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“Assessing Physiological and Yield Attributing Traits of

Offseason Soybean Seed Production Under Various Seed
Invigoration Treatments. (Glycine Max L. Merrill)”

Submitted by

Prashant Hanmant Shivpanor

M.Sc. (AGRI.)


Submitted to




AKOLA (M.S.) – 444 104

Enrolment no: 2020-21


1. Name of student : Prashant Hanmant Shivpanor

2. Registration No: PG20-PHY-2046
3. Degree : M.Sc. (AGRI.)
4. Centre of education : Post Graduate Institute, Dr. PDKV,
5. Department: Plant Physiology
6. Name of the Research Guide
& Chairman: Dr. T. H. Rathod
Head of Department, Plant physiology
PGI Akola. 444001
7. Title of research work: “ASSESSING PHYSIOLOGICAL

8. Objectives:
1) Assessment of physiological parameters under various late kharif sowing windows
with various seed invigoration treatments.
2) Assessment of seed quality and yield attributing traits under various late kharif
sowing windows with various seed invigoration treatments

9. Introduction

Soybean (Glycine max L.Merrill.) is an important oil yielding crop having

worldwide adaptation. Soybean belongs to the legume family and is native to East
Asia. It belongs to the family leguminosae or fabaceae and sub family Papilionaceae.
Soybean is known as the “Golden Bean” of the twentieth century. Though soybean is
a legume crop, yet it is widely used as oilseed. Due to very poor cookability and

digestibility on account of inherent presence of trypsin inhibitor, it cannot be utilized
as a pulse. It grows in varied agro-climatic conditions. It has emerged as an
important commercial crop in many countries and international trade of soybean is
spread globally.

Soybean occupies third place both in production and oil availability.

Soybean is globally grown over an area of 127.91million ha. with a production of
370.8 million tons. Soybean production in India during 2020-21 is estimated to be
13.58 million tons from an area of 12.12 million ha and a productivity of 1125 kg/ha
as per 1st advance estimates of DAC&FW as compared to production of 11.22
million tons from an area of 11.39 million ha and productivity of 1015 kg/ha in 2019-
20. Madhya Pradesh (5.85 m ha), Maharashtra (4.32 m ha) and Rajasthan (1.1 m
ha) were the major states for soybean. Karnataka, Telangana, Gujarat, and
Chhattisgarh with an area of 0.332, 0.16, 0.15 and 0.08 m ha, respectively, show
good promise of expansion in the future. (Anon., 2020-21).

Now a day, the seed production is the heart of crop production. Availability of
viable and vigorous seeds at the time of planting is very important for achieving the
target of agriculture production. Soybean is mainly cultivated in kharif season and
availability of quality seed for sowing is a major problem observed during kharif
season in Maharashtra. The rate of reduction in seed germination and vigour varies
in consonance with the sowing season as well as several environmental factors such
as temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, soil moisture and particularly
photoperiod. Kharif produce lose viability in storage and thus create acute shortage
of seed for next season.

Establishing the most adequate sowing season for the production of seeds
with high physiological and sanitary quality depends on a number of factors,
especially the genetic characters of the cultivars and the climatic conditions
predominant in the region, where they are planted. The period of soybean seeds
remain in the field after reaching physiological maturity is an important deterioration
factor, caused especially by an increase in the incidence of pathogens. Therefore,
using cultivars that have high-quality seeds together with choosing regions that have
more favorable climatic characteristics as well as staggering the sowing dates can

surely result in the production of seeds with better physiological quality and low
deterioration rates with higher yields in the commercial exploration of the crop.


Zlatica Miladinov et al., (2014) studied the effect of seed lot sowing date, and
priming on germination and vigour of soybean seed. The best effect was
accomplished with Lot 1 and sowing on the third date. With regards to primers, the
best effect was achieved with the application of KNO 3 and H2O2 solutions. Research
has shown that even soaking the seed in distilled water, which is a simple, cheap,
and ecological method of priming, in most cases leads to improvement of
germination and vigour of soybean seed.

Ahmadvand et al. (2012) found that seed priming with KNO 3 significantly
increased germination and emergence percentages, radicle and plumule length,
seedling dry weight, plant height, plant leaf area and plant dry weight. also at the
salinity stress, mean germination and emergence time of primed seeds were less
than non-primed seeds, significantly. At the salinity stress, specific highest salinity
level, final germination percentage, radicle and plumule length, plant height, plant
leaf area and plant dry weight of primed seeds were more than non-primed seeds,

Rahman et al. (2013) reported that soybean seeds having high germination
and seedling vigour could be obtained by sowing of seed during November to
December and August to September in rabi and kharif seasons, respectively.

