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Bangladesh Power Development

Monthly Progress Report

Consultancy Services/Assistance as NGO (National) for Resettlement Assistance
(Assessment & implementation of Livelihood & Income-loss Restoration and
Compensation Plan) under Maheshkhali Power Hub Project

Project Period: April, 2019 to March, 2021

Reporting Month: April, 2020

Funded By: BPDB Implemented By:

Monthly Progress Report (April,2020) Shushilan

AB Acquiring Body
AC land Assistant Commissioner Land
ADC Additional Deputy Commissioner (Revenue)
AH Affected Household
AG Additional Grant
AP Affected Person
BBS Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
BPDB Bangladesh Power Development Board
CBE Commercial and Business Enterprise
CCL Cash Compensation Under Law
CUL Compensation Under Law
CPR Common Property Resource
CPGCBL Coal Power Generation Company Bangladesh Ltd.
DC Deputy Commissioner
DP Displaced Person
DSC Designed and Supervision Consultant
DTL Deputy Team Leader
EA Executing Agency
EMA External Monitoring Agency
EC Entitlement Card
EP Entitled Person
FGD Focus Group Discussion
GOB Government of Bangladesh
GRC Grievance Redress Committee
GRM Grievance Redress Mechanism
ha Hectare
HH Household
IA Implementing Agency
ID Card Identity Card
IGP Income Generating Program
IGA Income Generating Activities
LIRP Livelihood and Income Restoration Program
IOL Inventory of losses
IR Involuntary Resettlement
ISCF Implementing Social Consultancy Firm
JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency
JVS Joint Verification Survey
JVT Joint Verification Team
km Kilometer
LA Land Acquisition
LAO Land Acquisition Officer
LA&R Land Acquisition and Resettlement
LARAP Land Acquisition and Resettlement Action Plan
LGI Local Government Institution
LGED Local Government Engineering Department
LMS Land Market Survey
LNG Liquid Natural Gas
MD Managing Director
M&E Monitoring & Evaluation

MARV Maximum Allowable Replacement Value
MIS Management Information System
MOL Ministry of Land
MOPERMR Ministry of Power, Energy & Mineral Resources
NGO Non-government Organization
NRS National Resettlement Specialist
PAH Project Affected Household
PAPs Project Affected Persons
PGCB Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Limited
PAU Project Affected Unit
PCM Public Consultation Meeting
PIU Project Implementation Unit
PIB Public Information Brochure
PMO Project Management Office
PMU Project Management Unit
PWD Public Works Department
PRA Participatory Rapid Appraisal
PPR Project Progress Report
PVAT Property Valuation Advisory Team
RAP Resettlement Action Plan
R&R Resettlement and Rehabilitation
RB Requiring Body/ Resettlement Benefits
RHD Roads & Highways Department
RPC Resettlement Policy Framework
RP Resettlement Plan
RF Resettlement Framework
RO Resettlement Officer
ROW Right-of-Way
RU Resettlement Unit
RV Replacement Value
RRP Revised Resettlement Plan
SDE Sub-divisional Engineer
SES Socio-economic Survey
TA Technical Assistance
TNA Training Need Assessment
TOR Terms of Reference
TL Team Leader
USC Ultra Super Critical
VH Vulnerable Household
VPAPs Vulnerable Project Affected Persons
WB World Bank
XEN Executive Engineer

Table of Contents
1. Project Background:......................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Description of the Project: ................................................................................................ 5
1.3 Project Impact: ................................................................................................................................. 5
1.4 Project Benefits: ............................................................................................................................... 5
2. Project Location: ............................................................................................................... 6
3. Project Budget: ................................................................................................................ 7
4. Executing Agency: ........................................................................................................... 7
5. Role of Shushilan: ............................................................................................................ 7
6. Project Organogram......................................................................................................... 8
7. Objective of the Assignment: ........................................................................................... 8
8. Objectives of Resettlement Action Plan (RAP): ................................................................ 9
9. Resettlement Planning: .................................................................................................... 9
10. Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) Structures: .................................................................. 10
11. Scope of Services: ......................................................................................................... 10
12. Information Management ............................................................................................... 14
13. Activities performed by Shushilan during the reporting month of April,2020. .................. 15
14. Development of MIS and Software................................................................................. 18
15. Socio-economic & Assets survey…………………………………………………………… ..19
16. Computerization of Census Survey data……………………………………………………..20
17. The list of PAPs enlisted in a registrar book………………………………………………….20
18. Assist to Howanok and Kalarmarchhora UPs for distributing relief………………………..20
19. Ward wise separation of PAPs:20Ward wise separation of PAPs…………………………20
20. Assist to local administration for preparation of list for distributing relief………………….21
21. Virtual coordination meeting with project staff: ............................................................... 20
22. Monthly Coordination Meeting at Shushilan Office, Maheshkhali, Coxsbazar ................ 21
23. Constraint: ..................................................................................................................... 22
24. Work plan up to April, 2019 to March, 2021 ................................................................... 23
24.1 Work Schedule of Shushilan: .................................................................................................... 24
25. Conclusion: .................................................................................................................... 29

Executive Summary

1. Project Background:
As per Power System Master Plan (PSMP)-2010 electricity demand will be 13,000 MW by
2017,24,000 MW by 2021 and 40,000 MW by 2030. PSMP recommends diversification of fuel
for power generation and prioritizes coal for 50% of total power generation by 2030. In this
aspect, Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) plans for installation of 10,560 MW Ultra
Super Critical Coal Based Thermal Power Plant and 3000 MW LNG Based Combined Cycle
Power Plant in different phases at Maheshkhali Upazila in Cox's Bazar District. The envisaged
fuel is imported Coal/ LNG.

Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) shall set up a Project Management Unit (PMU)
for implementing the projects where resettlement support would be provided to BPDB with the
assistance of Shushilan. In this regard, the project requires information regarding resettlement
issue by detailed survey, computerization and processing data for identification of eligible
persons correctly for providing resettlement benefits and assess their entitlements as per LARAP
policy which will be prepared by Shushilan. Shushilan will particularly make analysis in the
following areas: (i) gathering and sharing information during implementation to establish
transparency (ii) information campaign and community participation (iii) strengthening capacity
of EA to deliver services and to implement resettlement plans (iv) conducting survey for Training
Need Assessment (TNA) of vulnerable Project Affected Persons (PAPs) and preparing proposal
for their need based training for development of capacity building.
1.2 Description of the Project:
For implementation of proposed Maheskhali Power Hub which includes 8 (Eight) Blocks Coal
based power plant (each having 2x660 MW capacity) & 1 (One) block LNG based combined
cycle power plant (having capacity 4x750 MW) about 5,668 acres of land is in the process of
acquisition at Maheshkhali Upazila in Cox's Bazar District.
The power Hub will be constructed at Maheshkhali Upazila in Cox's Bazar District of Chittagong
Division. The proposed project site is approximately 165 km South of Chittagong and 65 km
North-West of Cox's Bazar by road.
Th Site is bordered by River and Sea on the Western side and others side is land bounded.
There are private land and Government land for salt and shrimp cultivation.

1.3 Project Impact:

Acquisition of 5668 acres of land for the project affected families who lost their land, structures,
trees/shrimp farm/battle leaf field/salt firm and permanent and temporary employees taken
together have turned wage losers.

1.4 Project Benefits:

The project will bring direct benefit in improving electricity supply into Cox's bazar as well as
Chittagong region. As a result, the parjaton (Tourism) city Cox's bazar will be more resourceful.
The tourists both from inland and abroad will be attracted to see the world largest sea beach as
well as natural beauty of the area. Moreover the present Government has undertaken projects

to establish Economic Zone, Sea Port and Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) Terminal and establish
various types of Industries at Moheshkhali of Cox'sbazar. However, it will also bring certain
visible and invisible benefits. Bangladesh Government intends to create job opportunities for
about 30 thousand people in this area.

2. Project Location:
Hoanok & Kalarmarchora Union, Moheshkhali, Cox's bazar (Project area is marked red)



3. Project Budget:
BDT (including TAX & VAT) - 24,226,479 (Two Crore Forty Two Lac Twenty Six Thousand Four
Hundred Seventy Nine Taka Only).

4. Executing Agency:
Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB).

5. Role of Shushilan:
BPDB appointed Shushilan a non-government organization to provide consultancy services
for implanting RAP. Following important roles will be played by Shushilan during
implementation of RAP of the project-

• Identification of PAHs & PAPs and collection of additional key information regarding PAHs
and PAPs.
• Preparation of RAP including livelihood and income loss restoration plan.
• Distribution of information booklets, leaflets, notices and other materials among PAPs
community meetings, public announcements etc.
• Issue of ID cards signed jointly by the client and IA.
• Preparation of Entitlement Card (ECs)
• Organize short training for the core officials involved in implementation of RAP as a part
of capacity building.
• Prepare proposal for need based training for vulnerable groups.
• Prepare MIS for monitoring and evaluation program for RAP implementation.
• Participation in JVT, PVAT and GRC.
• Inform EPs/Vulnerable PAPs about legal documents and procedure of payment etc.
• Assist BPDB to disburse of compensation among the affected PAPs.
• Keep record of notice and signing and keep record into MIS of Handover and notice for
encumbrance free.
• According to Socio-economic assessment, RAP should be properly designed to match
needs of PAPs, particularly vulnerable ones.
• Reporting:
➢ Status of major notices; b) Number of EPs; c) Progress of disbursement of CCL
and additional benefits; d) Progress of resettlement and status of resettled
residents; e) Activity on RAP.
• IA will collect Socio-economic Survey (SES) data related to the pre-acquisition condition
of the PAP households and the nature and magnitudes of all categories of losses as well
as compensation thereof to be determined by DC and JVT.
• IA will conduct supplemental survey to collect socio-economic data required for updating
all the data.
➢ Maintain computerized baseline socio-economic database.
➢ Computerize all related resettlement issues data, including Grievance Redress
issue & data.
• The format for reporting is to be approved by the project authority & the weight-age of the
activities of NGO is to be included in the report.

• Reporting should include status of funding and utilization.
• Identification of any challenges encountered and anticipated that would affect completion
of the project within time and money constraints set forth in the agreement, together with
recommended solution to such problems.

6. Project Organogram

Project Manager/Team

Deputy Project Manager/

Deputy Team Leader

Environmental, Social and Data Analyst/MIS Specialist

Resettlement Expert

Accounts Officer Area Manager/


Field Resettlement Data Entry

Workers Operators

7. Objective of the Assignment:

Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) seek to ensure minimal required land acquisition
and other properties and assets losses. Since such acquisition of land warrants loss of property,
income and livelihood of the people, mitigation, of such losses at replacement cost/value and
restoration of socio-economic status of the project affected persons (PAP) is taken to be the
prime objective of the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP). The project policy commitments have
been orchestrated to compensate lost assets and restore or improve livelihood of all categories
of APS affected directly or indirectly with titles and without titles. The affected people will be
entitled to cash compensation for land and other assets at replacement value if land assets
cannot be replaced. Additional assistance also will be paid as resettlement benefits that include
shifting/ reconstruction allowance, assistance for small business reestablishment, livelihood
restoration and special assistance to female headed households and vulnerable groups.

