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GLOSSARY of Legal Terminology

Term Definition/Explanation/Example ‫עברית‬

acceptance An agreement to the terms of an offer so that a binding contract is
formed; if an acceptance modifies the terms or adds new ones, it
generally operates as a counteroffer.
accused One charged with an offense; the defendant in a criminal case ‫ מואשם‬/ ‫מואשם‬
acquittal Judgment of not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. ‫זיכוי – פסק דין לא‬
adjudicate To hear or try and determine judicially. ‫לשמוע או לנסות‬
‫להחליט שיפוטית‬
adversary An opponent. The defendant is the plaintiff's adversary. ‫יריב במובן‬
adversarial The system of trial practice in which each of the opposing, or ‫שיטת משפט‬
system adversarial, parties has full opportunity to present and establish its – ‫אדוורסרית‬
opposing contentions before the court. ‫מבוססת על שני‬
‫צדדים הטוענים זה‬
‫ לשני‬.‫כנגד זה‬
‫הצדדים האופציה‬
‫לשטוח טענותיהם‬
affidavit A written statement of facts confirmed by the oath of the party ‫תצהיר – נעשה‬
making it, before a notary or officer having authority to ‫בשבועה בפני‬
administer oaths. .‫נוטריון‬
affirmative Acts undertaken to eliminate existing discrimination, to prevent
action future discrimination and to ensure that those who had been
previously discriminated against will be able to have access to
schools and employment.
affirmed In the appellate courts, the decree or order is declared valid and ‫אושר – מתייחס‬
will stand as rendered in the lower court. ‫להכרעת ערכאת‬
‫הערעור בנוגע‬
‫לפס"ד הערכאה‬
agent Person who has the power to act on behalf of another, binding the ‫מיופה כוח‬
other person as if he/she were themselves making the decisions.
allege To assert without proof or before proving. ‫טענה לכאורה‬
amendment A legislative change in a statute, or law, or, in the case of the
United States, in the Constitution.
antedate To date back retroactively, to date a document to a time before it ‫לתארך‬
was actually written. – ‫רטרואקטיבית‬
‫לתארך מסמך לזמן‬
‫הקודם לזמן בו‬
appeal A request made after a trial, asking a higher court to decide ‫ערעור – בקשה‬
whether the trial was conducted properly. To make such a request ‫לשינוי החלטה של‬
is "to appeal" or "to take an appeal" to a higher court. ‫ערכאה נמוכה‬
appellant Petitioner, the party who appeals a lower court's decision to a ‫מערער – הצד‬
higher court, usually seeking reversal of that decision. ‫המתקיף את החלטת‬
‫הערכאה הנמוכה‬
appellate About appeals; an appellate court has the power to review the – ‫בנוגע לערעור‬
judgment of another lower court or tribunal. ‫לבית משפט‬
‫לערעורים יש את‬
‫הכוח לבקר פס"ד‬
‫של ערכאה נמוכה‬

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Term Definition/Explanation/Example ‫עברית‬
appellee Respondent, the party against whom an appeal in a higher court is ‫משיב – הצד‬
taken and who responds to that appeal, usually seeking ‫המתגונן בערכאת‬
affirmance of the lower court's decision. ‫ערעור‬
arbitrary Without substantial legal cause, not according to reasoned
judgment, by mere opinion.
arbitration An alternative dispute resolution method by which an ‫בוררות – דרך‬
independent, neutral third person ("arbitrator") is appointed to ‫אלטרנטיבית‬
hear and consider the merits of the dispute and renders a final and .‫לפיתרון סכסוכים‬
binding decision called an award. ‫הבורר הינו צד‬
‫נייטרלי לו יש‬
‫סמכות לתת החלטה‬
‫סופית הכובלת את‬
argument A reason given in proof or rebuttal. ‫טיעון משפטי‬
arraignment A proceeding in which an individual who is accused of ‫שימוע – ההליך‬
committing a crime is brought into court, told of the charges, and ‫הראשוני בו מוקרא‬
asked to plead guilty or not guilty. ‫כתב האישום‬
‫והנאשם מתבקש‬
‫להצהיר על חפות‬
‫או אשמה‬
arson A crime; intentionally starting a fire in order to cause harm. ‫הצתה‬
assault and Criminal offense - to inflict offensive physical bodily harm on a ‫תקיפה – גרימת נזק‬
battery person and beating or use of force on a person. ‫פיזי לאדם והכאה‬
‫או שימוש בכוח‬
‫כנגד אדם‬
attorney A lawyer, barrister & solicitor. A person trained in the law and ‫דין‬-‫עורך‬
certified to give legal advice or to represent others in litigation.
bad faith Intent to deceive. A person who intentionally tries to deceive or – ‫אי תום לב‬
mislead another in order to gain some advantage. ‫בכוונת זדון – אדם‬
‫שבכוונה מנסה‬
‫לרמות או להוליך‬
‫שולל אדם אחר על‬
‫מנת להשיג יתרון‬
bail Security given for the release of a criminal defendant or witness ‫ערבות – ניתנת‬
from legal custody (usually in the form of money) to secure his ‫לבית המשפט על‬
appearance on the day and time appointed. ‫מנת להבטיח הופעת‬
‫עד למשפט‬/‫הנאשם‬
bankruptcy Refers to statutes and judicial proceedings involving persons or ‫פשיטת רגל‬
businesses that cannot pay their debts and seek the assistance of
the court in getting a fresh start. Under the protection of the
bankruptcy court, debtors may discharge their debts, perhaps by
paying a portion of each debt. Bankruptcy judges preside over
these proceedings.
barrister A litigation specialist; a lawyer that restricts his or her practice to ‫פרקליט אשר‬
the courtroom. In England and other Commonwealth ‫מתמחה בהופעות‬
jurisdictions, a legal distinction is made between barristers and – ‫בבית המשפט‬
solicitors, the latter with exclusive privileges of advising clients, ‫באנגליה נעשית‬
providing legal advice, and the former with exclusive privileges ‫הבחנה בין פרקליט‬
of appearing in all courts on behalf of a client. In other words, ‫המייעץ ייעוץ שוטף‬
solicitors appear only in lower courts on a client's behalf and ‫ללקוחות ואחד אשר‬
barristers in all courts. ‫מופיע בבית המשפט‬

