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Mini Project Report on

Blind Assistance & Navigation System

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Award of
Degree of


Mechatronics Engineering



Under Supervision of

Senior Assistant Professor
Department of Mechatronics Engineering
MITE, Moodabidri

Department of Mechatronics Engineering Mangalore

Institute of Technology and Engineering
(Accredited by NAAC with A+ Grade, An ISO 9001: 2015 Certified Institution)
Affiliated to V.T.U., Belagavi, Approved by AICTE, New Delhi.
Badaga, Mijar, Moodabidri - 574225, Karnataka

Department of Mechatronics Engineering

This is to certify that the Project (18MTP68) entitled “Blind Assistance & Navigation
System’’ carried out by Mr. SHAHID SAYED, USN: 4MT19MT045, Mr. MOHAMMED
SHAQEEN M, USN: 4MT20MT403, a bonafide students of Mangalore Institute of
Technology & Engineering in partial fulfillment for the award of Bachelor of Engineering
in Mechatronics Engineering of the Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
during the year 2021-22. It is certified that all corrections/suggestions indicated for Internal
Assessment have been incorporated in the Report deposited in the departmental library. The
project report has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements in respect of Seminar
prescribed for the said Degree.

Mrs. Ashwini TP Dr. M Lokesha

Guide Head of the Department

Dr. M S Ganesha Prasad

Principal, MITE

Name of the Examiners Signature with Date


Blind assistance and navigation system

We would like to thank our beloved Chairman of Mangalore Institute of Technology and
Engineering Mr. Rajesh Chowta, Principal, Dr. M S Ganesha Prasad, and the Dean
(Academics) Dr. Divakar Shetty S for their kind patronage.

We express my sincere gratitude to the HOD, Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Dr.

M Lokesha for giving this opportunity to take up this project work.

We heartily convey my deepest thanks to my internal guide Mrs. Ashwini TP Senior Asst-
Professor, Department of Mechatronics Engineering, MITE for his constant monitoring and
guidance provided during the course of this project work.

We would like to thank all the teaching and non-teaching staffs of MITE for their support in
completion of this project work.

Our acknowledgment would be incomplete if we do not thank our parents for their
encouragement and support throughout our educational life. Finally, we extend our gratitude
to all my friends and to all those who have helped us in the completion of the project work.





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Blind assistance and navigation system


We hereby declare that the project work entitled “Blind Assistance and Navigation System”
is a record of original project work under taken by us in partial fulfilment of requirements for
the award of degree of bachelor of engineering in mechatronics engineering of Visvesvaraya
Technical University Belagavi during the Academic year 2021-2022 we have completed this
project work under the supervision of Mrs. Ashwini TP Senior Asst-Professor, Department
of Mechatronics Engineering Mangalore Institute of technology and engineering Moodabidri.

We are also declared that to the best of our knowledge and belief that the work reported herein
doesn’t form part of any other thesis or dissertation based on which a degree or award was
conferred earlier occasion by any student.







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Science and technology always try to make human life easier. The people who are having
complete blindness or low vision faces many difficulties during their navigation. Blindness
can occur due to many reasons including disease, injury or other conditions that limit vision.
The main purpose of this paper is to develop a navigation aid for the blind and the visually
impaired people. In this paper, we design and implement a system which helps the blind
and the visually impaired people to navigate freely by experiencing their surroundings. The
scene around the person will be captured by using a Raspberry Pi Cam and the objects in
the scene will be detected. The earphones will give a voice output describing the detected
objects. The architecture of the system includes the processor Raspberry Pi 3, Raspberry Pi
Cam, earphones and a power source. The processor collects the frames of the surroundings
and convert it to voice output. The device uses Yolo API, open-source machine learning
library developed by the Google Brain Team for the object detection and classification.
Yolo helps in creating machine learning models capable of identifying and classifying
multiple objects in a single image. Thus, details corresponding to various objects present
within a single frame are obtained using Yolo API. A Text to Speech Synthesizer (TTS)
software called eSpeak is used for converting the details of the detected object (in text
format) to speech output. So the video captured by using the Raspberry Pi Cam isfinally
converted to speech signals and thus narration of the scene describing various objects is
done. Objects which come under 90 different classes like cell phone, vase, person,couch etc.
are detected.

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Acknowledgement i
Abstract ii
Table of content iii
Table of figure iv
1.1 Overview 2
1.2 Existing system 4
1.3 Problem statement 4
1.4 Proposed system 5
1.5 Objective of the project 5
3.1 flow chart 10
3.1.1 Image acquisition 11
3.1.2 Noise removal 11
3.1.3 Edge detection 11
3.1.4 Edge linkage 12
3.1.5 Processed image 13
3.1.6 Object detection 13
3.2 Image to text conversion 14
3.3 Text to speech conversion 14
3.4 GPS system 15
4.1 Hardware Requirements 17
4.1.1 Raspberry Pi 18

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4.1.2 Raspberry Pi models 18

4.1.3 Programming Raspberry Pi 20
4.1.4 Raspberry Pi Operating System 20
4.1.5 Raspberry Pi Architecture 20
4.1.6 Pi Camera 20
4.1.7 Battery 22
4.1.8 Global Positioning System 23
4.1.9 ESP8266 Module 24
4.1.10 Ultrasonic Sensor 25
4.2 Software requirements 27
4.2.1 Python 27
4.2.2 Python Applications 29
4.2.3 Open CV 30
4.2.4 Raspbian OS 30
4.2.5 Yolo 32
4.3 Results 37

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3.1 Flow chart 10

3.2 Original image for process 12

3.3 Canny edge image 12

3.4 Captured image 13

3.5 Resized Gray scale version 13

3.6 Edge map of the captured image 13

3.7 Obstruct extracted from the foreground 13

3.8 Experimental output 14

4.1 Block diagram 16

4.2 Circuit diagram 17

4.3 Raspberry Pi 18

4.4 Pin description of raspberry pi 19

4.5 Raspberry Pi Architecture 20

4.6 Raspberry pi cam 21

4.7 Battery 22

4.8 GPS module 23

4.9 ESP8266 24

4.10 Pin diagram of ESP8266 24

4.11 Ultrasonic sensor 25

4.12 Working of ultrasonic sensor 26

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4.13 Computational graph 32

4.14 Simple program 33

4.15 Computational graph for the simple program 34

4.16 Code snippet 36

4.17 Outcome image 1 37

4.18 Outcome image 2 37

4.19 Outcome image 3 38

4.20 Outcome image 4 38

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1.1 Overview
In our planet of 7.4 billion humans, 285 million are visually impaired out of whom 39 million
people are completely blind, i.e., have no vision at all, and 246 million have mild or severe
visual impairment (WHO, 2011). It has been predicted that by the year 2020, these numbers
will rise to 75 million blind and 200 million people with visual impairment.

