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I. Prehistoric Period - A period when there were no written records of man‘s progress.

Paleolithic or Old Stone Age (2.5M - 8000BC)

• Greatest achievement, the discovery of fire
• Homo Habilis, Homo Erectus, Neanderthal Man and Cro-Magnon Man

Neolithic or New Stone Age (8000BC - 3000BC)

• Period started after the disappearance of the Cro-Magnon Man.
• Greatest achievement – the making of dugouts (the world’s first boats)

Metal Age (4000BC – 1500BC)

• Copper was discovered near Mt. Sinai
• Tin was later discovered.
• By mixing copper and tin, bronze was produced.
• Iron was first used by the Hittites.

II. Historic Period - Man’s progress was recorded.

The Invention of Writing

• Ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia invented in 3500 BC the earliest writing
called cuneiform, cuneus “wedge” and forma “form”.
• Egyptians invented their own writing, hieroglyphics.
• The first alphabet was invented by the Phoenicians which consisted of 22 letters
(all consonants).
• Later the Greeks improved it by adding the vowels.

The Ancient World

First Civilizations were in the river alleys:

• Mesopotamia – between the Tigris and Euphrates River

• Egypt – along the Nile River
• Indus Valley – in the valley of Indus River
• Chinese – along the Huang He (“Yellow River”) and Yangtze rivers

MESOPOTAMIA (3500 B.C. - 2000 B.C.)

• Mesopotamia means “land between the rivers”.

• The Cradle of Civilization. Birthplace of history and civilization.
• Refers to an area, rather than a country. Also called “fertile crescent”.
• Ruled by Sumeria, Akkadia, Babylon, Assyria and Chaldea.

Mesopotamia’s Contributions

• Invented cuneiform, the earliest form of writing.

• Invented the plow and the wheel.
• Art of irrigation. Cultivated the fertile land and tamed the floods of the twin rivers
by constructing canals and dikes. Utilized the river waters to irrigate their farms.
• Wrote the world’s earliest law codes: Ur Nammu Code and the Hammurabi
• Epic of Gilgamesh – a long poem of myths and legends written during the age
of the Sumerians. It is one of the earliest works of literature in the world. The epic
tells of Gilgamesh, a legendary king, who was unsuccessful in his quest for
immortality, a theme that recurs in ancient literature.
• Sexagesimal system in Mathematics – counting by 60s. Under this system, a
minute has 60 seconds, an hour has 60 minutes, and a circle has six 60s (360°)
• Architecture: Ziggurat (an ancient Babylonian skyscraper temple) and the
Hanging Gardens.

ANCIENT EGYPT (3200 B.C. – 600 B.C.)

• The Nile River, the longest river in the world, gives abundant water for irrigation,
and its flood makes the soil fertile.
• The ancient Egyptian writing was called hieroglyphics. It means “sacred signs”
because it was written by the priests.

ANCIENT EGYPT’S Contributions

• Architecture: Pyramid, the oldest man-made stone monument.

• Devised the first 365-day calendar, which divided the year into 12 months of 30
days each.
• World’s first builders. Erected magnificent palaces, obelisks, and temples.
• Sculpture: The ancient Egyptians were skilled sculptors. Among their sculptures,
Sphinx was the most famous.
• First to develop geometry. They utilized their mathematical and geometrical
knowledge in building the Pyramids.
• Increased man’s knowledge of medicine, surgery, and mummification
(embalming). The people of Egypt believed that after death, the soul returns back
to the body. So they preserved the dead body of the Pharaoh by applying
chemicals to it.

INDUS VALLEY (2500 B.C. – 1500 B.C.)

• Dravidians, dark-complexioned people, first inhabited the Indus Valley. They

were conquered by the Aryans (Indo-Europeans), in about 1500 BC, and later
called themselves Hindus.
• Developed the varnas (caste system), a rigid social structure that was a part of

1. Brahmins – priests
2. Kshatriyas – rulers and warriors
3. Vaishyas – peasants and traders
4. Shudras – laborers

• Those who were impure because of their work (butchers, gravediggers,

collectors of trash) lived outside the caste structure. They were known as
“untouchables” since even their touch is not pure.
• Siddhartha Gautama (563 - 483 BC), a Hindu prince, started a new religion. He
did not like the Hindu beliefs on the caste system which condemned a man to a
certain class for life.
• Later he was known as the Buddha, meaning “the enlightened one”.
• At the beginning of the first century AD, Buddhism spread to foreign countries:
Tibet, China, Korea, Japan, Burma, Thailand, and other Southeast Asian nations.

INDUS VALLEY Contributions

• They gave the world 4 religions – Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and Jainism.
• Invented “yoga”, a Hindu philosophy that teaches a person to experience inner
peace by controlling the body and mind.
• Architecture: Taj Mahal
• City Planning: sophisticated, laid out their cities on a precise grid system.
1. Panchatantara (first fable)
2. The Clay Cart and Sakuntala (the first dramatic epics)
3. Mahabharata (longest epic with 100,000 couplets, 106,000 verses,
and 7x longer than the Greek Iliad and Odyssey combined)
4. The Bhagavad Gita (world’s greatest philosophical poem)

ANCIENT CHINA (2000 B.C. – 400 B.C.)

• The earliest settlement began in 2000 BC when the first Chinese dynasty (Xia)
was founded by an engineer and mathematician named Yu. There were no
written records from this period, hence actual events of this time are unknown.
• The Shang Dynasty (1532 – 1027 B.C.) became the first family of Chinese
rulers to leave written records.
• Their culture had strong bonds that made for unity. Above all, people’s lives were
governed by their duties to two important authorities – their family and their
• Chinese philosophers: Confucius, Lao Tzu, and Mencius.
1. Confucius (551 – 479 BC) wrote the Analects which are short and witty
sayings that treat moral values and good human relations.
2. Lao Tzu (604 – 517 BC) founded a new religion, Taoism. His favorite
saying: “He who overcomes others is strong, but he who overcomes
himself is stronger.”
3. Mencius (372 – 289 BC), the greatest pupil of Confucius. He taught that,
“He who gains the hearts of the people gains the throne, and he who loses
the people’s hearts loses the throne.”

