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Problem 01. Problem 311. Problem 603
Triangle angles, median, congruence, Circle Inscribed in a Semicircle, Chord, Parallelogram, Diagonals, Congruence,
isosceles, equilateral. Diameter. Concurrency.

Problem 02. Problem 312. Problem 604

Triangle and angles 80-80-20 degrees. Cyclic quadrilateral, Side extensions, Parallelograms, Triangle, Trapezoid, Area.
Problem 03. Problem 605
Triangle, median and angles, 45 degrees. Problem 313. Circle, Square, Chord, Perpendicular, Metric
Circle, Chord, Tangent, Perpendicular, Relations.
Problem 04. Geometric Mean.
Quadrilateral, equal sides and angles 30-60, Problem 606
120 degrees Problem 314. Isosceles Triangles, Perpendicular and Parallel
Tangent circles, Common external tangent line,Lines.
Problem 05. Geometric Mean.
Triangle, cevian, equal segments, and angles. Problem 607
Problem 315. Intersecting Circles, Triangles, Metric
Problem 06. Three Tangent circles, Common external Relations, Measurement.
Triangle, cevian, equal segments, and angles. tangent line, Geometric Mean.
Problem 608
Problem 07. Problem 316. Square with Right Triangles, Metric Relations,
Triangle, cevian, equal segments, and angles Circular segments and Inscribed Squares. Congruence, Measurement.

Problem 08. Problem 317. Problem 609

Triangles, equal segments, and angles. Right triangle and Inscribed Squares. Triangle, Perpendiculars, 90 Degrees,
Problem 09. Problem 318.
Triangles, equal segments, and angles. A Scalene triangle, Altitudes, Collinear points. Problem 610
Intersecting Circles, Radius, Parallel, Common
Problem 10. Problem 319. Tangent, Angle, 90 Degrees.
Triangle, cevian, equal segments, and angles Triangle, Altitudes, Perpendiculars, Collinear
points. Problem 611
Problem 11. Altitude of a Triangle, Perpendicular, Collinear
Right triangle, cevian, and angles. Problem 320. Points, Parallel.
Triangle, Circumcircle, Incenter, Excenter,
Problem 12. Collinear points. Problem 612
Triangle, cevian, equal segments, and angles. Altitude of a Triangle, Perpendicular,
Problem 321. Congruence.
Problem 13. Triangle, Incenter, Excircle, Midpoint of the
Triangle, cevian, equal segments, and angles. Altitude, Collinearity. Problem 613
Altitude of a Triangle, Perpendicular, Collinear
Problem 14. Problem 322. Points.
Triangle, median, and angles Square, Inscribed circle, Tangent, Triangle
area. Problem 614
Problem 15. Parallelogram, Diagonals, Intersecting Lines,
Triangle, cevian, sum of segments, and angles.Problem 323. Parallel Lines.
Triangle, Incenter, Circumcenter, Equal circles,
Problem 16. Collinearity. Problem 615
Triangle, cevian, perpendicular, and angles. Right Triangle with a Square, Diagonals,
Problem 324. Center, Area of Quadrilateral.
Problem 17. Quadrilateral with perpendicular diagonals,
Right triangle, altitude, and angles. Concurrence. Problem 616
Parallelogram, Diagonals, Intersecting Lines,
Problem 18. Right triangle, cevian, and angles. Problem 325. Parallel Lines.
Isosceles triangle, Altitude, Cevian, Incircle,
Problem 19. Right triangle, perpendicular, and Excircle. Problem 617
Excenter. Right Triangle Area, Incircle, Incenter,
Problem 326. Tangent, 90 Degrees.
Problem 20. Equilateral triangle, Semicircle, Equal arcs.
Right triangle, altitude, incircles and inradii. Problem 618
Problem 327. Triangle Area, 60 Degrees, Incircle, Incenter,

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Problem 21. Right triangle Area, Incircle, Circumcircle, Tangent.

Acute triangle, orthocenter, diameter, tangent. Square.
Problem 619
Problem 22. Right triangle, altitudes, incircles Problem 328. Triangle Area, 30 Degrees, Incircle, Incenter,
and inradii. Triangle, Incircle, Tangency Points, Parallel, Tangent.
Problem 23. Problem 620
Right triangle, altitude, incircles and inradii. Problem 329. Three Rectangles, Diagonals, Centers, Angles.
Triangle, Altitudes, Circle, Diameter, Concyclic
Problem 24. points. Problem 621
Right triangle, altitude, incircles and inradii Three Rectangles, Diagonals, Centers, Angles.
Problem 330.
Problem 25. Cyclic quadrilateral, Perpendicular diagonals, Problem 622
Right triangle, altitude, incircles and inradius. Area, Circumcenter. Square with Perpendiculars, Transversal,
Problem 26. Problem 331.
Right triangle, altitude, incircles and inradius. Square, Point on the Inscribed Circle, Problem 623
Tangency Points. Triangle, Incenter, Excenter, Incircle, Excircle,
Problem 27. Concyclic Points.
Right Triangle, incircles and inradius Problem 332.
Cyclic quadrilateral, Ratio of diagonals, Problem 624
Problem 28. Similarity. Triangle, Incenter, Excenter, Incircle, Excircle,
Right Triangle, altitude, incircles and inradius. Similarity.
Problem 333.
Problem 29. Circle inscribed in a semicircle, Perpendicular Problem 625
Right Triangle, altitude, incircle and inradius. to the common tangent. Triangle, Parallel Lines, Congruence, Angle
Ten conclusions. Bisector.
Problem 334.
Problem 29: Help Cyclic Quadrilateral, Perpendiculars to Problem 626
Facts you should know. Diagonals. Triangle, Distance from the Incenter to an
Problem 30. Problem 335.
Right Triangle, Incircle, Inradius. Cyclic Quadrilateral, Perpendiculars to Sides. Problem 627
Cyclic Quadrilateral, Congruence, Concyclic
Problem 31. Problem 336. Points.
Right Triangle, Incircle, Collinears. Two equal circles, a Common Tangent and a
Square. Problem 628
Problem 32. Cyclic Quadrilateral, Congruence, Parallel
Triangle, Cevian, Incircles, Tangents. Problem 337. Isosceles Trapezoid, Angle Lines.
bisector, Parallel, Concyclic points.
Problem 33. Problem 629
Triangle and quadrilateral. Problem 338. Triangle, Perpendicular to Sides, Intersecting
Triangle, Circumcircle, Inscribed Circle, Lines, Altitude.
Problem 34. Exterior angle bisector, Concyclic points.
Right triangle, Cevian, Incircles, Tangents and Problem 630: Clawson Point.
Inradius Problem 339. Orthic and Extangents Triangles, Concurrent
Triangle, Angle Bisectors, Perpendiculars, lines.
Problem 35. Distances. Interior Point.
Incenters and Inradii in Cyclic Quadrilateral. Problem 631.
Problem 340. Triangle, Exterior Angle Bisectors, Collinear
Problem 36. Triangle, Angle Bisectors, Perpendiculars, Points.
Right triangle, altitude, incircles and inradii Distances. Exterior Point.
Problem 632.
Problem 37. Problem 341. Triangle, Interior and Exterior Angle Bisectors,
Right triangle, altitude, incircles, incenters, and Triangle, Inscribed circle, Tangent, Midpoints, Collinear Points.
orthocenter. Semiperimeter.
Problem 633
Problem 38. Problem 342. Triangle, Parallel Lines, Intersecting Lines.
Right triangle, altitude, incircles, incenters, and Pentagon, Inscribed circle, Tangent,
angles. Semiperimeter. Problem 634
Right Triangle, Altitude, Incenters, Areas.
Problem 39 Help. Problem 343.
Facts you should know Hexagon, Inscribed circle, Tangent, Problem 635
Semiperimeter. Semicircle, Diameter, Perpendicular, Inscribed
Problem 39. Circle, Radius.

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Triangle, Incircle, Bisector, Cyclic Quadrilateral Problem 344.

and angles. Quadrilateral, Extension of sides, Circle, Problem 636
Tangent, Semiperimeter. Semicircle, Diameter, Perpendicular, Inscribed
Problem 40. Help. Circle, Common Tangent.
Problem 345.
Problem 40. Equal circles, Tangents, Concurrent lines, Problem 637
Triangle, Incenter, Excenter, Angles 80, 40, Hexagon, Semiperimeter. Semicircle, Diameter, Perpendicular, Inscribed
Distances. Circle, Chord, Tangent, Arbelos.
Problem 346.
Problem 41. Equal circles, Tangents, Hexagon, Problem 638
"Mickey Mouse." Three circles, tangents, radii. Semiperimeter. Arbelos and Inscribed Circle: Concyclic Points.

Problem 42. Problem 347. Problem 639

Angles, equal segments, and triangles. Triangle, Altitude, Perpendicular, Circle, Semicircle, Diameter, Perpendicular, Inscribed
Concyclic points. Circle, Tangent, Arbelos, Congruence.
Problem 43.
Angles equal segments, and triangles Problem 348. Problem 640.
Circles, Common External Tangents, Common Archimedes Book of Lemmas: Proposition 1
Problem 44. Internal Tangent Tangent circles and parallel diameters.
Angles and triangles
Problem 349. Problem 641.
Problem 45. Triangle, Cevian, Incircles, Tangents, Archimedes Book of Lemmas: Proposition 2
Angles and triangles. Tangency Point. Semicircle, Tangent, Perpendicular, Midpoint.

Problem 46. Problem 350. Problem 642.

Triangle, median, and angles. Triangle, Cevian, Incircles, Tangents, Archimedes Book of Lemmas: Proposition 3
Tangency Point, Angles. Semicircle, Perpendicular, Arc, Midpoint,
Problem 47. Congruence.
Triangle, median, and angles. Problem 351.
Rhombus, Incircles, Common tangent, Problem 643.
Problem 48. Circumscribable or Tangential quadrilateral. Archimedes Book of Lemmas: Proposition 4
Angles and triangles. Semicircle, Circle, Perpendicular, Arbelos,
Problem 352. Area.
Problem 49. Tangential quadrilateral, Incircles, Common
Right triangle, cevian, perpendicular, and tangent, Circumscribable or Tangential Problem 644.
angles quadrilateral. Archimedes Book of Lemmas: Proposition 5
Semicircle, Circle, Perpendicular, Arbelos,
Problem 50. Problem 353. Archimedean Twins.
Triangle with Equilateral triangles Tangential quadrilateral, Diagonals, Incircles,
Inradii. Problem 645.
Problem 51: Fagnano's Problem Archimedes Book of Lemmas: Proposition 6
Inscribed Triangle with the Minimum Perimeter. Problem 354. Semicircle, Circle, Perpendicular, Arbelos,
Rhombus, Square, 45 degrees. Inscribed Circle.
Problem 52:
Angle bisector, circles. Problem 355. Problem 646.
Circles, Common external tangent, Concyclic Archimedes Book of Lemmas: Proposition 7
Problem 53. points. Square,Inscribed and Circumscribed Circles,
Angle bisector, circles. Area.
Problem 356.
Problem 54. Square, Point inside, Triangles, Area. Problem 647.
Angle bisector, Circles, Midpoint of arc Archimedes Book of Lemmas: Proposition 8
Problem 357. Angle trisection. Neusis construction.
Problem 55. Square, Exterior point, Triangles, Area.
Angle bisector, Circles, Cyclic Quadrilateral Problem 648.
Problem 358. Archimedes Book of Lemmas: Proposition 9
Problem 56. Isosceles triangle 80-80-20, Circle, Angles, Perpendicular chords, Arcs.
Angle bisector, Circles, Parallel Lines. Congruence.
Problem 649.
Problem 57: Problem 359. Archimedes Book of Lemmas: Proposition 10
Angle bisector, Circles, Cyclic Quadrilateral. Cyclic quadrilateral, Angle bisector, Rhombus. Tangent, Chord, Parallel, Midpoint.
Problem 58: Problem 360. Problem 650.
Right Triangle, Congruence, Perpendiculars Area of a triangle, Curvilinear triangles, Circles, Tangent Circles, Diameter, Radius, Chord,
Diameters. Perpendicular.
Problem 59:

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Right and Equilateral Triangles, Midpoints. Problem 361. Problem 651.

Right triangle, Incircle, Incenter, Tangency Archimedes Book of Lemmas: Proposition 11
Problem 60. points, Angle. Perpendicular chords, Arcs, Radius.
Isosceles triangle, congruence, equilateral.
Problem 362. Problem 652.
Problem 61: Circle, Chord, Perpendicular, Equal chords. Archimedes Book of Lemmas: Proposition 12
Trisection of Sides of a triangle, Menelaus Perpendicular chords, Arcs, Radius.
theorem Problem 363.
Right triangle, Congruence, Angles. Problem 653.
Problem 62: Archimedes Book of Lemmas: Proposition 13
Square Diagonal, Inscribed Circle. Problem 364. Circle, Chord, Perpendicular, Congruence.
Obtuse triangle, Congruence, Circles,
Problem 63: Regular Heptagon, side and Diameter, Curvilinear triangle, Area. Problem 654.
diagonals, Ptolemy theorem Archimedes Book of Lemmas: Proposition 14
Problem 365. Salinon, Semicircles, Diameter, Circle, Area.
Problem 64: Circular Sector of 60 degrees, Midpoints,
Triangle, Incircle, Transversal, Menelaus Perpendicular, Congruence Problem 655.
theorem. Archimedes Book of Lemmas: Proposition 15
Problem 366. Circle, Inscribed Regular Pentagon, Radius.
Problem 65: Scalene triangle, Circumcircle, Angles, 60
Right Triangle, Midpoints. Degrees, Equilateral triangle. Problem 656.
Triangle, Cevian, Concurrent Lines.
Problem 66: Problem 367.
Triangle, Excircle, Tangents, Geometric Mean, Square, Angle, 45 degrees, Pythagoras, Problem 657.
Similarity. Congruence, Similarity. Triangle, Incircle, Tangency Points, Parallel
Lines, Congruence.
Problem 67: Problem 368.
Triangle, Circumcircle, Angles, Cyclic Triangle, 120 degrees, Angle bisectors, Problem 658.
Quadrilateral. Perpendicular Triangle, Altitudes, Diameter, Circle, Angles.
Problem 68: Problem 369. Problem 659.
Triangle, Incircle, Inradius, Tangent, Similarity Intersecting circles, Chord, Center, Angle, Parallelogram, Parallel Lines, Collinear Points.
Problem 69: Problem 660.
Square inscribed in a triangle, Similarity. Problem 370. Triangle, Circle, Diameter, Perpendicular
Triangle with squares, Circumcircles, Tangent Lines.
Problem 70: circles.
Square inscribed in a triangle, Similarity. Problem 661.
Problem 371. Intersecting Circles, Centers, Secant,
Problem 71. Square, Inscribed circle, Triangle, Area. Parallelogram.
Cyclic Quadrilateral, Inscribed angle.
Problem 372. Problem 662.
Problem 72: Circles, Common Internal and External Triangle, Incenter, Circumcenter, Orthocenter,
Intersecting Circles, Chords, Parallel. Tangent, Angles. Circle, Angle, Measurement.
Problem 73. Problem 373. Problem 663.
Three Intersecting Circles. Cyclic quadrilateral. Square, Inscribed Circle, Diagonal, Scalene Triangle, 60 Degrees, Altitude, Angle
Perpendicular, Angle. Bisector, Perpendicular Bisector, Concurrent
Problem 74: lines.
Three Intersecting Circles. Cyclic quadrilateral. Problem 374.
Triangle, Incenter, Internal Angle Bisectors. Problem 664.
Problem 75: Triangle, 60 Degrees, Orthocenter, Incenter,
Three Intersecting Circles. Cyclic quadrilateral. Problem 375. Circumcenter, Angles, Triangle centers.
Triangle, Excenter, External Angle Bisectors.
Problem 76: Problem 665.
Area of a circle, square, circular sector. Problem 376. Intersecting Circles, Secant, Tangent, Angles,
Triangle, Excenter, Internal and External Angle Mind Map.
Problem 77. Bisectors.
Circle, Parallel lines, Cyclic quadrilateral. Problem 666.
Problem 377. Intersecting Circles, Secant, Tangent,
Problem 78. Triangle, Internal Angle Bisector, Altitude. Concyclic points, Mind Map.
Circle, Perpendicular and parallel lines,
Midpoint, Cyclic quadrilateral, Congruence. Problem 378. Problem 667.
Triangle, Incenter, Parallel to a side, Angle, Intersecting Circles, Secant, Tangent, Metric
Problem 79: Congruence. Relations, Mind Map.

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Similar triangle.
Problem 379. Problem 668.
Problem 80: Triangle, Excenter, Parallel to a side, Angle, Right triangle, Incircles, Parallel, Common
Area of triangle, side, incircle, inradius. Congruence. Tangent, Mind Map.

Problem 81. Problem 380. Problem 669.

Area of triangle, side, inradius, circumradius. Triangle, Excenter, Parallel to a side, Angle, Triangle, Circumcircle, Incenter, Midpoint,
Congruence. Collinear points, Mind Map.
Problem 82.
Area of the Contact Triangle, inradius, Problem 381. Problem 670.
circumradius. Quadrilateral, Diagonals, Angle Bisectors, Triangle, 60 Degrees, Orthocenter, Incenter,
Angles. Circumcenter, Congruence.
Problem 83.
Area of the Excircle Contact Triangle, exradius, Problem 382. Problem 671.
circumradius. Concave Quadrilateral, Angle Bisectors, Triangle, Cevian, Angles, Congruence.
Problem 84. Problem 672.
Contact Triangles Areas, Incircle, Excircle, Problem 383. Internally tangent circles, Chord, Tangent,
Inradius, Exradius. Concave Quadrilateral, Angle Bisectors, Semi- Geometric Mean.
difference of Angles.
Problem 85. Problem 673.
Contact Triangles Areas, Incircle, Excircle. Problem 384. Internally tangent circles, Chord, Tangent,
Triangle, Angle bisector, Perpendicular, Metric Relations.
Problem 86. Parallel, Semiperimeter.
Intouch and Extouch Triangles, Areas. Problem 674.
Problem 385. Triangle, Altitude, Angles.
Problem 87. Triangle, Angle bisector, Perpendicular,
Area of Quadrilaterals and Midpoints of Parallel, Semiperimeter. Problem 675.
Diagonals. Intersecting Circles, Secant, 45 and 90
Problem 386. Degrees, Collinear Points.
Problem 88. Triangle and Quadrilateral Areas, Triangle, Angle bisector, Perpendicular,
Midpoints. Parallel, Semiperimeter, Congruence. Problem 676.
Circles, Diameter, Tangent, Chord, Metric
Problem 89. Problem 387. Triangle, Angle bisector, Relations.
Triangle Areas, Midpoints. Perpendicular, Concyclic points.
Problem 677.
Problem 90. Problem 388. Parallelogram, Midpoint, Diagonal, Metric
Quadrilateral and Triangle Areas, Midpoints. Triangle, Angle bisector, Perpendicular, Relations.
Problem 91. Problem 678.
Similar Triangles, Altitude, Parallel. Problem 389. Triangle, Simson Line, Circumcircle, Tangent,
Triangle, Parallel lines, Harmonic Mean. Parallel, Perpendicular, Collinear Points.
Problem 92.
Similar Triangles, Circumcircles, Circumradii, Problem 390. Problem 679.
Parallel. Triangle, Parallel lines, Collinear points. Triangle, Circle, Median, Proportion.

Problem 93. Problem 391. Problem 680.

Similar Triangles, Circumcircles, Triangle, Parallel lines, Collinear points. Concentric Circles, Radii, Chords,
Parallelogram. Perpendicular, Metric Relations.
Problem 392.
Problem 94. Triangle, Parallel lines, Concurrent lines. Problem 681: Gergonne Point.
Similar Triangles, Circumcircles, Circumradii. Triangle, Incircle, Tangency points, Concurrent
Problem 393. lines, Semiperimeter, Ceva theorem.
Problem 95. Triangle, Orthocenter, Circumcircles,
Similar Triangles, Inradii, Parallel. Congruence, Collinear. Problem 682: Gergonne External Point.
Triangle, Excircle, Tangency points,
Problem 96. Problem 394. Concurrent lines, Semiperimeter, Ceva
Similar Triangles, Incenters, Parallelogram. Square, 90 Degree Arc, Diagonal, theorem.
Problem 97. Problem 683: Nagel Point.
Similar Triangles, Areas. Problem 395. Triangle, Excircles, Tangency points,
Square, 15 Degree, Equilateral triangle. Concurrent lines, Semi-perimeter, Ceva
Problem 98. Quadrilateral Area, Centroid, theorem.
Similarity. Problem 396.
Square, Angle Trisectors, Congruence, Area. Problem 684: Outer Nagel Point.

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Problem 99. Triangle, Excircles, Incircle Tangency points,

Circle Area, General Extension to Pythagoras' Problem 397. Concurrent lines, Semi-perimeter, Ceva
Theorem. Triangle, Altitude, Midpoints, Congruence. theorem.

Problem 100. Problem 398. Problem 685

Circle Area, Archimedes' Book of Lemmas Parallelogram, Area, Similarity, Congruence. Isosceles Triangle, 100-40-40 Degrees,
Angles, Congruence.
Problem 101. Problem 399.
Equilateral Triangle, Interior Point, Right triangle, Midpoints, Distance, Problem 686.
Pythagorean Theorem, Angles. Pythagorean theorem, Congruence. Triangle, Three Excircles, Tangency points,
Tangent lines, Semi-perimeter, Congruence.
Problem 102. Problem 400.
Equilateral Triangle Area, Interior Point. Triangle, Angle bisector, Circumcircle, Problem 687.
Perpendicular, Congruence. Triangle, Three Excircles, Tangency points,
Problem 103. Problem 401. Concurrent Lines.
Equilateral Triangle Area, Interior Point, Area, Triangle, Angle bisector, Circumcircle,
Heron's Formula. Perpendicular bisector, Congruence. Problem 688.
Triangle, Angles, 10, 20, 30, 40, 60 Degrees,
Problem 104. Problem 402. Measure, Mind Map, Polya.
Angles, Triangle. Hexagon, Triangle, Centroid, Parallel,
Congruence, Similarity Problem 689.
Problem 105. Triangle, Three Excircles, Tangency points,
Angles, Triangle. Interior Point. Problem 403. Tangent lines, Concurrent Lines, Mind Map.
Circular sector, 90 degrees, Circle, Semicircle,
Problem 106. Area. Problem 690.
Angles, Triangle. Cevian. Distance between the Incenter and the
Problem 404. Centroid of a Triangle: Formula in terms of the
Problem 107. External Equilateral triangles, Congruent and sides a,b,c.
Angles, Triangle. Cevian. Concurrent Lines.
Problem 691.
Problem 108. Problem 405. Isosceles Triangle, 80-80-20 Degrees, Angles,
Angles, Triangle, Median. Quadrilateral, 60, 75, and 135 degrees, Congruence, Mind Map, Polya.
Problem 109. Problem 692.
Angles, Right Triangle, Cevian. Problem 406. Quatrefoil, Four Equal Circles and a Circle
Right triangle, 15 degrees, Midpoints, Inscribed in a Square, Areas, Mind Map, Polya.
Problem 110. Congruence.
Area of Contact Triangle. Problem 693.
Problem 407. Square, Inscribed and Circumscribed Circle,
Problem 111. Circle, Angle, Tangent, Perpendicular, Secant, Areas, Mind Map, Polya.
Orthogonal Circles. Radius, Center
Problem 694.
Problem 112. Problem 408. Triangle, Angles, 30 Degrees, Auxiliary
Area of square and triangle. Cyclic quadrilateral, Perpendicular, Construction, Mind Map, Polya.
Parallelogram, Congruence.
Problem 113. Problem 695.
Area of triangle, incircle, excircle. Problem 409. Triangle, Angles, Auxiliary Construction,
Quadrilateral, Diagonals, Perpendicular, Congruence.
Problem 114. Congruence.
Area of triangle, incircle, excircle. Problem 696.
Problem 410. Triangle, Angles, Auxiliary Construction,
Problem 115. Two Regular Pentagons, Angle. Congruence, Mind Map, Polya.
Area of triangle, excircles, tangent.
Problem 411. Problem 697.
Problem 116. Triangle, Median, Angles. Square, Circle, Sector, Segment, Tangent,
Area of triangle, excircles, tangent. Inscribed, Congruence, Mind Map, Polya.
Problem 412.
Problem 117. Problem 698.
Triangle, Angles, Congruence.
Area of triangle, incenter, excircles, tangent. Quadrilateral, Diagonal, Angle Bisector,
Problem 413. Triangle, 120 Degrees.
Problem 118. Cyclic Quadrilateral, Orthocenter,
Area of triangle, incenter, excenter, tangent Problem 699.
Parallelogram, Concurrency, Congruence.
Equilateral Triangle, Circle, Circular Segment,
Problem 119 . Area of triangle, incenter, Problem 414. Midpoint, Metric Relations.
excircle, tangent. Triangle, Angles, Altitude, Median,

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Congruence. Problem 700.

Problem 120 . Equilateral Triangle, Circle, Circular Segment,
Area of triangle, incenter, excircles, tangent. Problem 415. Midpoint of a side, Metric Relations.
Right Triangle, Cevian, Angles, Congruence.
Problem 121. Problem 701.
Similarity and Area of triangle, Trisection of Problem 416. Intersecting Circles, Diameter, Perpendicular,
Sides. Triangle, Cevians, Trisectors, Area. Angles, Congruence.

Problem 122. Problem 417. Problem 702.

Marion Walter's Theorem. Area of triangle and Tangent circles, Tangent lines, Angles. Triangle, Circumcircle, Parallel, Concyclic
Hexagon, Trisection of Sides. Points.
Problem 418.
Problem 123. Triangle, Incircle, Inradius, Equal Tangent Problem 703.
Area of triangle, Similarity, Trisection of Sides. circles, Radius. Triangle, Incircle, Tangency point, Diameter,
Problem 124. Problem 419.
Area of triangle, Similarity, Trisection of Sides. Triangle, Cevian, Incircle, Excircle, Inradius, Problem 704.
Exradius. Triangle, Orthocenter, Altitude, Midpoint,
Problem 125. Perpendicular.
Area of Triangle, Star, Trisection of Sides. Problem 420.
Triangle, Altitude, Angles, Sides, Problem 705.
Problem 126. Measurement. Intersecting Circles, Diameter, Angles,
Incenter of a Triangle, Angle Bisector, Measurement.
Proportions. Problem 421.
Right Triangle, Cevian, Angles, Measurement. Problem 706.
Problem 127. Triangle, Cevian, Three Circumcenters,
Centroid and Incenter of a Triangle, Parallel, Problem 422. Circumcircles, Concyclic Points, Cyclic
Proportions. Triangle, 24, 30 degree, Angle, Congruence. quadrilateral.
Problem 128. Problem 423. Problem 707.
Incenter of a Triangle, Angle Bisectors, Sum of Triangle, 24, 30 degree, Angle, Congruence. Triangle, Excenters, Angle Bisectors, Angle,
Ratios. Measurement.
Problem 424.
Problem 129. Triangle, Cevian, Angle, 90 degree, Problem 708.
Triangle, Concurrent Cevians, Sum of Ratios. Congruence Circle, Tangent, Intersecting, Lune, Area,
Problem 130. Problem 425.
Triangle, Concurrent Cevians, Sum of Ratios. Quadrilateral, Triangle, Angles, 10, 20, 50 Problem 709.
degrees, Congruence. Parallelogram, Midpoint, Diagonal, Metric
Problem 131. Relations, Triangle.
Van Aubel Theorem, Concurrent Cevians, Sum Problem 426. Triangle, Circumradius,
of Ratios. Circumcenter, concurrent Cevians. Problem 710.
Parallelogram, Midpoint, Diagonal, Collinear
Problem 132. Problem 427. Triangle, Two Altitudes, Square Points, Metric Relations, Triangle, Similarity,
Triangle, 60 degree, Orthocenter, Congruence, of a Side. Congruence.
Problem 428. Problem 711.
Problem 133. Quadrant of a circle, Square, Angle bisector, Rectangle, Midpoint, Angle, Concyclic Points,
Triangle, Angle Bisectors, Collinear Points. Measurement. Cyclic Quadrilateral.
Problem 134. Problem 429. Problem 712.
Orthic Triangle, Altitudes, Angle Bisectors, Circumscribed and Inscribed Regular Semicircle, Diameter, Tangent, Perpendicular,
Orthocenter, Incenter. Pentagon, Perpendicular, Measurement. Angle Measure.
Problem 135. Routh's Theorem 1. Problem 713.
Orthic Triangle, Altitudes, Perpendicular, Triangle, Cevians, Ratio of Areas. Tangent Circles, Diameter, Chord, Tangent,
Parallel. Incenter, Incircle, Triangle.
Routh's Theorem 2.
Problem 136. Triangle, Cevians, Ratio of Areas. Problem 714.
Orthic Triangle, Altitudes, Perpendicular, Triangle, Parallel, Cevians, Midpoints, Median,
Concyclic Points. Routh's Theorem 3. Ceva Theorem.
Triangle, Cevians, Ratio of Areas.
Problem 137. Problem 715.
Orthic Triangle, Altitudes, Perpendicular, Routh's Theorem 4. Triangle, Altitudes, Parallel, Circumcircle,
Incircle, Collinear Points, Parallelogram. Triangle, Cevians, Ratio of Areas. Angle, Measurement.

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Problem 138. Problem 430. Problem 716.

Nagel's Theorem, Orthic Triangle, Altitudes, Circumscribed and Inscribed Regular Problem 716. Intersecting Circles, Center,
Circumradius, Perpendicular. Pentagon, Perpendicular, Areas. Radius, Perpendicular, 90 Degrees.

Problem 139. Problem 431. Problem 717.

Triangle Area, Orthic Triangle, Semiperimeter, Quadrilateral, Midpoints of Diagonals, Intersecting Circles, Midpoint, Angle,
Circumradius. Transversal. Measurement.

Problem 140. Problem 432.Trapezoid, Parallel, Problem 718.

Triangle, Excircle, Tangent, Semiperimeter. Measurement, Similarity, Transversal. Intersecting Circles, Midpoint, Angle,
Problem 141. Problem 433. Quadrilateral, Triangle, Area,
Triangle, Incircle, Tangent , Parallel, Proportion, Measurement, Similarity. Problem 719.
Perimeters. Incenter, Intersecting Circles, Angle,
Problem 434. Measurement.
Problem 142. Four Triangles, Incircle, Tangent Quadrilateral, Transversal, Ratio,
and Parallel to Side, Areas. Measurement, Similarity. Problem 720.
Excenter, Intersecting Circles, Angle,
Problem 143. Problem 435. Measurement.
Four Triangles, Incircle, Tangent and Parallel Triangle, Incircle, Inradius, Congruent circles,
to Side, Circumradii. tangent, Measurement. Problem 721.
Triangle, Orthocenter, Circumcircle, Altitude,
Problem 144. Distance between the Incenter and the Collinear points.
Four Triangles, Incircle, Tangent and Parallel Centroid of a Triangle
to Side, Inradii. Formula in terms of the sides a,b,c. Problem 722.
Squares, Circumscribed Circles, Collinear
Problem 145. Problem 436. points.
Four Triangles, Incircle, Tangent and Parallel Tangent Circles, Diameter, Chord,
to Side, Incenters, Circumcenters. Perpendicular, Congruence, Measurement. Problem 723.
Squares, Circumscribed Circles, Collinear
Problem 146. Problem 437. points.
Varignon's Theorem: Quadrilateral, Midpoints, Tangent Circles, Diameter, Chord,
Parallelogram, Area, Perimeter. Perpendicular, Congruence, Measurement. Problem 724.
Circumscribed Quadrilateral, Circle, Angle,
Problem 147. Problem 438. Incenter, Half the Measure.
Quadrilateral, Area, Midpoints, Triangle. Tangent Circles, Diameter, Chord,
Perpendicular, Congruence, Measurement, Problem 725.
Problem 148. Parallel lines. Kurschak's Dodecagon, Square, Equilateral
Quadrilateral, Area, Midpoints. Triangle, Midpoints, 30, 60 Degrees.
Problem 439.
Problem 149. Isosceles triangle, Cevian, Incenter, Angles, Problem 726.
Quadrilateral, Area, Midpoints. Circle. Isosceles Triangle, Perpendicular, Midpoint, 90
Problem 150. Problem 440.
Quadrilateral, Area, Trisection of Sides. Triangle, Incircle, Incenter, Angle Bisector, Problem 727.
Tangency Points, Circle, Angles. Triangle, Isosceles, Congruence, Angles,
Problem 151. Measurement.
Quadrilateral, Area, Trisection of Sides. Problem 441.
Quadrilateral, Triangle, Area, Proportion, Problem 728.
Problem 152. Measurement, Similarity. Triangle, Altitude, Perpendicular, Circumcircle,
Circumscribed Quadrilateral, Diagonal, Chord, Midpoint, Intersecting Circles, Concurrency.
Proportion. Problem 442.Triangle, Median, Cevian,
Transversal, Congruent Angles. Problem 729.
Problem 153. Triangle, Altitude, Orthocenter, Circumcircle,
Circumscribed Quadrilateral, Diagonals Problem 443. Perpendicular, Midpoint.
Concurrent with Chords. Overlapping, Intersecting Circles, Common
Chord, Secant line, Tangent line, Angles. Problem 730.
Problem 154. Triangle, Altitude, Orthocenter, Perpendicular,
Triangle, Inradius, Circumradius, Chord. Problem 444. Concurrent Lines.
Internally Tangent circles, Secant line, Chords,
Problem 155. Angles, Congruence. Problem 731.
Euler's Theorem Distance from the Incenter to Cyclic quadrilateral, Triangle, Orthocenter,
the Circumcenter Problem 445. Altitude, Perpendicular, Parallelogram.
Three Tangent Circles, Tangency Points,

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Problem 156. Circumradius. Problem 732.

Triangle, Circumradius, Exradius, Chord, Triangle, Altitude, Orthic Triangle, Orthocenter,
Secant line. Problem 446. Congruence, Parallelogram.
Quadrilateral Area, Dividing the sides into 5
Problem 157. equal parts. Problem 733.
Distance from the Circumcenter to the Triangle, Orthocenter, Altitude, Reflection in a
Excenter. Problem 447. line, Circumcircle, Concurrency.
Complete Quadrilateral, Inradii, Exradii, Sides.
Problem 158. Problem 734.
Relation between the Circumradius, Inradius Problem 448. Triangle, Isosceles, Median, Parallel, Angle
and Exradii of a triangle. Tangent Circles, Diameter, Perpendicular, Bisector, Congruence, Midpoint.
Problem 159. Problem 735.
Distances from the Circumcenter to the Problem 449. Triangle, Altitude, Perpendicular,
Incenter and the Excenters. Congruent Tangent Circles, Diameter, Sagitta, Semiperimeter of the Orthic Triangle,
Arc, Perpendicular, Chord. Congruence.
Problem 160.
Triangle, Incircle, Incenter, Circumcircle, Problem 450. Problem 736.
Circumcenter, Inradius. Triangle, Median, Cevian, Congruence, Triangle, Altitude, Perpendicular, Angles,
Proportional Segments. Cyclic Quadrilateral.
Problem 161.
Parallelogram, Midpoints, Octagon, Areas. Problem 451. Problem 737.
Triangle, Median, Congruence, Proportional Cyclic Quadrilateral, Circumscribed Circle,
Problem 162. Segments. Diameter, Tangent, Perpendicular.
Parallelogram, Triangles, Areas.
Problem 452. Problem 738.
Problem 163. Triangle, Circle, Tangent, Proportional Intersecting Circles, External Common
Trapezoid, Diagonals, Triangles, Areas. Segments. Tangent, Common Chord, Secant,
Circumcircle, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Concyclic
Problem 164. Problem 453. Points.
Parallelogram, Trapezoid, Diagonal, Triangles, Intersecting Circles, Tangent, Circular
Areas. Segment, Congruence, Area. Problem 739.
Triangle, Double Angle, External Angle
Problem 165. Problem 454. Bisector. Congruence.
Parallelogram, Diagonal, Triangles, Areas. Triangle, Incircle, Inradius, Tangent, Circle,
Radius. Problem 740.
Problem 166. Scalene Triangle, Angle, Semi-sum, Cevian,
Parallelogram, Diagonal, Triangles, Areas. Problem 455. Isosceles Triangle.
Rhombus, Inscribed Circle, Angle, Chord, 45
Problem 167. Degrees. Problem 741.
Parallelogram, Diagonal, Triangles, Areas. Scalene Triangle, Incenter, Circumcircle,
Problem 456. Midpoint, Arc, Congruence.
Problem 168. Three tangent circles, Center, Chord, Secant,
Parallelogram, Diagonal, Triangles, Pentagon, Collinear. Problem 742.
Areas. Scalene Triangle, Orthocenter, Centroid,
Problem 457. Circumcenter, Circumradius, Midpoint,
Problem 169. Triangle, First Brocard Point, Congruent Distance, Square, Metric Relations.
Parallelogram, Interior and Exterior Points, angles, Circle, Circumradius.
Diagonals, Pentagon, Triangles, Areas Problem 743.
Problem 458. Trapezoid, Triangle, Perpendicular, Parallel,
Problem 170. Trapezoid, Midpoint, Triangle, Square, Semicircle, Circular Sector, Internal Angle.
Area. Common Tangent, Measure.
Problem 744.
Problem 171. Problem 459.
Parallelogram, Circle, Diameter, Chord,
Trapezoid, Midpoints, Triangles, Areas. Right triangle, Squares, Distance, Congruence, Triangle, Metric Relations.
Problem 172. Problem 745.
Trapezoid, Midpoints, Quadrilaterals, Areas. Problem 460.
Circle, 90 Degrees, Chord, Congruence,
Circle, Tangent, Perpendicular, Radius, Perpendicular, Metric Relations.
Problem 173. Distance, Measurement.
Quadrilateral with Midpoints, Triangles, Areas. Problem 746.
Problem 461.
Triangle, Cevian, Parallel, Similarity, Harmonic
Problem 174. Three Circles, Tangent, Right Angle, Center, Mean, Metric Relations.
Quadrilateral with Midpoints, Triangles, Areas. Distance, Measurement.

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Problem 175. Problem 462. Problem 747.

Quadrilateral with Midpoints, Areas. Square, Arcs, 90 Degrees, Circle, Tangent, Trapezoid, Diagonals, Parallel, Bases,
Radius, Measurement. Midpoint, Similarity, Harmonic Mean, Metric
Problem 176. Relations.
Quadrilateral with Midpoints, Triangles, Areas Problem 463. Three Concentric Circles,
Secant, Tangent, Triangle, Area. Problem 748.
Problem 177. Quadrilateral, 90 Degrees, Diagonal,
Parallelogram with Midpoints, Triangles, Areas Problem 464. Perpendicular, Metric Relations.
Square, Arcs, Center, Angle, 90 Degrees, 120
Problem 178. Degrees. Problem 749.
Quadrilateral, Trisection of sides, Area. Triangle, Rhombus, Parallel, Harmonic Means,
Problem 465. Metric Relations.
Problem 179. Square, Arc, Angle, 90 Degrees,
Rhombus, Square, Diagonal, Angle. Measurement. Problem 750.
Complete Quadrilateral, Triangle, Diagonal,
Problem 180. Problem 466. Parallel, Similarity, Metric Relations.
Circles Tangent Externally, Common External Concentric Circles, Secant, Congruence,
Tangents, Areas. Measurement. Problem 751.
Parallelogram, Congruence, Intersecting Lines,
Problem 181. Problem 467. Angle Bisector.
Circular Sector of 90 degrees, find an angle. Concentric Circles, Chord, Tangent,
Congruence, Measurement. Problem 752.
Problem 182. Square, Circle, Tangent, Chord, Angle.
Overlapping Circles, Find an angle. Problem 468.
Circle, Chord, Midpoint, Congruence, Angle. Problem 753.
Problem 183. Triangle, Altitudes, Orthocenter, Sum of ratios.
Right Triangle, Hypotenuse Trisection Points, Problem 469.
Squares of the Distances. Isosceles triangle, Midpoint, Transversal, Problem 754.
Congruence. Equilateral Triangle, Center, Angle, 60
Problem 184. Degrees, Perimeter.
Triangle and Angles. Problem 470.
Triangle, Parallel, Parallelogram, Area, Problem 755.
Problem 185. Similarity. Equilateral Triangle, Circumcircle, Chord, Arc,
Trapezoid, Triangles and Angles Midpoints, Perpendicular.
Problem 471.
Problem 186. Triangle, Parallel, Side, Concurrency, Area, Problem 756.
Right Triangle, Altitude, Incenters, Circles. Similarity Four Circles Theorem, TracenPoche
Interactive Dynamic Software.
Problem 187. Problem 472.
Right Triangle, Altitude, Incenters, Circles, Triangle, Parallel, Side, Parallelogram, Area, Problem 757
Angles. Similarity. Equilateral Triangle, Circumcircle, Chords, a
Half of Harmonic Mean.
Problem 188. Problem 473.
Square, Diagonal, 45 Degrees Angle. Triangle, Parallel, Side, Parallelogram, Area, Problem 758
Similarity. Equilateral Triangle, Cevians, Trisection of
Problem 189. sides, Congruence, Perpendicular, 90
Squares, Distances. Problem 474. Degrees.
Parallelogram, Diagonal, Circle, Vertex.
Problem 190. Problem 759
Tangent circles, Tangent chord, Perpendicular, Problem 475. Equilateral Triangle, Transversal, Trisection of
Distance. Tangent Circles, Secant, Tangent, Parallel. sides, Congruence, Angle.

Problem 191. Problem 476. Problem 761

Triangle, Altitudes, Orthocenter, Squares, Triangle, Circumcenter, Circumcircle, Angles. Scalene Triangle with an angle of 60 degrees,
Areas. Euler Line, Equilateral Triangle.
Problem 477.
Problem 192. Parallelogram, Triangle, Quadrilateral, Area. Problem 762
Circle, Diameter, Chord, Perpendicular, Parallelogram, Midpoint, Perpendicular,
Triangle, Area. Problem 478. Congruence, Isosceles triangle.
Triangle, Sides, Circumradius, Circumcenter,
Problem 193. Circumcircle. Problem 763
Area of a Triangle, Semiperimeter, Inradius. Parallelogram, Diagonal, Parallel, Congruence.
Problem 479.
Problem 194. Triangle, Cevians, Concurrency, Transversal, Problem 764
Area of a Triangle, Semiperimeter, Exradius. Proportion. Triangle, Inradius, Altitudes, Harmonic Mean.

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Problem 195. Problem 480. Problem 765

Area of a Triangle, Inradius, Exradii. Triangle, Circle, Center, Altitude, Angle, Triangle, Inradius, Exradii, Three Exradius,
Circumcenter. Harmonic Mean.
Problem 196.
Triangle, Inradius and Exradii Formula. Problem 481. Problem 766
Triangle, Altitude, Cevian, Perpendicular, Triangle, Altitudes, Exradii, Three Exradius,
Problem 197. Angle. Equal Harmonic Mean.
Area of a Triangle, Side, Inradius, and
Exradius. Problem 482. Problem 767
Triangle, Circumcircle, Incenter, Excenter, Equilateral Triangle, Circle tangent to a side,
Problem 198. Midpoint, Cyclic Points. Tangent line, Measurement, Secant.
Triangle, Quadrilateral, Angles.
Problem 483. Problem 768
Problem 199. Square, Angle, 90 degrees, Measurement. Parallelogram with Equilateral Triangles on
Triangle, Quadrilateral, Angles. Sides.
Problem 484.
Problem 200. Square, Angle, 90 degrees, Triangle, Problem 769
RightTriangle, Incircle, Excircles, Points of Measurement, Proportion. Triangle, Circumcircle, Circumcenter,
Tangency, Inradius. Orthocenter, Midpoint of arc, Parallel to chord,
Problem 485. Congruence.
Problem 201. Square, Side, Circles, Tangent, Radius,
Right Triangle, Excircles, Points of Tangency, Measurement. Problem 770
Exradius, Semiperimeter. Parallelogram, Angle Bisector, Triangle,
Problem 486. Circumcenter, Circumcircle, Angle
Problem 202. Tangent circles, Chord, Arc, Midpoint, Measurement.
Right Triangle, Incirle, Excircles relatives to Collinearity, Congruence.
catheti, Points of Tangency, Exradius, Problem 771
Semiperimeter. Problem 487. Area of a Parallelogram, Star, Pentagon,
Intersecting Circles, Area, Diameter, Parallel, Triangles.
Problem 203. 90 Degrees.
Right Triangle, Excircles, Exradii, Hypotenuse. Problem 772
Problem 488. Similar triangles with a Common Vertex, Equal
Problem 204. Triangle, Cevian, Concurrency, Circle, Angles, Midpoints, Metric relations.
Right Triangle, Incircle, Excircles, Inradius, Circumcircle. Problem 773
Exradii. Intersecting Circles, Midpoint, Secant line,
Problem 489. Bisection.
Problem 205. Parallelogram, Triangle, Quadrilateral, Area.
Right Triangle Area, Exradii relatives to legs or Problem 774
catheti. Problem 490. Triangle, Two Altitudes, Circumcircle, Tangent
Tangent Circles, Arc, Radius, Circular Sector, at a Vertex, Parallel.
Problem 206. Area.
Area of a Right Triangle, Inradius, andExradius Problem 775 Triangle, Isogonal lines,
relative to the hypotenuse. Problem 491. Square, Right Triangle, Incircle, Congruent angles, Perpendicular, Metric
Inscribed Circle, Radius. Relations.
Problem 207.
Right Triangle, Hypotenuse, Inradius, Exradius Problem 492. Problem 776
relative to the hypotenuse. Cyclic Quadrilateral, Circle, Perpendicular, Triangle, Isogonal lines, Congruent angles,
Side, Diagonal, Parallel. Perpendicular, Concyclic points, Circle, Center,
Problem 208. Midpoint.
Triangle, Excircles, Angles, 360 degrees. Problem 493.
Right Triangle, Circumcircle, Perpendicular, Problem 777
Problem 209. Chord. Triangle, Distance from the Orthocenter to a
Triangle, Incircles, Inradius. Vertex, Circle, Circumradius, Cosine.
Problem 494.
Problem 210. Circular Sector, 90 Degrees, Semicircle, Problem 778
Triangle, Angles, Auxiliary Lines. Chord, Parallel. Triangle, Distance from the Orthocenter to a
Vertex, Circle, Circumradius, Side, Square.
Problem 211. Problem 495.
60 Degree Triangle, Equilateral triangles, Triangle, 120 Degrees, Angle Bisectors. Problem 779
Areas. Triangle, Altitude, Orthocenter, Midpoint,
Problem 496. Triangle, Two Squares, 90 Angle, 90 Degrees.
Problem 212. Degrees, Concurrency, Angle Bisectors.
120 Degree Triangle, Equilateral triangles, Problem 780
Areas. Problem 497. Triangle, Sum of Inradius and Circumradius,

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Triangle, Two Squares, Centers, Midpoint, 90 Distances from the Orthocenter to the Vertices.
Problem 213. Degrees.
Triangle, Incircle, Inradius, Semicircles, Problem 781
Common Tangents. Problem 498. Triangle, Orthocenter, Circumcenter, Vertex,
Triangle, Angle Bisector, Double Angle, Altitude, Midpoint, Perpendicular
Problem 214. Measure.
Quadrilateral and Angle Bisectors. Problem 782
Problem 499. Triangle, Two Squares, Triangle, Orthocenter, Circumcenter,
Problem 215. Perpendicular. Circumcircle, Diameter, Altitude,
Quadrilateral, Angle Bisectors, and Cyclic Parallelogram.
Quadrilateral. Problem 500.
Circle, Diameter, Chord, Perpendicular, Problem 783
Problem 216. Measure. Triangle, Orthocenter, Circumcenter,
Quadrilateral, Angle Bisectors, and Circumcircle, Diameter, Altitude, Midpoint.
Concurrency. Problem 501.
Triangle, Two Squares, Center, Midpoint, Problem 784
Problem 217. another Square. Triangle, Orthocenter, Midpoint of a side,
Right triangle, Altitude and Projections. Perpendicular.
Problem 502.
Problem 218. Triangle, Two Squares, Midpoint, Problem 785
Right triangle, Altitude and Projections. Perpendicular, Half the measure. Equilateral Triangle, Parallel, Perpendicular.

Problem 219. Problem 503. Problem 786 Right Triangle, Altitude,

Rhombus, Perpendiculars, Arithmetic Mean. Triangle with Three Squares, Perpendicular, Hypotenuse, Cevian, Perpendicular, Ratio,
Congruence, Concurrency. Metric relations.
Problem 220.
Right Triangle, Altitude, Angle Bisector, Problem 504. Problem 787
Distance, Arithmetic Mean. Equilateral Triangle, Angles, 45, 60 Degrees. Right Triangle, Inradius, 18 Equal Circles, Line
Tangent, Legs, Hypotenuse, Ratio, Metric
Problem 221. Problem 505. Relations.
Viviani's theorem, Equilateral triangle, Interior Right Triangle, Cevian, Sum of Segments,
point, Altitude, Distances. Angles. Problem 788
Intersecting Circles, Secant Line, Midpoint,
Problem 222. Problem 506. Cyclic Quadrilateral.
Viviani's theorem, Equilateral triangle, Exterior Triangle with Three Squares, Center, Midpoint,
point, Altitude, Distances. Perpendicular. Problem 789
Right Triangle, Altitude, Angle Bisector,
Problem 223. Problem 507. Incircle, Tangency Point, Inradius, Circles,
Viviani's theorem, Isosceles triangle, Altitude, Triangle, Interior Point, 120 Degrees, Tangent Line.
Distances. Congruence, Angle.
Problem 790
Problem 224. Problem 508. Right Triangle, Altitude, Angle Bisector,
Viviani's theorem, Isosceles triangle, Altitude, Triangle with three Squares, Four triangle of Incircle, Tangency Point, Inradius, Circles,
Distances, Point on the extension of the base. equal Area. Tangent Line, Congruence.

Problem 225. Problem 509. Problem 791 Regular Hexagon, Midpoints of

Viviani's Theorem Extension, Regular Polygon, Triangle, 120 Degrees, Angles, Congruence, Side and Diagonal, Equilateral Triangle, Area.
Apothem, Distance. Mind Map.
Problem 792
Problem 226. Triangle, Centroid, Perpendicular Problem 510. Right Triangle, Altitude, Angle Bisector, Three
lines. Triangle, Three Squares, Midpoints, Incircles, Five Concyclic Points, Circles.
Problem 227. Triangle, Centroid, Exterior line, Problem 793
Perpendicular lines. Problem 511. Right Triangle, Altitude, Three Incircles,
Triangle, Double Angle, Angle Bisector, Incenters, Circumcircle, Circumradius,
Problem 228. Measure. Perpendicular, Distance.
Triangle, Midpoints, Exterior line,
Perpendiculars lines. Problem 512. Problem 794 Right Triangle, Altitude, Three
Triangle with three squares and concurrency. Incenters, Circumcircles, Incircle, Congruence.
Problem 229.
Triangle, Centroid, Transversal, Perpendicular Problem 513. Problem 795
lines. Triangle, Double Angle, Exterior Angle Intersecting Circles, Common Chord, Midpoint,
Bisector, Measure. Tangent, Secant Line, Perpendicular, 90
Problem 230. Degrees.
Triangle, Midpoints, Transversal, PerpendicularProblem 514.

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lines. Triangle, Five Squares, Line, Area. Problem 796 Triangle, Altitude, Measurement
of Angles.
Problem 231. Problem 515.
Triangle, Midpoints, Transversal, PerpendicularTriangle, Double Angle, Altitude, Measure. Problem 797
lines. Parallelogram, Angle Bisector, Isosceles and
Problem 516. Similar Triangles.
Problem 232. Triangle, Cevian, Congruence, Angles.
Parallelogram, Line through a vertex, Problem 798
Perpendicular lines. Problem 517. Parallelogram, Secant Line, Tangent Circles,
Right Triangle, Six Squares, Areas. Circumcircles, Triangle.
Problem 233.
Parallelogram, Exterior line, Perpendicular Problem 518. Problem 799
lines. Parallelogram, Five Squares, Centers, 45 Parallelogram, Angle Bisector, Parallel,
Degrees, Measure. Triangle, Circumcircle, Circumcenter.
Problem 234.
Parallelogram, Line through a vertex, Problem 519. Problem 800: de Gua's Theorem
Perpendicular lines. Triangle, Squares, Altitude, Perpendicular, Pythagorean theorem in 3-D, Tetrahedron,
Rectangle, Area. Cubic Vertex, Triangular Pyramid, Apex,
Problem 235. Height, Right Triangle Area, Base Area,
Parallelogram, Transversal line, Perpendicular Problem 520. Projected Area.
lines. Triangle with six Squares, Ratio, Area.
Problem 801
Problem 236. Problem 521. Equilateral Triangles, Cevian, Midpoint,
Quadrilateral, Midpoints, Exterior line, Triangle with three Squares, Altitude, Distance, Measurement, Metric Relations.
Perpendicular lines. Rectangle, Area.
Problem 802
Problem 237. Problem 522. Scalene Triangle, Median, Perpendicular,
Quadrilateral, Midpoints, Exterior line, Right Triangle, Circle, Diameter, Tangent. Angle, Measurement.
Perpendicular lines.
Problem 523. Problem 803
Problem 238. Tangent Circles, Diameter Perpendicular, Right Triangle, Altitude, Angle Bisector,
Square, Midpoints, Lines, Congruence. Collinearity. Perpendicular, Measurement.
Problem 239. Problem 524. Problem 805
Square, Midpoints, Lines, Congruence, Circle, Equilateral Triangles, Midpoint, Side, Circle, Chord, Midpoints.
Pythagoras. Measurement.
Problem 805, Stewart TheoremTriangle, sides
Problem 240. Problem 525. Circles, Diameter, Tangent, and a cevian.
Triangle with Equilateral triangles, Radius, Congruence, Measurement.
Parallelogram. Problem 806
Problem 526. Triangle, Points on sides, Circumcenter,
Problem 241. Equilateral Triangle, Chord, Measurement. Similarity.
Triangle with Equilateral triangles,
Congruence. Problem 527. Problem 807
Circle, Tangent, Secant, Chord, Midpoint, Right Triangle Area, Incircle, Tangency Points,
Problem 242. Measurement. Semicircle Area.
Triangle with Equilateral triangles,
Parallelogram. Problem 528. Problem 808 Parallelogram, Perpendicular,
Triangle, Medians, Perpendicular, Right Triangle, Semicircle Area, Diameter.
Problem 243. Measurement.
Triangle with Equilateral triangles, Problem 809.
Parallelogram. Problem 529. Trisecting a line segment with three circles and
Right Trapezoid, Circle, Diameter. four lines.
Problem 244.
Square, Diagonals, Centers, Distance. Problem 530. Problem 810.
Right Trapezoid, Circle, Diameter. Trisecting a line segment with two circles and
Problem 245. eight lines.
Parallelogram with Equilateral triangles. Problem 531.
Triangle, Angle Bisector, Midpoint, Parallel, Problem 811.
Problem 246. Perimeter, Semiperimeter. Trisecting a line segment with four circles and
Napoleon's Theorem I. External Equilateral one line.
triangles. Outer Napoleon triangle. Problem 532.
Triangle, Circumcircle, Equal Angles, Problem 812.
Problem 247. Perpendicular, Area. Four Tangent Circles, Common Tangent Line,
Napoleon's Theorem II. Internal Equilateral Diameter, Area, Collinear Centers.

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triangles. Inner Napoleon triangle. Problem 533.

Euclid's Elements, Book XIII, Proposition 10. Problem 813.
Problem 248. Right Triangle Area, Excircles, Cathetus,
Napoleon's Theorem III. Inner and outer Problem 534. Tangency Points, Quadrilateral Area.
Napoleon triangles, Area. Right Triangle, Squares, Perpendicular,
Dissection, Areas. Problem 814. Two Equilateral Triangles with a
Problem 249. common Vertex, Angle.
Triangle sides, medians, squares. Problem 535.
Sawayama - Thebault's theorem: Triangle, Problem 815.
Problem 250. Incircle, Circle, Center, Tangent, Collinear. Triangle, Incircle, Semicircles, Arbelos, Area.
Quadrilateral, sides, diagonals, midpoints,
squares. Problem 536. Problem 816.
Intersecting Circles, Chord, Perpendicular. Tangential or Circumscribed Quadrilateral:
Problem 251. Pitot Theorem.
Parallelogram, sides, diagonals, squares, Problem 537.
areas. Rectangle, Midpoints, Diagonal, Angle Problem 817.
Bisector. Two circles, Tangent Lines, Circumscribed
Problem 252. Quadrilaterals.
Rectangle, isosceles right triangle, square, Problem 538.
area. Triangle, Perpendicular Bisector, Circumcircle, Problem 818.
Midpoint. Square, Triangle, Angle.
Problem 253.
Triangle, Centroid, Vertices, Distances, Problem 539. Problem 819.
Squares. Right Triangle, Square, Parallel, Perpendicular, Quadrilateral, Triangle, Angles, 30 degrees.
Dissection, Area, Pythagoras.
Problem 254. Problem 820. Triangle, Cevian, Angles, 30
Triangle, Centroid, Vertices, a Point, Problem 541. Degrees.
Distances, Squares. Right Triangle, Altitude, Angle Bisector,
Congruence. Problem 821. Adams Circle.
Problem 255.
Triangle, Centroid, Vertices, a Point, Problem 542. Problem 822.
Distances, Squares. Right Triangle, Altitude, Angle Bisector, Circle, Semicircle, Arc, Chord, Midpoint,
Perpendicular, 90 Degrees. Sector, Triangle, Area.
Problem 256.
Equilateral Triangle, Circumcircle, Point, Problem 543. Problem 823.
Vertices, Distances. Right Triangle, Altitude, Angle Bisector, Tangent Circles, Diameter, Perpendicular,
Median. Chord, Secant, Triangle, Area, Tangency
Problem 257. Point.
Equilateral Triangle, Circumcircle, Point, Problem 544.
Vertices, Side, Distances, Squares. Right Triangle, Altitude, Median, Equal angles, Problem 824
Measure. Desargues' Theorem, Triangles in Perspective.
Problem 258.
Equilateral Triangle, Circumcircle, Point, Problem 545. Problem 825.
Vertices, Side, Distances, Squares. Acute Triangle, Squares, Altitudes, Area, Circle, Semicircle, Arc, Chord, Midpoint,
Measure. Sector, Triangle, Area.
Problem 259.
Equilateral Triangle, Incircle, Tangency Points, Problem 546. Problem 826: Brianchon's Theorem
Side, Distances, Squares. Triangle, Angle Trisectors, 60 Degrees, Circumscribed Hexagon, Concurrent
Equilateral triangle. Diagonals.
Problem 260.
Equilateral Triangle, Incircle, Tangency Points, Problem 547. Problem 827: Brianchon Corollary
Vertices, Distances, Squares. Triangle, Transversal, Four Circumcircles, Circumscribed Hexagon, Tangency Points,
Concurrency. Diagonal, Opposite Sides, Concurrent lines.
Problem 261.
Regular Pentagon inscribed in a circle, sum of Problem 548. Problem 828
distances. Triangle, Transversal, Four Circumcircles, Quadrilateral, Midpoint, Opposite sides,
Problem 262. Circumcenters, Concyclic Points, Similarity. Diagonals, Concurrent lines, Triangle,
Regular Hexagon inscribed in a circle, sum of Problem 549.
distances. Parallel lines, Transversal, Angle Sums. Problem 829
Triangle, Circumcircle, Parallel, Chord, Side,
Problem 263. Problem 550. Metric Relations.
Triangle, Median, Altitude, Orthogonal Parallel lines, Transversal, Angle Sums.
Projection, Sides. Problem 830
Problem 551. Quadrilateral, Triangle, Angles, 30 degrees,

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More Problems:

Problem 264. Parallel lines, Transversal, Angle Sums. Congruence.

Right Triangle, Altitude, Leg projection,
Hypotenuse, Similarity, Geometric mean. Problem 552. Problem 831
Parallel lines, Transversal, Angle Sums. Quadrilateral, Diagonal, Midpoint, Opposite
Problem 265. Angles, Congruence, Parallelogram.
Right Triangle, Pythagorean Theorem. Problem 553.
Quadrilateral, Angles, Sum. Problem 832
Problem 266. Quadrilateral, Isosceles triangle, 70-70-40
Right Triangle, Altitude, Geometric Mean. Problem 554. degrees, Congruence, Auxiliary lines,
Concave Quadrilateral, Angles, Sum. Equilateral triangle.
Problem 267.
Right Triangle, Product of Catheti. Problem 555. Problem 833
Parallel lines, Angle Sums. Parallelogram, Diagonal, Similarity, Proportion.
Problem 268.Right Triangle, Catheti and
Altitude. Problem 556. Problem 834
Quadrilateral, Diagonal, Angles, Auxiliary Parallelogram, Diagonal, Similarity, Geometric
Problem 269. Lines. Mean, Mean Proportional.
Right Triangle, Altitude, Perpendicular,
Projection. Problem 557. Problem 835
Quadrilateral, Midpoints, Sides, Varignon Isosceles Triangle, Double Angle, Triple Angle,
Problem 270. Tangent Circles, Common Parallelogram, Area, Auxiliary Lines. Auxiliary Lines.
external tangent, Fractional exponents.
Problem 558. Quadrilateral, Trisection, Sides, Problem 836
Problem 271. Wittenbauer Parallelogram, Area, Auxiliary Parallelogram, Perpendicular, Diagonal,
Tangent Circles, the Cube of the Common Lines. Similarity, Metric Relations.
external tangent.
Problem 559. Problem 837
Problem 272. Triangle, Cevian, Incenters, Angle, 90 Triangle, Orthocenter, Circumcenter, Circle,
Tangent Circles, the Cube of the Common Degrees. Concyclic Points.
external tangent.
Problem 560. Problem 838
Problem 273. Triangle, Cevian, Incenter, Incircle, Parallelogram, Perpendicular, Diagonal, Metric
Triangle, Perpendiculars, Area of Squares. Perpendicular, Tangent. Relations.

Problem 274. Problem 561. Problem 839

Isosceles Triangle, 80-80-20, Angles. Triangle, Cevian, Incenter, Incircle, Problem 839: Parallelogram, Perpendicular,
Perpendicular, Tangent. Diagonal, Metric Relations.
Problem 275.
Right Triangle, Circumcircle, Sagitta, Inradius. Problem 562. Problem 840
Triangle, Cevian, Incenter, Perpendicular, Parallelogram, Perpendicular, Diagonal, Metric
Problem 276. Concyclic Points, Cyclic Quadrilateral. Relations, Similarity.
Square, 90 degree Arcs, Circle, Radius.
Problem 563. Problem 841
Problem 277. Regular Pentagon, Center, Rectangle, Triangle, Medians, Centroid, Circumcenters,
Tangent Circles, Common External Tangent. Diagonals, Angle. Perpendicular, Congruence, Similarity.

Problem 278. Problem 564. Problem 842

Tangent Circles, Common External Tangent, Complete Quadrilateral, Incenter, Excenter, Triangle, Medians, Centroid, Four
Chord. Concyclic Points. Circumcenters, Perpendicular, Congruence,
Problem 279. Problem 565.
Tangent Circles, Common External Tangent, Triangle, Isogonal lines, Angles, Congruence, Problem 843
Chords, Inradius. Concyclic Points. Triangle, Medians, Centroid, Four
Circumcenters, Perpendicular, Parallel,
Problem 280. Problem 566. Congruence, Similarity.
Quadrilateral, Perpendiculars, Area of Quadrilateral, Diagonals, Parallel.
Squares. Problem 844
Problem 567. Triangle, Medians, Centroid, Four
Problem 281. Right triangle, Incircle, Excircle, Collinear Circumcenters, Perpendicular, Congruence,
Triangles, Angles, Isosceles, Equilateral. tangency points. Similarity.

Problem 282. Problem 568. Problem 845

Right Triangle, Cevian, Angles, Perpendicular, Triangle, Excircles, Tangency Point, Triangle, Medians, Centroid, Four
Congruence. Congruence. Circumcenters, Perpendicular, Congruence,

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More Problems:

Problem 283. Problem 569.

Circular Sector 90 degrees, Semicircle, Circle Quadrilateral, Excircles, Tangency Points, Problem 846
inscribed, Radius. Congruence. Triangle, Medians, Centroid, Four
Circumcenters, Concyclic Points, Cyclic
Problem 284. Problem 570. Quadrilateral, Similarity.
Circular Sector 90 degrees, Semicircles, Square, Center, Right Triangles, Congruence,
Tangent, Radius. Collinearity Problem 847
van Lamoen Circle, Triangle, Medians,
Problem 285. Problem 571. Centroid, Six Circumcenters, Concyclic Points.
Circular Sector 90 degrees, Semicircles, Circle,Circle, Diameter, Chord, Perpendicular,
Tangent, Radius. Measurement. Problem 848
Special Right triangle, Catheti or legs ratio 1:2,
Problem 286. Problem 572.Right triangle, Median, Circle, 26.5 Degrees. Double angle.
Square, Midpoints, Octagon. Diameter, Excircle, Tangent circles.
Problem 849
Problem 287. Problem 573. Special Right triangle, Catheti or legs ratio 1:3,
Regular Octagon, Diagonals. Cyclic quadrilateral, Angle bisector, 18.5 Degrees. Double angle.
Problem 288. Problem 850
Tangent circles, Harmonic Mean, Radius, Problem 574. Triangle, Double side, Angles, 90 Degrees.
Diameter. Circle, Chord, Secant, Angle Bisector, Special Right triangle.
Problem 289. Problem 851
Tangent circles, Radius, Perpendicular, Problem 575. Triangle, Triple side, Angles, 90 Degrees,
Tangent. Cyclic quadrilateral, Angle bisector, Special Right triangle, Sides ratio 1:3.
Problem 290. Internally Tangent circles, Problem 852
Radius, Perpendicular, Tangent. Problem 576.Centroid, Triangle, Quadrilateral, Triangle, Incircle, Inradius, Tangent, Metric
Parallel, Measurement. Relations.
Problem 291.
Triangle, Circle, Circumradius, Perpendicular. Problem 577. Problem 853
Isosceles triangle, Midpoint, Perpendicular, Square, Arc, Quadrant, Triangle,
Problem 292. Concyclic points, Circle. Perpendicular, Metric Relations.
Triangle, Parallel, Congruence, Similarity.
Problem 578. Problem 854
Problem 293. Circle, Perpendicular Chords, Midpoints, Triangle, Parallel lines, Parallelogram, Areas,
Inscribed Quadrilateral, Perpendicular, Curvilinear Triangle, Area, 90 Degrees. Similarity, Concurrent lines.
Rectangle, Isosceles Right triangle, Area,
Similarity. Problem 579. Problem 855
Quadrilateral, Diagonals, Triangles, Areas. Quadrilateral, Triangle, Angles, 30 degrees,
Problem 294. Congruence, Auxiliary lines.
Right triangle, Circumcenter, Excenter, Problem 580. Triangles, Equal Angle,
Hypotenuse. Transversal, Product of Sides, Areas. Problem 856
Quadrilateral, Diagonals, Triangle, Angles, 30
Problem 295. Problem 581. degrees, Congruence, Auxiliary lines.
Archimedean Twin Circles, Arbelos, Volume of two Triangular Pyramids, Equal
Semicircles, Harmonic Mean, Radii, Problem 857
Trihedral Angle, Product of three Edges.
Perpendicular Triangle, Median, Midpoint, Angles, 30, 45
Problem 582. Degrees, Congruence, Auxiliary Lines.
Problem 296. Quadrilateral, Diagonals, Incenters, Metric
Intersecting Circles, Chord, Radius, Angle, Problem 858
Perpendicular. Isosceles Right Triangle, Cevian, Ratio 2:1, 45
Problem 583. Degrees, Congruence, Angles, Auxiliary Lines.
Problem 297. Quadrilateral, Diagonals, Circumcenters,
Intersecting Circles, Chord, Secant, Radius, Problem 859
Parallelogram, Octagon, Areas.
Angle, Perpendicular. Isosceles Right Triangle, Angles,18, 45
Problem 584. Degrees, Congruence, Perpendicular bisector.
Problem 298. Cyclic Quadrilateral, Diagonals, Circumcenters,
Intersecting Circles, Chord, Secant, Midpoint, Circumcircles, Parallelograms. Problem 860
Congruence. Triangle, Three Medians, Parallel,
Problem 585. Parallelogram, Area, Congruence.
Problem 299. Cyclic Quadrilateral, Diagonals, Circumcenters,
Intersecting Circles, Chord, Secant, Midpoint, Circumcircles, Concurrency. Problem 861
Congruence Triangle, Incircle, Parallel, Tangent, Metric
Problem 586. Relations.