As reading is of prime importance in the daily routine (text being present everywhere
from newspapers, commercial products, sign-boards, digital screens etc.) of mankind, visually
impaired people face a lot of difficulties. Our device assists the visually impaired by reading
out the text to them. There have been numerous advances in this area to help visually impaired
to read without much difficulties. The existing technologies use a similar approach as
mentioned in this paper, but they have certain drawbacks. Firstly, the input images taken in
previous works have no complex background, i.e., the test inputs are printed on a plain white
sheet. It is easy to convert such images to text without pre-processing, but such an approach
will not be useful in a real-time system. Also, in methods that use segmentation of characters
for recognition, the characters will be read out as individual letter and not a complete word.
This gives an undesirable audio output to the user. For our project, we wanted the device to
be able to detect the text from any complex background and read it efficiently.
Today, many physically challenged individuals depend on assistive technologies to
undertaketheir day-to-day activities. As a result, they will require additional support during
and after disasters especially when the infrastructure and other services are unavailable.
Different disaster management plans (Duncan et al., 2018; Ulmasova, Silcock, & Schranz,
2009; World Health Organizations, 2011) have been put forward addressing groups with
special requirements. Compared to the diversity of the problems and their population, this is
still minimal (World Health Organization, 2017). The term ‘disability’ covers a wide range of
disability forms; this study however, focuses on individuals living with visual impairment.
AWorld Health Organization (WHO) report states that there are 285 million people with visual
impairment worldwide. According to their statistics, of this group, 39 million are partially
blind and more than 1.3 million are completely blind.

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In most industrial countries, approximately 0.4% of the population is unsighted and in

developing countries, it rises to 1% (World Health Organization, 2017). During disaster
situations, those with impaired vision have greater need for assistance and experience more
difficulty accessing accurate information than the general public. Disabled people are often
excluded from disasteremergency plans while communication, support, mobility, safety, and
access to evacuation centers are common concerns (Peek & Stough, 2010). Global positioning
system (GPS) has been shown to be unpredictable in the aftermath of earthquakes since the
topological terrains become altered hence, roadways and footpaths become blocked and
inaccessible (Goods et al., 2016). Many government disaster relief agencies are yet to address
key issues pertinent to the physically challenged during disaster situations, such as what is
the government’s plan to provide proper support and safety maintenance for the disabled?
Has the government considered the disabled in their resilience and preparedness plans? Is
there any specific evacuation plan for the physically challenged by considering their special
needs? Special requirements need to be taken into consideration and enshrined within the
disaster management framework. This research attempts to understand these requirements
and challenges while providing a proof-of-concept within the context of the visually impaired
during and after a disaster occurrence. The Blind Foundation of New Zealand (2018) have
outlined specific needs for this category of people during a disaster, which include: the
availability of support persons that could lead them to safety, or the use of a guide dog
(harness) that could lead them to safety while taking along a home emergency survival kit. In
the absence of these, the Blind Foundation of New Zealand advises on the use of a white cane
for safe navigation to safety. However, the submission by Royal New Zealand Foundation
requires the presence of a second party, which during a disaster situation may prove difficult
because the second party could be helpless or scampering for safety as well. Therefore, the
proposed pilot system offers a reliable and safe navigation system to safety without requiring
a second party. The pilot system is both an all-purpose solution that can be used on any
occasion and during disaster situations, as it offers some unique features like, notrequiring the
deployment of specialized equipment. Other unique differences in comparison to other
disaster aid support for the visually impaired are outlined.

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1.2 Existing system

In the initial days Visually Impaired person used the white cane for navigate themselves from
they had faced lot many problems to overcome that problem this problem IR sensor are used in
their white cane to the collusion. Here in this system IR sensor work on the basic principles The
IR transmitter sends an infrared signal that impact on the object and (e.g., white color), bounces
off and it will be received in the IR receiver. That captures the signal and detecting the object
in front the user and that will be indicated through the sound or vibrate.

UV sensor system is same working as the IR sensor system but ultrasonic sensor is more
advanced sensor in which we can measure distance by using ultrasonic sound wave. Thatwill
help the visually impaired person get know about place very accurate.

1.3 Problem statement

As seen in the system there is a major necessity of our system to be introduced in today’s
market. There is a need for cost effective and accurate system for helping the visually Impaired
person to assisting them in known or unknown place without taking help from other people.
Pilot system concept is devised to provide a smart electronic aid for blind people. Blind and
visually impaired people find difficulties in detecting obstacles during walking in the street.
The system is intended to provide artificial vision and object detection, real time assistance via
GPS by making use of Raspberry Pi. The system consists of ultrasonic sensors, GPS module,
and the feedback is receiving through audio, voice output works through TTS (text to speech).
The proposed system detects an object around them and sends feedback in the form of speech,
warning messages via earphone and. The aim of the overall system is to provide a low cost and
efficient navigation and obstacle detection aid for blind which gives a sense of artificial vision
by providing information about the environmental scenario of static and dynamic object around
them, so that they can walk independently.

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1.4 Proposed System

Our system blind assistance and navigation is more effective than the existing modules. in this
we are using raspberry pi kit and raspberry pi cam of 5 v input voltage. initially step of the ours
is capturing ambient space a head of the visually impaired and then it is processing it.
processing is done by several step in that initial step is depth estimation which is used for
measuring the distance between the user or camera to object in ambient space. followed by
edge detection, were this is used for object detection, here object is detected/recognize and
informed to the user.

In our other objective is to read the text's in the sign boards and name board's etc. For
this where are using TTS engine which will convert text message to speech. Here output will
be in form of sound signal, and also GPS system is used for live tracking for safety of user and
routing of destination.

1.5 Objective of the project

The objective of this research study is to design an assistive wearable cap for the blind or
visually impaired persons. The proposed solution presented is an assistive wearable ‘Pilot
System’ that helps people with visual impairment interact and navigate their way to safety by
wearing a cap fitted with a camera, which interacts with an online voice navigation system.

This solution could support visually impaired people to navigate their way to safety as
well as identify dangerous objects, ditches, fire and flood water scenarios after disasters. The
organization of this paper is as follows: firstly, a discussion on related assistive technologies
for the visually impaired are highlighted. Next, a description of the design of the proposed
solution along with the physical implementation of the pilot system is presented. The paper
concludes with some proposed future work.
 To develop object or obstacle detection device using real time image processing .
 To develop user tracking mechanism using GSM module.