ANCIENT CHINA’S Contributions

• Gunpowder, paper, printing, and the compass are sometimes called the Four
Great Inventions of Ancient China
• Introduced Sericulture (silk industry) and the use of silk clothes
• Printed the first paper money “jiaozi”; the oldest known book “Diamond Sutra”;
oldest newspaper in the world “Peking Gazette”
• Introduced the Civil Service Examination
• Great Wall of China
• Invented the Abacus, a calculator that used sliding beads to help compute math
problems quickly


• Hittites. The first nation to use iron.

• Phoenicians. The greatest sailors and maritime traders of ancient times. Their
greatest contribution was the invention of the alphabet.
• Jews. The first people in history to believe in only one God, Monotheism. They
wrote the Bible, the holy book of both Judaism and Christianity.
• Persians. Wrote the first human rights charter.

Ancient Greece

• The 4 main Greek tribes:

1. Achaeans
2. Ionians - Athenians
3. Dorians - Spartans
4. Aetolians
• They believed that they descended from a common mythological ancestor,
Hellen. Hence they called themselves “Hellenes”, their country “Hellas” and their
civilization “Hellenic”.
• The main focus of ancient Greek life was the city-state called polis which means
“city”, a political and social unit. Each city-state included the city proper and the
surrounding farms.
• The main plaza and marketplace of a city-state is the agora, their main business
and political center.
• Forms of government in a city-state:
1. Monarchy <one> Tyranny
2. Aristocracy <few> Oligarchy
3. Direct Democracy <many> Mobocracy


• A military state. All able-bodied men were obliged to acquire training in arms and
fight for their city-state.
• All male babies were examined by the government and only those who were
healthy were allowed to live. Sickly babies were hurled down into the mountains
to die.

Life of a male Spartan:

• 7yrs old – live in military barracks

• 20yrs old – become full citizens with the right to vote
• 30yrs old – obliged to marry. Married men enjoyed little family life for they must
eat and sleep at the barracks until they reach 60yrs old.


• Named after the goddess Athena.

• Largest Greek city-state.
• Began the democratic form of government.
• “Our constitution is called a democracy because power is in the hands not of a
minority but of the whole people.” (Pericles, Athenian statesman)
• Athenians were freedom-loving and cultured.
• They were fond of the arts, music, literature, philosophy, public speaking, and

ANCIENT GREECE Contributions

• Mythology about gods and goddesses. Ancient Greeks believed in numerous

gods and goddesses and that they lived on Mt. Olympus.
• Classical Architecture. 3 architectural styles were perfected by Greece: (1)
Ionian, (2) Doric, and (3) Corinthian. The finest example of Greek architecture is
the Parthenon, a magnificent marble temple on the Acropolis in Athens.
• Poetry. The Iliad and the Odyssey by the blind poet Homer were the earliest
specimens of Greek poetry.
• Drama. The drama, as literary art, developed in ancient Hellas. First, it was just
the dancing of the chorus. Later, the dialogue was added. Thus, the drama was
• Greece developed another type of drama called “comedy”. A farce in which the
actors ridicule the leaders of the day with wit and humor.
• Olympic Games
• History. Herodotus “Father of History”. His masterpiece was The History of the
Persian Wars.
• Oratory. Oratory attained perfection in Greece.
• Medicine. Hippocrates “Father of Medicine”. Hippocrates is considered to be the
father of medicine because in his books, which are more than 70, he described in
a scientific manner, many diseases and their treatment after detailed
• Sculpture. Sculpture flourished during the Hellenistic age. Rulers, wealthy
merchants, and cities all purchased statues to honor the gods, commemorate
heroes, and portray ordinary people in everyday situations. The largest known
Hellenistic statue was the Colossus of Rhodes, a bronze statue that stood more
than 100 feet high.
• Philosophy (“love of wisdom”). Thales “Father of Greek Philosophy”. Founded
the first Greek school of philosophy. Taught that the universe originated from

Greek Philosophers


• Wisest man in Athens.

• Master of the Socratic dialectic, reasoning by questions and answers.


• Student of Socrates.
• His masterpiece was The Republic, which portrays an ideal state.


• Student of Plato.
• Tutor of Alexander the Great.


• Roman republic: Senate

• Senate was controlled by “patricians” (upper class). Poor people are called
“plebeians” (lower class).
• 12 Tables of Laws - Set of laws inscribed on 12 bronze tablets created in
ancient Rome.
• They were the beginning of a new approach to laws where they would be passed
by the government and written down so that all citizens might be treated equally
before them. It was a first step that would allow the protection of the rights of all
• Octavian (Augustus Caesar) became the first emperor of the Roman Empire in
27 BC.
• Diocletian, “the last great Roman Emperor”. He divided the empire into two, east
and west.
• East Empire was led by Constantine.
• West Empire was led by Romulus Augustus “little Augustus”


• Jurisprudence – the study of law, the basis of legal systems of modern nations.
• Latin, the language of the Middle Ages which influenced modern languages.
• The Colosseum, the predecessor of the modern gymnasium.
• The Republican form of government, in which the citizens vote for their
representatives to governing bodies.


• Dark Ages – barbaric tribes, the Goths, the Vandals, and the Huns dominated.


• The Renaissance (14th – 16th century) - Means “rebirth”, “reawakening” or

“revival” of learning.

Famous poets

• Elizabeth Barrett Browning – How Do I Love Thee?