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Term Definition/Explanation/Example ‫עברית‬
battered A post traumatic stress disorder. The jury in a murder trial can ‫סינדרום "האישה‬
woman consider this disorder as a relevant characteristic, which makes – "‫המוכה‬
her more prone to loss of self-control. ‫המושבעים יכולים‬
‫להתחשב כנסיבה‬
‫שתקל על איבוד‬
‫שליטה עצמית‬
bench trial Trial without a jury in which a judge decides the facts. ‫משפט ללא‬
‫מושבעים – השופט‬
beneficiary In a strictly legal context, a "beneficiary" usually refers to the ‫מוטב – נהנה מקרן‬
person for whom a trust has been created. It also refers to a ‫נאמנות או צוואה‬
person who benefits under a will.
bilateral A bilateral contract is one in which each party promises a
performance, so that each party is an obligor on that party's own
promise and an oblige on the other's promise; a contact in which
the parties obligate themselves reciprocally, so that the obligation
of one party is correlative to the obligation of the other. Also
termed mutual contract
breach Breach of contract means violation of a contractual obligation,
either by failing to perform one's own promise or by interfering
with the other party's performance.
breach of Criminal offense of creating a public disturbance or engaging in
the peace disorderly conduct.
brief A written statement submitted by the lawyer for each side in a ‫מסמך המוגש ע"י‬
case that explains to the judges why they should decide the case ‫עורכי הדין המסביר‬
or a particular part of a case in favor of that lawyer's client. ‫לשופט למה עליו‬
‫להכריע בקייס או‬
‫בחלקו לטובת‬
‫הלקוח שלהם‬
burden of A rule of evidence that makes a plaintiff prove a certain thing or ‫נטל ההוכחה‬
proof the contrary will be assumed by the court. In criminal trials, the
prosecution has the burden of proving the accused guilty because
innocence is presumed.
burglary breaking into premises in order to steal [something]. ‫פריצה‬
capital A crime punishable by death. The death penalty is referred to as ‫עבירה שדינה עונש‬
offense capital punishment. ‫מוות‬
case law The entire collection of published legal decisions of the courts, ‫אוסף כל ההלכות‬
incorporating the principle of stare decisis. If a rule of law can- ‫הפסוקות של בית‬
not be found in written laws, it is found in "case law." In other ‫ הלכות‬.‫המשפט‬
words, the rule is not in the statutes but can be found as a ‫שהפכו לעקרונות‬
principle of law established by a judge in some recorded case. ‫חוקיים גם אם לא‬
‫קיבלו מעמד של‬
censorship Restriction of public dissemination of written materials, movies,
spoken words; censorship is challenged as a denial of First
Amendment Rights of freedom of speech and of the press.
chambers A judge's office. [Also in camera – in chambers, in private.] ‫לשכת השופט‬
change of The removal of a suit or case begun in one county or district to ‫שינוי מקום המשפט‬
venue another county or district for trial, often to avoid bias or ‫– מבחינת מחוז‬
discrimination. ‫בד"כ למנוע דעה‬

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Term Definition/Explanation/Example ‫עברית‬
charge to the The judge's instructions to the jury concerning the law that – ‫הוראות שופט‬
jury applies to the facts of the case on trial. ‫למושבעים בנוגע‬
‫לחוק הנוגע‬
chilling effectThe result of a law or practice that seriously discourages the
exercise of a constitutional right, such as the right to appeal or
the right of free speech.
circumstantial All evidence except eyewitness testimony. Can a defendant be ‫ראיות נסיבתיות‬
evidence guilty if no one saw him/her commit the act?
class action When different persons combine their lawsuits because the facts ‫תביעה ייצוגית‬
and the defendant are so similar. To save Court time and to
allow one judge to hear all the cases at the same time and to
make one decision binding on all parties.
clerk of court An officer appointed by the court to work with the chief judge ‫פקיד בית המשפט‬
in overseeing court administration, especially to manage the
flow of cases through the court and to maintain court records.
client-lawyer A right that belongs to the client of a lawyer that the latter keep -‫יחסי עורך דין‬
privilege strictly confidential any information or words spoken to her or .‫לקוח‬
him during the legal sessions with the client. This includes
being shielded from testimony before a court of law. The client
may – expressly or implicitly – waive the privilege and, in very
rare exceptions, it may also be waived by the lawyer if the
disclosure of the information may prevent a serious crime.
collusion A secret agreement between two or more persons, who seem to ‫הסכם סודי‬/‫קנוניה‬
have conflicting interests, to abuse the law or the legal system, ‫של אנשים לטובת‬
deceive a court or to defraud a third party. ,‫מעבר על החוק‬
‫הונאת בית המשפט‬
‫או צד שלישי‬
common law The legal system that originated in England and is now in use in ‫משפט מקובל‬
the United States. It is based on judicial decisions rather than ‫מערכת המשפט‬
legislative action. ‫שנוצרה באנגליה‬
‫וכיום בשימוש גם‬
complaint A written statement by the plaintiff stating the wrongs allegedly ‫תלונה – מאשים‬
committed by the defendant. ‫מגיש כתב תלונה‬
‫ובו פורט את העוול‬
‫שנעשה לו ע"י‬
confession A statement made by a person suspected or charged with a ‫הודאה‬
crime, that he (or she) did, in fact, commit that crime.
consideration The basis of a contract. Consideration is a benefit or right for ‫תמורה – טובת‬
which the parties to a contract must bargain; the contract is ‫הנאה או זכות‬
founded on an exchange of one form of consideration for ‫שווה ערך נשוא‬
another. Consideration may be a promise to perform a certain .‫העסקה או החוזה‬
act – for example, a promise to fix a leaky roof – or a promise – ‫מובן אחר‬
not to do something, such as build a second story on a house ‫הבטחה לבצע‬
that will block the neighbor's view. Whatever its particulars, .‫פעולה מסויימת‬
consideration must be something of value to the people who are
making the contract.
conduct Personal behavior, mode of action.
conspiracy Agreement between two or more persons to commit a criminal ‫קנוניה‬
act; those forming the conspiracy are called conspirators.

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Term Definition/Explanation/Example ‫עברית‬
contempt of An act of defiance of court authority or dignity. Contempt of ‫ביזיון בית המשפט‬
court court can be direct (swearing at a judge or violence against a
court officer) or constructive (disobeying a court order). The
punishment for contempt is a fine or a brief stay in jail (e.g.
overnight or until the contempt is erased by an apology).
contract An agreement between two or more persons that creates an ‫חוזה‬
obligation to do or not to do a particular thing.
conviction A judgment of guilt against a criminal defendant. ‫הרשעה‬
counsel Legal advice; a term used to refer to lawyers in a case. ‫ייעוץ בהקשר‬
counterclaim A claim that a defendant makes against a plaintiff. ‫תביעה שכנגד‬
court Government entity authorized to resolve legal disputes. Judges ‫בית משפט‬
sometimes use "court" to refer to themselves in the third person,
as in "the court has read the briefs."
court reporter A person who makes a word-for-word record of what is said in ‫האדם הכותב את‬
court and produces a transcript of the proceedings upon request. ‫פרוטוקול המשפט‬
cross- In trials, when each party questions the other's witnesses. ‫חקירה נגדית‬
examination Lawyers are allowed more latitude in cross-examination then
when they question their own witnesses.
culpable Deserving punishment ‫מצדיק‬
"‫"מגיע לו‬/‫ענישה‬
custody Keeping a defendant in detention before trial, as in remand in ‫משמורת או מעצר‬
damages Money paid by defendants to successful plaintiffs in civil cases ‫תשלום פיצויים‬
to compensate the plaintiffs for their injuries.
default A judgment rendered because of the defendant's failure to ‫פסק דין שניתן‬
judgment answer or appear. ‫בגלל שהנתבע לא‬
‫ענה לתביעה או לא‬
defendant In a civil suit, the person complained against; in a criminal case, ‫הנאשם בעבירה‬
the person accused of the crime. ‫פלילית או הנתבע‬
‫בעבירה אזרחית‬
denounce To condemn openly, publicly.
deposition An oral statement made before an officer authorized by law to ‫עדות בעל פה‬
administer oaths, to examine potential witnesses, to obtain
discovery, or to be used later in trial. (Today, depositions are
often videotaped by persons notarized to record on video.)
discovery Lawyers' examination, before trial, of facts and documents in - ‫גילוי מסמכים‬
possession of the opponents to help the lawyers prepare for ‫תהליך הבדיקה של‬
trial. ‫עורכי הדין‬
‫המסמכים של הצד‬
‫השני על מנת‬
‫להתכונן למשפט‬
discrimination The effect of a statute (law), or established practice that grants
privileges to a certain class of people, or denies privileges to
another class of people because of race, age, sex, nationality,
religion or handicap. Such laws are said to be discriminatory.
disorderly A misdemeanor consisting of any behavior that tends to disturb
conduct the public peace, offend public morals or undermine public
safety (see breach of the peace).

