No Vehicles in The Park

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No Vehicles in the Park

The town of Beautifica has a lovely park in its center. The city council wishes to
preserve the feeling of nature, undisturbed by city noise, traffic, pollution and
crowding. It is a place where citizens can go to find grass, trees, flowers, and
quiet. In addition, there are playgrounds and picnic areas. In order to maintain
the park as it is, the city council passed an ordinance. Now, at all entrances to
the park the following sign has been posted: "NO VEHICLES IN THE PARK."
The law seems clear but some disputes have arisen over the interpretation of
the law. The definition of vehicle is "something on wheels that carries people or
things". Read the cases below and decide how you would interpret the law,
keeping in mind the letter of the law as well as the intent of the law, in order to
determine whether there has been a violation of the law.

Case 1. Two police cars are chasing a suspected bank robber. One cuts through the
park, so it can get in front of the suspect's car and trap the suspect between the two
patrol cars.
Case 2. An ambulance is racing to the hospital with a critically injured accident
victim. The shortest route to the hospital is through the park, so the ambulance drives
Case 3. Mr. Thomas is jogging in the park with his baby in a jogger baby stroller. This
stroller allows Mr. Thomas to jog or run quite fast while pushing the stroller.
Case 4. A monument to the town's citizens who died in the Vietnam War is being
constructed. A tank, donated by the government, is going to be placed beside the
Case 5. John Smith lives on one side of the town and works on the other side. To
save 10 minutes, he drives through the park.
Case 6. There are many trash barrels in the park so that people may deposit litter
there, thereby keeping the park clean. The sanitation department drives their garbage
trucks in to collect the trash.
Case 7. The Jones twins (age 9) and their friends ride their bicycles in the park. Sally
Jones (age 5) and her friends play with their dolls and carriages there as well.
Case 8. Several of the town's citizens have made a living for several years by driving
people around scenic spots in the city in an old-fashioned horse and buggy. They
drive people through the park as part of their tour.
Case 9. Several high school students who are participating in a skateboard
competition practice skateboarding in the park.
Case 10. Mr. Stevens, an elderly man, uses a motorized wheelchair. His doctor
believes he needs fresh air and Mr. Stevens meets friends (some also in wheelchairs)
in the park.

Adapted from the ABA publication, Educating the Public about the Courts. (Public domain)

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