• Lewis Carroll – Jabberwocky
• Robert Frost – The Road Not Taken
• William Shakespeare – Seven Ages Of Man
• Edgar Allan Poe – The Bells
• Henry Wadsworth Longfellow – Excelsior
• Famous Novels
• Wuthering Heights – Emily Brontë
• Middlemarch – George Eliot
• The Hunchback of Notre-Dame – Victor Hugo
• The Lord of the Rings – John Ronald Reuel Tolkien
• Nineteen Eighty-Four – George Orwell
• Great Expectations – Charles Dickens
• Moby Dick – Herman Melville
• Robinson Crusoe – Daniel Defoe


Nick Joaquin – “The Summer Solstice (Tatarin)”

Jose Rizal – Noli Me Tangere
Rustica C. Carpio – Talinhaga, Hinaing at Pag-ibig ng Isang Makata
Lualhati Bautista – Dekada ‘70, Bata, Bata, Pa’no Ka Ginawa?
Francisco Balagtas – “Father of the Tagalog Poem”; Florante at Laura
Lope K. Santos – Banaag at Sikat
Manuel Arguilla – “How My Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife”

George Frideric Handel (1685 – 1759)

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750)
Joseph Haydn (1732 – 1809)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 – 1791)
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 – 1827)


Cecile Licad – World Class classical pianist

Armando Salarza – titular organist of the Bamboo Organ of Las Piñas City
Nicanor Abelardo – Father of Philippine Sonata
Ryan Cayabyab – composer, the Maestro of Philippine music
Levi Celerio – lyricist, “leaf player”; “Sa Ugoy ng Duyan”
George Canseco – composer of the song: “Ako ay Pilipino”
Julian Felipe – Father of Philippine National Anthem
Lito Molina – Father of Philippine Jazz


• Leonardo Da Vinci (1452 – 1519)

• Michelangelo (1475 – 1564)
• Raphael (1483 – 1520)
• Rembrandt (1606 – 1669)
• Claude Monet (1840 – 1926)
• Vincent Van Gogh (1853 – 1890)
• Pablo Picasso (1881 – 1973)
• Juan N. Luna (1857 - 1899)
• Fernando Amorsolo (1892 - 1972)
• Carlos Francisco (1912 - 1969)


• Donatello (1386 - 1466)

• Michelangelo (1475 – 1564)
• Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598 - 1680)
• Auguste Rodin (1840 - 1917)
• Guillermo Tolentino (1890 – 1976)
• Napoleon Abueva (1930 – present) - “Father of Modern Philippine
• Abdulmari Imao (1936 – 2014)
• Eduardo Castrillo (1942 – 2016)
• Ramon Orlina (1944 – present)

Historical names of the Philippines

• Ma-i (“country of the Blacks”)

• Las Islas de San Lazaru (St. Lazaru’s Islands)
• Las Islas Felipinas (Philippine Islands/Islands belonging to Philip)
• Filipinas (Philippines)


• The earliest documented European expedition to the Philippines was that led by
Ferdinand Magellan, in the service of the king of Spain. The expedition first
sighted the mountains of Samar at dawn on the 16th March 1521, making landfall
the following day at the small, uninhabited island of Homonhon at the mouth of
the Leyte Gulf.
• On Easter Sunday, 31 March 1521, at Limasawa Island, Southern Leyte,
Magellan solemnly planted a cross on the summit of a hill overlooking the sea
and claimed for the king of Spain possession of the islands he had seen, naming
them Las Islas de San Lazaru.
• The first Christian mass - officiated by Fr. Pedro de Valderrama on 31 March
1521 at Limasawa Island, Southern Leyte.
• Magellan then went to Cebu to meet Humabon, the Rajah of Cebu, and
converted him into the Catholic faith.
• An order had been issued to the nearby chiefs that each of them was to provide
food supplies for Magellan and his men and convert to Christianity.
• Most chiefs obeyed the order. However, Datu Lapu-Lapu, chief of Mactan, was
the only chieftain to show his opposition.
• On 27 April 1521, Magellan invaded Mactan Island with 60 armed men and
1,000 Cebuano warriors. Lapu-Lapu had an army of 1,500 on land. Magellan
waded ashore with his soldiers and attacked the Mactan defenders.
• Magellan seriously underestimated Lapu-Lapu and his men, and grossly
outnumbered, Magellan and 14 of his soldiers were killed. (April 27, 1521)
• After Magellan's death, Elcano took command of the expedition and continued
the journey across the Indian Ocean, round the Cape of Good Hope, north along
the Atlantic Ocean, and back to Spain in 1522. Elcano and a small group of 18
men were actually the only members of the expedition to make the full


• Loaísa Expedition (1525) - Garcia Jofre de Loaísa

• Cabot Expedition (1526) - Sebastian Cabot
• Saavedra Expedition (1527) - Alvaro de Saavedra
• Villalobos Expedition (1542) - Ruy López de Villalobos
• Legazpi Expedition (1565) - Miguel López de Legazpi
Political changes

• Provincial governments started with encomiendas which were rewards given by

the Spaniards who helped in the pacification of the country. Encomenderos were
empowered to collect taxes, protect, and convert natives to Catholicism.
• Due to abuses perpetrated by encomenderos, encomiendas were abolished and
replaced by a system of provincial governments:
1. Provinces are called Alcaldia headed by Alcalde Mayor for pacified
areas and Corregimentos headed by Corregidors for unpacified areas.
2. Cities are called Ayuntamiento headed by two Alcalde.
3. Towns are called Pueblos headed by a Gobernadorcillo.
4. Barangays were retained and headed by a Cabeza de Barangay.


• Miguel Lopez de Legazpi - 1st governor-general

• Narciso Clavería - responsible for the use of Spanish surname by the Filipinos
• Jose Basco - implemented the Tobacco Monopoly
• Carlos Maria de la Torre - most loved governor-general in the Philippines
because of the reforms he implemented
• Eulogio Despujol - responsible for Rizal’s exile in Dapitan
• Camilo de Polavieja - approved the execution of Rizal
• Diego de los Rios - last Spanish governor-general
• Rafael del Izquierdo – executed GOMBURZA

Economic Policies (Spanish Occupation)

• Mostly characterized by monopoly that favored and benefited the Spaniards.