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More Problems:

Problem 300. Cyclic Quadrilateral, Diagonals, Any Point,

Tangent to a circle, Secants, Square. Circumcenters, Circumcircles, Concurrency. Problem 862:
Trapezoid, Parallel, Equal Areas, RMS, Root
Problem 301.Tangents to a circle, Secants, Problem 587. Mean Square
Square Triangle, Incenter, Incircle, Tangency Point,
Midpoint, Distance, Half the Difference. Problem 863
Problem 302. Triangle, Angle bisector of 60 Circumscribed trapezoid, Inscribed Circle,
degrees. Problem 588. Tangent, Metric Relations.
Triangle, Incenter, Incircle, Tangency Points,
Problem 303. Midpoints, Distance, Sum. Problem 864
Triangle, Angle bisector of 90 degrees. Parallelogram, Diagonal, Congruence,
Problem 589. Similarity, Metric Relations.
Problem 304. Triangle, Incenter, Incircle, Tangency Points,
Triangle, Angle bisector of 120 degrees. Midpoint, Perpendicular, Distance.

Problem 305. Problem 590.

Square, Triangles, Angles, Sides. Triangle, Incenter, Incircle, Tangency Point,
Midpoint, Areas.
Problem 306.
Square, Triangles, Angles, Sides. Problem 591.
Triangle, Incenter, Incircle, Inradius, Tangency
Problem 307. Point, Midpoint, Altitude.
Regular Nonagon or Enneagon, Midpoints,
Side, Arc, Angle. Problem 592.
Triangle, Incenter, Incircle, Tangency Point,
Problem 308. Midpoints, Concurrent Lines, Congruence.
Regular Nonagon or Enneagon, Midpoints,
Side, Arc, Angle. Problem 593. Triangle, Circumcircle, Collinear
Problem 309.
Regular Nonagon or Enneagon, Diagonals, Problem 594.
Side. Triangle, Incenter, Incircle, Inradius, Tangency
Point, Midpoint, Altitude, Angle, Half the
Problem 310. Difference.
Circle Inscribed in a Semicircle, 45 Degrees
Angle. Problem 595.
Triangle, Equal Angles, Isogonal Conjugate,

Problem 596.
Quadrilateral, Right Triangle, Isosceles,

Problem 597.
Quadrilateral, Right Triangle, Isosceles, Angle,

Problem 598
Trapezoid, Perpendicular, Equal Angles, Metric

Problem 599
Regular Hexagon, Square, Midpoint, Angle,

Problem 600
Circle, Area, Tangent, Semicircle, Tangency

Problem 601
Cyclic Quadrilateral, Incenter, Excenter,

Problem 602
Triangle, Angles, 30 and 45 Degrees, Cevian,

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Proposed Go Geometry Problem 190. Tangent circles, Tangent chord, Perpen...her Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 190. Tangent circles, Tangent chord, Perpendicular, Distance

In the figure below, AB is the diameter of circle of center O and radius r. OB is the diameter of circle of center O'. The chord AD is tangent to circle O' at

E. If DF is perpendicular to AB and BF = x, prove that . Post your comments or solutions in the blog.

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Geometry Problem 1: Triangle, Angles, Midpoint, Congruence, 45 Degrees, Auxiliary Construction

Online Geometry Problem 1: Triangle, Angles, Midpoint, Congruence, 45 Degrees,

Auxiliary Construction. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics

In a triangle ABC, median BD is such that angles A and DBC are equal. If angle ADB is 45 degrees, prove that the measure of angle
A is 30 degrees. Try to use elementary geometry (Euclid's Elements.)

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction,
the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem.
By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given." (1 of 3) [12/31/2015 4:15:45 AM]
Geometry Problem 1: Triangle, Angles, Midpoint, Congruence, 45 Degrees, Auxiliary Construction

Mind Map: George Pólya's 1945 book, "How to Solve It"

George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem
solving. It suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better?
A mind map is a diagram used to visually organize information, knowledge, concepts or ideas. (2 of 3) [12/31/2015 4:15:45 AM]

Geometry Problem 1: Triangle, Angles, Midpoint, Congruence, 45 Degrees, Auxiliary Construction

Geometric Art 01
Kaleidoscope of Geometry Problem 1 based on Poincare Disk Model

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | Problems Art Gallery | Art | 1-10 |
Triangles | Median | Congruence | By Antonio Gutierrez

Solution / Comment to Geometry Problem 1

Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 (3 of 3) [12/31/2015 4:15:45 AM]

Geometry Problem 2: Triangle, Angles, Congruence, Auxiliary Lines

Online Geometry Problem 2. Triangle, Angles, Auxiliary Lines, 20-80 Degrees. Level: High School, Honors
Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

Prove the following: if, in a triangle ABC, angle BAO = angle OAC = 20°, angle ACO = 10°,and angle OCB = 30°, then angle OBC =
80°. Try to use elementary geometry (Euclid's Elements.) (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:15:49 AM]

Geometry Problem 2: Triangle, Angles, Congruence, Auxiliary Lines
See also: Art 01

Selected Topics

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 1-10 | Key theorems | Email | 1-100
| Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez

Solution / Comment to Geometry Problem 2

Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:15:49 AM]

Geometry Problem 3: Triangle, Angles, 45 degrees, Auxiliary Lines

Online Geometry Problem 3: Triangle, Angles, 45 degrees, Auxiliary Lines. Level: High School, College,
Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a triangle ABC with the median BD such that angle A = 3(angle C), and angle ADB = 45 degrees. Prove that
angle C = 22.5 degrees. Try to use elementary geometry (Euclid's Elements.)

See also: Art 01 (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:15:52 AM]
Geometry Problem 3: Triangle, Angles, 45 degrees, Auxiliary Lines

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By Antonio Gutierrez

Solution / Comment to Geometry Problem 3

Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:15:52 AM]

Geometry Problem 4: Triangle, Quadrilateral, Angles, 120 Degrees

Online Geometry Problem 4. Triangle, Quadrilateral, Angles, 120 Degrees. Level: High School, Honors
Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

In the figure below, AD = CD = BC, and angle C = 2(angle A). Prove that x = 120° - angle A. See also Problem 42.
Try to use elementary geometry (Euclid's Elements.)

See also: Art 01 (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:15:59 AM]

Geometry Problem 4: Triangle, Quadrilateral, Angles, 120 Degrees

Selected Topics

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 1-10 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez

Solution / Comment to Geometry Problem 4

Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:15:59 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 5. Triangle, Angles, Congruence, Isosceles. Level: High School, Honors
Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

In the figure below, AD = BC, BD = CD, angle A = 3x, and angle DBC = 2x. Find x. Try to use elementary geometry (Euclid's

See also: Art 01 (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:16:04 AM]

Selected Topics

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 1-10 | Key theorems | Email | By
Antonio Gutierrez

Solution / Comment to Geometry Problem 5

Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:16:04 AM]

Geometry Problem 6: Triangle, Angles, Double-Angle, Congruence

Online Geometry Problem 6. Triangle, Angles, Double-Angle, Congruence. Level: High School, Honors
Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

In the figure below, AB = CD, angle A = 2x, and angle BCD = 3x. Find x. Try to use elementary geometry (Euclid's Elements.)

See also: Art 01 (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:16:07 AM]

Geometry Problem 6: Triangle, Angles, Double-Angle, Congruence

Selected Topics

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 1-10 | Key theorems | Double Angle
| Email | By Antonio Gutierrez

Solution / Comment to Geometry Problem 6

Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:16:07 AM]

Geometry Problem 7: Triangle, Angles, Congruence

Online Geometry Problem 7. Triangle, Angles, Cevian, Congruence. Level: High School, Honors Geometry,
College, Mathematics Education

In the figure below, AC = BD, angle A = 3x, angle BCD = 4x and angle CBD = 2x. Find x. Try to use elementary geometry (Euclid's
Elements.) (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:16:10 AM]

Geometry Problem 7: Triangle, Angles, Congruence

See also: Art 01

Selected Topics

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 1-10 | Key theorems | Email | By
Antonio Gutierrez

Solution / Comment to Geometry Problem 7

Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:16:10 AM]

Geometry Problem 8: Triangle, Angles, 90 Degrees, Congruence

Online Geometry Problem 8. Triangle, Angles, 90 Degrees, Congruence, Auxiliary Lines. Level: High School,
Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

In the figure below, AB = BC = AD, angle B = 90º, angle CAD = x and angle ACD = 45º - x. Find x. Try to use elementary geometry
(Euclid's Elements.) (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:16:15 AM]

Geometry Problem 8: Triangle, Angles, 90 Degrees, Congruence

See also: Art 01

Selected Topics

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 1-10 | Key theorems | Email | 1-100
| By Antonio Gutierrez

Solution / Comment to Geometry Problem 8

Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:16:15 AM]

Geometry Problem 9: Triangle, Angles, Congruence

Online Geometry Problem 9. Triangle, Angles, Congruence, 30 Degrees, Auxiliary Lines. Level: High School,
Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

In the figure below, AB = BD = AD, angle ACD = 10º, angle CAD = x and angle CBD = x + 30º. Find x. Try to use elementary
geometry (Euclid's Elements.)

See also: (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:16:18 AM]

Geometry Problem 9: Triangle, Angles, Congruence
Sketch problem 9, art 01
Sketch problem 9, art 02
Original problem art 9

Selected Topics

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100 | By Antonio Gutierrez

Solution / Comment to Geometry Problem 9

Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:16:18 AM]

Geometry Problem 10: Triangle, Angles, 80, 20 degrees, Congruence

Online Geometry Problem 10. Triangle, Angles, 80 and 20 degrees, Congruence, Auxiliary Lines. Level: High
School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

In the figure below, AB = CD, angle A = 80 degrees and angle C = 20 degrees. Find x. Try to use elementary geometry (Euclid's

See also: Art 01 (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:16:27 AM]

Geometry Problem 10: Triangle, Angles, 80, 20 degrees, Congruence

Selected Topics

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | Art | 1-10 | Key theorems | Email | 1-
100 | By Antonio Gutierrez

Solution / Comment to Geometry Problem 10

Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:16:27 AM]

Geometry Problem 11: Right triangle, Cevian, Angles

Online Geometry Problem 11: Right triangle, Cevian, Angles, Auxiliary Lines. Level: High School, Honors
Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a right triangle ABC, angle BAD = angle ACB = x, and CD = 2BD. Find x. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:16:32 AM]

Geometry Problem 11: Right triangle, Cevian, Angles

Selected Topics

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 11-20 | Key theorems | Email | 1-
100 | By Antonio Gutierrez

Solution / Comment to Geometry Problem 11

Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:16:32 AM]

Geometry Problem 12: Triangle, Cevian, Angles, Congruence

Online Geometry Problem 12: Triangle, Cevian, Angles, Congruence, Auxiliary Lines. Level: High School,
Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC, angle C = 50º, angle CBD = 15º, and AD = BC. Find x. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:17:00 AM]

Geometry Problem 12: Triangle, Cevian, Angles, Congruence

Selected Topics

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | Art | 11-20 | Key theorems | Email |
1-100 | By Antonio Gutierrez

Solution / Comment to Geometry Problem 12

Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:17:00 AM]

Geometry Problem 13: Triangle, angles, congruence

Online Geometry Problem 13: Triangle, Cevian, Angles, Congruence, Auxiliary Lines. Level: High School,
Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC, angle A = 4x, angle C = 3x, angle CBD = 5x, and AB = CD. Find x. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:17:05 AM]

Geometry Problem 13: Triangle, angles, congruence

Selected Topics

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | Art | 11-20 | Key theorems | Email |
1-100 | By Antonio Gutierrez

Solution / Comment to Geometry Problem 13

Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:17:05 AM]

Geometry Problem 14: Triangle, Cevian, Midpoint, Median, Angles

Online Geometry Problem 14: Obtuse Triangle, Cevian, Midpoint, Median, Angles, Auxiliary Lines. Level:
High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows an obtuse triangle ABC, angle C = x, angle A = angle CBD = 2x, and D midpoint of AC. Find x.

Selected Topics (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:17:13 AM]
Geometry Problem 14: Triangle, Cevian, Midpoint, Median, Angles

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | Art | 11-20 | Email | 1-100 | By
Antonio Gutierrez

Solution / Comment to Geometry Problem 14

Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:17:13 AM]

Geometry Problem 15: Triangle, Cevian, Angles, Congruence

Online Geometry Problem 15: Triangle, Cevian, Angles, 30 Degrees, Congruence, Auxiliary Lines. Level:
High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC, angle ABD = angle DBC = 30º, and BC = AB + AD. Find x. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:17:18 AM]

Geometry Problem 15: Triangle, Cevian, Angles, Congruence

Selected Topics

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | Art | 11-20 | Email | 1-100 | By
Antonio Gutierrez

Solution / Comment to Geometry Problem 15

Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:17:18 AM]

Geometry Problem 16: Triangle, Cevian, Perpendicular, Angles, Congruence

Online Geometry Problem 16: Triangle, Cevian, Perpendicular, Angles, Congruence, Auxiliary Lines. Level:
High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC, angle A = 3x, angle BCE = angle ECD = 2x, BD perpendicular to CE and AC = 2CE.
Find x. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:17:26 AM]

Geometry Problem 16: Triangle, Cevian, Perpendicular, Angles, Congruence

Selected Topics

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | Art | 11-20 | Email | 1-100 | By
Antonio Gutierrez

Solution / Comment to Geometry Problem 16

Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:17:26 AM]

Geometry Problem 17: Right triangles, Altitude, Double Angle

Online Geometry Problem 17: Right triangles, Altitude, Double Angle, Auxiliary Lines. Level: High School,
Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows right triangles ABC and ADC, angle ACB = 2.angle ACD, and DE perpendicular to AC. Prove that AB = 2DE. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:17:29 AM]

Geometry Problem 17: Right triangles, Altitude, Double Angle

Selected Topics

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | Art | 11-20 | Email | 1-100 | Double
Angle | By Antonio Gutierrez

Solution / Comment to Geometry Problem 17

Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:17:29 AM]

Geometry Problem 18: Right triangle, Angles, Double-Angle, Congruence

Online Geometry Problem 18: Right triangle, Angles, Double-Angle, Congruence, Auxiliary Lines. Level: High
School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a right triangle ABC, angle CAE = 2.angle BAE, and angle C = angle AED. Prove that DE = 2BE. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:17:36 AM]

Geometry Problem 18: Right triangle, Angles, Double-Angle, Congruence

Selected Topics

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | Art | 11-20 | Email | 1-100 | Double
Angle | By Antonio Gutierrez

Solution / Comment to Geometry Problem 18

Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:17:36 AM]

Geometry Problem 19 Isosceles Right Triangle, Excenter, Perpendicular, Congruence, College High School

Online Geometry Problem 19: Isosceles Right Triangle, Excenter, Perpendicular, Congruence, Auxiliary
Lines. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

In isosceles triangle ABC (AB = BC), angle B is a right angle. D is the excenter, BE is drawn perpendicular to AD. Prove that AD =
2BE. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:17:51 AM]

Geometry Problem 19 Isosceles Right Triangle, Excenter, Perpendicular, Congruence, College High School

Selected Topics

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | Art | 11-20 | Email | 1-100 | Circle
Tangent Line | By Antonio Gutierrez

Solution / Comment to Geometry Problem 19

Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:17:51 AM]

Geometry Problem 20 Right triangle, Altitude, Perpendiculars, Inradii

Online Geometry Problem 20: Right triangle, Altitude, Perpendiculars, Inradii, Similarity. Level: High School,
Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

In triangle ABC, angle B is a right angle. BD is the altitude, , a, b, and x are the inradii of the triangles AED,
DFC and EDF respectively. Prove that .

See also:
Problem art 20 (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:18:00 AM]

Geometry Problem 20 Right triangle, Altitude, Perpendiculars, Inradii
Sketch problem 20 art 1

Selected Topics

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | Art | 11-20 | Email | 1-100 | Circle
Tangent Line | Right triangle, Altitude and Incircle | Solution / comment | by Antonio Gutierrez
Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:18:00 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 311: Circle Inscribed in a Semicircle, Chord, Diameter. College Geometry, Elearning

Home Geometry Problems 311-320 Semicircle Harmonic Mean Post a comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 311: Circle Inscribed in a Semicircle, Chord, Diameter. Recent Additions
Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry.
In the figure below, circle C is inscribed in a semicircle with diameter AB. If D and E are the tangency points, prove that
or x2 is the harmonic mean of a2 and b2. [12/31/2015 4:18:05 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 312: Cyclic Quadrilateral, Side extensions, Tangents. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning

Problem 312: Cyclic Quadrilateral, Side extensions, Tangents

In the figure below, ABCD is an inscribed quadrilateral in a circle O. The extensions of sides AB and DC meet at point E, and the
extensions of sides AD and BC meet at point F. EG and FH are tangent to the circle O. If EG = a, FH = b and EF = c, prove that

Suggestion: See Problem 915

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | All Problems | 311-320 | Email by Antonio Gutierrez

Add a Solution to the Problem 312 [12/31/2015 4:18:13 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 313: Circle, Chord, Tangent, Perpendicular, Geometric Mean. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning

Problem 313: Circle, Chord, Tangent, Perpendicular, Geometric Mean

The figure shows a circle O, a chord CD and a tangent at E. Lines CB and DA are perpendicular to AB. If EF is perpendicular to CD
prove that EF is the geometric mean of BC and AD: .

Home | Geometry | Search | Geometric Mean | Problems | All Problems | 311-320 | Perpendicular Chords | Parallel Chords | Email | Solution /
comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:18:20 AM]

Tangent circles, Common external tangent line, Geometric Mean. Elearning.

Problem 314: Tangent circles, Common external tangent line, Geometric Mean
Online Math. Activate Flash plug-in or JavaScript and reload to view the Tangent circles, Common external tangent line, Geometric
Mean, Online Learning.

The figure shows circles A (radius a) and B (radius b) tangent at E. A common tangent line is tangent to the circles at C and D,
respectively. Prove that CD is twice the geometric mean of a and b. Post a comment.

Tangent circles, line, geometric mean

Home | Geometry | Search | Geometric Mean | Problems | All Problems | 311-320 | Email [12/31/2015 4:18:44 AM]

Problem 315: Three tangent circles, Common external tangent line, Geometric Mean. Elearning.

Problem 315: Three tangent circles, Common external tangent line, Geometric Mean

The figure shows circles A (radius a), B (radius b), and C (radius c) tangent to both sides of an angle D. Circles A and B are tangent
at the point E, and circles B and C are tangent at the point F. Prove that b is the geometric mean of a and c. Post a comment.

Home | Geometry | Search | Geometric Mean | Problems | Art | All Problems | 311-320 | Email [12/31/2015 4:18:47 AM]

Geometry Problem 316: Circular segments and Inscribed Squares. Elearning.

Geometry Problem 316: Circular segments and Inscribed Squares

The figure shows a circle O with OC perpendicular to chord AB. Squares DEFG and HMNP are inscribed in each of the circular

segments subtended by AB. If DG = a, HM = b, and OC = x, prove that ..

Circular sgment, Inscribed squares

Home | Geometry | Search | Geometric Mean | Problems | All Problems | 311-320 | Parallel Chords | Email | Solution / comment | By
Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:19:19 AM]

Geometry Problem 317: Right triangle and Inscribed Squares. Elearning.

Geometry Problem 317: Right triangle and Inscribed Squares

Online Math. Activate Flash plug-in or JavaScript and reload to view problem about Right triangle and Inscribed Squares, Online

The figure shows a right triangle ABC and the inscribed squares DEFG (side x), HJKD (side a), and GMNP (side b). Proved that x = a
+ b. Post a comment.

Home | Geometry | Search | Geometric Mean | Problems | All Problems | 311-320 | Email [12/31/2015 4:19:25 AM]

Geometry Problem 318: A Scalene triangle, Altitudes, Collinear points. High school geometry help. Elearning.

Home Geometry Problems Art Collinear Points All Problems 311-320 Post a comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 318. Scalene triangle, Altitudes, Collinear points. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a scalene triangle ABC and the altitudes AHA, BHB, CHC. Lines HBHA and AB meet at C1, lines HCHA and AC meet
at B1 , lines HBHC and CB meet at A1. Proved that A1, B1, and C1 are collinear. [12/31/2015 4:19:27 AM]

Geometry Problem 319: Triangle, Altitudes, Perpendiculars, Collinear points. Geometry classes. Elearning.

Geometry Problem 319: Triangle, Altitudes, Perpendiculars, Collinear points

Online Math. Activate Flash plug-in or JavaScript and reload to view problem about Triangle, Altitudes, Perpendiculars, Collinear points.
Geometry Classes. Online Learning.

The figure shows a triangle ABC and the altitudes AD, BH, and CE. HF is perpendicular to AB, HG perpendicular to AD, HM
perpendicular to CE, and HN perpendicular to BC. Proved that F, G, M, and N are collinear. Post a comment.

Home | Geometry | Search | Collinear Points | Problems | All Problems | 311-320 | Email [12/31/2015 4:19:32 AM]

Geometry Problem 320: Triangle, Circumcircle, Incenter, Excenter, Collinear points. Geometry classes. Elearning.

Home Geometry Problems Collinear Points 311-320 Post a solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 320: Triangle, Circumcircle, Incenter, Excenter, Collinear points. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a triangle ABC with circumcircle C1, incenter I, and excenter E relative to BC. IE intersect BC at F; IE intersect C1 at G.
H is the midpoint of arc AG. HI intersect C1 at M and HE intersect C1 at N. Proved that M, F, and N are collinear. [12/31/2015 4:19:36 AM]

Geometry Problem 321: Triangle, Incenter, Excircle, Midpoint of the Altitude, Collinearity. Geometry classes. Elearning.

Geometry Problem 321: Triangle, Incenter, Excircle, Midpoint of the Altitude, Collinearity

The figure shows a triangle ABC with incenter I, and M midpoint of the altitude AH. If F is the point of tangency of BC and the excircle
relative to BC, prove that M, I, and F are collinear. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:19:42 AM]

Geometry Problem 321: Triangle, Incenter, Excircle, Midpoint of the Altitude, Collinearity. Geometry classes. Elearning.

Home | Geometry | Search | Collinear Points | Problems | All Problems | 321-330 | Solution / comment | Email (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:19:42 AM]

Geometry Problem 322: Square, Inscribed circle, Tangent, Triangle area. Geometry classes. Elearning.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Square area 321-330 Circle Inscribed in a Square Area of a Triangle Solution / comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Geometry Problem 322: Square, Inscribed circle, Tangent, Triangle area. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a square ABCD with EF tangent to the inscribed circle O. Prove that area of triangle CEF is a quarter of the area of
square ABCD. . [12/31/2015 4:19:49 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 323: Triangle, Incenter, Circumcenter, Equal circles, Collinearity. Geometry classes. Elearning.

Home Geometry Problems Collinear Points 321-330 Post a comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 323: Triangle, Incenter, Circumcenter, Equal circles, Collinearity. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a triangle ABC with incenter I and circumcenter O. Circles D, E, and F are congruent circles passing through point G.
Circle D is tangent to AB and AC, circle E is tangent to AB and BC, and circle F is tangent to AC and BC. Prove that O, G, and I are
collinear. [12/31/2015 4:19:56 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 324: Quadrilateral with perpendicular di...cher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 324: Quadrilateral with perpendicular diagonals, Concurrence

The figure shows a quadrilateral ABCD with perpendicular diagonals intersecting at E. EF, EG, EH and EM are perpendicular to AB,
BC, CD, and AD, respectively. Prove that lines FG, AC, and MH are concurrent.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 321-330 | Email | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:20:17 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 325. Isosceles triangle, Altitude, Cevian, Incircle, Excircle. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS

Home Geometry Problems 321-330 Post a comment By Antonio Gutierrez

Problem 325. Isosceles triangle, Altitude, Cevian, Incircle, Excircle. Recent Additions
Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry.
The figure shows an isosceles triangle ABC with AB = BC. AH is an altitude and D is a point on AC. The incircle of triangle ABD and the
excircle of triangle BDC, relative to CD, are equal circles with radius r, Prove that AH = 4.r
. [12/31/2015 4:20:21 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 326. Equilateral triangle, Semicircle, Equal arcs. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS

Home Geometry Problems 321-330 Semicircle Post a comment By Antonio Gutierrez

Problem 326. Equilateral triangle, Semicircle, Equal arcs. Recent Additions
Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry.
The figure shows an equilateral triangle ABC. D and E are points dividing the semicircle of diameter BC into three equal arcs. Prove that
the lines AD and AE divide the side BC into three equal parts. [12/31/2015 4:20:27 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 327. Right triangle Area, Incircle, Circumcircle, Square. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS

Home Geometry Problems Art 321-330 Semicircle Right Triangle Area Post a comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 327. Right triangle Area, Incircle, Circumcircle, Square Recent Additions
Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry.
The figure shows a right triangle ABC. The incircle I is tangent to AC at D. The line DI meet the circumcircle O at E. Prove that the
triangle ABC has the same area as the square on DE. [12/31/2015 4:20:37 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 603: Parallelogram, Diagonals, Congruence, Concurrency. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Online Geometry Problem 603: Parallelogram, Diagonals, Congruence, Concurrency

The figure shows a parallelogram ABCD. E is on DA extended, F is on DC extended, G is on BC extended, and H is on BA extended.
If EFGH is a parallelogram, prove that lines AC, BD, EG, FH, MN, and PQ are concurrent.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | All Problems | 601-610 | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:20:39 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 604: Parallelograms, Triangle, Trapezoid, Area. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Online Geometry Problem 604: Parallelograms, Triangle, Trapezoid, Area

The figure shows a parallelogram ABCD. E is on DC extended and AEFG is a parallelogram. If the area of triangle ABG is 3 and the
area of trapezoid BFEH is 7, find the area of trapezoid ADCH.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | All Problems | 601-610 | Area of a Parallelogram | Email | Post a comment or solution | By
Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:20:43 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 605: Circle, Square, Chord, Perpendicular, Metric Relations. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Online Geometry Problem 605: Circle, Square, Chord, Perpendicular, Metric Relations

The figure shows a circle of center O with a chord AB. The squares CDEF and GHMN are inscribed in each of the circular segments
subtended by AB. If OL is perpendicular to AB and DN = 4, find OL.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Art | All Problems | 601-610 | | Circular Segment | Email | Post a comment or solution | By
Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:20:49 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 606: Isosceles Triangles, Perpendicular and Parallel Lines. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 606: Isosceles Triangles, Perpendicular and Parallel Lines. Level: Mathematics
Education, High School, College

The figure shows the isosceles triangles ABC and DBE. If FG, FH, FM, and FN are perpendicular to AB, BC, BD, and BE,
respectively, prove that lines GH and MN are parallel. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:20:55 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 606: Isosceles Triangles, Perpendicular and Parallel Lines. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 601-610 | Triangles | Circles | Perpendicular | Parallel | Email | Post
a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:20:55 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 607: Intersecting Circles, Triangles, Metric Relations, Measurement. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 607: Intersecting Circles, Triangles, Metric Relations, Measurement. Level:
Mathematics Education, High School, College

The figure shows the intersecting circles A and B at points C and D. Line AC and circle B meet at E, line BC and circle A meet at F,
and lines EF and AB meet at G. If AB = 10, EF = 4, and FG = 8, find the measure of BG. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:20:58 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 607: Intersecting Circles, Triangles, Metric Relations, Measurement. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 601-610 | Triangles | Circles | Intersecting Circles | Metric Relations
| Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:20:58 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 608: Square with Right Triangles, Metric Relations, Congruence, Measurement. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 608: Square with Right Triangles, Metric Relations, Congruence, Measurement.
Level: Mathematics Education, High School, College

The figure shows a square ABCD with the right triangles AED and CFD. Lines AF and CD meet at G, lines CE and DA meet at H,
lines GH and AE meet at M, lines GH and CF meet at N. Prove that GN and HM are congruent. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:21:05 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 608: Square with Right Triangles, Metric Relations, Congruence, Measurement. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 601-610 | Triangle and Squares | Triangles | Right
Triangle | Congruence | Metric Relations | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:21:05 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 609: Triangle, Perpendiculars, 90 Degrees, Collinearity. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 609: Triangle, Perpendiculars, 90 Degrees, Collinearity. Level: Mathematics
Education, High School, College

The figure shows a triangle ABC with a point D. DE is perpendicular to DC (E is on BA extended), DF is perpendicular to DA (F is on
BC extended), and DG is perpendicular to DB (G is on AC extended). Prove that points E, F, G are collinear. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:21:08 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 609: Triangle, Perpendiculars, 90 Degrees, Collinearity. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 601-610 | Triangles | Perpendicular lines |
Collinear Points | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:21:08 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 610: Intersecting Circles, Radius, Parallel, Common Tangent, Angle, 90 Degrees. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 610: Intersecting Circles, Radius, Parallel, Common Tangent, Angle, 90 Degrees.
Level: Mathematics Education, High School, College

The figure shows the intersecting circles A and B at points C and D. A radius AE is parallel to radius BF. Lines AB and EF meet at G.
The common external tangent HM and AB extended meet at N. Prove that the measure of angle GCN is 90 degrees. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:21:18 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 610: Intersecting Circles, Radius, Parallel, Common Tangent, Angle, 90 Degrees. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 601-610 | Triangles | Perpendicular lines | Circles |
Intersecting Circles | Parallel lines | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:21:18 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 611: Altitude of a Triangle, Perpendicular, Collinearity, Parallel. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 611: Altitude of a Triangle, Perpendicular, Collinear Points, Parallel. Level:
Mathematics Education, High School, College

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the altitude BD. DE is perpendicular to AB and DF is perpendicular to BC. BD and EF meet at
G. Lines AG and DF meet at H, lines CG and DE meet at M. Prove that (1) the points M, B, and H are collinear; (2) MH is parallel to
AC. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:21:28 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 611: Altitude of a Triangle, Perpendicular, Collinearity, Parallel. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 611-620 | Triangles | Perpendicular lines |
Collinear Points | Altitude | Parallel lines | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:21:28 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 612: Altitude of a Triangle, Perpendicular, Congruence. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 612: Altitude of a Triangle, Perpendicular, Congruence. Level: Mathematics
Education, High School, College

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the altitude BD. DE is perpendicular to AB and DF is perpendicular to BC. BD and EF meet at
G. AG and DE meet at H, CG and DF meet at M. Lines BH and AC meet at N, lines BM and AC meet at P. Prove that BN and BP
are congruent. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:21:35 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 612: Altitude of a Triangle, Perpendicular, Congruence. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 611-620 | Triangles | Perpendicular lines |
Congruence | Altitude | Parallel lines | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:21:35 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 613: Triangle, Cevians, Collinear Points. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 613: Triangle, Cevians, Collinear Points. Level: Mathematics Education, High
School, College

The figure shows a triangle ABC with a cevian BD. E is a point on AB and F a point on BC. BD and EF meet at G. AG and DE meet
at H, CG and DF meet at M, and FE and CA meet at N. Prove that points N, H, and M are collinear.
A cevian is a line segment drawn from the vertex of a triangle to the opposite side (or its extension).

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 611-620 | Triangles | Perpendicular lines |
Collinear Points | Altitude | Parallel lines | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:21:38 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 614: Parallelogram, Diagonals, Intersecting Lines, Parallel Lines, Metric Relations, Measurement. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 614: Parallelogram, Diagonals, Intersecting Lines, Parallel Lines. Level:
Mathematics Education, High School, College

The figure shows a parallelogram ABCD with a point E on BC. AE and BD meet at F, AC and DE meet at G, AE and BG meet at H,
and DE and CF meet at at M. Prove that HM is parallel to AD. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:21:44 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 614: Parallelogram, Diagonals, Intersecting Lines, Parallel Lines, Metric Relations, Measurement. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 611-620 | Triangles | Parallelograms | Parallel lines | Metric
Relations | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:21:44 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 615: Right Triangle with a Square, Diagonals, Center, Area of Quadrilateral, Measurement. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 615: Right Triangle with a Square, Diagonals, Center, Area of Quadrilateral. Level:
Mathematics Education, High School, College

The figure shows a right triangle ABC with the square ACDE of center O. If BO = 6 find the area of quadrilateral ABCO. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:21:53 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 615: Right Triangle with a Square, Diagonals, Center, Area of Quadrilateral, Measurement. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 611-620 | Areas | Triangles | Square | Quadrilateral | Area | Square |
Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:21:53 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 616: Parallelogram, Diagonals, Intersecting Lines, Parallel Lines, Metric Relations, Measurement. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 616: Parallelogram, Diagonals, Intersecting Lines, Parallel Lines. Level:
Mathematics Education, High School, College

The figure shows a parallelogram ABCD with a point E on BC. AE and BD meet at F, AC and DE meet at G, and BG and CF meet at
H. Prove that EH, AB and CD are parallel lines. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:22:07 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 616: Parallelogram, Diagonals, Intersecting Lines, Parallel Lines, Metric Relations, Measurement. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 611-620 | Triangles | Parallelograms | Parallel lines | Metric
Relations | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:22:07 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 617: Right Triangle Area, Incircle, Incenter, Tangent, 90 Degrees. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 617: Right Triangle Area, Incircle, Incenter, Tangent, 90 Degrees. Level: High
School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a right triangle ABC, the incircle and the hypotenuse are tangent at D. If AD = 2, and CD = 3, find the area of
triangle ABC. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:22:12 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 617: Right Triangle Area, Incircle, Incenter, Tangent, 90 Degrees. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 611-620 | Triangles | Incenter | Right Triangle | Areas | Triangle
Area | Right Triangle Area | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:22:12 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 618: Triangle Area, 60 Degrees, Incircle, Incenter, Tangent. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 618: Triangle Area, 60 Degrees, Incircle, Incenter, Tangent. Level: High School,
Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the angle A equal to 60 degrees, the incircle and BC are tangent at D. If BD = 2, and CD = 5,
find the area of triangle ABC. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:22:15 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 618: Triangle Area, 60 Degrees, Incircle, Incenter, Tangent. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 611-620 | Triangles | Incenter | Angles: 30, 60, 120 degrees | Areas
| Triangle Area | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:22:15 AM]

Geometry Problem 21 Acute triangle, Orthocenter, Diameter

Online Geometry Problem 21: Acute Triangle, Orthocenter, Circle, Diameter, Tangent, Collinear Points.
Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The drawing shows an acute triangle ABC with the orthocenter H. The tangents from A to the circle with diameter BC touch the circle
at M and N. Prove that M, H, N are collinear (passing through the same straight line).

See also: (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:22:22 AM]
Geometry Problem 21 Acute triangle, Orthocenter, Diameter
Sketch problem 21, art 01
Original problem art 21

Selected Topics

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | Problems Art Gallery | Art | 21-30 |
Circles | Orthocenter | Diameters | Collinear Points | Circle Tangent Line | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez
Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:22:22 AM]

Proposed Problem 22 Right triangle, Altitude, Incircles, Inradius

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Open Problems 10 Problems 21-30 Visual Index Circle Tangent Line Right triangle, Altitude and Incircle
Solution / comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 22: Right triangle, Altitude, Perpendiculars, Inradii Recent Additions
Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry
The figure shows a right triangle ABC with the altitude BD. Lines DE and DF are perpendicular to AB and BC, respectively, r, r1, and r2
are the inradii of the triangles ABC, AED, and DFC respectively. Prove that r1 + r2 = r. [12/31/2015 4:22:27 AM]

Geometry Problem 23: Right Triangle, Altitude, Incircles, Inradius

Online Geometry Problem 23: Right Triangle, Altitude, Circle, Incircles, Inradius. Level: High School, Honors
Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

In triangle ABC, angle B is a right angle. BD is the altitude, r, r1, and r2, are the inradii of the triangles ABC, ADB, and BDC
respectively. Prove that r + r1 + r2 = BD. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:22:44 AM]

Geometry Problem 23: Right Triangle, Altitude, Incircles, Inradius

Selected Topics

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | Problems Art Gallery | Art | 21-30 |
Circles | Right Triangle | Incircle | Circle Tangent Line | Right triangle, Altitude and Incircle | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez
Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:22:44 AM]

Geometry Problem 24 Right triangle, Altitude, Incircles, Inradius

Problem 24: Right triangle, Altitude, Incircles. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry

In triangle ABC, angle B is a right angle. BD is the altitude, r, r1, and r2, are the inradii of the triangles ABC, ADB, and BDC respectively.
Prove that .

Selected Topics
Home | Geometry | Altitude | Problems | Open Problems | 10 Problems | 21-30 | Circle Tangent Line | Right triangle, Altitude and Incircle |
Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez
Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 [12/31/2015 4:22:51 AM]

Geometry Problem 25: Right triangle, Altitude, Incircles, Incenter, COngruence, Perpendicular

Online Geometry Problem 25: Right Triangle, Altitude, Incenters, Perpendicular, Congruence. Level: High
School, College, Mathematics Education

In triangle ABC, angle B is a right angle. BD is the altitude, E, F, and G are the incenters of the triangles ABC, ADB, and BDC
respectively. Prove that BE and FG are congruent and perpendicular. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:23:01 AM]

Geometry Problem 25: Right triangle, Altitude, Incircles, Incenter, COngruence, Perpendicular

Selected Topics

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 21-30 | Altitude | Circle Tangent Line | Right
triangle, Altitude and Incircle | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez
Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:23:01 AM]

Geometry Problem 26 Right triangle, Altitude, Incircles, Incenter, 45 Degrees

Home > Proposed Problems | Open Problems | 10 Problems | 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 | Previous, Next

Problem 26: Right triangle, Altitude, Incenters, Inradius, 45 Degrees. Level: High School,
SAT Prep, College geometry

In triangle ABC, angle B is a right angle. BD is the altitude, E, F, and G are the incenters of the triangles
ABC, ADB, and BDC respectively; r is the inradius of triangle ABC. Prove that ..

Selected Topics

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 21-30 | Altitude | Circle Tangent Line | Right triangle, Altitude and
Incircle | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez
Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 [12/31/2015 4:23:10 AM]

Geometry Problem 27 Right triangle, Incircles, Incenter, Square

Home > Proposed Problems | Open Problems | 10 Problems | 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 | Previous, Next

Problem 27 Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry

In triangle ABC, angle B is a right angle. O is the incenter of triangle ABC, From O parallels FG and HM are
drawn to AB, and BC. r1, and r2, are the inradii of the triangles AHM, and FGC respectively, the points D
and E are points of tangency. Prove that ..

Selected Topics

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 21-30 | Right triangle, Altitude and Incircle | Email | Solution /
comment | By Antonio Gutierrez
Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 [12/31/2015 4:23:13 AM]

Geometry Problem 28: Right triangle, Incircles, Incenter, Square

Problem 28: Right Triangle, Altitude, Inradius, Tangency Points, Congruence, Measure. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
In triangle ABC, angle B is a right angle. BD is the altitude. r1, and r2, are the inradii of the triangles ADB, and BDC
respectively, the points E, F, and G are points of tangency. Prove that .

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given."

Home Geometry Problems All problems Open Problems 10 Problems Visual Index Problems Art Gallery 21-30 Circle Tangent Line Right triangle, Altitude and Incircle
Solution / comment By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:23:17 AM]

Proposed Problem 29 Right triangle, Incircles, Incenter. Geometry help: College, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Problem 29. Right Triangle. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry
In triangle ABC, angle B is a right angle, BD is the altitude, O is the incenter, r is the inradius, BE is the bisector of angle ABD, BF is the
bisector of angle DBC. EO and FO are extended until they meet sides BC and AB at H and G, respectively. Prove the following:
1. EF = 2r
2. M is the midpoint of EF

3. OE = OF = OB =
4. O is the circumcenter of triangle BEF
5. Quadrilateral BHOG is cyclic
6. OG = OH
7.EH and FG are congruent and perpendicular
8. Angles A and BOH are congruent, similarly C and BOG
9. GH is parallel to AC
10. EG = FH
. (1 of 4) [12/31/2015 4:23:26 AM]

Proposed Problem 29 Right triangle, Incircles, Incenter. Geometry help: College, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Hints: See Geometry Help

Mind Map: George Pólya's 1945 book, "How to Solve It"

George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving.
It suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better?
A mind map is a diagram used to visually organize information, knowledge, concepts or ideas. (2 of 4) [12/31/2015 4:23:26 AM]

Proposed Problem 29 Right triangle, Incircles, Incenter. Geometry help: College, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 21-30 | Altitude | Circle Tangent Line | Right triangle, Altitude and Incircle | Email | Solution /
comment | By Antonio Gutierrez
Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 (3 of 4) [12/31/2015 4:23:26 AM]

Proposed Problem 29 Right triangle, Incircles, Incenter. Geometry help: College, SAT Prep. Online math tutor (4 of 4) [12/31/2015 4:23:26 AM]

Geometry Help: Problem 29, Key Facts Propositions

Geometry Help: Problem 29

Before beginning the solution of Problem 29, we need to be aware of the following preliminary propositions:

DEFINITION 1. Midpoint is the point on a line segment dividing it into two segments of equal length.

DEFINITION 2. Angle Bisector is a ray that divides the angle into two congruent adjacent angles. (1 of 9) [12/31/2015 4:23:44 AM]

Geometry Help: Problem 29, Key Facts Propositions

DEFINITION 3. Triangle is a three side polygon. Polygon is a closed plane figure with n sides. Altitude is the perpendicular line
segment from one vertex to the line that contains the opposite side.

PROPOSITION 1. If two lines are parallel, each pair of alternate interior angles are congruent. Also converse.

PROPOSITION 2. Two acute angles are congruent if their sides are respectively perpendicular to each other. (2 of 9) [12/31/2015 4:23:44 AM]

Geometry Help: Problem 29, Key Facts Propositions

PROPOSITION 3. The sum of the measures of the three angles of a triangle is 180.

PROPOSITION 4. The measure of an exterior angle of a triangle equals the sum of the measures of the two non-adjacent interior angles.

PROPOSITION 5. The sum of the measures of the acute angles of a right triangle is 90 (complementary). (3 of 9) [12/31/2015 4:23:44 AM]

Geometry Help: Problem 29, Key Facts Propositions

PROPOSITION 6. Triangle Congruence S.A.S. If two sides and the included angle of one triangle are congruent to the corresponding
parts of another, then the triangles are congruent.

PROPOSITION 7. Triangle Congruence A.S.A. If two angles and the included side of one triangle are congruent to the corresponding
parts of another, then the triangles are congruent.

PROPOSITION 8. Triangle Congruence S.S.S. If three sides of one triangle are congruent to the three sides of a second triangle, then
the triangles are congruent.

PROPOSITION 9. Any point on the bisector of an angle is equidistant from the sides of the angle. (4 of 9) [12/31/2015 4:23:44 AM]

Geometry Help: Problem 29, Key Facts Propositions

PROPOSITION 10. If a line is tangent to a circle, it is perpendicular to a radius at the point of tangency.

PROPOSITION 11. The bisectors AD, BF and CE of the angles of a triangle ABC meet in a point I, which is equidistant from the sides of
the triangle.
The incircle is the inscribed circle of a triangle. The center of the incircle is called the incenter, and the radius of the circle is called the
inradius. (5 of 9) [12/31/2015 4:23:44 AM]

Geometry Help: Problem 29, Key Facts Propositions

PROPOSITION 12. The circumcenter O of the triangle ABC is the concurrence point of the three perpendicular bisectors of the sides.
The circumcenter has the same distance to the three vertices.

PROPOSITION 13. In the same or congruent circles, congruent arcs have congruent chords. Also converse.

PROPOSITION 14. Two tangent segments to a circle from an external point are congruent. (6 of 9) [12/31/2015 4:23:44 AM]

Geometry Help: Problem 29, Key Facts Propositions

PROPOSITION 15. Isosceles triangle: If two sides of a triangle are congruent, the angles opposite these sides are congruent. Also

PROPOSITION 16. For a right triangle with catheti (legs) a and b, the hypotenuse c, and the inradius r: a + b = c + 2r.

PROPOSITION 17. Right triangle 45-45-90: the measure of either leg equals one-half the measure of the hypotenuse time . (7 of 9) [12/31/2015 4:23:44 AM]

Geometry Help: Problem 29, Key Facts Propositions

PROPOSITION 18. A central angle is measured by its intercepted arc.

PROPOSITION 19. An inscribed angle is measured by one-half its intercepted arc.

PROPOSITION 20. A cyclic quadrilateral is a quadrilateral whose vertices all lie on a single circle.
Opposite angles of a cyclic (inscribed) quadrilateral are supplementary. Also converse.

Selected Topics
Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez Last updated: June 27, 2009 (8 of 9) [12/31/2015 4:23:44 AM]

Geometry Help: Problem 29, Key Facts Propositions (9 of 9) [12/31/2015 4:23:44 AM]

Geometry Problem 30 Right triangle, Incircles, Incenter

Problem 30. Right Triangle, Incenter, Inradius. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry
In a triangle ABC, angle B is a right angle, E is the incenter, r is the inradius, EF is perpendicular to AE and FG is perpendicular to BC.
Prove that BG = 2r.
Hints: See Geometry Help

Selected Topics
Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 21-30 | Email | Post a solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez
Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 [12/31/2015 4:23:49 AM]

Geometry Problem 31 Right triangle, Incircles, Incenter

Problem 31. Right Triangle, Incenter. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry
In triangle ABC, angle B is a right angle, E is the incenter, r is the inradius, EF is perpendicular to AE, FG is perpendicular to BC, ED is
perpendicular to CE, and DH is perpendicular to AB. Prove that H, E, and G are collinear. Post a comment.
Hints: See Geometry Help

Selected Topics

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Open Problems | 10 Problems | 31-40 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez
Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:24:02 AM]

Geometry Problem 31 Right triangle, Incircles, Incenter (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:24:02 AM]

Geometry Problem 32 Triangle, Cevian, Incircles, Tangents

Problem 32. Triangle, Cevian, Incircles. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry

Point D is taken on side AC of triangle ABC, the incircle E of triangle ABC touches AC at H, the incircle F of triangle ABD touches BD at
L, and the incircle G of triangle BDC touches BD at K. Prove that DH = KL.
A cevian (BD) is a line segment which joins a vertex of a triangle with a point on the opposite side (or its extension).

Selected Topics (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:24:05 AM]

Geometry Problem 32 Triangle, Cevian, Incircles, Tangents

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Open Problems | 10 Problems | 31-40 | Wolfram Demonstrations Project | Circle Tangent Line |
Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez
Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:24:05 AM]

Geometry Problem 33 Triangle and Quadrilateral

Problem 33. Triangle and Quadrilateral. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry
The figure shows a right triangle BAD, m∠ ABD = m∠ DCE = x, and m∠ BAC = 2 m∠ BDC. Prove that x = 45º.
Post a comment.

Selected Topics

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Open Problems | 10 Problems | 31-40 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez
Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:24:16 AM]

Geometry Problem 33 Triangle and Quadrilateral (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:24:16 AM]

Geometry Problem 34 Right Triangle, Cevian, Incircles, and tangents. Proof.

Problem 34. Right Triangle, Incircles, Inradius. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry
The figure shows a right triangle ABC, r is the inradius. Point D is taken on side AC, the incircles of triangles ABC, ABD and BDC
touches the sides at E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, and N, respectively. Prove that DN = GK = EH and r = BJ - DL

Selected Topics
Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Open Problems | 10 Problems | 31-40 | Circle Tangent Line | Email | Solution / comment | By
Antonio Gutierrez
Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:24:18 AM]

Geometry Problem 34 Right Triangle, Cevian, Incircles, and tangents. Proof. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:24:18 AM]

Geometry Problem 35 Incenters and Inradii in Cyclic Quadrilateral

Problem 35. Incenters and Inradii in Cyclic Quadrilateral. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College

The figure shows a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD. E, F, G, and H are the incenters and ra, rb, rc, and rd are the inradii of the triangles ABD,
ABC, BCD and ACD respectively. Prove that EFGH is a rectangle and ra + rc = rb + rd. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:24:29 AM]

Geometry Problem 35 Incenters and Inradii in Cyclic Quadrilateral

Selected Topics

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Open Problems | 10 Problems | 31-40 | Circle Tangent Line | Email | Solution / comment | By
Antonio Gutierrez
Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:24:29 AM]

Geometry Problem 36 Right triangle, altitude, incircles

Problem 36. Right triangle, altitude, incircles. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
In triangle ABC, angle B is a right angle. BD is the altitude, r, r1, and r2, are the inradii of the triangles ABC, ADB, and BDC respectively.
Prove that .

Selected Topics

Home | Geometry | Problems | Open Problems | 10 Problems | 31-40 | Circle Tangent Line | Right triangle, Altitude and Incircle | Email |
Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez
Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:24:36 AM]

Geometry Problem 36 Right triangle, altitude, incircles (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:24:36 AM]

Geometry Problem 37: Right triangle, altitude, incenter, orthocenter

Problem 37. Right triangle, altitude, incenters, orthocenter. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
In triangle ABC, angle B is a right angle. BD is the altitude, E, F, and G are the incenters of the triangles ABC, ADB, and BDC
respectively. Prove that E is the orthocenter of triangle BFG. .

Selected Topics

Home | Geometry | Problems | Open Problems | 10 Problems | 31-40 | Circle Tangent Line | Right triangle, Altitude and Incircle | Email |
Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez
Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:24:46 AM]

Geometry Problem 37: Right triangle, altitude, incenter, orthocenter (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:24:46 AM]

Geometry Problem 38 Right triangle, altitude, incenter, angles

Home Geometry Problems Open Problems 10 Problems31-40 Circle Tangent Line Right triangle, Altitude and Incircle Solution / comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 38. Right triangle, Altitude, Incenters, Angles. Recent Additions
Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry.
In triangle ABC, angle B is a right angle. BD is the altitude, E, F, and G are the incenters of the triangles ABC, ADB, and BDC
respectively. Prove that angles .
. [12/31/2015 4:24:58 AM]

Geometry Help: Problem 39, Angle, Circle, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Key Facts Propositions

Geometry Help: Proposed Problem 39. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College

Before beginning the solution of Problem 39, we need to be aware of the following preliminary propositions:


Geometry combines simple conceptual building blocks to construct complex logical structures. These building blocks include undefined
terms, defined terms, and postulates. Combining these components creates chains of reasoning that support conclusions called
Point, Line, and Plane are undefined terms of Geometry. These undefined terms underlie the definitions of all geometric terms.

● A point has position only. It has no length, width, or thickness.

● A line has length but has no width or thickness. A line may be straight, curved or a combination of these. In this website, the word
line will mean "straight line" unless you are told otherwise.
● A plane has length and width but no thickness. A plane describes a flat surface such as a floor, or desktop.
● Plane geometry is the geometry of plane figures. In this website, the word figure will mean "plane figure" unless you are told (1 of 9) [12/31/2015 4:25:10 AM]
Geometry Help: Problem 39, Angle, Circle, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Key Facts Propositions

METHOD OF PROOF: Deductive Reasoning

Deductive Reasoning Method enables us to derive true or acceptably true conclusions from statements which are true or accepted as
true such as undefined terms, definitions, axioms, postulates and previously proven theorems or propositions.
Using the deductive method, we start with a few true statements (the axioms) and use them to prove dozens, hundreds, or thousands, of
other statements (the theorems).
Geometry was organized by the Greek mathematician Euclid, and his deductive method is still used by mathematicians today.

Midpoint is the point on a line segment dividing it into two segments of equal length.

DEFINITION 2. Angle is the figure formed by two rays with a common end point.
Congruent angles are angles that have the exact same measure (the same number of degrees).
Angle Bisector is a ray that divides the angle into two congruent adjacent angles. (2 of 9) [12/31/2015 4:25:10 AM]

Geometry Help: Problem 39, Angle, Circle, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Key Facts Propositions

DEFINITION 3. Perpendiculars are lines or rays or segments that meet at right angles.

DEFINITION 4. Parallel lines are straight lines which lie in the same plane and do not intersect however far they are extended.
PROPOSITION 1. If two lines are parallel, each pair of alternate interior angles are congruent. Also converse.

PROPOSITION 2. If two lines are parallel, each pair of corresponding angles are congruent. Also converse. (3 of 9) [12/31/2015 4:25:10 AM]

Geometry Help: Problem 39, Angle, Circle, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Key Facts Propositions

DEFINITION 5. Triangle is a three side polygon. Polygon is a closed plane figure with n sides. Altitude is the perpendicular line
segment from one vertex to the line that contains the opposite side.

PROPOSITION 3. The sum of the measures of the three angles of a triangle is 180.

PROPOSITION 4. The measure of an exterior angle of a triangle equals the sum of the measures of the two non-adjacent interior angles. (4 of 9) [12/31/2015 4:25:10 AM]

Geometry Help: Problem 39, Angle, Circle, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Key Facts Propositions

PROPOSITION 5. The sum of the measures of the acute angles of a right triangle is 90 (complementary).

PROPOSITION 6. Triangle Congruence S.A.S. If two sides and the included angle of one triangle are congruent to the corresponding
parts of another, then the triangles are congruent.

PROPOSITION 7. Triangle Congruence A.S.A. If two angles and the included side of one triangle are congruent to the corresponding
parts of another, then the triangles are congruent.

PROPOSITION 8. Triangle Congruence S.S.S. If three sides of one triangle are congruent to the three sides of a second triangle, then
the triangles are congruent. (5 of 9) [12/31/2015 4:25:10 AM]

Geometry Help: Problem 39, Angle, Circle, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Key Facts Propositions

PROPOSITION 9. Any point on the bisector of an angle is equidistant from the sides of the angle.

DEFINITION 6. Circle is the set of all points in a plane that are at the same distance from a fixed point called the center.
Tangent of a circle is a line that touches the circle at one and only one point no matter how far produced.
PROPOSITION 10. If a line is tangent to a circle, it is perpendicular to a radius at the point of tangency. (6 of 9) [12/31/2015 4:25:10 AM]

Geometry Help: Problem 39, Angle, Circle, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Key Facts Propositions

PROPOSITION 11. The bisectors AD, BF and CE of the angles of a triangle ABC meet in a point I, which is equidistant from the sides of
the triangle.
The incircle is the inscribed circle of a triangle. The center of the incircle is called the incenter, and the radius of the circle is called the

PROPOSITION 12. Two tangent segments to a circle from an external point are congruent.

PROPOSITION 13. Isosceles triangle: If two sides of a triangle are congruent, the angles opposite these sides are congruent. Also
converse. (7 of 9) [12/31/2015 4:25:10 AM]

Geometry Help: Problem 39, Angle, Circle, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Key Facts Propositions

PROPOSITION 14. A central angle is measured by its intercepted arc.

PROPOSITION 15. An inscribed angle is measured by one-half its intercepted arc.

PROPOSITION 16. A cyclic quadrilateral is a quadrilateral whose vertices all lie on a single circle.
16.1. Opposite angles of a cyclic (inscribed) quadrilateral are supplementary. Also converse.

16.2. A quadrilateral is cyclic if one side subtends congruent angles at the two opposite vertices. Also converse. (8 of 9) [12/31/2015 4:25:10 AM]

Geometry Help: Problem 39, Angle, Circle, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Key Facts Propositions

DEFINITION 7. Similar Triangles are triangles whose corresponding angles are congruent and whose corresponding sides are in
PROPOSITION 17. Triangle Similarity AA. If two angles of one triangle are congruent to two angles of another triangle, the two
triangles are similar.

Selected Topics
Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Open Problems | 10 Problems | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez (9 of 9) [12/31/2015 4:25:10 AM]

Geometry Problem 39 Triangle, Incenter, Tangent, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Angles

Problem 39. Triangle, Incircle, Cyclic Quadrilaterals. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
A circle of center O inscribed in a triangle ABC is tangent to sides BC, AC, and AB at points D, E, and F, respectively. Lines AO and FD
meet at H, and lines CO and DF meet at G. Prove the following:

1. AGFO is a cyclic quadrilateral

2. CHDO is a cyclic quadrilateral
3. AGFE is a cyclic quadrilateral
4. CHDE is a cyclic quadrilateral
5. Angles FAG, FEG and FOG are congruent
6. Angles DCH, DEH and DOH are congruent
7. AG is perpendicular to CG and CH is perpendicular to AH
8. AG is parallel to ED and CH is parallel to EF
9. Angles BAC and EGH are congruent and angles ACB and EHG are congruent
10. Angles ABC and GEH are congruent
11. Triangles ABC and GEH are similar
12. AGHC is a cyclic quadrilateral
13. Angles CAH, EGO, EFO, and CGH are congruent
14. Angles ACG, EHO, EDO, and AHG are congruent
15. O is the incenter of triangle EGH (1 of 3) [12/31/2015 4:25:13 AM]

Geometry Problem 39 Triangle, Incenter, Tangent, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Angles

See also:
Problem art 39
Sketch problem 39 art 1

Hints: See Problem 39 Geometry Help

Using the deductive method, we start with a few true statements (the axioms) and use them to prove dozens, hundreds, or thousands, of
other statements (the theorems). Geometry was organized by the Greek mathematician Euclid, and his deductive method is still used by
mathematicians today.

Selected Topics

Home | Geometry | Problems | Open Problems | 10 Problems | Art | 31-40 | Circle Tangent Line | Right triangle, Altitude and Incircle |
Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez
Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 (2 of 3) [12/31/2015 4:25:13 AM]

Geometry Problem 39 Triangle, Incenter, Tangent, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Angles (3 of 3) [12/31/2015 4:25:13 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 328. Triangle, Incircle, Tangency Points, Parall...acher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 328. Triangle, Incircle, Tangency Points, Parallel, Midpoint

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the incircle I and the tangency points D, E, and F. The line through A parallel to FE meets DE at
G. The line through A parallel to DE meets FE at H. Prove that the line GH bisects AB and AC.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | All Problems | 321-330 | Email | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:25:17 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 329. Triangle, Altitudes, Circle, Diameter, Con...cher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 329. Triangle, Altitudes, Circle, Diameter, Concyclic points

The figure shows an acute triangle ABC with altitudes AD and CG. The circle with diameter BC intersects AD at E and F, and the circle
with diameter AB intersects CG at M and N. Prove that the points F, M, E, and N are concyclic (lie on a same circle).

Triangle, Altitudes, DIameter, Circle, Concyclic

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | All Problems | 321-330 | Semicircle | Email | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:25:40 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 330. Cyclic quadrilateral, Perpendicular diagon...cher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 330. Cyclic quadrilateral, Perpendicular diagonals, Area, Circumcenter

The figure shows a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD with perpendicular diagonals AC and BD. If O is the circumcenter of ABCD, prove that
the area of quadrilaterals ABCO and AOCD are equal.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | All Problems | 321-330 | Cyclic quadrilateral with perpendicular diagonals | Ptolemy | Email | Post a
comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:25:44 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 331. Square, Point on the Inscribed Circle, Tangency Points. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems 331-340 Circle Inscribed in a Square Solution / comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 331. Square, Point on the Inscribed Circle, Tangency Points. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a square ABCD with P on the inscribed circle O. If E, F, G, and H are the tangency points, prove that

.. [12/31/2015 4:25:51 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 332. Cyclic quadrilateral, Ratio of diagonals, S...acher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 332. Cyclic quadrilateral, Ratio of diagonals, Similarity

The figure shows a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD with E the intersection point of the diagonals. Prove that . Post a


Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | All Problems | 331-340 | Cyclic quadrilateral with perpendicular diagonals | Email [12/31/2015 4:25:57 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 333. Circle inscribed in a semicircle, Perpendicular. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems 331-340 Semicircle Post a comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Geometry Problem 333. Circle inscribed in a semicircle, Perpendicular to common Recent Additions
tangent. Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a circle C inscribed in a semicircle with diameter AB. D and E are the tangency points and DH is perpendicular to the
common tangent EF. If AD = a, BD = b, and DH = x, prove that .

Last updated: Sep 1, 2014 [12/31/2015 4:26:01 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 334. Cyclic Quadrilateral, Diagonals, Perpendiculars. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Cyclic Quadrilateral Perpendicular Chords 331-340 Solution/comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Geometry Problem 334. Cyclic Quadrilateral, Perpendiculars to Diagonals. Level: High Recent Additions
School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD. E is the intersection point of AC and BD. AF and CH are perpendicular to BD. BG and DM
are perpendicular to AC.
Prove that (1) AF.CH = BG.DM, (2) EF.EH = EG.EM.

Last updated: Sep 2, 2014 [12/31/2015 4:26:05 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 335. Cyclic Quadrilateral, Circle, Perpendicular...acher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 335. Cyclic Quadrilateral, Perpendicular to sides, Concyclic points

The figure shows a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD. AE and BF are perpendicular to CD. CG. and DH are perpendicular to AB. Prove that
(1) AE.BF = CG.DH, (2) Points E, F, G, H are concyclic.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | All Problems | 331-340 | Email | Post a comment [12/31/2015 4:26:11 AM]

Geometry Help: Problem 336. Two equal circles, a Common Tangent and a Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 336. Two equal circles, a Common Tangent and a Square

The figure shows circles A (radius r) and B (radius r) tangent at C. A common tangent line is tangent to the circles at C and D,
respectively. Points F and G are on DE, M is on arc CD and H is on arc CE. If FGHM is a square of side x, prove that .

References: Fukagawa Hidetoshi, Tony Rothman, "Sacred Mathematics: Japanese Temple Geometry" (Princenton University Press,

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Art | All Problems | 331-340 | Sangaku | Email | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:26:15 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 337. Isosceles Trapezoid, Angle bisector, Parallel, Concyclic points. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Cyclic Quadrilateral 331-340 Parallel Chords Solution / comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 337. Isosceles Trapezoid, Angle bisector, Parallel, Concyclic points. Level: High Recent Additions
School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows an isosceles trapezoid ABCD (AD // BC) inscribed in a circle. CE is the angle bisector of angle ACD. CE meet BD at F.
A line L1 from F is parallel to BC and meets AC at G and CD at H. Prove that points D, E, G, and H are concyclic. . [12/31/2015 4:26:25 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 338. Triangle, Circumcircle, Inscribed Circle, Exterior angle bisector, Concyclic points. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Cyclic Quadrilateral 331-340 Post a comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 338. Triangle, Circumcircle, Inscribed Circle, Exterior angle bisector, Concyclic Recent Additions
points. Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a triangle ABC with the circumcircle O. A circle D is tangent to arc AC and side AC at E and F, respectively. BG is the
exterior angle bisector of angle B. Prove that points B, F, E, and G are concyclic. [12/31/2015 4:26:30 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 339. Triangle, Angle Bisectors, Perpendiculars, Distances. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems 331-340 Post a comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 339. Triangle, Angle Bisectors, Perpendiculars, Interior Point, Distances. Level: Recent Additions
High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a triangle ABC with the angle bisectors AD and CE. F is a point on DE and FG, FH, and FM are perpendiculars to AB,
BC and AC, respectively. Prove that FG + FH = FM. [12/31/2015 4:26:35 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 340. Triangle, Angle Bisectors, Perpendiculars, Distances. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems 331-340 Post a comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 340. Triangle, Angle Bisectors, Perpendiculars, Exterior Point, Distances. Level: Recent Additions
High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a triangle ABC with the angle bisectors AD and CE. F is a point on the extension of DE and FG, FH, and FM are
perpendiculars to AB, BC and AC, respectively. Prove that FH - FG = FM.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." [12/31/2015 4:26:41 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 341. Triangle, Inscribed circle, Tangent, Semiperimeter. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Semiperimeter 341-350 Post a comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 341. Triangle, Inscribed circle, Tangent, Semiperimeter. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a triangle ABC with the inscribed circle I tangent to sides at D, E, and F. If s is the semiperimeter of the triangle ABC,
prove that s = AC + BE.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." [12/31/2015 4:26:53 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 342. Pentagon, Inscribed Circle, Tangent, Semiperimeter. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Semiperimeter 341-350 Post a comment. By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 342. Pentagon, Inscribed Circle, Tangent, Semiperimeter. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a pentagon ABCDE with the inscribed circle O tangent to sides at F, G, H, M, and N. If s is the semiperimeter of the
pentagon, prove that s = AB + CD + EN = BC + DE + AN.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." [12/31/2015 4:26:56 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 343. Hexagon, Inscribed Circle, Tangent, Semiperimeter. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Semiperimeter 341-350 Post a comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 343. Hexagon, Inscribed Circle, Tangent, Semiperimeter. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a hexagon ABCDEF with the inscribed circle O. If s is the semiperimeter of the hexagon,
prove that s = AB + CD + EF = BC + DE + AF.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." [12/31/2015 4:27:02 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 619: Triangle Area, 30 Degrees, Incircle, Incenter, Tangent. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 619: Triangle Area, 30 Degrees, Incircle, Incenter, Tangent. Level: High School,
Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the angle A equal to 30 degrees, the incircle and BC are tangent at D. If BD = 5, and CD = 2,
find the area of triangle ABC.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 611-620 | Triangles | Incenter | Angles: 30, 60, 120 degrees | Areas
| Triangle Area | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:27:05 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 620: Three Rectangles, Diagonals, Centers, Angles. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 620: Three Rectangles, Diagonals, Centers, Angles. Level: High School, Honors
Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows three rectangles ABCD, AEFG, and EDHI with centers K, L, and J, respectively. E is on BC, D on FG, and A on HI.
If the measure of the angle AED is 55 degrees, find the measure of the angle JKL. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:27:07 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 620: Three Rectangles, Diagonals, Centers, Angles. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | Art | All Problems | Visual Index | 611-620 | Triangles | Rectangle | Angles | Email | Post a
comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:27:07 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 621: Two Parallelograms, Diagonals, Centers, Parallel Lines. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 621: Two Parallelograms, Diagonals, Centers, Parallel Lines. Level: High School,
Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows two parallelograms ABCD and ECFG with centers L, and H, respectively. E is on AB, and D on FG. EJ is parallel
to AD, and DK is parallel to GE. Prove that lines LH and KJ are parallel.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 621-630 | Triangles | Parallelograms | Parallel lines | Email | Post a
comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:27:13 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 622: Intersecting Circles, Concyclic Points, Centers, Radii. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 622: Intersecting Circles, Concyclic Points, Centers, Radii. Level: High School,
Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows the intersecting circles A and B at points C and D. Line AC and circle B meet at E, line BC and circle A meet at F.
Prove that the points A, E, F, B, and D are concyclic (lie on a same circle). (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:27:20 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 622: Intersecting Circles, Concyclic Points, Centers, Radii. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 621-630 | Triangles | Circles | Intersecting Circles | Email | Post a
comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:27:20 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 623: Triangle, Incenter, Excenter, Incircle, Excircle, Concyclic Points. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 623: Triangle, Incenter, Excenter, Incircle, Excircle, Concyclic Points. Level: High
School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the incenter I and excenter E corresponding to BC. Prove that the points I, B, E, and C are
concyclic (lie on a same circle).