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Term Definition/Explanation/Example ‫עברית‬
docket A log containing brief entries of court proceedings. ‫יומן הכולל תקצירי‬
‫הליכיים משפטיים‬
due process A term, principally of US law which refers to fundamental – ‫הליך תקין‬
procedural legal safeguards of which every citizen has an ‫בשיטת המשפט‬
absolute right when a state or court purports to take a decision ‫האמריקאית‬
that could affect any right of that citizen. The most basic right ‫מתייחס להליך‬
protected under the due process doctrine is the right to be given ‫הבסיסי שכל אזרח‬
notice, and an opportunity to be heard. ‫זכאי לו כשמדינה‬
‫או בית משפט‬
‫מבקשים לבצע‬
‫פעולה שתשפיע על‬
duty A legal obligation that one owes to another,e.g. one has a duty
to avoid causing deliberate harm to another; for every duty
owed, someone else has a corresponding right – i.e., the right
not to be caused deliberate harm.
encroach To infringe (trespass upon) another's rights or property.
endeavor To try to do or accomplish something.
entrapment The inducement, by law enforcement officers, of another person ‫הכשלה \הדחה‬
to commit a crime for the purposes of bringing charges for the ‫ נסיון של‬.‫לפשע‬
commission of that artificially provoked crime. This technique, ‫קציני משטרה‬
because it involves abetting the commission of a crime, which ‫להדיח אדם לפשע‬
is itself a crime, is severely curtailed under the constitutional .‫על מנת להאשימו‬
law of most countries.
equal A constitutional requirement, under the U.S. Constitution,
protection ensuring that similarly situated persons will receive the same
constitutional rights. Also known as equal protection of the law.
(See Equal Protection Clauses of the Fifth and of the Fourteenth
Amendments of the U.S. Constitution.)
equity A judgment based on conscience which prevents an unfair - ‫צדק דיני היושר‬
common law court judgment from being enforced. Fairness, ‫הגינות – פסק דין‬
impartiality, evenhanded dealing. The body of principles ‫של הגינות המונע‬
constituting what is fair and right. The recourse to principles of ‫מהחלטה לא הוגנת‬
justice to correct or supplement the law as applied to particular ‫)שאולי נראית‬
circumstances. ‫מתאימה לנסיבות‬
.‫המקרה( להתקבל‬
"‫"מין הצדק‬
escrow Money or a written document (e.g. shares, deeds) held by a ‫נאמנות – לשים‬
third party until a condition is met by the two contracting ‫כסף או מסמך בידי‬
parties. ‫צד שלישי עד‬
‫שתנאי כלשהו‬
‫ממולא על ידי שני‬
‫הצדדים הקשורים‬
euthanasia Putting to death a terminally ill or severely debilitated person ‫המתת חסד‬
through omission – the intentional withholding of a life-saving
medical procedure ("passive euthanasia"), or commission of an
act such as administering a lethal injection or drug ("active
evidence Information presented in testimony or in documents that is used ‫ראיות‬
to persuade the fact finder (judge or jury) to decide the case for
one side or the other.

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Term Definition/Explanation/Example ‫עברית‬
exculpate Something that excuses or justifies a wrong action (as in ‫דבר המצדיק‬
exculpatory behavior). ‫מעשה לא חוקי‬
exercise of To make use of one's power.
express A contract whose terms the parties have explicitly set out. Also
contract termed special contract.
extradition A formal process by which a criminal suspect held by one ‫הסגרה‬
government is handed over to another government for trial or, if
the already tried and found guilty, to serve his or her sentence.
felony A serious crime carrying a penalty of more than a year in prison. ‫עבירה שעונשה‬
‫יותר משנה מאסר‬
fiduciary A lawyer or trustee who has rights and powers which would ‫מי שחב חובת‬
normally belong to another person. The fiduciary holds those ‫נאמנות‬
rights which must be exercised to the benefit of the beneficiary.
fighting Inflammatory (provocative) speech that is NOT protected by the
words First Amendment's free speech guarantee because it might incite
(cause) a violent response.
file To place a paper in the official custody of the clerk of court to ‫מסמך – הגשת‬
enter into the files or records of a case. ‫מסמך במשמורת‬
‫אצל פקיד בית‬
‫המשפט לצורך‬
.‫הכנסתו לתיק‬
find for To decide in favor of. ‫לפסוק לטובת‬
finding of fact A determination by a judge, jury, or administrative agent of a
fact supported by the evidence presented at trial or at a hearing.
fraud Deceitful conduct to manipulate or cheat another person (1) by ‫הונאה – התנהגות‬
lying, (2) by repeating something that ought to have been known ‫רמאית לצורך‬
as false or suspect or (3) by concealing a fact from the other ‫הונאת אדם על ידי‬
party which may have saved that party from being cheated. The ‫שקר או הסתרת‬
existence of fraud will cause a court to void a contract and can ‫עובדה אשר יכלה‬
give rise to criminal liability. ‫להציל את הצד‬
‫השני מלפול‬
‫ הונאה‬.‫לרמאות‬
‫תגרום לבית‬
‫המשפט לבטל‬
‫חוזה ויכולה‬
‫להביא לאחריות‬
freedom of The freedom of speech, press, assembly or religion, as
expression guaranteed by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
fugitive One who runs away to avoid arrest, prosecution or ‫פושע נמלט‬
imprisonment. Many extradition laws also call the suspect a
"fugitive" although, in that context, it does not necessarily mean
that the suspect was trying to hide in the country from which
extradition is being sought.
garnish To seize a person's property, credit or salary, on the basis of a ‫עיקול‬
law which allows it, and for the purposes of paying off a debt.

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Term Definition/Explanation/Example ‫עברית‬
good faith Honesty or lawfulness of belief or purpose; faithfulness to one's
duty or obligation; observance of reasonable commercial
standards of air dealing in a given trade or business, or absence
of intent to defraud or to seek unconscionable advantage. Also
termed bona fides.
grand jury A body of citizens who listen to evidence of criminal allegations, ‫חבר מושבעים‬
which are presented by the government (prosecutors), and
determine whether there is probable cause to believe the offense
was committed.
grievance An injury, injustice or wrong that gives ground (reason) for a
complaint. Plaintiff can petition for "redress of grievances".
guilty Having committed a crime; verdict of judge or jury that a ‫אשם‬
defendant is guilty.
hearsay Statements by a witness who did not see or hear the incident in ‫עדות שמיעה‬
question but heard about it from someone else. Hearsay is
usually not admissible as evidence in court.
heckling Verbally harassing a speaker to the extent that his/her words
may not be heard in a public forum.
hold, held Wording used to introduce the judgment in a case. ‫נפסק מילים‬
‫שנועדו להציג את‬
‫הפסיקה במקרה‬
holding Determination of a matter of law that is pivotal or essential, to a
judicial decision.
homicide Killing a human being. ‫רצח‬
illegal A promise that is prohibited because the performance,
contract formation, or object of the agreement is against the law.
Technically speaking, an illegal contract is not a contract at all.
imminent Immediate, i.e., threat of imminent (immediate) harm.
immunity Exemption or safety from prosecution or punishment. Any ‫חסינות‬
exemption from a duty, liability, or service of process.
impeachment (1) The process of calling something into question, as in ‫ השמת‬1 – ‫הדחה‬
"impeaching the testimony of a witness." (2) The constitutional ‫משהו בסימן‬
process whereby the House of Representatives may "impeach" ‫שאלה כמו עדות‬
(accuse of misconduct) high officers of the federal government ‫ הליך‬2 .‫של עד‬
for trial in the Senate. ‫הדחה של בית‬
‫הנבחרים לגבי‬
‫אישיות בחירה‬
‫בממשל הפדרלי‬
implied An implied-in-law contact is an obligation created by law for the
contract sake of justice; an obligation imposed by law because of some
special relationship between the parties, or because one of them
would otherwise be unjustly enriched. An implied- in- law
contract is not actually a contract but instead a remedy that
allows the plaintiff to recover a benefit conferred on the
defendant. Also termed quasi contract; constructive contract.
impunity An exemption or protection from punishment.
incitement Act or instance of provoking, urging on, or stirring up. For
example, to incite a crowd to violent action.

