Defence View Indian Army

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Defence View


How is the Indian version of BM 30

MLRS Is Better Than Others
June 19, 2020 - by admin@defenceview - 

The most adavanced version of the Russian multiple launch rocket system “Smerch” is in service with
the Indian army. This is a modification of 9A52-2T.
While most combat vehicles of this 300 mm MLRS use the well-known and proven long-term operation
of the MAZ-543M with an 8×8 wheel arrangement, the Indian side chose the Czech Tatra-816. This all-
wheel-drive vehicle is produced under license in India, with the five axles special modification.
Like a conventional installation, 12 missiles cabins are installed on it, designed to launch 800-kilogram
rockets, capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 90 km. Onboard there are automated guidance
control systems, navigation and topographic location, closed communication systems. Due to this, the
preparation time for use does not exceed 2 minutes.
A full salvo is carried out in just 38 seconds. The area of destruction is 67.2 ha. The weight of “Tornado”
– 39 500 kg, length reaches 12 400 mm. It is able to overcome a two-meter ditch and ford up to 1.25 m
deep. Turning radius is -15 meters. The maximum speed is 90 km / h. Cruising range – 850 km. The
combat crew consists of only three military personnel.
Also, a transport-loading machine is made on the Tatra chassis. According to open data, a total of 38
9A52-2T were purchased. Currently, the Indian army continues to be armed with about one and a half
hundred units of the BM-21 Grad.

BM-30 of Indian army

In addition, the national defense industry has mastered the production of its own Pinaka rocket
launchers of two modifications based on the Tatra-815. It was reported that, depending on the type of
ammunition, they are capable of destroying targets at distances from 37.5 to 75 km. In total there are
about 80 such MLRS.
India has at least six indigenous MBRL systems
Pinaka I: 37.5 km
Pinaka I Enhanced: 45 km
Pinaka II: 60 km
Guided Pinaka: 75 km
ERR 122: 20 km
New upgraded ERR 122: 40 km
Defence View

India and China are pulling T-90 and

Type 15 tanks to the border, So which
one is better
June 18, 2020 - by admin@defenceview - 

Against the background of another escalation of tension on the Indian-Chinese border in the Galvan
valley, both sides are deploying their most modern tanks capable of operating in mountainous areas to
this area. The Hindus are pulling up their T-72M1 Ajeya and T-90C Bhishma, produced under a Russian
license, as well as directly purchased in Russia, the Chinese are their own new tanks, Type 15 or ZTQ-15.
It is known that the domestic T-90s perform quite well in the highlands, while the Chinese until recently
had a fairly light and reliable tank. However, progress does not stand still, and in 2018, the PRC Ministry
of Defense officially confirmed the adoption of the light “mountain” tank under the “Type 15” index.
The Chinese tank is equipped with a computerized fire control system that detects and identifies targets
at a distance of up to 3 km, and can be equipped with remotely controlled combat modules. Externally,
“Type 15” resembles the older “Type 96A”, but it has less weight and dimensions. A “mountain” tank
weighs from 33 to 36 tons, depending on the type of reservation. 1000 l engine with. provides good
dynamics and can accelerate armored vehicles to 70 km / h.
Chinese light tank “Type 15”
Interestingly, the tank is equipped with only a 105-mm rifled gun – a copy of the old
British gun Royal Ordnance L7, adopted in service in 1959. It was good back in the
1980s, it’s enough to remember that the first American “Abrams” were armed with this
very weapon, but today it can no longer be called modern.

Using a tank with a 105-mm cannon against Indian T-90s and even T-72s equipped with
additional dynamic protection is at least inefficient, and most likely even suicidal for
Chinese armored vehicles. On the contrary, the 125mm 2A46M-5 gun of the Indian T-
90S will hit the Type 15 at virtually any distance, since the main armor of a light Chinese
tank (without mounted modules) can protect it only from bullets and small-caliber shells.

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