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 621-630 | Triangles | Circles | Incenter | Excenter | Cyclic
Quadrilateral | Angle Bisector | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:27:25 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 624: Triangle, Incenter, Excenter, Incircle, Excircle, Similarity. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 624: Triangle, Incenter, Excenter, Incircle, Excircle, Similarity. Level: High School,
Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the incenter I and excenter E corresponding to BC. Prove that the triangles AIB and ACE are
similar. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:27:28 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 624: Triangle, Incenter, Excenter, Incircle, Excircle, Similarity. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 621-630 | Triangles | Circles | Incenter | Excenter | Similarity | Angle
Bisector | Email | Comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:27:28 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 625: Triangle, Parallel Lines, Congruence, Angle Bisector. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 625: Triangle, Parallel Lines, Congruence, Angle Bisector, Similarity. Level: High
School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC with AD parallel to CB, CE parallel to AB, and AD = CE. If AE and CD meet at F, prove that BF is
the bisector of the angle ABC.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 621-630 | Triangles | Congruence | Similarity | Parallel lines | Angle
Bisector | Concurrent lines | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:27:33 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 626: Triangle, Distance from the Incenter to an Excenter. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 626: Triangle, Distance from the Incenter to an Excenter. Level: High School,
Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the incenter I and excenter E corresponding to BC. If AB = 9, AC= 7, and AI = 5, find IE. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:27:43 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 626: Triangle, Distance from the Incenter to an Excenter. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 621-630 | Triangles | Circles | Incenter | Excenter | Distance
between Centers | Similarity | Angle Bisector | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:27:43 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 627: Cyclic Quadrilateral, Congruence, Concyclic Points. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 627: Cyclic Quadrilateral, Congruence, Concyclic Points. Level: High School,
Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD. If BE = AB and CF = CD, prove that points A, E, F, and D are concyclic (lie on a same
circle). (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:27:49 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 627: Cyclic Quadrilateral, Congruence, Concyclic Points. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 621-630 | Circles | Isosceles Triangle | Quadrilaterals | Cyclic
Quadrilateral | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:27:49 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 628: Cyclic Quadrilateral, Congruence, Parallel Lines. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 628: Cyclic Quadrilateral, Congruence, Parallel Lines. Level: High School, Honors
Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD. If BE = AB and CF = CD, prove that lines EF and BC are parallel.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 621-630 | Circles | Isosceles Triangle | Quadrilaterals | Cyclic
Quadrilateral | Parallel lines | Parallel Chords | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:27:52 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 629: Triangle, Perpendicular to Sides, Intersecting Lines, Altitude. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Math Ed, Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 629: Triangle, Perpendicular to Sides, Intersecting Lines, Altitude. Level: High
School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC with AD and CE perpendicular to AC. AE and DB meet at F. BE and DC meet at G. AG and FC meet
at H. Prove that BH is perpendicular to AC. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:27:57 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 629: Triangle, Perpendicular to Sides, Intersecting Lines, Altitude. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Math Ed, Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Problem 633 | Visual Index | 621-630 | Triangles | Perpendicular lines | Altitude
Index | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:27:57 AM]

Clawson Point: Orthic Triangle, Extangents Triangle, Homothecy. Elearning

Clawson Point: Orthic Triangle, Extangents Triangle, Homothecy

The figure shows a triangle ABC with its orthic triangle HAHBHC, and the extangents triangle TATBTC. Prove that the triangle TATBTC is
homothetic to triangle HAHBHC, and lines TAHA, TBHB, TCHC are concurrent at the homothetic center L, called the Clawson point. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:28:04 AM]

Clawson Point: Orthic Triangle, Extangents Triangle, Homothecy. Elearning

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | Art | 621-630 | Centers | Similarity | Concurrent lines | Excenter | Altitude | Orthic Triangle |
Clawson Puzzle | Email | Solution/comment (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:28:04 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 631: Triangle, Exterior Angle Bisectors, Collinear Points. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Math Ed, Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 631: Triangle, Exterior Angle Bisectors, Collinear Points. Level: High School,
Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a scalene triangle ABC with the exterior angle bisectors AA', BB' and CC'. Prove that C', A', and B' are collinear. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:28:07 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 631: Triangle, Exterior Angle Bisectors, Collinear Points. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Math Ed, Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 631-640 | Triangles | Angle Bisector | Collinear Points | Email | Post
a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:28:07 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 632: Triangle, Interior and Exterior Angle Bisectors, Midpoints, Collinear Points. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Math Ed, Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 632: Triangle, Interior and Exterior Angle Bisectors, Midpoints, Collinear Points.
Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a scalene triangle ABC with the interior and exterior angle bisectors AA', AA", BB', BB", CC', and CC". Prove that the
midpoints of A'A", B'B", and C'C" are collinear. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:28:12 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 632: Triangle, Interior and Exterior Angle Bisectors, Midpoints, Collinear Points. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Math Ed, Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 631-640 | Triangles | Angle Bisector | Collinear Points | Midpoints
| Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:28:12 AM]

.:: Astrill Error ::.

Socket Error # 10060

Connection timed out.

What can you do to solve the error:

● Try to switch to another server if the error persists. [12/31/2015 4:28:33 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 634: Right Triangle, Altitude, Incenters, Areas. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 634: Right Triangle, Altitude, Incenters, Areas. Level: High School, Honors
Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a right triangle ABC, AH is the altitude, and D, E and F are the incenters of triangles ABC, AHB, and BHC,
respectively. Prove that the sum of the areas of triangles AEB and BFC is equal to the area of triangle ADC. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:28:41 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 634: Right Triangle, Altitude, Incenters, Areas. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 631-640 | Right Triangle | Pythagoras | Incenter | Altitude | Areas |
Right Triangle Area | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:28:41 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 635: Semicircle, Diameter, Perpendicular, Inscribed Circle, Radius. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 635: Semicircle, Diameter, Perpendicular, Inscribed Circle, Radius. Level: High
School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows the semicircles of diameters AB (center O, radius R), and CB (center D, radius r). Line CE is perpendicular to AB
and x is the radius of the inscribed circle in ECB. Prove that .

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 631-640 | Arbelos | Tangent Circles | Circles | Semicircle |
Perpendicular lines | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:28:51 AM]

Geometry Help: Problem 40, Angle, Circle, Incenter, Excenter, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Similarity

Geometry Help: Proposed Problem 40. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College

SUGGESTIONS for Problem 40

As is often true, there may be more than one way to solve a problem. Without giving away the solution, the following definitions and
propositions can help you get back on the track if you run into difficulty.


Geometry combines simple conceptual building blocks to construct complex logical structures. These building blocks include undefined
terms, defined terms, and postulates. Combining these components creates chains of reasoning that support conclusions called
Point, Line, and Plane are undefined terms of Geometry. These undefined terms underlie the definitions of all geometric terms.

● A point has position only. It has no length, width, or thickness.

● A line has length but has no width or thickness. A line may be straight, curved or a combination of these. In this website, the word (1 of 9) [12/31/2015 4:29:08 AM]

Geometry Help: Problem 40, Angle, Circle, Incenter, Excenter, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Similarity
line will mean "straight line" unless you are told otherwise.
● A plane has length and width but no thickness. A plane describes a flat surface such as a floor, or desktop.
● Plane geometry is the geometry of plane figures. In this website, the word figure will mean "plane figure" unless you are told

METHOD OF PROOF: Deductive Reasoning

Deductive Reasoning Method enables us to derive true or acceptably true conclusions from statements which are true or accepted as
true such as undefined terms, definitions, axioms, postulates and previously proven theorems or propositions.
Using the deductive method, we start with a few true statements (the axioms) and use them to prove dozens, hundreds, or thousands, of
other statements (the theorems).
Geometry was organized by the Greek mathematician Euclid, and his deductive method is still used by mathematicians today.

DEFINITION 1. Angle is the figure formed by two rays with a common end point.
Congruent angles are angles that have the exact same measure (the same number of degrees).
Angle Bisector is a ray that divides the angle into two congruent adjacent angles. (2 of 9) [12/31/2015 4:29:08 AM]

Geometry Help: Problem 40, Angle, Circle, Incenter, Excenter, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Similarity

DEFINITION 2. Triangle is a three side polygon. Polygon is a closed plane figure with n sides. Altitude is the perpendicular line
segment from one vertex to the line that contains the opposite side.

PROPOSITION 1. The sum of the measures of the three angles of a triangle is 180.

PROPOSITION 2. The measure of an exterior angle of a triangle equals the sum of the measures of the two non-adjacent interior angles. (3 of 9) [12/31/2015 4:29:08 AM]

Geometry Help: Problem 40, Angle, Circle, Incenter, Excenter, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Similarity

PROPOSITION 3. The sum of the measures of the acute angles of a right triangle is 90 (complementary).

PROPOSITION 4. Triangle Congruence A.S.A. If two angles and the included side of one triangle are congruent to the corresponding
parts of another, then the triangles are congruent.

PROPOSITION 5. Any point on the bisector of an angle is equidistant from the sides of the angle. Also converse

PROPOSITION 6. Triangle Congruence S.A.S. If two sides and the included angle of one triangle are congruent to the corresponding
parts of another, then the triangles are congruent. (4 of 9) [12/31/2015 4:29:08 AM]

Geometry Help: Problem 40, Angle, Circle, Incenter, Excenter, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Similarity

PROPOSITION 7. Isosceles triangle: If two sides of a triangle are congruent, the angles opposite these sides are congruent. Also

PROPOSITION 8. An equilateral triangle is equiangular: 60-60-60. Also converse.

DEFINITION 3. Circle is the set of all points in a plane that are at the same distance from a fixed point called the center.
Tangent of a circle is a line that touches the circle at one and only one point no matter how far produced.
PROPOSITION 9. If a line is tangent to a circle, it is perpendicular to a radius at the point of tangency. (5 of 9) [12/31/2015 4:29:08 AM]

Geometry Help: Problem 40, Angle, Circle, Incenter, Excenter, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Similarity

PROPOSITION 10. The bisectors AD, BF and CE of the angles of a triangle ABC meet in a point I, which is equidistant from the sides of
the triangle.
The incircle is the inscribed circle of a triangle. The center of the incircle is called the incenter, and the radius of the circle is called the

PROPOSITION 11. An excircle of the triangle is a circle lying outside the triangle, tangent to one of its sides and tangent to the
extensions of the other two.
The center of an excircle is the intersection of the internal bisector of one angle and the external bisectors of the other two.
The center of an excircle is called the excenter, and the radius of the circle is called the exradius. (6 of 9) [12/31/2015 4:29:08 AM]

Geometry Help: Problem 40, Angle, Circle, Incenter, Excenter, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Similarity

PROPOSITION 12. A central angle is measured by its intercepted arc.

PROPOSITION 13. An inscribed angle is measured by one-half its intercepted arc.

DEFINITION 4. A cyclic quadrilateral is a quadrilateral whose vertices all lie on a single circle.
PROPOSITION 14.1 Opposite angles of a cyclic (inscribed) quadrilateral are supplementary. Also converse.

PROPOSITION 14.2 A quadrilateral is cyclic if one side subtends congruent angles at the two opposite vertices. Also converse. (7 of 9) [12/31/2015 4:29:08 AM]

Geometry Help: Problem 40, Angle, Circle, Incenter, Excenter, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Similarity

DEFINITION 5. Similar Triangles are triangles whose corresponding angles are congruent and whose corresponding sides are in

PROPOSITION 15. Triangle Similarity AA. If two angles of one triangle are congruent to two angles of another triangle, the two
triangles are similar.

Selected Topics
Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Open Problems | 10 Problems | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez (8 of 9) [12/31/2015 4:29:08 AM]

Geometry Help: Problem 40, Angle, Circle, Incenter, Excenter, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Similarity (9 of 9) [12/31/2015 4:29:08 AM]

Geometry Problem 40 Angles, Triangle, Incenter, Excenter, Bisector, Cyclic Quadrilateral

Online Geometry Problem 40: Triangle, Incenter, Excenter, 40, 60 and 80 Degrees. Level: High School,
Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

In triangle ABC, the angles A and B measure 80 and 40 respectively, I is the incenter and E the excenter. AB and CE meet at D. If BC

= a, AC = b and CI = d, prove that . (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:29:17 AM]

Geometry Problem 40 Angles, Triangle, Incenter, Excenter, Bisector, Cyclic Quadrilateral

Selected Topics

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 31-40 | Circle Tangent Line | Triangles | Email |
Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez
Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:29:17 AM]

Sangaku Geometry Problem 41 Mickey Mouse shape

Problem 41. Sangaku, Mickey Mouse, Circles, Tangent, Metric Relations. Level: High
School, SAT Prep, College

The figure shows three circles (representing head and ears of Mickey Mouse) where a, b and c are respective radii, and d is the

length of the exterior tangent. Prove that: . (1 of 3) [12/31/2015 4:29:21 AM]

Sangaku Geometry Problem 41 Mickey Mouse shape

References: Fukagawa Hidetoshi, Tony Rothman, "Sacred Mathematics: Japanese Temple Geometry" (Princenton University Press,

Sangaku or San Gaku are Japanese geometrical problems in Euclidean geometry on wooden tablets created during the Edo period
(1603-1867) by members of all social classes.

I have used Geometry Expressions to visualize these geometric forms and check out a variety of conjectures. Geometry Expressions is
the world's first Interactive Symbolic Geometry System. This means: Geometric figures can be defined by either Symbolic Constraints or
numeric locations.

See also:
Problem art 41
Sketch problem 41 art 1

Selected Topics (2 of 3) [12/31/2015 4:29:21 AM]

Sangaku Geometry Problem 41 Mickey Mouse shape

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | Open Problems | 10 Problems | Art | All Problems | Sangaku | Circle Tangent Line | Email |
Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez
Last updated: Sep 4, 2014 (3 of 3) [12/31/2015 4:29:21 AM]

Geometry Problem 42: Angle, Triangle, 30-60, 120 Degrees

Problem 42. Angles, Triangle, 120 Degrees. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
In the figure, AB = BC = CD, and the measure of angle C is double the measure of angle A. Prove that x = 120° -2m∠ A.
See also Problem 4. Solution / comment.

Selected Topics
Home | Geometry | Problems | Open Problems | 10 Problems | 41-50 | Double Angle | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:29:27 AM]

Geometry Problem 43: Angle, Triangle, 60 Degrees

Problem 43. Angles, Triangle, 60 Degrees. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
In the figure, AB = BC = CD, and the measure of angle C is double the measure of angle A. Prove that x = 60°.
See also problems 4 and 42. Solution / comment.

Selected Topics
Home | Geometry | Problems | Open Problems | 10 Problems | 41-50 | Double Angle | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:29:29 AM]

Geometry Problem 44: Angle, Triangle, Double Angle, 60 Degrees, Congruence. High School, College

Problem 44. Angles, Triangle, Double Angle, 60 Degrees. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
In the figure, the measure of angle A is double the measure of angle C. AD and CD are bisectors, and AB = CD.
Prove that x = 60°. See also problems 4, 42, and 43. Post a comment or solution.

Selected Topics
Home | Geometry | Problems | Open Problems | 10 Problems | 41-50 | Double Angle | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:29:38 AM]

Geometry Problem 45: Angle, Triangle, 30 Degrees, Congruence. High School, College.

Problem 45. Angles, Triangle, 30 Degrees. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
In the figure, AB = BC, the measure of angle BAD is double the measure of angle BCD and the measure of angle ABD is triple the
measure of angle CBD. Prove that x = 30°. Solution / comment.

Selected Topics
Home | Geometry | Problems | Open Problems | 10 Problems | 41-50 | Double Angle | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:29:43 AM]

Geometry Problem 46: Angle, Triangle, Congruence. High School, College.

Problem 46. Angles, Triangle, 15 Degrees. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
The figure shows an obtuse triangle ABC (angle B is the obtuse angle), D is the midpoint of AB, the measure of angle BCD is 30 degrees
and the measure of angle BAC is double the measure of angle ACD. Prove that the measure of angle ACD is 15°. Post a comment or

Selected Topics

Home | Geometry | Problems | Open Problems | 10 Problems | 41-50 | Obtuse Triangle | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:29:46 AM]

GeometryProblem 47: Angle, Triangle, Congruence, 30 Degrees

Problem 47. Angles, Triangle, 30 Degrees. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
In the figure, D is the midpoint of AC, m∠A = 30°, m∠C = 15°. Prove that the measure of angle CBD is 30°.
Post a comment or solution.

Selected Topics
Home | Geometry | Problems | Open Problems | 10 Problems | 41-50 | Obtuse Triangle | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:29:50 AM]

Geometry Problem 48: Angle, Triangle, Congruence

Problem 48. Angles, Triangle. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
In the figure, AB = BC, AC = AD, m∠D = 30°, m∠BAD = 5α, and m∠DAC = 2α. Find the measure of angle C.
Post a comment or solution.

Selected Topics
Home | Geometry | Problems | Open Problems | 10 Problems | 41-50 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:29:52 AM]

Geometry Problem 49: Angle, Right Triangle, Congruence

Problem 49. Angles, Triangle. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College

The figure shows a right triangle ABC, m∠ C = 2m∠ BAE, BD and EF are perpendicular to AC. Prove that:

Post a comment or solution.

Selected Topics
Home | Geometry | Altitude | Problems | Open Problems | 10 Problems | 41-50 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:30:01 AM]

Geometry Problem 50 Triangle with equilateral triangles, Angles, 30, 60 degrees

Problem 50. Triangle with Equilateral triangles. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College

In the figure below, equilateral triangles ABD and BCE are drawn on the sides of a triangle ABC. F, G, and H are the midpoints of AD,
CE, and AC respectively. HL and FG are perpendicular. Lines FH, CD, HL, and FG are cut by line AE at J, O, P, and N respectively.
Lines GH, HL, and FG are cut by line CD at K, Q, and M respectively. Prove the following:

1. AE = CD
2. The measure of angle DOE is 120º
3. FH = GH
4. The measure of angle FHG is 120º
5. m∠HFG = m∠HGF = 30º
6. OB is the bisector of ∠DOE
7. m∠OBC = m∠OEC = m∠HGC
m∠ADO = m∠ABO = m∠AFH
8. OD is the bisector of ∠AOB
OE is the bisector of ∠BOC
9. m∠AOB = m∠BOC = 120º
10. m∠CMG = m∠ANF = 30º
11. OB and FG are perpendicular
12. Triangle OPQ is equilateral
13. Triangle JPH is equilateral
14. Triangle HKQ is equilateral
15. HJ = HK + OP

17. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:30:13 AM]

Geometry Problem 50 Triangle with equilateral triangles, Angles, 30, 60 degrees

Hints: See Geometry Help

Selected Topics

Home | Geometry | Problems | Open Problems | 10 Problems | 41-50 | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:30:13 AM]

Geometry Problem 51 Fagnano's Triangle of Minimum Perimeter

Problem 51. Fagnano's Triangle Problem. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College

In a given acute triangle ABC, prove that the inscribed triangle with the minimum perimeter is the orthic triangle DEF.
Orthic triangle: The triangle whose vertices are the feet of the altitudes of a given triangle.

Hints: See Geometry Help

Selected Topics
Home | Geometry | Altitude | Problems | Open Problems | 10 Problems | 51-60 | Semiperimeter | Orthic Triangle | Email |
Solution/Comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:30:18 AM]

Geometry Problem 52 Triangle, angles, incircle

Problem 52. Triangle, angles, incircle. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College

In the figure below, a circle of center O inscribed in a triangle ABC is tangent to sides BC, AC, and AB at points D, E, and F, respectively.
Lines AO and FD meet at H, and lines CO and DF meet at G. Prove that angle GEH is congruent to angle ABC.
Solution / comment.

Hints: See Geometry Help

Selected Topics

Home | Geometry | Problems | Open Problems | 10 Problems | 51-60 | Wolfram Demonstrations Project | Circle Tangent Line | Email |
By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:30:21 AM]

Geometry Problem 53 Angles, bisector, circles, tangent

Problem 53. Tangent Circles, angle bisector. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College

In the figure below, the circles of centers O and A are tangent at B. A chord CD of the circle O is tangent to the circle A at E. Prove that
BE is the angle bisector of angle CBD. Solution / comment.

Hints: See Geometry Help

I have used Geometry Expressions to visualize these geometric forms and check out a variety of conjectures. Geometry Expressions is
the world's first Interactive Symbolic Geometry System. This means: Geometric figures can be defined by either Symbolic Constraints or
numeric locations.

Selected Topics

Home | Geometry | Problems | Open Problems | 10 Problems | 51-60 | Circle Tangent Line | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:30:29 AM]

Geometry Problem 53 Angles, bisector, circles, tangent (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:30:29 AM]

Geometry Problem 54 Angles, bisector, circles, tangent, midpoint

Problem 54. Tangent Circles, angle bisector, midpoint. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College

In the figure below, the circles of centers O and A are tangent at B, the circles O and F are tangent at G. A chord CD of the circle O is
tangent to the circle A at E and tangent to the circle F at H. GH and BE meet at a point M. Prove that M is the midpoint of arc CD.
Solution / comment.

Hints: See Problem 53

I have used Geometry Expressions to visualize these geometric forms and check out a variety of conjectures. Geometry Expressions is
the world's first Interactive Symbolic Geometry System. This means: Geometric figures can be defined by either Symbolic Constraints or
numeric locations.

Selected Topics (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:30:34 AM]

Geometry Problem 54 Angles, bisector, circles, tangent, midpoint

Home | Geometry | Problems | Open Problems | 10 Problems | Spanish Problem 54 | 51-60 | Circle Tangent Line | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:30:34 AM]

Geometry Problem 55 Angles, bisector, Circles, Tangent, Cyclic Quadrilateral

Problem 55. Tangent Circles, Angle Bisector, Cyclic Quadrilateral. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College

In the figure below, the circles of centers O and A are tangent at B, the circles O and F are tangent at G. A chord CD of the circle O is
tangent to the circle A at E and tangent to the circle F at H. BE and DG meet at a point P and BC and GH meet at Q. Prove that the
quadrilateral BPQG is a cyclic quadrilateral. Solution / comment.

Hints: See Problem 54

I have used Geometry Expressions to visualize these geometric forms and check out a variety of conjectures. Geometry Expressions is
the world's first Interactive Symbolic Geometry System. This means: Geometric figures can be defined by either Symbolic Constraints or
numeric locations.

You can download Geometry Expressions 2 Free Trial. It is a fully featured 30 day evaluation copy of the software. All constraints,
constructions and measurements are available for you to use. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:30:45 AM]

Geometry Problem 55 Angles, bisector, Circles, Tangent, Cyclic Quadrilateral

Selected Topics

Home | Geometry | Problems | Open Problems | 10 Problems | Spanish Problem 55 | 51-60 | Circle Tangent Line | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:30:45 AM]

Geometry Problem 56 Angles, bisector, circles, tangent, parallel.

Problem 56. Tangent Circles, Angle Bisector, Parallel. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
In the figure below, the circles of centers O and A are tangent at B, the circles O and F are tangent at G. A chord CD of the circle O is
tangent to the circle A at E and tangent to the circle F at H. BE and DG meet at a point P and BC and GH meet at Q. Prove that PQ and
CD are parallel. Solution / comment.

I have used Geometry Expressions to visualize these geometric forms and check out a variety of conjectures. Geometry Expressions is
the world's first Interactive Symbolic Geometry System. This means: Geometric figures can be defined by either Symbolic Constraints or
numeric locations.

You can download Geometry Expressions 2 Free Trial. It is a fully featured 30 day evaluation copy of the software. All constraints,
constructions and measurements are available for you to use.

Selected Topics

Home | Geometry | Problems | Open Problems | 10 Problems | Spanish Problem 56 | 51-60 | Circle Tangent Line | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:30:48 AM]

Geometry Problem 56 Angles, bisector, circles, tangent, parallel. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:30:48 AM]

Geometry Problem 57 Angles, bisector, circles, tangent, cyclic quadrilateral

Problem 57. Tangent Circles, Angle Bisector, Cyclic Quadrilateral. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
In the figure below, the circles of centers O and A are tangent at B, the circles O and F are tangent at G. A chord CD of the circle O is
tangent to the circle A at E and tangent to the circle F at H. Prove that the quadrilateral BEHG is a cyclic quadrilateral. .

I have used Geometry Expressions to visualize these geometric forms and check out a variety of conjectures. Geometry Expressions is
the world's first Interactive Symbolic Geometry System. This means: Geometric figures can be defined by either Symbolic Constraints or
numeric locations.

You can download Geometry Expressions 2 Free Trial. It is a fully featured 30 day evaluation copy of the software. All constraints,
constructions and measurements are available for you to use.

Selected Topics (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:30:52 AM]

Geometry Problem 57 Angles, bisector, circles, tangent, cyclic quadrilateral
Home | Geometry | Problems | Open Problems | 10 Problems | Spanish Problem 57 | 51-60 | Circle Tangent Line | Email | Solution / comment |
By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:30:52 AM]

Geometry Problem 58 Pyhtagoras, Congruence, Perpendiculars, SAS, ASA, SSS

Problem 58. Right Triangle, Pythagoras, Congruence. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
In the figure below, ABC is a right triangle, AC and CD are equal and perpendicular. Prove that
x2 = a2 + (a - c)2. Post a comment or solution.

Selected Topics

Home | Geometry | Problems | Open Problems | 10 Problems | Spanish Problem 58 | 51-60 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:31:00 AM]

Geometry Problem 59 Right and Equilateral Triangles, Midpoints, SAS, ASA, SSS

Problem 59. Right and Equilateral Triangles, Midpoints. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
In the figure below, ABC is a right triangle, BDC is an equilateral triangle, E and F are the midpoints of AC and BD respectively. Prove
that: x = a / 2. Post a comment or solution.

See also:
Original problem art 59
Problem 59 art: Delaunay Triangulation

Selected Topics

Home | Geometry | Problems | Open Problems | 10 Problems | Art | Spanish Problem 59 | 51-60 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez
Last updated: Sep 5, 2014 (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:31:06 AM]

Geometry Problem 59 Right and Equilateral Triangles, Midpoints, SAS, ASA, SSS (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:31:06 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 344. Quadrilateral, Extension of sides, Circle, Tangent, Semiperimeter. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems Art All Problems Semiperimeter 341-350 Post a comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 344. Quadrilateral, Extension of sides, Circle, Tangent, Semiperimeter. Level: Recent Additions
High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a quadrilateral ABCD. The extension of the sides are tangent to circle O at E, F, G, and H. If s is the semiperimeter of
the quadrilateral, prove that s = AB + BC = AD + CD.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." [12/31/2015 4:31:10 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 345. Equal circles, Tangents, Concurrent lines, Hexagon, Semiperimeter. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Semiperimeter 341-350 Post a solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 345. Equal circles, Tangents, Concurrent lines, Hexagon, Semiperimeter. Level: Recent Additions
High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows equal circles A, B, and C. AA1, AA2, CC3, and CC4 are tangents to circle B, AA3, AA4, BB3, and BB4 are tangents to
circle C, and BB1, BB2, CC1, and CC2 are tangents to circle A. Points D, E, F, G, H, and M are the intersection points of the tangents
AA1 with BB1, BB3 with CC3, AA4 with CC1, AA2 with BB2, BB4 with CC4, and AA3 with CC2, respectively. Prove that (1) The extension
of DG, EH, and FM are concurrent, (2) If s is the semiperimeter of the hexagon ADBECF, then s = AD + BE + CF = BD + CE + AF.

Geometry problem solving (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:31:18 AM]
Geometry classes, Problem 345. Equal circles, Tangents, Concurrent lines, Hexagon, Semiperimeter. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:31:18 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 346. Equal circles, Tangents, Hexagon, Semiperimeter. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Semiperimeter 341-350 Post a comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 346. Equal circles, Tangents, Hexagon, Semiperimeter. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows equal circles A, B, and C. AA1 and CC1 are tangents to circle B, AA2 and BB1 are tangents to circle C, and BB2 and
CC2 are tangents to circle A. Points D, E, F, G, H, and M are the intersection points of the tangents AA1 with BB2, AA1 with CC1, BB1
with CC1, BB1 with AA2, CC2 with AA2, and CC2 with BB2, respectively. If s is the semiperimeter of the hexagon DEFGHM, prove that s

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:31:34 AM]
Geometry classes, Problem 346. Equal circles, Tangents, Hexagon, Semiperimeter. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:31:34 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 347. Triangle, Altitude, Perpendicular, Concyclic points. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems 341-350 Post a comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 347. Triangle, Altitude, Perpendicular, Circle, Concyclic points. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a triangle ABC with the altitude BD. DE is perpendicular to AB and DF is perpendicular to BC. Prove that the points A,
E, F, and C are concyclic (lie on a same circle).

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:31:37 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 347. Triangle, Altitude, Perpendicular, Concyclic points. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:31:37 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 348. Circles, Common External Tangents, Common Internal Tangent. Math teacher Master Degree. College. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems 341-350 Post a comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 348. Circles, Common External Tangents, Common Internal Tangent. Level: Recent Additions
High School, College.
The figure shows circles A and B with the common external tangents CD and EF and the common internal tangent GH. If M and N are
the tangency points, prove that GM = HN.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." [12/31/2015 4:31:51 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 349. Triangle, Cevian, Incircles, Tangents, Tangency Points. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems 341-350 Post a comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 349. Triangle, Cevian, Incircles, Tangents, Tangency Points. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a triangle ABC with point D on side AC. Circles 1, 2, and 3 are the incircles of triangles ABC, ABD, and BDC,
respectively. QS is the common tangent to circles 2 and 3. QS intersects to cevian BD at R. If E,G,H,F,P,N,M,Q, and S are points of
tangency, prove that EG = FH = DP = DN = RM = QR.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:31:54 AM]
Geometry classes, Problem 349. Triangle, Cevian, Incircles, Tangents, Tangency Points. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:31:54 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 350. Triangle, Cevian, Incircles, Tangents, Tangency Points, Angles. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems 341-350 Post a solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 350. Triangle, Cevian, Incircles, Tangents, Tangency Points, Angles. Level: Recent Additions
High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a triangle ABC with point D on side AC. Circles 1, 2, and 3 are the incircles of triangles ABC, ABD, and BDC,
respectively. QS is the common tangent to circles 2 and 3. QS intersects to cevian BD at R. If E,G,H,F,P,N,M,Q,S, and T are points of
tangency, prove that the angle ABD is double the angle ETR.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:31:59 AM]
Geometry classes, Problem 350. Triangle, Cevian, Incircles, Tangents, Tangency Points, Angles. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:31:59 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 351. Rhombus, Incircles, Common tangent, Circumscribable or Tangential quadrilateral. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems 351-360 Post a comment/solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 351. Rhombus, Incircles, Common tangent, Circumscribable or Tangential Recent Additions
quadrilateral. Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a rhombus ABCD with a point E on side BC. Circles 1 and 2 are the incircles of triangles ABE and CDE, respectively.
FG is the common tangent to circles 1 and 2. FG intersects to AE and DE at M and N, respectively. Prove that the quadrilateral AMND is
circumscribable or tangential (sides all lie tangent to a single circle inscribed within the quadrilateral).

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." [12/31/2015 4:32:02 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 352. Tangential quadrilateral, Incircles, Common tangent, Circumscribabl...l quadrilateral. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems 351-360 Post a comment/solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 352. Tangential quadrilateral, Incircles, Common tangent, Circumscribable or Recent Additions
Tangential quadrilateral.
The figure shows a tangential quadrilateral ABCD with a point E on side BC. Circles 1 and 2 are the incircles of triangles ABE and CDE,
respectively. FG is the common tangent to circles 1 and 2. FG intersects to AE and DE at M and N, respectively. Prove that the
quadrilateral AMND is circumscribable or tangential (sides all lie tangent to a single circle inscribed within the quadrilateral).

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:32:05 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 352. Tangential quadrilateral, Incircles, Common tangent, Circumscribabl...l quadrilateral. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:32:05 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 353. Tangential quadrilateral, Diagonals, Incircles, Inradii. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems 351-360 Post a comment/solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 353. Tangential quadrilateral, Diagonals, Incircles, Inradii. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a tangential quadrilateral ABCD. Diagonals AC and BD meet at E. If r1, r2, r3, and r4, are the radii of the incircles of

triangles ABE, BCE, CDE, and ADE, prove that .

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:32:14 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 353. Tangential quadrilateral, Diagonals, Incircles, Inradii. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:32:14 AM]

Go Geometry Problem 354. Rhombus, Square, 45 degrees. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Rhombus Square 351-360 Post a comment/solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 354. Rhombus, Square, 45 degrees. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a rhombus ABCD with the square BCEF. If G is the intersection point of AC and DE prove that the measure of the
angle AGD is 45 degrees.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:32:28 AM]

Go Geometry Problem 354. Rhombus, Square, 45 degrees. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:32:28 AM]

Go Geometry Problem 355. Circles, Common external tangent, Concyclic points. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Circle 351-360 Post a comment/solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 355. Circles, Common external tangent, Concyclic points. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows circles 1 and 2 with the common external tangents ABCD and EFGH. Circle 1 is tangent to BF at M and circle 2 is
tangent to CG at N. Lines AM and DN meet at P and lines EM and HN meet at Q. Prove that the points M, P, N, and Q are concyclic (lie
on a same circle).

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." [12/31/2015 4:32:43 AM]

Go Geometry Problem 356. Square, Point inside, Triangles, Area. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems 351-360 Area of a Triangle Solution/comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 356. Square, Point inside, Triangles, Area Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a square ABCD of area S. A point P is inside the square. If S1, S2, S3, and S4, are the areas of triangles PAB, PBC,
PCD, and PAD, respectively, prove that S1 + S3 = S2 + S4 = S/2.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." [12/31/2015 4:32:49 AM]

Go Geometry Problem 357. Square, Exterior point inside, Triangles, Area. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems 351-360 Area of a Triangle Solution/comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 357. Square, Exterior point, Triangles, Area Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a square ABCD of area S with an exterior point P. If S1, S2, S3, and S4, are the areas of triangles PAB, PBC, PCD, and
PAD, respectively, prove that S1 + S3 = S2 - S4 = S/2.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." [12/31/2015 4:32:54 AM]

Go Geometry Problem 358. Isosceles triangle 80-80-20, Circle, Angles, Congruence. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Isosceles Triangle 80-20-80 351-360 Post a comment/solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 358. Isosceles triangle 80-80-20, Circle, Angles, Congruence. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
In the figure below, triangle ABC is isosceles with AB = BC and angle B = 20°. The cevian AD is equal to BD and the circle of center C
and radius equal to CA cut AB and BC at points E and F, respectively.
Prove that AE = DF. Try to use elementary geometry (Euclid's Elements.)

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill- (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:33:00 AM]
Go Geometry Problem 358. Isosceles triangle 80-80-20, Circle, Angles, Congruence. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:33:00 AM]

Go Geometry Problem 359. Cyclic quadrilateral, Angle bisector, Rhombus. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Cyclic Quadrilateral Rhombus 351-360 Post a comment/solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 359. Cyclic quadrilateral, Angle bisector, Rhombus. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
In the figure below, ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. Lines AB and DC meet at E, and lines AD and BC meet at F. The bisectors of angles
AED and AFB meet the sides BC, AD, CD, and AB at points M, N, G, and H, respectively. Prove that HMGN is a rhombus.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." [12/31/2015 4:33:05 AM]

Go Geometry Problem 360. Area of a triangle, Curvilinear triangles, Circles, Diameters. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems Art All Problems 351-360 Semicircle Circular Segment Area of a Triangle Solution/comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 360. Area of a triangle, Curvilinear triangles, Circles, Diameters. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
In the figure below, ABC is an acute triangle with area S. Circles of diameters AB, BC, and AC form three curvilinear triangles of areas
S1, S2, and S3, respectively, and one internal curvilinear triangle of area S4.
Prove that 2S = S1 + S2 + S3 - S4.

See Also: (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:33:12 AM]

Go Geometry Problem 360. Area of a triangle, Curvilinear triangles, Circles, Diameters. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Proposed Problem 361.

Right triangle, Incircle, Incenter, Tangency points, Angle.

Proposed Problem 359.

Cyclic quadrilateral, Angle bisector, Rhombus.

Proposed Problem 358.

Isosceles triangle 80-80-20, Circle, Angles, Congruence. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:33:12 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 636: Semicircle, Diameter, Perpendicular, Inscribed Circle, Tangent. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 636: Semicircle, Diameter, Perpendicular, Inscribed Circle, Common Tangent.
Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows the semicircles of diameters AB (center O), and CB (center D). Line CE is perpendicular to AB and the inscribed
circle in ECB is tangent to semicircle D at G. Prove that the common tangent GM passes through A. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:33:25 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 636: Semicircle, Diameter, Perpendicular, Inscribed Circle, Tangent. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 631-640 | Arbelos | Tangent Circles | Circles | Semicircle |
Perpendicular lines | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:33:25 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 637: Semicircle, Diameter, Perpendicular, Inscribed Circle, Chor...Arbelos. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 637: Semicircle, Diameter, Perpendicular, Inscribed Circle, Chord, Tangent,
Arbelos. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows the semicircles of diameters AB (center O), and CB (center D). Line CE is perpendicular to AB and the inscribed
circle in ECB is tangent to semicircle D at G. Prove that AE and AG are congruent. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:33:34 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 637: Semicircle, Diameter, Perpendicular, Inscribed Circle, Chor...Arbelos. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 631-640 | Arbelos | Tangent Circles | Circles | Semicircle |
Perpendicular lines | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:33:34 AM]

Arbelos, Inscribed Circle and Concyclic Points. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Elearning

Arbelos and Inscribed Circle: Concyclic Points. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College

Geometry Problem 638. If a circle is inscribed in the arbelos ACB with tangency points D, E, and F, as shown in the figure, then the points B,
C, D, and F are concyclic on circle with center G and G is the midpoint of the semicircle of diameter BC. Similarly, A, C, E, and F are concyclic
on circle with center H and H is the midpoint of semicircle of diameter AC.

See Also: (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:33:44 AM]

Arbelos, Inscribed Circle and Concyclic Points. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Elearning

Geometry Problem 637

Semicircle, Diameter, Perpendicular, Inscribed Circle, Chord, Tangent, Arbelos.

Geometry Problem 636

Semicircle, Diameter, Perpendicular, Inscribed Circle, Common Tangent.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 631-640 | Arbelos | Tangent Circles | Circles | Semicircle | Perpendicular lines |
Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:33:44 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 639: Semicircle, Diameter, Perpendicular, Inscribed Circle, Tangent, Arbelos, Congruence. Online Geometry.

Online Geometry Problem 639: Semicircle, Diameter, Perpendicular, Inscribed Circle, Tangent, Arbelos,
Congruence. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows the semicircles of diameters AB (center O), and CB (center D). Line CE is perpendicular to AB and the inscribed
circle F in ECB is tangent to semicircle D at G. If DF and CE meet at H, prove that DA and DH are congruent. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:33:53 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 639: Semicircle, Diameter, Perpendicular, Inscribed Circle, Tangent, Arbelos, Congruence. Online Geometry.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 631-640 | Arbelos | Tangent Circles | Circles | Semicircle |
Perpendicular lines | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:33:53 AM]

Archimedes Book of Lemmas: Proposition 1 Tangent circles and parallel diameters. Online Geometry tutoring

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Visual Index631-640 Archimedes' Lemmas Post a comment or
solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 640. Archimedes' Book of Lemmas: Proposition 1. Recent
Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry.
1. Internally Tangent Circles at A

If two circles touch at A (internally), and if BC and DE are parallel diameters, then ACE is a
straight line.

2. Externally Tangent Circles at A

If two circles touch at A (externally), and if BC and DE are parallel diameters, then ACE is a (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:33:57 AM]

Archimedes Book of Lemmas: Proposition 1 Tangent circles and parallel diameters. Online Geometry tutoring

straight line. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:33:57 AM]

Archimedes Book of Lemmas: Proposition 2 Semicircle, diameter, tangents, secant line, midpoint. Geometry tutoring

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Visual Index641-650 Archimedes' Lemmas Semicircle Post a
comment or solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 641. Archimedes' Book of Lemmas: Proposition 2. Recent
Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry.
Let AB be the diameter of a semicircle, and let the tangents to it at B and at any other point
D on it meet in C. If now DE be drawn perpendicular to AB, and if AC, DE meet in F, then
F is the midpoint of DE. [12/31/2015 4:34:01 AM]

Archimedes Book of Lemmas: Proposition 3 Semicircle, perpendicular to diameter, chords. Geometry tutoring

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Visual Index641-650 Archimedes' Lemmas Semicircle Post a
comment or solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 642. Archimedes' Book of Lemmas: Proposition 3. Recent
Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry.
Let C be any point on a semicircle of diameter AB, and let CD be perpendicular to AB.
Take E on AB so that AD = DE. Take F on arc CB so that arc CF = arc AC. Prove BF = BE. [12/31/2015 4:34:05 AM]

Archimedes Book of Lemmas: Proposition 4 Arbelos, area. Geometry tutoring

Problem 643: Archimedes' Book of Lemmas: Proposition 4, Arbelos

Let C be any point on a semicircle of diameter AB, and let CD be perpendicular to AB. If semicircles be described within the first
semicircle and having AD and DB as diameters respectively, the figure included between the circumferences of the three semicircles
is "what Archimedes called arbelos". Then the area of the arbelos is the same as the area of the circle with diameter CD.
"Arbelos" means shoemaker's knife in Greek.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 641-650 | Archimedes' Lemmas | Semicircle | Email | Post a
comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:34:12 AM]

Archimedes Book of Lemmas: Proposition 5 Two circles inscribed in the Arbelos, Archimedean Twins. eLearning - Antonio Gutierrez

Problem 644: Archimedes' Book of Lemmas: Proposition 5, Arbelos, Archimedean Twins

If two circles E and F are inscribed in the arbelos tangent to the line segment CD, one on each side as shown in the figure, then the
two circles, called Archimedean twins, are congruent.
"Arbelos" means shoemaker's knife in Greek.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 641-650 | Archimedes' Lemmas | Arbelos | Semicircle | Email | Post
a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:34:30 AM]

Archimedes Book of Lemmas: Proposition 6 Diameter of the circle inscribed in the arbelos. Geometry tutoring

Problem 645: Archimedes' Book of Lemmas: Proposition 6, Arbelos

Let AB, the diameter of a semicircle, be divided at C so that . If DE is the diameter of the circle inscribed in the arbelos ACB,

then .
"Arbelos" means shoemaker's knife in Greek.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 641-650 | Archimedes' Lemmas | Arbelos | Semicircle | Email | Post
a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:34:35 AM]

Archimedes Book of Lemmas: Proposition 7, Square and Circles, Area. Geometry tutoring

Problem 646: Archimedes' Book of Lemmas: Proposition 7, Square and Circles, Area

The area of the circumscribed circle about a square is double of the area of the inscribed circle in the square.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 641-650 | Archimedes' Lemmas | Areas | Square | Circles | Circle
Inscribed in a Square | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:34:40 AM]

Archimedes Book of Lemmas: Proposition 8, Angle trisection. Neusis. Geometry tutoring

Problem 647: Archimedes' Book of Lemmas: Prop. 8, Angle trisection. Neusis construction

If CD be any chord of a circle whose center is O, and if CD be produced to A so that AD is equal to the radius; if further AO meets the
circle in B, then the angle BOC will be equal to three times the angle BAC.

This is the Archimedes' neusis construction to the angle trisection problem. "Neusis" means use of a marked ruler in Greek.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 641-650 | Archimedes' Lemmas | Circles | Angles | Email | Post a
comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:34:45 AM]

Archimedes Book of Lemmas: Proposition 9, Perpendicular chords, Arcs. Geometry tutoring

Problem 648: Archimedes' Book of Lemmas: Proposition 9, Perpendicular chords, Arcs

If two chords of a circle intersect at right angles, then the sum of the opposite intercepted arcs are equals. That is, if chords AB and
CD are perpendiculars at P, then arc AC + arc BD = arc AD + arc BC.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 641-650 | Archimedes' Lemmas | Circles | Perpendicular | Angles |
Perpendicular Chords | Chord | Cyclic quadrilateral with perpendicular diagonals | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:34:49 AM]

Archimedes Book of Lemmas: Proposition 10, Tangent, Chord, Parallel. Geometry tutoring

Problem 649: Archimedes' Book of Lemmas: Proposition 10, Tangent, Chord, Parallel

AB and AC are two tangents to a circle and AD cuts it. Let CE be the chord through C parallel to AD, and let BE meet AD in F. Then, if
FG be drawn perpendicular to CE, it will bisect it in G.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 641-650 | Archimedes' Lemmas | Circles | Perpendicular | Angles |
Midpoints | Chord | Perpendicular Chords | Parallel Chords | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:34:55 AM]

Geometry Problem 650: Tangent Circles, Diameter, Radius, Chord, Perpendicular. Geometry tutoring

Problem 650: Tangent Circles, Diameter, Radius, Chord, Perpendicular

The figure shows the circle C1 with radius OA and circle C2 with diameter OA tangent at A. AB is a chord of circle C1 and the line
BCD is perpendicular to OA. If AC = 1, find the measure of AB.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 641-650 | Circles | Tangent Circles | Perpendicular | Metric
Relations | Perpendicular Chords | Chord | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:35:00 AM]

Geometry Problem 60 Isosceles triangle, congruence, and angles

Problem 60. Isosceles triangle, Congruence, Angles. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College

In the figure below, ABC is an isosceles triangle (AB = BC), m∠ABD = 30 degrees, m∠DBC = 10 degrees, and AC = BD. Prove
that: m∠DCB = 20 degrees. Post a comment or solution. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:35:06 AM]

Geometry Problem 60 Isosceles triangle, congruence, and angles

Selected Topics

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | Open Problems | 10 Problems | All Problems | Spanish Problem 60 | Email (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:35:06 AM]

Geometry Problem 61 Triangle, Trisection of Sides.

Problem 61.Triangle, Trisection of Sides. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College

Prove that the perimeter of the central hexagonal region DEFGHM determined by trisection of each side of a triangle ABC and
connecting the corresponding points A', A", B', B", C', and C" with the opposite vertex is given by 3/20 the sum of AA', AA", BB', BB", CC',
and CC". Post a comment or solution.

Selected Topics

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 61-70 | Marion Walter Index | Semiperimeter | Segment Trisection | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:35:26 AM]

Geometry Problem 62 Square diagonal and Inscribed Circle. College, Math tutor

Home Geometry Problems All Problems 61-70 Circle Tangent Line Circle Inscribed in a Square Solution / comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Geometry Problem 62. Square diagonal and Inscribed Circle. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
In the figure below, ABCD is a square, the inscribed circle O and the arc BD of center A meet at E. Prove that CE is one half of the
diagonal of the square. [12/31/2015 4:35:31 AM]

Geometry Problem 63 Regular Heptagon, side and diagonals.

Online Geometry Problem 63. Regular Heptagon, side and diagonals. Level: High School, College,
Mathematics Education

In the figure below, let s be the side length, c = AC, and d = AD of a regular heptagon ABCDEFG. Prove that: . (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:35:36 AM]

Geometry Problem 63 Regular Heptagon, side and diagonals.

Selected Topics

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 61-70 | Heptagon | Circle | Ptolemy theorem
| Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:35:36 AM]

Geometry Problem 64 Triangle, Incircle, Transversal

Geometry Problem 64: Triangle, Circle, Tangent, Transversal. High School, SAT Prep, College

In the figure below, let ABC be a triangle, the inscribed circle (incircle) is tangent to each side at D, E, and F. The line DE meet AC at G.
If AF = d, FC = e and CG = x prove that:

Selected Topics
Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 61-70 | Circle Tangent Line | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:35:42 AM]

Geometry Problem 65 Right Triangle, Midpoints, Pythagoras

Problem 65. Right Triangle, Midpoints. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
In the figure below, let ABC be a right triangle, M and N are the midpoints of DE and AC respectively. If AD = d, CE = e, and MN = x
prove that: . Post a comment or solution

Selected Topics

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 61-70 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:35:44 AM]

Geometry Problem 66 Triangle, Excircle, Tangents, Geometric Mean, Similarity

Problem 66. Triangle, Excircle, Tangents, Geometric Mean. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College

In triangle ABC, O is the excenter, DE is perpendicular to AO. If BD = d and CE = e, prove that

Tangents to an Excircle from the Wolfram Demonstrations Project by Jay Warendorff

Selected Topics (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:36:24 AM]

Geometry Problem 66 Triangle, Excircle, Tangents, Geometric Mean, Similarity

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 61-70 | Geometric Mean | Wolfram Demonstrations Project | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio
Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:36:24 AM]

Geometry Problem 67 Triangle, Circumcircle, Angles, Arcs, Circle, Cyclic quadrilateral

Problem 67. Triangle, Circumcircle, Angles, Concyclic. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
in the figure below, DE is a chord of the circumcircle or circumscribed circle of a triangle ABC. B is the midpoint of arc DE. Prove that the
points A, F, G, and C are concyclic (lie on a same circle) and angles CAG and CFG are congruent. Post a comment or solution

Selected Topics (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:36:32 AM]

Geometry Problem 67 Triangle, Circumcircle, Angles, Arcs, Circle, Cyclic quadrilateral
Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 61-70 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:36:32 AM]

Geometry Problem 68 Triangle, Incircle, Inradius, Tangent, Similarity

Problem 68. Triangle, Incircle, Inradius, Tangent. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
In the figure below, r is the inradius of a triangle ABC, d is the radius of circles D and E tangent to the angles A and C respectively, and
m = AF + CG. Prove that .

Selected Topics

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 61-70 | Circle Tangent Line | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:36:37 AM]

Geometry Problem 69 Square Inscribed in a Triangle, Similarity

Problem 69. Square Inscribed in a Triangle. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
In the figure below, b and h are the base and the altitude of a triangle ABC, s is the side of the square inscribed along the base. Prove
that: (s is one-half the harmonic mean of b and h).

Selected Topics
Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Art | 61-70 | Altitude | Harmonic Mean | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:36:47 AM]

Geometry Problem 69 Square Inscribed in a Triangle, Similarity (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:36:47 AM]

Geometry Problem 70 Squares Inscribed in a Triangle, Similarity

Problem 70. Squares Inscribed in a Triangle. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
In the figure below, b and h are the base and the altitude of a triangle ABC, s1, s2, s3, sn are the side of the squares inscribed. Prove

that: . Post a comment or solution

Selected Topics

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 61-70 | Altitude | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:36:52 AM]

Geometry Problem 70 Squares Inscribed in a Triangle, Similarity (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:36:52 AM]

Geometry Problem 71. Cyclic Quadrilateral, Angles

Problem 71. Cyclic Quadrilateral, Angles. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College

In a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD prove that each exterior angle is equal to the opposite interior angle. Post a comment or solution. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:36:58 AM]

Geometry Problem 71. Cyclic Quadrilateral, Angles

Selected Topics

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 71-80 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:36:58 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 72 Cyclic Quadrilateral, Angles, Chord, Parallel. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor

Home Geometry Problems 71-80 Common Chord Parallel Chords Solution / comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 72. Intersecting Circles, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Angles, Parallel. Recent Additions
Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry.
Given lines 1 and 2, circle 3 passes through the points A, B, C, and D, and circle 4 passes through the points C, D, E, and F.
Prove that lines AB and EF are parallel. [12/31/2015 4:37:01 AM]

Geometry Problem 73 Three Intersecting Circles, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Angles

Problem 73. Three Intersecting Circles, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Angles. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
Given lines 1 and 2, circle 3 passes through the points A, E, F, B, circle 4 passes through the points B, F, G, C, and circle 5 passes
through the points C, G, H, D. Prove that AEHD is a cyclic quadrilateral.
Post a comment or solution.

See also:
Original problem 73 art
Kaleidoscope problem 73
Sketch problem 73, art 01

Selected Topics (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:37:10 AM]

Geometry Problem 73 Three Intersecting Circles, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Angles
Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Art | 71-80 | Common Chord | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez
Last updated Feb 10, 2015 (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:37:10 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 74 Three Intersecting Circles, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Angles. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor

Problem 74. Three Intersecting Circles, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Angles. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
Given lines 1 and 2, circle 3 passes through the points A, E, F, B, circle 4 passes through the points B, F, G, C, and circle 5 passes
through the points C, G, H, D. Prove that angles EBM and EDH are equal.
Post a comment or solution.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 71-80 | Common Chord | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:37:12 AM]

Geometry Tutoring Problem 75 Three Intersecting Circles, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Angles

Problem 75. Three Intersecting Circles, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Angles. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
Given lines 1 and 2, circle 3 passes through the points A, E, F, B, circle 4 passes through the points B, F, G, C, and circle 5 passes
through the points C, G, H, D. Line AH and circle 3 meet at M, Line DE and circle 5 meet at N. Lines MB and HC meet at a point P and
lines NC and EB meet at a point Q. Prove that BCQP is a cyclic quadrilateral. Post a comment or solution.


DEFINITION. A cyclic quadrilateral is a quadrilateral whose vertices all lie on a single circle.
PROPOSITION 1. Opposite angles of a cyclic (inscribed) quadrilateral are supplementary. Also converse. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:37:20 AM]

Geometry Tutoring Problem 75 Three Intersecting Circles, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Angles

PROPOSITION 2. A quadrilateral is cyclic if one side subtends congruent angles at the two opposite vertices. Also converse.

Selected Topics

Home | Problems | 71-80 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:37:20 AM]

Geometry Problem 76 Square, Inscribed Circle, Circular Sector, Lune, Areas

Home Geometry Problems All Problems 71-80 Cyclic Quadrilateral Circular Sector Circle Tangent Line Circle Inscribed in a Square Solution / comment
By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 76. Area of a Circle, Square, Circular Sector, Lune. Level: High School, Recent Additions
College, SAT Prep.
Given a square ABCD 1, the inscribed circle 2, the arc BD of center A. S is the area of the lune EF, S1, S2, and S3 are the shaded
areas. Prove that S = S1 + S2 + S3. See also: Artwork Problem 76.


AREA OF A CIRCLE. The area enclosed by a circle is π multiplied by the radius squared. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:37:32 AM]

Geometry Problem 76 Square, Inscribed Circle, Circular Sector, Lune, Areas

CIRCULAR SECTOR: or a sector of a circle is a part of a circle bounded by two radii and their intercepted arc.

AREA OF A CIRCULAR SECTOR: In a circle of radius r, the area A of a sector of angle (degrees) equals of the area of the
circle: (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:37:32 AM]

Tutoring Problem 77 Angles in a circle, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Parallel lines

Problem 77. Angles in a circle, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Parallel lines. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
Given a circle (1), the lines AED (2) and BFC (3). If AB is parallel to CD, prove that the angles AFB and AEB are equal. Post a comment
or solution.


Proposition. If two lines are parallel, each pair of alternate interior angles are congruent. Also converse. (1 of 3) [12/31/2015 4:37:40 AM]

Tutoring Problem 77 Angles in a circle, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Parallel lines

Proposition. An inscribed angle is measured by one-half its intercepted arc.

CYCLIC QUADRILATERAL is a quadrilateral whose vertices all lie on a single circle.

Proposition 1. Opposite angles of a cyclic (inscribed) quadrilateral are supplementary. Also converse.

Proposition 2. A quadrilateral is cyclic if one side subtends congruent angles at the two opposite vertices. Also converse. (2 of 3) [12/31/2015 4:37:40 AM]

Tutoring Problem 77 Angles in a circle, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Parallel lines

See also: Problem 71

Selected Topics

Home | Search | Problems | 71-80 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez (3 of 3) [12/31/2015 4:37:40 AM]

Tutoring Problem 78 Angles in a circle, Perpendicular lines, Congruence, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Parallel lines

Problem 78. Angles in a circle, Perpendicular lines, Congruence. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
Given a circle O, OM is the perpendicular bisector of AB, AC extended meets the circle at D, BE extended meets the circle at F, DE
extented and AB extended meet at G, FC extended and BA extended meet at H. Prove that M is the midpoint of HG. Post a comment
or solution.


Proposition. If two lines are parallel, each pair of alternate interior angles are congruent. Also converse. (1 of 4) [12/31/2015 4:37:46 AM]

Tutoring Problem 78 Angles in a circle, Perpendicular lines, Congruence, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Parallel lines

Proposition. An inscribed angle is measured by one-half its intercepted arc.


Proposition. A diameter perpendicular to a chord bisects the chord and its arcs..

TRIANGLE CONGRUENCE A.S.A. If two angles and the included side of one triangle are congruent to the corresponding parts of
another, then the triangles are congruent. (2 of 4) [12/31/2015 4:37:46 AM]

Tutoring Problem 78 Angles in a circle, Perpendicular lines, Congruence, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Parallel lines

CYCLIC QUADRILATERAL is a quadrilateral whose vertices all lie on a single circle.

Proposition 1. Opposite angles of a cyclic (inscribed) quadrilateral are supplementary. Also converse.

Proposition 2. A quadrilateral is cyclic if one side subtends congruent angles at the two opposite vertices. Also converse.

See: Proposed Problem 77 (3 of 4) [12/31/2015 4:37:46 AM]

Tutoring Problem 78 Angles in a circle, Perpendicular lines, Congruence, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Parallel lines

Selected Topics

Home | Search | Problems | 71-80 | Perpendicular Bisector | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez (4 of 4) [12/31/2015 4:37:46 AM]

Geometry Problem 79 | Triangle Similarity | Altitudes | Orthocenter | Incircles | Inradii. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor

Home Geometry Problems 71-80 Altitude Circle Tangent Line Solution / comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 79. Triangle Similarity, Altitudes, Orthocenter, Incircles, Inradii. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
Given a triangle ABC, the altitudes AD, BE, and CF, the orthocenter H. If a,b,c,d,e, and f are the inradii of triangles AFH, BDH, CEH,
CDH, AEH, and BFH respectively, prove that a.b.c = d.e.f.


Proposition: The sum of the measures of the three angles of a triangle is 180. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:37:52 AM]

Geometry Problem 79 | Triangle Similarity | Altitudes | Orthocenter | Incircles | Inradii. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor

Altitude is the perpendicular line segment from one vertex to the line that contains the opposite side.

Similar Triangles are triangles whose corresponding angles are congruent and whose corresponding sides are in proportion.
Proposition. Triangle Similarity AA. If two angles of one triangle are congruent to two angles of another triangle, the two triangles are

Proposition: If two triangles are similar, then the ratio of any two corresponding segments (such as altitudes, medians, inradii, or angle
bisectors) equals the ratio of any two corresponding sides. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:37:52 AM]

Go Geometry Problem 361. Right triangle, Incircle, Incenter, Tangency points, Angle. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems 361-370 Solution / comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 361. Right triangle, Incircle, Incenter, Tangency points, Angle. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a right triangle ABC with incircle O and points of tangency D and E. If CO intersects DE at F, prove that the measure of
angle CFE is 45 degrees.

The incircle or inscribed circle of a triangle touches (is tangent to) the three sides. The center of the incircle is called the incenter. [12/31/2015 4:38:02 AM]

Go Geometry Problem 362. Circle, Chord, Perpendicular, Equal chords. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems 361-370 Post a comment/solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 362. Circle, Chord, Perpendicular, Equal chords. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a circle O with a chord AB. CE is perpendicular to AB and chords AC and CD are equal. Prove that AE = EB + BD. [12/31/2015 4:38:04 AM]

Go Geometry Problem 363. Right triangle, Congruence, Angles. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems Art All Problems 361-370 Post a comment/solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 363. Right triangle, Congruence, Angles, Three Squares. Recent Additions
Level: High School.
The figure shows a right triangle ABC. If AB = BD = DE = EC, prove that the sum of the angles ADB, AEB, and ACB is 90 degrees.
See also Video Solution [12/31/2015 4:38:15 AM]

Go Geometry Problem 364. Obtuse triangle, Congruence, Circles, Diameter, Curvilinear triangle, Area. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Obtuse Triangle 361-370 Semicircle Circular Segment Area of a Triangle Solution / comment
By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 364. Obtuse triangle, Congruence, Circles, Diameter, Curvilinear triangle, Area. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows an obtuse triangle ABC (angle B obtuse) of area S. D is the circumcenter of triangle ABC. Circles of diameters AD, BD,
and CD form a curvilinear triangle of area S1. Prove that S = 2S1. [12/31/2015 4:38:17 AM]

Go Geometry Problem 365. Circular Sector of 60 degrees, Midpoints, Perpendicular, COngruence . Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Circular Sector361-370 Post a comment/solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 365. Circular Sector of 60 degrees, Midpoints, Perpendicular, Congruence. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a circular sector AOB of 60 degrees. C is a point on arc AB and points D, E, F, and G are the midpoints of AC, CB, OB,
and OA, respectively. Prove that lines DF and EG are perpendicular. [12/31/2015 4:38:27 AM]

Go Geometry Problem 366. Scalene triangle, Circumcircle, Angles, 60 Degrees, Equilateral triangle. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems 361-370 Post a comment/solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 366. Scalene triangle, Circumcircle, Angles, 60 Degrees, Equilateral triangle. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a triangle ABC inscribed in a circle 1 (circumcircle) and an interior point P so that and
. Lines AP, BP, and CP intersect circle 1 at points D, E, and F, respectively. Prove that triangle DEF is equilateral. [12/31/2015 4:38:41 AM]

Go Geometry Problem 367. Square, Angle, 45 degrees, Pythagoras, Congruence, Similarity. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Visual Index 361-370 Post a comment/solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 367. Square, Angle, 45 degrees, Pythagoras, Congruence, Similarity. Level: High Recent Additions
School, College, SAT Prep.
In the figure ABCD is a square and the measure of angle EAF is 45 degrees. If BG = a, DH = b and GH = x, prove that . [12/31/2015 4:39:10 AM]

Go Geometry Problem 368. Triangle, 120 degrees, Angle bisectors, Perpendicular. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Puzzle 361-370 Post a comment/solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 368. Triangle, 120 degrees, Angle bisectors, Perpendicular. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a triangle ABC with angle bisectors AD, BE, and CF. If the measure of the angle BAC is 120 degrees, prove that ED
and FD are perpendicular. [12/31/2015 4:39:18 AM]

Go Geometry Problem 369. Intersecting circles, Chord, Center, Angle, Congruence. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems 361-370 Post a comment/solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 369. Intersecting circles, Chord, Center, Angle, Congruence. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
In the figure, circles O and O' are intersecting circles at points A and B, and the center O is on the circle O'. A chord AC meet circle O' at
D. Prove that BD and CD are congruent. [12/31/2015 4:39:33 AM]

Go Geometry Problem 370. Triangle with squares, Circumcircles, Tangent circles. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems 361-370 Post a solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 370. Triangle with squares, Circumcircles, Tangent circles. Recent Additions
Level: Math Education, High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a triangle ABC with the squares ABDE, BCFG, and ACHJ. DE extended meet AC and BC extended at A2 and B2,
respectively. GF extended meet AB and AC extended at A3 and C3, respectively. JH extended meet BA and BC extended at A4 and C4,
respectively. Prove that the circumcircle of triangle ABC is tangent to circumcircles of triangles A2B2C, AB3C3, and A4BC4. [12/31/2015 4:40:01 AM]

Problem 371: Square, Inscribed circle, Triangle, Area. Elearning

Problem 371: Square, Inscribed circle, Triangle, Area

The figure shows a circle 1 inscribed in a square ABCD of area S. Points E, F, G, and H are the tangency point. M is the point of
intersection of DF and AG and N is de point of intersection of DF and circle 1. If S1 is the area of triangle GMN, prove that S = 40S1. .

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 371-380 | Circle Inscribed in a Square | Area of a Triangle | Email | Solution /
comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:40:07 AM]

Problem 372: Circles, Common Internal and External Tangent, Angles. Elearning

Problem 372: Circles, Common Internal and External Tangent, Angles

The figure shows circles A and B with the common external tangent CD and the common internal tangent FG. E is the point of
intersection of GF and CD. H and M are the points of intersection of CF and the circle B. If , prove that
.. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:40:14 AM]

Problem 372: Circles, Common Internal and External Tangent, Angles. Elearning

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | Art | All Problems | 371-380 | Email | Post a comment/solution (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:40:14 AM]

Problem 373: Square, Inscribed Circle, Diagonal, Perpendicular, Angle. Elearning

Problem 373: Square, Inscribed Circle, Diagonal, Perpendicular, Angle

The figure shows a circle 1 inscribed in a square ABCD of area S. Points E and F are the tangency point. G is the intersection point of
BD and circle 1 and EH is perpendicular to FG. Prove that the measure of angle EAH is 22.5 degrees. .

