or
accurate and includes but lacks precision inaccurate
supporting details and/or supporting details

Neatness The R.A.F.T. is The R.A.F.T.is The R.A.F.T.is

and completed thoroughly completed and includes incomplete or does not
Creativity and creatively; if some creativity; if written use creativity; if written
written has no has no more than two has more than two
mechanical errors specific mechanical specific mechanical
errors errors;

Reminders for students group activity: Indicator 5

1. Maintain a distance of at least 1 meter between everyone

2. Always wear face mask properly
3. Sanitize hands
4. Do not share personal classroom supplies

Objective 7. Maintained learning

environments and nurture and
inspire learners to participate,
cooperate and collaborate in
continued learning.
E. Discussing new Discuss the several ways the authorities can help solve or prevent
concepts and practicing cybercrimes. Some of them are:
new skills #2  Network Security
(Pagtalakay ng bagong
konsepto at paglalahad  Internet threats
ng bagong kasanayan #2)
Activity 2. Gamification Strategy Asha Pandey April 2, 2019
Indicator 2 The students will be divided into 2 groups


The game is meant to be played with a group of students. The class will be
divided into two (2) groups. Students will pick a question and be given
points after every question whoever students get the answer right, just like
there will be some who get it wrong.

This gamified activity is a TRUE or FALSE type of test.

F. Developing mastery Summarizing the lesson, the teacher will give a link in google form.
(Leads to Formative
(Paglinang sa Activity 3. Google Form

Objective 7. Maintained learning

environments and nurture and
inspire learners to participate,
cooperate and collaborate in
continued learning.

The students will use their “etechgnhs” gmail account to access the google
form link and answer the formative test.

G. Finding practical Activity 4. Tiering Instruction (Indicator 8)

applications of
concepts and skills in Students will be group by 4, and their output will be based on their interest
daily living and skills.
(Paglalapat ng aralin sa
pang-araw-araw na
buhay)  For those inclined in Arts, Drawing & painting.
Student Task: Make a poster showing the individual’s role in protecting
himself and community on online dangers. Use A4 size bond paper.
Objective 8. Applied the range of
successful strategies that  For those inclined to theater arts and acting.
maintained learning environment
that motivates learners to work
productively by assuming Student Task: Make a monologue showing the danger of online media
responsibility of their own learning. and the ways to prevent them. You may use Tiktok for your presentation.

 For those inclined in leading and organizing

Student Task: Draft a sketch note netiquette rules for your family. Your
output will be written in an A4 size Bond paper.

 For those students who are inclined to music, composing songs and

Student Task: Compose a short song or rap that promotes being

responsible in engaging activities online. You may adapt the melody from
local or foreign music, but the lyrics must be original.

Rubric Score:

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Achievement Purpose is Purpose is Purpose is Purpose is
of purpose clearly clearly established but vaguely
established established not delivered. established.
and effectively and generally
delivered delivered
Clarity of the Presentation is Presentation is Presentation is Presentation is
presentation clear and very clear and very clear but lacks not clear.
engaging and engaging and impact.
impactful somewhat
Creativity Produces Some Most of the Produces a
something elements are elements are completely
new, unique, adaptation not original and copied
and original from existing just copied presentations.
output. presentation from existing
but the most presentations.
part are

Note: Total rating will be multiplied by 5.

H. Making generalizations PMI Strategy

PLUS(Plus, Minus, Interesting)
and abstractions about
the lesson With their same groupings. The students will write down their answer in the
(Paglalahat ng aralin)
specific columns. Students are provided with meta cards strips and
PMI is a brainstorming,
decision-making and critical Advantages, Disadvantages and Interesting part in using
thinking tool used to generate online platforms
discussion around the
positives, negatives and
implications associated with
a particular idea or concept.

Objective 8. Applied the range of

successful strategies that
maintained learning environment
that motivates learners to work
productively by assuming
responsibility of their own learning.

I. Evaluating learning Let the students answer the provided activity sheets/worksheets.
(Pagtataya ng aralin)
Direction: Read the content in the storyboard below. Identify the problem,
Cause, effects and create a solution to solve the issue. Answer the guide
questions by using a graphic organizer.

Guide Questions:

1. What are the problems in the story?

2. What is the reason the reason why some people encounter such

3. What are the possible effects or dangers may happen to the person who
experienced such issue?

4. What are the tips or suggestions you can give in order to protect
yourself and your family members?

Objective 1. Applies knowledge of (Indicator 1 – Integration Within Curriculum, Empowerment Technology, Quarter 1, Week
content WITHIN teaching 3, Module 3 Cyberbullying MELC Competency Code (CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ia-b- 3)
curriculum areas.
J. Additional activities for Write an action that you can do using the acronym “P.R.O.M.I.S.E.” which
application or contains ways/tips you can do to avoid the negative
remediation P- effects of cyber bullying.
(Karagdagang gawain
para sa takdang aralin at R-
Prepared: Checked:


Teacher II HT-II/ SHS Assistant School Head

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