The appointed Implementing Agency Shushilan will, therefore, seek to undertake such social
safeguard measures in the implementation process, conducting consultation with the APs and
ensuring their participation in the RP implementation, verifying census data, preparing/revising
resettlement budget and assisting in the process of physical relocation/resettlement rehabilitation
of those APs requiring such assistance, if necessary.

The implementing associate will also assist BPDB to socio-economically rehabilitate the affected
persons and communities through various social safeguard measures as envisaged in the RAP.
Such as community development programs, these measures, translated into concrete
development programs where needed, will mainly target the poor and disadvantaged groups of
people of the project influence areas to complement the national and WB/ADB/JICA framework
on poverty reduction strategy. The implementing associate will design such programs on the
basis of the extent and severity of the adverse project impacts assessed by Census, Socio-
economic Survey and Training Need Assessment Survey of vulnerable groups of people and
RP implementation will cover such differentiated impacts on the vulnerable groups of people
and required mitigation measures.

The Database of the RAP will be prepared on the basis of all such information relating to the
APs, their losses and compensation. To compensate APs for their losses, it will be necessary to
digitally process, in a computerized Management Information System (MIS), Entitled Persons
(EPs) Database and all other RAP implementation needs and requirements, such as, preparation
of Entitled Person (EP) Files, issuance of ID Cards to all EPs, Budget and Accounts, Disposal of
EP files, and others. The Implementing Associate Shushilan will develop, operate and administer
such a MIS for efficiently implementing the RAP.

8. Objectives of Resettlement Action Plan (RAP):

The RAP is based on principle of the WB/ADB/JICA Guidelines and demand of Bangladesh
Govt. for Environmental and Social Considerations that development projects must serve the
needs of the society and ensure that PAPs are not made worse off by the proposed intervention.
It aims to clarifying resettlement principles, organizational arrangements, and design criteria to
be applied to the Project. In response to the above principle, involuntary resettlement should be
an important consideration in project identification. Three important elements of involuntary
resettlement are: 1) compensation for loss of assets, loss of income sources and livelihood
means; 2) assistance for relocation including provision of relocation sites with appropriate
facilities and services, and; 3) assistance for rehabilitation to achieve at least the same level of

BPDB established a Project Management Unit (PMU) for the project. And an experienced
NGO/Social Consultancy Firm is assigned to assist BPDB in implementation of the Resettlement
Program under the management and supervision of PMU.

9. Resettlement Planning:
Where population displacement by the acquisition of land is unavoidable, a detailed
Resettlement Plan built around a development strategy and package aimed at improving or at

least restoring the economic base of those affected, is required to be formulated. Here the
resettlement is required to be carried out in accordance with WB/ADB/JICA Guidelines for
Environmental and Social Considerations through a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) which will
address all social and resettlement issues on the project. The RAP will incorporate:
• Land Acquisition and Resettlement for all Project Affected Persons (PAPs);and
• To assist vulnerable PAPs together with general sections to address issue such as legal
framework through which resettlement takes place.
The compensation due under law for Acquisition and Requisition of Immovable Property will be
paid to the eligible PAPs through Deputy Commissioner’s Office. BPDB will provide additional
Compensation and assistance to the PAPs both titled and non-titled complying with the principles
of the JICA Guidelines and a Compensation and Resettlement Policy framed in this connection.

The prime objective of the resettlement options now a day's practiced as an integrated
development package which is designed to offer sufficient opportunities and resources for all
persons affected by the project. It is intended to seek key support from BPDB to adopt a
resettlement policy which links the scale and nature of the loss with a specific entitlement
package. The basic idea is to provide institutional and financial assistance to the PAPs, and not
only to replace their direct and indirect lost assets but to reconstruct their self-sustaining
economic and reproductive base.

The compensation mechanism for APs in the Compensation and Resettlement Policy needs
particular care to emphasize support in cash rather than in kind i.e. to generate viable and
sustainable income generating schemes for those who are displaced and whose substantial
parts of their land and assets are affected.

Furthermore, special care needs to be provided to give support to vulnerable groups in terms of
economic development and vocational training (e.g. poultry rearing, cattle fattening, handicrafts,
aquaculture, forestry, horticulture, transport & mechanics sector and grant/credit management).

The ultimate objective is to assist preparation of a Compensation and Resettlement Policy

incorporating above mentioned strategies and followed by preparation of Resettlement Action
Plan and if necessary review/ revise it.

10. Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) Structures:

The RAP which forms the overall document for focusing and controlling all social issues of the
project will include all issues related to PAPs and special assistance for vulnerable PAPs.

The RAP details the participants of the project to address the social issues with their duties. The
document will also identify all activities to be performed by the participant within a set time frame.
To control and monitor the work, MIS is developed by Shushilan for formulation/review and
implementation of the RAP. The RAP structure includes mainly the following stakeholders.

11. Scope of Services:

Shushilan will assist BPDB in implementing the Resettlement Programs (RP) including all
assessment regarding livelihood restoration and income-loss compensation reasonably, fairly
and timely with full transparency. Throughout the services, BPDB shall maintain close

coordination with the proper authorities/parties. The main purpose of engaging an NGO/Social
Consulting Firm is to identify the Affected Persons (APs)to assess their losses & resettlement
benefits and assist BPDB in processing and paying resettlement benefits to the Affected Persons
(APs). The scope of services will include a full range of Resettlement Program (Assessment &
Implementation of Livelihood &Income-Loss Restoration and Resettlement Compensation Plan)
implementation activities such as but not limited to:

Activity-I: Identification of PAHs & PAPs and collection of additional key information
regarding PAHS & PAPS.
Activity-Il: Preparation of RAP including livelihood and income loss restoration plan.
Activity ill: implementation of RAP.