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Year: 2016
Author: G.Gayathri, M. Vishnu Priya, R.Nandhini, Ms.M.Banupriya

Abstract: In order to help the visually challenged people, a study that helps those people to
walk more confidently is proposed. The study hypothesizes a smart walking stick that alerts
visually-impaired people over obstacles, pit and water in front could help them in walking
with less accident. It outlines a better navigational tool for the visually impaired. It consists
of a simple walking stick equipped with sensors to give information about the environment.
GPS technology is integrated with pre-programmed locations to determine the optimal route
to be taken. The user can choose the location from the set of destinations stored in the memory
and will lead in the correct direction of the stick. In this system, ultrasonic sensor, pit sensor,
water sensor, GPS receiver, level converter, driver, vibrator, voice synthesizer, keypad,
speaker or headphone, PIC controller and battery are used. The overall aim of the device is to
provide a convenient and safe method for the blind to overcome their difficulties in daily life.

Title: Global data on vision loss

Year: 2019
Author: Jill Keffee
Abstract: Comprehensive and reliable data are necessary to gain knowledge of the eye care,
education and rehabilitation needs of a country to plan services and understand barriers to
access and use of services. Many counties have conducted surveys and research studies to
plan, monitor and evaluate eye care activity in their countries as recommended by the World
Health Organization (WHO) in its Global Action Plan 2014–2019. This chapter will present
the global data available from the 2015 Global Burden of Disease publications and discuss
the implications for eye care and rehabilitation indicated by the results. The data shows that
there has been a decrease in the prevalence of both vision impairment and blindness but an
increase in the numbers of people with vision loss. The increase in life expectancy in most
countries has contributed to the increase in the numbers. The implications of this are discussed
in relation to the challenges in provision of eye care services for increasing numbers of people

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and for a longer time for each person. This also impacts on the provision of the long-term
needs for vision-related rehabilitation.

Title: An Implementation of an Intelligent Assistance System for Visually

Impaired/Blind People
Year: 2019
Author: Liang-Bi Chen; Jian-Ping Su; Ming-Che Chen; Wan-Jung Chang; Ching-
Hsiang Yang; Cheng-You Sie
Abstract: In this paper, we propose an intelligent assistance system for visually impaired/blind
people, which is composed of wearable smart glasses, an intelligent walking stick, mobile
devices application, and on-line information platform. When visually impaired/blind people
wear the proposed smart glasses and holding the proposed intelligent walking stick, thus the
obstacles can be detected. If a visually impaired/blind person is fall down, then the related
information (GPS, fall down, etc.) will be recorded and uploaded to the on-line information
platform. Related information can also be viewed by the proposed mobile devices application.

Title: Prevalence of visual impairment in children: A review of available data

Year: 2018
Author: Anderton, L. Dandona, A. Foster
Abstract: Data on the prevalence, magnitude and causes of blindness and severe visual
impairment in children are needed for planning and evaluating preventive and curative
services for children, and for planning special education and low vision services. Prevalence
data can be obtained from a variety of different sources, each of which has limitations. The
available data suggest that there may be a ten-fold difference in prevalence between the
wealthiest countries of the world and the poorest, ranging from as low as 0.1/1000 children
aged 0-15 years in the wealthiest countries to 1.1/1000 children in the poorest. In this paper,
the available data are reviewed and the epidemiological methods and findings are discussed.

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Title: Implementation of Smart Stick for Obstacle Detection and Navigation

Year: 2017
Author: Radhika, Payal G Pai, Rakshitha S, Rampur Srinath
Abstract: A smart stick has been built for the visually impaired people that help to detect
obstacles with the use of infrared, ultrasonic and water sensors. Obstacles within the distance
of about 3m can be detected with the help of these sensors. Also, we make use of GPS module
to give positioning and navigation to the stick. Using GPS module assists the blind person to
reach his destination. While the blind person navigates, the GPS receiver gets the location of
the person updated and the co-ordinates of that location can be used to keep track of the blind
person for safety concerns. The blind person can also send emergency message or make an
emergency call at times of risk, to his guardian, using GSM module. In this way, the GSM
module will be used to give notifications when the blind person has threats.

Title: Objects Talk - Object Detection and Pattern Tracking Using YoloYear:
Author: Rasika Phadnis; Jaya Mishra; Shruti Bendale
Abstract: Objects in household that are frequently in use often follow certain patterns with
respect to time and geographical movement. Analyzing these patterns can help us keep better
track of our objects and maximize efficiency by minimizing time wasted in forgetting or
searching for them. In our project, we used Yolo, a relatively new library from Google,to model
our neural network. The Yolo Object Detection API is used to detect multipleobjects in real-
time video streams. We then introduce an algorithm to detect patterns and alertthe user if an
anomaly is found. We consider the research presented by Laube et al., Finding REMO-
detecting relative motion patterns in geospatial lifelines, 201-214, (2004).

Title: Intelligent wheeled mobile robots for blind navigation application

Year: 2017
Author: Ter-Feng Wu, Pu-Sheng Tsai, Nien-Tsu Hu, Jen-Yang Chen
Abstract: Visually impaired people have long been living in the dark. They cannot realize the
colorful world with their vision, so they rely on hearing, touch and smell to feel the space they
live in. Lacking image information, they face challenges in the external environment and
barrier spaces. They face danger that is hundreds of times higher than that faced by normal
people. Especially during outdoor activities, they can only explore the surrounding
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environment aided by their hearing and crutches and then based on a vague impression
speculate where they are located. To let the blind confidently take each step, this paper
proposes sticking the electronic tag of the radio-frequency identification (RFID) system on
the back of guide bricks.

Title: Design and Implementation of a Walking Stick Aid for Visually Challenged People
Year: 2019
Author: Nilimasahoo, Hung-Wei Lin
Abstract: Visually challenged people (VCPs) face many difficulties in their routine life.
Usually, in many cases, they need to depend upon others, which makes them unconfident in
an unfamiliar environment. Thus, in this paper, we present an aid that helps in detecting
obstacles and water puddles in their way. This system comprises a walking stick and Android-
based applications (APPs). The walking stick is embedded with Raspberry Pi and
programmable interface controller (PIC) as a control kernel, sensors, a global position system
(GPS) module, and alert-providing components. Sensors help to detect obstacles, and the VCP
is informed through vibrations or a buzzer according to the obstacle detected. The GPS
module receives the coordinates of the VCP’s location, and the location can be tracked by
parents using an APP. Another important APP is used, called an emergency APP, by which
the VCP can communicate with parents or friends immediately by just shaking his/her cell
phone or pushing the power button four times in 5 s in panic situations. We used fewer
components to make the device simple, lighter, and cozy with very good features. This device
will help VCPs to live an independent life up to some extent (with security), which ultimately
will increase their confidence level in an unknown environment.