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 371-380 | Semicircle | Perpendicular Chords | Circle Inscribed in a Square | Email
| Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:40:21 AM]

Problem 374: Triangle, Incenter, Internal Angle Bisectors. Elearning. Elearning

Problem 374: Triangle, Incenter, Internal Angle Bisectors

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the incenter I (point of intersection of all the internal angle bisectors). Prove that
. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:40:25 AM]

Problem 374: Triangle, Incenter, Internal Angle Bisectors. Elearning. Elearning

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 371-380 | Email | Post a comment/solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:40:25 AM]

Problem 375: Triangle, Excenter, External Angle Bisectors. Elearning. Elearning

Problem 375: Triangle, Excenter, External Angle Bisectors

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the excenter E (point of intersection of one of the internal angle bisectors and two of the
external angle bisectors). Prove that .. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:40:30 AM]

Problem 375: Triangle, Excenter, External Angle Bisectors. Elearning. Elearning

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 371-380 | Email | Post a comment/solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:40:30 AM]

Problem 376: Triangle, Excenter, Internal and External Angle Bisectors. Elearning. Elearning

Problem 376: Triangle, Excenter, Internal and External Angle Bisectors

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the excenter E (point of intersection of one of the internal angle bisectors and two of the
external angle bisectors). Prove that . (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:40:34 AM]

Problem 376: Triangle, Excenter, Internal and External Angle Bisectors. Elearning. Elearning

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems| 371-380 | Email | Post a comment/solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:40:34 AM]

Problem 377: Triangle, Internal Angle Bisector, Altitude. Elearning. Elearning

Problem 377: Triangle, Internal Angle Bisector, Altitude

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the internal angle bisector BD and altitude BH. Prove that .

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 371-380 | Email | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:40:37 AM]

Go Geometry Problem 378. Triangle, Incenter, Parallel to a side, Angle, Congruence. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems 371-380 Post a comment/solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 378. Triangle, Incenter, Parallel to a side, Angle, Congruence. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a triangle ABC with the incenter I (point of intersection of all the internal angle bisectors). If line DIE is parallel to BC,
prove that DE = BD + CE. [12/31/2015 4:40:42 AM]

Archimedes Book of Lemmas: Proposition 11, Perpendicular chords and Radius. Geometry tutoring

Problem 651: Archimedes' Book of Lemmas: Proposition 11 - Perpendicular Chords and Radius

If two chords AB, CD in a circle of radius R intersect at right angles in a point P, not being the center,
then AP2 + BP2 + CP2 + DP2 = 4.R2.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 651-660 | Archimedes' Lemmas | Circles | Perpendicular | Right
Triangle | Perpendicular Chords | Chord | Cyclic quadrilateral with perpendicular diagonals | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio
Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:40:45 AM]

Archimedes Book of Lemmas: Proposition 12 - Circle, Tangent, Perpendicular. Geometry tutoring

Problem 652: Archimedes' Book of Lemmas: Proposition 12 - Circle, Tangent, Perpendicular

If AB be the diameter of a semicircle, and CD, CE the tangents to it from any point C, and if AE, BD be joined meeting in F, then CF is
perpendicular to AB.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 651-660 | Archimedes' Lemmas | Circles | Semicircle |
Perpendicular | Chord | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:40:55 AM]

Archimedes Book of Lemmas: Proposition 13 - Circle, Chord, Perpendicular. Geometry tutoring

Problem 653: Archimedes' Book of Lemmas: Proposition 13 - Circle, Chord, Perpendicular

If a diameter AB of a circle meet any chord CD, not a diameter, in E, and if AF, BG be drawn perpendicular to CD,
then CG = DF.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 651-660 | Archimedes' Lemmas | Circles | Perpendicular | Chord |
Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:40:58 AM]

Archimedes Book of Lemmas: Proposition 14 - Semicircles, Diameter, Salinon, Area. Geometry tutoring

Problem 654: Archimedes' Book of Lemmas: Proposition 14 - Semicircles, Diameter, Salinon

Let AEB be a semicircle on AB as diameter, and let AC, BD be equal lengths measured along AB from A, B respectively. On AC, BD
as diameters describe semicircles on the side towards E, and on CD as diameter a semicircle on the opposite side. The figure
included between the circumferences of the four semicircles is "what Archimedes called salinon". Let the perpendicular to AB through
O, the center of the first semicircle, meet the opposite semicircles in E, F respectively. Then shall the area of the salinon be equal to
the area of the circle on EF as diameter.

"Salinon" means salt - cellar in Greek.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 651-660 | Archimedes' Lemmas | Circles | Semicircle |
Perpendicular | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:41:07 AM]

Archimedes Book of Lemmas: Proposition 15 - Circle, Regular Pentagon, Radius. Geometry tutoring

Problem 655: Archimedes' Book of Lemmas: Proposition 15 - Circle, Regular Pentagon, Radius

Let AB be the diameter of a circle, BC a side of an inscribed regular pentagon, D the midpoint of the arc BC. AB and CD meet in E;
AD and BC meet in F. If FG is perpendicular to AB, then EG is equal to the radius of circle.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 651-660 | Archimedes' Lemmas | Circles | Perpendicular | Pentagon
| Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:41:14 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 656: Triangle, Cevian, Concurrency. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 656: Triangle, Cevian, Concurrency. Level: High School, Honors Geometry,
College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the cevians AD, BE, and CF concurrent at G. Triangle DEF has the cevians DP, EQ, and FR
concurrent at S. Prove that lines AP, BQ, and CR are concurrent at T.
This entry contributed by Mohak Jain. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:41:18 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 656: Triangle, Cevian, Concurrency. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 651-660 | Triangles | Concurrent lines | Ceva's Theorem | | Email |
Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:41:18 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 657: Triangle, Incircle, Tangency Points, Parallel. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 657: Triangle, Incircle, Tangency Points, Parallel Lines. Level: High School,
Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the incircle tangent to AB, BC, and AC at D, E, and F, respectively. The line through A parallel to
FE meets ED at G. The line through A parallel to DE meets EF at H. Line GH meets AB and AC at J and K, respectively. If BD = 5,
and CF = 4, find JK. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:41:36 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 657: Triangle, Incircle, Tangency Points, Parallel. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 651-660 | Triangles | Incircle | Parallel lines | Congruence | Email |
Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:41:36 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 658: Triangle, Altitudes, Diameter, Circle, Angles. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 658: Triangle, Altitudes, Diameter, Circle, Angles. Level: High School, Honors
Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the altitudes BD and CE. The circle with diameter AC meets BD at F, and the circle with
diameter AB meets CE extended at G and H. If the measure of angle CHF is 12 degrees, find the measure of angle AGF. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:41:43 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 658: Triangle, Altitudes, Diameter, Circle, Angles. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 651-660 | Triangles | Altitude | Circles | Diameter | Angles | Email |
Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:41:43 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 659: Parallelogram, Parallel Lines, Collinear Points. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 659: Parallelogram, Parallel Lines, Collinear Points. Level: High School, Honors
Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a parallelogram ABCD, E is on the extension of BD. CF and AE are parallel. AF and CE meet at G. GH is parallel to
AD and CH is parallel to BD. Prove that the points D, H, and F are collinear. See also: Artwork Problem 659. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:41:51 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 659: Parallelogram, Parallel Lines, Collinear Points. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 651-660 | Parallelogram Index | Parallel lines | Collinear Points |
Menelaus' Theorem | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:41:51 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 660: Triangle, Circle, Diameter, Perpendicular Lines. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 660: Triangle, Circle, Diameter, Perpendicular Lines. Level: High School, Honors
Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC. The circle with diameter AC meet BC and BA extended at D and E, respectively. DF and EG are
perpendicular to AC. If GD and EF meet at H, prove that HB is perpendicular to AC. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:41:55 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 660: Triangle, Circle, Diameter, Perpendicular Lines. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 651-660 | Triangles | Circles | Perpendicular lines | Email | Solution
(Chinese version) | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:41:55 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 661: Intersecting Circles, Centers, Secant, Parallelogram. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 661: Intersecting Circles, Centers, Secant, Parallelogram. Level: High School,
Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows the intersecting circles O and O' at A and B. O'O extended and circle O meet at C. D is a point on circle O', DA and
DB meet circle O at E and F, respectively. Prove that DECF is a parallelogram. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:42:06 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 661: Intersecting Circles, Centers, Secant, Parallelogram. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 661-670 | Circles | Intersecting Circles |
Parallelograms | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:42:06 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 662: Triangle, Incenter, Circumcenter, Orthocenter, Circle, Angl...urement. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 662: Triangle, Incenter, Circumcenter, Orthocenter, Circle, Angle, Measurement.
Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC with D orthocenter, E incenter, and F circumcenter. If the angles ADC and AEC are congruent, find
the measure of angle AFC. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:42:33 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 662: Triangle, Incenter, Circumcenter, Orthocenter, Circle, Angl...urement. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 661-670 | Triangles | Circles | Incenter |
Circumcenter | Orthocenter | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:42:33 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 663: Scalene Triangle, 60 Degrees, Altitude, Angle Bisector, Perpendicu...ctor, Mind Map. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Mind Map Problems All problems 661-670 Triangles Altitude Angle Bisector Perpendicular Bisector Concurrent lines Post a solution
By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 663. Scalene Triangle, 60 Degrees, Altitude, Angle Bisector, Perpendicular Recent Additions
Bisector, Concurrency. Level: High School, College.
The figure shows a scalene triangle ABC with angle B 60 degrees. Prove that altitude AD, angle bisector BE, and perpendicular
bisector FG are concurrent at a point M.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map

George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving. It
suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better?

Mind Map Help. To see a note: Hover over a yellow note button. To Fold/Unfold: click a branch. To Pan: click and drag the map canvas. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:42:40 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 663: Scalene Triangle, 60 Degrees, Altitude, Angle Bisector, Perpendicu...ctor, Mind Map. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:42:40 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 664. Triangle, 60 Degrees, Orthocenter, Incenter, Circumcenter, Angles, Mind Map. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Mind Map Problems All problems 661-670 Triangles Circles Incenter Circumcenter Orthocenter Solution/comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 664. Triangle, 60 Degrees, Orthocenter, Incenter, Circumcenter, Angles. Level: Recent Additions
High School, College.
The figure shows a triangle ABC with angle B = 60 degrees, C = 44 degrees, D orthocenter, E incenter, and F circumcenter. Find
the measure of angle DEF.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map

George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving. It (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:43:10 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 664. Triangle, 60 Degrees, Orthocenter, Incenter, Circumcenter, Angles, Mind Map. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.
suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better?

Mind Map Help. To see a note: Hover over a yellow note button. To Fold/Unfold: click a branch. To Pan: click and drag the map canvas. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:43:10 AM]

Geometry Problem 665: Intersecting Circles, Secant, Tangent, Angles, Mind Map. Geometry tutoring

Problem 665: Intersecting Circles, Secant, Tangent, Angles, Mind Map

Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College Geometry

The figure shows the intersecting circles O and O', the common chord AB and the secant CAD. CE and DE are tangent to circles O
and O' at C and D, respectively. Prove that the measure of angle ABE is equal the difference of measure of angles EDC and ECD.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction,
the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem.
By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map

George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving.
It suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better?

Mind Map Help. To see a note: Hover over a yellow note button. To Fold/Unfold: click a branch. To Pan: click and drag the map canvas. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:43:15 AM]

Geometry Problem 665: Intersecting Circles, Secant, Tangent, Angles, Mind Map. Geometry tutoring

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 661-670 | Circles | Intersecting Circles | Chord |
Common Chord | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:43:15 AM]

Geometry Problem 666: Intersecting Circles, Secant, Tangent, Concyclic points, Mind Map. Geometry tutoring

Problem 666: Intersecting Circles, Secant, Tangent, Concyclic points, Mind Map

Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College Geometry

The figure shows the intersecting circles O and O' at A and B and the secant CAD. CE and DE are tangent to circles O and O' at C
and D, respectively. Prove that the points B,C,E,D are concyclic.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction,
the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem.
By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map

George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving.
It suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better?

Mind Map Help. To see a note: Hover over a yellow note button. To Fold/Unfold: click a branch. To Pan: click and drag the map canvas. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:43:19 AM]

Geometry Problem 666: Intersecting Circles, Secant, Tangent, Concyclic points, Mind Map. Geometry tutoring

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 661-670 | Circles | Intersecting Circles | Cyclic
Quadrilateral | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:43:19 AM]

Geometry Problem 667: Intersecting Circles, Secant, Tangent, Metric Relations, Mind Map. Geometry tutoring

Problem 667: Intersecting Circles, Secant, Tangent, Metric Relations, Mind Map

Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College Geometry

The figure shows the intersecting circles O and O' at A and B and the secant CAD. CE and DE are tangent to circles O and O' at C
and D, respectively. BE meets circle O' at F, DF extended meets CE at G. If CG = 5 and GE = 4, find DE.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction,
the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem.
By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map

George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving.
It suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better?

Mind Map Help. To see a note: Hover over a yellow note button. To Fold/Unfold: click a branch. To Pan: click and drag the map canvas. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:43:37 AM]

Geometry Problem 667: Intersecting Circles, Secant, Tangent, Metric Relations, Mind Map. Geometry tutoring

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 651-660 | Circles | Intersecting Circles | Cyclic
Quadrilateral | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:43:37 AM]

Tutoring Problem 80 Triangle Area, Incircle, Inradius

Online Geometry Problem 80: Triangle Area, Side, Inradius, Circumradius. Level: High School, Honors
Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

Given a triangle ABC of area S, the incircle of center I and inradius r. If AC = b and AB = c, prove that area of triangle DIE is (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:43:43 AM]

Tutoring Problem 80 Triangle Area, Incircle, Inradius

Selected Topics

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 71-80 | Wolfram Demonstrations Project | Circle
Tangent Line | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:43:43 AM]

Geometry Problem 81 Triangle Area, Side, Inradius, Circumradius

Online Geometry Problem 81: Triangle Area, Side, Inradius, Circumradius. Level: High School, Honors
Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

Given a triangle ABC, the incircle of center I, inradius r, and circumradius R. If BC = a, prove that area of triangle DIE is . (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:43:46 AM]

Geometry Problem 81 Triangle Area, Side, Inradius, Circumradius

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Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 81-90 | Circle Tangent Line | Email | Solution /
comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:43:46 AM]

Geometry Problem 82. Area of the Contact Triangle, Inradius, Circumradius

Online Geometry Problem 82. Area of the Contact Triangle, Inradius, Circumradius. Level: High School,
College, Mathematics Education

Given a triangle ABC of area S, the incircle of center I, the inradius r, and the circumradius R. If S1 is the area of the contact triangle

DEF, prove that: . (1 of 3) [12/31/2015 4:43:56 AM]

Geometry Problem 82. Area of the Contact Triangle, Inradius, Circumradius

"A great discovery solves a great problem, but there is a grain of discovery in the solution of any problem. Your problem may be
modest, but if it challenges your curiosity and brings into play your inventive faculties, and if you solve it by your own means, you
may experience the tension and enjoy the triumph of discovery. Such expert experiences at a susceptible age may create a taste for
mental work and leave their imprint on mind and character for a lifetime." George Polya, 1944

See also:
Original problem 82 art
Kaleidoscope problem 82
Sketch problem art 82


See: Proposed Problem 81.

The contact triangle of a triangle ABC (figure above), also called the intouch triangle, is the triangle DEF formed by the points of
tangency of the incircle of triangle ABC with triangle ABC.

Semiperimeter and Inradius Formula (2 of 3) [12/31/2015 4:43:56 AM]

Geometry Problem 82. Area of the Contact Triangle, Inradius, Circumradius

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Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | Art | 81-90 | Circle Tangent Line | Email | Solution /
comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (3 of 3) [12/31/2015 4:43:56 AM]

Geometry Problem 83. Area of a Excircle Contact Triangle, Exradius, Circumradius

Online Geometry Problem 83. Area of a Excircle Contact Triangle, Exradius, Circumradius. Level: High
School, College, Mathematics Education

Given a triangle ABC of area S, the excircle of center D, the exradius ra, and the circumradius R. If Sa is the area of the contact

triangle EFG, from the tangent points of the excircle and triangle ABC, prove that: . (1 of 3) [12/31/2015 4:44:02 AM]

Geometry Problem 83. Area of a Excircle Contact Triangle, Exradius, Circumradius

"A great discovery solves a great problem, but there is a grain of discovery in the solution of any problem. Your problem may be
modest, but if it challenges your curiosity and brings into play your inventive faculties, and if you solve it by your own means, you
may experience the tension and enjoy the triumph of discovery. Such expert experiences at a susceptible age may create a taste for
mental work and leave their imprint on mind and character for a lifetime." George Polya, 1944


1. See Proposed Problems 80, 81, 82.

The contact triangle of a triangle ABC (figure above), also called the intouch triangle, is the triangle DEF formed by the points of
tangency of the incircle of triangle ABC with triangle ABC.

Semiperimeter and Exradius Formula (2 of 3) [12/31/2015 4:44:02 AM]

Geometry Problem 83. Area of a Excircle Contact Triangle, Exradius, Circumradius

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Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | Art | 81-90 | Circle Tangent Line | Email | Solution /
comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (3 of 3) [12/31/2015 4:44:02 AM]

Geometry Problem 84. Contact Triangles Areas, Incircle, Excircle, Inradius, Exradius

Online Geometry Problem 84. Contact Triangles Areas, Incircle, Excircle, Inradius, Exradius. Level: High
School, College, Mathematics Education

In the figure below, given a triangle ABC, the incircle of radius r and the contact triangle of area S1, the excircle of radius ra and the

contact triangle of area Sa. Prove that: . (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:44:06 AM]

Geometry Problem 84. Contact Triangles Areas, Incircle, Excircle, Inradius, Exradius


1. See Problems 81, 82, 83.

Selected Topics

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | Art | 81-90 | Circle Tangent Line | Email | Solution /
comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:44:06 AM]

Geometry Problem 85. Contact Triangles Areas, Incircle, Excircle, Contact Triangles

Online Geometry Problem 85. Contact Triangles Areas, Incircle, Excircle, Contact Triangles. Level: High
School, College, Mathematics Education

In the figure below, given a triangle ABC, S1 is the area of contact triangle of the incircle, Sa, Sb, and Sc are the areas of the contact

triangles of the excircles. Prove that: . (1 of 3) [12/31/2015 4:44:14 AM]

Geometry Problem 85. Contact Triangles Areas, Incircle, Excircle, Contact Triangles


1. See Problems 82, 83, 84.

Selected Topics (2 of 3) [12/31/2015 4:44:14 AM]
Geometry Problem 85. Contact Triangles Areas, Incircle, Excircle, Contact Triangles

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | Art | 81-90 | Circle Tangent Line | Email | Solution /
comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (3 of 3) [12/31/2015 4:44:14 AM]

Geometry Problem 86. Intouch and Extouch Triangles, Equal Area, Contact Triangles

Online Geometry Problem 86. Intouch and Extouch Triangles, Equal Area, Contact Triangles. Level: High School,
College, Mathematics Education

In the figure below, given a triangle ABC, Si is the area of the contact or intouch triangle DEF, Se is the area of the extouch triangle GHM.
Prove that: . (1 of 4) [12/31/2015 4:44:24 AM]

Geometry Problem 86. Intouch and Extouch Triangles, Equal Area, Contact Triangles


1. The contact triangle of a triangle ABC, also called the intouch triangle or Gergonne triangle, is the triangle DEF formed by the points of
tangency of the incircle of triangle ABC with triangle ABC.
2. The extouch triangle of a triangle ABC is the triangle GHM formed by the points of tangency of the triangle ABC with its excircles.

Proposition. Two tangent segments to a circle from an external point are congruent. (2 of 4) [12/31/2015 4:44:24 AM]

Geometry Problem 86. Intouch and Extouch Triangles, Equal Area, Contact Triangles

4. Semiperimeter s, Side and Incircle Formula

5. Semiperimeter s, Side and Excircle Formula

Proposition: The area of a triangle equals one-half the product of the length of a side and the length of the altitude to that side.
Side Angle Side Formula: The SAS formula = ½ (side1 × side2) × sine(included angle). (3 of 4) [12/31/2015 4:44:24 AM]

Geometry Problem 86. Intouch and Extouch Triangles, Equal Area, Contact Triangles

6. See Problems 82, 85.

Selected Topics

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | Art | 81-90 | Circle Tangent Line | Email | Solution /
comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (4 of 4) [12/31/2015 4:44:24 AM]

Geometry Problem 87. Area of Quadrilateral and Midpoints of Diagonals, Median of a triangle

Online Geometry Problem 87. Area of Quadrilateral and Midpoints of Diagonals, Median of a triangle. Level:
High School, College, Mathematics Education

In the figure below, given a quadrilateral ABCD, M and N are the midpoints of AC and BD respectively. If S, S1, S2, and S3 are the

areas of the quadrilaterals ABCD,BCNA, BCDM, and BCNM respectively, prove that: . (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:44:36 AM]

Geometry Problem 87. Area of Quadrilateral and Midpoints of Diagonals, Median of a triangle


Median Area Fact: A median divides the triangle into two triangles of equal area.

Selected Topics

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | Art | 81-90 | Email | Solution / comment | By
Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:44:36 AM]

Geometry Problem 88. Area of Triangle and Quadrilateral, Midpoints of Diagonals, Median of a triangle

Online Geometry Problem 88. Area of Triangle and Quadrilateral, Midpoints of Diagonals, Median of a
triangle. Level: High School, College, Mathematics Education

In the figure below, given a triangle AED, M and N are the midpoints of cevians AC and DB respectively. If S1 and S2 are the areas
of the quadrilaterals AECN and DEBM respectively, prove that: . (1 of 3) [12/31/2015 4:45:01 AM]

Geometry Problem 88. Area of Triangle and Quadrilateral, Midpoints of Diagonals, Median of a triangle


1. CEVIAN: A Cevian is a line segment which joins a vertex of a triangle with a point on the opposite side (or its extension).

2. See Proposed Problem 87

Median Area Fact: A median divides the triangle into two triangles of equal area.

Selected Topics (2 of 3) [12/31/2015 4:45:01 AM]

Geometry Problem 88. Area of Triangle and Quadrilateral, Midpoints of Diagonals, Median of a triangle

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | Art | 81-90 | Email | Solution / comment | By
Antonio Gutierrez (3 of 3) [12/31/2015 4:45:01 AM]

Geometry Problem 89. Area of Triangle and Quadrilateral, Midpoints of Diagonals, Median

Online Geometry Problem 89. Area of Triangle and Quadrilateral, Midpoints of Diagonals, Median of a
triangle. Level: High School, College, Mathematics Education

In the figure below, given a triangle AED, M and N are the midpoints of cevians AC and DB respectively. If S1, S2, and S3 are the

areas of the triangles EBM, ECN, and BEC respectively, prove that: . (1 of 3) [12/31/2015 4:45:08 AM]

Geometry Problem 89. Area of Triangle and Quadrilateral, Midpoints of Diagonals, Median


1. CEVIAN: A Cevian is a line segment which joins a vertex of a triangle with a point on the opposite side (or its extension).

Median Area Fact: A median divides the triangle into two triangles of equal area.

3. Mid-Segment or Midline of a Triangle Theorem: If a line MN joins the midpoints of two sides of a triangle, then it is parallel to the
third side and its length is one-half the length of the third side. (2 of 3) [12/31/2015 4:45:08 AM]

Geometry Problem 89. Area of Triangle and Quadrilateral, Midpoints of Diagonals, Median

Selected Topics

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | Art | 81-90 | Email | Solution / comment | By
Antonio Gutierrez (3 of 3) [12/31/2015 4:45:08 AM]

Geometry Problem 90: Area of Triangle and Quadrilateral, Midpoints of Diagonals, Median

Online Geometry Problem 90. Area of Triangle and Quadrilateral, Midpoints of Diagonals, Median of a
triangle. Level: High School, College, Mathematics Education

In the figure below, given a triangle AED, M and N are the midpoints of cevians AC and DB respectively. If S1 and S are the areas of

the triangle MEN and the quadrilateral ABCD respectively, prove that: . (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:45:11 AM]

Geometry Problem 90: Area of Triangle and Quadrilateral, Midpoints of Diagonals, Median


1. CEVIAN: A Cevian is a line segment which joins a vertex of a triangle with a point on the opposite side (or its extension).

2. See Problems 87, 89

Selected Topics

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | Art | 81-90 | Email | Solution / comment | By
Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:45:11 AM]

Geometry Problem 91 Similar triangles and altitudes in proportion

Problem 91. Similar Triangles, Altitude, Parallel, Perpendicular. Level: High School, College

In the figure below, given a triangle ABC, an altitude AH = h, line DEF parallel to AC and line FGM parallel to AB. If h1, h2, and h3 are
perpendicular to BC respectively, prove that: h = h1 + h2 + h3.


Proposition: Corresponding segments of similar triangles are in proportion. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:45:16 AM]

Geometry Problem 91 Similar triangles and altitudes in proportion

Selected Topics

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Altitude | All Problems | 91-100 | Email | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:45:16 AM]

Geometry Problem 92 Similar Triangles, Circumcircles, Circumradii, Parallel

Problem 92. Similar Triangles, Circumcircles, Circumradii, Parallel. High School, College

In the figure below, given a triangle ABC, circumcircle C0, circumradius R, line DEF parallel to AC and line FGM parallel to AB. C1,
C2, and C3, and R1, R2, and R3 are the circumcircles and circumradii of triangles DBE, FGE, and MGC respectively, prove that: R //
R1 // R2 // R3, and circles C0 and C1 are tangent at B, circles C1 and C2 are tangent at E, circles C2 and C3 are tangent at G, and
circles C3 and C0 are tangent at C.

FACTS AND HINTS: (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:45:19 AM]
Geometry Problem 92 Similar Triangles, Circumcircles, Circumradii, Parallel

Proposition: Corresponding angles of similar triangles are congruent.


Proposition: Two lines are parallel if a pair of corresponding angles are congruent.
Proposition: Two lines are parallel if a pair of alternate interior angles are congruent.

Proposition: In the figure above, circles C0 and C1 are tangent internally if the line of center OO1 extended passes through B.
Proposition: In the figure above, circles C1 and C2 are tangent externally if the line of center O1O2 passes through G.

Selected Topics

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Similarity | Circumcircle | All Problems | 91-100 | Email | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:45:19 AM]

Geometry Problem 93. Similar Triangles, Circumcircles, Parallelogram

Problem 93. Similar Triangles, Circumcircles, Parallelogram. High School, College

In the figure below, given a triangle ABC, line DEF parallel to AC and line FGM parallel to AB. If O, O1, O2, and O3, are the
circumcenters of triangles ABC, DBE, FGE, and MGC respectively, prove that the quadrilateral OO1O2O3 is a parallelogram.

FACTS AND HINTS: (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:45:27 AM]

Geometry Problem 93. Similar Triangles, Circumcircles, Parallelogram
Proposition: Corresponding angles of similar triangles are congruent.


Proposition: Two lines are parallel if a pair of corresponding angles are congruent.
Proposition: Two lines are parallel if a pair of alternate interior angles are congruent.

3. See Proposed Problem 92

Selected Topics

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Similarity | Circumcircle | Parallelograms | All Problems | 91-100 | Visual Index | Email | Post a
comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:45:27 AM]

Geometry Tutoring Problem 94 Similar Triangles, Circumradii, Parallel

Problem 94. Similar Triangles, Circumradii, Parallel Lines. High School, College

In the figure below, given a triangle ABC, line DEF parallel to AC and line FGM parallel to AB. If R, R1, R2, and R3, are the circumradii
of triangles ABC, DBE, FGE, and MGC respectively, prove that R = R1 + R2 + R3.


Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:45:33 AM]

Geometry Tutoring Problem 94 Similar Triangles, Circumradii, Parallel
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

Proposition: Corresponding angles of similar triangles are congruent.

Selected Topics
Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Similarity | Circumcircle | Parallelograms | All Problems | 91-100 | Visual Index | Email | Post a
comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:45:33 AM]

Geometry Tutoring Problem 95. Similar Triangles, Inradii, Parallel

Problem 95. Similar Triangles, Inradii, Parallel. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
In the figure below, given a triangle ABC, line DEF parallel to AC and line FGM parallel to AB. If r, r1, r2, and r3, are the inradii of triangles ABC, DBE,
FGE, and MGC respectively, prove that: r = r1 + r2 + r3. Post a comment.


Proposition: Corresponding segments of similar triangles are in proportion.

Selected Topics
Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | All Problems | 91-100 | Circle Tangent Line | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:45:40 AM]

Geometry Tutoring Problem 96. Similar Triangles, Incenters, Parallelogram

Problem 96. Similar Triangles, Incenters, Parallelogram. High School, College

In the figure below, given a triangle ABC, line DEF parallel to AC and line FGM parallel to AB. If O, O1, O2, and O3, are the incenters
of triangles ABC, DBE, FGE, and MGC respectively, prove that the quadrilateral OO1O2O3 is a parallelogram.


Proposition: Corresponding angles of similar triangles are congruent. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:46:00 AM]

Geometry Tutoring Problem 96. Similar Triangles, Incenters, Parallelogram


Proposition: Two lines are parallel if a pair of corresponding angles are congruent.
Proposition: Two lines are parallel if a pair of alternate interior angles are congruent.

Selected Topics
Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Similarity | | Parallelograms | All Problems | 91-100 | Visual Index | Circle Tangent Line | Email |
Solution./ comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:46:00 AM]

Geometry Tutoring Problem 97. Similar Triangles, Areas

Problem 97. Similar Triangles, Areas. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
In the figure below, given a triangle ABC, line DEF parallel to AC and line FGM parallel to AB. If S, S1, S2, and S3, are the areas of triangles ABC, DBE,
FGE, and MGC respectively, prove that: . Post a comment.



Proposition: The areas of similar triangles are to each other as the squares of any two corresponding segments.

Selected Topics

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | All Problems | 91-100 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:46:07 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 98. Quadrilateral Areas, Centroids, Similarity

Problem 98. Quadrilateral Areas, Centroids, Similarity. High School, College

In the diagram below, given a quadrilateral ABCD of area S. E, F, G, and H are the centroids of the triangles ABC, BCD, ACD, and
ABD respectively. S1 is the area of the quadrilateral EFGH. Prove that (1) EF, FG, GH, and EH are parallel to AD, AB, BC, and CD
respectively; (2) S = 9S1.


The geometric centroid (center of mass) or barycenter of the polygon vertices of a triangle is the point G which is also the intersection of
the triangle's three triangle medians.
Proposition: The centroid divides each of the medians in the ratio 2:1 (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:46:10 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 98. Quadrilateral Areas, Centroids, Similarity

Proposition 1: If a line is parallel to one side of a triangle, then it divides the other two sides proportionally.
Proposition 2: If a line divides two sides of a triangle proportionally, it is parallel to the third side. (Converse of -proposition 1.)

3. SIMILAR POLYGONS - Ratio of Areas:

Proposition: If two polygons are similar, the ratio of their areas is equal to the square of the ratio of their corresponding sides.

Selected Topics
Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Similarity | Wolfram Demonstrations Project | Parallelograms | All Problems | 91-100 | Visual
Index | Email | Solution./ comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:46:10 AM]

Go Geometry Problem 379. Triangle, Excenter, Parallel to a side, Angle, Congruence. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems 371-380 Post a comment/solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 379. Triangle, Excenter, Parallel to a side, Angle, Congruence. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a triangle ABC with the excenter E (point of intersection of one of the internal angle bisectors and two of the external
angle bisectors). If line FEG is parallel to BC, prove that FG = BF + CG. [12/31/2015 4:46:15 AM]

Go Geometry Problem 380. Triangle, Excenter, Parallel to a side, Angle, Congruence. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems 371-380 Post a comment/solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 380. Triangle, Excenter, Parallel to a side, Angle, Congruence. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a triangle ABC with the excenter E (point of intersection of one of the internal angle bisectors and two of the external
angle bisectors). If line EGF is parallel to AC, prove that FG = AF - CG. [12/31/2015 4:46:17 AM]

Go Geometry Problem 381. Quadrilateral, Diagonals, Angle Bisectors, Angles. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems 381-390 Post a comment/solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 381. Quadrilateral, Diagonals, Angle Bisectors, Angles. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a quadrilateral ABCD with AE angle bisector of angle BAC and DE angle bisector of angle BDC. Prove that angle AED
= (angle ABD + angle ACD) / 2.

Quadrilateral, Angle Bisectors [12/31/2015 4:46:39 AM]

GoGeometry Problem 382. Concave quadrilateral, Angle Bisectors, Angles. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems 381-390 Post a comment/solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 382. Concave Quadrilateral, Angle Bisectors, Angles. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a concave quadrilateral ABCD with AE angle bisector of angle BAD and CE angle bisector of angle BCD. Prove that
angle AEC = (angle ABC + angle ADC) / 2. [12/31/2015 4:46:42 AM]

GoGeometry Problem 383. Concave quadrilateral, Angle Bisectors, Semi-difference of Angles. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems SAT 381-390 Post a comment/solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 383. Concave Quadrilateral, Angle Bisectors, Semi-difference of Angles. Level: Recent Additions
High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a concave quadrilateral ABCD with AE angle bisector of angle BAD and CE angle bisector of angle BCD. Prove that
angle AEC = (angle ABC - angle ADC) / 2. [12/31/2015 4:46:48 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 384. Triangle, Angle bisector, Perpendicular, Parallel, Semiperimeter. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Elearning

Home Geometry Problems Art All Problems Semiperimeter 381-390 Post a comment/solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 384. Triangle, Angle bisector, Perpendicular, Parallel, Semiperimeter. Level: Recent Additions
High School, SAT Prep, College geometry.
The figure shows a triangle ABC with external angle bisectors AD and CE of angles A and C, respectively. BD is perpendicular
to AD and BE is perpendicular to CE. Prove that (1) DE is parallel to AC, (2) DE is equal to the semiperimeter of triangle ABC. [12/31/2015 4:46:51 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 385. Triangle, Angle bisector, Perpendicular, Parallel, Semiperimeter. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Elearning

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Semiperimeter 381-390 Post a comment/solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 385. Triangle, Angle bisector, Perpendicular, Parallel, Semiperimeter. Level: Recent Additions
High School, SAT Prep, College geometry.
The figure shows a triangle ABC with angle bisectors AD and CE of angles A and C, respectively. BD is perpendicular to AD
and BE is perpendicular to CE. Prove that (1) DE is parallel to AC.
(2) If s is the semiperimeter of triangle ABC, DE = s - b. [12/31/2015 4:46:54 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 386. Triangle, Angle bisector, Perpendicular, Parallel, Semiperimeter, Congruence. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Elearning

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Semiperimeter 381-390 Post a comment/solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 386. Triangle, Angle bisector, Perpendicular, Parallel, Semiperimeter. Level: Recent Additions
High School, SAT Prep, College geometry.
The figure shows a triangle ABC with angle bisectors AD and CE of angles A and C, respectively. BD is perpendicular to AD
and BE is perpendicular to CE. F is the intersection point of AD and CE. If FG is perpendicular to BC, prove that
BG = DE. [12/31/2015 4:46:58 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 387. Triangle, Angle bisector, Perpendicular, Concyclic points. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Elearning

Home Geometry Problems All Problems 381-390 Post a comment/solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 387. Triangle, Angle bisector, Perpendicular, Concyclic points. Recent Additions
Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry.
The figure shows a triangle ABC with angle bisectors AD and CE of angles A and C, respectively. BD is perpendicular to AD
and BE is perpendicular to CE. F is the intersection point of AD and CE, FG is perpendicular to BC, and FH is perpendicular to
AB. Prove that points B,G,D,F,E, and H are concyclic. [12/31/2015 4:47:03 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 388. Triangle, Angle bisector, Perpendicular, Parallel lines. College Geometry, SAT Prep, Degree in Mathematics. Elearning

Home Geometry Problems All Problems 381-390 Post a comment/solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 388. Triangle, Angle bisector, Perpendicular, Parallel lines. Recent Additions
Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry.
The figure shows a triangle ABC with angle bisectors AD and CE of angles A and C, respectively. BD is perpendicular to AD
and BE is perpendicular to CE. F is the intersection point of AD and CE. If FG is perpendicular to BC, prove that DG is parallel
to EB. [12/31/2015 4:47:12 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 389. Triangle, Parallel lines, Harmonic Mean. College Geometry, SAT Prep, Degree in Mathematics. Elearning

Home Geometry Problems All Problems 381-390 Harmonic Mean Post a comment/solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 389. Triangle, Parallel lines, Harmonic Mean. Recent Additions
Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry.
The figure shows a triangle ABC with DE parallel to AB and DF parallel to BC. AE intersects DF at G and CF intersects DE at
H. Prove that (1) GH is parallel to AC, and (2) GH is one-half the harmonic mean of AD and CD. [12/31/2015 4:47:16 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 390. Triangle, Parallel lines, Collinear points. College Geometry, SAT Prep, Degree in Mathematics. Elearning

Home Geometry Problems All Problems 381-390 Post a comment/solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 390. Triangle, Parallel lines, Collinear points. Recent Additions
Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry.
The figure shows a triangle ABC with DE parallel to AB and DF parallel to BC. AE intersects DF at G, CF intersects DE at H,
and AH intersects CG at M. Prove that the points B, M, and D are collinear. [12/31/2015 4:47:20 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 391. Triangle, Parallel lines, Collinear points. College Geometry, SAT Prep, Degree in Mathematics. Elearning

Home Geometry Problems All Problems 391-400 Post a comment/solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 391. Triangle, Parallel lines, Collinear points. Recent Additions
Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry.
The figure shows a triangle ABC with DE parallel to AB and DF parallel to BC. AE intersects DF at G, CF intersects DE at H,
AH intersects BC at J, CG intersects AB at K, and AE intersects CF at M. Prove that points K, M, and J are collinear. [12/31/2015 4:47:24 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 392. Triangle, Parallel lines, Collinear points, Concurrent lines. College Geometry, SAT Prep, Degree in Mathematics. Elearning

Home Geometry Problems All Problems 391-400 Post a comment/solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 392. Triangle, Parallel lines, Collinear points, Concurrent lines. Recent Additions
Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry.
The figure shows a triangle ABC with DE parallel to AB and DF parallel to BC. AE intersects DF at G, CF intersects DE at H,
AH intersects BC at J, CG intersects AB at K. Prove that lines EF, JK, and HG are concurrent, [12/31/2015 4:47:27 AM]

Math Geometry Problem 393: Triangle, Orthocenter, Circumcircles, Congruence, Collinear. Elearning

Geometry Problem 393: Triangle, Orthocenter, Circumcircles, Congruence, Collinear

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the orthocenter D (point where altitudes intersect). Circles 1, 2 (center E), 3 (center F), 4 (center
G), and 5 are the circumcircles of triangles ABC, ADB, BDC, ADC, and EFG, respectively. Circle 6 is tangent to circles 2, 3, and 4 at
points H, M, and N, respectively. Prove that: (1) Circles 1,2,3,4,5 are congruent. (2) D is the center of circle 5. (3) D is the center of
circle 6. (4) Points H,B,M are collinear, H,A,N are collinear, and M,C,N are collinear. (5) Points D,E,H are collinear, D,F,M are
collinear, and D,G,N are collinear. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:47:31 AM]

Math Geometry Problem 393: Triangle, Orthocenter, Circumcircles, Congruence, Collinear. Elearning

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 391-400 | Email | Post a solution | by Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:47:31 AM]

Problem 394: Square, 90 Degree Arc, Diagonal, Congruence. Elearning

Problem 394: Square, 90 Degree Arc, Diagonal, Congruence

The figure shows a square ABCD. Arc BD with center at A and AC intersect at F. The extension of DF meets BC at G. Prove that BG
= 2.EF. . (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:47:43 AM]

Problem 394: Square, 90 Degree Arc, Diagonal, Congruence. Elearning

Home | Search | Geometry | Circular Sector | Problems | All Problems | 391-400 | Circle Inscribed in a Square | Email | Post a comment
or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:47:43 AM]

Problem 395: Square, 15 Degree, Equilateral triangle. Elearning

Problem 395: Square, 15 Degree, Equilateral triangle

The figure shows a square ABCD with angles EBC and ECB equal 15 degrees. Prove that triangle AED is equilateral. .

See also:
Kaleidoscope of Problem 395 base on Poincare Disk Model. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:47:47 AM]

Problem 395: Square, 15 Degree, Equilateral triangle. Elearning

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 391-400 | Email | Post a comment or solution | by Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:47:47 AM]

Problem 396: Square, Angle Trisectors, Congruence, Area. Elearning

Problem 396: Square, Angle Trisectors, Congruence, Area

The figure shows a square ABCD with lines AMF, ALG, BMH, BJK, CJE, CKH, DKF, and DLE the trisectors of angles A, B, C, and D,
respectively. Prove that (1) EFGH is a square, (2) JKLM is a square, and (3) the area of square EFGH is 3 times the area of square
JKLM. . (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:47:51 AM]

Problem 396: Square, Angle Trisectors, Congruence, Area. Elearning

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems| 391-400 | Square area | Area of a Parallelogram | Email | Post a comment or
solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:47:51 AM]

Geometry Problem 668: Right triangle, Incircles, Parallel, Common Tangent, Mind Map. Geometry tutoring

Problem 668: Right triangle, Incircles, Parallel, Common Tangent, Mind Map

Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College Geometry

The figure shows a right triangle ABC with the incircle O tangent to AC at H. From O parallels DE and FG are drawn to AB, and BC,
respectively. Prove that OH is the common tangent to the incircles of triangles AFG and DEC.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction,
the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map

George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving.
It suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better?

Mind Map Help. To see a note: Hover over a yellow note button. To Fold/Unfold: click a branch. To Pan: click and drag the map canvas. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:47:55 AM]

Geometry Problem 668: Right triangle, Incircles, Parallel, Common Tangent, Mind Map. Geometry tutoring

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 661-670 | Circles | Right Triangle | Square |
Incenter/Incircle | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:47:55 AM]

Geometry Problem 669: Triangle, Circumcircle, Incenter, Midpoint, Collinear points, Mind Map. Geometry tutoring

Problem 669: Triangle, Circumcircle, Incenter, Midpoint, Collinear points, Mind Map

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the circumcircle O and incenter I. D and E are the midpoints of the arcs AB and BC,
respectively. F is a point on the circumcircle O, FD and AB meet at G, FE and BC meet at H. Prove that points G, I, and H are

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction,
the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem.
By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map

George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving.
It suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:48:06 AM]

Geometry Problem 669: Triangle, Circumcircle, Incenter, Midpoint, Collinear points, Mind Map. Geometry tutoring

understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better?

Mind Map Help. To see a note: Hover over a yellow note button. To Fold/Unfold: click a branch. To Pan: click and drag the map canvas.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 661-670 | Triangles | Circles | Circumcircle |
Incenter/Incircle | Collinear Points | Midpoint | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:48:06 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 670: Triangle, 60 Degrees, Orthocenter, Incenter, Circumcenter, ...gruence. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 670: Triangle, 60 Degrees, Orthocenter, Incenter, Circumcenter, Congruence.
Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC with angle B = 60 degrees, orthocenter H, incenter I, and circumcenter O. Prove that HI and IO are
congruent. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:48:19 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 670: Triangle, 60 Degrees, Orthocenter, Incenter, Circumcenter, ...gruence. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 661-670 | Triangles | Incenter | Orthocenter |
Circumcenter | Angles: 30, 60, 120 degrees | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:48:19 AM]

Geometry Problem 671: Triangle, Cevian, Angles, Congruence.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Visual Index671-680 Triangle Angles Congruence Solution/comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Recent Additions Problem 671: Triangle, Cevian, Angles, Congruence
The figure shows a triangle ABC and a cevian BD with CD congruent to AB. If ∠ABD = 3α, ∠CBD= 7α and ∠C = 4α, find the measure of
angle A. [12/31/2015 4:48:25 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 672: Internally tangent circles, Chord, Tangent, Geometric Mean. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 672: Internally tangent circles, Chord, Tangent, Geometric Mean. Level: High
School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows the circles O and O' tangent internally at A, and the center O is on the circle O'. A chord BC is tangent to circle O' at
D. Prove that AD is the geometric mean of BD and CD. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:48:30 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 672: Internally tangent circles, Chord, Tangent, Geometric Mean. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 671-680 | Tangent Circles | Circles | Diameter | Chord | Geometric
Mean | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:48:30 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 673: Internally tangent circles, Chord, Tangent, Metric Relations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 673: Internally tangent circles, Chord, Tangent, Metric Relations. Level: High
School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows the circles O and O' tangent internally at A with a chord BC tangent to circle O' at D. Chords AB and AC intersect
the circle O' at points E and F, respectively. If BC = a, AE = e, AF = f, and CD = x, prove that: . (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:48:41 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 673: Internally tangent circles, Chord, Tangent, Metric Relations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 671-680 | Tangent Circles | Circles | Triangles | Chord | Email | Post
a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:48:41 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 674: Triangle, Altitude, Angles. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 674: Triangle, Altitude, Angles. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College,
Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the altitude BH and a point D on BD. If angle ABH = 5x, angle CBH = 3x,
angle ACD = 2x, and angle CAD = x. Find x. This entry contributed by Alejandro Astudillo. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:48:47 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 674: Triangle, Altitude, Angles. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 671-680 | Triangles | Angles | Altitude | Email |
Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:48:47 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 675: Intersecting Circles, Secant, 45 and 90 Degrees, Quadrilateral, Collinear Points. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 675: Quadrilateral, 45 and 90 Degrees, Circumcircles, Intersecting Circles, Recent Additions
Secant, Collinear Points. Level: High School, College, Math Education.
The drawing shows the quadrilateral ABCD with the exterior angles B and D equal to 45 degrees. Point E is on AB extended,
such that angle DCE = 90 degrees, and point F is on AD extended, such that angle BCF = 90 degrees. CIrcumcircle O of triangle
ABD and circumcircle O' of triangle AEF meet at G. CG meets circle O at H. Prove that points A, O, and H are collinear.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:48:51 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 675: Intersecting Circles, Secant, 45 and 90 Degrees, Quadrilateral, Collinear Points. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given."

Home Geometry Problems All problems Open Problems Visual Index Problems Art Gallery 671-680 Circles Circumcircle Intersecting Circles Collinear Points Post a solution
By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:48:51 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 676. Circles, Diameter, Tangent, Metric Relatio...cher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 676: Circles, Diameter, Tangent, Chord, Metric Relations

The figure shows a circle O with diameter AB, BC is tangent to circle O at B. CA meets circle O at D. Circle of diameter AD meets AB

at E. Circle of diameter AE meets AC at F. If AD = a, CD = b, and EF = x, prove that .

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 671-680 | Circles | Diameters and Chords | Metric
Relations | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:48:56 AM]

Geometry Problem 677: Parallelogram, Midpoint, Diagonal, Metric Relations. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Online Geometry Problem Problem 677: Parallelogram, Midpoint, Diagonal, Metric Relations. Level: High
School, College, Mathematics Education

The drawing shows a parallelogram ABCD. M is the midpoint of BC, diagonal AC and DM meet at E. AD is extended to F so that DF
= 2AD. EF meets CD at G. If CG = 3, find the measure of DG. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:49:01 AM]

Geometry Problem 677: Parallelogram, Midpoint, Diagonal, Metric Relations. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 671-680 | Parallelogram Midpoint | Similarity,
Ratios, Proportions | Post a solution or comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:49:01 AM]

Geometry Problem 678: Triangle, Simson Line, Circumcircle, Tangent, Parallel, Perpendicular, Collinear Points. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Problem 678: Triangle, Simson Line, Circumcircle, Tangent, Parallel, Perpendicular, Collinear Points. Level:
High School, SAT, College Geometry

The figure shows a triangle ABC. The altitude AD meets the circumcircle O at E. Line GDF is the Simson line of E with respect to
triangle ABC. Line AM is the tangent to circle O at A. Prove that line GDF is parallel to AM. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:49:03 AM]

Geometry Problem 678: Triangle, Simson Line, Circumcircle, Tangent, Parallel, Perpendicular, Collinear Points. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Problems Art Gallery | Visual Index | 671-680 | Triangles |
Simson Line | Altitude | Circumcircle | Collinear Points | Perpendicular lines | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:49:03 AM]

Geometry Problem 679: Triangle, Circle, Median, Proportion. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Problem 679: Triangle, Circle, Median, Proportion. Level: High School, SAT, College Geometry

The figure shows a triangle ABC, a circle of center B meets AB and BC at D an E, respectively. Median BM meets DE at F. If BC =

a, AB = c, DF = x, and EF = y, prove that . (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:49:23 AM]

Geometry Problem 679: Triangle, Circle, Median, Proportion. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Problems Art Gallery | Visual Index | 671-680 | Triangles |
Circles | Midpoints | Median | Similarity, Ratios, Proportions | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:49:23 AM]

Geometry Problem 680: Concentric Circles, Radii, Chords, Perpendicular, Metric Relations. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Online Geometry Problem 680: Concentric Circles, Radii, Chords, Perpendicular, Metric Relations. Level:
High School, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows two concentric circles with radii R and r. A chord AB of the outer circle meets the inner circle at C and D,
respectively, CE is perpendicular to AB. If AC = a, CB = b, and CE = c, prove that . (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:49:27 AM]

Geometry Problem 680: Concentric Circles, Radii, Chords, Perpendicular, Metric Relations. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 671-680 | Circles | Concentric Circles | Diameters
and Chords | Perpendicular lines | Perpendicular Chords | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:49:27 AM]

Geometry Problem 681: Gergonne Point, Triangle, Incircle, Tangency points, Concurrent lines. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Problem 681: Gergonne Point, Triangle, Incircle, Tangency points, Concurrent lines, Semi-perimeter, Ceva
theorem. Level: High School, SAT, College Geometry

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the incircle I tangent to the sides at the points A', B' and C'. Prove that AA', BB', and CC' are
concurrent at a point G called Gergonne point.
Joseph Diez Gergonne (1771-1859) was a French mathematician and geometer who founded Annales de mathematiques in 1810. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:49:30 AM]

Geometry Problem 681: Gergonne Point, Triangle, Incircle, Tangency points, Concurrent lines. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | Problems Art Gallery | 681-690 | Triangle centers |
Gergonne Points | Ceva's Theorem | Semiperimeter | Incircle | Concurrent lines | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio
Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:49:30 AM]

Geometry Problem 682: Gergonne Point, Triangle, Excircle, Tangency points, Concurrent lines. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Problem 682: Gergonne External Point, Triangle, Excircle, Tangency points, Concurrent lines, Semiperimeter,
Ceva theorem. Level: High School, SAT, College Geometry

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the excircle EA tangent to the sides at the points A', B' and C'. Prove that AA', BB', and CC'
are concurrent at a point GA called Gergonne external point.
Joseph Diez Gergonne (1771-1859) was a French mathematician and geometer who founded Annales de mathematiques in 1810. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:49:32 AM]

Geometry Problem 682: Gergonne Point, Triangle, Excircle, Tangency points, Concurrent lines. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | Problems Art Gallery | 681-690 | Triangle centers |
Gergonne Points | Ceva's Theorem | Semiperimeter | Excircle | Concurrent lines | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio
Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:49:32 AM]

Geometry Problem 683: Nagel Point, Triangle, Excircles, Tangency points, Concurrent lines. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Problem 683: Nagel Point, Triangle, Excircles, Tangency points, Concurrent lines, Semi-perimeter, Ceva
theorem. Level: High School, SAT, College Geometry

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the excircles EA, EB, EC tangent to the sides at the points A', B' and C'. Prove that AA', BB',
and CC' concur in the Nagel point N.
Christian Heinrich von Nagel (28 February 1803, Stuttgart, Germany – 27 October 1882, Ulm, Germany) was a German geometer. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:49:40 AM]

Geometry Problem 683: Nagel Point, Triangle, Excircles, Tangency points, Concurrent lines. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | Problems Art Gallery | 681-690 | Triangle centers |
Nagel Points | Ceva's Theorem | Semiperimeter | Excircle | Concurrent lines | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:49:40 AM]

Geometry Problem 684: Outer Nagel Point, Triangle, Excircles, Incircle, Tangency points, Concurrent lines. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Problem 684: Outer Nagel Point, Triangle, Excircles, Tangency points, Concurrent lines, Semi-perimeter,
Ceva theorem. Level: High School, SAT, College Geometry

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the incircle I and the excircles EA and EC tangent to the sides AC, BC, and AB at the points
B', C' and A', respectively. Prove that AA', B'B, and CC' concur in the outer Nagel point NB.
Christian Heinrich von Nagel (28 February 1803, Stuttgart, Germany – 27 October 1882, Ulm, Germany) was a German geometer. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:49:46 AM]

Geometry Problem 684: Outer Nagel Point, Triangle, Excircles, Incircle, Tangency points, Concurrent lines. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | Problems Art Gallery | 681-690 | Triangle centers |
Nagel Points | Ceva's Theorem | Semiperimeter | Excircle | Incircle | Concurrent lines | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio
Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:49:46 AM]

Geometry Tutoring Problem 99. Circle Area and Pythagoras extension theorem, Similarity

Problem 99. Circle Area, General Extension to Pythagoras' Theorem. High School, College

In the diagram below, given a right triangle ABC and semicircles of diameters AB, BC, AC, AO, OD, and CD respectively. If OD is the
perpendicular bisector of AC and S, S1, S2, and S3 are the shaded areas, prove that: S = S1 + S2 + S3.


1. See: : The General Extension to Pythagoras' Theorem. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:50:03 AM]

Geometry Tutoring Problem 99. Circle Area and Pythagoras extension theorem, Similarity

Selected Topics
Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Areas | Similarity | Circles | Semicircle | Lunes of Hippocrates | All Problems | 91-100 | Visual
Index | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:50:03 AM]

Geometry Problem 100. Circle Area, Archimedes' Book of Lemmas.

Problem 100. Circle Area, Archimedes' Book of Lemmas. High School, College

In the diagram below, given a semicircle of diameter AB, CD is a perpendicular to AB, circle of diameter CD and semicircles of
diameter AC and CB respectively. If S1, S2, S3 , S4, and S5 are the shaded areas, prove that: S1 + S2 + S3 = S4 + S5.


1. See: Archimedes' Book of Lemmas

Proposition 4 Arbelos (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:50:07 AM]

Geometry Problem 100. Circle Area, Archimedes' Book of Lemmas.

Selected Topics
Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Areas | Art | Similarity | Circles | Semicircle | Lunes of Hippocrates | All Problems | 91-100 |
Visual Index | Circle Tangent Line | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:50:07 AM]

Math Geometry Problem 101: Equilateral Triangle, Pythagoras, Angles. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor

Problem 101. Equilateral Triangle, Pythagoras, Angles. High School, College

In the diagram below, given an equilateral triangle ABC, D is an interior point. If a2 = b2 +c2 prove that the measure of angle BDC is
equal to 150°.


Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."


● Pythagorean Theorem Converse

● Congruence of Triangles SAS
● The sum of the measures of the three angles of a triangle is 180. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:50:20 AM]

Math Geometry Problem 101: Equilateral Triangle, Pythagoras, Angles. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Congruence | Right Triangle | All Problems | 101-110 | Visual Index | Email | Solution / comment |
By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:50:20 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 102. Equilateral Triangle Area, Interior Point, Pythagoras. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor

Online Geometry Problem 102: Equilateral Triangle Area, Interior Point, Distances. Level: High School,
Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

In the figure below, given an equilateral triangle ABC, D is an interior point. If AD = 5, BD = 4, CD = 3, find the area of triangle ABC

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 101-110 Problem 101 Post a comment or solution
| By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:50:25 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 103. Equilateral Triangle Area, Interior Point, Heron. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor

Home Geometry Problems All Problems 101-110 By Antonio Gutierrez

Geometry Problem 103. Equilateral Triangle Area, Interior Point, Heron. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.

In the figure below, given an equilateral triangle ABC, D is an interior point. If AD = d, BD = e, CD = f, and , prove that the

area S of triangle ABC is:

Post a comment.


Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."


● Congruence of Triangles SAS

● Congruence of triangles SSS
● Heron's formula of area of a triangle (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:50:28 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 103. Equilateral Triangle Area, Interior Point, Heron. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor

● Formula of the area of an equilateral triangle: , where s is any side. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:50:28 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 104. Angles, Triangle. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor

Geometry Problem 104. Angles, Triangle, Quadrilateral. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College,
Mathematics Education
In the figure below, given a quadrilateral ABCD, angle ABD = 2α , angle DBC = 90 - α , angle ADB = 2β , and angle BDC = 90 - β .
Prove that angle AEB = 90 + β − α
Post a comment or solution


Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

Home | Search | Problems | 101-110 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:50:33 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 105. Angles, Triangle. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor

Geometry Problem 105. Angles, Triangle, Interior Point. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College,
Mathematics Education

In the figure below, given a triangle ABC, angle ABD = α , angle BAD = angle DAC = β , angle BCD = 90 - α − β , and angle ACD = x.
Prove that x = α.


Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

Home | Search | Problems | 101-110 | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:50:36 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 105. Angles, Triangle. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:50:36 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 106. Angles, Triangle. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor

Problem 106. Angles, Triangle. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
In the figure below, given a triangle ABC, angle BAD = 2α , angle ACB = α , and AB = CD. Prove that x = 180º- 4α.
Post a comment or solution


Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

Home | Search | Problems | 101-110 | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:50:40 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 107. Angles, Triangle. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 107. Angles, Triangle. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
In the figure below, given a triangle ABC, angle BAD = 2α , angle DBC = α , and AB = CD. Prove that x = 180º- 4α.
Post a comment or solution


Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

Home | Search | Problems | 101-110 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:50:49 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 108. Angles, Triangle, Median. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Online Geometry Problem 108: Angle, Triangle, Median. Level: High School, College,
Mathematics Education
In the figure below, given a triangle ABC, BD is the median to AC, angle BCA = α , and angle ABD = 90º - α.
Prove that x = α. Post a comment or solution.


Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction,
the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem.
By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

Home | Search | Problems | 101-110 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:50:54 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 109. Angles, Right Triangle, Cevian. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 109. Angle, Right Triangle, Cevian, 45 Degrees. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
In the figure below, given a right triangle ABC, BD is a cevian to AC, AB = CD, angle ABD = α , and angle A = 2α. Prove that x = 45º.
Post a comment or solution.

Home | Search | Problems | 101-110 | 45 Degrees| Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:50:59 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 110. Contact Triangle, Area, Incircle. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 110. Contact Triangle, Area, Incircle. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
In the figure below, given a triangle ABC, S is the area of contact triangle DEF of the incircle, S1 is the area of triangle ADF, and S2 is

the area of triangle DFC. Prove that:

Post a comment or solution.

Home | Search | Problems | Art | 101-110 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:51:02 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 111. Orthogonal Circles. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 111. Orthogonal Circles. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
In the figure below, given a circle of center O and diameter AB, AC and BD meet at E. If F is the circumcenter of triangle DEC, prove
that: angle OCF = 90º.
Post a comment or solution.


Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

Home | Search | Problems | 111-120 | Circle Tangent Line | Common Chord | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:51:10 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 112. Area of Square and Triangle. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 112. Area of Square and Triangle. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
In the figure below, given an square ABCD of area S, E is the intersection of BD and the semicircle of diameter AD, and CF is tangent to

the semicircle. If S1 is the area of triangle DEF, prove that: ..


Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

Home | Search | Problems | 111-120 | Circle Tangent Line | Circle Inscribed in a Square | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio
Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:51:16 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 113. Area of Triangles, Incircle, Excircles. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 113. Area of Triangles, Incircle, Excircles. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
In the figure below, given a triangle ABC, construct the incircle with incenter I and excircles with excenters E1, E2, and E3. Let be D, E,
F, G, H, and M the tangent points of triangle ABC with its excircles. If S1, S'1, S2, S'2, S3, and S'3 are the areas of the shaded triangles,
prove that S1 = S'1, similarly S2 = S'2, and S3 = S'3. Post a comment or solution.


Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."
. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:51:22 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 113. Area of Triangles, Incircle, Excircles. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home | Search | Problems | 111-120 | Circle Tangent Line | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:51:22 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 114. Area of Triangles, Incircle, Excircles. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 114. Area of Triangles, Incircle, Excircles. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
In the figure below, given a triangle ABC of area S, construct the incircle with incenter I and excircles with excenters E1, E2, and E3. Let
be D, E, F, G, H, and M the tangent points of triangle ABC with its excircles. If S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, and S6 are the areas of the triangles
ICD, ICE, IAF, IAG, IBH, and IBM respectively, prove that S1 = S2 = S3 = S4 = S5 = S6 = S/2. Post a comment or solution.


Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."
. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:51:29 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 114. Area of Triangles, Incircle, Excircles. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home | Search | Problems | 111-120 | Circle Tangent Line | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:51:29 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 115. Area of Triangles, Excircles. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 115. Area of Triangles, Excircles. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
In the figure below, given a triangle ABC of area S, construct the excircles with excenters P, Q, and R. Let be D, E, F, G, H, and M the
tangent points of triangle ABC with its excircles. If S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, and S6 are the areas of the triangles AMR, BFR, BEP, CHP, CGQ,
and ADQ respectively, prove that S1 = S2 = S3 = S4 = S5 = S6 = S/2. Post a comment or solution.


Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."
. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:51:31 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 115. Area of Triangles, Excircles. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home | Search | Problems | 111-120 | Circle Tangent Line | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:51:31 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 116. Area of Triangles, Excircles. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 116. Area of Triangles, Excircles. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
In the figure below, given a triangle ABC, construct the excircles with excenters P and Q. Let be D and E the tangent points of triangle
ABC with its excircles. PE and DQ meet at F, BE and DQ meet at H, PE and BD meet at G. If S1, S2, S3, and S4 are the areas of the
triangles BPG, EFH, DFG, and BHQ respectively, prove that S1 + S2 = S3 + S4. Post a comment or solution.

Home | Search | Problems | Art | 111-120 | Circle Tangent Line | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:51:35 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 117. Area of Triangles, Incenter, Excircles. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 117. Area of Triangles, Incenter, Excircles. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
In the figure below, given a triangle ABC, construct the incenter I and the excircles with excenters P and Q. Let be D and E the tangent
points of triangle ABC with its excircles. IE and BC meet at H, and ID and AB meet at G. If S1, S2, S3, and S4 are the areas of the
triangles AIG, BEH, BDG, and CHI respectively, prove that S1 + S2 = S3 + S4. Post a comment or solution.

Home | Search | Problems | 111-120 | Circle Tangent Line | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:51:44 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 118. Area of Triangles, Incenter, Excenter. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 118. Area of Triangles, Incenter, Excenter. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
In the figure below, given a triangle ABC, construct the incircle with incenter I and the excircle with excenter E. Let be D and F the
tangent points of triangle ABC with its incircle. ED and BC meet at G, and EF and BC meet at H. If S1, S2, and S3 are the areas of the
triangles BDG, CFH, and EGH respectively, prove that S1 + S2 = S3. Post a comment or solution.


Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

Home | Search | Wolfram Demonstrations Project | Problems | 111-120 | Circle Tangent Line | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:51:49 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 119. Area of Triangles, Incenter, Excircle. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 119. Area of Triangles, Incenter, Excircle. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
In the figure below, given a triangle ABC, construct the incircle with incenter I and the excircle with excenter E. Let be D and F the
tangent points of triangle ABC with its excircle. ID and BC meet at G, and IF and BC meet at H. If S1, S2, and S3 are the areas of the
triangles BDG, CFH, and IGH respectively, prove that S1 + S2 = S3. Post a comment or solution.

