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Ch Kavli Reddy 1 1 Baye’s Theorem; 2obs\A0520 J. buch Thal gle | A,ér,....£0 ve mulually Exclusive ancl exhous alive ever [ple ‘)>0 WB,cah) ima Sample Space G onal A i ONY cheer Cuerdy i 3° mleiaclion wit even & (ie Acai only occuy ih (inkivation eth any es Avthe event 8,1. 8m) Ouch “thal! pl) 20 | Th atoany althe events ol £e2,-..£n whee ples 4B)--.- Fler) lemd pale) ri ole) Ch) P(Alen) ave Kren | Tren p (&h) > Plea) P(e) = v(Mles) - vs) Proof | Given w pissy oath ee “Ei ns 6, Ac bi 2% [a= (anes) le Assiqnement -2 Az Ans. ANC. Es) Az An (ives bey... Ve) A: (ana)ubne)... u(ner) 17 pee r(E Was) — | (Rn8) Bnk).0n8) ave mul Exclave “Events PAY = PlAnE)aytanss)4sP(Aaey) J (ane). 5 Ep (anes) Lon, [By (ond Kanal Pubelil iy. POdnes) rley: Pes)” P(AnE 35, Pla). (le) Ieotioe (a) 22, wled. re) | \ (ei). elle) | Vpn) | p (Ex) PA) = (ei). 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