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In order to increase the safety of the visually impaired person, this system of blind assistance
can be used which will help and aid the blind person to judge and predetect an oncoming
object and inform the user the user about the obstacle through the voice command. The image
processing of each frame capture by the camera is detected; the object is compared with
reference data and algorithms applied to these frames based on predetermined constrains.

3.1 Flowchart

Fig 3.1: flowchart

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3.1.1 Image acquisition:

The process by which image acquired or obtained. The initial stage of our project is image
acquisition, after image has been obtained various method of processing can be applied to the
image to perform many visions to require. Here in our process, we are attaching to the blind
person stick, and this image is used for further process.

3.1.2 Noise removal:

Apart from the boundaries of the obstacles, still there can be other dilated edges due to some
insignificant obstacles in the image. In order to merely extract the salient obstacles, it is
necessary to avoid these insignificant dilated edges. To perform this task, the closed
boundaries within the image are considered to be obstacles. This can be done by performing
a combination of erosion and dilation operations on the image obtained in the previous step.
By carefully choosing the same structuring element for both the operations, most of the
insignificant edges can be eliminated retaining the edges of the obstacles. Now flood fill
operation is performed on the resultant image so that all the regions within the closed
boundaries of the obstacles can be filled with white pixels. But still there can be some
insignificant obstacles in the image due to the existence of small closed boundaries. To
eliminate these insignificant obstacles, the area within the closed boundaries of the obstacles
is calculated. Based on a certain threshold, these insignificant obstacles can be removed and
hence the obstacles are extracted from the background of the image.

3.1.3 Edge detection:

Detecting the edges in an image is a fundamental property of human visual system and it
reveals the significant information of the image. Hence it is the first and foremost step to be
performed in order to retrieve the significant information from the captured image. Although
there are several edge detection techniques available in literature, canny edge detection is
widely used and found to be an optimal edge detector. Therefore, canny edge detection is
performed on the resized Gray scale version of the captured image. It is inevitable that all the
real time images taken from the camera will contain some amount of noise. Hence it is very
important for the removal of this noise, especially the white noise before processing theimage
for edge detection. Canny Edge Detection performs the removal of this noise by blurring the
image using Gaussian filter. Then it performs the edge

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detection by estimating the magnitude of the gradient at each pixel.

The blurred edges obtained from the previous step are converted into sharp edges by
preserving all local maxima in the gradient image and deleting everything else. After this step,
canny edge detection performs double threshold criteria in order to avoid the noise or color
variations due to rough surfaces. It retains the weak edges only if it is connected to the strong
edges and therefore it is less likely to be fooled by noise than others, and more likely to detect
true weak edges.

Fig 3.2: original image Fig 3.3: Canny edge image

3.1.4 Edge linkage:

After obtaining the edge map, there may be broken edges along the boundaries of the
obstacles. It is very important to connect these broken edges in order to extract the
meaningful objects in the captured image. This task is performed by using the morphological
operation called dilation. By carefully choosing the structuring element, the broken edges
can be connected to each other. By experimentation, a horizontal and vertical flat disk-
structuring element of 4 pixels is found to be optimum in real time images. However, there
can be some broken edges at the boundaries of the image, these broken.

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Fig 3.4: original captured image Fig 3.5: resized gray scale version

Fig 3.6: Edge map of the captured image Fig 3.7: obstruct extracted from the foreground

3.1.5 Processed image:

To get the processed image for that initial step is object detection and further proceeded to
proposed approach.

3.1.6 Object detection:

Detecting the obstacles in the ambient space of the environment is the primary step involved
in designing a collision free autonomous navigation system. In order to assist the visually
impaired along their navigation path, the obstacles ahead of the user have to be detected and
segregated from the background. To perform this task, canny edge detection followed by
morphological operations is employed to eliminate the back ground noise as well as spurious
and insignificant edges. The detailed analysis of the obstacle detection system is explained
with the help of a captured image. To reduce the computational complexity, the original
image captured by the camera is resized and converted to Gray scale.

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Fig 3.8 experimental output

3.2 Image to text conversion:

The extraction of the text in the image is done using optical character recognition (OCR). OCR
is a field of research in pattern recognition, artificial intelligence and computer vision. It is the
conversion of the images of typed, handwritten or printed text into a digital text or computer
format text. Earlier OCR versions had to be trained in each character of a text with its specific
font. Today, advanced OCRs are available that have a high degree of accuracy, support a wide
variety of image formats, languages and fonts. For our project, we have used Tesseract OCR.
It is the most accurate open-source OCR engine and is powered by google. It can be used on
the Linux, mac and windows platform. The newest Tesseract version, 3.4 supports a hundred
languages. However, images must undergo a number of pre-processing stages like noise
removal, scaling etc. otherwise the output will be of low quality.

3.3 Text to speech conversion:

The process of converting text to speech by a computer is called speech synthesis. A text to
speech system (TTS) is used to perform speech synthesis. A TTS is composed of two parts:
front end and back end. The front end converts the text to a symbol, for example, a number.
Each symbol generated is assigned a phonetic. The back end then converts the phonetic into
sound. In our project, we have used Festival TTS. Festival is the most widely used open-source
TTS. It has a wide variety of voices and support English, Spanish and welsh language. We have
used the English language.

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3.4 GPS system:

GPS system are the system have prominent role in our project, the role is to detect the live
location of the user would be easier for their care taker. GPS works by providing information
on exact location. A GPS tracking system uses the Global Navigation Satellite System
(GNSS) network. This network incorporates a range of satellites that use microwave that are
transmitted to GPS devices to give information on location. Locations are stored in the
tracking unit or transmitted to an Internet-connected device using the cellular network
(GSM/GPRS/CDMA/LTE or SMS), radio, or satellite modem embedded in the unit or WIFI
work worldwide. A data pusher is the most common type of GPS tracking unit, used for asset
tracking, personal tracking even if shut off or disabled storing the data for future transmission,
a "GPS beacon", this kind of device push (i.e., "sends"), at regular intervals, the position of
the device as well as other information like speed or altitude to a determined server, that can
store and analyze the data instantly. Normally GPS satellite connection are used to determine
user's location. A user can enter a destination which will plot a path to it.

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The schematic diagram of the project is simple and can be understood easily. Video data is
acquired from the camera module and is proposed using MATLAB. A GPS system is used to
track and direct the visually Impaired person to the destination location. OCR technology is
used to convert the image to text and TTS engine read the text which is coming from the OCR

Fig 4.1: Block diagram

The above fig 4.1 shows the block diagram of the system. All the sensors are connected to the
controller (Raspberry pi) module and the python code works to decide whether the object is
present in front of the user. The data from the OCR and GPS are send to the speaker to the

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Fig 4.2 circuit diagram

The above figure shows the circuit diagram of the system which uses pi camera for capturing
the image and we used the GPS for tracking the location of user. Speaker for audio output.
GSM module for internet connection.