Home | Search | Wolfram Demonstrations Project | Problems | 111-120 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:51:59 AM]

Problem 397: Triangle, Altitude, Midpoints, Congruence. Elearning

Problem 397: Triangle, Altitude, Midpoints, Congruence

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the altitude BH. If D, E, and F are midpoints of AB, BC, and AC, respectively, prove that
triangles DEF and EDH are congruent.. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:52:06 AM]

Problem 397: Triangle, Altitude, Midpoints, Congruence. Elearning

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 391-400 | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:52:06 AM]

Problem 398: Area of parallelograms, Similarity, Congruence. Elearning

Problem 398: Parallelogram, Area, Similarity, Congruence

The figure shows a parallelogram ABCD of area S. AE = CF = AB/3, BG = DH = BC/3. Line CE intersects BH at M, and DG at N. Line
AF intersects DG at P, and BH at Q. If S1 is the area of quadrilateral MNPQ, prove that S1 = S/13. . (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:52:09 AM]

Problem 398: Area of parallelograms, Similarity, Congruence. Elearning

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | Art | All Problems | 391-400 | Area of a Parallelogram | Email | Post a comment/solution | By
Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:52:09 AM]

Problem 399: Right triangle, Midpoints, Distance, Pythagorean theorem. Elearning

Problem 399: Right triangle, Midpoints, Distance, Pythagorean theorem, Congruence

The figure shows a right triangle ABC. F is the midpoint of DE and G is the midpoint of AC. If AD = d, CE = e, and FG = x, prove that

.. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:52:14 AM]

Problem 399: Right triangle, Midpoints, Distance, Pythagorean theorem. Elearning

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 391-400 | Email | Post a comment/solution | by Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:52:14 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 400. Triangle, Angle bisector, Circumcircle, Perpendicular, Congruence. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems 391-400 Perpendicular Bisector Post a comment/solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 400. Triangle, Angle bisector, Circumcircle, Perpendicular, Congruence. Level: Recent Additions
High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a triangle ABC with the circumcircle O. CD is the angle bisector of angle C. Line OGE is perpendicular to AC and line
HOF is perpendicular to BC. Prove that CG and DH are congruent. [12/31/2015 4:52:20 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 401. Area, Triangle, Angle bisector, Circumcircle, Perpendicular bisector, Congruence. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Puzzle 401-410 Perpendicular Bisector Area of a Triangle Solution/comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 401. Area, Triangle, Angle bisector, Circumcircle, Perpendicular bisector, Recent Additions
Congruence. Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a triangle ABC with the circumcircle 1. CD is the angle bisector of angle C. FH is the perpendicular bisector of BC and
EG is the perpendicular bisector of AC. Prove that triangles DGE, DHF, and CFG have equal area. [12/31/2015 4:52:24 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 402. Hexagon, Triangle, Centroid, Parallel, Congruence, Similarity. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Hexagon 401-410 Post a comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 402. Hexagon, Triangle, Centroid, Parallel, Congruence, Similarity. Level: High Recent Additions
School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a hexagon ABCDEF. G, H, J, K, L, and M are the centroids of triangles ABC, BCD, CDE, DEF, EFA, and FAB,
respectively. Prove that the hexagon GHJKLM has opposite sides parallel and of equal length.
The centroid of a triangle is the point of intersection of its medians. [12/31/2015 4:52:29 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 403. Circular sector, 90 degrees, Circle, Semicircle, Area. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems Art All Problems Circle Circular Sector 401-410 Post a comment
Problem 403. Circular sector, 90 degrees, Circle, Semicircle, Area. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a circular sector AOB of 90 degrees and a semicircle of diameter OB. Circle D is tangent to OA and arcs AB and OB. If
S, S1, S2, and S3, are the shaded areas, prove that S = S1 + S2 + S3. [12/31/2015 4:52:33 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 404. External Equilateral triangles, Congruent and Concurrent lines. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems 401-410 Post a comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 404. External Equilateral triangles, Congruent and Concurrent Lines. Level: Recent Additions
High School, College, SAT Prep.
In the figure, equilateral triangles ABC', BCA', and ACB' are constructed externally on the sides of a triangle ABC. Prove that the lines
AA', BB', and CC' are congruent and concurrent [12/31/2015 4:52:38 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 405. Quadrilateral, 60, 75, and 135 degrees, Midpoint. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems 401-410 Post a comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 405. Quadrilateral, 60, 75, and 135 degrees, Midpoint. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a quadrilateral ABCD with AD = CD = 2, and the measure of the angles A, C, and D are equal to 75, 135, and
60 degrees, respectively. If E is the midpoint of CD, find BE. [12/31/2015 4:52:43 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 406. Right triangle, 15 degrees, Midpoints, Congruence. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems 401-410 Post a comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 406. Right triangle, 15 degrees, Midpoints, Congruence. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a right triangle ABC with AD = CE = 2. The measure of angles BAD and BCE are equal to 15 degrees. If F and G are
the midpoints of AD and CE, respectively, find FG. [12/31/2015 4:52:55 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 407. Circle, Angle, Tangent, Perpendicular, Secant, Radius, Center. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems 401-410 Post a comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 407. Circle, Angle, Tangent, Perpendicular, Secant, Radius, Center. Level: High Recent Additions
School, College, SAT Prep.
Lines ABC and AD are tangent to circle O (B, D tangency points). Line CEFG is perpendicular to AD and H is the intersection of AF and
circle O. If the measure of angle OEC is equal to 140 degrees, find the measure of angle AHD. [12/31/2015 4:53:02 AM]

Problem 408 Cyclic quadrilateral, Perpendicular, Parallelogram, Congruence. Elearning

Problem 408: Cyclic quadrilateral, Perpendicular, Parallelogram, Congruence

The figure shows a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD. Lines AE, BF, CG, and DH are perpendicular to CD, AD, AD, and AB, respectively. AE
and CG intersect at M, BF and DH intersect at N. Prove that quadrilateral BCMN is a parallelogram. Post a comment or solution. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:53:11 AM]

Problem 408 Cyclic quadrilateral, Perpendicular, Parallelogram, Congruence. Elearning

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 401-410 | Email | by Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:53:11 AM]

Problem 409: Quadrilateral, Diagonals, Perpendicular, Congruence. Elearning

Problem 409: Quadrilateral, Diagonals, Perpendicular, Congruence

The figure shows a quadrilateral ABCD with AC perpendicular to BD. If the measure of angles BAC, CAD, and ACB are equal to 20,
10, and 50 degrees, respectively, find the measure of angle BDC. Post a comment or solution.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 401-410 | Email | by Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:53:15 AM]

Problem 410: Two Regular Pentagons, Angle. Elearning

Problem 410: Two Regular Pentagons, Angle

The figure shows the regular pentagons ABCDE and DFGHJ. If BH and AG intersect at M, find the measure of angle BMG. Post a
comment or solution. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:53:29 AM]

Problem 410: Two Regular Pentagons, Angle. Elearning

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 401-410 | Puzzle | Email | by Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:53:29 AM]

Problem 411: Triangle, Median, Angles. Elearning

Problem 411: Triangle, Median, Angles

The figure shows a triangle ABC with AC = 12 and the median AD. The measures of angles BAD and CAD are 51 and 78 degrees,
respectively. Find AD. Post a comment or solution. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:53:44 AM]

Problem 411: Triangle, Median, Angles. Elearning

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 411-420 | Email (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:53:44 AM]

Problem 412: Triangle, Angles, Congruence. Elearning

Problem 412: Triangle, Cevian, Angles, Congruence

The figure shows a triangle ABC with AB = CD. The measure of angle ABD is 40 degrees.
If angle CBD = x and angle A = 2x, find x. Post a comment or solution. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:53:52 AM]

Problem 412: Triangle, Angles, Congruence. Elearning

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 411-420 | Email (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:53:52 AM]

Problem 413: Cyclic Quadrilateral, Orthocenter, Parallelogram, Concurrency, Congruence. Elearning

Problem 413: Cyclic Quadrilateral, Orthocenter, Parallelogram, Concurrency, Congruence

The figure shows a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD. The points E, F, G, and H are the orthocenters of triangles ABD, ACD, ABC, and BCD,
respectively. Prove that (1) BCFE, ABHF, AGHD, and CDEG are parallelograms, (2) Lines AH, BF, CE, and DG are concurrent, (3)
Quadrilaterals ABCD and HFEG are congruent. Post a comment or solution. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:54:00 AM]

Problem 413: Cyclic Quadrilateral, Orthocenter, Parallelogram, Concurrency, Congruence. Elearning

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 411-420 | Email (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:54:00 AM]

Problem 414: Triangle, Angles, Altitude, Median, Congruence. Elearning

Problem 414: Triangle, Angles, Altitude, Median, Congruence

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the altitude BD and the median BE. The angles ABE and DBC are congruent and the measure
of angle DBE is 24 degrees. Find the measure of angle A. Post a comment or solution.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 411-420 | Email [12/31/2015 4:54:12 AM]

Geometry Problem 685: Isosceles Triangle, 100-40-40 Degrees, Angles, Congruence. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Problem 685: Isosceles Triangle, 100-40-40 Degrees, Angles, Congruence. Level: High School, SAT, College
Geometry, Honors Geometry

The figure shows an isosceles triangle ABC with the angle ABC = 100 degrees. Point D is on BA extended so that
AC = BC + AD. Find the measure of angle BDC. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:54:15 AM]

Geometry Problem 685: Isosceles Triangle, 100-40-40 Degrees, Angles, Congruence. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | Problems Art Gallery | 681-690 | Isosceles
Triangle | Angles | Congruence | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:54:15 AM]

Geometry Problem 686: Triangle, Three Excircles, Tangent lines, Semi-perimeter, Congruence. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Problem 686: Triangle, Three Excircles, Tangency points, Tangent lines, Semi-perimeter, Congruence. Level:
High School, SAT, College Geometry

The figure shows a triangle ABC with semiperimeter s and the excircles EA, EB, and EC tangent to the sides at the points A', B', C',
A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, and C2. Prove that s = AA1 = AA2 = BB1 = BB2 = CC1 = CC2. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:54:22 AM]

Geometry Problem 686: Triangle, Three Excircles, Tangent lines, Semi-perimeter, Congruence. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | Problems Art Gallery | 681-690 | Triangle centers |
Semiperimeter | Excircle | Congruence | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:54:22 AM]

Geometry Problem 687: Triangle, Three Excircles, Tangency points, Tangent lines, Concurrent Lines. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Problem 687: Triangle, Three Excircles, Tangency points, Tangent lines, Concurrent Lines. Level: High
School, SAT, College Geometry

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the excircles EA, EB, and EC tangent to the extension of sides at the points A1, A2, B1, B2, C1,
and C2. Lines CA1 and BA2 meet at A3, AB1 and CB2 meet at B3, BC1 and AC2 meet at C3. Prove that lines AA3, BB3, and CC3 are
concurrent. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:54:31 AM]

Geometry Problem 687: Triangle, Three Excircles, Tangency points, Tangent lines, Concurrent Lines. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | Problems Art Gallery | 681-690 | Triangle centers |
Gergonne Points | Nagel Points | Excircle | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:54:31 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 688: Triangle, Angles, 10, 20, 30, 40, 60 Degrees, Measure, Pro... Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 688: Triangle, Angles, 10, 20, 30, 40, 60 Degrees, Measure, Mind Map, Polya. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The drawing shows a triangle ABC with points E and D on AB and AC, respectively. If the measure of the angles BAC, ACE,
BCE, and ABD are 20, 30, 10, and 60 degrees, respectively, find the measure of angle BDE.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map

George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving. It
suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better?

Mind Map Help. To see a note: Hover over a yellow note button. To Fold/Unfold: click a branch. To Pan: click and drag the map canvas. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:54:34 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 688: Triangle, Angles, 10, 20, 30, 40, 60 Degrees, Measure, Pro... Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Mind Maps Problems All Problems Open Problems Visual Index Problems Art Gallery 681-690 How to Solve Problems Triangles Isosceles Triangle Isosceles
80-20-80 Angles Post a solution By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:54:34 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 689: Three Excircles, Tangency points, Tangent lines, Concurren... Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 689: Triangle, Three Excircles, Tangency points, Tangent lines, Concurrent Recent Additions
Lines, Mind Map, Polya. Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a triangle ABC with the excircles EA, EB, and EC tangent to the extension of sides at the points A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, and
C2. Lines BC1 and CB2 meet at A3, CA1 and AC2 meet at B3, AB1 and BA2 meet at C3. Prove that lines A3A, B3B, and C3C are
concurrent. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:54:40 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 689: Three Excircles, Tangency points, Tangent lines, Concurren... Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map

George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving. It
suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better?

Mind Map Help. To see a note: Hover over a yellow note button. To Fold/Unfold: click a branch. To Pan: click and drag the map canvas.

Home Search Geometry Mind Maps Problems All Problems Open Problems Visual Index Problems Art Gallery 681-690 How to Solve Problems Triangle centers Gergonne
Points Nagel Points Excircle Email Post a comment or solution By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:54:40 AM]

Distance between the Incenter and the Centroid of a Triangle.

Home Geometry Centers Distance between Centers Problems Open Problems 10 Problems All Problems 681-690Visual Index Post a solution or comment
By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 690: Distance between the Incenter and the Centroid of a Triangle Recent Additions

The figure shows a triangle ABC with sides a, b, c, Prove that the distance between the incenter I and the centroid G is [12/31/2015 4:54:46 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 691: Isosceles Triangle, 80-80-20 Degrees, Angles, Congruence, ... Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 691: Isosceles Triangle, 80-80-20 Degrees, Angles, Congruence, Mind Map, Recent Additions
Polya. Level: High School, College, Math Ed.
The figure shows an isosceles triangle ABC with AB = BC and angle B = 20°. Points D and E are on AB and BC, respectively so
that the measure of angle CAE is 40 degrees and the measure of angle ACD is 50 degrees. DE and AC meet at F. Find the
measure of angle AFD.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given." (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:54:49 AM]
Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 691: Isosceles Triangle, 80-80-20 Degrees, Angles, Congruence, ... Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map

George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving. It
suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better?

Mind Map Help. To see a note: Hover over a yellow note button. To Fold/Unfold: click a branch. To Pan: click and drag the map canvas.

Home Search Geometry Mind Maps Problems All Problems Open Problems Visual Index Problems Art Gallery 691-700 How to Solve Problems Triangles Angles Isosceles
Triangle Congruence Email Post a comment or solution By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:54:49 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 692: Quatrefoil, Four Equal Circles and a Circle Inscribed in a ...d Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 692: Quatrefoil, Four Equal Circles and a Circle Inscribed in a Square, Areas, Recent Additions
Mind Map, Polya. Level: High School, College, Math Ed.
The figure shows a quatrefoil formed by four equal circles E,F,G,H and a circle O inscribed in the square ABCD. Prove that the
area of the yellow shaded regions is equal to the area of the blue shaded region.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given." (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:54:59 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 692: Quatrefoil, Four Equal Circles and a Circle Inscribed in a ...d Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map

George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving. It
suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better?

Mind Map Help. To see a note: Hover over a yellow note button. To Fold/Unfold: click a branch. To Pan: click and drag the map canvas.

Home Search Geometry Mind Maps Problems All Problems Open Problems Visual Index Problems Art Gallery 691-700 How to Solve Problems Square Circles Circular
Segment Areas Circle Inscribed in a Square Email Solution / comment By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:54:59 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 693: Square, Inscribed and Circumscribed Circle, Areas, Problem... Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 693: Square, Inscribed and Circumscribed Circle, Areas, Mind Map, Polya. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, Math Ed.
The figure shows a circumscribed circle about a square ABCD and the inscribed circle in the square ABCD. Prove that the area
of the yellow shaded region is equal to the area of the blue shaded region.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:55:06 AM]
Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 693: Square, Inscribed and Circumscribed Circle, Areas, Problem... Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.
George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving. It
suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better?

Mind Map Help. To see a note: Hover over a yellow note button. To Fold/Unfold: click a branch. To Pan: click and drag the map canvas.

Home Search Geometry Mind Maps Problems All Problems Open Problems Visual Index Problems Art Gallery 691-700 How to Solve Problems Square Circles Circular
Segment Areas Circle Inscribed in a Square Email Solution / comment By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:55:06 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 694: Triangle, Angles, 30 Degrees, Auxiliary Construction, Prob... Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 694: Triangle, Angles, 30 Degrees, Auxiliary Construction, Mind Map, Polya. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, Math Ed.
The figure shows a triangle ABC with angle BAD = 18 degrees, angle DAC = 48 degrees, angle ACD = 30 degrees, and angle
BCD = 36 degrees. Find the measure of angle ABD.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map

George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving. It (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:55:08 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 694: Triangle, Angles, 30 Degrees, Auxiliary Construction, Prob... Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.
suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better?

Mind Map Help. To see a note: Hover over a yellow note button. To Fold/Unfold: click a branch. To Pan: click and drag the map canvas.

Home Search Geometry Mind Maps Problems All Problems Open Problems Visual Index Problems Art Gallery 691-700 How to Solve Problems Triangles Angles
Congruence Email Post a comment or solution By Antonio Gutierrez
or solution By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:55:08 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 695: Triangle, Quadrilateral, Angles, Auxiliary Construction, C... Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 695: Triangle, Angles, Auxiliary Construction, Congruence, Mind Map, Polya. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, Math Ed.
The figure shows a quadrilateral ABCD with angle ABD = 54 degrees, angle DBC = 63 degrees, angle ACB = 38 degrees, and
angle ACD = 27 degrees, Find the measure of the angle CAD.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map

George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving. It
suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better?

Mind Map Help. To see a note: Hover over a yellow note button. To Fold/Unfold: click a branch. To Pan: click and drag the map canvas. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:55:11 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 695: Triangle, Quadrilateral, Angles, Auxiliary Construction, C... Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Search Geometry Mind Maps Problems All Problems Open Problems Visual Index Problems Art Gallery 691-700 How to Solve Problems Triangles Quadrilaterals
Angles Congruence Email Post a comment or solution By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:55:11 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 696: Triangle, Angles, Auxiliary Construction, Congruence. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 696: Triangle, Angles, Auxiliary Construction, Congruence. Level: High School,
College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC with angle ABD = x, angle BAD = 2x, angle DAC = 5x, angle ACD = 3x, angle BCD = 4x. Find the
measure of the angle ABD. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:55:20 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 696: Triangle, Angles, Auxiliary Construction, Congruence. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | Problems Art Gallery | 691-700 | How to Solve
Problems | Triangles | Angles | Congruence | Email Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:55:20 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 697: Square, Circle, Sector, Segment, Tangent, Inscribed, Congruence. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 697: Square, Circle, Sector, Segment, Tangent, Inscribed, Congruence. Level: High
School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a square ABCD of area S and the inscribed circle of center O. Circles E and G are tangent to circle O and tangent
each other at the center O. Prove that the area of the yellow shaded region is equal to three quarters of S. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:55:24 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 697: Square, Circle, Sector, Segment, Tangent, Inscribed, Congruence. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | Problems Art Gallery | 691-700 | Triangles |
Congruence | Square | Circles | Circular Segment | Areas | Circle Inscribed in a Square | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio
Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:55:24 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 698: Quadrilateral, Diagonal, Angle Bisector, Triangle, 120 Degrees. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 698: Quadrilateral, Diagonal, Angle Bisector, Triangle, 120 Degrees. Level: High
School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a quadrilateral ABCD. AC is the angle bisector of angle BAD, DB is the angle bisector of angle ADC. If the
measure of angle AED is 120 degrees, find the measure of angle ACB.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | Problems Art Gallery | 691-700 | Triangles |
Quadrilaterals | 120 degrees | Angle Bisector | Angles | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:55:27 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 699: Equilateral Triangle, Circle, Circular Segment, Midpoint, Me...elations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 699: Equilateral Triangle, Circle, Circular Segment, Midpoint, Metric Relations.
Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows an equilateral triangle ABC inscribed in a circle. D is the midpoint of arc AC and the equilateral triangle DEF is
inscribed in the circular segment AC. If AB =12 , find DE. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:55:34 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 699: Equilateral Triangle, Circle, Circular Segment, Midpoint, Me...elations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | Problems Art Gallery | 691-700 | Triangles |
Equilateral Triangles | Circles | Circular Segment | Metric Relations | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:55:34 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 120. Area of Triangles, Incenter, Excircles. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 120. Area of Triangles, Incenter, Excircles. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
In the figure below, given a triangle ABC, construct the incenter I and the excircles. Let be D, E, F, G, H, and J the tangent points of
triangle ABC with its excircles. K, M, N, P, Q, and R are the intersection points of triangle ABC and ID, IE, IF, IG, IH, and IJ respectively.
If S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, and S9, are the areas of the shaded triangles, prove that S1+S2+S3+S4+S5+S6 = S7+S8+S9.
Post a comment or solution.

Home | Search | Problems | 111-120 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:55:37 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 121: Triangle, Median, Similarity and Area. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 121: Triangle, Median, Similarity and Area. Level: High School, College,
Mathematics Education

In the figure below, given a triangle ABC of area S, the medians BM and CN meet at G. Let be BD = 2 CD, the cevian AD meets BM
and CN at E and F respectively. Area of triangle EFG is S1. Prove that: GE/EM = 2/3, GF/CF = 1/3 and
S1 = S/60. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:55:44 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 121: Triangle, Median, Similarity and Area. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 121-130 | Marion Walter Index | Segment
Trisection | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:55:44 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 122. Marion Walter's Theorem Proof. Area of Triangles. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 122. Marion Walter's Theorem, Areas. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
In the figure below, prove that the area S1 of the central hexagonal region DEFGHM determined by trisection of each side of a triangle
ABC and connecting the corresponding points A', A", B', B", C', and C" with the opposite vertex is given by 1/10 the area of triangle ABC.
Post a comment.


Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

See also:
Area of a triangle
Similarity (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:55:47 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 122. Marion Walter's Theorem Proof. Area of Triangles. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home | Geometry | Problems | Marion Walter Index | 121-130 | Segment Trisection | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:55:47 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 123. Area of Triangle, Similarity. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 123. Area of triangle, Similarity. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
In the figure below, prove that the area S1 of the central triangle region EGM determined by trisection of each side of a triangle ABC and
connecting the corresponding points A', A", B', B", C', and C" with the opposite vertex is given by 1/16 the area of triangle ABC.
Post a comment or solution.


Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

Home | Search | Problems | Marion Walter Index | 121-130 | Segment Trisection | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:55:50 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 123. Area of Triangle, Similarity. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:55:50 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 124. Area of Triangle, Similarity. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 124. Area of triangle, Similarity. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
In the figure below, prove that the area S1 of the central triangle region DFH determined by trisection of each side of a triangle ABC and
connecting the corresponding points A', A", B', B", C', and C" with the opposite vertex is given by 1/25 the area of triangle ABC.
Post a comment or solution.


Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

Home | Search | Problems | Marion Walter Index | 121-130 | Segment Trisection | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:55:55 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 125. Area of Triangle, Star, Trisection of sides. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 125: Area of Triangle, Star, Trisection of sides. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College,
Mathematics Education

In the figure below, given a triangle ABC of area S. Let be S1 the area of the central star determined by the triangles DFH and EGM. D, E, F, G, H, and M are determined by trisection of each

side of the triangle ABC and connecting the corresponding points A', A", B', B", C', and C" with the opposite vertex. Prove that .

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 121-130 | Art | Marion Walter Index | 121-130 | Segment Trisection | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio
Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:56:01 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 126. Incenter of Triangle, Angle Bisector, Proportion. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems Angle Bisector 121-130 By Antonio Gutierrez

Problem 126. Incenter of a Triangle, Angle Bisector, Proportions. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
In the figure below, given a triangle ABC of sides AB = c, BC = a, and AC = b. Let be BD the angle bisector of B, I the incenter, BI = e

and ID =d. Prove that: . Post a comment.


Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

See: Euclid's Elements Book VI, Proposition 3: Angle Bisector Theorem. [12/31/2015 4:56:08 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 127. Triangle, Centroid, Incenter, Parallel, Proportions. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 127. Triangle, Centroid, Incenter, Parallel, Proportions. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
In the figure below, given a triangle ABC of sides AB = c, BC = a, and c > a. Let be I the incenter and G the centroid. If GI is parallel to

AC, prove that: . Post a comment or solution.


Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

See: Problem 126.

Home | Search | Problems | 121-130 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:56:28 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 128. Incenter of a Triangle, Angle Bisectors, Proportions. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Online Geometry Problem 128: Incenter of a Triangle, Angle Bisectors, Sum of Ratios. Level: High School,
SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

In the figure below, given a triangle ABC and the angle bisectors AD, BE, and CF that meet at the incenter I. Prove that: (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:56:39 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 128. Incenter of a Triangle, Angle Bisectors, Proportions. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction,
the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem.
By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 121-130 | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio
Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:56:39 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 129. Triangle, Concurrent Cevians, Sum of Ratios. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 129. Triangle, Concurrent Cevians, Sum of Ratios. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College

In the figure below, If AD, BE, CF are three cevians of a triangle ABC, concurrent in a point P, prove that . Post a

comment or solution. (Cevian is a line segment which joins a vertex of a triangle with a point on the opposite side.)

Home | Search | Problems | 121-130 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:56:45 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 130. Triangle, Concurrent Cevians, Sum of Ratios. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 130. Triangle, Concurrent Cevians, Sum of Ratios. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
Conclusion to
In the figure below, If AD, BE, CF are three cevians of a triangle ABC, concurrent in a point P, prove that . Post a
comment or solution. (Cevian is a line segment which joins a vertex of a triangle with a point on the opposite side.)

Home | Search | Problems | 121-130 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:57:11 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 131. Van Aubel Theorem, Concurrent Cevians, Sum of Ratios. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 131. van Aubel Theorem, Concurrent Cevians, Sum of Ratios. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College

In the figure below, If AD, BE, CF are three cevians of a triangle ABC, concurrent in a point P, prove that . Post a comment or

solution. (Cevian is a line segment which joins a vertex of a triangle with a point on the opposite side.)

Home | Search | Problems | 131-140 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:57:21 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 132. Triangle, 60, Orthocenter, Congruence, Midpoint. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 132.Triangle, 60, Orthocenter, Congruence, Midpoint. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
In the figure below, given a triangle ABC of angle A = 60º and orthocenter H (intersection of the three altitudes). Let be M the midpoint of
AH and CD respectively. Prove that BD = 2.AH. Post a comment or solution.

Home | Search | Problems | 131-140 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:57:23 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 133.Triangle, Angle Bisectors, Collinear Points. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 133. Triangle, Angle Bisectors, Collinear Points. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
In the figure below, given a triangle ABC. Let be AE and CD angle bisectors of angles A and C, and BF the exterior angle bisector of
angle B. Prove that D, E, and F are collinear points. Post a comment or solution.

Home | Search | Problems | Collinear Points | 131-140 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:57:29 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 134. Orthic Triangle, Altitude, Angle Bisectors, Orthocenter, Incenter. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 134. Orthic Triangle, Altitudes, Angle Bisectors, Orthocenter, Incenter.

In the figure below, given a triangle ABC and its orthic triangle DEF (AD, BE, and CF are the altitudes of ABC). Let be H the orthocenter
of ABC. (1) Prove that angles A, BDF and EDC are equal, (2) Prove that AD is the angle bisector of angle EDF, and (3) prove that H is
the incenter of triangle DEF.

Home | Geometry | Altitude | Search | Problems | 131-140 | Orthic Triangle | Email | Solution/comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:57:32 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 135. Orthic Triangle, Altitude, Perpendicular, Parallel. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 135. Orthic Triangle, Altitudes, Perpendicular, Parallel.

In the figure below, given a triangle ABC and its orthic triangle DEF (AD, BE, and CF are the altitudes of ABC). L, M, N are the tangency
points of the incircle of triangle DEF and DG and DK are perpendicular to BE and CF respectively. (1) Prove that GK is parallel to EF
and (2) prove that GK = DM = DN.

Home | Geometry | Altitude | Search | Problems | 131-140 | Orthic Triangle | Email | Solution/comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:57:40 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 136. Orthic Triangle, Altitudes, Perpendicular, Concyclic Points. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 136. Orthic Triangle, Altitudes, Orthocenter, Incenter, Perpendicular, Concyclic Points.

In the figure below, given a triangle ABC and its orthic triangle DEF (AD, BE, and CF are the altitudes of ABC). H is the orthocenter of triangle ABC, L,
M, N are the tangency points of the incircle of triangle DEF and DG and DK are perpendicular to BE and CF respectively. Prove that D, G, N, H, M, and
K are concyclic points (lie on a circle).

Home | Geometry | Wolfram Demonstrations Project | Altitude | Search | Problems | Art | 131-140 | Orthic Triangle | Email | Solution/comment | By
Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:57:44 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 137. Orthic Triangle, Altitudes, Perpendicular, Incircle, Collinear Points, Parallelogram. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 137. Orthic Triangle, Altitudes, Perpendicular, Incircle, Collinear Points, Parallelogram.
In the figure below, given a triangle ABC and its orthic triangle DEF (AD, BE, and CF are the altitudes of ABC). L, M, N are the tangency
points of the incircle of triangle DEF and DG and DK are perpendicular to BE and CF respectively. (1) Prove that points K, M, and L are
collinear, similarly prove that points G, N, and L are collinear, (2) prove that LK, GD, and AC are parallel, similarly prove that LG, KD and
AB are parallel, (3) prove that LGDK is a parallelogram, and (4) prove that GL = GM = DK.

Home | Geometry | Altitude | Search | Problems | 131-140 | Orthic Triangle | Email | Solution/comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:57:55 AM]

Problem 415: Right Triangle, Cevian, Angles, Congruence. Elearning

Geometry Problem 415: Right Triangle, Cevian, Angles, Congruence

The figure shows a right triangle ABC with the cevian BD and AB = CD. The angle BAC = 2α and angle DBC = 3α. Find the measure
of angle C. Post a comment or solution.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 411-420 | Email [12/31/2015 4:58:06 AM]

Problem 416: Triangle, Cevians, Trisectors, Area. Elearning

Problem 416: Triangle, Cevians, Trisectors, Area

The figure shows a triangle ABC of area S with the cevians AA', BB', and CC' so that AB' = AC/3, BC' = AB/3, and CA' = BC/3. Prove
that (1) Areas of triangles ABB', BCC', and CAA' are equal to S/3, (2) Areas of triangles ABD, BCE, and CAF are equal to 2S/7, (3)
Area triangle DEF = S/7.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | Art | All Problems | 411-420 | Area of a Triangle | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio
Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:58:20 AM]

Problem 417: Tangent circles, Tangent lines, Angles. Elearning

Problem 417: Tangent circles, Tangent lines, Angles

The figure shows circles A and B tangent at C. FE is tangent to circle A and FD is tangent to circle B. If the measure of angle ECD is
82 degrees, find the measure of angle DFE. Post a comment or solution. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:58:25 AM]

Problem 417: Tangent circles, Tangent lines, Angles. Elearning

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 411-420 | Email (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:58:25 AM]

Problem 418: Triangle, Incircle, Equal Tangent circles, Radius. Elearning

Problem 418: Triangle, Incircle, Inradius, Equal Tangent circles, Radius

The figure shows a triangle ABC with inradius r and AC = b. Prove that the radius x of the equal circles of centers D and E tangent at

F and tangent to the sides of triangle is: . Post a comment or solution. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:58:30 AM]

Problem 418: Triangle, Incircle, Equal Tangent circles, Radius. Elearning

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 411-420 | Email (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:58:30 AM]

Problem 419: Triangle, Cevian, Incircle, Excircle, Inradius, Exradius, Congruence. Elearning

Problem 419: Triangle, Cevian, Incircle, Excircle, Inradius, Exradius, Congruence

The figure shows an isosceles triangle ABC with AB = BC = 5/7AC. The inradius of triangle BEC and the exradius of triangle ABE are
equal to 17. Find the inradius of triangle ABC. Post a comment or solution. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:58:35 AM]

Problem 419: Triangle, Cevian, Incircle, Excircle, Inradius, Exradius, Congruence. Elearning

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 411-420 | Email (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:58:35 AM]

Go Geometry Problem 420. Triangle, Angles, Altitude, Sides, Measurement. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems 411-420 Post a comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 420. Triangle, Angles, Altitude, Sides, Measurement. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a triangle ABC with BC = 3AB, altitude BD, angle DBC = 3 angle ABD, and AD = 1. Find CD.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." [12/31/2015 4:58:41 AM]

Problem 421: Right Triangle, Cevian, Angles, Measurement. Elearning

Online Geometry Problem 421: Right Triangle, Cevian, Angles, 30 Degrees, Measurement

The figure shows a right triangle ABC. The measure of the angles BAD, CAD, and BCE are equal to 20, 30, and 10 degrees,
respectively. Find the measure of the angle ADE.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 421-430 | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:58:45 AM]

Problem 422: Triangle, 24, 30 degree, Angle, Congruence. Elearning

Problem 422: Triangle, 24, 30 degree, Angle, Congruence

The figure shows a triangle ABC with angles A and C equal to 24 and 30 degrees, respectively. If AB = CD, find the measure of angle

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 421-430 | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:58:49 AM]

Problem 423: Triangle, 30, 40 degree, Angle, Congruence. Elearning

Problem 423: Triangle, 30, 40 degree, Angle, Congruence

The figure shows a triangle ABC with angles A and C equal to 30 and 40 degrees, respectively. If AD = BC, find the measure of angle

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 421-430 | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:58:54 AM]

Problem 424: Triangle, Cevian, Angle, 90 degree, Congruence, Measure. Elearning

Online Geometry Problem 424: Triangle, Cevian, Angle, 90 degree, Congruence

The figure shows a triangle ABC with angle A = 2/3 angle C, angle DBC = 90 degrees and AB = CD. Find the measure of angle ABD..

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 421-430 | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 4:59:04 AM]

Geometry tutoring Problem 425: Quadrilateral, Triangle, Angles, 10, 20, 50 degrees, Congruence, Measure. Elearning

Online Geometry Problem 425: Quadrilateral, Triangle, Angles, 10, 20, 50 degrees, Congruence

The figure shows a quadrilateral ABCD with angle ABD = 50 degrees, angle ACD = 20 degrees, angle BAC = 10 degrees, and AD =
CD. Find the measure of angle CBD. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:59:08 AM]

Geometry tutoring Problem 425: Quadrilateral, Triangle, Angles, 10, 20, 50 degrees, Congruence, Measure. Elearning

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 421-430 | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:59:08 AM]

Geometry tutoring Problem 426: Triangle, Circumradius, Circumcenter, Cevians. Elearning

Online Geometry Problem 426: Triangle, Circumradius, Circumcenter, Concurrent Cevians

The figure shows a triangle ABC with circumcenter O and circumradius R. The cevians AD, BE, and CF are concurrent at O. Prove
that . (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:59:13 AM]

Geometry tutoring Problem 426: Triangle, Circumradius, Circumcenter, Cevians. Elearning

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 421-430 | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:59:13 AM]

Geometry tutoring Problem 427: Triangle, Two Altitudes, Square of a Side. Elearning

Online Geometry Problem 427: Triangle, Two Altitudes, Square of a Side

In a triangle ABC, the altitudes AD and CE intersect at F. Prove that AC2 = AD.AF + CE.CF. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:59:16 AM]

Geometry tutoring Problem 427: Triangle, Two Altitudes, Square of a Side. Elearning

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 421-430 | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:59:16 AM]

Geometry tutoring Problem 428: Quadrant of a circle, Square, Angle bisector, Measurement. Elearning

Online Geometry Problem 428: Quadrant of a circle, Square, Angle bisector, Measurement

A square OCDE is inscribed in a quadrant of a circle AOB. If OD is the angle bisector of angle FCB,
prove that CF = 1/3 BC. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:59:20 AM]

Geometry tutoring Problem 428: Quadrant of a circle, Square, Angle bisector, Measurement. Elearning

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 421-430 | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:59:20 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 429. Circumscribed and Inscribed Regular Pentagon, Perpendicular, Measurement. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems Art All Problems 421-430 Solution / comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 429: Circumscribed and Inscribed Regular Pentagon, Perpendicular, Recent Additions
Measurement. Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
In the figure, a is the side of a regular pentagon ABCDE circumscribed to circle O and b is the side of a regular pentagon A'B'C'D'E'
inscribed in circle O. Lines A'A''B', B'B''C'', C'C''D'', D'D''E'', and E'E''A'' are perpendicular to A'E', A'B', B'C', C'D', and D'E', respectively. If
c is the side of the pentagon A''B''C''D''E'', prove that . [12/31/2015 4:59:36 AM]

Routh's Theorem 1: Triangle, Cevians, Ratio, Areas. Elearning

Routh's Theorem 1: Triangle, Cevians, Ratio, Areas

The figure shows a triangle ABC of area S with the cevians AA', BB', and CC' so that AB'/B'C = m, BC'/AC' = n, and CA'/A'B = k.
Prove that the ratio of areas between triangles AFC and ABC is . Post a comment or solution.

Edward Routh (1831-1907), was an English mathematician, noted as the outstanding coach of students preparing for the
Mathematical Tripos examination of the University of Cambridge.

See Also: (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:59:48 AM]

Routh's Theorem 1: Triangle, Cevians, Ratio, Areas. Elearning

Routh's Theorem 2.
Triangle, Cevians, Ratio of Areas.

Routh's Theorem 3.
Triangle, Cevians, Ratio of Areas.

Routh's Theorem 4.
Triangle, Cevians, Ratio of Areas.

Home | Search | Geometry | Routh's Theorem | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:59:48 AM]

Routh's Theorem 2: Triangle, Cevians, Ratio, Areas. Elearning

Routh's Theorem 2: Triangle, Cevians, Ratio, Areas

The figure shows a triangle ABC of area S with the cevians AA', BB', and CC' so that AB'/B'C = m, BC'/AC' = n, and CA'/A'B = k.

Prove that the ratio of areas between triangles DEF and ABC is . Post a comment or solution.

Edward Routh (1831-1907), was an English mathematician, noted as the outstanding coach of students preparing for the
Mathematical Tripos examination of the University of Cambridge.

See Also: (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:59:54 AM]

Routh's Theorem 2: Triangle, Cevians, Ratio, Areas. Elearning

Routh's Theorem 1.
Triangle, Cevians, Ratio of Areas.

Routh's Theorem 3.
Triangle, Cevians, Ratio of Areas.

Routh's Theorem 4.
Triangle, Cevians, Ratio of Areas.

Home | Search | Geometry | Routh's Theorem | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 4:59:54 AM]

Routh's Theorem 3: Triangle, Cevians, Ratio, Areas. Elearning

Routh's Theorem 3: Triangle, Cevians, Ratio, Areas

The figure shows a triangle ABC of area S with the cevians AA', BB', and CC' so that AB'/B'C = m, BC'/AC' = n, and CA'/A'B = k.
Prove that the ratio of areas between triangles A'BC' and ABC is . Post a comment or solution.

Edward Routh (1831-1907), was an English mathematician, noted as the outstanding coach of students preparing for the
Mathematical Tripos examination of the University of Cambridge.

See Also: (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:00:03 AM]

Routh's Theorem 3: Triangle, Cevians, Ratio, Areas. Elearning

Routh's Theorem 1.
Triangle, Cevians, Ratio of Areas.

Routh's Theorem 2.
Triangle, Cevians, Ratio of Areas.

Routh's Theorem 4.
Triangle, Cevians, Ratio of Areas.

Home | Search | Geometry | Routh's Theorem | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:00:03 AM]

Routh's Theorem 4: Triangle, Cevians, Ratio, Areas. Elearning

Routh's Theorem 4: Triangle, Cevians, Ratio, Areas

The figure shows a triangle ABC of area S with the cevians AA', BB', and CC' so that AB'/B'C = m, BC'/AC' = n, and CA'/A'B = k.

Prove that the ratio of areas between triangles A'B'C' and ABC is . Post a comment or solution.

Edward Routh (1831-1907), was an English mathematician, noted as the outstanding coach of students preparing for the
Mathematical Tripos examination of the University of Cambridge.

See Also: (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:00:08 AM]

Routh's Theorem 4: Triangle, Cevians, Ratio, Areas. Elearning

Routh's Theorem 1.
Triangle, Cevians, Ratio of Areas.

Routh's Theorem 2.
Triangle, Cevians, Ratio of Areas.

Routh's Theorem 3.
Triangle, Cevians, Ratio of Areas.

Home | Search | Geometry | Routh's Theorem | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:00:08 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 700: Equilateral Triangle, Circle, Circular Segment, Midpoint, Me...elations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 700: Equilateral Triangle, Circle, Circular Segment, Midpoint, Metric Relations.
Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows an equilateral triangle ABC inscribed in a circle. D is the midpoint of side AC and the equilateral triangle DEF is
inscribed in the circular segment AC. If AB =12 , find DE. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:00:11 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 700: Equilateral Triangle, Circle, Circular Segment, Midpoint, Me...elations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | Problems Art Gallery | 691-700 | Triangles |
Equilateral Triangles | Circles | Circular Segment | Metric Relations | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:00:11 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 701: Intersecting Circles, Diameter, Perpendicular, Angles, Congruence. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 701: Intersecting Circles, Diameter, Perpendicular, Angles, Congruence. Level:
High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows the intersecting circles O and O' at A and B. AB is the diameter of circle O', CD is perpendicular to AB and EDF is
perpendicular to OD. Prove that angles ACF and BCE are congruent. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:00:15 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 701: Intersecting Circles, Diameter, Perpendicular, Angles, Congruence. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | Problems Art Gallery | 701-710 | Circles |
Intersecting Circles | Common Chord | Diameter | Perpendicular lines | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:00:15 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 702: Triangle, Circumcircle, Parallel, Concyclic Points. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 702: Triangle, Circumcircle, Parallel, Concyclic Points. Level: High School, Honors
Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC with DE parallel to AC. F is a point on BC and the circumcircle of triangle DEF intersects AB at G.
Prove that points A, G, F, and C are concyclic (lie on a same circle). (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:00:18 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 702: Triangle, Circumcircle, Parallel, Concyclic Points. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | Problems Art Gallery | 701-710 | Circles |
Triangles | Circumcircle | Concyclic Points | Parallel lines | Cyclic Quadrilateral | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio
Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:00:18 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 704: Orthocenter, Triangle, Altitude, Midpoint, Perpendicular. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 704: Triangle, Orthocenter, Altitude, Midpoint, Perpendicular. Level: High School,
Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

In a triangle ABC, AD and CE are altitudes and H is the orthocenter. If F is the midpoint of AC and M the midpoint of BH, prove that
FM is perpendicular to DE. (See the figure.) (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:00:51 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 704: Orthocenter, Triangle, Altitude, Midpoint, Perpendicular. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | Problems Art Gallery | 701-710 | Triangles |
Orthocenter | Altitude | Midpoints | Perpendicular lines | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:00:51 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 705: Intersecting Circles, Diameter, Angles, Measurement. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 705: Intersecting Circles, Diameter, Angles, Measurement. Level: High School,
Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows the intersecting circles O and O' at A and B. The diameter AC of circle O meets circle O' at E, the diameter AD of
circle O' meets circle O at F. Line DE meets circle O at G,H, line CF meets circle O' at M,N. If the measure of angle CAD = 58
degrees and the measure of angle CNH = 22 degrees, find the measure of angle FMG. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:00:56 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 705: Intersecting Circles, Diameter, Angles, Measurement. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | Problems Art Gallery | 701-710 | Circles |
Intersecting Circles | Diameter | Perpendicular lines | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:00:56 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 706: Triangle, Cevian, Three Circumcenters, Circumcircles, Concy... Points. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 706: Triangle, Cevian, Three Circumcenters, Circumcircles, Concyclic Points.
Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

In a triangle ABC, O is the circumcenter, and D is a point on AC. If E and F are the circumcenters of triangles ABD and BDC,
respectively, prove that the points B, E, O, and F are concyclic. (See the figure below.) (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:00:59 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 706: Triangle, Cevian, Three Circumcenters, Circumcircles, Concy... Points. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | Problems Art Gallery | 701-710 | Triangles |
Circles | Cyclic Quadrilateral | Circumcenter | Concyclic Points | Common Chord | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio
Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:00:59 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 707: Triangle, Excenters, Angle Bisectors. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 707: Triangle, Excenters, Angle Bisectors, Angle, Measurement. Level: High
School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC, AD meets BC at F and AE meets BC at G. D is the excenter of triangle ABG corresponding to BG
and E is the excenter of triangle AFC corresponding to FC. If angle ADE + angle AED = 142 degrees, find angle ADB + angle AEC. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:01:06 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 707: Triangle, Excenters, Angle Bisectors. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | Problems Art Gallery | 701-710 | Triangles |
Circles | Excenter | Angle Bisector | Angles | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:01:06 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 708: Circle, Tangent, Intersecting, Lune, Area, Diameter. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 708: Circle, Tangent, Intersecting, Lune, Area, Diameter. Level: High School,
Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The circles of diameters AB and CD are tangent at E. If circle O passes through points A,B,C,D, prove that the area of the yellow
shaded region is equal to the area of the blue shaded region. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:01:13 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 708: Circle, Tangent, Intersecting, Lune, Area, Diameter. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

See also:
GeoGebra of problem 708

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | Problems Art Gallery | 701-710 | Areas | Circles |
Diameter | Intersecting Circles | Common Chord | Tangent Circles | Lunes of Hippocrates | Parallel Chords | Email | Post a comment or
solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:01:13 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 709: Parallelogram, Midpoint, Diagonal, Metric Relations, Triangle. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 709: Parallelogram, Midpoint, Diagonal, Metric Relations, Triangle. Level: High
School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a parallelogram ABCD, E midpoint of BC and F midpoint of CD. AE and BF meet at G, AF and DE meet at H, HG
extended meets BC at M. If MH = 3, find the diagonal BD. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:01:16 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 709: Parallelogram, Midpoint, Diagonal, Metric Relations, Triangle. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 701-710 | Parallelograms | Triangles | Midpoints |
Parallel lines | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:01:16 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 710: Parallelogram, Midpoint, Diagonal, Collinearity, Metric Rel...riangle. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 710: Parallelogram, Midpoint, Diagonal, Collinear Points, Metric Relations,
Triangle. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a parallelogram ABCD, AC and BD meet at O, E midpoint of BC and F midpoint of CD. AE and BF meet at G. DE
meets AF, BF at H, N. GH extended meets BC, AC, CD, AD at M, P, Q, R. Prove that: (1) A, O, P, N, C are collinear; (2) MG = GP=
PH = HQ = QR; (3) MR parallel to BC; (4) MR congruent to BC. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:01:22 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 710: Parallelogram, Midpoint, Diagonal, Collinearity, Metric Rel...riangle. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 701-710 | Parallelograms | Triangles | Midpoints |
Parallel lines | Collinear Points | Congruence | Similarity | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:01:22 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 711: Rectangle, Midpoint, Angle, Concyclic Points, Cyclic Quadrilateral. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 711: Rectangle, Midpoint, Angle, Concyclic Points, Cyclic Quadrilateral. Level:
High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a rectangle ABCD, E midpoint of BC and F midpoint of CD. AE and BF meet at G. DE meets AF, BF at H, N. Prove
that (1) angle AED = 2 angle BAE; (2) angle AFB = 2 angle DAF; (3) angle EAF + angle GNH = 180 degrees; (4) Points A,G,N,H
are concyclic. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:01:26 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 711: Rectangle, Midpoint, Angle, Concyclic Points, Cyclic Quadrilateral. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 711-720 | Triangles | Midpoints | Rectangle | Cyclic
Quadrilateral | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:01:26 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 712: Semicircle, Diameter, Tangent, Perpendicular, Angle Measure. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 712: Semicircle, Diameter, Tangent, Perpendicular, Angle Measure. Level: High
School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows the semicircles O and O' tangent at B. AB is the diameter of semicircle O, AC is tangent to semicircle O' at D, and
DF is perpendicular to AB. If the measure of angle CAB is 25 degrees, find the measure of angle CFB.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 711-720 | Triangles | Perpendicular lines | Circles |
Semicircle | Diameters and Chords | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:01:29 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 713: Tangent Circles, Diameter, Chord, Tangent, Incenter, Incircl...Triangle. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 713: Tangent Circles, Diameter, Chord, Tangent, Incenter, Incircle, Triangle. Level:
High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows the circles O and O' tangent at B. AB is the diameter of circle O, AC is tangent to circle O' at D, AE is tangent to
circle O' at F, and DF meets AB at I. Prove that I is the incenter of triangle ACE. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:01:32 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 713: Tangent Circles, Diameter, Chord, Tangent, Incenter, Incircl...Triangle. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 711-720 | Triangles | Perpendicular lines | Circles |
Tangent Circles Index | Diameter and Chord | Incenter | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:01:32 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 714: Triangle, Parallel, Cevians, Midpoints, Median. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 714: Triangle, Parallel, Cevians, Midpoints, Median, Ceva Theorem. Level: High
School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC with DE parallel to AC. AE and CD meet at F. BF meets DE and AC at H and G, respectively. Prove
that G is the midpoint of AC and H is the midpoint of DE. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:01:41 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 714: Triangle, Parallel, Cevians, Midpoints, Median. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 701-710 | Triangles | Parallel lines | Midpoints |
Median | Concurrent lines | Ceva Theorem | Trapezoid, Triangle, Diagonals, Midpoints | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio
Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:01:41 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 715: Triangle, Altitudes, Parallel, Circumcircle, Angle, Measurement. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 715: Triangle, Altitudes, Parallel, Circumcircle, Angle, Measurement. Level: High
School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the altitudes AA', BB' and CC'. The measure of angle BAC is 59 degrees. L is a line through A'
parallel to B'C'. L meets AB extended and AC at D and E, respectively. B'C' and CB meet at F. The circumcircle of triangle DEF
meets BC at H. Find the measure of angle B'HC'. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:01:45 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 715: Triangle, Altitudes, Parallel, Circumcircle, Angle, Measurement. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 711-720 | Triangles | Altitude | Orthocenter |
Parallel lines | Circumcircle | Angles | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:01:45 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 138. Nagel's Theorem, Orthic Triangle, Altitudes, Circumradius, Perpendicular. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 138. Nagel's Theorem, Orthic Triangle, Altitudes, Circumradius, Perpendicular.

In the figure below, given a triangle ABC of circumcenter O and its orthic triangle DEF (AD, BE, and CF are the altitudes of ABC). Prove
that OA, OB, and OC are perpendicular to EF, DF, and DE respectively.

Home | Geometry | Altitude | Search | Problems | 131-140 | Orthic Triangle | Nagel | Email | Solution/comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:01:49 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 139. Triangle Area, Orthic Triangle, Semiperimeter, Circumradius. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Geometry Problem 139. Triangle Area, Orthic Triangle,

Semiperimeter, Circumradius.
In the figure below, given a triangle ABC of area S, circumradius R and orthic triangle DEF (AD, BE, and CF are the altitudes of ABC). If
p is the semiperimeter of triangle DEF, prove that S = p.R.

Home | Geometry | Altitude | Search | Problems | 131-140 | Semiperimeter | Orthic Triangle | Email | Solution/comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:01:52 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 139. Triangle Area, Orthic Triangle, Semiperimeter, Circumradius. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:01:52 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 140. Triangle, Excircle, Tangent, Semiperimeter. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 140. Triangle, Excircle, Tangent, Semiperimeter.

In the figure below, given a triangle ABC, the excircle corresponding to BC is tangent to BC and tangent to the extensions of AB and AC
at points D and E respectively. If p is the semiperimeter of triangle ABC, prove that p = AD = AE. Post a comment or solution.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 131-140 | Semiperimeter | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:02:02 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 141. Triangle, Incircle, Tangent and parallel to side, Perimeter. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 141. Triangle, Incircle, Tangent and parallel to side, Perimeter.

In the figure below, given a triangle ABC and the incircle O (inscribed circle), DE, FG, and HM are tangent to the incircle O and parallel
to AC, AB, and BC respectively. If P, P1, P2, P3 are the perimeters of triangles ABC, AHM, BDE, and CFG respectively, (1) prove that P
= P1 + P2 + P3, and (2) DM = FG, DE = GH, EF = HM. Post a comment or solution.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 141-150 | Semiperimeter | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:02:07 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 142. Four Triangles, Incircle, Tangent and Parallel to Side, Areas. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 142. Four Triangles, Incircle, Tangent and Parallel to Side, Areas.
In the figure below, given a triangle ABC and the incircle O (inscribed circle), DE, FG, and HM are tangent to the incircle O and parallel
to AC, AB, and BC respectively. If S, S1, S2, S3 are the areas of triangles ABC, AHM, BDE, and CFG respectively, prove that
. Post a comment or solution.

Home | Geometry | Search | Wolfram Demonstrations Project | Problems | 141-150 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:02:11 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 143. Four Triangles, Incircle, Tangent and Parallel to Side, Circumradii. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 143. Four Triangles, Incircle, Tangent and Parallel to Side, Circumradii.
In the figure below, given a triangle ABC and the incircle of center I (inscribed circle), DE, FG, and HM are tangent to the incircle I and
parallel to AC, AB, and BC respectively. If R, R1, R2, R3 are the circumradii of triangles ABC, AHM, BDE, and CFG respectively, prove
that R = R1 + R2 + R3. Post a comment.

Home | Geometry | Search | Wolfram Demonstrations Project | Problems | 141-150 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:02:14 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 144. Four Triangles, Incircle, Tangent and Parallel to Side, Inradii. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 144. Four Triangles, Incircle, Tangent and Parallel to Side, Inradii.
In the figure below, given a triangle ABC and the incircle of center I (inscribed circle), DE, FG, and HM are tangent to the incircle I and
parallel to AC, AB, and BC respectively. If r, r1, r2, r3 are the inradii of triangles ABC, AHM, BDE, and CFG respectively, prove that r =
r1 + r2 + r3. Post a comment or solution.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 141-150 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:02:23 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 145. Four Triangles, Incircle, Tangent and Parallel to Side, Incenters, Circumcenters. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 145. Four Triangles, Incircle, Tangent and Parallel to Side, Incenters, Circumcenters.
In the figure below, given a triangle ABC and the incircle of center I (inscribed circle), DE, FG, and HM are tangent to the incircle I and
parallel to AC, AB, and BC respectively. O, O1, O2, and O3 are the circumcenters of triangles ABC, AHM, BDE, and CFG respectively.
I1, I2, and I3 are the incenters of triangles AHM, BDE, and CFG respectively. If d = OI, d1 = O1I1, d2=O2I2, and O3 = O3I3, (1) prove that
d, d1, d2, and d3 are parallel, (2) prove that d = d1 + d2 + d3. Post a comment or solution. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:02:29 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 145. Four Triangles, Incircle, Tangent and Parallel to Side, Incenters, Circumcenters. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.
Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 141-150 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:02:29 AM]

Online Geometry, Problem 146. Varignon's Theorem: Quadrilateral, Midpoints, Parallelogram, Area, Perimeter. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 146. Varignon's Theorem: Quadrilateral, Midpoints, Parallelogram, Area, Perimeter.

In the figure below, ABCD is a quadrilateral of area S. E, F, G, and H are the midpoints of the sides. If S1, S2, S3, and S4 are the areas
of triangles AEH, BEF, CFG, and DGH respectively, (1) prove that EFGH is a parallelogram, called Varignon parallelogram, (2) prove

that the perimeter of the Varignon parallelogram is equal to the sum of diagonals of ABCD, (3) prove that: , (4)

prove that the area of the Varignon parallelogram is half that of ABCD.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Art | 141-150 | Semiperimeter | Area of a Parallelogram | Email | Post your comments | By
Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:02:42 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 147. Quadrilateral, Area, Midpoints, Triangle. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 147. Quadrilateral, Area, Midpoints, Triangle.

In the figure below, ABCD is a quadrilateral of area S. E, F, and G are the midpoints of the sides AB, BC, and CD respectively. If S1 is

the area of the triangle EFG, prove that: . Post a comment or solution.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 141-150 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:02:49 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 148. Quadrilateral, Area, Midpoints. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 148. Quadrilateral, Area, Midpoints.

In the figure below, ABCD is a quadrilateral of area S. E, F, G and H are the midpoints of the sides. If S1, S2, S3, and S4 are the areas

of quadrilaterals AEOG, BEOF, CFOG and DGOH respectively, prove that: . Post a comment or solution.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 141-150 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:02:58 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 149. Quadrilateral, Area, Midpoints. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 149. Quadrilateral, Area, Midpoints.

In the figure below, ABCD is a quadrilateral of area S. E and F are the midpoints of the sides BC and AD respectively. If S1 is the area

of quadrilateral AECF, prove that: . Post a comment or solution.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 141-150 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:03:06 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 150. Quadrilateral, Area, Trisection of Sides. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 150. Quadrilateral, Area, Trisection of Sides.

In the figure below, ABCD is a quadrilateral of area S. E, F, G, H trisect the sides BC and AD respectively. If S1 is the area of

quadrilateral EFHG, prove that: . Post a comment or solution.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 141-150 | Segment Trisection | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:03:08 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 151. Quadrilateral, Area, Trisection of Sides. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Online Geometry Problem 151: Quadrilateral, Area, Trisection of Sides. Level: High School, Honors
Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

In the figure below, ABCD is a quadrilateral of area S. E, F, G, H, M, N, P, and Q trisect the sides. If S1, S2, S3, and S4 are the areas
of the shaded quadrilaterals, prove that: S1 + S3, = S2 + S4. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:03:14 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 151. Quadrilateral, Area, Trisection of Sides. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | Art | 151-160 | Segment Trisection | Email |
Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:03:14 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 152. Circumscribed Quadrilateral, Diagonal, Chord, Proportion. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 152. Circumscribed Quadrilateral, Diagonal, Chord, Proportion

In the figure below, ABCD is a circumscribed quadrilateral (sides are tangent to inscribed circle at points E, F, G, and H). If BD and EG

meet at M, prove that: . Post a comment or solution.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 151-160 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:03:30 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 153. Circumscribed Quadrilateral, Diagonals Concurrent with Chords. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 153. Circumscribed Quadrilateral, Diagonals Concurrent with Chords

In the figure below, ABCD is a circumscribed quadrilateral (sides are tangent to inscribed circle at points E, F, G, and H). Prove that
diagonals AC and BD, are concurrent with chords EG and FH at M. Post a comment or solution.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 151-160 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:03:34 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 154. Triangle, Inradius, Circumradius, Chord. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Online Geometry Problem 154: Triangle, Inradius, Circumradius, Chord. Level: High School, Honors
Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

In the figure below, ABC is a triangle inscribed in a circle of center O (circumcenter) and circumscribed in a circle of center I
(incenter). Line BI and circumcircle meet at D. If r is the inradius and R is the circumradius, (1) prove that ID = CD, and (2) prove that
BI.ID = 2R.r (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:03:38 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 154. Triangle, Inradius, Circumradius, Chord. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 151-160 | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio
Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:03:38 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 155. Euler's Theorem: Distance from the Incenter to the Circumcenter. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 155. Euler's Theorem: Distance from the Incenter to the Circumcenter
In the figure below, ABC is a triangle inscribed in a circle of center O (circumcenter) and circumscribed in a circle of center I (incenter). If
d is the distance from the incenter to the circumcenter prove that: . Post a comment or solution.

Home | Geometry | Search | Classical Theorems | Problems | 151-160 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:03:46 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 430. Circumscribed and Inscribed Regular Pentagon, Perpendicular, Areas. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Visual Index 421-430 Solution / comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 430: Circumscribed and Inscribed Regular Pentagon, Perpendicular, Areas. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
In the figure, ABCDE is a regular pentagon circumscribed to circle O and A'B'C'D'E' is a regular pentagon inscribed in circle O. Lines
A'A''B', B'B''C'', C'C''D'', D'D''E'', and E'E''A'' are perpendicular to A'E', A'B', B'C', C'D', and D'E', respectively. If S is the area of the green
shaded region and S1 is the area of the pentagon A''B''C''D''E'',
prove that S = S1.

Regular pentagon area, inscribed, circumscribed, perpendicular [12/31/2015 5:04:10 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 431: Quadrilateral, Midpoints of Diagonals, Transversal.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Visual Index 431-440 Solution / comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Recent Additions Problem 431: Quadrilateral, Midpoints of Diagonals, Transversal
The figure shows a quadrilateral ABCD. E and F are the midpoints of diagonals AC and BD. Line EF intersects AB and CD at G and H,
respectively. Prove that AG.DH = BG.CH. [12/31/2015 5:04:14 AM]

Geometry Problem 432: Trapezoid, Parallel, Measurement, Similarity, Transversal.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Visual Index 431-440 Solution / comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Recent Additions Problem 432: Trapezoid, Parallel, Measurement, Similarity, Transversal

The figure shows a trapezoid ABCD with EF parallel to bases AD and BC. If BC = a, AD = b, AE = e, BE = f, prove that . [12/31/2015 5:04:19 AM]

Geometry Problem 433: Quadrilateral, Area, Proportion, Measurement, Similarity.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Area of a Triangle Visual Index 431-440 Solution / comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Recent Additions Problem 433: Quadrilateral, Triangle, Area, Proportion, Measurement, Similarity

The figure shows a quadrilateral ABCD with . If S, S1, and S2 are the areas of triangles CED, BCF, and ADF, prove that S =

S1 + S2. [12/31/2015 5:04:23 AM]

Geometry Problem 434: Quadrilateral, Transversal, Ratio, Proportion, Measurement, Similarity.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Visual Index 431-440 Solution / comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Recent Additions Problem 434: Quadrilateral, Transversal, Ratio, Measurement, Similarity

The figure shows a quadrilateral ABCD. Lines EG and FH intersect at O. If , prove that [12/31/2015 5:04:35 AM]

Geometry Problem 435: Triangle, Incircle, Inradius, Congruent circles, Tangent, Measurement.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Visual Index 431-440 Solution / comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Recent Additions Problem 435: Triangle, Incircle, Inradius, Congruent circles, tangent, Measurement
The figure shows a triangle ABC with inradius r and AC = b. Five congruent circles of radius x are tangent to each other and to the sides
of the triangle. Prove that . [12/31/2015 5:04:52 AM]

Geometry Problem 436: Tangent Circles, Diameter, Chord, Perpendicular, Congruence, Similarity.

Home Geometry Problems Art All Problems Visual Index 431-440 Semicircle Perpendicular Chords Solution / comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Recent Additions Problem 436: Tangent Circles, Diameter, Chord, Perpendicular, Congruence
The figure shows the circle 1 with diameter AB and circle 2 with diameter AC tangent at A. Line DFE is perpendicular to AB, the
extension of AF intersect circle 1 at G, and line GMH is perpendicular to AB. Prove that chords AD and AM are congruent. [12/31/2015 5:05:02 AM]

Geometry Problem 437: Tangent Circles, Diameter, Chord, Perpendicular, Congruence, Similarity.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Visual Index 431-440 Semicircle Perpendicular Chords Solution / comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Recent Additions Problem 437: Tangent Circles, Diameter, Chord, Perpendicular, Congruence
The figure shows the circle 1 with diameter AB and circle 2 with diameter AC tangent at A. Line APD is a chord of circle 1, line DFE is
perpendicular to AB, the extension of AF intersects circle 1 at G, line GMH is perpendicular to AB, and AM intersects FE at N. Prove that
AN and AP are congruent. [12/31/2015 5:05:15 AM]

Geometry Problem 438: Tangent Circles, Diameter, Chord, Perpendicular, Parallel, Congruence, Similarity.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Visual Index 431-440 Semicircle Solution / comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Recent Additions Problem 438: Tangent Circles, Diameter, Chord, Perpendicular, Congruence, Parallel
The figure shows the circle 1 with diameter AB and circle 2 with diameter AC tangent at A. Line APD is a chord of circle 1, line DFE is
perpendicular to AB, the extension of AF intersects circle 1 at G, line GMH is perpendicular to AB, and AM intersects FE at N. Prove that
(1) DP and MN are congruent, (2) DM and PN are parallel. [12/31/2015 5:05:22 AM]

Geometry Problem 439: Isosceles triangle, Cevian, Incenter, Angles.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Visual Index431-440 Solution / comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Recent Additions Problem 439: Isosceles triangle, Cevian, Incenter, Angles, Circle
The figure shows an isosceles triangle ABC (AB = BC). Line CD is a cevian and I is the incenter of the triangle BCD. If the measure of
angle ADC is 94 degrees, find the measure of angle ACI. [12/31/2015 5:05:25 AM]

Geometry Problem 440: Triangle, Incircle, Incenter, Angle Bisector, Tangency Points, Circle, Angles.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Visual Index 431-440 Solution / comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Recent Additions Problem 440: Triangle, Incircle, Incenter, Angle Bisector, Tangency Points, Circle,
The figure shows a triangle ABC with incenter I. The incircle is tangent to AB, BC, and AC at points D, E, and F. The extension of line BI
intersects EF at G. If the measure of angle C is 44 degrees, find the measure of angle IAG. [12/31/2015 5:05:29 AM]

Geometry Problem 441: Quadrilateral, Area, Proportion, Measurement, Similarity.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Visual Index 441-450 Solution / comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Recent Additions Problem 441: Quadrilateral, Triangle, Area, Proportion, Measurement, Similarity

The figure shows a quadrilateral ABCD with . Lines BF and CE intersect at G. Lines AF and DE intersect at H. S is the area of

quadrilateral EGFH, S1, and S2 are the areas of triangles BCG and ADH, prove that S = S1 + S2. [12/31/2015 5:05:37 AM]

Geometry Problem 442: Triangle, Median, Cevian, Transversal, Congruent Angles.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Visual Index 441-450 Solution / comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Recent Additions Problem 442: Triangle, Median, Cevian, Transversal, Congruent Angles
The figure shows a triangle ABC with the median BD, a cevian BF, and a transversal FGHJ. Angles ABE and DBC are equal, angles C
and BFJ are equal. If FG = 5 and GH = 3, find HJ. [12/31/2015 5:05:45 AM]

Geometry Problem 443: Intersecting (Overlapping) Circles, Common Chord, Secant line, Tangent line, Angles.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Visual Index 441-450 Common Chord Solution / comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Recent Additions Problem 443: Overlapping, Intersecting Circles, Common Chord, Secant line, Tangent
line, Angles
The figure shows overlapping circles O and O' with the common chord AB and secant line CAD. Lines CE and AF are tangent to circle
O. Lines AG and DE are tangent to circle O'. Prove that (1) angles BEC and BAG are congruent, (2) angles BED and BAF are
congruent. [12/31/2015 5:05:52 AM]

Geometry Problem 444: Tangent circles, Secant line, Chords, Angles, Congruence.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Solution / comment 441-450 Visual Index By Antonio Gutierrez
Recent Additions Problem 444: Internally Tangent circles, Secant line, Chords, Angles, Congruence
The figure shows the circles O and O' tangent at A and a secant line BCDE. Prove that angles BAC and DAE are congruent. [12/31/2015 5:06:07 AM]

Geometry Problem 445: Three Tangent Circles, Tangency Points, Circumradius. Elearning

Online Geometry Problem 445: Three Tangent Circles, Tangency Points, Circumradius

The figure shows three circles A,B, and C with radii 6, 2, and 4, respectively, each tangent to the other two at the points D, E, and F.
Find the circumradius of triangle DEF.
The circumradius of a triangle DEF is the radius of a circle that passes through the vertices D, E, and F. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:06:13 AM]

Geometry Problem 445: Three Tangent Circles, Tangency Points, Circumradius. Elearning

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 441-450 | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:06:13 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 716 Intersecting Circles, Center, Radius, Perpendicular, 90 Degrees. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor

Home Search Geometry Problems All Problems Intersecting Circles Open Problems Visual Index 711-720 Solution/comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 716. Intersecting Circles, Center, Radius, Perpendicular, 90 Degrees. Level: High Recent Additions
School, College, SAT Prep.
In the figure below, the circles O and O' intersect at A and B. C is a point on circle O, AC and BC meet circle O' at D and E, respectively.
F is a point on circle O', AF and BF meet circle O at H and G, respectively. OC and O'F meet at L, CO meets HG at C', FO' meets DE at
F', HG and DE meet at M. Prove that ML is perpendicular to C'F'.


Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given." (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:06:19 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 716 Intersecting Circles, Center, Radius, Perpendicular, 90 Degrees. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:06:19 AM]

Math Geometry Problem 717: Intersecting Circles, Midpoint, Angle, Measurement, Online math tutor

Problem 717: Intersecting Circles, Midpoint, Angle, Measurement. High School, College
In the figure below, the circles O and O' intersect at A and B. C and O' are on circle O. CO' extended meets the circle O' at D. If the
measure of angle ACB is 50 degrees, find the measure of angle ADB.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Intersecting Circles | Open Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 711-720 | Email | Post a
comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:06:21 AM]

Math Geometry Problem 718: Intersecting Circles, Midpoint, Angle, Measurement, Online math tutor

Problem 718: Intersecting Circles, Midpoint, Angle, Measurement. High School, College
In the figure below, the circles O and O' intersect at A and B. C and O' are on circle O. CO' meets the circle O' at D. If the measure of
angle ACB is 50 degrees, find the measure of angle ADB.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Intersecting Circles | Open Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 711-720 | Email | Post a
comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:06:32 AM]

Math Geometry Problem 719: Incenter, Intersecting Circles, Midpoint, Angle, Measurement, Online math tutor

Problem 719: Incenter, Intersecting Circles, Angle, Measurement. High School, College
In the figure below, the circles O and O' intersect at A and B. C and O' are on circle O. CO' meets the circle O' at D. Prove that D is the
incenter of the triangle ABC.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Incenter | Intersecting Circles | Common Chord | Open Problems | All Problems | Visual Index |
711-720 | Email | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:06:40 AM]

Math Geometry Problem 720: Excenter, Intersecting Circles, Midpoint, Angle, Measurement, Online math tutor

Problem 720: Excenter, Intersecting Circles, Angle, Measurement. High School, College
In the figure below, the circles O and O' intersect at A and B. C and O' are on circle O. CO' extended meets the circle O' at D. Prove
that D is the excenter of the triangle ABC.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Excenter | Intersecting Circles | Common Chord | Open Problems | All Problems | Visual Index |
711-720 | Email | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:06:49 AM]

Math Geometry Problem 721: Triangle, Orthocenter, Circumcircle, Altitude, Collinear, Online math tutor

Problem 721: Triangle, Orthocenter, Circumcircle, Altitude, Collinear. HS, College

In the figure below, H is the orthocenter of triangle ABC and AH, BH, CH extended meet the circumcircle O at A', B', C', respectively. P
is a point on the circumcircle O and PA', PB', PC' meet BC, AC, AB at A", B", C", respectively. Prove that B", C" ,H ,A" are collinear. (1 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:07:00 AM]

Math Geometry Problem 721: Triangle, Orthocenter, Circumcircle, Altitude, Collinear, Online math tutor

More Geometry Problems

Open Geometry Problems


Geometry Problem 722.