Activity-I Identification of PAHs & PAPs and collection of additional key information
regarding PAHS & PAPS.
Task-A: Dissemination of Resettlement Assistance Policy
Following socioeconomic assessment, Resettlement Assistant Consultant (RAC) shall
conduct dissemination of the land acquisition as well as resettlement assistance policy to
the PAHs/PAPs/commercial entities (collectively "PAPs”) which may be affected by the
Project Information dissemination campaign would include such measures as distribution
of information booklets, leaflets, notices and other materials among the PAPs, carrying out
community meetings, public announcements and any other measures necessary to provide
information to possible PAPs in the project area.

Task-B: Identification of PAHs/PAPs

Based on the basic design carried by General Consultant (GC), which defines the
alignment, right of way, and the boundary of project area, RAC shall finalize identification
of PAPs (PAPs shall be approved by the BPDB including Non-titled and the Entitled
Persons (EPs). The Employer would be issued the identification card to EPs in such a form
with such size of the photographs defined by the Employer. The photograph shall be
attested by the representative of the Local Government's Institution (LGl) and signed jointly
by the BPDB.

Task-C : Identification of Non-Title Holders

Non-title holders are also eligible for RAP. According to the Entitlement Policy and
procedures to be determined by the BPDB and the relevant authority, non-title holders shall
be recognized as EPs, those who will be entitled to get ECs to be issued by BPDB in
association with RAC. RAC shall assist BPDB in identification and entitlement of non-title

Task-D: Profiling PAHs/PAPs

During identification of PAHs/PAPs, RAC shall establish the Management Information
System (MIS). RAC will prepare the Entitlement Card (ECs) to make profile on the issue of
land/property, estimated compensation, socioeconomic information etc. And incorporate

the information into MIS.

Activity-Il : Preparation of RAP including livelihood and income loss restoration plan

Task-A: Preparation of RAP including livelihood and income loss restoration plan.
RAC shall prepare the revised Resettlement Action Plan (RAP)including livelihood and
income loss restoration plan to cope with Resettlement Assistance and Particular attention
shall be paid to:
• Preparation of RAP on the basis of recommendation by JVT & PVAT
• Resettlement assistance and livelihood activities
• Compensation framework
• Budget and Implementation Schedule
• Organizational Responsibilities
• Consultation and participation
• Grievance Redress
• Monitoring and evaluation
• Preparing livelihood and income loss restoration plan for PAPs
RAC shall prepare a MIS for monitoring and evaluation program for RAP
implementation during their contract period. RAC will work on the relevant issues
under the guidance of BPD3 through their consultants.

Activity-Ill: Implementation of RAP.

Task-A : Participation into Joint Assessment Prior to finalization of RAP, the Joint
Verification Team(JVT), the Property Valuation Advisory Committee (PVAC) and the
Grievance Redress Committee (GRC) shall be established through, active participation of
RAC. RAC shall also assist the Employer for his review and approval in cost estimates tor
RAP though assistance for JVT and PVAC.

Task-B: Information Dissemination

Prior to implementation of RAP, PAPs shall be informed of procedures of payment terms
and conditions of compensation/resettlement benefits, required documents to be
submitted/prepared and grievance redress. RAC shall provide such information through
written materials, consultation and meetings with PAPs. A Bangla booklet containing the
total compensation package as was outlined in the RAP, procedures and places of
payment and all other relevant information must be circulated by the notice within three
months of field placement. If possible this may be prepared by before going to the field
and be circulated during the 3rd week of field work. These above stated procedures will
significantly help the NGO for performing their activities in a better social environment.
The main contents of this Bangla Booklet are:

(i) Background of the Project

(i) An Overview of the Project
(ii) Expected Benefits to be Derived
(iv) Affected Persons and Properties

(v) How the Losses will be Mitigated
(vi) Principles of Relocation and Rehabilitation
(vil) Compensations and Grants
(vi) PAPs Participation in Implementation
(ix) Procedure of Payment of Compensation
(x) Grievance Redress System
(xi)Types of Documents needed by the Non-titled and Entitled Persons (EPs)
(xii)The Entitlement Matrix
(xii) Concluding Remarks
(xv) Livelihood and income loss restoration plan

Task-C: Assistance during Resettlement Process

During implementation of RAP, RAC shall assist in the following:

1) Informing EPs of the legal documents required for claiming compensation from Deputy
Commissioner's office and Project office, review the legal document and reconcile to the
current status in terms of formality, proof of purchase/sale, inheritance, and usufruct;

2) Informing particularly vulnerable PAPs, how they will be compensated by cash and/or
kind; options can be choose how to apply them;

3) Informing that EPs can be entitled with benefits: e.g. reimbursement of stamp duties
related to land purchases, tube well, sanitary latrine and saplings may be lost by
resettlement and all kinds of resettlement benefits.

Task-D: Assistance for Grievances Redress

By understanding of importance of personal rapport with PAPs, RAC will:
1) Ensure that the PAPs are fully aware of the grievance redress procedure and the
process of bringing their complaints to the grievance redress committee (GRC);
2) Assist the PAPs in any usual manner (e.g., preparing applications, accompanying them
to the hearing and explaining the grievance to the GRCs and the like) to bring the
complaints to the committee;
3) Impartially investigate the veracity of the complaints and try to settle them amicably,
fairly transparently before they go to the redress committee or the courts of law;
4) Pay special attention to problems and needs of the vulnerable RAPs.