• Taxation - started as a tribute of 1 peso (Spanish reales). This was abolished in
1884 and personal cedula, a poll tax based on income, was instituted for
residents 18 years of age and above. Taxes were excessive and most of which
went into pockets of officials.
• Forced Labor - male from 16 to 66 years were required to render service to the
government for 40 days supposedly with daily allowances and meager food
• Galeon Trade or Manila-Acapulco Trade - Doctrine of Mercantilism (monopoly
of goods from colonies) was imposed by Spain. Philippines traded with
Acapulco, Mexico in the 16th century and goods were shipped by the Spanish
galleons. Tobacco was in great demand in Europe.
• Tobacco Monopoly - The 1782 economic program of Spanish Governor
General Jose V. Basco that lasted for 100 years. Tobacco production in the
Philippines was under total control of the government. La Union, Ilocos, Abra,
Cagayan Valley and Nueva Ecija became centers for planting, growing,
harvesting and processing tobacco. As the tobacco monopoly fueled further
unrest, Spain finally abolished it on 3 Dec 1882.
Del Superior Govierno - first Philippine newspaper established in 1811 to 1832.
Doctrina Christiana – first published book in the Philippines (1593)

Religious Influence

• Christian religion was introduced replacing the paganist anito worship. Friars
were responsible for spreading the religion such as Franciscans, Jesuits (1851),
Dominicans (1857) and Recollects (1606).
• Education was controlled by friars. Religious orders found the first school and
colleges. University of Sto. Tomas was the first university founded in 1611.

Growth of Filipino Nationalism

Nationalism developed due to the following factors:

1. Opening the Philippines to world trade

2. Rise of the middle class
3. Racial prejudice
4. Cavite mutiny
5. Execution of Gomez, Burgos, and Zamora (GOMBURZA)

• Campaign for reforms started with the formation by the middle class
Propaganda Movement. Foremost among them where Graciano Lopez Jaena,
Mariano Ponce, Marcelo H. Del Pilar, and Jose Rizal.

Propaganda Movement aims:

• Philippines be made a province of Spain

• Representation in the Cortes
• Filipino priests instead of Spanish friars
• Freedom of assembly and speech
• Equal rights before the law (for both Filipino and Spanish plaintiffs)

• The movement failed to attain the reforms they demanded. José Rizal, the most
celebrated intellectual and radical ilustrado of the era, wrote the novels Noli Me
Tángere (published in Berlin,1887), and El filibusterismo (published in
Ghent,1891), which greatly inspired the movement for independence.
• Andres Bonifacio founded the Katipunan (Kataastaasang, Kagalang-galangang
Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan) in July 7, 1892 on a radial platform: to
secure independence and freedom of the Philippines by force.
• The society remained secret until Teodoro Patiño exposed the society to Fr.
Mariano Gil on August 19, 1896. On August 23, 1896, the Katipuneros tore up
their cedulas shouting – “Long Lived the Philippines” thus making the so-called
“Cry of Pugad Lawin”.
Pen names of Propaganda Movement and KKK Leaders

• Dr. Jose Rizal Dimasalang, Laong Laan

• Marcelo del Pilar Plaridel, Dolores Manapat
• Graciano Lopez-Jaena Diego Laura
• Mariano Ponce Tikbalang, Naning, Kalipulako
• Antonio Luna Taga-ilog
• Jose Maria Panganiban Jomapa
• Emilio Jacinto Dimasilaw, Pingkian
• Andres Bonifacio Agapito Bagumbayan, May pag-asa
• Pio Valenzuela Madlang-away
• Apolinario Mabini Bini, Paralitico
• Juan Luna Buan
• Emilio Aguinaldo Magdalo

• The Katipunan in Cavite split into two groups, Magdiwang, led by Mariano
Álvarez (a relative of Bonifacio's by marriage), and Magdalo, led by Emilio
• March 22, 1897 - The Tejeros Convention. The Magdalo faction under
Aguinaldo and Magdiwang under Mariano Alvarez agreed to convene in Tejeros
(now part of Gen. Trias) to settle their differences and to establish a new
government that would replace the Katipunan.
• May 10, 1897 – Andres Bonifacio and his brother Procopio were executed after
being found guilty of treason and sedition by a military court.
• November 1, 1897 – The Biak-na-Bato Constitution was signed. It was
prepared by Felix Ferrer and Isabelo Artacho, who copied, almost word for word
the Cuban constitution. It has effectively established the Biak-na-Bato Republic
under Emilio Aguinaldo as the President.
• December 15, 1897 - Pact of Biak-na-Bato, a ceasefire between the Spanish
colonial Governor-General Fernando Primo de Rivera and the revolutionary
leader Emilio Aguinaldo was signed. The terms of the pact called for Aguinaldo
and his militia to surrender. Other revolutionary leaders were given amnesty and
a monetary indemnity by the Spanish government in return for which the rebel
government agreed to go into exile in Hong Kong.


April 25, 1898 – The USS Maine, having been sent to Cuba because of U.S. concerns
for the safety of its citizens during an ongoing Cuban revolution, exploded and sank in
Havana harbor. This event precipitated the Spanish–American War.

May 1, 1898 - George Dewey led a U.S. naval squadron into Manila Bay in the
Philippines and destroyed the anchored Spanish fleet in a leisurely morning
engagement that cost only seven American seamen wounded. Manila itself was
occupied by U.S. troops by August.
The U.S. invited Aguinaldo to return to the Philippines in the hope he would rally
Filipinos against the Spanish colonial government. Aguinaldo claimed that an American
naval officer told him that “The United States is a great and rich nation and needs
no colonies.” E. Spencer Pratt, U.S. Consul, assured him “That the United States
would at least recognize the independence of the Philippines under the protection
of the United States Navy.” Aguinaldo arrived on May 19, 1898, via transport provided
by Dewey.


• June 12, 1898 - Between 4 and 5 in the afternoon, Aguinaldo, in the presence of
a huge crowd, proclaimed the independence of the Philippines in Kawit, Cavite,
establishing the First Philippine Republic. The Philippine National Flag made in
Hongkong by Marcela Agoncillo was officially hoisted for the first time and
Marcha Nacional Filipina composed by Julian Felipe was played by the San
Francisco de Malabon Band.
• December 10, 1898 - The Spanish-American War ended with the signing of the
Treaty of Paris. It established the independence of Cuba, ceded Puerto Rico
and Guam to the United States, and allowed the victorious power to purchase the
Philippine Islands from Spain for $20 million.