Squares, Circumscribed Circles, Collinear points.

Geometry Problem 720.

Excenter, Intersecting Circles, Angle, Measurement. (2 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:07:00 AM]

Math Geometry Problem 721: Triangle, Orthocenter, Circumcircle, Altitude, Collinear, Online math tutor

Geometry Problem 719.

Incenter, Intersecting Circles, Angle, Measurement.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Triangles | Orthocenter | Circumcircle | Collinear Points | Altitude | Perpendicular lines | Open
Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 721-730 | Email | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (3 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:07:00 AM]

Math Geometry Problem 722: Squares, Circumscribed Circles, Collinearity, Online math tutor

Problem 722: Squares, Circumscribed Circles, Collinearity. High School, College

In the figure below, the squares ABCD and DEFG are inscribed in the circles O and O', respectively, Point E is on CD and circles O
and O' intersect at H. Prove that A, E, H are collinear.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Square | Circles | Intersecting Circles | Collinear Points | Open Problems | All Problems | Visual
Index | 721-730 | Email | Post a solution/comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:07:06 AM]

Math Geometry Problem 723: Squares, Circumscribed Circles, Collinearity, Online math tutor

Problem 723: Squares, Circumscribed Circles, Collinearity. High School, College

In the figure below, the squares ABCD and DEFG are inscribed in the circles O and O', respectively, Point E is on CD and circles O
and O' intersect at H. Prove that C, H, G are collinear. (1 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:07:14 AM]

Math Geometry Problem 723: Squares, Circumscribed Circles, Collinearity, Online math tutor

More Geometry Problems

Open Geometry Problems


Geometry Problem 722.

Squares, Circumscribed Circles, Collinear points.

Geometry Problem 721.

Triangle, Orthocenter, Circumcircle, Altitude, Collinear points. (2 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:07:14 AM]

Math Geometry Problem 723: Squares, Circumscribed Circles, Collinearity, Online math tutor

Geometry Problem 720.

Excenter, Intersecting Circles, Angle, Measurement.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Square | Circles | Intersecting Circles | Collinear Points | Open Problems | All Problems | Visual
Index | 721-730 | Email | Post a solution/comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (3 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:07:14 AM]

Math Geometry Problem 724: Circumscribed Quadrilateral, Circle, Angle, Measure, Online math tutor

Problem 724: Circumscribed Quadrilateral, Circle, Angle, Measure. High School, College
In the diagram, ABCD is a circumscribed quadrilateral to circle O. E is a point on OA and F is a point on OC. If the measure of angle
EBF is half the measure of angle ABC, prove that the measure of angle EDF is half the measure of angle ADC. (1 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:07:19 AM]

Math Geometry Problem 724: Circumscribed Quadrilateral, Circle, Angle, Measure, Online math tutor

More Geometry Problems

Open Geometry Problems


Geometry Problem 723.

Squares, Circumscribed Circles, Collinear points.

Geometry Problem 722.

Squares, Circumscribed Circles, Collinear points. (2 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:07:19 AM]

Math Geometry Problem 724: Circumscribed Quadrilateral, Circle, Angle, Measure, Online math tutor

Geometry Problem 721.

Triangle, Orthocenter, Circumcircle, Altitude, Collinear points.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Tangential/Circumscribed Quadrilateral | Circles | Open Problems | All Problems | Visual Index |
721-730 | Email | Post a solution/comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (3 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:07:19 AM]

Math Geometry Problem 725: Kurschak's Dodecagon, Square, Equilateral Triangle, Midpoints, Online math tutor

Problem 725: Kurschak's Dodecagon, Square, Equilateral Triangle, Midpoints, 30,60

Degrees. High School, College
In the diagram below, ABCD is a square with the equilateral triangles ABE, BCF, CDG, and ADH. Prove that (1) EFGH is a square; (2)
The 8 intersections (N1,2..8) of the equilateral triangles and the midpoints (M1,2,3,4) of the sides of EFGH form a regular dodecagon. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:07:30 AM]

Math Geometry Problem 725: Kurschak's Dodecagon, Square, Equilateral Triangle, Midpoints, Online math tutor

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Square | Equilateral Triangle | Midpoint | Polygon | Kurschak's Tile | Open Problems | All
Problems | Visual Index | 721-730 | Email | Solution/comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:07:30 AM]

Math Geometry Problem 726: Isosceles Triangle, Perpendicular, Midpoint, 90 Degrees, Online math tutor

Problem 726: Isosceles Triangle, Perpendicular, Midpoint, 90 Degrees. High School, College
In the diagram below, ABC is an isosceles triangle (AB = BC). BE is perpendicular to AC and EA is perpendicular to AB. F is on AB
and G is on BC extended. FG meets AC at H. If H is the midpoint of FG, prove that the measure of angle EHG is 90 degrees. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:07:35 AM]

Math Geometry Problem 726: Isosceles Triangle, Perpendicular, Midpoint, 90 Degrees, Online math tutor

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Triangles | Isosceles Triangle | Midpoint | Perpendicular lines | Altitude Index | Open Problems |
All Problems | Visual Index | 721-730 | Email | Solution/comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:07:35 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 727: Triangle, Isosceles, Congruence, Angles. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Geometry Problem 727: Triangle, Isosceles, Congruence, Angles, Measurement. Level: High School, Honors
Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC with angle A = 88 degrees and angle C = 44 degrees. AD = CD and AB = BD. Find the measure of
the angle DBC. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:07:43 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 727: Triangle, Isosceles, Congruence, Angles. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 721-730 | Triangles | Congruence | Isosceles
Triangle | Angles | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:07:43 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 728: Triangle, Altitude, Perpendicular, Circumcircle, Midpoint, I...currency. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Geometry Problem 728: Triangle, Altitude, Perpendicular, Circumcircle, Midpoint, Intersecting Circles,
Concurrency. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The diagram shows a triangle ABC with the altitude BD. E is on BD and F is on BD extended such that DE = DF. The circumcircle of
triangle AEF meets AB and AC at N and G, respectively. The circumcircle of triangle CEF meets BC and AC at M and H,
respectively. Prove that BF, MH, and NG are concurrent. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:07:48 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 728: Triangle, Altitude, Perpendicular, Circumcircle, Midpoint, I...currency. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 721-730 | Triangles | Congruence | Isosceles
Triangle | Circles | Intersecting Circles | Common Chord | Circumcircle | Altitude | Perpendicular lines | Concurrent lines | Email | Solution
/ comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:07:48 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 729: Triangle, Altitude, Orthocenter, Circumcircle, Perpendicular, Midpoint. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Geometry Problem 729: Triangle, Altitude, Orthocenter, Circumcircle, Perpendicular, Midpoint. Level: High
School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The diagram shows a triangle ABC with the orthocenter H and the circumcircle O. D is a point on the arc BC, DE is perpendicular to
AB, and DF is perpendicular to BC. DH meets EF at M. Prove that M is the midpoint of DH. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:07:54 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 729: Triangle, Altitude, Orthocenter, Circumcircle, Perpendicular, Midpoint. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 721-730 | Triangles | Orthocenter | Circles |
Circumcircle | Altitude | Perpendicular lines | Midpoint | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:07:54 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 730: Triangle, Altitude, Orthocenter, Perpendicular, Concurrent Lines. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Geometry Problem 730: Triangle, Altitude, Orthocenter, Perpendicular, Concurrent Lines. Level: High School,
Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The diagram shows a triangle ABC with the altitudes AA1, BB1, and CC1. A1A2, is perpendicular to AB, A1A3, is perpendicular to AC
and AA4 is perpendicular to A2A3. Similarly BB4 is perpendicular to B2B3, and CC4 is perpendicular to C2C3. Prove that AA4, BB4 ,
and CC4 are concurrent. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:08:00 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 730: Triangle, Altitude, Orthocenter, Perpendicular, Concurrent Lines. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 721-730 | Triangles | Orthocenter | Altitude |
Perpendicular lines | Concurrent lines | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:08:00 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 731: Cyclic quadrilateral, Triangle, Orthocenter, Altitude, Perpe...lelogram. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Geometry Problem 731: Cyclic quadrilateral, Triangle, Orthocenter, Altitude, Perpendicular, Parallelogram.
Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The diagram shows a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD. If E is the orthocenter of triangle ABD and F the orthocenter of triangle ACD, prove
that BCFE is a parallelogram. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:08:09 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 731: Cyclic quadrilateral, Triangle, Orthocenter, Altitude, Perpe...lelogram. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 731-740 | Cyclic Quadrilateral | Triangles |
Orthocenter | Altitude | Perpendicular lines | Parallelogram | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:08:09 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 156. Triangle, Circumradius, Exradius, Chord, Secant line. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 156. Triangle, Circumradius, Exradius, Chord, Secant line

In the figure below, ABC is a triangle inscribed in a circle of center O (circumcenter) and E is the center (excenter) of the excircle relative
to side BC. Line AE and the circumcircle meet at D. If R is the circumradius and r1 is the exradius (radius of circle E), (1) prove that BD =
DE, and (2) prove that AE.DE = 2R.r1. Post a comment or solution.

Home | Geometry | Search | Wolfram Demonstrations Project | Problems | 151-160 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:08:15 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 157. Distance from the Circumcenter to the Excenter. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 157. Distance from the Circumcenter to the Excenter

In the figure below, ABC is a triangle inscribed in a circle of center O (circumcenter) and E is the center (excenter) of the excircle
relative to side BC. If d is the distance from the circumcenter O to excenter E, prove that: . Post a comment or solution.

Home | Geometry | Search | Wolfram Demonstrations Project | Problems | 151-160 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:08:21 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 158. Relation between the Circumradius, Inradius and Exradii of a triangle. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 158. Relation between the Circumradius, Inradius and Exradii of a triangle

In the figure below, ABC is a triangle inscribed in a circle of center O (circumcenter), I is the incenter and E1, E2, E3 are the excenters
relatives to the sides BC, AC, and AB respectively. Diameter DF of center O is perpendicular to AC at point E. If R, r, r1, r2, r3 are the
circumradius, inradius and exradii respectively, (1) prove that , (2) prove that , and (3) prove that

Post a comment or solution. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:08:30 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 158. Relation between the Circumradius, Inradius and Exradii of a triangle. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Trapezoid Median | Sagitta | 151-160 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:08:30 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 159. Relation between the distances from the Circumcenter to the Incente...d the Excenters. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Geometry Problem 159. Distances from the Circumcenter to the Incenter and the Excenters. Level: High
School, College, Mathematics Education

In the figure below, ABC is a triangle inscribed in a circle of center O (circumcenter), I is the incenter and E1, E2, E3 are the
excenters relatives to the sides BC, AC, and AB respectively. If R, is the circumradius, d = OI, d1 = OE1, d2 = OE2, and d3 = OE3,
prove that . (1 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:08:33 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 159. Relation between the distances from the Circumcenter to the Incente...d the Excenters. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS. (2 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:08:33 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 159. Relation between the distances from the Circumcenter to the Incente...d the Excenters. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | Problems Art Gallery | Art | 151-
160 | Wolfram Demonstrations Project | by Antonio Gutierrez

Add or view a solution to the problem 159 (3 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:08:33 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 160. Triangle, Incircle, Incenter, Circumcircle, Circumcenter, Inradius. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Online Geometry Problem 160. Triangle, Incircle, Incenter, Circumcircle, Circumcenter, Inradius. Level: High
School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

In the figure below, ABC is a triangle inscribed in a circle of center O (circumcenter) and I is the incenter. Line OI meets the
circumcircle O and the incircle I at D, E, F, and G respectively. If r is the inradius, d = DF, and e = EG, prove that . (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:08:37 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 160. Triangle, Incircle, Incenter, Circumcircle, Circumcenter, Inradius. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 151-160 | Email | By Antonio

Add or view a solution to the problem 160 (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:08:37 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 161. Parallelogram, Midpoints, Octagon, Areas. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Geometry Problem 161. Parallelogram, Midpoints, Octagon, Areas

In the figure below, ABCD is a parallelogram of area S. S1 is the area of the shaded octagon determined by connecting the midpoints

E, F, G, and H with the opposite vertex of the parallelogram ABCD. Prove that .

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Art | 161-170 | Area of a Parallelogram | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez

Add or view a solution to the problem 161 [12/31/2015 5:08:41 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 162. Parallelogram, Triangles, Areas. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Geometry Problem 162. Parallelogram, Triangles, Areas

In the figure below, ABCD is a parallelogram with E any point on side AD. If , and S, S1, and S2 are the areas of

triangles MEN, BFM, and CGN respectively, prove that .

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 161-170 | Area of a Parallelogram | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez
Add or view a solution to the problem 162 [12/31/2015 5:08:52 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 163. Trapezoid, Diagonals, Triangles, Areas. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Geometry Problem 163. Trapezoid, Diagonals, Triangles, Areas

In the figure below, ABCD is a trapezoid of area S with AD parallel to BC and E the point of intersection of the diagonals AC and BD.
If S1, S2, S3, and S4 are the areas of triangles BEC, AED, ABE, and CED respectively, (1) prove that , and (2) prove

that . See also: Artwork Problem 163.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 161-170 | Email. Last updated: Jan 3, 2015 by Antonio Gutierrez.
Add or view a solution to the problem 163 [12/31/2015 5:08:59 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 164. Parallelogram, Trapezoid, Diagonal, Triangles, Areas. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Geometry Problem 164. Parallelogram, Trapezoid, Diagonal, Triangles, Areas

In the figure below, ABCD is a parallelogram with E any point on side BC and F the point of intersection of AE and BD. If S, S1, and
S2 are the areas of triangles AFD, BEF, and CDE respectively, prove that S = S1 + S2.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 161-170 | Area of a Parallelogram | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez
Add or view a solution to the problem 164 [12/31/2015 5:09:02 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 165. Parallelogram, Diagonal, Triangles, Areas. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Geometry Problem 165. Parallelogram, Diagonal, Triangles, Areas

In the figure below, ABCD is a parallelogram of area S with E any point on side BC and F the point of intersection of AE and BD. If S1
and S2 are the areas of triangles BEF, and AFD respectively, prove that .

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 161-170 | Area of a Parallelogram | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez
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Geometry classes, Problem 166. Parallelogram, Diagonal, Triangles, Areas. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Geometry Problem 166. Parallelogram, Diagonal, Triangles, Areas. Level: High School, Honors Geometry,
College, Mathematics Education

In the figure below, ABCD is a parallelogram with E an interior point. F is the point of intersection of diagonal BD and line AE. If S, S1,
and S2 are the areas of triangles ABF, BEC, and DEF respectively, prove that S = S1 + S2.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 161-170 | Area of a Parallelogram | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez
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Geometry classes, Problem 167. Parallelogram, Diagonal, Triangles, Areas. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Geometry Problem 167. Parallelogram, Diagonal, Triangles, Areas. Level: High School, Honors Geometry,
College, Mathematics Education

In the figure below, ABCD is a parallelogram with E an exterior point. F and G are the points of intersection of AE with BD and BC. H
is the point of intersection of DE and BC. If S, S1, S2, and S3 are the areas of quadrilateral DFGH, and triangles ABF, BEG, and CEH
respectively, prove that S = S1 + S2 + S3 .

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 161-170 | Area of a Parallelogram | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez
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Geometry classes, Problem 168. Parallelogram, Diagonals, Pentagon, Triangles, Areas. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Geometry Problem 168. Parallelogram, Diagonals, Pentagon, Triangles, Areas. Level: High School, Honors
Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

In the figure below, ABCD is a parallelogram with E an exterior point. Lines AE and DE and diagonals AC and BD determine the
shaded regions of areas S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, and S6. Prove that S5 + S6 = S1 + S2 + S3 + S4.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 161-170 | Area of a Parallelogram | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez
Add or view a solution to the problem 168 [12/31/2015 5:09:21 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 169. Parallelogram, Interior and Exterior Points, Diagonals, Pentagon, Triangles, Areas. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Geometry Problem 169. Parallelogram, Interior and Exterior Points, Diagonals, Pentagon, Triangles, Areas.
Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

In the figure below, ABCD is a parallelogram with E an exterior point and F an interior point. Lines EA, EB, EC, ED, FA, FB, FC, and
FD determine the shaded regions of areas S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, and S6. Prove that S5 + S6 = S1 + S2 + S3 + S4.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 161-170 | Area of a Parallelogram | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez
Add or view a solution to the problem 169 [12/31/2015 5:09:27 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 170. Trapezoid, Midpoint, Triangle, Area. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Geometry Problem 170: Trapezoid, Midpoint, Triangle, Area. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College,
Mathematics Education

In the figure below, ABCD is a trapezoid of area S with AD parallel to BC and E the midpoint of AB. Prove that S1 = S/2. See also:
Artwork of Problem 170, Circular random composition.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 161-170 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez

Add or view a solution to the problem 170 [12/31/2015 5:09:31 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 171. Trapezoid, Midpoints, Triangles, Areas. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 171. Trapezoid, Midpoints, Triangles, Areas.

In the figure below, ABCD is a trapezoid with AD parallel to BC and E, F, and G midpoints of AB, BC, and AD respectively. Lines EC,
ED, and FG determine the shaded regions of areas S, S1, and S2. Prove that S = S1 + S2. Post a comment or solution.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 171-180 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:09:36 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 172. Trapezoid, Midpoints, Quadrilaterals, Areas. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 172. Trapezoid, Midpoints, Quadrilaterals, Areas.

In the figure below, ABCD is a trapezoid with AD parallel to BC and E, F, and G midpoints of AB, BC, and AD respectively. Lines EC,
ED, and FG determine the shaded quadrilaterals of areas S, S1, and S2. Prove that S = S1 + S2. Post a comment or solution.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 171-180 | Area of a Triangle | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:09:41 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 173. Quadrilateral with Midpoints, Triangles, Areas. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 173. Quadrilateral with Midpoints, Triangles, Areas.

In the figure below, ABCD is a quadrilateral with E, and F, midpoints of BC, and AD respectively. Lines EA, ED, FB and FC determine
the shaded regions of areas S1, S2, S3, and S4. Prove that S1 + S2 = S3 + S4. Post a comment or solution.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 171-180 | Area of a Triangle | Email | By Antonio

Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:09:48 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 174. Quadrilateral with Midpoints, Triangles, Areas. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 174. Quadrilateral with Midpoints, Triangles, Areas.

In the figure below, ABCD is a quadrilateral with E, and F, midpoints of BC, and AD respectively. Lines EA, ED, FB and FC determine
the shaded regions of areas S, S1, and S2. Prove that S = S1 + S2. Post a comment or solution.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 171-180 | Area of a Triangle | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:09:52 AM]

Geometry Problem 446: Quadrilateral Area, Five equal parts, Sides. Elearning

Online Geometry Problem 446: Quadrilateral Area, Dividing the sides into 5 equal parts

The figure shows a quadrilateral ABCD of area S and lines that divide each of the sides in five equal parts. If S1 is the area of the

quadrilateral EFGH, prove that . (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:09:59 AM]

Geometry Problem 446: Quadrilateral Area, Five equal parts, Sides. Elearning

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | Art | All Problems | Visual Index | 441-450 | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:09:59 AM]

Geometry Problem 447: Complete Quadrilateral, Inradii, Exradii, Sides. Elearning

Online Geometry Problem 447: Complete Quadrilateral, Inradii, Exradii, Sides

The figure shows a complete quadrilateral ABCDEF. If ra, and rd are the exradii of triangles ABE and ADF, and rb, and rc are the

inradii of triangles BCF and CDE, prove that .

Complete quadrilateral ABCDEF is the figure determined by four lines, no three of which are concurrent, and their six points of intersection A, B, C, D, E, and F.
Exradius is the radius of an excircle. Excircle is the circle tangent to the extension of two sides and to the other side,
Inradius is the radius of an incircle. Incircle is the circle tangent to each of the triangle's three sides. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:10:33 AM]

Geometry Problem 447: Complete Quadrilateral, Inradii, Exradii, Sides. Elearning

Complete quadrilateral, inradius, exradius, sides

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | Complete Quadrilateral | 441-450 | Email | Solution / comment | By
Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:10:33 AM]

Geometry Problem 448: Tangent Circles, Diameter, Perpendicular, Chord. Elearning

Online Geometry Problem 448: Tangent Circles, Diameter, Perpendicular, Chord

The figure shows a circle O of diameter AB and a circle O' tangent at C and D to AB and circle O, respectively. DF is perpendicular to
AB. Lines DF and EC meet at G. If AC=a, DG=b, and CD=x, prove that x2=a.b. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:10:41 AM]

Geometry Problem 448: Tangent Circles, Diameter, Perpendicular, Chord. Elearning

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 441-450 | Semicircle | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio
Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:10:41 AM]

Geometry Problem 449: Congruent Tangent Circles, Diameter, Sagitta, Arc, Perpendicular, Chord. Elearning

Online Geometry Problem 449: Congruent Tangent Circles, Diameter, Radius, Sagitta, Arc, Perpendicular,
Chord, Triangle, Metric Relations

The figure shows a circle with diameter AC. GF=a is the sagitta of arc AB and DE=b is the sagitta of arc BC. Three congruent circles

of radius x are tangent to each other and to the sides of the triangle ABC. Prove that . (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:10:46 AM]

Geometry Problem 449: Congruent Tangent Circles, Diameter, Sagitta, Arc, Perpendicular, Chord. Elearning

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 441-450 | Sagitta | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio
Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:10:46 AM]

Geometry Problem 450: Triangle, Median, Cevian, Congruence, Proportional Segments. Elearning

Online Geometry Problem 450: Triangle, Median, Cevian, Congruence, Proportional Segments

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the median BD and the cevian AE. If AB=BE=c, BC=a, AF=x, and FE=y, prove that . (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:11:03 AM]

Geometry Problem 450: Triangle, Median, Cevian, Congruence, Proportional Segments. Elearning

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 441-450 | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:11:03 AM]

Geometry Problem 451: Triangle, Median, Congruence, Proportional Segments. Elearning

Geometry Problem 451: Triangle, Median, Congruence, Proportional Segments

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the median BD and the line FE so that BE = BF. If AB = c, BC = a, FG = x, and GE = y, prove

that . (1 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:11:10 AM]

Geometry Problem 451: Triangle, Median, Congruence, Proportional Segments. Elearning

More Problems:

Proposed Problem 452.

Triangle, Circle, Tangent, Proportional Segments.

Proposed Problem 450.

Triangle, Median, Cevian, Congruence, Proportional Segments.

Proposed Problem 449.

Congruent Tangent Circles, Diameter, Sagitta, Arc, Perpendicular, Chord.

Proposed Problem 448.

Tangent Circles, Diameter, Perpendicular, Chord. (2 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:11:10 AM]

Geometry Problem 451: Triangle, Median, Congruence, Proportional Segments. Elearning

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 451-460 | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (3 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:11:10 AM]

Geometry Problem 452: Triangle, Circle, Tangent, Proportional Segments. Elearning

Geometry Problem 452: Triangle, Circle, Tangent, Proportional Segments

The figure shows a triangle ABC and a circle O tangent to AB, BC, and EF at the points A, D, and E, respectively. If AB = c, EF = d,
and CF = x, prove that . (1 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:11:15 AM]

Geometry Problem 452: Triangle, Circle, Tangent, Proportional Segments. Elearning

More Problems:

Proposed Problem 453.

Intersecting Circles, Tangent, Circular Segment, Congruence, Area.

Proposed Problem 451.

Triangle, Median, Congruence, Proportional Segments.

Proposed Problem 450.

Triangle, Median, Cevian, Congruence, Proportional Segments.

Proposed Problem 449.

Congruent Tangent Circles, Diameter, Sagitta, Arc, Perpendicular, Chord. (2 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:11:15 AM]

Geometry Problem 452: Triangle, Circle, Tangent, Proportional Segments. Elearning

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 451-460 | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (3 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:11:15 AM]

Geometry Problem 453: Intersecting Circles, Tangent, Circular Segment, Congruence, Area. Elearning

Problem 453: Intersecting Circles, Tangent, Circular Segment, Congruence, Area

The figure shows the intersecting circles O and O' at A and B. Line CO is tangent to circle O' at O, lines CDA and CO' are chords of
circle O. Prove that the circular segments S and S' are congruent.
A circular segment is an area of a circle enclosed between a chord and the arc whose endpoints equal the chord's. (1 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:11:21 AM]

Geometry Problem 453: Intersecting Circles, Tangent, Circular Segment, Congruence, Area. Elearning

More Problems:

Proposed Problem 454.

Triangle, Incircle, Inradius, Tangent, Circle, Radius.

Proposed Problem 452.

Triangle, Circle, Tangent, Proportional Segments.

Proposed Problem 451.

Triangle, Median, Congruence, Proportional Segments.

Proposed Problem 450.

Triangle, Median, Cevian, Congruence, Proportional Segments. (2 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:11:21 AM]

Geometry Problem 453: Intersecting Circles, Tangent, Circular Segment, Congruence, Area. Elearning

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 451-460 | Circular Segment | Email | Post a comment or solution |
By Antonio Gutierrez (3 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:11:21 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 454: Triangle, Incircle, Inradius, Tangent, Circle, Radius. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 454: Triangle, Incircle, Inradius, Tangent, Circle, Radius, Radii. Level: High
School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the incircle O of radius r. Circle O intersects OA, OB and OC at D, E, and F, respectively. If ra,
rb, and rc, are the radii of circles tangent to the sides and to the incircle O at D, E, and F, respectively, prove that
. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:11:24 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 454: Triangle, Incircle, Inradius, Tangent, Circle, Radius. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 451-460 | Triangles | Circles | Tangent Circles |
Incircle | Circle Tangent Line | Angle Bisector | Problem 1095 | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez
Last updated: Mar 10, 2015 (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:11:24 AM]

Geometry Problem 454: Rhombus, Inscribed Circle, Angle, Chord, 45 Degrees.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Visual Index 451-460 Post a comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 455: Rhombus, Inscribed Circle, Angle, Chord, 45 Degrees Recent Additions

The figure shows a rhombus ABCD with the inscribed circle O. Points E, F, and G are the tangency points. Circle O intersects OB and
OC at H and J, respectively. If chords EJ and GH meet at K, prove that the measure of angle JKG is 45 degrees. [12/31/2015 5:11:32 AM]

Geometry Problem 456: Three tangent circles, Center, Chord, Secant, Collinear.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Visual Index 451-460 Semicircle Post a comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 456: Three tangent circles, Center, Chord, Secant, Collinear Recent Additions

The figure shows three circles A, B, and C tangent to each other at D, E, and F, respectively. Lines DE and FE intersect circle A at G
and H, respectively. Prove that the points H, A, and G are collinear. [12/31/2015 5:11:38 AM]

Geometry Problem 450: Triangle, Median, Cevian, Congruence, Proportional Segments. Elearning

Problem 457: Triangle, First Brocard Point, Congruent angles, Circle, Circumradius

The figure shows a triangle ABC with circumradius R. The angles PAC, PCB, and PBA are congruent. If d, e, and f are the circumradii
of triangles BPC, APC, and APB, respectively, prove that R3 = d.e.f.

Point P is called the first Brocard point of the triangle ABC. The circumradius is the radius of the circumcircle. The circumcircle of a triangle is a circle which
passes through all the vertices of the triangle. (1 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:11:45 AM]

Geometry Problem 450: Triangle, Median, Cevian, Congruence, Proportional Segments. Elearning

More Problems:

Proposed Problem 458.

Square, Semicircle, Circular Sector, Internal Common Tangent, Measurement. (2 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:11:45 AM]

Geometry Problem 450: Triangle, Median, Cevian, Congruence, Proportional Segments. Elearning

Proposed Problem 456.

Three tangent circles, Center, Chord, Secant, Collinear.

Proposed Problem 455.

Rhombus, Inscribed Circle, Angle, Chord, 45 Degrees.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | Art | All Problems | Visual Index | 451-460 | Circumcenter | Common Chord | Email | Post a
comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (3 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:11:45 AM]

Geometry Problem 458: Square, Semicircle, Circular Sector, Internal Common Tangent, Measurement. Elearning

Problem 458: Square, Semicircle, Circular Sector, Internal Common Tangent, Measurement

The figure shows a square ABCD of side a. The semicircle of diameter AB and the circular sector of center D are tangent at E. If FG
is the internal common tangent, prove that . See also: Artwork of Problem 458. (1 of 4) [12/31/2015 5:11:51 AM]

Geometry Problem 458: Square, Semicircle, Circular Sector, Internal Common Tangent, Measurement. Elearning

More Problems:

Problem 458, Artwork. PicSketch for iPhone and iPad, Photo Filter Effects
Triangle and altitudes. (2 of 4) [12/31/2015 5:11:51 AM]

Geometry Problem 458: Square, Semicircle, Circular Sector, Internal Common Tangent, Measurement. Elearning

Proposed Problem 459.

Right triangle, Squares, Distance, Measurement.

Proposed Problem 457.

Triangle, First Brocard Point, Congruent angles, Circle, Circumradius.

Proposed Problem 456.

Three tangent circles, Center, Chord, Secant, Collinear.

Proposed Problem 455.

Rhombus, Inscribed Circle, Angle, Chord, 45 Degrees. (3 of 4) [12/31/2015 5:11:51 AM]

Geometry Problem 458: Square, Semicircle, Circular Sector, Internal Common Tangent, Measurement. Elearning

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 451-460 | Semicircle | Circle Inscribed in a Square | Email | Post a
comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (4 of 4) [12/31/2015 5:11:51 AM]

Geometry Problem 459: Right triangle, Square, Distance, Measurement. Elearning

Geometry Problem 459: Right triangle, Squares, Distance, Measurement

The figure shows a right triangle ABC with the squares ACDE and BCFG. If BC = a, AB = c, and DG = x, prove that
. (1 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:11:54 AM]

Geometry Problem 459: Right triangle, Square, Distance, Measurement. Elearning

More Problems:

Proposed Problem 460.

Circle, Tangent, Perpendicular, Radius, Distance, Measurement. (2 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:11:54 AM]

Geometry Problem 459: Right triangle, Square, Distance, Measurement. Elearning

Proposed Problem 458.

Square, Semicircle, Circular Sector, Internal Common Tangent, Measurement.

Proposed Problem 457.

Triangle, First Brocard Point, Congruent angles, Circle, Circumradius.

Proposed Problem 456.

Three tangent circles, Center, Chord, Secant, Collinear.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 451-460 | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (3 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:11:54 AM]

Geometry Problem 460: Circle, Tangent, Perpendicular, Radius, Distance, Measurement. Elearning

Online Geometry Problem 460: Circle, Tangent, Perpendicular, Radius, Distance, Measurement

The figure shows a circle O with the radius OA perpendicular to radius OB. Line CD is tangent to circle O at E. AF and BG are
perpendicular to CD. If OA = x, AF = a, and BG = b, prove that . (1 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:12:03 AM]

Geometry Problem 460: Circle, Tangent, Perpendicular, Radius, Distance, Measurement. Elearning

More Problems:

Proposed Problem 461.

Three Circles, Tangent, Right Angle, Center, Distance, Measurement. (2 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:12:03 AM]

Geometry Problem 460: Circle, Tangent, Perpendicular, Radius, Distance, Measurement. Elearning

Proposed Problem 459.

Right triangle, Squares, Distance, Measurement.

Proposed Problem 458.

Square, Semicircle, Circular Sector, Internal Common Tangent, Measurement.

Proposed Problem 457.

Triangle, First Brocard Point, Congruent angles, Circle, Circumradius.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 451-460 | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (3 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:12:03 AM]

Geometry Problem 461: Three Circles, Tangent, Right Angle, Center, Distance, Measurement. Elearning

Geometry Problem 461: Three Circles, Tangent, Right Angle, Center, Distance, Measurement

The figure shows three circles of radii a, b, and c tangent at points D and E, and tangent to the sides of right angle FOG at points F,
H, M, and G. If BC=x, prove that . (1 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:12:09 AM]

Geometry Problem 461: Three Circles, Tangent, Right Angle, Center, Distance, Measurement. Elearning

More Problems:

Proposed Problem 462.

Square, Arcs, 90 Degrees, Circle, Tangent, Radius, Measurement. (2 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:12:09 AM]

Geometry Problem 461: Three Circles, Tangent, Right Angle, Center, Distance, Measurement. Elearning

Proposed Problem 461.

Three Circles, Tangent, Right Angle, Center, Distance, Measurement.

Proposed Problem 459.

Right triangle, Squares, Distance, Measurement.

Proposed Problem 458.

Square, Semicircle, Circular Sector, Internal Common Tangent, Measurement.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | Art | All Problems | Visual Index | 461-470 | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio
Gutierrez (3 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:12:09 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 732: Triangle, Altitude, Orthic Triangle, Orthocenter, Congruenc...elogram. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 732: Triangle, Altitude, Orthic Triangle, Orthocenter, Congruence, Parallelogram.
Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the altitudes AA1, BB1, and CC1. If A2, B2, and C2 are the orthocenters of triangles AB1C1,
BA1C1, and CA1B1, respectively, prove that the triangles A1B1C1 and A2B2C2 are congruent.
Note: The triangle A1B1C1 is called the orthic triangle of the triangle ABC. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:12:16 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 732: Triangle, Altitude, Orthic Triangle, Orthocenter, Congruenc...elogram. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 731-740 | Triangles | Altitude | Orthocenter | Orthic
Triangle | Perpendicular lines | Parallelogram | Congruence | Email | Solution/comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:12:16 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 733: Triangle, Orthocenter, Altitude, Reflection in a line, Circu...currency. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 733: Triangle, Orthocenter, Altitude, Reflection in a line, Circumcircle,
Concurrency. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC. L is a line through the orthocenter H that cuts the sides at A1, B1, and C1. Lines A1A2, B1B2, and
C1C2 are the reflection of L in sides BC, AC, and AB, respectively. Prove that A1A2, B1B2, and C1C2 are concurrent at a point P on
the circumcircle O. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:12:23 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 733: Triangle, Orthocenter, Altitude, Reflection in a line, Circu...currency. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 731-740 | Triangles | Altitude | Orthocenter |
Perpendicular lines | Circumcircle | Congruence | Reflection | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:12:23 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 734: Triangle, Isosceles, Median, Parallel, Angle Bisector, Cong...idpoint. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 734: Triangle, Isosceles, Median, Parallel, Angle Bisector, Congruence, Midpoint.
Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the median AM and a cevian BD so that BD = AD. If DE is parallel to AB, prove that the angles
DBE and ACB are congruent. This entry contributed by Ajit Athle.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 731-740 | Triangles | Isosceles Triangle | Median |
Parallel lines | Midpoint | Congruence | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:12:28 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 735: Triangle, Altitude, Perpendicular, Semiperimeter of the Ort...gruence. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 735: Triangle, Altitude, Perpendicular, Semiperimeter of the Orthic Triangle,
Congruence. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the altitudes AA1, BB1, and CC1. If B1D is perpendicular to AB, and B1E is perpendicular to
BC, prove that DE is equal to the semiperimeter of the triangle A1B1C1.
Note: The triangle A1B1C1 is called the orthic triangle of the triangle ABC. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:12:34 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 735: Triangle, Altitude, Perpendicular, Semiperimeter of the Ort...gruence. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 731-740 | Triangles | Altitude | Orthic Triangle |
Perpendicular lines | Semiperimeter | Congruence | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:12:34 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 736: Triangle, Altitude, Perpendicular, Angles, Cyclic Quadrilateral. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 736: Triangle, Altitude, Perpendicular, Angles, Cyclic Quadrilateral. Level: High
School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the altitude BH. HD is perpendicular to AB, and HE is perpendicular to BC. If angle ACB = 57
degrees, and angle CDH = 21 degrees, find the measure of the angle AEB. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:12:40 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 736: Triangle, Altitude, Perpendicular, Angles, Cyclic Quadrilateral. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 731-740 | Triangles | Altitude | Perpendicular lines
| Cyclic Quadrilateral | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:12:40 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 737: Cyclic Quadrilateral, Circumscribed Circle, Diameter, Tange...dicular. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 737: Cyclic Quadrilateral, Circumscribed Circle, Diameter, Tangent, Perpendicular.
Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD where AD is the diameter of the circumscribed circle. AB and DC extended meet at E.
Tangents at B and C meet at F. Prove that EF is perpendicular to AD. This entry contributed by Ajit Athle. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:12:53 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 737: Cyclic Quadrilateral, Circumscribed Circle, Diameter, Tange...dicular. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 731-740 | Cyclic Quadrilateral | Circles | Semicircle
| Perpendicular lines | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:12:53 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 738: Intersecting Circles, External Common Tangent, Secant, Circ... Points. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 738: Intersecting Circles, External Common Tangent, Common Chord, Secant,
Circumcircle, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Concyclic Points. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College,
Mathematics Education

In the diagram below, the circles O and O' intersect at A and B. CD is the common tangent. CA meets circle O' at F, DA meets circle
O at G. GC and FD meet at H. BA meets GH at M. The circumcircles of triangles FGH and CHD meet at N. Prove that the points B,
C, M, N are concyclic. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:12:57 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 738: Intersecting Circles, External Common Tangent, Secant, Circ... Points. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 731-740 | Circles | Intersecting Circles |
Intersection of a Line with a Circle | Circle Tangent Line | Circumcircle | Cyclic Quadrilateral | Common Chord | Email | Solution /
comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:12:57 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 739: Triangle, Double Angle, External Angle Bisector. Congruence. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 739: Triangle, Double Angle, External Angle Bisector. Congruence Level: High
School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC so that the angle C is double of angle A. If BD is the external angle bisector of angle B, prove that CD
= AB + BC.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 731-740 | Triangles | Isosceles Triangle | Angle
Bisector | Double Angle | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:13:00 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 740: Scalene Triangle, Angle, Semi-sum, Cevian, Isosceles Triangle. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 740: Scalene Triangle, Angle, Semi-sum, Cevian, Isosceles Triangle. Level: High
School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC so that D is on AC and the angle ADB is the semi-sum of angles ABC and ACB. Prove that AB =
AD (isosceles triangle). (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:13:04 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 740: Scalene Triangle, Angle, Semi-sum, Cevian, Isosceles Triangle. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 731-740 | Triangles | Isosceles Triangle | Email |
Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:13:04 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 741: Scalene Triangle, Incenter, Circumcircle, Midpoint, Arc, Congruence. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 741: Scalene Triangle, Incenter, Circumcircle, Midpoint, Arc, Congruence. Level:
High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the incenter I and the circumcircle O. If D is the midpoint of arc AC, prove that AD, DI, and DC
are congruent. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:13:09 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 741: Scalene Triangle, Incenter, Circumcircle, Midpoint, Arc, Congruence. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | Art | 741-750 | Triangles | Incenter | Circumcircle |
Midpoints | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:13:09 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 742: Scalene Triangle, Orthocenter, Centroid, Circumcenter, Circ...lations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 742: Scalene Triangle, Orthocenter, Centroid, Circumcenter, Circumradius,
Midpoint, Distance, Square, Metric Relations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the orthocenter H and the centroid G. M is the midpoint of HG, AM = a, BM = b,
CM = c, and R is the circumradius, Prove that a2 + b2 + c2 = 3.R2. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:13:13 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 742: Scalene Triangle, Orthocenter, Centroid, Circumcenter, Circ...lations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | Art | 741-750 | Triangles | Orthocenter | Centroid
/Barycenter | Circumradius | Midpoints | Distances between Triangle Centers | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:13:13 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 743: Trapezoid, Triangle, Perpendicular, Angle. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 743: Trapezoid, Triangle, Perpendicular, Parallel, Angle. Level: High School,
Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a trapezoid ABCD (BC parallel to AD) with AB, CE, and AF perpendicular to BC, AD, and DC, respectively. AF
and EC meet at G. If the measure of the angle CBE is 28 degrees, find the measure of the angle ADG. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:13:20 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 743: Trapezoid, Triangle, Perpendicular, Angle. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | Art | 741-750 | Triangles | Trapezoid |
Perpendicular lines | Parallel lines | Angles | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:13:20 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 744: Parallelogram, Circle, Diameter, Chord, Congruence, Triangl...lations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 744: Parallelogram, Circle, Diameter, Chord, Congruence, Triangle, Metric
Relations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a parallelogram ABCD, AB = 4, AD = 5, with a circle of diameter BE. Chords GF and GH are congruent. If BC and
GE meet at M. Find CM. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:13:27 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 744: Parallelogram, Circle, Diameter, Chord, Congruence, Triangl...lations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | Art | 741-750 | Triangles | Parallelogram | Circles |
Chord | Diameter | Congruence | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:13:27 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 745: Circle, 90 Degrees, Chord, Congruence, Perpendicular. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 745: Circle, 90 Degrees, Chord, Congruence, Perpendicular, Metric Relations.
Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a circle O. The measure of angle ACD is 90 degrees, AB = BD, and the measure of angle AEB = 90 degrees. If AE
= 5 and CE = 2, find CD. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:13:49 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 745: Circle, 90 Degrees, Chord, Congruence, Perpendicular. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | Art | 741-750 | Triangles | Circles | Chord |
Diameter | Perpendicular lines | Congruence | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:13:49 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 746: Triangle, Cevian, Parallel, Similarity, Harmonic Mean, Metri...elations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 746: Triangle, Cevian, Parallel, Similarity, Harmonic Mean, Metric Relations. Level:
High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC with a cevian BD. AE and CF are parallel to BD (E on CB extended and F on AB extended). Prove
that BD is one-half the harmonic mean of AE and CF. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:13:58 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 746: Triangle, Cevian, Parallel, Similarity, Harmonic Mean, Metri...elations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | Art | 741-750 | Triangles | Parallel lines | Similarity
| Harmonic Mean | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:13:58 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 175. Quadrilateral with Midpoints, Areas. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 175. Quadrilateral with Midpoints, Areas.

In the figure below, ABCD is a quadrilateral with E, F, G, and H, midpoints of AB, BC, CD, and AD respectively. Lines AF, BG, CH and
DE determine the shaded regions of areas S1, S2, S3, and S4. Prove that S1 + S2 = S3 + S4. Post a comment or solution.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 171-180 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:14:01 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 176. Quadrilateral with Midpoints, Triangles, Areas. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 176. Quadrilateral with Midpoints, Triangles, Areas.

In the figure below, ABCD is a quadrilateral with E, F, G, and H, midpoints of AB, BC, CD, and AD respectively. Lines AF, BG, CH and
DE determine the shaded regions of areas S, S1, S2, S3, and S4. Prove that S = S1 + S2 + S3 + S4. Post a comment or solution.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 171-180 | Area of a Triangle | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:14:04 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 177. Parallelogram with Midpoints, Triangles, Areas. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 177. Parallelogram with Midpoints, Area.

In the figure below, ABCD is a parallelogram with E, F, G, and H, midpoints of AB, BC, CD, and AD respectively. Lines AG, BH, CE and
DF determine the shaded region of area S1. Prove that S1 = S/5. Post a comment or solution.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 171-180 | Area of a Parallelogram | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:14:08 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 178. Quadrilateral, Trisection of sides, Area. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 178. Quadrilateral, Trisection of sides, Area.

In the figure below, ABCD is a quadrilateral of area S with the points E, F, G, H, M, N, P, and Q trisecting the sides. Lines EN, FM, GQ
and HP determine the shaded quadrilateral of area S1. Prove that S1 = S/9. Post a comment or solution.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 171-180 | Segment Trisection | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:14:13 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 179. Rhombus, Square, Diagonal, Angle. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 179. Rhombus, Square, Diagonal, Angle.

In the figure below, ABCD is a square and CDEF is a rhombus. Prove that angle AEC is a 45 degree angle.
A rhombus or rhomb is an equilateral quadrilateral. Notice that it is a parallelogram. Post a comment or solution.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 171-180 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:14:15 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 180. Circles Tangent Externally, Common External Tangents, Areas. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 180. Circles Tangent Externally, Common External Tangents, Areas.

In the figure below, circles A and B are tangent externally. CD and EF are the common external tangents. Lines AD, AF, BC, and BE
determine the shaded regions of areas S, S1, and S2, (1) Prove that S1 = S2, (2) S = S1 + S2.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Art | 171-180 | Area of a Triangle | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:14:28 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 181. Circular Sector of 90 degrees, find and angle. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 181. Circular Sector of 90 degrees, find an angle.

In the figure below, AOB is a circular sector of 90 degrees. If C is a point on the arc AB, find the measure of the angle ACB. Post a
comment or solution.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Circular Sector | 181-190 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:14:36 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 738: Intersecting, Overlapping Circles, Find an angle, Auxiliary Lines. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 182: Intersecting, Overlapping Circles, Find an angle, Auxiliary Lines. Level: High
School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

In the figure below, A and B are the centers of the overlapping circles. EF is tangent at B. If line AE and circle A meet at G, find the
measure of angle AGD. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:14:41 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 738: Intersecting, Overlapping Circles, Find an angle, Auxiliary Lines. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 181-190 | Circles | Intersecting Circles | Circle
Tangent Line | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:14:41 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 183. Right Triangle, Hypotenuse Trisection Points, Squares of the Distances. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 183. Right Triangle, Hypotenuse Trisection Points, Squares of the Distances

In the figure below, ABC is a right triangle. D and E are the trisection points along the hypotenuse. Prove that .

Post a comment or solution.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 181-190 | Segment Trisection | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:14:45 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 184. Triangle and Angles. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 184. Triangle, Angles, Auxiliary Lines

In the figure below, the measure of the angles BAC, CAD, and CBD are 48, 16 and 30 degrees respectively. If AB = AD, find the
measure of the angle ACD. Post a comment or solution.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 181-190 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:14:54 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 185. Trapezoid and Triangle: Angles. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 185. Trapezoid, Triangles and Angles, Auxiliary Lines

In the figure below, ABCD is a trapezoid with AD parallel to BC and AB = AD. If angle BAC = x, angle CAD = 3x and angle ACD = 5x,
find the measure of the angle BAC. Post a comment or solution.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 181-190 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:14:57 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 186. Right Triangle, Altitude, Incenters, Circles. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 186. Right Triangle, Altitude, Incenters, Circles, Auxiliary Lines

In the figure below, ABC is a right triangle and BD is the altitude. E and F are the incenters of the triangles ADB and BDC respectively.
Prove that BD = BG. Post a comment or solution.

Home | Geometry | Altitude | Search | Problems | 181-190 | Right triangle, Altitude and Incircle | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:15:00 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 187. Right Triangle, Altitude, Incenters, Circles, Angles. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 187. Right Triangle, Altitude, Incenters, Circles, Angles, Auxiliary Lines
In the figure below, ABC is a right triangle and BD is the altitude. E and F are the incenters of the triangles ADB and BDC respectively.
Prove that the measure of the angle HDG is 135 degrees. Post a comment or solution.

Home | Geometry | Altitude | Search | Problems | 181-190 | Right triangle, Altitude and Incircle | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:15:16 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 188. Square, Diagonal, 45 Degrees Angle. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 188. Square, Diagonal, 45 Degrees Angle, Pythagoras Theorem

In the figure below, ABCD is a square and the measure of the angle GAH is 45 degrees. If BE = a, DF = b and GH =x, prove that .
Post a comment.

Elearning 188

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 181-190 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:15:23 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 189. Squares, Distances, 45 Degrees Angle. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 189. Two Squares, Distances. Level: High School, SAT

In the figure below, ABCD and BEFG are squares. If AE = a and DF = x, prove that .

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Art | 181-190 | Email | Solution/comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:15:29 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 190. Tangent circles, Tangent chord, Perpendicular, Distance. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 190. Tangent circles, Tangent chord, Perpendicular, Distance

In the figure below, AB is the diameter of circle of center O and radius r. OB is the diameter of circle of center O'. The chord AD is

tangent to circle O' at E. If DF is perpendicular to AB and BF = x, prove that . Post a comment or solution.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 181-190 | Semicircle | Email [12/31/2015 5:15:33 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 191. Triangle, Altitudes, Orthocenter, Squares, Areas. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 191. Triangle, Altitudes, Orthocenter, Squares, Areas

In the figure below, ABC is a triangle with altitudes AA', BB', and CC' concurrent in the orthocenter O. If Sa, Sb, and Sc are the areas of
the shaded squares built on the sides, prove that Sa + Sb + Sc = 2(AA’.AO + BB’.BO + CC’.CO). Post a comment or solution.

Home | Geometry | Altitude | Search | Problems | 191-200 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:15:35 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 192. Circle, Diameter, Chord, Perpendicular, Triangle, Area. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 192. Circle, Diameter, Chord, Perpendicular, Triangle, Area

In the figure below, AB is the diameter of a circle and CD is a chord. Lines CC', DD' and BF are perpendicular to AB. BB' is
perpendicular to CD. B and B' are the centers of arcs D'F and BE respectively. Prove that triangles BB'E and BC'F are equal in area.
Post a comment or solution.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 191-200 | Area of a Triangle | Right Triangle Area | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:15:46 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 193. Area of a Triangle, Semiperimeter, Inradius. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 193. Area of a Triangle, Semiperimeter, Inradius

In the figure below, given a triangle ABC of area S, s is the semiperimeter (a + b + c) / 2, and r is the inradius.
Prove that S = s.r


Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

Proposition: The area of a triangle equals one-half the product of the length of a side and the length of the altitude to that side. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:15:53 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 193. Area of a Triangle, Semiperimeter, Inradius. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 191-200 | Semiperimeter | Area of a Triangle | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez

Add or view a solution to the problem 193

Last updated: Dec 2, 2014 (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:15:53 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 194. Area of a Triangle, Semiperimeter, Exradius. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 194. Area of a Triangle, Semiperimeter, Exradius

In the figure below, given a triangle ABC of area S, s is the semiperimeter (a + b + c) / 2, and ra is the exradius relative to side BC. Prove
that S = ra.(s - a).


Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

Proposition: The area of a triangle equals one-half the product of the length of a side and the length of the altitude to that side. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:15:58 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 194. Area of a Triangle, Semiperimeter, Exradius. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 191-200 | Semiperimeter | Area of a Triangle | Email | Solution/comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:15:58 AM]

Geometry Problem 462: Square, Arcs, 90 Degrees, Circle, Tangent, Radius, Measurement. Elearning

Online Geometry Problem 462: Square, Arcs, 90 Degrees, Circle, Tangent, Radius, Measurement

The figure shows a square ABCD of side a. It contains arcs BD and AC drawn with centers at A and D, respectively. If x is the radius
of circle tangent to AB and arcs AC and BD, prove that x = a/6. (1 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:16:05 AM]

Geometry Problem 462: Square, Arcs, 90 Degrees, Circle, Tangent, Radius, Measurement. Elearning

More Problems:

Proposed Problem 463.

Three Concentric Circles, Secant, Tangent, Triangle, Area. (2 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:16:05 AM]

Geometry Problem 462: Square, Arcs, 90 Degrees, Circle, Tangent, Radius, Measurement. Elearning

Proposed Problem 461.

Three Circles, Tangent, Right Angle, Center, Distance, Measurement.

Proposed Problem 460.

Circle, Tangent, Perpendicular, Radius, Distance, Measurement.

Proposed Problem 459.

Right triangle, Squares, Distance, Measurement.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 461-470 | Circle Inscribed in a Square | Email | Solution / comment |
by Antonio Gutierrez (3 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:16:05 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 463. Three Concentric Circles, Secant, T...lege Geometry, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor - Antonio Gutierrez

Problem 463: Three Concentric Circles, Secant, Tangent, Triangle, Area

Problem 463. The figure shows three concentric circles C1, C2, and C3, with center O. Line ABC is a secant to circles, OD is
perpendicular to line ABC extended, line AEF is tangent to circle C1 at A, line BGF is tangent to circle C2 at B, and line CGE is tangent

to circle C3 at C. If AB = a, BC = b, and OD = c, prove that the area of triangle EFG is .

Home | Search | Geometry | Circle | Concentric circles | Problems | 461-470 | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:16:10 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 464. Square, Center, Arc, Angle, 120 Degrees. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor

Problem 464: Square, Center, Arc, Angle, 120 Degrees

Problem 464. The figure shows a square ABCD with center O. It contains arcs AEFC, BFD, and BED drawn with centers at D, A and
C, respectively. Lines CE and FD meet at G. Prove that the measure of angle DOG is 120 degrees.

Home | Search | Geometry | Circle | Problems | 461-470 | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:16:21 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 465. Square, Arc, Angle, 90 Degrees, Measurement. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor

Problem 465: Square, Arc, Angle, 90 Degrees, Measurement

Problem 465. The figure shows a square ABCD. It contains arcs AEC and BFD drawn with centers at D and A, respectively. The
measure of angle AEF is 90 degrees, AE = a, EF = b, and DF = x. Prove that

Home | Search | Geometry | Circle | Problems | 461-470 | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:16:27 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 466: Concentric Circles, Secant, Congruence. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All problems Concentric circles 461-470 Solution / comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 466: Concentric Circles, Secant, Congruence, Measurement. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows two concentric circles and a secant ABCD. Prove that AB and CD are congruent.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." [12/31/2015 5:16:34 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 467: Concentric Circles, Chord, Tangent, Congruence. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All problems Concentric circles 461-470 Solution / comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 467: Concentric Circles, Chord, Tangent, Congruence, Measurement. Level: Recent Additions
High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows two concentric circles and a chord AB tangent to circle C2 at C. Prove that AC and BC are congruent.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." [12/31/2015 5:16:41 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 468: Circle, Chord, Midpoint, Congruence, Angle. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All problems 461-470 Solution / comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 468: Circle, Chord, Midpoint, Congruence, Angle. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a circle O and equal chords AB, CD, EF, and GH. If M, N, P, and Q are the midpoints of AB, CD, EF, and GH,
respectively, prove that angles MPN and MQN are congruent.

Circle, Chord, Congruence, Angle

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:17:05 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 468: Circle, Chord, Midpoint, Congruence, Angle. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:17:05 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 469: Isosceles triangle, Midpoint, Trans...lege Geometry, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor - Antonio Gutierrez

Problem 469: Isosceles triangle, Midpoint, Transversal, Congruence

Problem 469. The figure shows an isosceles triangle ABC (AB = BC). Lines AB, AC, and BC are cut by a straight line at points D, E,
and F respectively. If E is the midpoint of DF, prove that AD and CF are congruent.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | 461-470 | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:17:09 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 470. Triangle, Parallel, Parallelogram, Area, Similarity. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Online Geometry Problem 470. Triangle, Parallel, Parallelogram, Area, Similarity

The figure below shows a triangle ABC of area S, DE parallel to AC and EF parallel to AB. If S1, S2, and S3 are the areas of triangle
DBE, triangle CEF, and parallelogram ADEF respectively, prove that (1) , (2) .

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | All Problems | 461-470 | Area of a Parallelogram | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio
Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:17:19 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 471. Triangle, Parallel, Side, Concurrency, Area, Similarity. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Online Geometry Problem 471. Triangle, Parallel, Side, Concurrency, Area, Similarity

The figure shows a triangle ABC of area S. Lines DE, FG, and HM, concurrent at a point O, are parallel to AC, BC, and AB
respectively. If S1, S2, and S3 are the areas of triangles ODF, OME, and OGH respectively, prove that .

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | All Problems | 471-480 | Area of a Parallelogram | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio
Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:17:27 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 472. Triangle, Parallel, Side, Parallelogram, Area, Similarity. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Online Geometry Problem 472. Triangle, Parallel, Side, Parallelogram, Area, Similarity

The figure shows a triangle ABC of area S. Lines DE, FG, and HM are parallel to AC, BC, and AB respectively. If S1, S2, S3, and S4
are the areas of triangles DFN, PME, HGQ, and NPQ respectively, prove that .

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Art | All Problems | 471-480 | Area of a Parallelogram | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio
Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:17:34 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 473. Triangle, Parallel, Side, Parallelogram, Area, Similarity. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Online Geometry Problem 473. Triangle, Parallel, Side, Parallelogram, Area, Similarity

The figure shows a triangle ABC of area S. Lines DE, FG, and HM are parallel to AC, BC, and AB respectively. If S1, S2, S3, and S4
are the areas of triangles DFN, PME, HGQ, and NPQ respectively, prove that .

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | All Problems | 471-480 | Area of a Parallelogram | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio
Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:17:41 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 474. Parallelogram, Diagonal, Circle, Vertex. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Online Geometry Problem 474: Parallelogram, Diagonal, Circle, Vertex

The figure shows a parallelogram ABCD and a circle C1 passing through vertex C. Circle C1 intersects sides BC and CD at points E
and F, respectively, and diagonal AC at point G. Prove that CA.CG = CB.CE + CD.CF.

Home | Geometry | Search | Ptolemy | Problems | All Problems | 471-480 | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:17:47 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 475: Tangent Circles, Secant, Tangent, Parallel. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Online Geometry Problem 475: Tangent Circles, Secant, Tangent, Parallel

The figure shows the circles C1 and C2 internally tangent at A. Line ABC is a secant, line L1 is tangent to C1 at C and line L2 is tangent
to C2 at B. Prove that lines L1 and L2 are parallel.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | All Problems | 471-480 | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:17:51 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 476: Triangle, Circumcenter, Circumcircle, Angles. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Online Geometry Problem 476: Triangle, Circumcenter, Circumcircle, Angles

The figure shows a triangle ABC. D is a point on CA extended, F a point on CB extended, and E a point on AB. If points, G, H, and M
are the circumcenters of triangles CDF, ADE, and BEF, respectively, prove that angles BAC and MHG are congruent.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | All Problems | 471-480 | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:18:08 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 477: Parallelogram, Triangle, Quadrilateral, Area. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Online Geometry Problem 477: Parallelogram, Triangle, Quadrilateral, Area

The figure shows a parallelogram ABCD. Lines BF and CF intersect DE at H and M, respectively. Lines BF and CE meet at G. If S, S1,
S2, and S3, are the areas of quadrilateral CGHM, triangle BEG, triangle DFM, and quadrilateral AEHF, respectively, prove that S = S1+
S2 + S3.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | All Problems | 471-480 | Area of a Parallelogram | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio
Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:18:13 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 478: Triangle, Sides, Circumradius, Circumcenter, Circumcircle. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Online Geometry Problem 478: Triangle, Sides, Circumradius, Circumcenter, Circumcircle

The figure shows a triangle ABC with circumcenter O and circumradius R. If AB = c, BC = a, and AC = x, prove that

Home | Geometry | Search | Ptolemy | Problems | All Problems | 471-480 | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:18:21 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 479: Triangle, Cevians, Concurrency, Transversal, Proportion. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Online Geometry Problem 479: Triangle, Cevians, Concurrency, Transversal, Proportion

The figure shows a non-isosceles triangle ABC, the cevians AE, BF, and CD are concurrent at O. Line DE cuts BF and AC extended
at H and G, respectively. Prove that

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | All Problems | 471-480 | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:18:26 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 747: Trapezoid, Diagonals, Parallel, Bases, Midpoint, Similarity,...nic Mean. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 747: Trapezoid, Diagonals, Parallel, Bases, Midpoint, Similarity, Harmonic Mean.
Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a trapezoid ABCD with the diagonals AC and BD meeting at O. EF, passing through O, is parallel to the bases AD
and BC. Prove that (1) O is the midpoint of EF, (2) EF is the harmonic mean of AD and BC.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | Art | 741-750 | Trapezoid | Triangles | Parallel lines
| Similarity | Harmonic Mean | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:18:34 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 748: Quadrilateral, 90 Degrees, Perpendicular, Metric Relations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 748: Quadrilateral, 90 Degrees, Diagonal, Perpendicular, Metric Relations. Level:
High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a quadrilateral ABCD with angle B = angle D = 90 degrees. AB and DC meet at E, AD and BC meet at F. EG, CH,
AM, and FN are perpendicular to diagonal BD. If EG = 3, AM =4, and FN =7, find GH. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:18:38 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 748: Quadrilateral, 90 Degrees, Perpendicular, Metric Relations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | Art | 741-750 | Quadrilaterals | Triangles |
Perpendicular lines | Complete Quadrilateral | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:18:38 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 749: Triangle, Rhombus, Parallel, Harmonic Means, Metric Relations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 749: Triangle, Rhombus, Parallel, Harmonic Means, Metric Relations. Level: High
School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC. Points D, E, F are chosen on AB, BC and AC, respectively, so that ADEF is a rhombus. Prove that
the side of the rhombus is one-half the harmonic mean of AB and AC. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:18:44 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 749: Triangle, Rhombus, Parallel, Harmonic Means, Metric Relations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | Art | 741-750 | Triangles | Rhombus | Parallel lines
| Harmonic Mean | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:18:44 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 750: Complete Quadrilateral, Triangle, Diagonal, Parallel, Simila...elations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 750: Complete Quadrilateral, Triangle, Diagonal, Parallel, Similarity, Metric
Relations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a complete quadrilateral ABCDEF (AB and DC meet at E, AD and BC meet at F). Point H is on the diagonal BD;
and EG, AM, and FN are parallel to CH. If CH = c, AM =a, EG = e, and FN = f, prove that (c is one-third the

harmonic mean of a, e, and f.) (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:19:11 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 750: Complete Quadrilateral, Triangle, Diagonal, Parallel, Simila...elations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 741-750 | Art | Complete Quadrilateral | Triangles |
Parallel lines | Similarity | Harmonic Mean | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:19:11 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 751: Parallelogram, Congruence, Angle Bisector. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 751: Parallelogram, Congruence, Intersecting Lines, Angle Bisector. Level: High
School, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a parallelogram ABCD so that BF = DE. Lines BE and DF meet at G. Prove that CG bisects the angle BCD. This
entry contributed by Ajit Athle. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:19:24 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 751: Parallelogram, Congruence, Angle Bisector. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 751-760 | Parallelograms | Triangles | Parallel
lines | Angle Bisector | Similarity | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:19:24 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 752: Square, Circle, Tangent, Chord, Angle. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 752: Square, Circle, Tangent, Chord, Angle. Level: High School, Honors Geometry,
College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a square ABCD and a circle of center C. BE and DF are tangent to circle C at E and F, respectively. EF and CD
meet at G. If the measure of angle CBE is 25 degrees, find the measure of angle CGF. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:19:30 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 752: Square, Circle, Tangent, Chord, Angle. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 751-760 | Square | Triangles | Circles | Chord |
Tangent line | Congruence | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:19:30 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 753: Triangle, Altitudes, Orthocenter, Sum of ratios. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 753: Triangle, Altitudes, Orthocenter, Sum of ratios. Level: High School, College,
Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the altitudes AD, BE, and CF. If H is the orthocenter, prove that . (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:19:40 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 753: Triangle, Altitudes, Orthocenter, Sum of ratios. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 751-760 | Triangles | Altitude | Orthocenter | Email
| Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:19:40 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 754: Equilateral Triangle, Center, Angle, 60 Degrees, Perimeter. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 754: Equilateral Triangle, Center, Angle, 60 Degrees, Perimeter. Level: High
School, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows an equilateral triangle ABC with center O. D and E are on AB and BC, respectively, so that angle DOE = 60
degrees. Prove that the perimeter of triangle BDE is equal to the measure of AC. This entry contributed by Ajit Athle. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:19:47 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 754: Equilateral Triangle, Center, Angle, 60 Degrees, Perimeter. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 751-760 | Triangles | Equilateral Triangle | 60
degrees | Perimeter | Triangle Center | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:19:47 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 755: Equilateral Triangle, Circumcircle, Chord, Arc, Midpoints, P...ndicular. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 755: Equilateral Triangle, Circumcircle, Chord, Arc, Midpoints, Perpendicular.
Level: High School, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows an equilateral triangle ABC with circumcircle O. E is the midpoint of a chord AD and F is the midpoint of arc BC. If
FG is perpendicular to CD, prove that the triangle BEG is equilateral. This entry contributed by Ajit Athle. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:19:50 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 755: Equilateral Triangle, Circumcircle, Chord, Arc, Midpoints, P...ndicular. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 751-760 | Triangles | Equilateral Triangle |
Midpoint | Perpendicular | Circumcircle | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:19:50 AM]

Dynamic Geometry Tracenpoche: Four Circles Theorem: Concyclic Points. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Elearning

Four Circles Theorem with Dynamic Geometry: TracenPoche Software. Concyclic Points, Cyclic Quadrilateral, Intersection Points,
Common Chord. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College. Geometry Problem 756.

Proposition: Given four concyclic points (lie on the same circumference) A,B,C,D, if four circles through AB, BC, CD, and AD are drawn, prove that the remaining four
intersections points A', B', C', and D' of successive circles are concyclic.

Interact with the figure below: Click the red button ( ) on the figure to start the animation. Drag points A,C,D,O,O1,O2,O3,O4 to change the figure. Press P and
click the left mouse button to start the step by step construction, use the next step button . (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:19:55 AM]

Dynamic Geometry Tracenpoche: Four Circles Theorem: Concyclic Points. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Elearning
Dynamic Geometry: You can alter the figure above dynamically in order to test and prove (or disproved) conjectures and gain mathematical insight that is less readily
available with static drawings by hand.

This page uses the TracenPoche dynamic geometry software and requires Adobe Flash player 7 or higher. TracenPoche is a project of Sesamath, an association of
French teachers of mathematics.
Instruction to explore the theorem above:

● Animation. Click the red button to start/stop animation

● Manipulate. Drag points A,C,D,O,O1,O2,O3,O4 to change the figure.
● Step by Step construction. Press P and click the left mouse button on any free area to show the step-by-step bar and start the construction:

Hide the step-by-step bar by using again the combination P + click left mouse.