IDC-Herzliya: LAW & Business, LAW & Government 8 Communication Skills in English
Term Definition/Explanation/Example ‫עברית‬
indictment The formal charge issued by a grand jury stating that there is – ‫כתב אישום‬
enough evidence that the defendant committed the crime to ‫האשמה רישמית‬
justify having a trial; it is used primarily for felonies. ‫המציינת כי יש‬
‫מספיק ראיות על‬
.‫מנת לקיים משפט‬
infringement Violation of another's rights or privileges
injunction Order of the court prohibiting (or compelling) the performance ‫ צו עשה‬/‫צו מניעה‬
of a specific act to prevent irreparable damage or injury.
innocent Free from guilt or fault, verdict of Not Guilty from a judge/jury. ‫חף מפשע‬
instructions Judge's explanation to the jury before it begins deliberations of ‫הוראות השופט‬
the questions it must answer and the law governing the case. ‫למושבעים לפני‬
‫שהם פורשים‬
‫להתדיינות בנוגע‬
‫לשאלות שהם‬
‫חייבים לענות‬
‫עליהם ולחוקים‬
‫הנוגעים בכך‬
intermediate The standard applied to quasi-suspect classifications (laws
scrutiny based on gender or legitimacy) under equal protection analysis;
quasi-suspect classifications must be substantially related to the
achievement of important governmental objectives
(intermediate scrutiny may also be described as heightened
interrogatories Written questions asked by one party of an opposing party, who ‫שאלות כתובות‬
must answer them in writing under oath; a discovery device. ‫שניתנות מצד אחד‬
‫לצד השני עליהן‬
‫הוא חייב לענות‬
.‫בכתב ובשבועה‬
intestate Dying without having made a will; the estate is divided up ‫מי שמת ללא‬
between relatives following the rules set by law. ‫צוואה העיזבון‬
‫יחולק בין קרוביו‬
‫לפי הכללים‬
‫שהחוק קבע‬
issue (1) The disputed point in a disagreement between parties in a ‫ נושא המחלוקת‬1
lawsuit. (2) To send out officially, as in to issue an order. ‫ להוציא‬2 ‫במשפט‬
‫הוראה צאצא‬
invalid An invalid contract is one which is without basis in fact, not
legally binding.
judge Government official with authority to decide lawsuits brought ‫שופט – לו‬
before courts. Other judicial officers in the U.S. courts system ‫הסמכות להחליט‬
are Supreme Court justices. ‫בסוגיות הבאות‬
.‫לפני בית המשפט‬
judgment The official decision of a court finally determining the ‫פסק הדין – קובע‬
respective rights and claims of the parties to a suit. ‫את קבילות טענות‬
‫הצדדים בתביעה‬
judicial A judiciary which performs its functions in a vigorous and ‫אקטיביזם שיפוטי‬
activism decisive manner to achieve an end which may mean overruling ‫– פעולה שיפוטית‬
legislative decisions. ‫נמרצת לצורך‬
‫השגת מטרה‬
‫היכולה להיות‬
‫פסילה של‬
‫החלטות חקיקתיות‬

IDC-Herzliya: LAW & Business, LAW & Government 9 Communication Skills in English
Term Definition/Explanation/Example ‫עברית‬
judicial review A court's power to review the actions of other branches or levels ‫ביקורת שיפוטית‬
of government; especially the courts' powers to invalidate ‫– של בית המשפט‬
legislative or executive actions as being unconstitutional; not ‫העליון על החלטת‬
limited to errors in law but may be based on alleged errors on ‫ לא‬.‫רשות מבצעת‬
the part of the government on findings of fact. Judicial Review ‫מוגבל לטעויות‬
is also a court's power to review a lower court's legal or factual ‫ הביקורת‬.‫בחוק‬
findings. A distinguishing feature of judicial review is that it ‫לא מבקרת רק את‬
reviews the process of the decision making and not the decision ‫ההחלטה עצמה כי‬
itself. Government ministers' decisions can, and often are, ‫אם גם את ההליך‬
judicially reviewed. ‫שהביא לה‬
jurisdiction (1) The legal authority of a court to hear and decide a case. (2) ‫סמכות שיפוטית‬
The geographic area over which the court has authority to ‫ הסמכות החוקית‬1
decide cases or issue a decree. Also a government's power to ‫של בית משפט‬
exercise authority over all persons or things within its territory. ‫לשמוע ולפסוק‬
‫ האזור‬2 ‫במקרה‬
‫הגאוגרפי עליו‬
‫חלה סמכות‬
jurisprudence The study of law and the structure of the legal system. ‫תורת המשפט‬
jury Persons selected according to law and sworn to hear the ‫מושבעים‬
evidence and declare a verdict on matters of fact.
justice (1) The fair and proper administration of the laws. (2) A judge,
usually an appellate judge or Supreme Court judges – e.g. Chief
Justice Roberts, Justice Scalia.
larceny The unlawful taking of someone's personal property; petit ‫גניבה – מחולקת‬
(petty) larceny taking property of a value below a legally ‫לגניבה קטנה‬
established minimum; grand larceny taking property of a value – ‫וגניבה גדולה‬
greater than that fixed as constituting petit larceny ‫חלוקה נעשית‬
.‫בהתאם לחוק‬
lawsuit Action started by a plaintiff, based on a complaint that the ‫תביעה משפטית‬
defendant failed to perform a duty, resulting in harm to plaintiff.
lewd Indecent, obscene.
liability Any legal obligation, either due now or in the future. A debt or ‫אחראי‬/‫אחריות‬
a promise to do something. To say a person is "liable" for a debt ‫אם בא בקישור‬
or wrongful act indicates that he/she is the person responsible ‫למעשה לא חוקי‬
for paying the debt or compensating the wrongful act. ‫הרי שהאדם‬
‫אחראי למעשה‬
lien The right to hold the properly of another as security for the ‫שיעבוד הזכות‬
performance of an obligation. ‫להחזיק ברכוש‬
‫של אחר כבטוחה‬
‫לכך שהוא יבצע‬
litigation A case, controversy, or lawsuit. Participants (plaintiffs and ‫התדיינות משפטית‬
defendants) in lawsuits are called litigants. ‫ תיק‬- ‫בבית משפט‬
living will A document that sets out guidelines for dealing with life ‫צוואה חיה – קובע‬
sustaining medical procedures in the eventuality of the ‫הנחיות לגבי‬
signatory's sudden debilitation. Living wills inform medical ‫הארכת חיים‬
staff not to provide extraordinary life preserving procedures on .‫מלאכותית‬
individual if they are incapable of expressing themselves and ‫מיידעת צוות‬
suffering from an incurable and terminal condition. ‫רפואי במידה עם‬
‫לבצע פעולות‬
‫המאריכות חיים‬