Military Government (1898 – 1901)

The American military government was established following the defeat of Spain in the
Spanish–American War. During the transition period, executive authority in all civil
affairs in the Philippine government was exercised by the military governor.
• Wesley Merritt (Aug 14 – 30, 1898)
• Elwell S. Otis (Aug 30, 1898 – May 5, 1900)
• Arthur MacArthur, Jr. (May 5, 1900 – Jul 4, 1901)
• Adna Chaffee (Jul 4, 1901 – Jul 4, 1902)

Philippine–American War (1899 – 1902)

• Filipinos initially saw their relationship with the United States as that of two
nations joined in a common struggle against Spain.
• However, the United States later distanced itself from the interests of the Filipino
• Emilio Aguinaldo was unhappy that the United States would not commit to
paper a statement of support for Philippine independence.
• Relations deteriorated and tensions heightened as it became clear that the
Americans were in the islands to stay.

On February 4, 1899, an American soldier, Private William Grayson, shot a Filipino

soldier at Sociego-Silencio Sts., Santa Mesa, Manila. This marked the beginning of the
Philippine-American War, which lasted for three years.
Civil Government (1901–1935)

• The Philippine Organic Act was the basic law for the Insular Government, so
called because civil administration was under the authority of the U.S. Bureau of
Insular Affairs. This government saw its mission as one of tutelage, preparing
the Philippines for eventual independence.


• Enacted 24 on Mar 1934, the Tydings–McDuffie Act (Sen. Millard Tydings,

John McDuffie) provided for the establishment of the Commonwealth of the
Philippines with transition to full independence after a ten-year period.
• The Commonwealth Government was inaugurated on the morning of November
15, 1935. The Tydings–McDuffie Act meant that the date of full independence
for the Philippines was set for July 4, 1946.


• On Dec. 7, 1941, Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, the US naval base in Hawaii.
• Japan launched a surprise attack on the Clark Air Base in Pampanga on the
morning of December 8, 1941, just ten hours after the attack on Pearl Harbor.
This is the date of the World War II outbreak in the Philippines.
• On January 2, 1942, Gen. MacArthur declared the capital city, Manila, an open
city to prevent its destruction.
• Japan successfully occupied the Philippines after the fall of Bataan on April 9,
1942 and Corregidor on May 6.
• 80,000 prisoners of war captured by the Japanese at Bataan were forced to
undertake the infamous Bataan Death March to a prison camp 112 kilometers to
the north. About 10,000 Filipinos and 1,200 Americans died before reaching their
• Japanese occupation of the Philippines was opposed by large-scale underground
guerilla activity. One element of resistance in the Central Luzon area was
furnished by the Hukbalahap, led by Luis Taruc.
• Japan finally surrendered after Hiroshima (August 6, 1945) and Nagasaki
(August 9, 1945) were destroyed by atomic bombs.


Political science is the systematic study of the State and Government. The word
political is derived from the Greek word “polis” meaning a city, the word “science” comes
from the Latin word ‘scire’ meaning to know.

State - a community of persons more or less numerous, permanently occupying a

definite portion of the territory, independent from outside or external control and
possessing a government wherein a great body of inhabitants render habitual


1. Police Power - it is the power of the state to regulate individuals’ rights and
property for the general welfare.
2. Eminent Domain or Power of Expropriation – it is the power of the state to
take possession of a private property for a public purpose and after payment of
just compensation.
3. Power of Taxation - the power of the state to enforce proportionate contributions
from the people for support of all government programs and services.


1. Population – the most essential and indispensable element of a state. This is

the mass of the population or the number of people living within the state. There
is no specific number of people required living within a state so that it could be
called a state.
2. Territory – the established area that rightly belongs to the people of the state.
This is the aerial (air), terrestrial (land), fluvial (stream/river), and maritime (water)
domains of the state.
3. Government – the agency to which the will of the state is expressed, created
and administered. This is a group of people or institutions which run and rule the
4. Sovereignty – It is the soul of a state. It implies that the state is independent
from external interference, as well as can maintain integrity within itself. India
could not be referred to as a state prior to 1947, as it did not have an
independent government.


As to number of persons exercising sovereign powers:

• Monarchy – a form of government wherein the power or sovereignty is exercised

by one person only, usually a king or a queen. It could either be absolute or
limited monarchy.
• Aristocracy – a form of government wherein the power is exercised by a limited
few or the so-called elite.
• Democracy – It is a form of government wherein the power or sovereignty is
exercised and or resides in the people. It may be classified as pure or
representative democracy.
As to extent of powers exercised by the central or national government:

• Unitary Government - control of national and local government is exercised by

the central or national government.
• Federal – a form of government where the power of the state is divided into two
namely: national for national affairs and local for local affairs. Each organ is
independent in its own sphere.

As to relationship between the executive and legislative branches of the


• Parliamentary – a form of government wherein the President serves as nominal

or titular head. It is the Prime Minister that runs the affairs of the State. He is
directly accountable to the people. Under this system the ministry is legally
responsible to legislature and consequently to the electorate.
• Presidential – a form of government wherein the President is the chief executive
of the state and independent of the legislature with respect to his tenure, acts
and policies.


1. De Jure – a form of government that is founded on existing legal or constitutional

2. De Facto – a form of government that is not founded on constitutional law. It
exists in fact but not in law.

Constitution - body of rules and maxims in accordance with which the power of
sovereignty is habitually exercised.


• To prescribe the permanent framework of the system of government assigned to

the different departments their respective powers and duties, and established
certain fixed first principles on which the government is founded.
• To promote public welfare, which involves the safety, prosperity, health, and
happiness of the people.


• 1897 Constitution of Biak-na-Bato - established the Republic of Biak-na-Bato.

• 1899 Malolos Constitution – the 1st republic and the 1st republican constitution
in Asia.
• Philippine Organic Act of 1902 – enacted by the US Congress.
• Philippine Autonomy Act of 1916 – “Jones Law”
• Tydings-McDuffie Act (1934) - Commonwealth
• 1935 Constitution – Commonwealth.
• 1943 Constitution - 2nd Republic, “Puppet Republic”.
• 1935 Constitution (1946-1972) – 3rd Republic
• 1973 Constitution – 4th Republic, modified parliamentary-style government,
“the new republic”
• 1986 Freedom Constitution – provisional constitution.
• 1987 Constitution – 5th Republic


Preamble (“preambulare” ‘to walk before’)

We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of Almighty God, in order to build a
just and humane society, and establish a Government that shall embody our ideals and
aspirations, promote the common good, conserve and develop our patrimony, and
secure to ourselves and our posterity, the blessings of independence and democracy
under the rule of law and a regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace,
do ordain and promulgate this Constitution.