Home | Geometry | Dynamic Geometry | TracenPoche Index | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 751-760 | Circles | Intersecting Circles | Common
Chord | Cyclic Quadrilateral | iPad Apps: Apollonius Software | Email | Solution/comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:19:55 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 757: Equilateral Triangle, Circumcircle, Chords, a Half of Harmonic Mean. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 757: Equilateral Triangle, Circumcircle, Chords, a Half of Harmonic Mean. Level:
High School, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows an equilateral triangle ABC with circumcircle O. A chord CD meets AB at E. If AD = b and BD = c, prove that DE is

half the harmonic mean of b and c or . (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:20:05 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 757: Equilateral Triangle, Circumcircle, Chords, a Half of Harmonic Mean. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 751-760 | Triangles | Equilateral Triangle |
Circumcircle | Harmonic Mean | Chord | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:20:05 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 758: Equilateral Triangle, Cevians, Trisection, Congruence, Perp...Degrees. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 758: Equilateral Triangle, Cevians, Trisection of sides, Congruence,
Perpendicular, 90 Degrees. Level: High School, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows an equilateral triangle ABC with AE = BD = AB/3. If the cevians AD and CE meet at F, prove that BF is
perpendicular to CE. This entry contributed by Ajit Athle. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:20:08 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 758: Equilateral Triangle, Cevians, Trisection, Congruence, Perp...Degrees. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 751-760 | Triangles | Equilateral Triangle |
Congruence | Perpendicular | Segment Trisection | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:20:08 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 759: Equilateral Triangle, Transversal, Trisection of sides, Cong...e, Angle. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 759: Equilateral Triangle, Transversal, Trisection of sides, Congruence, Angle.
Level: High School, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows an equilateral triangle ABC with AE = BD = AB/3. The transversal DE meet CA extended at F. Find the measure of
angle EFA. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:20:15 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 759: Equilateral Triangle, Transversal, Trisection of sides, Cong...e, Angle. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 751-760 | Triangles | Equilateral Triangle |
Congruence | Transversal Line | Segment Trisection | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:20:15 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 761: Scalene Triangle with an angle of 60 degrees, Euler Line, E...riangle. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 761: Scalene Triangle with an angle of 60 degrees, Euler Line, Equilateral Triangle.
Level: High School, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a scalene triangle ABC with angle A = 60 degrees. If the Euler line intersects AB and AC at D and E, respectively,
prove that the triangle ADE is equilateral. This entry contributed by Ajit Athle. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:20:19 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 761: Scalene Triangle with an angle of 60 degrees, Euler Line, E...riangle. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 761-770 | Triangles | Equilateral Triangle | 60
degrees | Euler Line | Transversal Lines | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:20:19 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 762: Parallelogram, Midpoint, Perpendicular, Congruence, Isoscel...riangle. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 762: Parallelogram, Midpoint, Perpendicular, Congruence, Isosceles triangle.
Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a parallelogram ABCD with M midpoint of AB and DH perpendicular to CM. Prove that AH = AD.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 761-770 | Parallelograms | Triangles | Midpoints |
Perpendicular lines | Parallel lines | Isosceles Triangle | Congruence | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:20:24 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 763: Parallelogram, Diagonal, Parallel, Congruence. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 763: Parallelogram, Diagonal, Parallel, Congruence. Level: High School, Honors
Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a parallelogram ABCD with EF parallel to the diagonal AC. DE and DF meet AC at G and H, respectively. Prove
that AG and CH are congruent.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 761-770 | Parallelograms | Triangles | Parallel
lines | Congruence | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:20:33 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 764: Triangle, Inradius, Altitudes, Harmonic Mean. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 764: Triangle, Inradius, Altitudes, Harmonic Mean. Level: High School, Honors
Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the inradius r and the altitudes ha, hb, hc. Prove that the inradius is one-third the harmonic

mean of the altitudes, therefore, . (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:20:37 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 764: Triangle, Inradius, Altitudes, Harmonic Mean. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 761-770 | Triangles | Altitude | Inradius | Harmonic
Mean | Problem 1056 | Problem 1071 | Problem 195 | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:20:37 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 195. Area of a Triangle, Inradius, Exradii. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 195. Area of a Triangle, Inradius, Exradii

In the figure below, given a triangle ABC of area S, r is the inradius and ra, rb, rc, are the exradii. Prove that .
Post a comment or solution. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:20:40 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 195. Area of a Triangle, Inradius, Exradii. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 191-200 | Area of a Triangle | Problem 1056 | Problem 764 | Problem 1071 | Email | By Antonio
Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:20:40 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 196. Triangle, Inradius and Exradii Formula. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Plane Geometry Problem 196. Triangle, Inradius and Exradii Formula, Incenter, Incircle, Excenters, Excircles.
Level: High School, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a triangle ABC with the inradius r and the exradii ra, rb, rc. Prove that . (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:20:53 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 196. Triangle, Inradius and Exradii Formula. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 191-200 | Triangles | Incenter, incircle, inradius |
Excenter, excircle, exradius | Area of a Triangle | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:20:53 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 197. Area of a Triangle, Side, Inradius, and Exradius. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 197. Area of a Triangle, Side, Inradius, and Exradius

In the figure below, given a triangle ABC of area S, r is the inradius, and ra is the exradius relative to side BC = a. Prove that

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Art | 191-200 | Area of a Triangle | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:20:57 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 198. Triangle, Quadrilateral, Angles. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 198. Triangle, Quadrilateral, Angles

In the figure below, ABCD is a quadrilateral with AB = BD, the measure of the angles ACD and ACB are 50 and 65 degrees respectively.
Find the measure of the angle ABD. Post a comment or solution.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 191-200 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:21:02 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 199. Triangle, Altitude, Angles. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 199. Triangle, Altitude, Angles

In the figure below, ABC is a triangle with the altitude BD. The measure of the angles ABD, DBC and BCE are 38, 68, and 14 degrees
respectively. Find the measure of the angle CAE. Post a comment.

Home | Geometry | Altitude | Search | Problems | 191-200 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:21:13 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 200. Right Triangle, Incircle, Excircle, Tangent, Inradius. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 200. Right Triangle, Incircle, Excircles, Points of Tangency, Inradius

In the figure below, BAC is a right triangle with the incircle of radius r and the excircles relatives to the legs or catheti (singular:
cathetus). If s is the semiperimeter and D, E, F, G, H, and M are the points of tangency, prove that r = s - a = AD = AE = BF = BH = CG
= CM.
Post a comment.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 191-200 | Email [12/31/2015 5:21:16 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 201. Right Triangle, Excircles, Points of Tange...cher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 201. Right Triangle, Excircles, Points of Tangency, Exradius, Semiperimeter

In the figure below, BAC is a right triangle with the excircle of radius ra relative to the hypotenuse BC and the excircles relatives to the
catheti (legs). If s is the semiperimeter and D, E, F, G, H, and M are the points of tangency, prove that ra = s = AD = AE = BF = BH = CG
= CM.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Art | 201-210 | Semiperimeter | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:21:26 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 202. Right Triangle, Incircle, Excircles, Points...acher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 202. Right Triangle, Incircle, Excircles, Points of Tangency, Exradius, Semiperimeter
In the figure below, BAC is a right triangle with the incircle and the three excircles. If s is the semiperimeter, points D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L,
M, and N are the points of tangency, and rb and rc are de exradii relative to the catheti (legs), prove that:
rb = s - c = AD = AE = BF = BH = CJ = CL, similarly rc = s - b = AM = AG = CH = CN = BK = BL.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 201-210 | Semiperimeter | Solution / comment | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:21:36 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 203. Right Triangle, Excircles, Exradii, Hypote...cher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 203. Right Triangle, Excircles, Exradii, Hypotenuse, Auxiliary Lines

In the figure below, BAC is a right triangle with the hypotenuse BC = a. If rb and rc are de exradii relative to the catheti (legs), prove that:
rb + rc = a.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 201-210 | Solution / comment. | Email [12/31/2015 5:21:41 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 204. Right Triangle, Incircle, Excircles, Inradi...acher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 204. Right Triangle, Incircle, Excircles, Inradius, Exradii, Auxiliary Lines
In the figure below, BAC is a right triangle with the incircle and the three excircles. If r is the inradius, and ra, rb and rc are de exradii,
prove that: ra = r + rb + rc.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 201-210 | Solution / comment | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:21:52 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 205. Right Triangle Area, Excircles, Exradii. M...cher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 205. Right Triangle Area, Excircles, Exradii relatives to legs or catheti
In the figure below, BAC is a right triangle of area S. If rb and rc are de exradii relative to the catheti (legs), prove that: S = rb.rc.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 201-210 | Area of a Triangle | Right Triangle Area | Solution / comment | Email | By Antonio
Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:22:03 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 206. Area of a Right Triangle Area, Inradius, E...cher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 206. Area of a Right Triangle Area, Inradius, Exradius relative to the hypotenuse
In the figure below, BAC is a right triangle of area S. If r is the inradius and ra is the exradius relative to the hypotenuse BC, prove that: S
= r.ra.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 201-210 | Area of a Triangle | Right Triangle Area | Solution / comment | Email | By Antonio
Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:22:17 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 207. Right Triangle, Hypotenuse, Inradius, Exra...cher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 207. Right Triangle, Hypotenuse, Inradius, Exradius relative to the hypotenuse
In the figure below, BAC is a right triangle of hypotenuse BC = a. If r is the inradius, ra is the exradius relative to the hypotenuse, and the
points D, E, F, and G are the points of tangency, prove that: a = DG = EF = ra - r.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 201-210 | Solution / comment | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:22:33 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 208. Triangle, Excircles, Angles, 360 degrees. ...cher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 208. Triangle, Excircles, Angles, 360 degrees

In the figure below, given a triangle ABC, Ea, Eb, and Ec are the three excircles, and the points D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, and M are the
points of tangency. Prove that the sum of the angles DEF, GHJ, and KLM is 360 degrees.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 201-210 | Solution / comment | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:22:41 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 209. Triangle, Incircles, Inradius. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 209. Triangle, Incircles, Inradius, Auxiliary lines

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the contact triangle DEF. O, O1, O2, O3, and O4 are the incenters of triangles ABC, ADF, BDE,
CEF, and DEF, and r, r1, r2, r3, and r4 are the inradii, respectively. Prove (1) O1, O2, O3 are the midpoints of the arcs DF, DE, and EF
respectively, and (2) r1 + r2 + r3 + r4 = 2.r

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 201-210 | Email | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:22:45 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 210. Triangle, Angles, Auxiliary Lines. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 210. Triangle, Angles, Auxiliary Lines, Elearning.

In the figure below, given a triangle ABC, the measure of the angles ACD, BCD, and ABC are α, 3α, and 120 - 2α. If BC = CE, find the
measure of the angle CDE.
Auxiliary Line: A line, ray, or segment added to a diagram to help in a proof or solution.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 201-210 | Email | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:22:49 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 211. 60 Degree Triangle, Equilateral triangles, ...acher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 211. 60 Degree Triangle, Equilateral triangles, Areas. Elearning.

In the figure below, given a triangle ABC of area S, the measure of the angle ABC is 60 degree and ABD, BCE, and ACF are
equilateral triangles of areas Sc, Sa, and Sb respectively. Prove that (1) Sb = Sa + Sc - S, and (2) .

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Art | 211-220 | Area of a Triangle | Email | Solution/comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:22:57 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 212. 120 Degree Triangle, Equilateral triangles,...acher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 212. 120 Degree Triangle, Equilateral triangles, Areas

In the figure below, given a triangle ABC of area S, the measure of the angle ABC is 120 degree and ABD, BCE, and ACF are
equilateral triangles of areas Sc, Sa, and Sb respectively. Prove that (1) Sb = Sa + Sc + S, and (2) .

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 211-220 | Area of a Triangle | Email | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:23:02 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 480: Triangle, Circle, Center, Altitude, Angle, Circumcenter. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Online Geometry Problem 480: Triangle, Circle, Center, Altitude, Angle, Circumcenter

The figure shows a triangle ABC with circumcenter O and altitude BD. Prove that angles OBA and CBD are congruent. Circumcenter of a
triangle is the center of the circle which passes through the vertices.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | All Problems | 471-480 | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:23:08 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 481: Triangle, Altitude, Cevian, Perpendicular, Angle. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Online Geometry Problem 481: Triangle, Altitude, Cevian, Perpendicular, Angle

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the altitude AF and a cevian BD. Line AE is perpendicular to BD extended, and BG is
perpendicular to line EF extended. Prove that angles ABD and CBG are congruent.
A cevian is a segment which joins a vertex of a triangle with a point on the opposite side (or its extension).

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | All Problems | 481-490 | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:23:14 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 482: Triangle, Circumcircle, Incenter, Excenter, Midpoint, Cyclic Points. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Online Problem 482: Triangle, Circumcircle, Incenter, Excenter, Midpoint, Cyclic Points

The figure shows a triangle ABC with circumcircle C1, incenter D, and excenter E corresponding to BC. If F is the midpoint of arc BC,
prove that points D, B, E, and C lie on a circle with center at F.
Circumcircle of a triangle is the circle which passes through the vertices. Incenter is the center of the incircle. Excenter is the center of an excircle.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | All Problems | 481-490 | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:23:17 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 482: Triangle, Circumcircle, Incenter, Excenter, Midpoint, Cyclic Points. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:23:17 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 483: Square, Angle, 90 degrees, Measurement. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Online Geometry Problem 483: Square, Angle, 90 degrees, Triangle, Measurement

The figure shows a square ABCD and angle AEC equal to 90 degrees. If AE = a, CE = b and BE = x, prove that .

Home | Geometry | Search | Ptolemy | Problems | All Problems | 481-490 | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:23:21 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 484: Square, Angle, 90 degrees, Triangle, Measurement, Proportion. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Online Geometry Problem 484: Square, Angle, 90 degrees, Triangle, Measurement, Proportion

The figure shows a square ABCD and angle AEC equal to 90 degrees. Lines AE and DE cut BC at F and G, respectively. Prove that

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | All Problems | 481-490 | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:23:26 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 485: Square, Side, Circles, Tangent, Radius, Measurement. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Online Geometry Problem 485: Square, Side, Circles, Tangent, Radius, Measurement

The figure shows a square ABCD of side a. Circles C1, C2, C3, C4, are tangent to each other and to the sides of the square. Circles C1

and C2, are congruent. Circles C3 and C4,are congruent with radii x. Prove that .

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Art | All Problems | 481-490 | Circle Inscribed in a Square | Email | Solution / comment | By
Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:23:33 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 486: Tangent circles, Chord, Arc, Midpoint, Collinearity, Congruence. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Online Geometry Problem 486: Tangent circles, Chord, Arc, Midpoint, Collinearity, Congruence

The figure shows circles C1 and C2, tangent at C. Chord DE and C2 are tangent at F, G is the midpoint of arc DE and DH is tangent
to C2, at H. Prove that (1) Points G, F, and C are collinear, (2) GD, GE, and GH are congruent. (1 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:23:43 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 486: Tangent circles, Chord, Arc, Midpoint, Collinearity, Congruence. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

See Also:

Problem 487.
Intersecting Circles, Area, Diameter, Parallel, 90 Degrees. (2 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:23:43 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 486: Tangent circles, Chord, Arc, Midpoint, Collinearity, Congruence. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 485.
Square, Side, Circles, Tangent, Radius, Measurement.

Problem 484.
Square, Angle, 90 degrees, Triangle, Measurement, Proportion.

Problem 483.
Square, Angle, 90 degrees, Measurement.

Problem 482.
Triangle, Circumcircle, Incenter, Excenter, Midpoint, Cyclic Points.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 481-490 | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (3 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:23:43 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 487: Circles, Area, Diameter, Parallel, 90 Degrees. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Online Geometry Problem 487: Intersecting Circles, Area, Diameter, Parallel, 90 Degrees

The figure shows the circles of diameter AB and CD with line EAB parallel to CD. The measure of the arc CD is 90 degrees and A1,
A2, and A3 are the areas of the shaded regions. Prove that A1 + A2 = A3. (1 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:23:48 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 487: Circles, Area, Diameter, Parallel, 90 Degrees. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

See Also: (2 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:23:48 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 487: Circles, Area, Diameter, Parallel, 90 Degrees. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 488.
Triangle, Cevian, Concurrency, Circle, Circumcircle.

Problem 486.
Tangent circles, Chord, Arc, Midpoint, Collinearity, Congruence.

Problem 485.
Square, Side, Circles, Tangent, Radius, Measurement.

Problem 484.
Square, Angle, 90 degrees, Triangle, Measurement, Proportion.

Problem 483.
Square, Angle, 90 degrees, Measurement.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 481-490 | Semicircle | Circular Segment | Common Chord | Parallel Chords | Email
| Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (3 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:23:48 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 488: Triangle, Cevian, Concurrency, Circle, Circumcircle. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Online Geometry Problem 488: Triangle, Cevian, Concurrency, Circle, Circumcircle

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the concurrent cevians AA', BB', and CC'. The circumcircle of triangle A'B'C' cuts AB, BC, and
AC at C", A", and B", respectively. Prove that the cevians AA", BB", and CC" are concurrent.
Circumcircle of a triangle is the circle which passes through the vertices. A cevian is a segment which joins a vertex of a triangle with a point on the opposite
side (or its extension). (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:23:52 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 488: Triangle, Cevian, Concurrency, Circle, Circumcircle. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 481-490 | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:23:52 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 489. Parallelogram, Triangle, Quadrilateral, Area. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Parallelogram Area of a Parallelogram 481-490 Solution / comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 489. Parallelogram, Triangle, Quadrilateral, Area. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a parallelogram ABCD. E is a point on DC extended. Line EB extended meet DA extended at F. CF and AE meet at G.
Prove that the area of triangle EFG is equal to the area of quadrilateral ADCG.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map

George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving. It
suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better?

Mind Map Help. To see a note: Hover over a yellow note button. To Fold/Unfold: click a branch. To Pan: click and drag the map canvas.
Problem Solving. Activate Flash plugin or Javascript and reload to view the Mind Map of How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map,
Elearning. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:23:57 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 489. Parallelogram, Triangle, Quadrilateral, Area. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:23:57 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 490. Tangent Circles, Arc, Radius, Circular Sector, Area. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Circle 481-490 Solution / comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 490. Tangent Circles, Arc, Radius, Circular Sector, Area. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows the circles of centers A, B, and C tangent at D, E, F. The measure of the arc DE is 130 degrees and the arc DF is 150
degrees. If the radius of circle C is 3, find the area of the circular sector ECF.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map

George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving. It
suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better? (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:24:01 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 490. Tangent Circles, Arc, Radius, Circular Sector, Area. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Mind Map Help. To see a note: Hover over a yellow note button. To Fold/Unfold: click a branch. To Pan: click and drag the map canvas.
Problem Solving. Activate Flash plugin or Javascript and reload to view the Mind Map of How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map,
Elearning. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:24:01 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 491. Square, Right Triangle, Incircle, Inscribed Circle, Radius,...d Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems Art All Problems Circle 491-500 Circle Inscribed in a Square Solution / comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 491. Square, Right Triangle, Incircle, Inscribed Circle, Radius. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a square ABCD of side a with the right triangles AEB, BFC, CGD, and AHD. If the incircles of AEB, BFC, CGD, AHD,
and EFGH are equal, find the radius x.
Incircle or Inscribed circle of a polygon is a circle tangent to each side of the polygon.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map

George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving. It
suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better? (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:24:05 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 491. Square, Right Triangle, Incircle, Inscribed Circle, Radius,...d Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.
Mind Map Help. To see a note: Hover over a yellow note button. To Fold/Unfold: click a branch. To Pan: click and drag the map canvas.
Problem Solving. Activate Flash plugin or Javascript and reload to view the Mind Map of How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map,
Elearning. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:24:05 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 492. Cyclic Quadrilateral, Circle, Perpendicular, Parallel, Prob...d Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Circle 491-500 Post a solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 492. Cyclic Quadrilateral, Circle, Perpendicular, Parallel. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD and a circle O. AEF is perpendicular to AC (E on the circle O and F on DB extended), DGH
is perpendicular to BD (G on the circle O and H on AC extended), Prove that FH, BC, and EG are parallel.
Cyclic quadrilateral is a quadrilateral whose vertices all lie on a single circle.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map

George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving. It
suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better?

Mind Map Help. To see a note: Hover over a yellow note button. To Fold/Unfold: click a branch. To Pan: click and drag the map canvas. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:24:15 AM]
Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 492. Cyclic Quadrilateral, Circle, Perpendicular, Parallel, Prob...d Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.
Problem Solving. Activate Flash plugin or Javascript and reload to view the Mind Map of How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map,
Elearning. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:24:15 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 493. Right Triangle, Circumcircle, Perpendicular, Chord, Proble... Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Mind Map Problems All Problems Circle 491-500 Semicircle Post a solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 493. Right Triangle, Circumcircle, Perpendicular, Chord. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a right triangle ABC (angle B = 90 degrees) with the circumcircle C1 and center O. From point D on C1, perpendiculars
DE and DF are drawn to AC and AB, respectively. Lines BD and EF intersect at G. Prove that OG is perpendicular to BD.
Circumcircle of a triangle is the circle which passes through the vertices.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map

George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving. It
suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better?

Mind Map Help. To see a note: Hover over a yellow note button. To Fold/Unfold: click a branch. To Pan: click and drag the map canvas.
Problem Solving. Activate Flash plugin or Javascript and reload to view the Mind Map of How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map,
Elearning. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:24:23 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 493. Right Triangle, Circumcircle, Perpendicular, Chord, Proble... Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:24:23 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 494. Circular Sector, 90 Degrees, Semicircle, Chord, Parallel, P...d Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Mind Map Problems All Problems Circle 491-500 Semicircle Post a solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 494. Circular Sector, 90 Degrees, Semicircle, Chord, Parallel. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a circular sector AOB of 90 degrees with radius 4. OA is the diameter of semicircle O' and line AEC is equal
and parallel to BD. Find DE.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map

George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving. It
suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better?

Mind Map Help. To see a note: Hover over a yellow note button. To Fold/Unfold: click a branch. To Pan: click and drag the map canvas. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:24:29 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 494. Circular Sector, 90 Degrees, Semicircle, Chord, Parallel, P...d Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.
Problem Solving. Activate Flash plugin or Javascript and reload to view the Mind Map of How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map,
Elearning. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:24:29 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 495. Triangle, 120 Degrees, Angle Bisectors, Problem Solving, ...Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Mind Map Problems All Problems Circle 491-500 Post a solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 495. Triangle, 120 Degrees, Angle Bisectors. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a triangle ABC with angle bisectors AD and CF. If the measure of the angle BAC is 120 degrees, find the
measure of the angle CFD.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map

George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving. It
suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better?

Mind Map Help. To see a note: Hover over a yellow note button. To Fold/Unfold: click a branch. To Pan: click and drag the map canvas.
Problem Solving. Activate Flash plugin or Javascript and reload to view the Mind Map of How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map,
Elearning. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:24:37 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 495. Triangle, 120 Degrees, Angle Bisectors, Problem Solving, ...Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:24:37 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 496. Triangle, Two Squares, 90 Degrees, Concurrency, Problem S...Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Mind Map Problems All Problems 491-500 Geoboard for iPad Solution, comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 496. Triangle, Two Squares, 90 Degrees, Concurrency. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a triangle ABC with the squares ABDE and BCFG. AG and CD meet at P. Prove that: (1) CD and AG are
congruent and perpendicular. (2) CD, AG, and EF are concurrent in P. (3) EF is the angle bisector of angle GPC.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map

George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving. It
suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better?

Mind Map Help. To see a note: Hover over a yellow note button. To Fold/Unfold: click a branch. To Pan: click and drag the map canvas.
Problem Solving. Activate Flash plugin or Javascript and reload to view the Mind Map of How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map,
Elearning. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:24:39 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 496. Triangle, Two Squares, 90 Degrees, Concurrency, Problem S...Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:24:39 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 497. Triangle, Two Squares, Centers, Midpoint, 90 Degrees, Prob... Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Mind Map Problems All Problems 491-500 Post a solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 497. Triangle, Two Squares, Centers, Midpoint, 90 Degrees. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a triangle ABC with the squares ABDE and BCFG of center M and N, respectively. If point O is the midpoint
of AC prove that OM and ON are congruent and perpendicular.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map

George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving. It
suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better?

Mind Map Help. To see a note: Hover over a yellow note button. To Fold/Unfold: click a branch. To Pan: click and drag the map canvas.
Problem Solving. Activate Flash plugin or Javascript and reload to view the Mind Map of How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map,
Elearning. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:25:01 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 497. Triangle, Two Squares, Centers, Midpoint, 90 Degrees, Prob... Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:25:01 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 765: Triangle, Inradius, Exfradii, Three Exradius, Harmonic Mean. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 765: Triangle, Inradius, Exradii, Three Exradius, Harmonic Mean. Level: High
School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the inradius r and the exradii ra, rb, rc. Prove that the inradius is one-third the harmonic mean

of the exradii, therefore, . (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:25:08 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 765: Triangle, Inradius, Exfradii, Three Exradius, Harmonic Mean. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 761-770 | Triangles | Exradius | Inradius |
Harmonic Mean | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:25:08 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 766: Triangle, Altitudes, Exradii, Three Exradius, Equal Harmonic Mean. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 766: Triangle, Altitudes, Exradii, Three Exradius, Equal Harmonic Mean. Level:
High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the altitudes ha, hb, hc and the exradii ra, rb, rc. Prove that the harmonic mean of the altitudes

is equal to the harmonic mean of the exradii, therefore, . (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:25:12 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 766: Triangle, Altitudes, Exradii, Three Exradius, Equal Harmonic Mean. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 761-770 | Triangles | Altitude | Exradius | Inradius |
Harmonic Mean | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:25:12 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 767: Equilateral Triangle, Circle tangent to a side, Measurement, Secant. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 767: Equilateral Triangle, Circle tangent to a side, Tangent line, Measurement,
Secant. Level: High School, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows an equilateral triangle ABC with AC tangent to a circle O at T. Circle O cuts AB and BC at D,E,F,G, respectively.
Prove that: AT + BD + BE = CT + BF + BG. This entry contributed by Ajit Athle. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:25:19 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 767: Equilateral Triangle, Circle tangent to a side, Measurement, Secant. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 761-770 | Triangles | Equilateral Triangle | Circles |
Tangent Line | Secant | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:25:19 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 768: Parallelogram with Equilateral Triangles on Sides. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 768: Parallelogram with Equilateral Triangles on Sides. Level: High School,
College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a parallelogram ABCD with equilateral triangles ABE, BCF,CDG, and ADH. Prove that EFGH is a parallelogram. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:25:27 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 768: Parallelogram with Equilateral Triangles on Sides. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 761-770 | Triangles | Equilateral Triangle |
Parallelogram | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:25:27 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 769: Triangle, Circumcircle, Circumcenter, Orthocenter, Midpoint...gruence. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 769: Triangle, Circumcircle, Circumcenter, Orthocenter, Midpoint of arc, Parallel to
chord, Congruence. Level: High School, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the circumcenter O and the orthocenter H. M is the midpoint of arc AC, HD is parallel to BM (D
on AC), OE is parallel to MA (E on AB), and OF is parallel to MC (F on BC). Prove that AE = ED = DF = FC. This entry contributed
by Ajit Athle. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:25:31 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 769: Triangle, Circumcircle, Circumcenter, Orthocenter, Midpoint...gruence. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 761-770 | Triangles | Isosceles Triangle | Circles |
Circumcenter | Circumcircle | Orthocenter | Parallel lines | Midpoint | Chord | Congruence | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio
Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:25:31 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 770: Parallelogram, Angle Bisector, Triangle, Circumcenter, Circ...urement. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 770: Parallelogram, Angle Bisector, Triangle, Circumcenter, Circle, Circumcircle,
Angle Measurement. Level: High School, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a parallelogram ABCD, the bisector of angle A meets CD at E and BC extended at F. If O is the circumcenter of
triangle CEF and the measure of angle BOD is 72 degrees, find the measure of angle DBO. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:25:44 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 770: Parallelogram, Angle Bisector, Triangle, Circumcenter, Circ...urement. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 761-770 | Parallelogram | Triangles | Circle |
Circumcenter | Circumcircle | Angle Bisector | Isosceles Triangle | Congruence | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:25:44 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 771: Area of a Parallelogram, Star, Pentagon, Triangles. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 771: Area of a Parallelogram, Star, Pentagon, Triangles. Level: High School,
College, Mathematics Education

In the figure below, ABCD is a parallelogram of area S. G is on BC, F on AD and E an exterior point. Lines EA, EB, AG, BF, and FG
determine the shaded regions of areas S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, and S6. Prove: S1 + S2 + S3 + S4 + S5 -S6-= S/2. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:25:51 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 771: Area of a Parallelogram, Star, Pentagon, Triangles. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 771-780 | Parallelogram | Triangles | Areas | Area
of a parallelogram | Pentagon | Trapezoid | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:25:51 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 772: Similar triangles with a Common Vertex, AA, Midpoints, Met...ations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 772: Similar triangles with a Common Vertex, Equal Angles, Midpoints, Metric
relations. Level: High School, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows triangles ABC and AB'C' with the common vertex A, angle BAC = angle B'AC', and angle ABC=AB'C'. Points
D, E, F are the midpoints of BC, B'C, and BC', respectively. If AB = 5, AC = 6, and DE = 4, find DF. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:25:58 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 772: Similar triangles with a Common Vertex, AA, Midpoints, Met...ations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 771-780 | Triangles | Midpoints | Angles | Similarity
| Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:25:58 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 773: Intersecting Circles, Midpoint, Secant, Bisection. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 773: Intersecting Circles, Midpoint, Secant line, Bisection. Level: High School,
College, Mathematics Education

In the figure below, the circles O and Q intersect at A and B. A line through A intersects circle O at C and circle Q at D. If M is the
midpoint of OQ prove that circle of center M and radius MA bisects CD at E. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:26:02 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 773: Intersecting Circles, Midpoint, Secant, Bisection. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 771-780 | Circle | Intersecting Circles | Midpoints |
Intersection of a Line with a Circle | Chord | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:26:02 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 774: Triangle, Two Altitudes, Circumcircle, Tangent at a Vertex, Parallel. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 774: Triangle, Two Altitudes, Circumcircle, Tangent at a Vertex, Parallel. Level:
High School, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a triangle ABC with the altitudes AD and CE. Prove that the tangent to the circumcircle at the vertex B is
parallel to ED. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:26:10 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 774: Triangle, Two Altitudes, Circumcircle, Tangent at a Vertex, Parallel. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 771-780 | Triangles | Circle | Circumcenter |
Circumcircle | Circle Tangent Line | Parallel lines | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:26:10 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 775: Triangle, Isogonal lines, Congruent angles, Perpendicular, M...elations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 775: Triangle, Isogonal lines, Congruent angles, Perpendicular, Metric Relations.
Level: High School, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a triangle ABC with angle ABD = angle EBC. DF and EH are perpendicular to AB, DG and EM are
perpendicular to BC. If DF = 8, DG = 28, EH = 25, find EM. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:26:23 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 775: Triangle, Isogonal lines, Congruent angles, Perpendicular, M...elations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 771-780 | Triangles | Angles | Perpendicular lines |
Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:26:23 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 776: Triangle, Isogonal lines, Congruent angles, Perpendicular, ...idpoint. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 776: Triangle, Isogonal lines, Congruent angles, Perpendicular, Concyclic points,
Circle, Center, Midpoint. Level: High School, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a triangle ABC with angle ABD = angle EBC (isogonal lines). DF and EH are perpendicular to AB, DG and
EM are perpendicular to BC. Prove that F, H, G, M lie on a circle (concyclic points) whose center O is the midpoint of DE. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:26:28 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 776: Triangle, Isogonal lines, Congruent angles, Perpendicular, ...idpoint. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 771-780 | Triangles | Isogonal Lines | Angles |
Perpendicular lines | Circles | Cyclic Quadrilateral | Concyclic Points | Midpoint | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:26:28 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 777: Triangle, Distance from the Orthocenter to a Vertex, Circle,..., Cosine. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 777: Triangle, Distance from the Orthocenter to a Vertex, Circle, Circumradius,
Cosine. Level: High School, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a triangle ABC with the orthocenter H and circumradius R. Prove that HB = 2R.cos(angle ABC). (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:26:32 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 777: Triangle, Distance from the Orthocenter to a Vertex, Circle,..., Cosine. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 771-780 | Triangles | Circle | Circumcircle |
Orthocenter | Altitude | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:26:32 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 778: Triangle, Distance from the Orthocenter to a Vertex, Circle,..., Square. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 778: Triangle, Distance from the Orthocenter to a Vertex, Circle, Circumradius,
Side, Square. Level: High School, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a triangle ABC with the orthocenter H and circumradius R. Prove that BH2 + AC2 = 4R2. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:26:35 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 778: Triangle, Distance from the Orthocenter to a Vertex, Circle,..., Square. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 771-780 | Triangles | Circle | Circumcircle |
Orthocenter | Altitude | Diameter | Pythagorean Theorem | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:26:35 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 779: Triangle, Altitude, Orthocenter, Midpoint, Angle, 90 Degrees. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 779: Triangle, Altitude, Orthocenter, Vertex, Midpoint, Side, Angle, 90 Degrees.
Level: High School, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a triangle ABC with the altitude CD and the orthocenter H. If F and M are the midpoints of AC and BH,
respectively, prove that the measure of the angle FDM is 90 degrees. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:26:42 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 779: Triangle, Altitude, Orthocenter, Midpoint, Angle, 90 Degrees. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 771-780 | Triangles | Orthocenter | Altitude |
Midpoint | 90 Degrees | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:26:42 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 780: Acute Triangle, Sum of Inradius and Circumradius, Distances...ertices. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 780: Acute Triangle, Sum of Inradius and Circumradius, Distances from the
Orthocenter to the Vertices. Level: High School, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows an acute triangle ABC with the orthocenter H, the inradius r, and the circumradius R.
Prove that HA + HB + HC = 2.(R + r). (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:26:45 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 780: Acute Triangle, Sum of Inradius and Circumradius, Distances...ertices. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 771-780 | Triangles | Circle | Circumradius |
Inradius | Orthocenter | Altitude | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:26:45 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 213. Triangle, Incircle, Inradius, Semicircles, Common Tangents. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 213. Triangle, Incircle, Inradius, Semicircles, Common Tangents

In the figure below, the circle O of radius r is tangent to the sides of triangle ABC at D, E, and F. If d, e, and f are the common tangents to

the semicircles of diameter AD, DB, BE, EC, CF, and FA, prove that: .

Home | Geometry | Problems | 211-220 | Email | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:26:52 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 213. Triangle, Incircle, Inradius, Semicircles, Common Tangents. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:26:52 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 214. Quadrilateral and Angle Bisectors. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 214. Quadrilateral and Angle Bisectors

In a quadrilateral ABCD, BE and CE are the angle bisectors of angles B and C respectively. Prove that .

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 211-220 | Email | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:26:56 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 215. Quadrilateral, Angle Bisectors, and Cyclic ...acher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 215. Quadrilateral, Angle Bisectors, and Cyclic Quadrilateral

In a quadrilateral ABCD, lines AFG, BFE, CHE, and DHG are the angle bisectors of angles A, B, C, and D respectively. Prove that
EFGH is a cyclic quadrilateral.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 211-220 | Email | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:27:12 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 216. Quadrilateral, Angle Bisectors, and Concur...cher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 216. Quadrilateral, Angle Bisectors, and Concurrency

In a quadrilateral ABCD, lines AFG, BFE, CHE, and DHG are the angle bisectors of angles A, B, C, and D respectively. Prove that the
lines AD, BC, and FH are concurrent at P.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 211-220 | Email | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:27:26 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 217. Right triangle, Altitude and Projections. M...acher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 217. Right triangle, Altitude and Projections

In a right triangle ABC, BD is the altitude, DE and DF are perpendicular to BC and AB respectively, and FG and EH are perpendicular
to the hypotenuse AC. Prove that GD = DH (projections of BF and BE onto AC).

Home | Geometry | Altitude | Search | Problems | Trapezoid Median | 211-220 | Email | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:27:29 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 218. Right triangle, Altitude and Perpendiculars...acher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 218. Right triangle, Altitude and Perpendiculars

In a right triangle ABC, BD is the altitude, DE and DF are perpendicular to BC and AB respectively. Prove that the sum of the
measures of the perpendiculars from F and E to the hypotenuse AC is equal to BD.

Home | Geometry | Altitude | Search | Problems | Trapezoid Median | 211-220 | Email | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:27:39 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 219. Rhombus, perpendiculars, arithmetic mean. ...cher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 219. Rhombus, perpendiculars, arithmetic mean

In a rhombus ABCD, OE is perpendicular to AD and the line FGHMN is perpendicular to CD. Prove that HE is the arithmetic mean of
FG and MN.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Trapezoid Median | 211-220 | Email | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:27:55 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 220. Right Triangle, Altitude, Angle Bisector, ...cher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 220. Right Triangle, Altitude, Angle Bisector, Distance, Arithmetic Mean

In a right triangle ABC, BD is the altitude to the hypotenuse AC and r is the inradius. BE and BF are the angle bisectors of angles ABD
and DBC. Prove that r is the arithmetic mean of the measures of the perpendiculars from E and F to AB and BC respectively.

Home | Geometry | Altitude | Search | Problems | 211-220 | Right triangle, Altitude and Incircle | Email | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:28:04 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 221. Viviani's Theorem, Equilateral Triangle, In...acher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 221. Viviani's Theorem, Equilateral Triangle, Point, Altitude, Distance

In an equilateral triangle, prove that the sum of the distances from any interior point to the sides is equal to the altitude of the triangle.

The theorem is named for Vincenzo Viviani (1622-1703), a pupil of Galileo and Torricelli, who is also remembered for a reconstruction of
a book on the conic sections of Apollonius and for finding a way of trisecting an angle through the use an equilateral hyperbola.

Home | Geometry | Altitude | Search | Problems | 221-230 | Area of a Triangle | Email | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:28:08 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 222. Viviani's Theorem, Equilateral Triangle, E...cher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 222. Viviani's Theorem, Equilateral Triangle, Point, Altitude, Distance

For a given point D outside an equilateral triangle ABC, the sum of the distances DE and DF minus DG from the point D to the sides
BC, AB and AC respectively is equal to the altitude of the triangle.

The theorem is named for Vincenzo Viviani (1622-1703), a pupil of Galileo and Torricelli, who is also remembered for a reconstruction of
a book on the conic sections of Apollonius and for finding a way of trisecting an angle through the use an equilateral hyperbola.
Home | Geometry | Altitude | Search | Problems | 221-230 | Area of a Triangle | Email | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:28:16 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 223. Viviani's Theorem, Isosceles Triangle, Alti...acher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 223. Viviani's Theorem, Isosceles Triangle, Altitude, Distance

In an isosceles triangle ABC (AB = BC), the sum of the distances from any point on AC to the equal sides is equal to the altitude of the
equal sides.

The theorem is named for Vincenzo Viviani (1622-1703), a pupil of Galileo and Torricelli, who is also remembered for a reconstruction of
a book on the conic sections of Apollonius and for finding a way of trisecting an angle through the use an equilateral hyperbola.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 221-230 | Area of a Triangle | Email | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:28:18 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 224. Viviani's Theorem, Isosceles Triangle, Alti...acher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 224. Viviani's Theorem, Isosceles Triangle, Altitude, Distance

In an isosceles triangle ABC (AB = BC), the sum of the distances from any point on the extension of CA to the equal sides is equal to
the altitude of the equal sides.

The theorem is named for Vincenzo Viviani (1622-1703), a pupil of Galileo and Torricelli, who is also remembered for a reconstruction of
a book on the conic sections of Apollonius and for finding a way of trisecting an angle through the use an equilateral hyperbola.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 221-230 | Area of a Triangle | Email | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:28:25 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 225. Viviani's Theorem Extension, Regular Polygon, Apothem, Distance. College, SAT Prep. Elearning

Problem 225. Viviani's Theorem Extension, Regular Polygon, Apothem, Distance

In a regular n-sided polygon, the sum of the perpendicular distances from an interior point to the n sides being n times the apothem of the
polygon. Post a comment.

Home | Geometry | Problems | 221-230 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:28:36 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 226. Triangle, Centroid, Perpendiculars. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 226. Triangle, Centroid, Transversal, Perpendiculars

In a triangle ABC, DEF is a line through the centroid G. If d, e, and f are the perpendiculars drawn from each vertex to this line,
prove that: e = d + f. Post a comment.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | 221-230 | Trapezoid Median | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:28:40 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 227. Triangle, Centroid, Exterior line, Perpendi...acher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 227. Triangle, Centroid, Exterior line, Perpendiculars

In a triangle ABC, G is the centroid and DEF is an exterior line. If d, e, f, and g are the perpendiculars drawn from A, B, C, and G to this
line, prove that: 3g = d + e + f. Post a comment.

Home | Geometry | Problems | 221-230 | Trapezoid Median | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:28:44 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 228. Triangle, Midpoints, Exterior line, Perpend...acher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 228. Triangle, Midpoints, Exterior line, Perpendiculars

In a triangle ABC, D, E, and F are the midpoints of the sides and A'C' is an exterior line. If a, b, c, d, e, and f are the perpendiculars
drawn from A, B, C, D, E, and F to the line A'C', prove that: a + b + c = d + e + f. Post a comment.

Home | Geometry | Problems | 221-230 | Trapezoid Median | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:28:47 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 229. Triangle, Centroid, Transversal, Perpendicular lines

Problem 229. Triangle, Centroid, Transversal, Perpendicular lines

In a triangle ABC, G is the centroid and DEF is a transversal line. If d, e, f, and g are the perpendiculars drawn from A, B, C, and G to this
line respectively, prove that: 3e = d + f - e.

Home | Geometry | Problems | Art | 221-230 | Trapezoid Median | Email | Solution/comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:28:53 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 230. Triangle, Midpoints, Transversal, Perpendicular lines

Problem 230. Triangle, Midpoints, Transversal, Perpendicular lines

The figure shows a triangle ABC, D, E, and F are the midpoints of the sides. If d, e, f, and b are the perpendiculars drawn from D, E, F,
and B to a transversal line t, respectively, prove that: b = d + e + f. Post a comment.

Home | Geometry | Problems | 221-230 | Trapezoid Median | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:29:01 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 498. Triangle, Angle Bisector, Double Angle, Measure, Problem ...Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Mind Map Problems All Problems 491-500 Double Angle Solution / comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 498. Triangle, Angle Bisector, Double Angle, Measure. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The drawing shows a triangle ABC with the angle bisector BD. The angle A is double the angle C, AD = 3, and BC = 9. Find

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map

George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving. It
suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better?

Mind Map Help. To see a note: Hover over a yellow note button. To Fold/Unfold: click a branch. To Pan: click and drag the map canvas.
Problem Solving. Activate Flash plugin or Javascript and reload to view the Mind Map of How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map,
Elearning. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:29:06 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 498. Triangle, Angle Bisector, Double Angle, Measure, Problem ...Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:29:06 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 499: Triangle, Two Squares, Perpendicular, Problem Solving, Mi...Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Mind Map Problems All Problems Triangle & Square 491-500 Solution/comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 499. Triangle, Two Squares, Perpendicular. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The drawing shows a triangle ABC with the squares ABDE and BCFG. AF and CE meet at point O. Prove that BO is
perpendicular to AC.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map

George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving. It
suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better?

Mind Map Help. To see a note: Hover over a yellow note button. To Fold/Unfold: click a branch. To Pan: click and drag the map canvas.
Problem Solving. Activate Flash plugin or Javascript and reload to view the Mind Map of How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map,
Elearning. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:29:11 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 499: Triangle, Two Squares, Perpendicular, Problem Solving, Mi...Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:29:11 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 500: Circle, Diameter, Chord, Perpendicular, Measure, Problem ...Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Mind Map Problems All Problems Visual Index Problems Art Gallery 491-500 Semicircle Post a solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 500. Circle, Diameter, Chord, Perpendicular, Measure. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The drawing shows a circle of diameter AB. The chords AC and BD meet at E. EF is perpendicular to AB. FC and BD meet at
G. If DE = 5 and EG =3, find the measure of BG.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map

George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving. It
suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better? (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:29:17 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 500: Circle, Diameter, Chord, Perpendicular, Measure, Problem ...Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.
Mind Map Help. To see a note: Hover over a yellow note button. To Fold/Unfold: click a branch. To Pan: click and drag the map canvas.
Problem Solving. Activate Flash plugin or Javascript and reload to view the Mind Map of How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map,
Elearning. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:29:17 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 501: Triangle, Two Squares, Center, Midpoint, another Square, P... Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Mind Map Problems Art All Problems Visual Index Problems Art Gallery 501-510 Post a solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 501. Triangle, Two Squares, Center, Midpoint, another Square. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The drawing shows a triangle ABC with the squares ABDE and BCGH of centers F and N, respectively. If S and I are the
midpoints of AC and DH, respectively, prove that FINS is another square.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map

George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving. It
suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better?

Mind Map Help. To see a note: Hover over a yellow note button. To Fold/Unfold: click a branch. To Pan: click and drag the map canvas.
Problem Solving. Activate Flash plugin or Javascript and reload to view the Mind Map of How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map,
Elearning. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:29:22 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 501: Triangle, Two Squares, Center, Midpoint, another Square, P... Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:29:22 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 502: Triangle, Two Squares, Midpoint, Perpendicular, Half the m... Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Mind Map Problems All Problems Visual Index Problems Art Gallery 501-510 Post a solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 502. Triangle, Two Squares, Midpoint, Perpendicular, Half the measure. Level: Recent Additions
High School, College, SAT Prep.
The drawing shows a triangle ABC with the squares ABDE and BCGH. If M is the midpoint of DH, prove that (1) BM is
perpendicular to AC and (2) BM is half the measure of AC.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map

George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving. It
suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better?

Mind Map Help. To see a note: Hover over a yellow note button. To Fold/Unfold: click a branch. To Pan: click and drag the map canvas.
Problem Solving. Activate Flash plugin or Javascript and reload to view the Mind Map of How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map,
Elearning. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:29:28 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 502: Triangle, Two Squares, Midpoint, Perpendicular, Half the m... Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:29:28 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 503: Triangle with Three Squares, Perpendicular, Congruence, C...Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Mind Map Problems All Problems Visual Index Problems Art Gallery 501-510 Post a solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 503. Triangle with Three Squares, Perpendicular, Congruence, Concurrency. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The drawing shows a triangle ABC with the squares of centers M, N, and O constructed on the sides AB, BC, and AC,
respectively. Prove that (1) BO and MN are congruent and perpendicular, (2) AN, BO, and CM are concurrent at P.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map

George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving. It
suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better? (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:29:34 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 503: Triangle with Three Squares, Perpendicular, Congruence, C...Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.
Mind Map Help. To see a note: Hover over a yellow note button. To Fold/Unfold: click a branch. To Pan: click and drag the map canvas.
Problem Solving. Activate Flash plugin or Javascript and reload to view the Mind Map of How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map,
Elearning. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:29:34 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 504: Equilateral Triangle, Angles, 45, 60 Degrees, Problem Solv... Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Mind Map Problems All Problems Visual Index Problems Art Gallery 501-510 Post a solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 504. Equilateral Triangle, Angles, 45, 60 Degrees. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The drawing shows a quadrilateral ABDC with an equilateral triangle ABC. If the measure of angle BAD is 45 degrees and
angle CBD is 45 degrees, find the measure of the angle ADC.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map

George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving. It
suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better?

Mind Map Help. To see a note: Hover over a yellow note button. To Fold/Unfold: click a branch. To Pan: click and drag the map canvas.
Problem Solving. Activate Flash plugin or Javascript and reload to view the Mind Map of How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map, (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:29:37 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 504: Equilateral Triangle, Angles, 45, 60 Degrees, Problem Solv... Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.
Elearning. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:29:37 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 505: Right Triangle, Cevian, Sum of Segments, Angles, Problem ...Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Mind Map Problems All Problems Visual Index Problems Art Gallery 501-510 Post a solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 505. Right Triangle, Cevian, Sum of Segments, Angles. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The drawing shows a right triangle ABC with a cevian BD. If angle A = 2x, angle CBD = 3x, and AB = BC + CD, find x.
A cevian is a line segment in a triangle with one endpoint on a vertex and the other endpoint on the opposite side.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map

George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving. It
suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better?

Mind Map Help. To see a note: Hover over a yellow note button. To Fold/Unfold: click a branch. To Pan: click and drag the map canvas. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:29:43 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 505: Right Triangle, Cevian, Sum of Segments, Angles, Problem ...Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.
Problem Solving. Activate Flash plugin or Javascript and reload to view the Mind Map of How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map,
Elearning. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:29:43 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 506: Triangle with Three Squares, Center, Midpoint, Perpendicul... Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Mind Map Problems All Problems Visual Index Problems Art Gallery 501-510 Post a solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 506. Triangle with Three Squares, Center, Midpoint, Perpendicular, Congruence. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The drawing shows a triangle ABC with the squares ABDE, BCGH and ACPQ. M is the midpoint of EG and O is the center of the
square ACPQ. Prove that: (1) AMCO is another square, (2) BO and MN are congruent and perpendicular.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map

George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving. It
suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better? (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:29:46 AM]
Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 506: Triangle with Three Squares, Center, Midpoint, Perpendicul... Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Mind Map Help. To see a note: Hover over a yellow note button. To Fold/Unfold: click a branch. To Pan: click and drag the map canvas.
Problem Solving. Activate Flash plugin or Javascript and reload to view the Mind Map of How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map,
Elearning. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:29:46 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 507: Triangle, Interior Point, 120 Degrees, Congruence, Angle, Mind Map. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Mind Map Problems All problems Visual Index Problems Art Gallery 501-510 Post a solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 507. Triangle, Interior Point, 120 Degrees, Congruence, Angle. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The drawing shows a triangle ABC with BD = AC. Angle ADB is 120 degrees, angle CAD = 2a, and angle ADC = 90 + a. Find
the measure of the angle BCD.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map

George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving. It
suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better? (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:29:54 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 507: Triangle, Interior Point, 120 Degrees, Congruence, Angle, Mind Map. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Mind Map Help. To see a note: Hover over a yellow note button. To Fold/Unfold: click a branch. To Pan: click and drag the map canvas.
Problem Solving. Activate Flash plugin or Javascript and reload to view the Mind Map of How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map,
Elearning. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:29:54 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 508: Triangle with three Squares, Area, Mind Map. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Mind Map Problems All problems Visual Index Problems Art Gallery 501-510 Post a solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 508: Triangle with three Squares, Equal Area. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The drawing shows a triangle ABC with the squares ABDE, BCFG and ACHJ. Prove that the areas of the triangles ABC, AEJ, BDG
and CFH are equal.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map

George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving. It (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:30:03 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 508: Triangle with three Squares, Area, Mind Map. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.
suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better?

Mind Map Help. To see a note: Hover over a yellow note button. To Fold/Unfold: click a branch. To Pan: click and drag the map canvas.
Problem Solving. Activate Flash plugin or Javascript and reload to view the Mind Map of How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map,
Elearning. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:30:03 AM]

Geometry Problem 509: Triangle, 120 Degrees, Angles, Congruence, Mind Map. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Mind Map Problems All problems Visual Index Problems Art Gallery 501-510 Post a solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Recent Additions

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most
challenging skills for students to learn. When a
problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically,
perhaps because deciding which construction to
Problem 509: Triangle, 120 Degrees, Angles, Congruence, Mind Map. make is an ill-structured problem. By
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep. “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures
(points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that
wasn’t mentioned as "given."
The drawing shows a triangle ABC with the angle ABC equal to 120 degrees and AD = BC. If angle C = 2x and angle ADB =
3x, find x. "If there is a problem you can't solve, then there is
an easier problem you can't solve: find it." George

"My method to overcome a difficulty is to go round

it." George Polya.

"Solving problems is a practical art, like swimming,

or skiing, or playing the piano: You can learn it only
by imitation and practice." George Polya.

"An idea which can be used once is a trick. If it can

be used more than once it becomes a method."
George Polya and Gabor Szego.

"Mathematics is the cheapest science. Unlike

physics or chemistry, it does not require any
expensive equipment. All one needs for
mathematics is a pencil and paper." George Polya.
Mind Map: "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method"
George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving. It "The apex and culmination of modern mathematics
suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After is a theorem so perfectly general that no particular
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better? application of it is feasible." George Polya.

"The elegance of a mathematical theorem is

Mind Map Help. To see a note: Hover over a yellow note button. To Fold/Unfold: click a branch. To Pan: click and drag the map canvas.
Problem Solving. Activate Flash plugin or Javascript and reload to view the Mind Map of How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map, directly proportional to the number of independent
Elearning. ideas one can see in the theorem and inversely
proportional to the effort it takes to see them."
George Polya. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:30:06 AM]
Geometry Problem 509: Triangle, 120 Degrees, Angles, Congruence, Mind Map. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

"A Great discovery solves a great problem but

there is a grain of discovery in the solution of any
problem. Your problem may be modest; but if it
challenges your curiosity and brings into play your
inventive faculties, and if you solve it by your own
means, you may experience the tension and enjoy
the triumph of discovery." George Polya. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:30:06 AM]

Geometry Problem 510: Triangle, Three Squares, Midpoints, Concurrency, Mind Map. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Mind Map Problems All problems Visual Index Problems Art Gallery 501-510 Post a solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 510: Triangle, Three Squares, Midpoints, Concurrency, Mind Map. Level: High Recent Additions
School, College, SAT Prep.
The drawing shows the squares ABDE, BCFG, and ACHJ. The points K, M, and N are the midpoint of EJ, DG, and FH,
respectively. Prove that KA, MB, and NC are concurrent at a point P.

Mind Map: "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method"

George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving. It
suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better?

Mind Map Help. To see a note: Hover over a yellow note button. To Fold/Unfold: click a branch. To Pan: click and drag the map canvas.
Problem Solving. Activate Flash plugin or Javascript and reload to view the Mind Map of How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map, (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:30:09 AM]
Geometry Problem 510: Triangle, Three Squares, Midpoints, Concurrency, Mind Map. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.
Elearning. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:30:09 AM]

Geometry Problem 511: Triangle, Double Angle, Angle Bisector, Measure, Mind Map. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Mind Map Problems All problems Visual Index Problems Art Gallery 511-520 Double Angle Solution / comment
Problem 511: Triangle, Double Angle, Angle Bisector, Measure. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The drawing shows a triangle ABC with the angle bisector BD. The angle A is double the angle C. Prove that AD=BC-AB.

Mind Map: "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method"

George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving. It
suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better?

Mind Map Help. To see a note: Hover over a yellow note button. To Fold/Unfold: click a branch. To Pan: click and drag the map canvas.
Problem Solving. Activate Flash plugin or Javascript and reload to view the Mind Map of How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map,
Elearning. [12/31/2015 5:30:11 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 512: Triangle, Three Squares, Concurrency. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems Art All problems Visual Index Problems Art Gallery 511-520 Post a solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 512: Triangle, Three Squares, Concurrency. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The drawing shows a triangle ABC with the squares ABDE, BCFG, and ACHJ. Lines ED and FG meet at M, GF and JH meet at
N, DE and HJ meet at K. Prove that KA, MB, and NC are concurrent at a point P.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." [12/31/2015 5:30:16 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 513: Triangle, Double Angle, Exterior Angle Bisector, Measure. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All problems Visual Index Problems Art Gallery 511-520 Double Angle Solution / comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 513: Triangle, Double Angle, Exterior Angle Bisector, Measure. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The drawing shows a triangle ABC with the exterior angle bisector BD. The angle A is double the angle C. Prove that

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." [12/31/2015 5:30:25 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 514: Triangle, Five Squares, Line, Area. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Online Geometry Problem 514: Triangle, Five Squares, Line, Area. Level: High
School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The drawing shows the squares of area A1, A2, A3, A4, and A5. Prove that the area of triangle A equals A3. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:30:31 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 514: Triangle, Five Squares, Line, Area. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction,
the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem.
By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given.
See also:
Kaleidoscope of Problem 514 base on Poincare Disk Model.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 511-520 | Triangles | Square |
Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:30:31 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 781: Triangle, Orthocenter, Circumcenter, Vertex, Altitude, Midp...dicular. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 781: Triangle, Orthocenter, Circumcenter, Circle, Vertex, Altitude, Midpoint,
Perpendicular. Level: High School, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a triangle ABC with the orthocenter H and the circumcenter O. If M is the midpoint of BH and DE is
perpendicular to OM at M, prove that M is the midpoint of DE. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:30:38 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 781: Triangle, Orthocenter, Circumcenter, Vertex, Altitude, Midp...dicular. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 781-790 | Triangles | Circle |
Circumcenter | Orthocenter | Altitude | Midpoint | Perpendicular | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:30:38 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 782: Triangle, Orthocenter, Circumcenter, Circumcircle, Diamete...logram. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 782: Triangle, Orthocenter, Circumcenter, Circumcircle, Diameter, Altitude,
Parallelogram. Level: High School, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a triangle ABC with the orthocenter H and the circumcenter O. If AD is the diameter of the circumcircle O,
prove that BDCH is a parallelogram. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:30:52 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 782: Triangle, Orthocenter, Circumcenter, Circumcircle, Diamete...logram. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 781-790 | Triangles | Circle |
Circumcenter | Orthocenter | Altitude | Parallelogram | Diameter | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:30:52 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 783: Triangle, Orthocenter, Circumcenter, Circumcircle, Diameter...idpoint. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 783: Triangle, Orthocenter, Circumcenter, Circumcircle, Diameter, Altitude,
Midpoint. Level: High School, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a triangle ABC with the orthocenter H and the circumcenter O. If AD is the diameter of the circumcircle O,
and DH meet BC at M, prove that M is the midpoint of DH and BC. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:30:55 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 783: Triangle, Orthocenter, Circumcenter, Circumcircle, Diameter...idpoint. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 781-790 | Triangles | Circle |
Circumcenter | Orthocenter | Altitude | Midpoint | Diameter | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:30:55 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 784: Triangle, Orthocenter, Midpoint of a side, Perpendicular. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 784: Triangle, Orthocenter, Altitude, Midpoint of a side, Perpendicular. Level: High
School, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a triangle ABC with the orthocenter H. M is the midpoint of BC and EF is perpendicular to MH at H (E on AB,
F on AC extended). Prove that H is the midpoint of EF. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:31:30 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 784: Triangle, Orthocenter, Midpoint of a side, Perpendicular. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 781-790 | Triangles | Orthocenter |
Altitude | Midpoint | Perpendicular | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:31:30 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 785: Equilateral Triangle, Parallel to a side, Perpendicular to a ...relations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 785: Equilateral Triangle, Parallel to a side, Perpendicular to a side, Metric
relations. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows an equilateral triangle ABC with DE parallel to BC and EF parallel to AB. D and G are on AB; F and H are on
BC. GM and HN are perpendicular to AC. If AC = a, DG = d, FH = f, and MN = x prove that . (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:31:34 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 785: Equilateral Triangle, Parallel to a side, Perpendicular to a ...relations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 781-790 | Triangles | Equilateral |
Parallel | Perpendicular | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:31:34 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 786: Right Triangle, Altitude, Hypotenuse, Cevian, Perpendicular,...elations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 786: Right Triangle, Altitude, Hypotenuse, Cevian, Perpendicular, Ratio, Metric
relations. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a right triangle ABC with the altitude BH and cevians BD and BE, so that AD = DE = EC. DF is
perpendicular to BE and ratio BH / AC = 2 /5. Find ratio DF / BF. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:31:39 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 786: Right Triangle, Altitude, Hypotenuse, Cevian, Perpendicular,...elations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 781-790 | Triangles | Right Triangle
| Perpendicular | Metric Relations | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:31:39 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 787: Right Triangle, Inradius, 18 Equal Circles, Line Tangent, Le...elations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 787: Right Triangle, Inradius, 18 Equal Circles, Line Tangent, Legs, Hypotenuse,
Ratio, Metric Relations. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a right triangle ABC with inradius x and 18 equal tangent circles of radius r, so that leg AB is tangent to 6
circles, BC is tangent to 13 circles and AC is tangent to 2 circles. Prove that x = 5.r (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:31:46 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 787: Right Triangle, Inradius, 18 Equal Circles, Line Tangent, Le...elations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 781-790 | Triangles | Right Triangle
| Circles | Tangent Circles | Tangent Line | Incircle | Metric Relations | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:31:46 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 788: Intersecting Circles, Secant Line, Midpoint, Cyclic Quadrilateral. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 788: Intersecting Circles, Secant Line, Midpoint, Cyclic Quadrilateral. Level: High
School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

In the figure below, the circles O and Q intersect at A and B. G is the midpoint of a secant line CAD, H is the midpoint of a secant
line EAF. Prove that AHBG is a cyclic quadrilateral. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:31:56 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 788: Intersecting Circles, Secant Line, Midpoint, Cyclic Quadrilateral. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 781-790 | Circles | Intersecting
Circles | Secant Line | Midpoint | Cyclic Quadrilateral | Concyclic Points | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:31:56 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 789: Right Triangle, Altitude, Angle Bisector, Incircle, Tangency...ent Line. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 789: Right Triangle, Altitude, Angle Bisector, Incircle, Tangency Point, Inradius,
Circles, Tangent Line. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a right triangle ABC with the altitude BH and the bisector BD of the angle HBC. The incircle of radius r is
tangent to AC at E. Prove that DE = r. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:32:10 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 789: Right Triangle, Altitude, Angle Bisector, Incircle, Tangency...ent Line. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 781-790 | Triangles | Right Triangle
| Circles | Tangent Line | Incircle | Angle Bisector | Altitude | Right triangle, Altitude and Incircle | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio
Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:32:10 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 790: Right Triangle, Altitude, Angle Bisector, Incircle, Tangenc...gruence. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 790: Right Triangle, Altitude, Angle Bisector, Incircle, Tangency Point, Inradius,
Circles, Tangent Line, Congruence. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a right triangle ABC with the incenter I, the inradius r, the altitude BH and the bisector BD of the angle HBC.
I1 is the incenter of the triangle AHB and I2 is the incenter of triangle BHC. Prove that . (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:32:16 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 790: Right Triangle, Altitude, Angle Bisector, Incircle, Tangenc...gruence. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 781-790 | Triangles | Right Triangle
| Circles | Tangent Line | Incircle | Angle Bisector | Altitude | Right triangle, Altitude and Incircle | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio
Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:32:16 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 791: Regular Hexagon, Midpoints of Side and Diagonal, Equilater..., Area. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 791: Regular Hexagon, Midpoints of Side and Diagonal, Equilateral Triangle, Area.
Level: High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a regular hexagon ABCDEF of area S. M and N are the midpoints of CD and AE, respectively, Prove that
BMN is an equilateral triangle and . (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:32:25 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 791: Regular Hexagon, Midpoints of Side and Diagonal, Equilater..., Area. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 791-800 | Hexagon | Triangles
| Equilateral Triangle | Midpoints | Areas | Triangle Area | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:32:25 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 792: Right Triangle, Altitude, Angle Bisector, Three Incircles, Fi...s, Circle. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 792: Right Triangle, Altitude, Angle Bisector, Three
Incircles, Incenters, Five Concyclic Points, Circles. Level: High School, SAT Prep,
College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a right triangle ABC with the incenter I and the altitude BH. BD and BE are bisectors of angles HBC and
ABH, respectively. I1 is the incenter of the triangle AHB and I2 is the incenter of triangle BHC. Prove that the points E, I1, I, I2, and D
are concyclic. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:32:31 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 792: Right Triangle, Altitude, Angle Bisector, Three Incircles, Fi...s, Circle. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 791-800 | Triangles | Right Triangle
| Circles | Tangent Line | Incircle | Angle Bisector | Altitude | Right triangle, Altitude and Incircle | Concyclic Points | Email | Solution /
comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:32:31 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 793: Right Triangle, Altitude, Three Incircles, Incenters, Circum...Distance. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 793: Right Triangle, Altitude, Three Incircles, Incenters,
Circumcircle, Circumradius, Perpendicular, Distance, Metric Relations. Level: High
School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a right triangle ABC with the incenter I and the altitude BH. D and E are the incenters of triangles AHB and
BHC, respectively. IM, IN, and IF are perpendicular to BD, BE, and DE, respectively. If R is the circumradius of triangle DEI, prove
that . (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:32:35 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 793: Right Triangle, Altitude, Three Incircles, Incenters, Circum...Distance. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 791-800 | Triangles | Right Triangle
| Circles | Incenter | Circumcirce / Circumradius | Altitude | Right triangle, Altitude and Incircle | Perpendicular | Email | Solution / comment
| By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:32:35 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 794: Right Triangle, Altitude, Three Incenters, Circumcircles, In...ngruence. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 794: Right Triangle, Altitude, Three Incenters, Circumcircles, Incircle,
Congruence. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a right triangle ABC with the incenter I and the altitude BH. D and E are the incenters of triangles AHB and
BHC, respectively. Prove that the incircle of triangle ABC and the circumcircles of triangles BDE and DEI are congruent. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:32:40 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 794: Right Triangle, Altitude, Three Incenters, Circumcircles, In...ngruence. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 791-800 | Triangles | Right Triangle
| Circles | Incircle | Circumcircle | Altitude | Right triangle, Altitude and Incircle | Congruence | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio
Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:32:40 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 795: Intersecting Circles, Common Chord, Midpoint, Tangent, Sec...egrees. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 795: Intersecting Circles, Common Chord, Midpoint, Tangent, Secant Line,
Perpendicular, 90 Degrees. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The circles O and Q intersect at A and B (see the figure). M is the midpoint of AB and CAD is a secant line. The tangents at C and D
meet at E. BF is perpendicular to CE and BG is perpendicular to DE. If FG cuts CD at H, prove that MH is perpendicular to FG. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:32:47 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 795: Intersecting Circles, Common Chord, Midpoint, Tangent, Sec...egrees. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 791-800 | Circles | Intersecting
Circles | Secant Line | Common Chord | Midpoint | Cyclic Quadrilateral | Tangent line | Perpendicular | Email | Solution / comment | By
Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:32:47 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 231. Triangle, Midpoints, Transversal, Perpendicular lines. Elearning.

Problem 231. Triangle, Midpoints, Transversal, Perpendicular lines

The figure shows a triangle ABC, D, E, and F are the midpoints of the sides, and t is a transversal line through the point E. If d, f, and c
are the perpendiculars drawn from D, E, and C to the line t, respectively, prove that: c = d + f. Post a comment.

Home | Geometry | Problems | Trapezoid Median | 231-240 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:32:54 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 232. Parallelogram, Line through a vertex, Perpendicular lines. Elearning.