Task-E: Assistance of Disbursement

RAC shall assist disbursement of compensation. Cash Compensation under Law
(CCL)shall be conducted according to the relevant rules and regulations. RAC shall assist
in disbursement of CCL against the proper procedure and documentation regarding
resettlement issues. RAC shall also assist in estimation and in consultation with EPs on
additional grants. Such estimation and payment shall be reviewed and approved by the

Task-F : Hand-over and Notice for Encumbrance Free
Given that completion of compensation to EPs, the notice for Encumbrance Free issued
by the Local Authority and agreed and signed by EPs. RAC shall witness the notice and
signing and keep record into MIS.

Task-G : Implementation of RAP

According to preparation under Task 1 of Activity 2, RAC shall implement RAP. According
to socio-economic assessment, RAP should be properly designed to match needs of
PAPs, particularly vulnerable ones.

Task-H : Reporting
Among other deliverables, RAC shall submit the Progress Report which includes:
➢ Status of major notices
➢ Number of Eps
➢ Progress of disbursement for CCL and additional benefit
➢ Progress of resettlement and status of resettled residents
➢ Activity on RAP
➢ Progress of Livelihood and income restoration program.

12. Information Management

The selected NGO will collect Socio Economic Survey (SES) data related to the pre-acquisition
condition of the PAP household and the nature and magnitude of all categories of losses as well
as the compensation thereof to be determined by DC and the Joint Verification Teams (JVT).
They will conduct supplemental survey to collect socio-economic data required for updating all
the data and incorporate int final design. All essential information will have to be generated by
using one or more menu-driven Management Information System. Among other things, the NGO
• Maintain computerized baseline socioeconomic database and collect supplementary
information as and when necessary and update them, during the course of implementation.
• Collect and computerize data on individual losses and the compensation thereof, as
determined by DC and JVT for all legally and socially recognized Entitled Persons.
• Collect and computerize all information on market survey and assessment of property
and their owners by PVAT (Property Valuation Advisory Team), process data and
compile reports for the PVAT recommending replacement market price of land and
other property.
• Collect and computerize all information related to different types of payments and
additional supports provided to the entitled person (EP) and update the EP file and
• Prepare ‘Entitlement Card (EC)’ for the individual Eps as per their types of losses and
the amount of compensation due to reach type of loss from legal title and the amount
of compensation if any, to be paid by BPDB through NGO as well as other non-
monetary entitlements.

• Prepare and issue identification Cards for each EP (including direct and indirect Eps),
containing his/her photograph (to be taken by the NGO itself) and other vital
• Record and maintain details of the issues/ disputes causing delay in the disbursement
/ receipt of compensation and the persons involved in them, including the cases
brought to the courts of law.
• Document information on the cases, with reasons, brought to and resolved by the
GRC, with decisions going in favor of or against the complainants.
• Collect and maintain relocation information on the homestead losers by categories of
EP households such as legal owners, licensees, squatters and others.
• Maintain information on purchase of replacement home lot and other lands as well as
the stamp duties reimbursed by the BPDB.
• Collect and maintain information on physical, social and institutional infrastructure and
amenities (latrines, tube wells, etc.), if any, that might be provided by BPDB.

13. Activities performed by Shushilan during the reporting month of April,2020.

Table-1: Shushilan activities during the reporting month of April, 2020
Achievement Achievement Achievement Remarks
Sl. Area/Place/Targ (up to last (During (Cumulative)
Activities month) reporting
No et Households
01 Project Staff Field and central 23 - 23 Completed
recruitment and level
02 Stakeholder DC office, 01 - 01 Completed
workshop Coxsbazar
03 Setup Project Area Moheshkhali, 02 - 02 Completed
office and Dhaka Coxsbazar &
Office Adabor, Dhaka
04 Staff Development Dhaka office 01 - 01 Completed
training in Dhaka
05 Inception Report BPDB 01 - 01 Completed
submission to
06 Monthly Progress BPDB 12 01 13 Submitted
report submission to
07 Rapport Building Project affected 128 03 131 Ongoing
with PAPs, Local area
Community, UP`s
representatives and
local administration
08 Monthly Staff Maheshkhali 12 01 13 Ongoing
Coordination Office
Meeting Dhaka Office 11 00 11 Ongoing
09 Special Meeting in Maheshkhali 06 00 06 Ongoing
Dhaka and office
Moheshkhali Office Dhaka Office 05 00 05 Ongoing

Achievement Achievement Achievement Remarks
Sl. Area/Place/Targ (up to last (During (Cumulative)
Activities month) reporting
No et Households
10 Meeting with project Project affected 99 00 99 Ongoing
affected people area
11 Disseminate project Project affected 234 00 234 Ongoing
related information area
to the project
affected people in
Jumma day at
different Mosques
12 Maintain close District & Upazilla 23 03 26 Ongoing
Liaison with District level
and Upazilla level
(discussion &
13 Socio-economic PAPs & PAHs 3314 13 3327 Ongoing
survey format fill up
14 Assets survey PAPs & PAHs 3314 13 3327 Ongoing
format fill up
15 Meeting with UP Project affected 51 02 53 Ongoing
representatives Unions
(Local Govt.)
16 Awareness building Project affected 208 00 208 Ongoing
with community area
people at tea stall
17 Focus Group PAPs & PAHs 191 00 191 Ongoing
Discussion (FGD)
18 Monthly BPDB office, 16 00 16 Ongoing
Coordination Dhaka
meeting with BPDB
19 Discussion meeting Village level 97 00 97 Ongoing
with affected
community at village
20 Miking at affected Affected area 04 0 04 Ongoing
community level process
21 Meeting with local Affected area 44 00 44 Ongoing
22 Upazilla NGO UNO office, 07 06 13 Ongoing
coordination Moheshkhali,
meeting at UNO Coxsbazar
23 Scanned Copies of 3314 13 3327 Ongoing
Survey (SES) fill up
forms provide to
24 Scanned Copies of 3314 13 3327 Ongoing
Asset Survey (AS)
fill up forms provide