• Article I – National Territory

• Article II – Declaration of Principles and State Policies
• Article III – Bill of Rights
• Article IV – Citizenship
• Article V – Suffrage
• Article VI – Legislative Department
• Article VII – Executive Department
• Article VIII – Judicial Department
• Article IX – Constitutional Commissions
• Article X – Local Government
• Article XI – Accountability of Public Officers
• Article XII – National Economy and Patrimony
• Article XIII – Social Justice and Human Rights
• Article XIV – Education, Science and Technology, Arts, Culture and Sports
• Article XV – The Family
• Article XVI – General Provisions
• Article XVII – Amendments or Revisions
• Article XVIII – Transitory Provisions


• Natural Rights – possessed by every citizen without being granted by the State
for they are given to man by God as a human being.
Ex: right to life, right to live, right to love
• Constitutional Rights - rights which are conferred and protected by the
Constitution. Since they are part of the fundamental law, they cannot be modified
or taken away by the law-making body.
Ex: Privilege of Writ of Habeas Corpus
• Statutory Rights – rights that are provided by laws promulgated by a law-
making body and may be abolished by the same.
Ex: the right to receive a minimum wage, the right to adopt a child

When Arrest may be made without warrant:

1. When in his presence, the person to be arrested has committed or attempting to

commit an offense.
2. When an offense has in fact just been committed and he has personal knowledge of
facts indicating that the person to be arrested has committed it.
3. When the person to be arrested is a prisoner who has escaped from a penal
establishment or place where he is serving final judgment, or has escaped while being
transferred to one confinement to another.


• Habeas corpus is a writ which requires a person under arrest to be brought

before a judge or into court. This ensures that a prisoner can be released from
unlawful detention, in other words, detention lacking sufficient cause or
evidence. The remedy can be sought by the prisoner or by another person
coming to the prisoner’s aid.


• The writ of habeas data is a remedy available to any person whose right to
privacy in life, liberty or security is violated or threatened by an unlawful
act or omission of a public official or employee, or of a private individual or
entity engaged in the gathering, collecting or storing of data or information
regarding the person, family, home and correspondence of the aggrieved


• The writ of amparo is a remedy available to any person whose right to life,
liberty and security is violated or threatened with violation by an unlawful
act or omission of a public official or employee, or of a private individual or
• Amparo serves a dual protective purpose: it protects the citizen and his basic
guarantees, and protects the constitution itself by ensuring that its principles are
not violated by statutes or actions of the state that undermine the basic rights
enshrined therein.
• Thus, in the same way that habeas corpus guarantees physical freedom,
amparo protects other basic rights.

• A legal remedy under Philippine law which provides for the protection of one’s
right to “a balanced and healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and
harmony of nature,” as provided for in Section 16, Article II of the Philippine
• It protects one’s right for a healthy environment rather than constitutional
rights. The writ of Kalikasan may be sought to deal with environmental
damage of such magnitude that it threatens life, health, or property of
inhabitants in two or more cities or provinces.



Congress is a bicameral legislature. The upper house, the Senate, is composed of 24

senators elected via the plurality-at-large voting with the country as one at-large
"district." The senators elect amongst themselves a Senate President.
The lower house is the House of Representatives, currently composed of 292
representatives, with no more than 20% elected via party-list system, with the rest
elected from legislative districts. The House of Representatives is headed by the House

Senate of the Philippines

• Founded on October 16, 1916.

• Composed of 24 senators who are elected at large by qualified voters as may be
provided by law.
• Term of Office – six (6) years.
• Term limits – 2 consecutive terms, (12 years).
• Natural-born citizen, at least 35 years old (on the day of the election)

Prominent Senators

• Manuel L. Quezon – 2nd President.
• Jose P. Laurel – 3rd President.
• Sergio Osmeña – 4th President.
• Manuel Roxas – 5th President.
• Elpidio Quirino – 6th President.
• Carlos P. Garcia – 8th President.
• Ferdinand E. Marcos – 10th President.
• Joseph Ejercito Estrada – 13th President.
• Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo – 14th President.
• Benigno S. Aquino III – 15th President.
• Geronima Josefa Tomelden Pecson – 1st woman senator.
House of Representatives
• Currently composed of 292 representatives, with no more than 20% elected via
party-list system, with the rest elected from legislative districts.
• Term of Office – three (3) years.
• Term limit – 3 consecutive terms, (9) years
• Natural-born citizen, at least 25 years old (on the day of the election)

How a bill becomes a LAW?

1. The bill is assigned a number. First reading.

2. Referral to appropriate committee.
3. Second reading. Period of amendments.
4. Debates.
5. Printing and distribution.
6. Third reading.
7. Referral to the other House.
8. Submission to joint Bicameral Committee.
9. Submission to the President. If signed, bill becomes LAW. If the
President fails to communicate his veto of the bill within 30 days
after the receipt thereof, the bill automatically becomes a LAW.

Veto - a Latin term for “I forbid” or “deny”. It is the power vested in the President to
disapprove acts passed by the Congress.


• Each house has its own inherent power, with the Senate given the power to
vote on treaties, while the House of Representatives can only introduce
money bills.
• The constitution provides Congress with impeachment powers, with the House
of Representatives having the power to impeach, and the Senate having the
power to try the impeached official.


Impeachment has been defined as a method of national inquest into the conduct of
public men. It aims to protect form official delinquencies or malfeasance.