4.1 Hardware and Software:

The Raspberry Pi is a series of small single-board computers developed in the United
Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote teaching of basic computer science in
schools and in developing countries. The original model became far more popular than
anticipated, selling outside its target market for uses such as robotics. It does not include
peripherals (such as keyboards and mice) or cases. However, some accessories have been
included in several official and unofficial bundles.

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Fig 4.3: Raspberry pi

The organization behind the Raspberry Pi consists of two arms. The first two models were
developed by the Raspberry Pi Foundation. After the Pi Model B was released, the Foundation
set up Raspberry Pi Trading, with Eben Upton as CEO, to develop the third model, the B+.
Raspberry Pi Trading is responsible for developing the technology.

4.1.2 The Raspberry Pi Models

This part describes the models of Raspberry Pi available. This report will not attempt to
provide full specifications but an overview in order to help in making a decision as to which
device it is required to accomplish the objectives in question. Currently, five Raspberry Pi
models do exist. They are: Model B+, Model A+, Model B, Model A and the Compute Module
(currently only available as part of the Compute Module development kit). All these models
use the same SoC (System on Chip - combined CPU & GPU), the BCM2835, but other
hardware features differ.
 Model B+/B First release was made in July 2014. This Model is an upgrade of the
Model B. It has the following characteristics: 4 USB ports, 40 pins on the GPIO
header, Improved power circuitry which allows higher powered USB devices to
be attached and now hot-plugged. The full-size composite video connector of
Model B has been removed and the functionality moved to the 3.5mm audio/video
jack and the full-size SD card slot of Model B has also been replaced with a much
more robust micro SD slot. The following details some of the improvements over
the Model B:

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 Current monitors on the USB ports mean the B+ now supports hot-plugging

Fig 4.4: pin description of raspberry pi

 Current limiter on the 5V for HDMI means HDMI cable-powered VGA converters
work in all cases.
 14 more GPIO pins
 EEPROM readout support for the new HAT expansion boards
 Higher drive capacity for analog audio out, from a separate regulator, which means a
better audio DAC quality.
 No more back powering problems, due to the USB current limiters which also inhibit
back flow, together with the "ideal power diode" Composite output moved to 3.5mm
jack 15
 Connectors now moved to two sides of the board rather than the four of the original
 Ethernet LEDs moved to the Ethernet connector 4 squarely-positioned mounting
holes for more rigid attachment to cases

a) Model A/A+

This is the basic device, with a single USB port and 256MB of SDRAM. Onboard
ports include: Full size SD card, HDMI output port, 26 pin expansion header
exposing GPIO, 3.5mm audio jack, Camera interface port (CSI-2), LCD display
interface port (DSI) and One micro USB powerconnector for powering the device.

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4.1.3 Programming the Raspberry Pi

To enable communication with the outside world, the Raspberry Pi has to be

programmed with a suitable programming language. These languages include Java, FOTRAN,
Pascal, Python, C, C++ etc. Each language has its own syntax and semantics. RPI can be
programmed using any of these languages but for purposes of this project, Python will be of
great importance to study. It is provided by default through and thus optimum operation of the
Pi can be achieved.

4.1.4 Raspberry Pi Operating Systems

An operating system makes Raspberry Pi run. Since Raspberry Pi is a credit sized

computer that is based on Linux, optimum performance of RPI can be achieved if it is therefore
operated in this environment. Raspbian provides more than a pure OS: it comes with over
35,000 packages, precompiled software bundled in a nice format for easy installation on RPI.
Important to note is that the Raspberry Pi does not operate in a Windows environment. To get
access to Pi from windows we require Putty Software. Putty is an SSH and Telnet client.


Fig 4.5: Raspberry pi architecture

4.1.6 PI CAMERA:
The Pi camera module is a portable light weight camera that supports Raspberry Pi. It
communicates with Pi using the MIPI camera serial interface protocol. It is normally used in
image processing, machine learning or in surveillance projects. It is commonly used in
surveillance drones since the payload of camera is very less. Apart from these modules Pi can
also use normal USB webcams that are used along with computer

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Pi Camera Features
 5MP color camera module without microphone for Raspberry Pi
 Supports both Raspberry Pi Model A and Model B
 MIPI Camera serial interface
 Omni vision 5647 Camera Module
 Resolution: 2592 * 1944
 Supports: 1080p, 720p and 480p
 Light weight and portable (3g only)

Fig 4.6: Raspberry cam

This Raspberry Pi Camera has been used in this model which is used for the online streaming.
Online Streaming of the innermost circle is done using Raspberry pi processor which can be
viewed by typing the IP address of the host in any web server. Thus the activities taking place
in the innermost circle can be viewed anytime and anywhere when you have an internet
connection, thus ensuring the security. The Raspberry Pi camera module can be used to take
high-definition video, as well as stills photographs. It’s easy to use for beginners, but has
plenty to offer advanced users if you’re looking to expand your knowledge.
There are lots of examples online of people using it for time-lapse, slow-motion and other
video cleverness. You can also use the libraries we bundle with the camera to create effects.
If you’re interested in the nitty-gritty, you’ll want to know that the module has a five
megapixel fixed-focus camera that supports 1080p30, 720p60 and VGA90 video modes, as
well as stills capture. It attaches via a 15cm ribbon cable to the CSI port on the Raspberry Pi.
It can be accessed through the MMAL and V4L APIs, and there are numerous third-party
libraries built for it, including the Pi Camera Python library.

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4.1.7 Battery

Fig 4.7: Battery

Lithium polymer cells have evolved from lithium-ion and lithium-metal batteries. The
primary difference is that instead of using a liquid lithium-salt electrolyte (such as LiPF6)
held in an organic solvent (such as EC/DMC/DEC), the battery uses a solid polymer
electrolyte(SPE) such as poly(ethyleneoxide) (PEO), poly(acrylonitrile) (PAN), poly(methyl
methacrylate) (PMMA) or poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVdF).