Agawane et al. (2015) exihibited that seed primed with GA3 @ 100ppm,
0.5% KNO3 recorded significantly higher germination percentage i.e. 87.33% and
87.00% respectively over the untreated control in soybean.

Kering et al. (2015) observed that the hydropriming and N application

simultaneously in field planting may affect seedling emergence through promoting
premature germination and osmotic dehydration in soybean.

Jadhav et al. (2016) observed that priming generally improves the most
parameters of soybean varieties through improving germination percent, days to field

emergence, days to 50% flowering, plant height, number of pods/plant and seed

Shete et al. (2018) observed relatively higher mean performance of

hydropriming in soybean for one hour in yield and yield contributing traits such as
days to field emergence, number of pods per plant, seed yield per plant, seed yield
per ha, test weight and harvest index.

Khan et al. (2004) reported that, soybean cultivars gave maximum plant
growth and seed yields in early sowing (May) than delayed sowing (August).
Delayed sowing, after the optimum dates, lead to yield loss.

Bello (2000) stated that earlier sowings of soybean increased the number of
pods per plant, number of branches and ultimately increased yield

Pawar and Khakare (1998) studied the performance of soybean cv. PK 472
under 8 sowing dates between 15 August-and 15 December. They observed from
the results that seed yield decreased from 1527 kg/ha with sowing on 15 August to
595 kg/ha sown on 15 October.

Sowing of soybean variety, JS 335 on 01.07.2015 has resulted in a seed

yield of 5.32 q per ha. As the sowings were delayed by 15 days and 45 days, the
reduction in yield was 18.5 and 50.87 per cent, respectively. The per cent reduction
in pod number and test weight was 57.64 and 9.25 per cent, respectively at
Hyderabad during kharif. Similar results were observed at Mudhole, Telangana state
during rabi. JS 335 sown on 17.10.2015 has resulted in a seed yield of 4.02 q per
ha. As the sowings were delayed by 15 days and 30 days, the reduction in yield was
39.30 and 76.90 per cent, respectively (Anon., 2017b).

At Jabalpur, experiment was conducted on two soybean varieties viz., JS 20-

34 and JS 20-29 with seven sowing dates. The first date of sowing was 20.11.2015
and subsequently six sowings were done in 15 days interval. The early sowing dates
yielded higher than the late sowing dates. JS 20-29 yielded better than JS 20-34 in
all the dates of sowing. The size of seeds also declined significantly with late sowing
dates (Anon., 2017b).

In Rahuri, sowing of Phule Agrani variety of soybean was sown at different
sowing dates, the results revealed that crop sown at 15 June recorded the highest
st st
field emergence (73.25 %), days to 1 flower bud (38.33), days to 1 flower open
(41.22), days to 50 per cent flowering (47.00), number of primary branches per plant
(13.40), number of pods per plant (4.24 %), 100 seed weight (11.76 g), seed yield
per plot (3.49 kg), seed yield per ha (1941.58 kg). For the alternative window of seed
production of soybean, sowing at 15 January was found to be the best in off season
sowing (Anon., 2017b)`.



The experimental material used in the present study consisted of off season
soybean. Evaluation of single variety will be conducted at experimental and
research field of Seed Technology Research Unit, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi
Vidyapeeth, Akola (M.S.) during the year 2021.

A) Experimental details
The experiment will be conducted at experimental and research field of
Seed Technology Research Unit, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola
(M.S.) during the year Kharif 2021.

Sr.No. Schedule of Programme Date

1 Sowing 1)15/08/2021
2 Observation to be taken August 2021 to December 2021
3 Data analysis Jan 2022 to March 2022
4 Thesis Writing April 2022
5 Submission of thesis May 2022

1 Name of crop Soybean

2 Variety AMS-1001

3 Year of study 2021

4 Experimental design FRBD (Factorial Randomized Block


5 Number of replications 3(Three)

6 Number of treatments 8(Eight)

7 Season Kharif 2021

8 Gross plot size 5m x 2.7m

9 Net plot size 4.8m x 1.8m

10 Spacing 45cm x 5cm

A) Treatment Details-
1. Factor A (Sowing Windows)-
1) 1st 15 Aug. (W1)
2) 2nd 1 Sept. (W2)
3) 3rd 15 Sept. (W3)
2. Factor B (seed treatments)
1) T1- Control
2) T2-Control Hydroprimed
3) T3-University recommendation (Trichoderma+Rhizobium+PSB)
4) T4-University recommendation Hydroprimed (Trichoderma+Rhizobium+PSB)
5) T5-NPK capsule seed treatment
6) T6-NPK capsule Hydroprimed
7) T7-KNO3 1% seed treatment
8) T8-KNO3 1% Hydroprimed


 Lab observations

Sr. No. Parameters Method

1 Germination (%) Between Paper Method

2 Seedling length (cm) 4th and 6th day

3 Seedling dry weight (g)

4 Vigour index- I germination% x(root length + shoot

length) (cm)

5 Vigour index- II Germination (%) x average

seedling dry weight (g)

 Field Observations
1) Morphological Observations

Sr. No. Parameters Frequency Observations taken at

1 Days to field 2 4th and 6th DAS


2 Initial plant stand 8th DAS

3 Days to 50 % flowering When 50% plants initiates


4 Plant height 6 15,30,45,60,75,90 DAS

2) Physiological Observations

Sr. No. Parameters Frequency Observations taken at

1 Leaf Area (Cm2) 7 15,30,45,60,75,90 DAS

and at harvest.

