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12 P""i f.r{', (7 yVrlI .1 ,j..

-',T Exercises

- -. - l.'¡., l-. ¿ list of xtnre things that Ann did l,esterddy (and the times dt uthicb sbe did tbam):

i'i.:+-t-9. 15 had breakiast 4 12.45-1.30 had Iunch
9.1-t-10.00 read thc ncu,spaper 5 2.30 -1.30 r,' ashcd sc¡me clothes
10.00-12.00 clcancd l¡c¡ fli¡t 6 4.00-6.00 u,¡tched televisir¡¡r
\,, ttt' Lurita sentettces sayinv u,bat sba Luas doing ttt tb$e times:

I -\t 9 o'clock ?¡e.w. w.bsY.wtg, k@sffi . 4 At I o'clock

2 -\t 9..10 shc 5 At -l o'clock

,,,,ldl.l At 11 o'clock

: ,!t'()up t)l P(,oplt' tL'(r( str),utg itt ¡ botel. ()ne euexing tht firc,rldrm rrmg. Llsc tbc a'ords
:,: br¡ckets lo nlik( sltltcit.ts s¿tirtg u,httt e¿ch persc,tt utas ¿oulg ot. tbe time.
6 At Í o'clock

: ':.unpla: (Don i have ¡ L¡¡rh) .D-Ó0..wg5..bgyLAg.qfuth.. .......

[g lrt ¿
.\n¡r i
\\.rite,i¡ lL'tttr in hcr roctrn) ltn
icor¡¡e ,' get ,/ rci(lv to go outl Ge orge
iinished: Carol and Dennis / have / dinnqr) Carol and Dennis
+ Tom make / a phone c¡ ll) Tom

\1tkt' sentences from the u,ords it br¡ckets. Put the uerl¡ intr¡ thc cttrract frtrm, past sinpla
l! was_
Idid .,p¿s¡ inutliut,,tt. Iuur d,ring .
ldle of It.trnpk:: (l r' fall / asleep u'hen I \\ rr-ler rsrunl ftil.ÉW.t\.e.r.'.l.W.N.Wtúqgk¿e.y!fl§t1.
thc phone ,i ring i rvhen I r hlvc i r shou cr) The phone
it bc¡¡in i to rain rvhc¡r I . u.¡lk r hor¡c)
Ly that we / see / an accident when we / wait / for the hr¡s)

rk. l'It tl:a t (rb itúo tl)e c¡»'t-t't't fonn. p,tst colltinuous or pnst sinpl(.
É r.rirplt,: \{ hilc'l on .. lcook) the clinner. the phoue ......... ..11489.......... (ring).

1 George ................................. (fall) off the ladder wl.rile he .............................. (paint) the ceiling.
2 Last night I . (read) rn bed when suddenly I
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (hear) a
. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

-) (you/watch) television when I phoned you?
nd Ann ................................ (wait) for me when L............................... (arrive).
5 I ................................ (not/drive) very fast when the accident (happen).
6 L................................ (break) a plate last night. L................................ ........ (do) the washing-up
3n we
when it................................ (slip) out of my hand.
7 Tom ................................ (take) a phorograph of me while L............................... (not/look).
nuous 8 §1e................................ (not/go) out because it................................ (rain).
9 ................................ (you/do) at this time yesterday?
10 I ................................ (see) Carol at the party. She .................................. (wear) a really beautiful


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