Achievement Achievement Achievement Remarks
Sl. Area/Place/Targ (up to last (During (Cumulative)
Activities month) reporting
No et Households
25 The list of PAPs Affected PAPs 1077 1077 Ongoing
enlisted in a
registrar book
26 Took part at special Project area 05 05 Ongoing
meeting with
Chairmen of
Howanok and
Union on COVID-19
issues as well as
project issues.
27 Ward wise Ongoing 919 919 Ongoing
separation of PAPs
28 Assist to Upazilla Poor community As and
Chairman & UNO of Maheshkhali when call
for distributing relief Upazilla by Upazilla
among the poor administrati
people those who on
lost their income
sources for COVID-

Month wise progress of SES & AS Status


NGO coordination
meeting at UNO
office for COVID-19

Ward wise
separation of PAPs

Prepare a list of
PAPs in a registrar
Assisting prepare a book
COVID affected list

14. Development of MIS and Software

Shushilan has developed software for computerization of Socio-economic, Asset Survey, Joint
Verification and Market survey data. Shushilan will also prepare a compensation budget on
determination of losses of affected properties after undertaking of joint verification survey and
market survey to be conducted by Joint Verification Team and Property Valuation Advisory Team

15. Socio-economic & Assets survey:

Field staffs of Shushilan are conducting Socio-economic & Assets survey of the Project
Affected Persons (PAPs) under the project with very eagerly and keen interest. Up to reporting
month (April, 2020)
Status of Survey & Scanned Shushilan`s staff
has completed the
Scanned of SES
survey of 3327
Assets Survey PAPs & Assets
Survey of 3327
Scanned of AS
PAPs. A total
number of 13 SES
and 13 AS filled up
in the month of
April, 2020. Due to
SES Assets Survey Scanned of SES Scanned of AS Corona virus, our
field staff could not

house to house visit in hole month of April for filled up SES and AS survey forms. Only 13 PAPs
were come to our field office and filled up their survey forms.

16. Computerization of Census Survey data:

Data Management is one of the major and important activities of the survey. It includes
computerization of field data, data validation and development of programs and generation of the
reports. The Data Management Unit of Shushilan in Dhaka will complete data entry on census
survey and formulation of tables on various socio-economic and demographic criteria for
reviewing and updating RAP on the basis of data base and also will prepare a budget for
compensation and resettlement benefits.

17. The list of PAPs enlisted in a registrar book:

Shshilan staff are preparing a list of PAPs in a registrar book so that we can find the PAPs easily
during JVT & PVAT activities at field level.

18. Assist to Howanok and Kalarmarchhora UPs for distributing relief :

Shshilan staff are assisting to Howanok and Kalarmarchhora Union Parishads for distributing
relief/humanitarian assistance among the poor
community those who lost their income
sources in the present crucial time (COVID-
19). Shushilan staff has assisted UPs to
prepare a list of income losers of Howanok &
Kalarmarchhora Unions. Shushilan staff
enlisted the poor land losers (lost their land for
Maheshkhali Power Hub) name in the COVID
affected list (those who lost their income
sources). Our staff also assisted to UPs when
distributed relief among the COVID-19 affected
poor people.

19. Ward wise separation of PAPs:

Shshilan staff are separating the files of PAPs in ward wise so that we find the PAPs/PAHs easily
during JVT & PVAT activities at field level. Due to separation of PAPs we/BPDB find them easily
during cheques distribution and livelihood activities.

20. Assist to local administration for preparation of list for distributing relief:
Shshilan staff are assisting to local administration for distributing relief/humanitarian assistance
among the poor community those who
lost their income sources in the present
crucial time (COVID-19). Shushilan staff
has assisted to local administration to
prepare a list of income losers of
Maheshkhali Upazilla. Shushilan staff
enlisted the poor land losers (lost their
land for Maheshkhali Power Hub) name
in the COVID affected list (those who
lost their income sources). Shushilan
staff has also assisted to local
administration when distributed the
relief/humanitarian assistance among the COVID-19 affected poor people.

21. Virtual coordination meeting with project staff:

On 26th April, 2020 Shushilan officials of Consultancy Services/Assistance as NGO (National) for
Resettlement Assistance (Assessment & implementation of Livelihood & Income-loss
Restoration and Compensation Plan) under Maheshkhali Power Hub Project took part in a virtual
meeting (through Zoom) on project related various issues which are as follows-
Table-5: Meeting in Shushilan, Dhaka Office
Sl. Name of participants &
Date Issues discussed Comments/ decisions
No. designation
01 26/04/ Aftab Hassan, Team • Govt. Holyday for • Team Leader said
2020 Leader, Md. Sohidul Islam, CVID-19 and due to Corona virus
Deputy Team Leader, continue our Bangladesh Govt.
Mustafa Bakuluzzaman, project activities has declared
• Continue the data holydays from 26th
Mohanambrotra Das,
entry activities March, 2020 and
Anowara Khatun, Sharif • Regular
Ahmed Chowdhury, continue up to till
coordinate with
Environment, Social & now. During the
period, the project
Resettlement Specialists administration
staff of shushilan will
(ESRS), Shushilan, Mehedi • Regular field visit
by TL, DTL, ESRS have to stay at
Hassan Sohag (Jia), Md. Moheshkhali and
Shrafat Hossain, Rezaul & MIS specialists
continue their
Kabir, Md. Abdullahel Shafi, activities at project
MIS specialists, Md. Reazul office but our field
Islam & Shaheen Reza, staffs will not have to
Data Entry Operator, go to house to house
Shushilan & Amrito Kumar for SES & AS survey
Halder, Accounts officer purpose.