IDC-Herzliya: LAW & Business, LAW & Government 10 Communication Skills in English
Term Definition/Explanation/Example ‫עברית‬
magistrate Judicial officers who assist U.S. district judges in getting cases ‫מעין קצין שיפוט‬
judges ready for trial, who may decide some criminal and civil trials ‫המסייע לשופט‬
when both parties agree to have the case heard by a magistrate ‫מחוזי להכין‬
judge instead of a judge. ‫תיקים למשפט‬
‫ויכול להחליט‬
‫בתיקים מסוימים‬
‫במקרה ששני‬
‫הצדדים מוכנים‬
‫להישפט אצלו‬
‫במקום אצל שופט‬
manslaughter The unlawful killing of a person but without malice or intent. ‫הריגה‬
mediation The most popular form of alternative dispute resolution. The – ‫גישור‬
mediator does not adjudicate the issues in dispute or force a ‫אלטרנטיבה‬
compromise; only the parties, of their own volition, can shift ‫לפיתרון סכסוכים‬
positions to achieve a settlement. The result of a successful ‫מחוץ לבית‬
mediation is called a "settlement." (Compare with arbitration.) ‫המשפט‬
minor A person who is legally underage. In the UK, it is 18 years of ‫קטין‬
age. In the USA, each state sets an age threshold at which time
a person is deemed an adult with all legal rights.
misdemeanor A crime that is less serious than a felony and which is usually ‫עבירה שעונשה‬
punished by a fine, or sometimes confinement to a place other ‫פחות משנה מאסר‬
than prison, or if the confinement is to a prison it would be for a
period of less than one year.
Miranda Also known as the Miranda Rule, or Miranda Warnings. The – ‫קריאת זכויות‬
rights requirement that, before any custodial interrogation, a person ‫על ידי המשטרה‬
must be informed of the right to remain silent so as to avoid self ‫לחשוד בעת‬
incrimination and the right to have a private or court appointed ‫ זכויות‬.‫מעצרו‬
attorney present. These rights are to be found in the Fifth and ‫ארה"ב כוללת‬
Sixth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution and were clarified ,‫זכות השתיקה‬
in Miranda v Arizona 384 U.S. 436 (1966) Failure to issue the ‫הזכות לעורך דין‬
Miranda warning results in the evidence so obtained not being ‫ אי הקראת‬...'‫וכו‬
admissible in the court. ‫זכויות תביא‬
‫לפסילת הממצאים‬
mistrial An invalid trial, caused by fundamental error. When a mistrial ‫משפט פסול‬
is declared, the trial must start again from jury selection.
mitigating Facts that, while not negating a wrongful action, show that the ‫נסיבות מקילות‬
circumstances defendant may have had grounds for acting the way he/she did,
e.g. an assault, though provoked, is still assault but provocation
may be mitigating circumstances allowing for a lesser sentence.
oath A solemn affirmation (often while holding a Bible) to tell the ‫שבועה‬
truth or to take a certain action.
obscene Morally unacceptable. Under the United States Supreme Court
three part test of obscenity, material that is legally obscene is
NOT protected under the First Amendment.
offer An explicit proposal to contract which, if accepted, completes ‫הצעה מפורשת‬
the contract and binds both the person that made the offer and ‫לחוזה שאם‬
the person accepting the offer to the terms of the contract. ‫תתקבל מחייבת‬
‫את שני הצדדים‬

IDC-Herzliya: LAW & Business, LAW & Government 11 Communication Skills in English
Term Definition/Explanation/Example ‫עברית‬
offeree The one to whom the offer is made.

offeror The one making the offer.

opinion A judge's written explanation of the court's decision or of the ‫פסק דין אמריקאי‬
decision of a majority of judges. A dissenting opinion ‫ דעה – הסבר‬-
disagrees with the majority opinion because of the reasoning ‫כתוב של שופט על‬
and/or the principles of law on which the decision is based. A ‫דעת בית המשפט‬
concurring opinion agrees with the decision of the court but .‫או דעת הרוב‬
offers further comment. ‫בניגוד לדעת‬
‫מיעוט שמתנגדת‬
‫ דעה‬.‫לדעת הרוב‬
‫מסכימה – מסכימה‬
‫עם החלטה הרוב‬
‫אך מציעה הסבר‬
option Generally, the right or power to choose; something that may be
contract chosen. A contract made to keep an offer open for a specified
period, so that the offeror cannot revoke the offer during that
period (the option is valid because it is supported by
consideration.) The right conveyed by such a contract (B
declined to exercise this first option to buy the house).
oral argument An opportunity for lawyers to summarize their position before – ‫טיעון בעל פה‬
the court and also to answer the judges' questions. ‫סיכום של העמדה‬
‫ומענה לשאלות‬
over breadth The doctrine holding that if a statute is so broadly written that it
doctrine deters free expression, then it can be struck down on its face
because of this chilling effect, even if it also prohibits acts that
may legitimately be forbidden, also termed vagueness doctrine,
a statute will be void for vagueness, unless it explicitly and
definitely states what acts are prohibited so as to provide fair
warning and preclude arbitrary enforcement.
overrule To reject or set aside. ‫נדחה‬

panel (1) In appellate cases, a group of judges assigned to decide the ‫הלכה קודמת של‬
case; (2) In jury selection, the group of potential jurors. ‫ביהמ"ש שונתה‬
‫פאנל – במקרה‬
‫של ערעור פאנל‬
‫השופטים שנבחר‬
‫להכריע בערעור‬
‫במקרה של‬
‫מושבעים – חבר‬
paralegal A person who is not a lawyer but provides a limited number of ‫אדם שאינו עורך‬
legal services. ‫דין אך מספק‬
‫שרותי מוגבלים‬
‫בתחום הייעוץ‬
pardon A decision by a judge or a high-ranking government official ‫חנינה‬
(e.g. the President) to allow a person convicted of a crime to be
free and absolved of that conviction, as if never convicted.

IDC-Herzliya: LAW & Business, LAW & Government 12 Communication Skills in English
Term Definition/Explanation/Example ‫עברית‬
parole An early release from prison in which the prisoner promises to – ‫שחרור מוקדם‬
obey certain conditions (usually set by a parole board) under ‫תחת פיקוח של‬
the supervision of a probation officer. Any violation of those ‫קצין מבחן‬
conditions could result in the return of the person to prison. ‫ובהתאם לתנאים‬
‫מסוימים שהפרתם‬
‫תביא לחזרה לכלא‬
parties Plaintiffs and defendants (petitioners and respondents) to ‫צדדים – בסכסוך‬
lawsuits, also known as appellants and appellees in appeals, ‫משפטי‬
and their lawyers.
penitentiary Prison, jail.
perjury An intentional lie given while under oath or in a sworn ‫שקר מכוון הניתן‬
affidavit. ‫תחת שבועה או‬
‫במתן תצהיר‬
petit jury (or A group of citizens who hear the evidence presented by both – ‫חבר מושבעים‬
trial jury) sides at trial and determine the facts in dispute. Federal ‫קובע את העובדות‬
criminal juries consist of 12 persons. Federal civil juries ‫הנמצאות‬
consist of six persons. ‫במחלוקת‬
petitioner The person who appeals the judgment of a lower court; also ‫עותר – מערער על‬
called Appellant. ‫החלטת ערכאה‬
plaintiff The person who files the complaint in a civil lawsuit. ‫מתלונן בתביעה‬
plea In a criminal case, the defendant's statement pleading "guilty" ‫הודעת הנאשם‬
or "not guilty" to the charges, made in open court. – ‫בשלב האישום‬
‫"אשם" או "חף‬
plea bargaining The negotiation of an agreement between a prosecutor and a ‫עיסקת טיעון‬
defendant permitted to plead guilty to a reduced charge.
precedent A court decision in an earlier case with facts and law similar ‫תקדים – תקדים‬
to a dispute currently before a court. Precedent will ordinarily ‫משפטי מדבר על‬
govern the decision of a later case unless a party can show ‫החלטה שיפוטית‬
that it was wrongly decided or that it differed significantly. ‫שנעשתה במקרה‬
‫בעל איפיונים‬
‫דומים לזה הנידון‬
‫ תקדים‬.‫כעת‬
‫משפטי בדרך כלל‬
‫יקבע את ההחלטה‬
‫במקרה הנידון‬
pretrial A meeting of the judge and lawyers to discuss which matters ‫ישיבה טרום‬
conference the jury should hear, to review evidence and witnesses, to set ‫משפטית – בין‬
a timetable, and to discuss the settlement of the case. ‫השופט לעורכי‬
‫הדין בנוגע‬
‫לנושאים שעל‬
‫ לעבור על‬,‫לשמוע‬
,‫ראיות ועדים‬
‫קביעת לו"ז‬
.‫ואפשרות לפשרה‬
pristine Pure, untouched, devoid of any harm.