A typical cell has four main components: positive electrode, negative electrode,
separator and electrolyte. The separator itself may be a polymer, such as a micro porous film
of polyethylene (PE) or polypropylene (PP); thus, even when the cell has a liquid electrolyte,it
will still contain a "polymer" component. In addition to this, the positive electrode can be
further divided into three parts: the lithium-transition-metal-oxide (such as LiCoO2 or
LiMn2O4), a conductive additive, and a polymer binder of poly (vinylidene fluoride) (PVdF).
The negative electrode material may have the same three parts, only with carbon replacing the
lithium-metal-oxide. The voltage of a single LiPo cell depends on its chemistry and varies from
about 4.2 V(fully charged) to about 2.7–3.0 V (fully discharged), where the nominal voltage is
3.6 or 3.7volts (about the middle value of highest and lowest value). For cells based on lithium-
metal-oxides (such as LiCoO2); this compares to 1.8–2.0 V (discharged) to 3.6–3.8 V (charged)
forthose based on lithium-iron-phosphate (LiFePO4).

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The voltage of a single LiPo cell depends on its chemistry and varies from about 4.2 V (fully
charged) to about 2.7–3.0 V (fully discharged), where the nominal voltage is 3.6 or 3.7volts
(about the middle value of highest and lowest value). For cells based on lithium-metal-oxides
(such as LiCoO2); this compares to 1.8–2.0 V (discharged) to 3.6–3.8 V (charged) forthose
based on lithium-iron-phosphate (LiFePO4).

4.1.8 Global Positioning System (GPS)

Fig 4.8: GPS module

Global Positioning System (GPS) makes use of signals sent by satellites in space and ground
stations on Earth to accurately determine their position on Earth. Radio Frequency signals sent
from satellites and ground stations are received by the GPS. GPS makes use of these signals to
determine its exact position. The GPS itself does not need to transmit any information. The
signals received from the satellites and ground stations contain time stamps of the time when
the signals were transmitted. By calculating the difference between the time when the signal
was transmitted and the time when the signal was received. Using the speed of the signal, the
distance between the satellites and the GPS receiver can be determined using a simple formula
for distance using speed and time.

The GPS receiver module uses UART communication to communicate with controller or PC
terminal. Before using UART on Raspberry Pi, we should configure and enable it. For more
information about UART in Raspberry Pi and how to use it, refer the Raspberry Pi UART

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4.1.9 ESP8266 Module:

The chip first came to the attention of Western makers in August 2014 with the ESP-01
module, made by a third-party manufacturer Ai-Thinker. This small module allows
microcontrollers to connect to a Wi-Fi network and make simple TCP/IP connections using
Hayes-style commands. However, at first, there was almost no English-language
documentation on the chip and the commands it accepted. The very low price and the fact that
there were very few external components on the module, which suggested that it could
eventually be very inexpensive in volume, attracted many hackers to explore the module.

Fig 4.9: Esp8266

The chip, and the software on it, as well as to translate the Chinese documentation. The
ESP8285 is an ESP8266 with 1 MiB of built-in flash, allowing the building of single-chip
devices capable of connecting to Wi-Fi.

These microcontroller chips have been succeeded by the ESP32 family of devices, including
the pin-compatible ESP32-C3.

Fig 4.10: Pin diagram of ESP8266

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Pins used during Boot

The ESP8266 can be prevented from booting if some pins are pulled LOW or HIGH. The
following list shows the state of the following pins on BOOT:
GPIO16: pin is high at BOOT
GPIO0: boot failure if pulled LOW
GPIO2: pin is high on BOOT, boot failure if pulled LOW
GPIO15: boot failure if pulled HIGH
GPIO3: pin is high at BOOT
GPIO1: pin is high at BOOT, boot failure if pulled LOW
GPIO10: pin is high at BOOT
GPIO9: pin is high at BOOT

4.1.10 Ultrasonic Sensor

An ultrasonic sensor is an electronic device that measures the distance of a target object by
emitting ultrasonic sound waves, and converts the reflected sound into an electrical signal.
Ultrasonic waves travel faster than the speed of audible sound (i.e. the sound that humans can
hear). Ultrasonic sensors have two main components: the transmitter (which emits the sound
using piezoelectric crystals) and the receiver (which encounters the sound after it has travelled
to and from the target).

Fig 4.11: Ultrasonic Sensor

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In order to calculate the distance between the sensor and the object, the sensor measures the
time it takes between the emission of the sound by the transmitter to its contact with the
receiver. The formula for this calculation is D = ½ T x C (where D is the distance, T is the
time, and C is the speed of sound ~ 343 meters/second). For example, if a scientist set up an
ultrasonic sensor aimed at a box and it took 0.025 seconds for the sound to bounce back, the
distance between the ultrasonic sensor and the box would be:

D = 0.5 x 0.025 x 343 or about 4.2875

Fig 4.12: Working of Ultrasonic Sensor

Ultrasonic sensors are used primarily as proximity sensors. They can be found in automobile
self-parking technology and anti-collision safety systems. Ultrasonic sensors are also used in
robotic obstacle detection systems, as well as manufacturing technology. In comparison to
infrared (IR) sensors in proximity sensing applications, ultrasonic sensors are not as susceptible
to interference of smoke, gas, and other airborne particles (though the physical components are
still affected by variables such as heat).

Ultrasonic sensors are also used as level sensors to detect, monitor, and regulate liquid
levels in closed containers (such as vats in chemical factories). Most notably, ultrasonic
technology has enabled the medical industry to produce images of internal organs, identify
tumors, and ensure the health of babies in the womb.

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4.2 Software Requirements

Software requirements deal with defining software resource requirements and prerequisites
that need to be installed on a computer to provide optimal functioning of an application. These
requirements or prerequisites are generally not included in the software installation package
and need to be installed separately before the software is installed.
4.2.1 PYTHON
Python is a widely used general-purpose, high level programming language. It was initially
designed by Guido van Rossum in 1991 and developed by Python Software Foundation. It
was mainly developed for emphasis on code readability, and its syntax allows programmers
to express concepts in fewer lines of code. Python is a programming language that lets you
work quickly and integrate systems more efficiently. It supports Object Oriented
programming approach to develop applications. It is simple and easy to learn and provides
lots of high-level data structures. Python is easy to learn yet powerful and versatile scripting
language, which makes it attractive for Application Development. Python's syntax and
dynamic typing with its interpreted nature make it an ideal language for scripting and rapid
application development. Python supports multiple programming pattern, including object-
oriented, imperative, and functional or procedural programming styles. Python is not intended
to work in a particular area, such as web programming. That is why it is known as
multipurpose programming language because it can be used with web, enterprise, 3D CAD,
etc. We don't need to use data types to declare variable because it is dynamically typed so we
can write a=10 to assign an integer value in an integer variable. Python makes the
development and debugging fast because there is no compilation step included in Python
development, and edit-test-debug cycle is very fast.


1. Easy to code:

Python is high level programming language. Python is very easy to learn language as
compared to other language like c, c#, python script, python etc. It is very easy to code in
python language and anybody can learn python basic in few hours or days. It is also developer-
friendly language.