Sl. Name of participants &
Date Issues discussed Comments/ decisions
No. designation
were took at the virtual • Data entry operators
meeting through Skipe will continue the entry
of SES & AS data.
• TL also said
Shushilan`s field
staffs will continue
regular coordinate
with local
administration & local
specially UNO,
Upazilla Chairman,
AC Land and
respective Union

22. Monthly Coordination Meeting at Shushilan Office, Maheshkhali, Coxsbazar

Monthly Coordination Meeting was held on 28/04/2020 at field Office. In the meeting discussed
the following issues –

Table-6: Monthly Coordination Meeting at Shushilan, Field Office, Maheshkhali, Coxsbazar

Sl. Name of Topic discussed and decision Comments/

No. Participants taken Decision
01 28/04/2020 Abdul Alim • Govt. holyday for COVID-19 • Due to Corona
(Sazzat), Md. Abu and continue our project virus
Hasan (Mokbul), activities Bangladesh
MD. A. Mosha • Present status of socio- Govt. has
economic and assets survey declared
activities holydays from
(Nuruzzaman), • Present status of scanned of
Dulal Krishna 26th March,
SES & AS fill up forms
2020 to till now.
Shome (Dinesh), • Arrange JVT & PVAT meeting
During the
Md. Sazzad • Liaison with Cox's bazar DC
Hossain Saju office, UNO office, Chairmen
of Howanok and Shushilan`s
(Iqbal), Md. Emran field staff are
Hossain (Imran), Kalarmarchora and local
stakeholders. staying at
Kamolesh Biswas Moheshkhali,
• Liaison with representative of
(Kamol), G.M. BPDB and continuing
Moniruzzaman, GM • Regular communication with our activities at
Abdul Hakim local administration and local project office
(Salam), Amol Govt. representatives but we shall not
Kumar Sarkar go to house to
(Mintu), AM house for SES

Sl. Name of Topic discussed and decision Comments/
No. Participants taken Decision
Wahiduzzaman & AS survey
(Robiul), Md. Ziaur purpose.
Rahman (Ali), • Shushilan`s
Resettlement field staffs are
Workers continuing
• Meeting held at coordinate with
Shushilan Office,
& local elected
specially UNO,
Chairman, AC
Land and
Chairmen and
assist to
distribute the
relief among
the poor people
those who are
losing their
sources for
• Regular
coordinate with

23. Constraint:
Shushilan is facing following problems in the project area namely –
• Due to Corona virus, our field staff could not house to house visit during the period for
filled up SES and AS survey forms.
• Most of the affected people those who have received compensation cheques from DC
office and Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) are not preserving their land
related legal documents. As a result, field staffs of Shushilan are facing problems during
survey activities.
• Kalarmarchhora & Howanok Chairmen, members of JVT & PVAT were not so cooperative
to execute the activities of JVT & PVAT.
• The affected persons those who have not yet received the compensation cheques from
DC office and BPDB are not showing interest to complete their survey through
Shushilan`s staff.

• A large number of PAPs live outside Moheshkhali Upazilla, field staffs of Shushilan are
facing difficulties to contact them.
• Some unscrupulous EPs try to enlist their relatives and dependents as wage laborers to
extract undue compensation from Govt.
• Local elected representatives i.e. Union parishad Chairmen & Members of Howanok &
Kalarmarchora Unions lack enthusiasm in motivating PAPs to cooperate with field staff of
• The affected people expect to get more money as compensation than that of market
• Many affected people expect to get Government job of any kind. They said that they have
lost their income source due to the project and their expectation is high.
• Due to lack of payment of salary and expenditure for the last five months, field staffs of
Shushilan are facing difficulties in discharging their duties amid chilly winter.

24. Work plan up to April, 2019 to March, 2021

Shushilan has been maintaining close liaison with the BPDB for ensuring the Work Program for
its own activities. This is consistent with the overall program for the social/resettlement
component, particularly in respect of the timings and duration of activities. The TOR states that
all the activities for rendering NGO Services need to be completed within 24 (Twenty Four)
months. Shushilan has started providing NGO services with effect from 1st April, 2019.
Accordingly the work program for Shushilan is presented in the form of a Bar chart showing
activities to be performed/is being performed during the implementation of its program activities.

