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UNIT 20 Exercises ,J .


N.! ln this exercise you haue to read the situ.ttion and then write a sentence. Use tbe uerbs
giuen in brackets. Read the example carefully first.
Example:Ten minutes ago Tom lost his key. Now he has it in his hand.
(lose / frnd) T.p.m !pe-t h-ús ksá.P&.naw..n".hqzfouy!,... ..

1 I lost a lot of weight but now I am too heavy again.

(lose weight / put on weight) L.......,................................. but now I
She went to Australia bút now she is back in Britain again.
(go / come back) She ....... but now
Last year Kevin bought a c¿r. Now it belongs ro someone else.
rbuy sellr
The police arrested the man but now he is at home again.
(arrest / release)
5 Bill cut his hair. Now i. i. f""g;g"i;.
1..r¡ / grow)
6 prisoncr escaped from the prison. Now he is back in prison.

2O.2 Are the underlined parts of these sentences right or urong? Correct tbe ones wbich are
Examples: Have you heard? Suzanne has got rrarried! Kl.9Hf..,
The Chinese liáve inveniedliimiñg. b/.Ra[¡G.;- utvent¿A

1 lfho lras writren rhe play Hamlet?

2 Aristotle has been r (ircek philosophcr.
3 O" ! l'r e . ur rnj iingcr. lr'., h['cJin¡¡.
4 Lo,rk at G«rrge!Hc hrrcl a heircut.
5 N,Iv grandparents g()t married in l.onclon.
6 Einstein was the physicist who has developed the theory
of relarivity.

20.3 ln this exercise 1'ou l).tt'e to l)Ltt tbe t,arb into tbe cotect fotnt.
F,xanple: A: Lt¡ok! Sornet, ...455.5P-tW.. lspill) rnilk on rhc carpct.
B: \Vcll, it .........Wqánlt...... (rr(!r/he) n,.. t ....did¡ lriolclo) it.
A: I woncler who it............WS9.......... (bc) thcn.

1A: Your hair looks different. ..............,................. (you,4rave) a haircut?

B: Yes.
A: (you/cut) it yourself?
B: No, Ann (cut) it for me.
2A: Did you hear about Ben? He ....................,............. (break) his leg.
B: Reallv? Hou' ..-- (that/happen)?
A: He................................ (fall) off a ladder.


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