2 Leaf Area Index (%) 7 15,30,45,60,75,90 DAS

and at harvest

3 Dry Matter Production 7 15,30,45,60,75,90 DAS

(gm/plant) and at harvest

4 Relative Growth Rate 6 15-30, 31-45, 45-60, 60-75,

(g/g/day) 75-90 and 90-120DAS

5 Net Assimilation Rate 6 15-30, 31-45, 45-60, 60-75,

(gm/dm2/day) 75-90 and 90-120DAS

3) Yield and Yield Attributes

Sr. No. Parameters

1 No. of pods per plant

2 Number of seeds per pod

3 Seed yield per plant (g)

4 Seed yield per net plot (g)

5 Seed yield per ha (q)

6 Harvest Index (%)

7 Benefit Cost Ratio

 Seed quality parameters (Lab observations) after harvesting

Sr. No. Parameters

1 Seed Moisture (%)

2 Seed Germination (%).

3 Seedling length (cm)

4 Seedling dry weight (g)

5 Vigour index- I

6 Vigour index – II


After the seed priming treatments, the part of treated seeds and after
harvesting crop seeds was used for recording the observations in laboratory
conditions for seed quality parameters.

1) Moisture content (%)

Moisture content of seed will be determined as per ISTA rules (Anon.,

1996). Five gram of seeds will be weighed, grounded and put in aluminium cups.
The aluminium cups along with ground seed material will be dried in hot air oven
maintained at 117° C temperature for 2 hours. The moisture content will be
determined on dry weight basis by using the following formula.

W2 – W3
M.C (%) = X 100
W 2 – W1


W1 -Weight of the empty aluminium cup (g)

W2 - Weight of aluminium cup+ seed sample before drying (g)

W3 - Weight of aluminium cup+ seed sample after drying (g), The moisture content
of seed was expressed in percentage

2) Germination per cent (%)

The standard germination test will be conducted using towel paper

method by taking four replications of 100 seeds for each treatment. The paper folds
will be kept in seed germinator in an upright position at constant temperature 27°c ±
2°c at 80 per cent RH. After 7" day the samples will be removed and evaluated for
normal seedling, abnormal seedling, hard seed and dead seeds. Normal seedlings
were considered for germination percentage as described in the ISTA rules for seed
testing. (Anonymous,1999).

Number of seeds germinated

Germination (%) = X 100
Number of seeds put for germination

3) Seedling length (cm)

Ten normal seedlings will be randomly selected from each treatment

and replication. The seedlings will be separated carefully from the paper towels of
the laboratory germination test and used for measuring the seedling length on 7 th
day. The root length was measured from apex of the shoot to the tip of the root with
the help of scale and average seedling length will be computed and expressed in
centimeters (Perry, 1977).

4) Seedling dry weight (g)

The seedling dry weights will be evaluated from the standard
germination test. The ten normal seedlings will be kept on butter paper and dried in
hot air oven at 60 ° C for 24 hrs. Then the seedlings will be weighed on electronic
balance and average weight will expressed in grams per seedling. (Anonymous,

5) Vigour Index

Seedling vigour index will be determined from germination percentage,

seedling length and seedling dry weight by using following formula (Abdul Bakhi and
Anderson, 1973) as below and expressed in whole number.

Vigour index I= Germination (%) x average seedling length (cm)

Vigour index II = Germination (%) x average seedling dry weight (g)


The data will be recorded on randomly selected five plants from each
plot per replication for the following characters.

1) Days to field emergence

Days will be recorded for 80% field emergence of seedling from each
treatment in three replications after sowing of seed by counting emerging seedling
from total sown seeds.

2) Initial plant stand

Total numbers of plant will be counted 15 DAS to determine initial plant

stand in each treatment per replication from net plots.

3) Days to 50% flowering

The day on which 50 per cent plants from the plot found bloomed will
be noted and recorded. Thus, total number of days required for flowering of 50 per
cent plants, from date of sowing will be counted and expressed as days to 50 per
cent flowering.

4) Plant height at flowering

The height of the randomly selected five plants will be measured (cm)
from the base of the plant to the tip of main shoot and average height (cm) per plant
will be recorded.

