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UNIT 21 Present perfect (l have done) or past simple Unit

(r did)? (2)
2l.l I¡
a) D9 no-t_g¡g!ggr-9s-er¡¡-p9Jfg9¡-(I have done) when you are talking about a finished time in
tñe priiilór. e*irnple, yéiiérááy, two years ago: iñ '1979, when I vr as a childl. Usc ¡ p¿s¡
-Tom lost his key yesterday. (aor'has lost')
-Did you see the film on television last night? (zot'have you seen')
-Mr Greaves retired from his job two years ago. (zor'has retired')
-I ate a lot of sweets when I was a child. (ror'have eaten')
Use.4 past tense to ask when something happened:
\X/ha¡ time did they arrive? lnot'have they arrived')
- §/hen were you born? (zof'have you been born')
- Tom has lost his key. (present perfect)
Hgr.e*IrS 3{g gel;hinking of ¡}re past action; we are thinking of the present result of the
action: he is without his key now.
- Tom lost his key yesterdat. (pdst simple)
He¡e we are thinking of the action in the past. Ve don't know wl.rether Tom is still without
his key.
b) Now compare these sentences:
Present perfect (lhave done) Past simple (l did) 21.2

l've smoked 20 cigarettes today. I smoked 20 cigarettes yesterday.

I Today is a périod of time which continues I Yesterday is a linished rime in rhe
i up to the present. It is not a finished \t past. So we use the past simple. 1

I time. So we use rhe oresenr oerfect. ;

present ptesent J

past past

Tom hasn't been ill this year. Tom wasn't ill last year.
Have you seen Ann this morning? Did you see Ann this morning?
(It is still morning.) (lt is now afternoon.) 2i 3
Have you seen Ann recently? Did you see Ann last week?
We've been waiting for an hour. (\üle are \üe waited (or were waiting) for an
still waiting.) hour. (lle are no longer waiting.)
Ian has lived in London for six years. lan lived in Scotland for ten years.
(He still lives there.) (He no longer lives there.)
I have never played golf (in mv life). I didn't play golf when I was on
holiday last summer.
i The present perfect always has a f The past rimple tells us only a hout
connecrion with the present.
{-See { the part.
Units 13-20. §ee Units 11,12 and 20.


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