Officials removable by Impeachment

• The president and vice-president

• Members of the Supreme Court
• Members of the Constitutional Commissions (COMELEC, COA, CSC)
• The Ombudsman (Tanodbayan)
Grounds for Impeachment (Section 2, Article XI)

• Culpable violation of the constitution – ex. CJ Corona’s failure to disclose

• Treason – crime of trying to overthrow your country
• Bribery - the offer or acceptance of anything of value in exchange for influence
on a government/public official or employee
• Graft and corruption – ex. Former Senator Jinggoy Estrada’s graft cases for
allegedly receiving P183.79M in kickbacks from his pork barrel, some of which
were supposedly personally delivered to his San Juan City home.
• Betrayal of public trust (new ground for impeachment) – ex. fraudulent act of
malversation of funds and falsification of documents.


Executive power is vested to the President; in practice however, the president delegates
his power to a cabinet. The cabinet is mostly composed of the heads of the executive
departments, which provide services to the people, and other cabinet-level officials.
The president, who is both the head of state and head of government, is directly elected
to a single six-year term. In case of death, resignation or incapacitation, the Vice
President acts as the president until the expiration of the term.


• Natural-born citizen, at least 40 years old (on the day of the election)
• Registered voter
• Can read and write
• Resident of the Philippines for at least 10 years
• Term – 1 term only of 6 years
• Lawyers (9) – Manuel L. Quezon, Jose P. Laurel, Sergio Osmeña, Manuel
Roxas, Elpidio Quirino, Carlos P. Garcia, Diosdado Macapagal, Ferdinand E.
Marcos, Rodrigo R. Duterte
• Soldiers (2) – Emilio Aguinaldo, Fidel V. Ramos
• Economists (2) – Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, Benigno Simeon “Noynoy” C.
Aquino III
• Actor - Joseph Ejercito Estrada
• Mechanic – Ramon Magsaysay
• Housewife – Corazon C. Aquino

Bar Topnotchers
• Laurel: 2nd in the Philippine Bar (1915)
• Osmeña: 2nd in the Philippine Bar (1903)
• Roxas: 1st Place in the Philippine Bar (1913)
• Garcia: 7th in the Philippine Bar (1923)
• Macapagal: 1st in the Philippine Bar (1935)
• Marcos, 1st in the Philippine Bar (1939)
• Natural-born citizen, at least 40 years old (on the day of the election)
• Registered voter
• Can read and write
• Resident of the Philippines for at least 10 years
• May be appointed as a Member of the Cabinet
• Term – 1 term only of 6 years


The judiciary is composed of the Supreme Court and other lower courts. The Supreme
Court is the court of last resort, and decides on constitutionality of laws via judicial
review. It is composed of a Chief Justice and 14 Associate Justices.
The Court of Appeals is the second highest appellate court, the Court of Tax Appeals
rules on tax matters, and the Sandiganbayan (People's Advocate) is a special court
for alleged government irregularities. The Regional Trial Courts (RTC) are the main
trial courts. The Regional Trial Courts are based on judicial regions, which almost
correspond to the administrative regions.


1. Executive branch has the power to check the legislative branch by vetoing
laws that Congress wants to pass.
2. Legislative branch may check the executive branch by passing laws over the
veto by two-thirds vote in each house.
3. Judicial branch may check both the legislative and executive by declaring laws

Other checks and balances:

• Executive over the judicial branch. The president appoints all supreme court
• Legislative over the executive branch. The legislative branch must approve
appointments that the president makes; the Senate must approve treaties that
the president makes; and the legislative branch may investigate the executive
• Legislative over the judicial branch. The legislative branch must approve the
president’s choice of judges to the judicial branch; may propose constitutional
amendments to overturn judicial decisions.
• Legislative over the executive and judicial branches. The Congress has
impeachment powers with the House of Representatives having the power to
impeach, and the Senate having the power to try the impeached official.
• Judicial over the executive branch. Supreme Court justices cannot be fired by
the president.

• “Oikonomia” Greek word meaning “management of the household”.

• Economics is the study of how scarce resources are allocated to fulfill the infinite
wants of consumers.

Microeconomics – the study of the economic decisions and actions of individual

people, companies, etc.

Macroeconomics – the study of the large economic systems of a country or region.


• Land – the “gifts of nature”, or natural resources not created by human effort.
• Capital – tools, equipment, machinery, and factories used in production.
• Labor – includes people with all their efforts, abilities, and skills.
• Entrepreneurship – risk-taking individuals in search of profits.

Types of Products

• Consumer goods – products sold to general public.

ex: rice, milk, sugar
• Capital goods - products purchased by other businesses to produce other
goods and services.
ex: computers, machines, tools
• Services - intangible products provided by businesses.
ex: barber, teacher (education), doctor (health care)

Inflation – a continuing rise in the general price level usually attributed to an increase in
the volume of money and credit relative to available goods and services.

Effects of Inflation

• Decrease in the value of money (Purchasing Power of the Peso).

• Inflation Losers – fixed salary worker, retirees living on pension.
• Inflation Gainers – People with flexible income, debtors.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

• Gross domestic product is the best way to measure a country’s economy. GDP
is the total value of everything produced by all the people and companies in the
country. It doesn’t matter if they are citizens or foreign-owned companies. If they
are located within the country’s boundaries, the government counts their
production as GDP.
Gross National Product (GNP)

• An estimated value of the total worth of production and services, by citizens of a

country, on its land or on foreign land, calculated over the course on one year.
• Total value of Goods and Services produced by all nationals of a country
(whether within or outside the country).


• “Geo” (earth), “graphien” (to describe or write about)

• Geography literally means “to write about the earth”.
• Geography is devoted to the study of the Earth’s landforms, oceans,
environment and ecosystems, and the interactions between the human society
and their environment.

Notable geographers

• Erastosthenes, “Father of Geography” - calculated the equatorial

circumference of the Earth at 40,233 kilometers using simple geometric
relationships. Measurements of the Earth using modern satellite technology have
computed the circumference to be 40,072 kilometers.
• Hipparchus – invented the system of longitude and latitude used on maps.
• Alexander von Humboldt – considered as Father of modern geography.


• Largest continent and includes within its limits an area of 44,444,100 km2
(17,159,995 mi2), or about 33% of the world‘s total land surface.
• Most populous of all the continents, with a population of 4,436,224,000 (2016), or
59.69% of the world‘s total population.
• The highest point is in Mount Everest, which towers at 29,029 ft. located in
Nepal; the lowest point is 395 m (1,296 ft.) below sea level along the shores of
the Dead Sea in Israel and Jordan.