5) Number of pods per plant

The pods from five observation plants will be collected, counted and
mean number of pods per plant will be recorded.

6) Seed yield per plant (g)

The total seed yield obtained from five observational plants will be
weighed separately and average weight of seed per plant will be recorded and
reported as seed yield per plant (g)

7) Seed yield per ha (q)

The seed yield obtained from net plot area used for calculation of seed
yield per hectare and recorded in quintals.


The statistical analysis of the data will be done by statistical method 'F'
test of significance was used to know whether observed treatment effects will be
significant or not. The standard error (SE) and critical difference (CD) at 5% level of
probability will be calculated. The value of critical difference will be used to interpret
the result the data. (Panse and Sukhatme,1985).


Ahmadvand, G., F. Soleimani, B. Saadatian, B. Pouya. 2012. Effect of Seed priming
with potassium nitrate on germination and emergence traits of two
soybean cultivars under salinity stress conditions. American-Eurasian J.
Agric. & Environ. Sci., 12 (6): 769-774.

Anonnymous 2020-2, Annual Report, AICRP on Soybean 2020-21

Anonymous, 2017b, Planting windows for quality seed production of soybean in
offseason. AICRP-National seed project (Crops), ICAR-Indian Institute of
Seed Science, Annual report, Kushmaur, Mau (U.P). pp: 344:353.

Agawane, R. B., Parhe, S. D. 2015. Effect of seed priming on crop growth and seed
yield of soybean (Glycin max L. Merril). The Bioscan- An Inter. Quarterly
J. of Life Sci. 10 (1): 265- 270, 2015

Bello, L. L., 2000, Effect of early and late planting on three soybean cultivars in
southern Guinea. Savanna of Nigeria, Department of Crop Production,
Univ. Agric. P.M.B. 2373, Makurdi, Nigeria.

Jadhav, K. V., Kayande, N. V., Wandhare, M. R. and Phad, D. S. 2016. Effect of

seed priming on yield and yield components of soybean (Glycin max).
Inter. J. on Plant Sci. Vol. 12 (1): 15- 20

Kering, M. K., and Zhang, B. 2015. Effect of priming and seed size on germination
and emergence of six food-type soybean varieties. Inter. J. of Agron.
Agricultural Research Station, Virginia State University, P. O. Box 9061,
Petersburg, VA 23806, USA.

Khan, A. Z., Shah, P., Khalil, S. K. and Ahmed, B., 2004, Yield of soybean cultivars
as affected by planting date under Peshawar valley conditions. The
Nucleus, 41: 93-95.

Panse and Sukhatme. 1985. Statistical method of agricultural workers, ICAR

publication, New Delhi, pp. 72-76.

Pawar, W.S., Khakare, M.S. (1998). Effect of sowing dates and fertility levels on
Semirabi and rabi soybean under irrigated condition. PKVRes. J. 22(1):

Rahman, M. M., Rahman, M. M. and Hussain, M. M., 2013, Effect of sowing date on
germination and vigour of soybean seeds. The Agriculturists, 11(1): 67-75.

Shete, D. C., Devkule, S. N. and Autade A. D. 2018. Effect of seed priming on yield
of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill]. Int.J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci.
Special Issue-6: 109-111

Zlatica Miladinov, S. B. Tubic, V. Dordevic ,V. Dukic,A. Ilic and L. Cobanovic,(2014).

Effect of Soybean Seed Priming on Germination and Vigour Depending
on the Seed Lot and Sowing Date. Ratar.Povrt. 51:2 ,110115.


The field facilities will be made available by Seed Technology Research

Unit, Dr. PDKV, Akola. Stationary and other material required for experimentation will
be obtained from Seed Technology Research Unit, Dr. PDKV, Akola.


Present study will be conducted in 2021 at experimental and research field

of Seed Technology Research Unit, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth,


The present findings under title “Assessing Physiological and Yield

Attributing Traits of Offseason Soybean Seed Production Under Various Seed
Invigoration Treatments. (Glycine Max L. Merrill)” may implies on seed priming
treatments improves the seed quality parameters, yield and yield attributes.

DATE: Signature of Student

PLACE: Akola (Prashant Hanmant Shivpanor)


The ORW prepared by the student was presented before the Advisory
Committee on dated ----/----/---- and Advisory Committee approved the same.

Advisory Committee Signature

1) Dr. T.H. Rathod (Chairman) ______________________

2) Dr. S.M. Shinde (Member) ______________________

3) Dr. A.A. Aakhre (Member) ______________________

4) Dr. M.D. Giri (Member) ______________________

Recommended by: Head

Department of Agri. Botany
PGI, Dr. PDKV, Akola.

Approved by: Associate Dean

Post Graduate Institute
Dr. PDKV, Akola.


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