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2. Free and Open Source:

 Python language is freely available at official website and you can download it from
the given download link below click on the Download Python keyword.

3. Object-Oriented Language:
One of the key features of python is Object-Oriented programming. Python supports object-
oriented language and concepts of classes, objects encapsulation etc.

4. GUI Programming Support:

Graphical Users interfaces can be made using a module such as PyQt5, PyQt4, wxPython or
Tk in python. PyQt5 is the most popular option for creating graphical apps with Python.

5. High-Level Language:
Python is a high-level language. When we write programs in python, we do not need to
remember the system architecture, nor do we need to manage the memory.

6. Extensible feature:
Python is an Extensible language. We can write some python code into c or c++ language and
also we can compile that code in c/c++ language.

7. Python is Portable language:

Python language is also a portable language. for example, if we have python code for windows
and if we want to run this code on other platform such as Linux, Unix and Mac then we do
not need to change it, we can run this code on any platform.

8. Python is Integrated language:

Python is also an integrated language because we can easily integrated python with other
language like c, c++ etc.

9. Interpreted Language:
Python is an Interpreted Language. because python code is executed line by line at a time.
like other language c, python etc. there is no need to compile python code this makes it easier
to debug our code. The source code of python is converted into an immediate form called

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Python is known for its general-purpose nature that makes it applicable in almost each domain
of software development. Python as a whole can be used in any sphere of development.
Here, we are specifying applications areas where python can be applied.

1) Web Applications
We can use Python to develop web applications. It provides libraries to handle internet
protocols such as HTML and XML, JSON, Email processing, request, beautiful Soup, Feed
parser etc. It also provides Frameworks such as Django, Pyramid, Flask etc. to design and
develop web based applications. Some important developments are: Python Wiki Engines,
Python Blog Software etc.

2) Desktop GUI Applications

Python provides Tk GUI library to develop user interface in python based application. Some
other useful toolkits wxWidgets, Kivy, pyqt that are useable on several platforms. The Kivy
is popular for writing multi touch applications.

3) Software Development
Python is helpful for software development process. It works as a support language and can
be used for build control and management, testing etc.

4) Scientific and Numeric

Python is popular and widely used in scientific and numeric computing. Some useful library
and package are SciPy, Pandas, IPython etc. SciPy is group of packages of engineering,
science and mathematics.

5) Business Applications
Python is used to build Business applications like ERP and e-commerce systems. Tryton is a
high-level application platform.

6) Console Based Application

We can use Python to develop console-based applications. For example: IPython.

7) Audio or Video based Applications

Python is awesome to perform multiple tasks and can be used to develop multimedia
applications. Some of real applications are: Tim Player, cplay etc.

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4.2.3 OpenCV:
OpenCV [OpenCV] is an open source computer vision library available from The library is written in C and C++ and runs
under Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. There is active development on interfaces for Python,
Ruby, MATLAB, and other languages. OpenCV was designed for computational efficiency
and with a strong focus on Real-time applications. OpenCV is written in optimized C and can
take advantage of multicore processors. If you desire further automatic optimization on Intel
architectures [Intel], you can buy Intel’s Integrated Performance Primitives (IPP) libraries

[IPP], which consist of low-level optimized routines in many different algorithmic areas.
OpenCV automatically uses the appropriate IPP library at runtime if that library is installed.
One of OpenCV’s goals is to provide a simple-to-use computer vision infrastructure that helps
people build fairly sophisticated vision applications quickly. The OpenCV library contains
over 500 functions that span many areas in vision, including factory product inspection,
medical imaging, security, user interface, camera calibration, stereo vision, and robotics.
Because computer vision and machine learning often go hand-in hand, OpenCV also contains
a full, general-purpose Machine Learning Library (MLL). The is sub library is focused on
statistical pattern recognition and clustering. The MLL is highly useful for the vision tasks
that are at the core of OpenCV’s mission, but it is general enough to be used for any machine
learning problem.

4.2.4 Raspbian OS
Raspbian OS is one of the official Operating systems available for free to download and use.
The system is based on Debian Linux and is optimized to work efficiently with the Raspberry
Pi computer. As we already know an OS is a set of basic programs and utilities that runs on a
specified hardware, in this case the Pi. Debian is very lightweight and makes a great choice for
the Pi. The Raspbian includes tools for browsing, python programming and a GUI desktop. The
Raspbian desktop environment is known as the “Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment”or in
short LXDE. This has a fairly attractive user interface that is built using the X Window System
software and is a familiar point and click interface. We shall look more into how to install and
use this OS in the next section.

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Setting Up Raspbian OS:

Let’s first connect the board with all the necessary accessories to install and run an operating

Step 1: Take the Pi out of its anti-static cover and place it on the non-metal table.

Step 2: Connect the display – Connect the HDMI cable to the HDMI port on the Pi and the
other end of the HDMI cable to the HDMI port of the TV.

Step 3: Connect your Ethernet cable from the Router to the Ethernet port on the Pi

Step 4: Connect your USB mouse to one of the USB ports on the Pi

Step 5: Connect your USB Keyboard to the other USB port on the Pi

Step 6: Connect the micro-USB charger to the Pi but don’t connect it to the power

Step 7: Flash the SD Card with the Raspbian OS


The eSpeak speech synthesizer supports several languages, however in many cases these are
initial drafts and need more work to improve them. Assistance from native speakers is welcome
for these, or other new languages. Please contact me if you want to help.
eSpeak does text to speech synthesis for the following languages, some better than others.

The cons of decision were:

1) The recognition rate. It was decreased less than 4 times (there’s a possibility to run in
multiple threads).

2) Some text blocks were recognized more than 1 time.

3) Text is recognizing from right to the left so the right receipt side is recognizing earlier than
from the left side.

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4.2.5 Yolo
Yolo is a framework composed of two core building blocks — a library for defining
computational graphs and a runtime for executing such graphs on a variety of different
hardware. A computational graph has many advantages but more on that in just a moment.

Computational Graphs
In a nutshell, a computational graph is an abstract way of describing computations as a directed
graph. A directed graph is a data structure consisting of nodes (vertices) and edges. It’s a set of
vertices connected pairwise by directed edges.