24.1 Work Schedule of Shushilan:
Work schedule for Consultancy Services/Assistance as NGO (National) for Resettlement Assistance (Assessment & implementation of Livelihood
& Income-loss Restoration and Compensation Plan) under Maheshkhali Power Hub Project-

N Activity Months n
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 2 2 2 2
Main Activities Sub-activities
9 0 1 2 3 4
1 Organizational Selection of Implementing NGO by the
arrangement BPDB
Signing the contract agreement
between BPDB and Implementing NGO
Finalization of overall planning of
prepare of RAP
2 Training and Assignment of field and support staff
mobilization of Field from own organization
Staffs Training and orientation of field &
support staff
Establishment of office
Staff mobilization in the offices
3 Conduct of Baseline Development of format for Socio-
Socio- economic economic survey
survey (BSES), if Baseline Socio- economic survey
require Computerization of SES data
Tabulation and Statistical information
of SES data
Categorization of EPs vulnerability
4 Update/Prepare of LA Submission of necessary information
& RP and SES data to DCSC for
Update/preparation of RAP
Submission of update/prepare RAP to
competent authority
Approval of final by the authority
5 Review the list of Project Affected
Households (PAHs)

N Activity Months n
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 2 2 2 2
Main Activities Sub-activities
9 0 1 2 3 4
Formation of group by Affected
Persons (APs)
Establish Information Selection of Information Campaign
camp and disseminate
Inform Procedure of Payment
of information
Suggestion for preparation of legal
6 Preparation and Meeting with affected Persons
distribution of Preparation of Information brochures
information brochure,
leaflets, etc. Distribution of brochure, leaflets, etc.
to the APs
Apprising resettlement policies and EPs
entitlements at the meting
7 Issuance of notice by Issuance of notice under section
Deputy Commissioner 6 and follow up notice by APs finding
and assessment of DC’ legality of individual ownership and
s budget informing owners to present document
DCs staff assesses valuation of
properties as per Law
Submission of DCs compensation
budget to the competent authority
Issuance of notice under section 7
8 Disbursement of DC’s Approval of DCs compensation
CCL to APs budget
Placement of fund with DC
Payment of compensation under under
Law (CCL)
9 Coordination meeting Formation of Joint Verification Team
through BPDB and and Property Verification and
involving the Assessment Team (JVT & PVAT)
representatives of the Formation of Grievance Redress
Executing Agencies /
Committee (GRC)

N Activity Months n
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 2 2 2 2
Main Activities Sub-activities
9 0 1 2 3 4
10 Joint Verification Development of format for Joint
Survey through JVT Verification survey
Joint verification survey
Joint verification survey data
authentication by JVT
11 Market survey of Development of format for Market
properties through Survey
PVAT Market Survey of properties
Market survey data authentication by
12 Development of Menu driven Software development for
software for menu- the project
driven Computerized Computerization of JVS & PVS data
Management Validation of all survey data
Information System for
computerization and Tabulation and statistical information
report generation of of JVS data
SES, JVS and PVAS data Preparation of ID
Preparation of Rate file
Computerization of category wise DC
compensation budget
13 Preparation of ID file Provide ID number as per category of
and Insertion of ID losses
number to all Entitled Insertion of ID number for individual
Persons identification of EPs
Finalization of ID list
14 Reconciliation with Collection of Deputy Commissioner
DCs compensation estimates
budget Reconciliation of DCs estimates with
JVS and MS data
15 Finalization of total losses

N Activity Months n
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 2 2 2 2
Main Activities Sub-activities
9 0 1 2 3 4
Preparation of Compensation and
Identification of losses resettlement budget
and preparation of Submission of Compensation and
Compensation Budget resentment budget to the competent
covering additional authority
and other payments Approval of compensation and
not covered by CCL resettlement budget
Placement of fund with the BPDB
16 Distribution of ID Card Photographs of Entitled Persons
to the EPs Preparation of ID Card
Distribution of ID Cards to the Entitled
17 Functioning of Receipt of grievance from the aggrieved
Grievance Redress persons
Committees Verification of the grievances
Disposal of the grievances by the
Grievances Redress Committees
18 Finalization of Preparation of EP and EC file
additional individual Preparation of Payment Statement
Entitlement by MIS for
Updating the payment information
both direct and
indirect losses
19 Disbursement of Collection of Account no from the EPs
additional and other Disbursement of compensation to the
compensation to the EPs
EPs covered / not
Additional and other compensation in
covered by CCL
full compliance with Compensation
Entitlement Matrix to be paid by BPDB
through INGO
20 Assistance to APs in Close liaison with DC office and
obtaining follow up the CCL distribution

N Activity Months n
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 2 2 2 2
Main Activities Sub-activities
9 0 1 2 3 4
compensation for Aware to APs to require legal
land, structures, trees documents for receipt of payment
and other assets
21 Assistance to APs for Identify the potential sellers of
relocation and homesteads and Potential land
Resettlenment Facilitate the purchase of land for
22 Issuance of Eviction Follow up the notice of eviction by
Notice and Hand-over the Deputy Commissioner.
land to contractor Expiration of eviction period; Handing
through BPDB over of land to contractors
23 Arrangement of Formation of vulnerable groups
training for PAPs to Preparation of training manuals for
improve their skill for vulnerable Eps
income generation. Organization of Skill training for
generation of income of Vulnerable Eps
24 Monitoring and Impact Monitor of all activities time to time
Survey Impact survey of the RP work
25 Information Periodic / on call report
dissemination to Monthly progress report
BPDB, concern
Mid-Term Report
Internal monitoring
Project Completion Report

25. Conclusion:
Shushilan has undertaken awareness campaign along with filling up of survey forms of PAPs &
PAHs. Shushilan is coordinating with local Govt. representatives, local administration and local
stakeholders. Shushilan staffs have completed 3327 SES & 3327 Assets Survey forms during
last month. Field work at project level by Shushilan Staffs is going on satisfactorily despite some
minor constraints. Interaction with all stakeholders have been accelerated gradually with the
passing of each month. Close and intensive monitoring by senior management at Dhaka has
facilitated speed up of project work at field level.

Prepared by:

Aftab Hassan
Team Leader
Consultancy Services/Assistance as NGO (National) for Resettlement Assistance (Assessment
& implementation of Livelihood & Income-loss Restoration and Compensation Plan) under
Maheshkhali Power Hub Project


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