• Second-largest continent after Asia.

• Total population as of 2016 is 1,216,130,000 or 16.36% of the world’s total
• Europeans called Africa the “Dark Continent”
• Africa has a number of outstanding natural features. The northern coastal area is
separated from the rest of the continent by the Sahara, the largest non-polar
desert in the world.
• Mount Kilimanjaro (19,340 ft.), a semi-active volcano, is Africa‘s highest peak.
• The Nile, the world’s longest river (6650 km/4,132 mi) can be found in this
• Africa is the most rural and least urbanized of the continents.

North America

• The continent‘s land area places its third in size among the seven continents. It
covers an area of 24.71M k² or 16.5% of the Earth’s total land area.
• Total population is 579,024,000 or 7.79% of the world’s total population.
• It is extended in the northwest by the peninsula of Alaska and its Aleutian Island
chain, in the northeast by the world‘s largest island (Greenland).
• Of the more than 400 million people in North America, almost 60% are located in
the United Sates and another 20% live in Mexico.
• In North America, the overwhelming majority are Christians.
• The most dominant languages in North America are Spanish, French, and
English. There are also a large number of people who speak Danish, but they are
mostly confined to Greenland.
• Canada is the largest country in North America. It is followed by the United
States, Greenland and Mexico.
• North America’s lowest point is the Badwater Basin, located in Death Valley
National Park, California. It has a surface elevation of 282 feet below sea level.
• The famous Niagara Falls can also be seen in this continent which straddle the
international border between the Ontario, Canada and the state of New York.
• North America’s highest point is Mount McKinley (Denali), which is a mountain
peak located in Alaska. It has a summit elevation of 20,310 feet above sea level.
• The world’s largest fresh water lake is in North America. Lake Superior, located
on the border of United States and Canada, has a total surface area of 82,100 k².

South America

• South America is the world‘s fourth-largest continent; it is smaller than North

America but larger than Antarctica.
• The Amazon River surpasses all others in volume of flow, and the Amazon
Forest is the world‘s largest rain forest.
• Angel Falls in Venezuela is the highest uninterrupted waterfall in the world. It is
979 meters high, and its water plunges for 870 meters uninterrupted.
• Aconcagua is tallest mountain in South America and the highest mountain
outside Asia, at 6,960.8 m. (22,837 ft.), and the highest point in both the Western
Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere. It is located in the Andes mountain
range, in the Mendoza Province, Argentina.
• The largest country in South America is Brazil.
• The smallest country in South America is Suriname. It is about 50 times smaller
than Brazil. At only 540,000 people, it also has the smallest population on the
continent (and one of the smallest in the world).
• South America‘s racial heritage stems from three basic sources: Caucasian,
African and Indian.
• Roman Catholicism is found throughout South America.
• The continent is part of Latin America, so named because most of its settlers
during the colonial period came from the Iberian Peninsula.


• Antarctica is the fifth-largest and southernmost continent. Its position at the South
Pole, together with its elevation and ice-and-snow cover, generates the coldest
climate on Earth.
• Total population is 4,490 (2016).
• The summer population is several thousand, but only a few hundred scientists
and support personnel stay during the winter. They live in semitransparent
• Tallest peak is Vinson Massif which towers at 4, 892m.


• Europe is the second to the smallest continent. It is physically attached to Asia

and forms the western end of the immense Eurasian land mass. For historical
reasons it has been treated as a separate continent.
• The highest elevation is at Mount Elbrus (5,642m).
• Vatican City with around 1,000 people is the world‘s smallest sovereign state.


• Australia is the world’s smallest continent, it is the sixth-largest country, one of

the world‘s oldest landmasses, and the flattest continent.
• Mount Kosciuzko which towers at 2,228m is Australia’s highest peak.
• Prior to permanent European settlement in Australia, the continent was
populated by a number of diverse groups of hunter-gatherer peoples, who as
usually referred to as “Aborigines”.

Oceania - Refers to a group of island countries and territories in the Pacific Ocean
(together with the continent of Australia).

1. Melanesia (“black islands”)

2. Micronesia (“little islands”)
3. Polynesia (“many islands”)

Oceania COUNTRIES - Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia,

Nauru, New Zealand, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga,
Tuvalu, Cook Islands, Niue, Vanuatu.

Pacific Ocean

• The Pacific Ocean is the largest of the world's oceans, extending from the Arctic
in the north to Antarctica in the south. Covering 169.2 million k², it is larger than
all of the Earth's land area combined.
• The Pacific's greatest asset is its fish. The shoreline waters of the continents and
the more temperate islands yield herring, salmon, sardines, snapper, swordfish,
and tuna, as well as shellfish.
• Paedocypris progenetica – smallest fish in the world.
• Chromis Gunting, Chromis Hangganan, Chromis Bowesi, Sardenilla
Pacifica (Fish - New Species)

Atlantic Ocean

• The Atlantic Ocean is the second-largest ocean covering 106.4 million k². It
occupies about one-fifth of the Earth's surface.
• The major species of fish caught are cod, haddock, hake, herring, and mackerel.
Eel, lobster, and whales have also been taken in great quantities.
• Indian Ocean
• The Indian Ocean is the third largest ocean, covering 73.56 million k², or about
twenty percent of the water on the Earth's surface.
• Endangered marine species include the dugong, seals, turtles, and whales. Oil
and ship pollution threatens the Arabian Sea, Persian Gulf, and Red Sea.

Southern Ocean

• The Southern Ocean is the fourth-largest ocean, covering 20.32 million k². It is
typically between 4,000 and 5,000 meters deep with only limited areas of shallow
• The Antarctic Circumpolar Current at 21,000 kilometers is the world's longest
ocean current, transporting 130 million cubic meters per second - 100 times the
flow of all the world's rivers.

Arctic Ocean

• The Arctic Ocean is the smallest of the world's five major oceans and the
• It is largely covered by sea ice throughout the year.
• Endangered marine species include walruses and whales. Phytoplankton are a
crucial part of the ocean and there are massive amounts of them in the Arctic.



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