Here’s a very simple example:

Fig 4.13: Computational Graph

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Simple example of a directed acyclic graph

Graphs come in many shapes and sizes and are used to solve many real-life problems, such as
representing networks including telephone networks, circuit networks, road networks, and
even social networks. They are also commonly used in computer science to describe
dependencies, for scheduling or within compilers to represent straight line code (a sequence
of statements without loops and conditional branches). Using a graph for the latter allows the
compiler to efficiently eliminate.
Now that we have a basic understanding of directed graphs, let’s come back to
computational graphs. Yolo uses directed graphs internally to represent computations, and
they call this data flow graphs (or computational graphs). While nodes in adirected graph can
be anything, nodes in a computational graph mostly represent operations, variables, or

Operations create or manipulate data according to specific rules. In Yolo those rules are called
ops, short for operations. Variables on the other hand represent shared, persistent state that
can be manipulated by running Ops on those variables.
The edges correspond to data, or multidimensional arrays (so-called Tensors) that flow
through the different operations. In other words, edges carry information from one node to
another. The output of one operation (one node) becomes the input to another operation and
the edge connecting the two nodes carry the value.
Here’s an example of a very simple program:

Fig4.14: Simple Program

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To create a computational graph out of this program, we create nodes for each of the operations
in our program, along with the input variables a and b. In fact, a and b could be constants if
they don’t change. If one node is used as the input to another operation, we draw a directed
arrow that goes from one node to another.

The computational graph for this program might look like this:

Fig4.15: computational graph for simple program

Computational graph representing our simple program and its data flow
This graph is drawn from left to right but you may also find graphs that are drawn from top to
bottom or vice versa. The reason why I chose the former is simply because I find it more

The computational graph above represents distinct computational steps that we need to
execute to arrive at our final outcome. First, we create two constants a and b. Then, we
multiply them, take their sum and use the results of those two operations to divide one by the
other. And finally, we print out the result.

This is not too difficult, but the question is why do we need a computational graph for this
What are the advantages of organizing computations as a directed graph

First of all, a computational graph is a more abstract way of describing a computer

program and its computations. At the most fundamental level, most computer programs are
mainly composed of two things — primitive operations and an order in which these operations

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are executed, often sequentially, line by line. This means we would first multiply a and b and
only when this expression was evaluated we would take their sum. So, the program specifies
the order of execution, but computational graphs exclusively specify the dependencies across
the operations. In other words, how would the output of these operations flow from one
operation to another.

Another key advantage is portability. The graph is a language-independent representation of

our code. So we can build the graph in Python, save the model (Yolo uses protocol buffers),
and restore the model in a different language, say C++, if you want to goreally fast.

Now that we have a solid foundation let’s look at the core parts that constitute a computational
graph in Yolo. These are the parts that we will later on re-implement from scratch.

Yolo Basics:
A computational graph in Yolo consists of several parts:

 Variables: Think of Yolo variables like normal variables in our computer programs. A
variable can be modified at any point in time, but the difference is that they have to be
initialized before running the graph in a session. They represent changeable parameters
within the graph. A good example for variables would be the weights or biases in a neural

 Placeholders: A placeholder allows us to feed data into the graph from outside and unlike
variables they don’t need to be initialized. Placeholders simply define the shape and the
data type. We can think of placeholders as empty nodes in the graph where the value is
provided later on. They are typically used for feeding in inputs and labels.

 Constants: Parameters that cannot be changed.

 Operations: Operations represent nodes in the graph that perform computations on


 Graph: A graph is like a central hub that connects all the variables, placeholders, constants
to operations.

Remember from the beginning that we said Yolo is composed of two parts, a library fordefining
computational graphs and a runtime for executing these graphs That’s the

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Graph and Session. The Graph class is used to construct the computational graph and the
Session is used to execute and evaluate all or a subset of nodes. The main advantage of deferred
execution is that during the definition of the computational graph we can construct very complex
expressions without directly evaluating them and allocating the space in memory that is needed.

Fig 4.16: Code snippet

In the snippet above we use both tf. Zero’s and np.zeros to create a matrix with all elements setto
zero. While NumPy will immediately instantiate the amount of memory that is needed for a trillion
by a trillion matrix filled with zeros, Yolo will only declare the shape and thedata type but not
allocate the memory until this part of the graph is executed.

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4.3 Result
User will able to visualize path and distance of object in path. The user can operate device
without any external help as it is simple as user friendly device. The user can locate on the
map by GPS. The user guardian can locate and trackback. Overall device helps user to
indicate the path, environment recognition by giving voice command

Fig4.17: Outcome Image1

Fig4.18: Outcome Image2

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Fig 4.19: Outcome Image3

Fig 4.20: Outcome Image4

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The system has a simple architecture that transforms the visual information captured using a
camera to voice information using Raspberry Pi. Unlike other systems available in the market,
the subject needs only to wear the helmet and doesn’t require any particular skills to operate
it. The proposed system is cheap and configurable. Any blind or visually impaired person can
use it simply since he/she has to only power up the device. The system helps in clear path
indication and environment recognition. The device is a real-time system that monitors the
environment and provides audio information about the environment making his/her
navigation safer and secure.

The blind assistance and navigation system will be really helpful for the blind people
in their navigation. The object detection can be developed to count the number of objects in
a scene. In this paper, the COCO model is used to train the SSD mobile net which can detect
of objects. The number of objects can be increased by training the model by ourselves. Face
detection can be also incorporated so that the blind person can easily identify his/her family
members and friends.

The objectives satisfied are:

 To develop object or obstacle detection device using real time image processing .
 To develop user tracking mechanism using GSM module.

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To address this challenge, this research study has proposed the blind assistance and navigation
system solution that can be utilized by the visually impaired for normal activities, and
especially during disaster situations. This blind assistance and navigation system device
provides a real-time navigation and narrative system. The device is cost effective (about NZD
200), which makes it affordable and accessible for the wider community who suffer from this
problem. We hope that this proposed blind assistance and navigation system can be a step to
providing the visually-impaired people with the missing support and services they so
desperately need during and after disaster situations. This research work is only a proof-of-
work; in our future work, we hope to make a complete standalone version with additional
assistive functionalities for the blind.

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R. Bruntrup and S. Edelkamp. Incremental map generation with gps traces. In Intelligent
Transportation System, 2005. Proceedings. 2005 IEEE, 2005.

D. Robbins, E. Cottrell, R. Sarin, and Eric Horvitz. Zone zoom: Map navigation for
smartphones with recursive view segmentation. Microsoft Research One Microsoft Way, 2004

S. Schroedl, S. Rogers, and C. Wilson. Map refinement from gps traces. Technical Report RTC
6/2000, DaimlerChrysler Research and Technology North America, 2000

Henry Kucera and W. Nelson Francis. Computational Analysis of Present-Day American

English. Brown University Press, 1967.

Stephen V. Rice, Junichi Kanai, and Thomas A. Nartker. A report on the accuracy of OCR
devices. Technical Report 92-02, Information Science Research Institute, University of
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