IDC-Herzliya: LAW & Business, LAW & Government 13 Communication Skills in English
Term Definition/Explanation/Example ‫עברית‬
privacy The right of privacy, the right to personal autonomy. The U.S.
Constitution does note explicitly provide for the a right of
privacy, but the Supreme Court has ruled that this right is
implied in the "zones of privacy" created by specific
constitutional guarantees, e.g. the Ninth Amendment. The right
to privacy is also the right of a person and his or her property to
be free from unwarranted public scrutiny or exposure.
probation A sentencing alternative to prison; the person is released under ‫על תנאי – מאסר‬
supervision and as long as certain conditions – e.g. reporting ‫על תנאי‬
regularly to a probation officer – are observed. Failing to fulfill
the conditions is cause for being jailed immediately.
procedure The rules for the conduct of a lawsuit; there are rules of civil, ‫הליך – הליך‬
criminal, evidence, bankruptcy, and appellate procedures. ‫ הכללים‬.‫משפטי‬
‫הנוגעים לניהול‬
‫ יש כללים‬.‫קייס‬
‫שונים להליך‬
,‫ ראיות‬,‫הפלילי‬
...'‫פשיטת רגל וכו‬
promise A declaration by which a person agrees to perform or refrain
from doing a specified act; a binding promise, i.e., a promise
that the law will enforce. This is the essence of a contract.
promissory An unconditional, written and signed direct promise from the ‫ הצהרה‬- ‫שטר חוב‬
note payor to the payee to pay a certain amount of money, on ‫חתומה ללא תנאים‬
demand or at a certain defined date in the future. '‫של צד א' לצד ב‬
‫בה הוא מתחייב‬
‫לשלם סכום מסוים‬
‫לפי דרישה או‬
‫בתאריך ספציפי‬
prosecute To charge someone with a crime. A prosecutor tries a criminal ‫להגיש כתב אישום‬
case on behalf of the government.
punitive Inflicting or aimed at punishment. ‫ענישה‬
punitive Money awarded to the plaintiff in excess of normal compensa- ‫פיצויים עונשיים‬
damages tion in order to punish a defendant for a serious wrong. ‫מוגדלים – לדוגמא‬
‫גדולים מהנזק‬
‫שנגרם וניתנים‬
‫כעונש לנאשם על‬
‫עוולה קשה‬
rational basis A principle whereby a court will uphold a law as valid under
test the Equal Protection Clause if it bears a reasonable relationship
to the attainment of some legitimate governmental objective.
record A written account of all the acts and proceedings in a lawsuit. ‫פרוטוקול‬
recuse Often describes the behavior of a judge or other court official ‫מתייחס בד"כ‬
who excuses himself/herself for a reason or leaves the court ‫להתנהגות של‬
room because of an unacceptable or embarrassing situation. ‫שופט מתרץ סיבה‬
‫ליציאה מהאולם‬
‫בגלל מצב מביך או‬
‫בילתי נסבל‬
relief When a court redresses (corrects) a wrong, usually with - ‫ תרופה‬/ ‫סעד‬
compensation or damages. ‫כאשר בית משפט‬
‫מתקן עוול בדרך‬
‫כלל על ידי מתן‬

IDC-Herzliya: LAW & Business, LAW & Government 14 Communication Skills in English
Term Definition/Explanation/Example ‫עברית‬
remand (1) To send a case back to the court where it originated for ‫ לשלוח תיק‬1
further action; (2) to return a suspect to custody pending trial or ‫חזרה לערכאה‬
further detention. ‫נמוכה לצורך‬
2 ‫שמיעה מחדש‬
‫לשלוח חשוד חזרה‬
‫למעצר עד המשפט‬
remedy Compensation for a wrong; the legal means to recover a right. – ‫תרופה סעד‬
‫פיצוי על העוול‬
respondent The party against whom an appeal is taken, the party who ‫משיב – מתייחס‬
"responds to" a claim filed in court by a plaintiff; more ‫למתגונן בערכאה‬
commonly called the defendant. Also refers to the party who ‫ראשונה או הצד‬
wins at the first court level but must then respond to an appeal ‫שניצח בה ומשיב‬
launched by the loser (in appellate court, the appellant). Also ‫בערעור‬
known as the appellee.
retainer A contract between a lawyer and the client. The lawyer ‫חוזה בין לקוח‬
receives an initial sum of money and agrees to represent and ‫לעורך דין כאשר‬
provide legal advice to the client. The signed retainer begins ‫עורך הדין מקבל‬
the client-lawyer relationship. ‫סכום כסף תחילי‬
‫ומסכים לייצג‬
‫ולספק עצה‬
.‫משפטית ללקוח‬
‫ההסכמה על השכר‬
‫מסמלת את תחילת‬
reverse When an appellate court sets aside the decision of a lower court ‫היפוך החלטה של‬
because of an error. A reversal is often followed by a remand. ‫הערכאה הנמוכה‬
‫על ידי ערכאת‬
‫ בדרך‬.‫הערעור‬
‫כלל לאחריו יבוא‬
‫תיקון לפס"ד‬
revoke To withdraw, take back.
revocation An annulment, cancellation, or reversal, usually of an act.
riot An unlawful assembly that has begun to fulfill its common
purpose of breaching the peace and terrorizing the public.
rule of law A legal principle which ensures the supremacy of regular as
opposed to arbitrary power. Also a principle, doctrine that
every person is subject to the ordinary law of the area.
ruling An official decision by a judge on a point of law. ‫פסיקה‬
seal To close a case file from public scrutiny. In cases of youthful ‫לצנזר מידע על‬
offenders, sealing orders are issued by the court to prevent the ‫תיק במטרה למנוע‬
public from obtaining information on the cases. – ‫ביקורת ציבורית‬
‫נעשה בדרך כלל‬
‫במקרים של‬
.‫עבריינים קטינים‬
search A written order issued by a judge that directs a law officer to ‫צו חיפוש‬
warrant search a specific area for a particular piece of evidence.
sentence The punishment ordered by a court for a defendant convicted of ‫גזר דין – העונש‬
a crime. .‫שניתן לנאשם‬

