HRM For HR Professionals or HR For HR

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s I read the series of articles in professionals need a support function, per-
this issue of Human Resource Man- son, or group to help them with their own
agement, it struck me how very careers; to provide them with support; and
challenging the work has become to lead them to the resources they need to
for HR practitioners. Many in our cope with their job-related stress. HR pro-
field are managing layoffs, reducing wages, fessionals need their own HR function. In
taking away benefits from employees, and, larger organizations, there are often enough
in general, delivering bad news. My friends staff members to provide such an “HR for
and colleagues who work in HR tell me HR” department; however, in medium- to
they suffer from high levels of stress; they smaller-sized firms, that luxury does not
are waiting to get their own “packages” in exist. The HR executives in these organiza-
hopes of leaving their positions; and they tions are on their own; managing the stress
are off dealing with personal health issues of their jobs and the worry that comes with
ensuing from the constant stress. The arti- trying to make sense of constant change; all
cles in this issue provide a sampling of why while still fighting the battle of “does HR
these HR professionals are suffering: they even matter?”
are in the business of managing difficult As you read through the articles in this
situations—not just layoffs—but moving issue, I invite you to think about HR for
families overseas for expatriate assignments, HR. Is there a need for new thinking and
handling emotionally charged situations, research in this area? If so, can the articles
and more. in this issue help provide some insights into
After reviewing the articles in this issue the topic?
and mulling over the idea of how we can
help HR professionals, I read a short piece • What is unique about the HR job? What
in BusinessWeek (July 27, 2009, page 19) kind of HR services do HR professionals
titled “Human resources: They’re human need to be successful and effective in their
too.” The lead sentence from the article positions while maintaining psychologi-
states, “The dismal economy may be driv- cal and physical health, even when han-
ing your HR manager to drink.” The article dling high-stress situations?
basically says that HR executives are suffer-
• How can outsourcing firms help provide
ing from sleeplessness, considering changing
a specialized HR for HR service that the
careers, and report they are using “substance
organization would fund?
abuse” to cope with their stress.
This all leads me to wonder where is • What is the benefit to an organization of
HR for HR? What I mean by this is that HR a healthy HR group?

Human Resource Management, September–October 2009, Vol. 48, No. 5, Pp. 675–676
© 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Published online in Wiley InterScience (
DOI: 10.1002/hrm.20317

• How does a strong HR for HR function face in their daily work. Given the econom-
affect the ideal organizational structure ics of our time, what can the academic com-
for HR? Where does this work reside? munity do to answer these questions?
Who does it? If you are interested in discussing any of
these topics, or if you have questions for the
And lastly, is HR for HR really needed? authors of the articles in this issue, please
Perhaps the training one receives in HR is logon to our social network at www.hrmthe-
enough to provide strong capabilities to At the time this was written,
deal with the challenges these executives we have 987 members with 24 groups.

Human Resource Management DOI: 10.1002/hrm

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