IDC-Herzliya: LAW & Business, LAW & Government 15 Communication Skills in English
Term Definition/Explanation/Example ‫עברית‬
separate- The now invalid doctrine that blacks may be segregated if they
but-equal are provided with equal opportunities and facilities in
education, public transportation, and jobs. This rule was
established in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) but overturned in
Brown v. Board of Education (1954).
separation of The division of governmental authority into three branches of
powers government – legislative, executive, and judicial, each with
specified duties on which neither of the other branches can
encroach (intrude). The constitutional doctrine of checks and
balances by which the people are protected against tyranny.
settlement Parties to a lawsuit resolve their difference without having a ‫פשרה‬
trial. Settlements often involve the payment of compensation
by one party in satisfaction of the other party's claims.
sequester When juries are housed in hotels, so there will be no outside ‫בידוד מושבעים‬
influence [radio, TV or newspapers] during their deliberations. ‫מהעולם בחוץ על‬
‫מנת שלא יהיו‬
‫עליהם השפעות‬
sidebar A conference between the judge and lawyers that the jury and ‫התדיינות בין‬
spectators cannot hear. ‫השופט לעורך‬
‫הדין שהמושבעים‬
‫לא יכולים לשמוע‬
slippery slope Many judges are very cautious, fearful of a slippery slope in – ‫מדרון חלקלק‬
which a legal ruling will begin a chain of rulings that will lead ‫שופטים הנוקטים‬
to undesirable rulings later, i.e. a harmless judgment now may ‫משנה זהירות על‬
be the precedent for a more dangerous judgment in the future. ‫מנת למנוע החלטה‬
‫שתביא לתוצאות‬
‫עתידיות לא‬
specific A remedy requiring a person who has breached a contract to - ‫צו ביצוע בעין‬
performance perform what he/she had agreed to do. Specific performance is – ‫פעולה ספציפית‬
ordered when damages would be inadequate compensation. ‫תרופה המצריכה‬
‫אדם שהפר חוזה‬
‫לקיים את‬
.‫שהתחייב לו‬
‫פעולה ספציפית‬
‫תחוייב כאשר‬
‫פסיקת פיצויים לא‬
‫תהווה פיצוי מספק‬
speech The expression or communication of thoughts or opinions in
spoken words, something spoken or uttered.
statute A law passed by a legislature. ‫חוק שנחקק על ידי‬
‫המחוקק )בניגוד‬
‫לתקנה של רשות‬
statute of Limits the right of a plaintiff to file an action unless it is done ‫חוק ההתיישנות‬
limitations within a specified time period after the occurrence.(Also refers
to certain criminal actions.)
stay A court order halting a judicial proceeding. ‫החלטת בית משפט‬
‫העוצר הליך‬

IDC-Herzliya: LAW & Business, LAW & Government 16 Communication Skills in English
Term Definition/Explanation/Example ‫עברית‬
strict The standard applied to suspect classifications (such as race) in
scrutiny equal protection analysis and to fundamental rights such as
voting rights in due process analysis; Under strict scrutiny, the
state (government ) must establish that it has a compelling
interest that justified and necessitates the law in question.
subpoena A command to a witness to appear and give testimony. ‫זימון למתן עדות‬
substantive Referring to the substance of the law rather than to procedure. ‫פנייה לתוכן החוק‬
‫במקום להליך שלו‬
sue To start civil proceedings against someone. ‫לתבוע‬
summary A decision on the basis of statements or evidence presented ‫החלטה על בסיס‬
judgment without a trial. Used when there is no dispute about the facts of ‫הצהרות שניתנו‬
the case, and one party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law. ‫בלי משפט כאשר‬
‫אין ויכוח על‬
‫העובדות וצד אחד‬
‫זכאי על פי החוק‬
summons A written order telling someone to appear in court. ‫זימון בכתב למתן‬
surrogate A substitute; a person appointed to act in the place of another (in
his absence, Sam's wife acted as a surrogate).
surrogate A woman who carries a child to term on behalf of another woman
mother and then assigns her parental rights to that woman and the father.
suspect A person thought to be guilty without proof. ‫חשוד‬
sustain A court ruling upholding an objection or a motion. ‫מתקבל – בהקשר‬
‫של התנגדות או‬
‫בקשה להליך‬
temporary Prohibits a person from an action that is likely to cause harm. It .‫צו מניעה זמני‬
restraining differs from an injunction as it may be granted immediately, ‫יכול להינתן‬
without notice to the opposing party, and without a hearing. It ‫מיידית מבלי‬
is intended to last only until a hearing can be held. ‫להודיע לצד השני‬
‫ומבלי לקיים‬
‫ מיועד‬.‫שימוע‬
‫להישאר בתוקף‬
‫עד השימוע‬
testimony Evidence presented orally by witnesses during trials or before ‫עדות‬
grand juries.
third party A petition filed by a defendant against a third party which – '‫תלונה נגד צד ג‬
complaint alleges that the third party is liable for the damages the plaintiff ‫נעשית על ידי‬
may win from the defendant. ‫הנאשם הטוען כי‬
‫צד ג' אחראי לנזק‬
‫עליו יקבל התובע‬
tort A civil wrong or breach of a duty to another person. A very ‫עוולה –נזיקין‬
common tort is negligent operation of a motor vehicle that ‫נזקית‬
results in personal injury in an automobile accident.
transcript A written, word-for-word record of what was said in a trial, ‫פרוטוקול המשפט‬
hearing or oral deposition.
trial A formal judicial examination and determination of legal issues
and evidence.

IDC-Herzliya: LAW & Business, LAW & Government 17 Communication Skills in English
Term Definition/Explanation/Example ‫עברית‬
unenforceable An unenforceable contract is a valid contract that, because of
some technical defect, cannot be fully enforced; in the face of
certain defenses, such as the statute of frauds, also termed
agreement of imperfect obligation.
unlawful A meeting of three or more persons who intend either to
assembly commit a violent crime or to carry out some act, lawful or
unlawful, that will constitute a breach of peace.
uphold The decision of an appellate court not to reverse a lower court ‫מאושר – החלטת‬
decision. [See affirm.] ‫הערכאה הנמוכה‬
‫מאושרת על ידי‬
‫הערכאה הגבוהה‬
U.S. attorney A lawyer appointed by the President in each judicial district to ‫עורך דין הממונה‬
prosecute and defend cases for the federal government. ‫על ידי הנשיא‬
‫ושייך למערכת‬
venue The geographical location in which a case is tried. ‫האזור הגאוגרפי‬
‫בו משפט נערך‬
‫)רלוונטי יותר‬
‫לארה"ב – לכל‬
‫מדינה חוקים‬
verdict The decision of a petit jury or a judge. ‫הכרעה חבר‬
‫מושבעים או שופט‬
void contract A void contract is a contract that is of no legal effect, so that
there is really no contract in existence at all. A contract may be
void because it is technically defective, contrary to public
policy, or illegal. A void contract is a contradiction in terms
because no contact has been made.
voidable A voidable contract is one that can be affirmed or rejected at
the option of one of the parties, void as to the wrongdoer but
not void as to the party wronged, unless that party elects to treat
it as void.
warrant A written order directing the arrest of a party. A search ‫ צו‬,‫ צו מאסר‬.‫צו‬
warrant orders that a specific location be searched for items ‫חיפוש‬
which – if found – can be used in court as evidence.
witness A person called upon by either side in a lawsuit to give ‫עד‬
testimony before the court or jury.
writ A formal written command, issued from the court, requiring the ‫צו – ניתן על ידי‬
performance of a specific act. ‫בית המשפט‬
‫ודורש ביצוע‬
‫פעולה ספציפית‬
writ of An order issued by the Supreme Court directing the lower court ‫הליך של העברה‬
certiorari to transmit the records of a case which the Supreme Court will ‫של עניין שהיה‬
hear on appeal. ‫בטיפולה של‬
‫ערכאה נמוכה‬
‫הועברה לביהמ"ש‬
‫העליון הפדרלי‬
‫הוראה של בית‬
‫המשפט העליון‬
‫לערכאה הנמוכה‬
‫להעביר רשומות‬
‫בנוגע לתיק שבית‬
‫המשפט ישמע‬
IDC-Herzliya: LAW & Business, LAW & Government 18 Communication Skills in English
Latin Terms or Expressions Used in Law
Latin Term Definition/Explanation/Example ‫עברית‬
actus reus The unlawful act; that a person commits an action which is ‫מעשה לא חוקי‬
forbidden by law.
amicus Literally, friend of the court. Refers more specifically to persons – ‫חבר בית המשפט‬
curiae asking for permission to intervene in a case in which they are ‫גורם המבקש‬
neither claimant nor defendant, usually to present their point of ‫להביע את דעתו או‬
view (or that of their organisation) in a case which has the ‫דעת הארגון אותו‬
potential of setting a legal precedent in their area of activity. This ‫הוא מייצג ואינו‬
is common, for example, in cases involving civil rights and, in ‫שייך לאחד‬
some instances, can only be done with the permission of the ‫ שכיח‬.‫הצדדים‬
parties or the court. ‫במקרים בהם עלול‬
‫להיווצר תקדים‬
‫בשטח ההתמחות‬
bona fide Literally, in good faith; used to signify honesty and absence of ‫ברצון טוב – תום‬
fraud or collusion or participation in any wrongdoing. ‫לב משמש לסימול‬
‫יושר ואי השתתפות‬
‫במעשה לא כשר‬
certiorari A writ (a court's written order) issued by a superior court to an
inferior court ordering the production of the records that the
superior court wishes to review, in the case of the United States
Supreme Court it acts as a discretionary device for the Court to
choose the cases it wants to hear, thus the Court grants certiorari.
en banc "In the bench" or "full bench." Refers to court sessions with the – ‫פורום מלא‬
entire membership of a court participating rather than the usual ‫ישיבת בית משפט‬
quorum. U.S. courts of appeals usually sit in panels of three ‫בפורום מקסימלי‬
judges, but may expand to a larger number in certain cases. They ‫של שופטים‬
are then said to be sitting en banc.
habeas Literally “to have the body”. A writ employed to bring a person - ‫צו הבאת הגופה‬
corpus before the court or obtain the release of someone who has been ‫צו לשחרור אדם‬
unlawfully held in prison or in police custody, to ensure that the ‫אשר נמצא במעצר‬
person's imprisonment is not illegal. ‫או מאסר לא חוקי‬
‫או לגרום למי‬
‫שמחזיק אותו לביא‬
‫אותו לבית המשפט‬
‫ולהסביר את הסיבה‬
mens rea Literally, guilty mind. The concept focuses on the mental state of ‫מחשבה פלילית‬
the accused and requires proof of a guilty state of mind such as
intent, recklessness, or willful blindnes
modus Literally, method of operation. Refers to a criminal's preferred – ‫דרך פעולה‬
operandi method of committing crime. For example, car thief "X" may ‫מתייחס לשיטת‬
have a breaking and entering technique that leaves a long scratch ‫הפעולה המועדפת‬
on the car door. Upon discovery of a stolen vehicle with such a .‫על פושע מסוים‬
mark, the police might include "X" in the list of suspects because ‫להרבה פושעים יש‬
the evidence at the crime scene is consistent with his "modus ‫סימני זיהוי‬
operandi." ‫המושארים באתר‬

IDC-Herzliya: LAW & Business, LAW & Government 19 Communication Skills in English
Latin Term Definition/Explanation/Example ‫עברית‬
nolo No contest - has the same effect as a plea of guilty, as far as the – ‫ללא התנגדות‬
contendere criminal sentence is concerned, but may not be considered as an ‫אותה אפקט של‬
admission of guilt for any other purpose. ‫הודאה באשמה‬
‫מבחינת אשמה‬
‫פלילית אך לא‬
‫יתיחסו כאל הודאה‬
‫באשמה משום‬
‫בחינה אחרת‬
obiter Literally, something said by the way. A side opinion which – ‫הערת אגב‬
dictum does not form part of the judgment for the purposes of stare ‫נאמרת בפסק הדין‬
decisis. May also be referred to as "dicta" or "dictum". ‫אך לא שייכת‬
‫ישירות להחלטה‬
per curiam Literally, by the court. An opinion issued in the name of the ‫החלטה הנמסרת‬
Court rather than a specific justice. Often, a statement made ‫בשם בית המשפט‬
by the court to clarify a point of law; it can be used as a ‫במקום בשם שופט‬
precedent. ‫ בדרך כלל‬.‫ספציפי‬
‫על מנת להבהיר‬
‫ יכולה‬.‫נקודה בחוק‬
‫לשמש כתקדים‬
prima facie A case supported by enough evidence for a grand jury to ‫תיק הנתמך על ידי‬
case indict. ‫מספיק ראיות על‬
‫מנת לכנס מושבעים‬
‫לכתב אישום‬
pro bono Literally, for the public good. Work done by lawyers free of – ‫לטובת הציבור‬
(publica) charge. ‫לקיחת תיק על ידי‬
‫עורך דין ללא‬
ratio One part of the judgment in a case: the reason for the ‫רציונל החלטת בית‬
decidendi decision. ‫ נימוקים‬-‫המשפט‬
‫להחלטת בית‬
res ipsa Literally, the thing speaks for itself. Refers to situations ‫ה"דבר מדבר בעד‬
loquitur where negligence is presumed on the part of the defendant ‫עצמו" – מתייחס‬
since the object causing injury was in his/her control. The ‫למצב שרשלנות‬
defendant must show that the event was a total and inevitable ‫מיוחסת לנאשם‬
accident. ‫כיוון שהחפץ שגרם‬
‫לתאונה היה‬
‫בשליטתו ועליו נטל‬
‫ההוכחה להראות כי‬
‫התאונה לא ניתנה‬
stare decisis When a court follows precedent of previous cases. ‫כאשר בית משפט‬
‫מסתמך על תקדים‬
‫ממקרים קודמים‬
sub judice Currently under consideration by a judge or court. ‫כרגע בהתדיינות‬
‫שופט או בית משפט‬
voir dire The process by which judges and lawyers select a petit jury ‫דרך בחירת‬
from among the people eligible to serve, by questioning them ‫המושבעים‬
to determine knowledge of the facts of the case and a willing-
ness to decide the case only on the evidence presented in
court. "Voir dire" is a phrase meaning "to speak the truth."

IDC-Herzliya: LAW & Business, LAW & Government 20 Communication Skills in English

Abbreviation Meaning and Use

c. circa. Used to show that a date is approximate. Literally, the

word means "around," and it is sometimes abbreviated ca.
etc. et cetera. "And so on." Most students already know this Latin
abbreviation and tend to overuse it.
e.g. exempli gratia. "For example." Literally, "free example."

ib./ ibid. ibidem. "In the same passage or page quoted above." Literally,
"In the same place."
i.e. id est. "That is more precisely." Literally, "it is." Commonly
used to refine a general statement or provide additional
RE. Concerning; With reference to.

sic. Indicates a misspelling or error in a quoted source, in order to

verify to the reader that the researcher did not create a
typographical error, but instead exactly reproduces the way the
word or statement appeared in the original source. Literally,
"even thus" in Latin.
vs. versus. "Against."

§ Section.

With sincere thanks and appreciation to Yotam Leshem, Law 2008

© Dr. Isabel Berman and Lynda Cook, Adv. August 2007

IDC-Herzliya: LAW & Business, LAW & Government 21 Communication Skills in English

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