Problem 232. Parallelogram, Line through a vertex, Perpendicular lines

The figure shows a parallelogram ABCD, A'C' is a line through the point D. If a, b, and c are the perpendiculars drawn from A, B, and C
to the line A'C', respectively, prove that: b = a + c. Post a comment.

Home | Geometry | Problems | 231-240 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:33:03 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 233. Parallelogram, Exterior line, Perpendicular lines. Elearning.

Problem 233. Parallelogram, Exterior line, Perpendicular lines

The figure shows a parallelogram ABCD, A'C' is an exterior line. If a, b, c, and d are the perpendiculars drawn from A, B, C, and D to the
line A'C', respectively, prove that: a + c = b + d. Post a comment.

Home | Geometry | Problems | 231-240 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:33:07 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 234. Parallelogram, Line through a vertex, Perpendicular lines. Elearning.

Problem 234. Parallelogram, Line through a vertex, Perpendicular lines

The figure shows a parallelogram ABCD, AC' is a line through the vertex A. If b, c, and d are the perpendiculars drawn from B, C, and D
to the line AC', respectively, prove that: b = c + d. Post a comment.

Home | Geometry | Problems | 231-240 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:33:13 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 235. Parallelogram, Transversal line, Perpendicular lines. Elearning.

Problem 235. Parallelogram, Transversal line, Perpendicular lines

The figure shows a parallelogram ABCD, A'C' is a transversal line. If a, b, c, and d are the perpendiculars drawn from A, B, C, and D to
the line A'C', respectively, prove that: a + b = c + d. Post a comment.

Home | Geometry | Problems | 231-240 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:33:15 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 236. Quadrilateral, Midpoints, Exterior line, Perpendicular lines. Elearning.

Problem 236. Quadrilateral, Midpoints, Exterior line, Perpendicular lines

The figure shows a quadrilateral ABCD, E, F, G, and H are the midpoints of the sides, If e, f, g, and h are the perpendiculars drawn from
E, F, G, and H to an exterior line E'G', respectively, prove that: e + g = f + h. Post a comment.

Home | Geometry | Problems | Trapezoid Median | 231-240 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:33:19 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 237. Quadrilateral, Midpoints, Exterior line, Perpendicular lines. Elearning.

Problem 237. Quadrilateral, Midpoints, Exterior line, Perpendicular lines

The figure shows a quadrilateral ABCD, E, F, G, and H are the midpoints of the sides, lines EG and FH meet at M. If a, b, c, d and m are
the perpendiculars drawn from A, B, C, D, and M to an exterior line A'D', respectively, prove that:
4m = a + b + c + d. Post a comment.

Home | Geometry | Problems | Trapezoid Median | 231-240 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:33:24 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 238. Square, Midpoints, Lines, Congruence. Elearning.

Problem 238. Square, Midpoints, Lines, Congruence

The figure shows a square ABCD, E, and F are the midpoints of the sides BC and CD, lines AE and BF meet at G. If AB = a and DG = b,
prove that a = b. Post a comment.

Home | Geometry | Problems | 231-240 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:33:32 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 239. Square, Midpoints, Congruence, Pythagoras. Elearning.

Problem 239. Square, Midpoints, Congruence, Pythagoras

The figure shows a square ABCD, E, F, G, and H are the midpoints of the sides, lines AE and BF meet at M, and lines CG and DH meet

at N. If AB = a and MN = b, prove that .

Home | Geometry | Problems | Art | 231-240 | Congruence | Similarity | Right Triangle | Email | Solution/comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:33:38 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 240. Triangle with Equilateral triangles, Parallelogram. Elearning.

Problem 240. Triangle with Equilateral triangles, Parallelogram

In the figure, equilateral triangles ABC', BCA', and ACB' are constructed on the sides of a triangle ABC. Prove that A'BC'B' is a
parallelogram. Post a comment.

Home | Geometry | Problems | 231-240 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:33:41 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 241. Triangle with Equilateral triangles, Congruence. Elearning.

Problem 241. Triangle with Equilateral triangles, Congruence

In the figure, equilateral triangles ABC', and BCA' are constructed on the sides AB and BC of a triangle ABC. Prove that AA' and CC' are
congruent. Post a comment.

Home | Geometry | Problems | 241-250 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:33:47 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 242. Triangle with Equilateral triangles, Parallelogram. Elearning.

Problem 242. Triangle with Equilateral triangles, Parallelogram

In the figure, equilateral triangles ABC', BCA', and ACB' are constructed on the sides of a triangle ABC. Prove that A'BC'B' is a
parallelogram. Post a comment.

Home | Geometry | Problems | 241-250 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:33:50 AM]

Problem 243. Triangle with Equilateral triangles, Rhombuses, Parallelograms

In the figure, equilateral triangles ABC', ABC", BCA', BCA", ACB', and ACB" are constructed on the sides of a triangle ABC. Prove that
(1) A'BA"C, AB'CB", and AC'BC" are rhombuses and (2)A'BC'B", A'CB'C",AB'A"C', A"CB"C', AB"A'C", and A"BC"B' are parallelograms.
Post a comment.

Home | Geometry | Problems | 241-250 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:34:00 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 244. Square, Diagonals, Centers, Distance. Elearning.

Problem 244. Square, Diagonals, Centers, Distance

The figure shows the squares ABCD and CEFG of center O and M, respectively. If OM = a and DE = b, prove that . Post a

Auxiliary Line: A line, ray, or segment added to a diagram to help in a proof or solution.

Home | Geometry | Problems | 241-250 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:34:06 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 245. Parallelogram with Equilateral triangles. Congruence. Elearning.

Problem 245. Parallelogram with Equilateral triangles. Congruence

In the figure, equilateral triangles BCE and CDF are constructed on the sides BC and CD of a parallelogram ABCD. Prove that AEF is an
equilateral triangle. Post a comment.

Auxiliary Line: A line, ray, or segment added to a diagram to help in a proof or solution.

Home | Geometry | Problems | 241-250 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:34:11 AM]

Math Education Go Geometry Problem 246. Napoleon's Theorem I. External Equilateral triangles. Elearning.

Home Geometry Problems Art All Problems Napoleon 241-250 By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem Problem 246. Napoleon's Theorem I. External Equilateral triangles. Outer Recent Additions
triangle. Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
In the figure, equilateral triangles ABC', BCA', and ACB' are constructed externally on the sides of a triangle ABC. Prove that the centers
A1, B1, and C1 of those equilateral triangles form an equilateral triangle, called the outer Napoleon triangle. Post a comment. [12/31/2015 5:34:14 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 247. Napoleon's Theorem II. Internal Equilateral triangles. Elearning.

Problem 247. Napoleon's Theorem II. Internal Equilateral triangles. Inner triangle
In the figure, equilateral triangles ABC", BCA", and ACB" are constructed internally on the sides of a triangle ABC. Prove that the centers
A2, B2, and C2 of those equilateral triangles form an equilateral triangle, called the inner Napoleon triangle. Post a comment.

Home | Geometry | Napoleon | Problems | 241-250 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:34:19 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 515: Triangle, Double Angle, Altitude, Measure. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All problems Visual Index Problems Art Gallery 511-520 Double Angle Post a solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 515: Triangle, Double Angle, Altitude, Measure. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The drawing shows a triangle ABC with the altitude BD. If the angle A is double the angle C, prove that CD=AB+AD.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." [12/31/2015 5:34:22 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 516. Triangle, Cevian, Congruence, Angles. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All problems Visual Index Problems Art Gallery 511-520 Post a solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 516. Triangle, Cevian, Congruence, Angles Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a triangle ABC and a cevian BD equal to AC. If angle ABD = x, angle DBC = 4x, and angle C = 6x, find x.
A cevian is a line segment which joins a vertex of a triangle with a point on the opposite side (or its extension). [12/31/2015 5:34:26 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 517: Right Triangle, Six Squares, Areas. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All problems Visual Index Problems Art Gallery 511-520 Right Triangle Area Post a solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 517: Right Triangle, Six Squares, Areas. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.

The drawing shows a right triangle ABC with the squares of area A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, and A6. Prove that .

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." [12/31/2015 5:34:30 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 518: Parallelogram, Five Squares, Centers, 45 Degrees, Measure. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All problems Visual Index Problems Art Gallery 511-520 Post a solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 518: Parallelogram, Five Squares, Centers, 45 Degrees, Measure. Level: High Recent Additions
School, College, SAT Prep.
The drawing shows a parallelogram ABCD with the squares of center E, F, G, and H. Prove that (1) EFGH is a square, (2)

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:34:33 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 518: Parallelogram, Five Squares, Centers, 45 Degrees, Measure. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.
mentioned as "given." (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:34:33 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 519: Triangle, Squares, Altitude, Perpendicular, Rectangle, Area. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All problems Visual Index Problems Art Gallery 511-520 Post a solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 519: Triangle, Squares, Altitude, Perpendicular, Rectangle, Area. Level: High Recent Additions
School, College, SAT Prep.
The drawing shows a triangle ABC with the squares ABDE and BCFG and the altitude BH. If HMN and HPQ are perpendicular
to BC and AB respectively, prove that the areas of the rectangles BDQP and BMNG are equal.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." [12/31/2015 5:34:38 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 520: Triangle, Six Squares, Areas, Ratio. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All problems Visual Index Problems Art Gallery 511-520 Post a solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 520: Triangle, Six Squares, Areas, Ratio. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The drawing shows a triangle ABC with the squares of areas S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, and S6. Prove that the ratio between the sum of
areas S4+S5+S6 , and the sum of areas S1+S2+S3 is equal to 3.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." [12/31/2015 5:34:48 AM]

Online Geometry Problem 521: Triangle, Squares, Altitude, Rectangles, Areas. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All problems Visual Index Problems Art Gallery 521-530 Post a solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 521: Triangle, Squares, Altitude, Rectangles, Areas. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The drawing shows a triangle ABC with the squares ABDE, BCFG, and ACJK. Lines AMN, BHT, and CPQ are perpendicular to
BC, AC, and AB respectively. Prove that the areas of the rectangles S1 and S1' are equal, S2 and S2' are equal, and S3 and S3' are

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:34:55 AM]
Online Geometry Problem 521: Triangle, Squares, Altitude, Rectangles, Areas. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:34:55 AM]

Proposed Problem 522: Right Triangle, Circle, Diameter, Tangent. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Problem 522: Right Triangle, Circle, Diameter, Tangent. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry
The figure shows a right triangle ABC and a circle of diameter AD. If the circle and BC are tangent at E, CD = BE, and
CE = 5, find AB. Post a comment or solution.

See Also: (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:35:03 AM]

Proposed Problem 522: Right Triangle, Circle, Diameter, Tangent. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Problem 523.
Tangent Circles, Diameter Perpendicular, Collinearity.

Problem 521.
Triangle with three Squares, Altitude, Rectangle, Area.

Problem 520.
Triangle with six Squares, Ratio, Area.

Problem 519.
Triangle, Squares, Altitude, Perpendicular, Rectangle, Area.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 521-530 | Semicircle | Email (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:35:03 AM]

Geometry Problem 523: Tangent Circles, Diameter Perpendicular, Collinearity. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Problem 523: Tangent Circles, Diameter Perpendicular, Collinearity. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
The figure shows circles C1 and C2, tangent at C. Diameter DE extended and FG are perpendicular. If FG is tangent to C2, at G.
Prove that the points D, C, and G are collinear. Post a comment or solution. (1 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:35:07 AM]

Geometry Problem 523: Tangent Circles, Diameter Perpendicular, Collinearity. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

See Also:

Problem 524.
Circle, Equilateral Triangles, Midpoint, Side, Measurement.

Problem 522.
Right Triangle, Circle, Diameter, Tangent.

Problem 521.
Triangle with three Squares, Altitude, Rectangle, Area.

Problem 520.
Triangle with six Squares, Ratio, Area. (2 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:35:07 AM]

Geometry Problem 523: Tangent Circles, Diameter Perpendicular, Collinearity. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Semicircle | 521-530 | Emai (3 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:35:07 AM]

Geometry Problem 524: Circle, Equilateral Triangles, Midpoint, Side, Measurement. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Problem 524: Circle, Equilateral Triangles, Midpoint, Side, Measurement. Level: High School, SAT Prep,
College geometry

The figure shows an equilateral triangle ABC (side a) inscribed in a circle C1. The point D is the midpoint of BC and E and F are on

the circle C1. If the triangle DEF is equilateral (side x), prove that . Post a comment or solution. (1 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:35:45 AM]

Geometry Problem 524: Circle, Equilateral Triangles, Midpoint, Side, Measurement. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor


Reference: Fukagawa Hidetoshi, Tony Rothman, "Sacred Mathematics: Japanese Temple

Geometry" (Princenton University Press, 2008).
Between the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries Japan was totally isolated from the West
by imperial decree. During that time, a unique brand of homegrown mathematics flourished,
one that was completely uninfluenced by developments in Western mathematics. People from
all walks of life—samurai, farmers, and merchants—inscribed a wide variety of geometry
problems on wooden tablets called sangaku and hung them in Buddhist temples and Shinto
shrines throughout Japan. (2 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:35:45 AM]

Geometry Problem 524: Circle, Equilateral Triangles, Midpoint, Side, Measurement. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Problem 525.
Circles, Diameter, Tangent, Radius, Congruence, Measurement.

Problem 523.
Tangent Circles, Diameter Perpendicular, Collinearity.

Problem 522.
Right Triangle, Circle, Diameter, Tangent.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Sangaku | 521-530 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez (3 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:35:45 AM]

Geometry Problem 525: Circles, Diameter, Tangent, Radius, Congruence. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Problem 525: Circles, Diameter, Tangent, Radius, Congruence, Measurement. Level: High School, SAT Prep,
College geometry

The figure shows a line ABCD = d with circles C1 of diameter AB and circle C2 of diameter CD. AE and AF are tangent to circle C2,
DG and DH are tangent to circle C1. Circle C3 of radius r3 is tangent to C1, AE and AF at B, K and L, respectively. Circle C4 of

radius r4 is tangent to C2, DG and DH at C, N and P, respectively. Prove that . See also: Artwork Problem 525. (1 of 4) [12/31/2015 5:35:49 AM]

Geometry Problem 525: Circles, Diameter, Tangent, Radius, Congruence. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

References: (2 of 4) [12/31/2015 5:35:49 AM]

Geometry Problem 525: Circles, Diameter, Tangent, Radius, Congruence. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Reference: Fukagawa Hidetoshi, Tony Rothman, Sacred Mathematics: Japanese Temple

Geometry (Princenton University Press, 2008).
Between the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries Japan was totally isolated from the West
by imperial decree. During that time, a unique brand of homegrown mathematics flourished,
one that was completely uninfluenced by developments in Western mathematics. People from
all walks of life—samurai, farmers, and merchants—inscribed a wide variety of geometry
problems on wooden tablets called sangaku and hung them in Buddhist temples and Shinto
shrines throughout Japan.

Sangaku Problem 525, iPad apps.

Sangaku Japanese Geometry.

Problem 526.
Equilateral Triangle, Chord, Measurement.

Problem 524.
Circle, Equilateral Triangles, Midpoint, Side, Measurement. (3 of 4) [12/31/2015 5:35:49 AM]

Geometry Problem 525: Circles, Diameter, Tangent, Radius, Congruence. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Problem 523.
Tangent Circles, Diameter Perpendicular, Collinearity.

Problem 522.
Right Triangle, Circle, Diameter, Tangent.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | Art | All Problems | Sangaku | 521-530 | Diameters and Chords | Semicircle | Email | Post a
comment or solution. Last updated: Jan 4, 2015 by Antonio Gutierrez. (4 of 4) [12/31/2015 5:35:49 AM]

Geometry Problem 526: Equilateral Triangle, Chord, measurement. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Problem 526: Equilateral Triangle, Chord, Measurement. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College Geometry

The figure shows an equilateral triangle ABC inscribed in a circle. A chord AD meets BC at E. If DE = d, DB = e, and
DC = f. Prove that . Post a comment or solution. (1 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:35:57 AM]

Geometry Problem 526: Equilateral Triangle, Chord, measurement. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

See Also:

Problem 527.
Circle, Tangent, Secant, Chord, Midpoint, Measurement. (2 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:35:57 AM]

Geometry Problem 526: Equilateral Triangle, Chord, measurement. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Problem 525.
Circles, Diameter, Tangent, Radius, Congruence, Measurement.

Problem 524.
Circle, Equilateral Triangles, Midpoint, Side, Measurement.

Problem 523.
Tangent Circles, Diameter Perpendicular, Collinearity.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 521-530 | Sangaku | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez (3 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:35:57 AM]

Geometry Problem 527: Circle, Tangent, Secant, Chord, Midpoint, Measurement. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Problem 527: Circle, Tangent, Secant, Chord, Midpoint, Measurement. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College

The figure shows a circle O with a tangent AB and a secant ACD. A chord CE and AB extended meet at F. A chord DG extended
meets AB at H. The chord GE and AB extended meet at M. If B is the midpoint of FH, prove that B is the midpoint of AM. Post a
comment or solution. (1 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:36:07 AM]

Geometry Problem 527: Circle, Tangent, Secant, Chord, Midpoint, Measurement. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

More Geometry Problems:

Problem 528.
Triangle, Medians, Perpendicular, Measurement.

Problem 526.
Equilateral Triangle, Circumcircle, Chord, Measurement.

Problem 525.
Circles, Diameter, Tangent, Radius, Congruence, Measurement. (2 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:36:07 AM]

Geometry Problem 527: Circle, Tangent, Secant, Chord, Midpoint, Measurement. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Problem 524.
Circle, Equilateral Triangles, Midpoint, Side, Measurement.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 521-530 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez (3 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:36:07 AM]

Geometry Problem 528: Triangle, Medians, Perpendicular, Measurement. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Problem 528: Triangle, Medians, Perpendicular, Measurement. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the median AD perpendicular to median CE. Prove that . Post a comment or
solution. (1 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:36:13 AM]

Geometry Problem 528: Triangle, Medians, Perpendicular, Measurement. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

More Geometry Problems:

Problem 529.
Right Trapezoid, Circle, Diameter.

Problem 527.
Circle, Tangent, Secant, Chord, Midpoint, Measurement.

Problem 526.
Equilateral Triangle, Circumcircle, Chord, Measurement. (2 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:36:13 AM]

Geometry Problem 528: Triangle, Medians, Perpendicular, Measurement. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Problem 525.
Circles, Diameter, Tangent, Radius, Congruence, Measurement.

Problem 524.
Circle, Equilateral Triangles, Midpoint, Side, Measurement.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 521-530 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez (3 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:36:13 AM]

Geometry Problem 529: Right Trapezoid, Circle, Diameter, Measurement. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Problem 529: Right Trapezoid, Circle, Diameter. Level: High School, SAT, College Geometry

The figure shows a right trapezoid ABCD with bases AD and BC. Circle of diameter CD and AB intersect at points E and F. Prove
that (1) AE = BF, (2) AD.BC = AF.AE. Post a comment or solution. (1 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:36:25 AM]

Geometry Problem 529: Right Trapezoid, Circle, Diameter, Measurement. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

More Geometry Problems:

Problem 530.
Cyclic Quadrilateral, Diagonal, Diameter, Perpendicular, Congruence. (2 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:36:25 AM]

Geometry Problem 529: Right Trapezoid, Circle, Diameter, Measurement. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Problem 528.
Triangle, Medians, Perpendicular, Measurement.

Problem 527.
Circle, Tangent, Secant, Chord, Midpoint, Measurement.

Problem 526.
Equilateral Triangle, Circumcircle, Chord, Measurement.

Problem 525.
Circles, Diameter, Tangent, Radius, Congruence, Measurement.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 521-530 | Diameters and Chords | Semicircle | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez (3 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:36:25 AM]

Geometry Problem 530: Cyclic Quadrilateral, Diagonal, Diameter, Perpendicular, Congruence. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Problem 530: Cyclic Quadrilateral, Diagonal, Diameter, Perpendicular, Congruence, Math Education. Level:
High School, SAT, College Geometry

The figure shows a quadrilateral ABCD inscribed in a circle of diameter AC. If AE and CG are perpendicular to BD, prove that BE
and DG are congruent. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:36:28 AM]

Geometry Problem 530: Cyclic Quadrilateral, Diagonal, Diameter, Perpendicular, Congruence. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Home | Search | Geometry | Cyclic Quadrilateral | Problems | All Problems | 521-530 | Diameters and Chords | Email | Post a comment or
solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:36:28 AM]

Geometry Problem 531: Triangle, Angle Bisector, Midpoint, Parallel, Perimeter, Semiperimeter. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Problem 531: Triangle, Angle Bisector, Midpoint, Parallel, Perimeter, Semiperimeter. Level: High School, SAT,
College Geometry

The figure shows a triangle ABC of semiperimeter "s" with the angle bisector BD. If E is the midpoint of AC and EF is parallel to BD,
prove that s = AF + AE = CE + BC + BF. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:36:34 AM]

Geometry Problem 531: Triangle, Angle Bisector, Midpoint, Parallel, Perimeter, Semiperimeter. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 531-540 | Semiperimeter | Email |
Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:36:34 AM]

Geometry Problem 532: Triangle, Circumcircle, Equal Angles, Perpendicular, Area. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Problem 532: Triangle, Circumcircle, Equal Angles, Perpendicular, Area. Level: High School, SAT, College

The figure shows a triangle ABC inscribed in a circle C1. The angles ABD and CBE are congruent. DF is perpendicular to AB and
DG is perpendicular to BC. If A1, A2, and A3 are the areas of triangles EMN, AFM, and CGN, respectively, prove that A1 = A2 + A3. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:36:39 AM]

Geometry Problem 532: Triangle, Circumcircle, Equal Angles, Perpendicular, Area. College Geometry, SAT Prep. Online math tutor

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 531-540 | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:36:39 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 796: Triangle, Altitude, Measurement of Angles. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 796: Triangle, Altitude, Measurement of Angles. Level: High School, SAT Prep,
College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a triangle ABC with a point D on the altitude BH. If angles DAC, ABD, DBC, and BCD are equal to x, x + 6,
x, and x+9 degrees, respectively, find x. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:36:45 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 796: Triangle, Altitude, Measurement of Angles. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 791-800 | Triangles | Altitude
| Perpendicular | Angles | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:36:45 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 797: Parallelogram, Angle Bisector, Isosceles and Similar Triangles. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 797: Parallelogram, Angle Bisector, Isosceles and Similar Triangles. Level: High
School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a parallelogram ABCD, AE is the bisector of angle BAD. If AE and DC meet at F, prove that triangles ABE,
ECF, and ADF are isosceles and similar. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:36:48 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 797: Parallelogram, Angle Bisector, Isosceles and Similar Triangles. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 791-800 | Parallelogram | Triangles
| Isosceles | Angle Bisector | Similarity | Parallel | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:36:48 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 798: Parallelogram, Secant Line, Tangent Circles, Circumcircles, Triangle. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 798: Parallelogram, Secant Line, Tangent Circles, Circumcircles, Triangle. Level:
High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a parallelogram ABCD, a secant line meets DA extended, AB, BC, and DC extended at E, F, G, and H,
respectively. Prove that the circumcircles of triangles EDH and GCH are tangent at H. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:36:53 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 798: Parallelogram, Secant Line, Tangent Circles, Circumcircles, Triangle. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 791-800 | Parallelogram | Triangles
| Secant line | Circumcircle | Circle | Tangent Circles | Parallel | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:36:53 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 799: Parallelogram, Angle Bisector, Parallel, Triangle, Circumci...mcenter. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 799: Parallelogram, Angle Bisector, Parallel, Triangle, Circumcircle, Circumcenter.
Level: High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a parallelogram ABCD, AE is the bisector of angle BAD. If AE and DC meet at F, prove that the
circumcenter Q of triangle CEF lies on the circumcircle of triangle BCD. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:36:56 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 799: Parallelogram, Angle Bisector, Parallel, Triangle, Circumci...mcenter. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 791-800 | Parallelogram | Triangles
| Angle Bisector | Circle | Circumcircle / circumcenter | Parallel | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:36:56 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 800: de Gua's Theorem, Pythagorean theorem in 3-D, Tetrahedron,...d Area. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 800: de Gua's Theorem, Pythagorean theorem in 3-D, Tetrahedron, Cubic Vertex,
Triangular Pyramid, Apex, Height, Right Triangle Area, Base Area, Projected Area. Level: High School, SAT
Prep, College, Mathematics Education

In any tetrahedron with a cubic vertex O-ABC the square of the area of the face opposite the cubic vertex O-ABC is equal to the sum
of the squares of the areas of the other three faces AOB, AOC, BOC. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:37:00 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 800: de Gua's Theorem, Pythagorean theorem in 3-D, Tetrahedron,...d Area. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Selected Topics

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 791-800 | Altitude, height | Solid Geometry |
Classical Theorems | Right Triangle | Right Triangle Area | Metric relations in a right triangle | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio
Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:37:00 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 801: Equilateral Triangles, Cevian, Midpoint, Distance, Measurem...lations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 801: Equilateral Triangles, Cevian, Midpoint, Distance, Measurement, Metric
Relations. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows the equilateral triangles ABC and CDE. D is a point on AC and F is the midpoint of BD. If BE = 10, find the
measure of CF. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:37:06 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 801: Equilateral Triangles, Cevian, Midpoint, Distance, Measurem...lations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 801-810 | Triangles | Equilateral |
Midpoint | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:37:06 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 802: Scalene Triangle, Median, Perpendicular, Angle, Measurement. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 802: Scalene Triangle, Median, Perpendicular, Angle,

Measurement. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a triangle ABC with the median BD and CE perpendicular to BD. If CE = 4, and DE = 2, find the measure of
angle AED (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:37:11 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 802: Scalene Triangle, Median, Perpendicular, Angle, Measurement. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 801-810 | Triangles | Median |
Midpoint | Perpendicular lines | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:37:11 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 803: Right Triangle, Altitude, Angle Bisector, Perpendicular, Measurement. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 803: Right Triangle, Altitude, Angle Bisector, Perpendicular, Measurement. Level:
High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a right triangle ABC with the altitude BH. The angle bisector AD meets BH at F, DE is perpendicular to BH,
and BE = 3. Find the measure of FH. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:37:15 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 803: Right Triangle, Altitude, Angle Bisector, Perpendicular, Measurement. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 801-810 | Triangles | Right Triangle
Altitude | Angle Bisector | Perpendicular lines | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:37:15 AM]

Butterfly Theorem Proof: Circle, Chord, Midpoint, Inscribed Angle, SAS Similarity, Cyclic Quadrilateral, ASA Congruence, High School, College

Butterfly Theorem Proof: Circle, Chord, Midpoint, Inscribed Angle, SAS Similarity,
Cyclic Quadrilateral, ASA Congruence. Level: High School, College. Step-by-step
illustration. Online Geometry Problem 804 (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:37:20 AM]

Butterfly Theorem Proof: Circle, Chord, Midpoint, Inscribed Angle, SAS Similarity, Cyclic Quadrilateral, ASA Congruence, High School, College

The figure above shows a circle O and a chord AB with midpoint C. The chords DE and FG passing through C intersect AB at M and N, respectively. Prove that C is the
midpoint of MN.

Home | Sitemap | Search | Geometry | Adobe Flash | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 801-810 | Email | Post a solution or comment | By Antonio
Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:37:20 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 805: Stewart's Theorem, Triangle, Sides, Cevian, Metric Relation...urement. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 805: Stewart's Theorem, Triangle, Sides, Cevian, Metric Relations, Measurement.
Level: High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

Let be given a triangle ABC and a point D on AB such that m = AD, n = BD, and x = CD. Then Stewart's theorem, also called
Apollonius' theorem, states that: . (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:37:24 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 805: Stewart's Theorem, Triangle, Sides, Cevian, Metric Relation...urement. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 801-810 | Triangles | Right Triangle Pythagoras Mind
Map | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:37:24 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 806: Triangle, Points on sides or Extension, Circumcenters, Simil...riangles. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 806: Triangle, Points on sides or Extension, Circle, Circumcenters, Similar
triangles. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a triangle ABC with points D, E, and F on AB or extension, BC or extension, and AC or extension,
respectively. A', B', and C' are the circumcenters of triangles ADF, BDE, and CEF, respectively. Prove that triangles A'B'C' and ABC
are similar. This entry contributed by Ajit Athle. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:37:27 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 806: Triangle, Points on sides or Extension, Circumcenters, Simil...riangles. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 801-810 | Triangles | Circles |
Circumcenter | Similarity | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:37:27 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 807: Right Triangle Area, Incircle, Tangency Points, Semicircle Area. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 807: Right Triangle Area, Incircle, Tangency Points, Semicircle Area, Diameter.
Level: High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a right triangle ABC of area S with the incircle I tangent to AB, BC, and AC at D, E, and F, respectively. If S1

and S2 are the areas of semicircles of diameters AD and CE, prove that .

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:37:32 AM]
Math Education Geometry Problem 807: Right Triangle Area, Incircle, Tangency Points, Semicircle Area. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.
the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem.
By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 801-810 | Triangles | Incircle
| Circles | Right Triangle Area | Semicircle | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:37:32 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 808: Parallelogram, Perpendicular, Right Triangle, Semicircle Ar...iameter. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 808: Parallelogram, Perpendicular, Right Triangle, Semicircle Area, Diameter.
Level: High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a parallelogram ABCD, DE perpendicular to AB and semicircles of diameters AE, BC and DE. If S1, S2, and
S are the areas of the shaded regions, prove that S1+ S2 =S (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:37:45 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 808: Parallelogram, Perpendicular, Right Triangle, Semicircle Ar...iameter. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 801-810 | Parallelogram | Triangles
| Circle | Right Triangle Area | Semicircle | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:37:45 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 809: Trisecting a Line Segment AB, 3 Circles, Radius, Center. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 809: Trisecting a Line Segment AB, Three Circles, Radius,
Center. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a line segment AB. Circles with radius AB and centers A and B cut at C and D. Circle with radius CA and
center C cuts AC extended and BC extended at E and F, respectively. Prove that DE and DF trisect AB
(i.e., AM = MN = NB). (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:37:51 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 809: Trisecting a Line Segment AB, 3 Circles, Radius, Center. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 801-810 | Segment Trisection |
Triangles | Circle | Mascheroni construction | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:37:51 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 810: Trisecting a Line Segment AB, Two Circles, Radius, Center, ..., Chord. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 810: Trisecting a Line Segment AB, Two Circles, Radius,
Center, Diameter, Chord. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics

The figure below shows a line segment AB. Circles with radius AB and centers A and B cut at C and D. DA extended and DB
extended cuts circles A and B at F and E, respectively. AF and BC meet at G, BE and AC meet at H. Prove that DH and DG trisect AB
(i.e., AM = MN = NB). (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:37:57 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 810: Trisecting a Line Segment AB, Two Circles, Radius, Center, ..., Chord. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 801-810 | Segment Trisection |
Triangles | Circle | Mascheroni construction | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:37:57 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 811: Trisecting a Line Segment AB with four Circles and one Line..., Chord. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 811: Trisecting a Line Segment AB with four Circles and
one Line, Radius, Center, Diameter, Chord. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College,
Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a line segment AB. Circle with center A and radius AB cuts BA extended at C. Circle with center B and radius
BC cuts AB extended at D. Circle with center D and radius DA cuts circle A at E. Circle with center E and radius EA cuts AB at F. Prove
that F trisects AB (i.e., AF = AB / 3). (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:38:03 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 811: Trisecting a Line Segment AB with four Circles and one Line..., Chord. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 811-820 | Segment Trisection |
Triangles | Circle | Mascheroni construction | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:38:03 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 812: Four Tangent Circles, Common Tangent Line, Diameter, Area,...enters. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 812: Four Tangent Circles, Common Tangent Line,
Diameter, Area, Collinear Centers. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College,
Mathematics Education

The figure below shows the tangent circles of diameters AB, BC, CD, and AD so that the line EFG is the common tangent to circles
AB, BC, and CD at E, F, and G, respectively. If EF = a and FG = b, prove that the shaded area . See also:

Artwork Problem 812. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:38:10 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 812: Four Tangent Circles, Common Tangent Line, Diameter, Area,...enters. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 811-820 | Circle | Semicircle |
Tangent Circles | Arbelos | Areas | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:38:10 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 249. Triangle sides, medians, squares. Elearning.

Problem 249. Triangle sides, medians, squares

The figure shows a triangle ABC with medians AD, BE, and CF. If AB = c, BC = a, AC = b, AD = ma, BE = mb, and CF = mc, prove that

See also:
Median length, Apollonius' Theorem
Pythagoras Theorem
Euclid's Elements Book II Proposition 13
Stewart Theorem

Home | Geometry | Problems | 241-250 | Email | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:38:36 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 250. Quadrilateral, sides, diagonals, midpoints, squares. Elearning.

Problem 250. Quadrilateral, sides, diagonals, midpoints, squares

The figure shows a quadrilateral ABCD, E and F midpoints of diagonals AC and BD respectively. If AB = a, BC = b, CD = c, AD = d, AC =
e, BD = f, and EF = m, prove that .

See also:
Median length, Apollonius' Theorem
Pythagoras Theorem
Euclid's Elements Book II Proposition 13
Stewart Theorem

Home | Geometry | Problems | 241-250 | Email | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:38:41 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 251. Parallelogram, sides, diagonals, squares, areas. Elearning.

Problem 251. Parallelogram, sides, diagonals, squares, areas

The figure shows a parallelogram ABCD. If squares of area S1, S2, S3, and S4 are constructed on the sides and diagonals, prove that
2S1 + 2S2 = S3 + S4 .

See also:
Median length, Apollonius' Theorem
Pythagoras Theorem
Euclid's Elements Book II Proposition 13
Stewart Theorem

Home | Sitemap | Geometry | Problems | 251-260 | Area of a Parallelogram | Email | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:38:47 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 252. Rectangle, isosceles right triangle, square, area. Elearning.

Problem 252. Rectangle, isosceles right triangle, square, area

The figure shows a rectangle ABCD. If EAF, EBG, ECH, and EDM are isosceles right triangles of area S1, S2, S3, and S4, respectively,
prove that S1 + S3 = S2 + S4 .

Home | Sitemap | Geometry | Problems | Art | 251-260 | Pythagoras Theorem | Euclid's Elements Book II Proposition 13 | Area of a
Triangle | Right Triangle Area | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:38:49 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 254. Triangle, Centroid, Vertices, any Point, Distances, Squares. Elearning.

Problem 254. Triangle, Centroid, Vertices, any Point, Distances, Squares

The figure shows a triangle ABC. G is the centroid G (point of concurrency of the triangle's medians) and E is any point (interior/exterior).
If AG = da, BG = db, CG = dc, AE = ea, BE = eb, CE = ec, and EG = m, prove that .

See also:
Pythagoras Theorem
Euclid's Elements Book II Proposition 13
Median length, Apollonius' Theorem
Problem 249
Problem 253

Home | Sitemap | Geometry | Problems | 251-260 | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:39:16 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 255. Triangle, Centroid, Vertices, Interior/Exterior Point, Distances, Squares. Elearning.

Problem 255. Triangle, Centroid, Vertices, Interior/Exterior Point, Distances, Squares

The figure shows a triangle ABC. G is the centroid G (point of concurrency of the triangle's medians) and E is any point. If
BC =a, AC = b, AB = c, AE = ea, BE = eb, CE = ec, and EG = m, prove that .

See also:
Pythagoras Theorem
Euclid's Elements Book II Proposition 13
Median length, Apollonius' Theorem
Problem 249
Problem 253
Problem 254

Home | Sitemap | Geometry | Problems | 251-260 | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:39:27 AM]

Math Education Go Geometry Problem 256. Equilateral Triangle, Circumcircle, Point, Vertices, Distances. Elearning.

Home Sitemap Geometry Problems Ptolemy 251-260 By Antonio Gutierrez

Problem 256. Equilateral Triangle, Circumcircle, Point, Vertices, Distances. Level: High Recent Additions
School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows an equilateral triangle ABC inscribed in a circle. If a point D is on arc BC, DA = d, DB = e, and DC = f, prove that d = e
+ f. Post a comment

See also:
GeoGebra of problem 256 [12/31/2015 5:39:36 AM]

Math Education Geometry classes, Problem 257. Equilateral Triangle, Circumcircle, Point, Vertices, Side, Distances. Elearning.

Home Sitemap Geometry Problems Ptolemy 251-260 By Antonio Gutierrez

Problem 257. Equilateral Triangle, Circumcircle, Point, Vertices, Side, Distances, Recent Additions
Squares. Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows an equilateral triangle ABC inscribed in a circle. If a point D is on the circumcircle, DA = d, DB = e, DC = f, and AB = a,
prove that . Post a comment [12/31/2015 5:39:39 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 258. Equilateral Triangle, Incircle, Point, Vertices, Side, Distances, Squares. Elearning.

Problem 258. Equilateral Triangle, Incircle, Point, Vertices, Side, Distances, Squares
The figure shows an equilateral triangle ABC. If a point D is on the incircle, DA = d, DB = e, DC = f, and AC = a, prove that

See also:
Median length, Apollonius' Theorem
Euclid's Elements Book II Proposition 13
Problem 257
Problem 256
Equilateral Triangle

Home | Sitemap | Geometry | Problems | 251-260 | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:39:42 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 259. Equilateral Triangle, Incircle, Tangency Points, Side, Distances, Squares. Elearning.

Problem 259. Equilateral Triangle, Incircle, Tangency Points, Side, Distances, Squares
The figure shows an equilateral triangle ABC. If a point D is on the incircle, E, F, and G are the points of tangency, DE = d,

DG = e, DF = f, and AC = a, prove that .

See also:
Median length, Apollonius' Theorem
Euclid's Elements Book II Proposition 13
Problem 257
Problem 256
Equilateral Triangle

Home | Sitemap | Geometry | Problems | 251-260 | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:39:48 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 260. Equilateral Triangle, Incircle, Tangency Points, Vertices, Distances, Squares. Elearning.

Problem 260. Equilateral Triangle, Incircle, Tangency Points, Vertices, Distances, Squares
The figure shows an equilateral triangle ABC. If a point D is on the incircle, E, F, and G are the points of tangency,

DE = d, DG = e, DF = f, DA = m, DB = n, and DC = q, prove that .

See also:
Median length, Apollonius' Theorem
Euclid's Elements Book II Proposition 13
Problem 259
Problem 258
..Problem 257
Problem 256
Equilateral Triangle

Home | Sitemap | Geometry | Problems | 251-260 | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:39:52 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 261. Regular Pentagon inscribed in a circle. Elearning, Interactive Software.

Problem 261. Regular Pentagon inscribed in a circle, sum of distances

The figure shows a regular pentagon ABDE inscribed in a circle. If point F is on arc BC, prove that a + d = b + c + e.

Geometry software that can be used to learn and research:

Geometry Expressions, Cabri, Cinderella, GeoGebra, Geometer Sketchpad, C.a.R., TracenPoche, Mathematica.

See also:
Ptolemy's Theorem

Home | Sitemap | Geometry | Problems | Ptolemy | 261-270 | Email | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:39:58 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 262: Regular Hexagon inscribed in a circle, sum of distances, Poi...umcircle. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 262: Regular Hexagon inscribed in a circle, sum of distances, Point on the
circumcircle. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a regular hexagon ABDEF inscribed in a circle. If point G is on arc BC, GA = a, GB = b, GC = c,
GD = d, GE = e, GF = f, prove that a + b + c d = e + f.. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:40:01 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 262: Regular Hexagon inscribed in a circle, sum of distances, Poi...umcircle. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Sitemap | Geometry | Art | Problems | 261-270 | Ptolemy's Theorem | Equilateral Triangle | Email | Solution / comment | By
Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:40:01 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 263. Triangle, Median, Altitude, Orthogonal Projection, Sides. Elearning, Interactive Software.

Problem 263. Triangle, Median, Altitude, Orthogonal Projection, Sides

The figure shows a triangle ABC, BE is the median and BH the altitude. If AB = c, BC = a, AC = b and EH = d prove that

Geometry software that can be used to learn and research:

Geometry Expressions, Cabri, Cinderella, GeoGebra, Geometer Sketchpad, C.a.R., TracenPoche, Mathematica.

See also:
Median length, Apollonius' Theorem
Pythagoras Theorem
Euclid's Elements Book II Proposition 13

Home | Sitemap | Geometry | Altitude | Problems | 261-270 | Email | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:40:08 AM]

Euclid' Elements Book XIII, Proposition 10: Decagon, Pentagon, Hexagon. Problem 533, College Geometry, SAT Prep. Elearning

Euclid's Elements Book XIII, Proposition 10. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College
The sides of the regular pentagon, regular hexagon and regular decagon inscribed in the same circle form a right triangle.

The Elements: Books I-XIII (Barnes & Noble Library of Essential Reading) (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:40:12 AM]

Euclid' Elements Book XIII, Proposition 10: Decagon, Pentagon, Hexagon. Problem 533, College Geometry, SAT Prep. Elearning

by Euclid, Thomas L. Heath (Translator), Andrew Aberdein (Introduction)

(Paperback - Complete and Unabridged)

Euclid's Elements is a fundamental landmark of mathematical achievement. Firstly, it is a compendium of the principal mathematical
work undertaken in classical Greece, for which in many cases no other source survives. Secondly, it is a model of organizational clarity
which has had a deep influence on the way almost all subsequent mathematical research has been conducted. Thirdly, it is the most
successful textbook ever written, only seriously challenged as an account of elementary geometry in the nineteenth century, more than
two thousand years after its first publication.

Euclid reportedly lived some time between the death of Plato (427-347 BC) and the birth of Archimedes (287-212 BC). He most likely
learned mathematics at Plato's Academy in Athens and taught at Alexandria in Egypt. Scholars believe Euclid was hired as one of the
original faculty at a school of advanced study, patterned after those in Athens, and known as the Museum.

Home | Geometry | Search | Problems | Decagon | Email | Euclid's Elements | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:40:12 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 534. Right Triangle, Squares, Perpendicular, Dissection, Areas. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 534: Right Triangle, Squares, Perpendicular, Dissection, Areas. Level: High
School, SAT Prep, College Geometry

The figure shows a right triangle ABC (BC = a, AB = c) with the squares ABDE and ACFG. Line BHJ is perpendicular to BE. Line CK
is perpendicular to BC. Lines BE and GA extended meet at M. Lines BJ and EA extended meet at L. Lines LN and KP are

perpendicular to BJ. If A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, and A9 are the shaded areas, prove that (1) ,

(2) , (3) Area ABDE = Area AHLN + Area FJKP. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:40:16 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 534. Right Triangle, Squares, Perpendicular, Dissection, Areas. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Email | 531-540 | Right Triangle Area | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio
Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:40:16 AM]

Sawayama - Thebault's Theorem: Triangle, Cevian, Incircles, Circumcircle, Collinear. Online Geometry.

Problem 535: Sawayama - Thebault's theorem. Math Education. Level: High School,
SAT Prep, College Geometry

The figure shows a triangle ABC, D is the incenter of triangle ABC. Point E is taken on side AC, G and F are the centers of circles
that touch BE, AC and the circumcircle of triangle ABC. Prove that G, D, and F are collinear. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:40:23 AM]

Sawayama - Thebault's Theorem: Triangle, Cevian, Incircles, Circumcircle, Collinear. Online Geometry.

I have used Geometry Expressions to visualize these geometric forms and check out a variety of conjectures. Geometry
Expressions is the world's first Interactive Symbolic Geometry System. This means: Geometric figures can be defined by either
Symbolic Constraints or numeric locations.

You can download Geometry Expressions 2 Free Trial. It is a fully featured 30 day evaluation copy of the software. All constraints,
constructions and measurements are available for you to use.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | Art | All Problems | Email | Post a comment or solution (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:40:23 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 536: Intersecting Circles, Chord, Perpendicular. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 536: Intersecting Circles, Chord, Perpendicular. Level: High School, SAT
Prep, College Geometry

The figure shows the intersecting circles O and O' at A and B. The center O is on the circle O'. If OD is perpendicular to chord AC,
prove that AD = BC + CD. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:40:31 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 536: Intersecting Circles, Chord, Perpendicular. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 531-540 | Circular Segment | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio
Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:40:31 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 537: Rectangle, Midpoints, Diagonal, Angle Bisector. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 537: Rectangle, Midpoints, Diagonal, Angle Bisector. Level: High School,
SAT Prep, College Geometry

The figure shows a rectangle ABCD with E midpoint of BC and F midpoint of AD. G is a point on AB (extended if necessary); GF and
BD meet at H. Prove that EF is the bisector of angle GEH. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:40:36 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 537: Rectangle, Midpoints, Diagonal, Angle Bisector. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 531-540 | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:40:36 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 538: Triangle, Perpendicular Bisector, Circumcircle, Midpoint. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 538: Triangle, Perpendicular Bisector, Circumcircle, Midpoint. Level: High

School, SAT Prep, College

The figure shows a triangle ABC inscribed in a circle O. D is a point on AC, EF is the perpendicular bisector of AD and GH is the
perpendicular bisector of CD. If DN is perpendicular to FH at M, prove that M is the midpoint of DN. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:40:42 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 538: Triangle, Perpendicular Bisector, Circumcircle, Midpoint. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | 531-540 | Perpendicular Bisector | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio
Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:40:42 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 539: Right Triangle, Square, Parallel, Perpendicular, Dissection, Pythagoras. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 539: Right Triangle, Square, Parallel, Perpendicular, Dissection, Area,

Pythagoras. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College

The figure shows a right triangle ACB with the square ABDE. AG and DH are parallel to line CBF. Line EHG and DF are parallel to
AC. Prove that areas of the square ABDE and the region ACFDHG are equal. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:40:54 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 539: Right Triangle, Square, Parallel, Perpendicular, Dissection, Pythagoras. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Pythagoras | Area of a Triangle | Right Triangle Area | Email | Post a comment or
solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:40:54 AM]

Educational Software Geometry classes, Problem 541: Right Triangle, Altitude, Angle Bisector, Congruence. Math teacher Master Degree. College, HS. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 541: Right Triangle, Altitude, Angle Bisector, Congruence. Level: High
School, SAT Prep, College

The figure shows a right triangle ABC. The altitude BD and the angle bisector AE meet at F. Prove that BE = BF. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:40:59 AM]

Educational Software Geometry classes, Problem 541: Right Triangle, Altitude, Angle Bisector, Congruence. Math teacher Master Degree. College, HS. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home | Search | Geometry | Perpendicular lines | Right Triangle | Altitude | Angle Bisector | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 541-
550 | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:40:59 AM]

Educational Software Geometry classes, Problem 542: Right Triangle, Altitude, Angle Bisector, Congruence. Math teacher Master Degree. College, HS. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 542: Right Triangle, Altitude, Angle Bisector, Perpendicular, 90 Degrees.

Level: High School, SAT Prep, College

The figure shows a right triangle ABC with the altitude BD. AE bisects angle BAC, and BF bisects angle CBD. Prove that AE and BF
are perpendicular. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:41:05 AM]

Educational Software Geometry classes, Problem 542: Right Triangle, Altitude, Angle Bisector, Congruence. Math teacher Master Degree. College, HS. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home | Search | Geometry | Perpendicular lines | Right Triangle | Altitude | Angle Bisector | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 541-
550 | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:41:05 AM]

Educational Software Geometry classes, Problem 543: Right Triangle, Altitude, Angle Bisector, Median. Math teacher Master Degree. College, HS. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 543: Right Triangle, Altitude, Angle Bisector, Median, Hypotenuse. Level:
High School, SAT Prep, College

The figure shows a right triangle ABC with the altitude BD. BE is the bisector of angle ABC, and BF is the median drawn to
hypotenuse AC. Prove that BE bisects the angle DBF. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:41:09 AM]

Educational Software Geometry classes, Problem 543: Right Triangle, Altitude, Angle Bisector, Median. Math teacher Master Degree. College, HS. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home | Search | Geometry | Perpendicular lines | Right Triangle | Altitude | Angle Bisector | Median | Problems | All Problems | Visual
Index | 541-550 | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:41:09 AM]

Educational Software Geometry classes, Problem 544: Right Triangle, Altitude, Median, Equal angles, Measure. Math teacher Master Degree. College, HS. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 544: Right Triangle, Altitude, Median, Equal angles, Measure. Level: High
School, SAT Prep, College

The figure shows a right triangle ABC. The altitude BD and the median AE meet at F. If angles BAE and ACB are congruent, and FD
= 1, find AB. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:41:14 AM]

Educational Software Geometry classes, Problem 544: Right Triangle, Altitude, Median, Equal angles, Measure. Math teacher Master Degree. College, HS. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home | Search | Geometry | Perpendicular lines | Right Triangle | Altitude | Median | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 541-550 |
Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:41:14 AM]

Educational Software Geometry Problem 545: Acute Triangle, Squares, Altitudes, Area. Math teacher Master Degree. College, HS. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 545: Acute Triangle, Squares, Altitudes, Area. Level: High School, SAT
Prep, College

The figure shows an acute triangle ABC with the the altitudes AD, BE, and CF. If Sa, Sb, and Sc are the areas of the squares built on
the sides, prove that Sa + Sb + Sc = 2(AB.AF + BC.BD + AC.CE). (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:41:19 AM]

Educational Software Geometry Problem 545: Acute Triangle, Squares, Altitudes, Area. Math teacher Master Degree. College, HS. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home | Search | Geometry | Triangle and Squares | Triangles | Altitude | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 541-550 | Email | Post a
comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:41:19 AM]

Educational Software Geometry Problem 546: Triangle, Angle Trisectors, 60 Degrees, Equilateral triangle. Math teacher Master Degree. College, HS. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 546: Triangle, Angle Trisectors, 60 Degrees, Equilateral triangle. Level: High
School, SAT Prep, College

The figure shows a triangle ABC with AD and AE trisectors of angle BAC (angles BAD=DAE=EAC=a), and CE and CF trisectors of
angle ACB (angles ACE=ECF=FCB=c). If angle AED=60+c, and angle CEF=60+a, prove that the triangle DEF is an equilateral
triangle. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:41:23 AM]

Educational Software Geometry Problem 546: Triangle, Angle Trisectors, 60 Degrees, Equilateral triangle. Math teacher Master Degree. College, HS. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home | Search | Geometry | Triangles | Art | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 541-550 | Email | Post a comment or solution | By
Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:41:23 AM]

Educational Software Geometry Problem 547: Triangle, Transversal, Four Circumcircles, Concurrency. Math teacher Master Degree. College, HS. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 547: Triangle, Transversal, Four Circumcircles, Concurrency. Level: High

School, SAT Prep, College

The figure shows a triangle ABC with a transversal DEF (F on the extension of AC). Prove that the circumcircles of triangles ABC,
BDE, ECF, and ADF meet at a point G. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:41:27 AM]

Educational Software Geometry Problem 547: Triangle, Transversal, Four Circumcircles, Concurrency. Math teacher Master Degree. College, HS. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home | Search | Geometry | Triangles | Circumcircle | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 541-550 | Email
Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:41:27 AM]

Geometry Problem 548: Triangle, Transversal, Complete Quadrilateral, Circumcircles, Circumcenters, Similarity, Concyclic Points. College Geometry. Online math tutor

Problem 548: Triangle, Transversal, Complete Quadrilateral, Circumcircles, Circumcenters, Similarity,

Concyclic Points. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College Geometry

The figure shows a triangle ABC with a transversal DEF (F on the extension of AC). O1, O2, O3, and O4 are the circumcenters of
triangles ABC, BDE, ECF, and ADF, respectively. Prove that (1) the circumcircles of triangles ABC, BDE, ECF, and ADF meet at a
point G, (2) Triangles ABC and O4O2O3. are similar, (3) O1, O2, O3, O4, and G are concyclic points (lie on a same circle). Post a
comment or solution. (1 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:41:34 AM]

Geometry Problem 548: Triangle, Transversal, Complete Quadrilateral, Circumcircles, Circumcenters, Similarity, Concyclic Points. College Geometry. Online math tutor

More Geometry Problems: (2 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:41:34 AM]

Geometry Problem 548: Triangle, Transversal, Complete Quadrilateral, Circumcircles, Circumcenters, Similarity, Concyclic Points. College Geometry. Online math tutor

Problem 547.
Triangle, Transversal, Four Circumcircles, Concurrency.

Problem 546.
Triangle, Angle Trisectors, 60 Degrees, Equilateral triangle.

Problem 545.
Acute Triangle, Squares, Altitudes, Area, Measure.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 541-550 | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez (3 of 3) [12/31/2015 5:41:34 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 549: Parallel lines, Transversal, Angles. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Sitemap Geometry Problems All problems Parallel Visual Index 541-550 Post a comment or solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 549: Parallel lines, Transversal, Angles Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, Math Education
The figure shows line L1 parallel to L2 with the angles a, b, and x. Prove that x = a +b.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." [12/31/2015 5:41:37 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 550: Parallel lines, Transversal, Angles. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Sitemap Geometry Problems All problems Parallel Visual Index 541-550 Post a comment or solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 550: Parallel lines, Transversal, Angles Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, Math Education
The figure shows line L1 parallel to L2 with the angles a, b, c, d, and x. Prove that x = a +b + c + d.

See also: Problem 550, Art 01

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." [12/31/2015 5:41:47 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 551: Parallel lines, Transversal, Angles. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Sitemap Geometry Problems All problems Parallel Visual Index 551-560 Post a comment or solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 551: Parallel lines, Transversal, Angles Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, Math Education
The figure shows line L1 parallel to L2 with the angles a, b, c, d, and e. Prove that a + c + e = b + d.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." [12/31/2015 5:42:12 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 813: Right Triangle Area, Excircles, Cathetus, Tangency Points, Area. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 813: Right Triangle Area, Excircles, Cathetus, Tangency
Points, Quadrilateral Area. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics

The figure below shows a right triangle ABC of area 30 with the excircles Ec and Ea tangent to AB and BC at D and F, respectively.
Find the area of quadrilateral ADFC. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:42:15 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 813: Right Triangle Area, Excircles, Cathetus, Tangency Points, Area. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 811-820 | Triangles | Excircle
| Circles | Right Triangle Area | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:42:15 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 814: Two Equilateral Triangles with a common Vertex, Angle. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 814: Two Equilateral Triangles with a common Vertex,
Angle. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows equilateral triangles ABC and BDF. FC extended meets AD at G. Find the measure of angle AGF. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:42:27 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 814: Two Equilateral Triangles with a common Vertex, Angle. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 811-820 | Triangles | Equilateral
| Angles | 60 degrees | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:42:27 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 815: Triangle, Incircle, Semicircles, Arbelos, Area. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 815: Triangle, Incircle, Semicircles, Arbelos, Area. Level:
High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a triangle ABC with the incircle O of area S, tangent to the sides at D, E, and F. Sa, Sb, and Sc are the areas
of the arbelos bounded by the semicircles of diameter AB, BC, AC, AD, AF, BD, BE, CE, and CF. Prove that (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:42:38 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 815: Triangle, Incircle, Semicircles, Arbelos, Area. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 811-820 | Triangles | Circle |
Semicircle | Tangent Circles | Arbelos | Areas | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:42:38 AM]

Tangential or Circumscribed Quadrilateral: Pitot Theorem. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Open Problems Visual Index 811-820 Circle Tangential Quadrilateral Email Comment/Solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Online Geometry Problem 816: Tangential or Circumscribed Quadrilateral, Pitot Theorem. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, Mathematics Education.
The figure shows a tangential or circumscribed quadrilateral ABCD. Prove that AB + CD = AD + BC. [12/31/2015 5:42:52 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 817: Two Circles, Quadrilaterals, Tangen...cher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS

Home Geometry Problems All Problems Open Problems Visual Index 10 Problems811-820 Circle Tangent Line Tangential
Quadrilateral Email
Comment/Solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Online Geometry Problem 817: Two Circles, Circumscribed Quadrilaterals, Recent
Tangent Lines, Measurement. Level: High School, College, Mathematics
The figure shows a quadrilateral ABCD and circles O and Q tangent to AB, BC, CD, AD, and EF. If AD+BC=28 and
AB+CD=15, find the measure of EF. [12/31/2015 5:42:56 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 818: Square, Triangle, Angles. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 818: Square, Triangle, Angles. Level: High School, SAT
Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a square ABCD with lines EA, ED, and ECF. If angle AED = angle AEC = angle EAD/2, find the measure of
angle AFE. Try to use elementary geometry (Euclid's Elements). (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:43:03 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 818: Square, Triangle, Angles. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 811-820 | Triangles | Square |
Angles Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:43:03 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 819: Quadrilateral, Triangle, Angles, 30 degrees. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 819: Quadrilateral, Triangle, Angles, 30 degrees. Level:

High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a quadrilateral ABCD with AB = BC = CD, angle BAC = 40 degrees, and angle CAD = 30 degrees. Find the
measure of angle ADC. Try to use elementary geometry (Euclid's Elements). (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:43:17 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 819: Quadrilateral, Triangle, Angles, 30 degrees. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 811-820 | Triangles | Quadrilaterals
| Angles | 30 degrees | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:43:17 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 820: Triangle, Cevian, Angles, 30 Degrees. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 820: Triangle, Cevian, Angles, 30 Degrees. Level: High
School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a triangle ABC with cevians AD and CE meeting at F. If angle ACB = 30 degrees, angle BAD = 8 degrees,
angle DAC = 86 degrees, and angle BED = 92 degrees, find the measure of angle AFC.
Try to solve this problem using elementary geometry (Euclid's Elements, no trigonometry). (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:43:22 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 820: Triangle, Cevian, Angles, 30 Degrees. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction,
the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem.
By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 811-820 | Triangles | Angles | 30
degrees | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:43:22 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 821: Adams Circle Theorem: Triangle, Incenter, Incircle, Contact ...ncentric. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 821: Adams Circle Theorem, Incenter, Incircle, Gergonne Point, Contact triangle, Parallel, Six
Concyclic points, Concentric Circles. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

Given a triangle ABC, the incenter I, the incircle, and the Gergonne point G. Construct the contact triangle A'B'C' . Adams theorem (1843) states that the parallels to the sides of the contact
triangle from G, intersect the side of the triangle ABC in 6 points lying on a circle (Adams' circle) concentric to the incircle.

Click the Next button below to start the step-by-step illustration.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 821-830 | Triangles | Triangle Centers Incenter | Gergonne point | Circles | Concyclic points | Concentric circles |
Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:43:39 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 822: Circle, Semicircle, Arc, Chord, Midpoint, Triangle, Area. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 822: Circle, Semicircle, Arc, Chord, Midpoint, Sector, Triangle, Area. Level: High School, SAT
Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a semicircle O with diameter AB = 12. Arc AC = 135 degrees and D is the midpoint of chord AC. Find the shaded area bounded by CD, BD and arc BC.

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps
because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned
as "given.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 821-830 | Triangles | Circles | Semicircle | Areas | Circular Sector | Midpoint | Email | Solution /
comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:43:43 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 823: Tangent Circles, Diameter, Perpendicular, Chord, Secant, Tr...y Point. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 823: Tangent Circles, Diameter, Perpendicular, Chord, Secant, Triangle, Area, Tangency Point.
Level: High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows the circles O and Q tangent at A. QO extended cuts circle O at B and diameter CD is perpendicular to BQ at Q. E is a point on circle O and QE extended cuts circle O at
F. If FE = 5 and EQ = 3, find the area of triangle BCD.

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps
because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned
as "given.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 821-830 | Triangles | Circles | Areas | Tangent Circles | Perpendicular | Email | Solution / comment
| By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:43:48 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 824: Desargues' Theorem, Triangles in Perspective, Concurrent Li...pectrix. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 824: Desargues' Theorem, Triangles in Perspective, Concurrent Lines, Collinear Points, Center,
Axis, Perspector, Perspectrix. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows the triangles ABC and A'B'C' so that AA', BB', CC' meet at a point O. AB and A'B' meet at D, AC and A'C' at E, BC and B'C' at F. Prove that D,E, and F are on a line (collinear
Note. The triangles ABC and A'B'C' are said to be in perspective, O is called the center of perspective or perspector. Line DEF is called the axis of perspective or perspectrix.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 821-830 | Triangles | Concurrent lines | Transversal | Collinear Points | Email | Solution / comment
| By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:43:55 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 825: Circle, Semicircle, Arc, Chord, Midpoint, Sector, Triangle, Area. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 825: Circle, Semicircle, Arc, Chord, Midpoint, Sector, Triangle, Area. Level: High School,
College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a semicircle O with diameter AB = 12. Arc AC = 135 degrees and D is the midpoint of arc AC. Find the shaded area bounded by CD, BD and arc BC.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 821-830 | Triangles | Circles | Semicircle | Areas | Circle Area | Circular Sector | Midpoint | Email |
Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:44:01 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 826: Brianchon's Theorem, Circumscribed Hexagon, Concurrent Diagonals. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 826: Brianchon's Theorem, Circumscribed Hexagon, Concurrent Diagonals. Level: High School,
College, Mathematics Education

The diagonals of a hexagon ABCDEF circumscribing a conic (particular a circle) are concurrent at G.
Charles Brianchon (1783-1864) was a French mathematician and chemist. He entered into the École Polytechnique in 1804 at the age of eighteen, and studied under Monge, graduating first in his class in 1808, after which he took
up a career as a lieutenant in Napoleon's artillery.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 821-830 | Hexagon | Classical Theorems | Circles | Concurrent lines | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio
Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:44:14 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 827: Brianchon Corollary, Circumscribed Hexagon, Tangency Point... lines. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 827: Brianchon Corollary, Circumscribed Hexagon, Tangency Points, Diagonal, Opposite Sides,
Concurrent lines. Level: High School, College, Mathematics Education

The figure shows a circumscribed hexagon ABCDEF with the tangency points G, H, J, K, L, and M. Prove that AD, GK, and MJ are concurrent at N.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 821-830 | Hexagon | Classical Theorems | Circles | Concurrent lines | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio
Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:44:21 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 828: Quadrilateral, Midpoint, Opposite sides, Diagonals, Concurr...imedian. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 828: Quadrilateral, Midpoint, Opposite sides, Diagonals, Concurrent lines, Triangle, Bimedian.
Level: High School, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a quadrilateral ABCD with E,F,G,H midpoints of the sides AB,BC,CD,AD. If M and N are the midpoints of the diagonals AC and BD, prove that (1) EG,FH,MN are
concurrent at O, (2) O is the midpoint of EG,FH,MN.
Bimedian is a line segment that joins the midpoints of opposite sides of a quadrilateral like EG and FH.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 821-830 | Triangles | Quadrilaterals | Midpoint | Concurrent lines | Email | Solution / comment | By
Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:44:30 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 829: Triangle, Circumcircle, Parallel, Chord, Side, Metric Relations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 829: Triangle, Circumcircle, Parallel, Chord, Side, Metric Relations. Level: High School, College,
Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a triangle ABC with circumcircle O and chord DE parallel to AC. BD and BE intersects AC at F and G, respectively. If AB = 5, AF = 1, FG =3, and GC =2, find BC.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 821-830 | Triangles | Parallel | Circumcircle | Chord | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio
Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:44:36 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 830: Quadrilateral, Triangle, Angles, 30 degrees, Congruence. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 830: Quadrilateral, Triangle, Angles, 30 degrees,

Congruence. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a quadrilateral ABCD with AC = CD, angle BAD = 73 degrees, angle ADB = 34 degrees, and angle CBD =
30 degrees. Find the measure of angle BDC. Try to use elementary geometry (Euclid's Elements). (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:44:43 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 830: Quadrilateral, Triangle, Angles, 30 degrees, Congruence. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 821-830 | Triangles | Quadrilaterals
| Angles | 30 degrees | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:44:43 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 264. Right Triangle, Altitude, Leg projection, Hypotenuse, Similarity, Geometric mean. Elearning, Interactive Software.

Problem 264. Right Triangle, Altitude, Leg projection, Hypotenuse, Similarity, Geometric mean
The figure shows a right triangle ACB, CH is the altitude. If BC = a, AC = b, AB = c, BH = m, and AH = n, prove that (1) triangles BHC,
CHA and BCA are similar, (2)

Geometry software that can be used to learn and research:

Geometry Expressions, Cabri, Cinderella, GeoGebra, Geometer Sketchpad, C.a.R., TracenPoche, Mathematica.

See also:
Right Triangle

Home | Sitemap | Geometry | Altitude | Problems | 261-270 | Email | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:44:55 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 265. Right Triangle, Pythagorean Theorem. Elearning, Interactive Software.

Problem 265. Right Triangle, Pythagorean Theorem

The figure shows a right triangle ACB. If BC = a, AC = b, and AB = c, prove that

Geometry software that can be used to learn and research:

Geometry Expressions, Cabri, Cinderella, GeoGebra, Geometer Sketchpad, C.a.R., TracenPoche, Mathematica.

See also:
Problem 264
Einstein and Pythagorean theorem proof

Home | Sitemap | Geometry | Problems | 261-270 | Email | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:45:04 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 266. Right Triangle, Altitude, Geometric Mean. Elearning, Interactive Software.

Problem 266. Right Triangle, Altitude, Geometric Mean

The figure shows a right triangle ACB, prove that the altitude to the hypotenuse (CH) is the mean proportional between the segments of
the hypotenuse (BH, AH).

Geometry software that can be used to learn and research:

Geometry Expressions, Cabri, Cinderella, GeoGebra, Geometer Sketchpad, C.a.R., TracenPoche, Mathematica.

See also:
Right Triangle

Home | Sitemap | Geometry | Altitude | Problems | 261-270 | Email | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:45:07 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 267. Right Triangle, Product of Catheti. Elearning, Interactive Software.

Problem 267. Right Triangle, Product of Catheti

The figure shows a right triangle ACB, prove that the product of the hypotenuse and the length of the altitude drawn to the hypotenuse
equals the product of the two legs or catheti.

Geometry software that can be used to learn and research:

Geometry Expressions, Cabri, Cinderella, GeoGebra, Geometer Sketchpad, C.a.R., TracenPoche, Mathematica.

See also:

Home | Sitemap | Geometry | Problems | 261-270 | Email | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:45:28 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 268. Right Triangle, Catheti and Altitude. Elearning, Interactive Software.

Problem 268. Right Triangle, Catheti and Altitude

The figure shows a right triangle ACB, BH is the altitude drawn to the hypotenuse. If BC = a, AC = b, and CH = h,

prove that

Geometry software that can be used to learn and research:

Geometry Expressions, Cabri, Cinderella, GeoGebra, Geometer Sketchpad, C.a.R., TracenPoche, Mathematica.

Home | Sitemap | Geometry | Altitude | Problems | 261-270 | Email | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:45:32 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 269. Right Triangle, Altitude, Perpendicular, Projection. Elearning, Interactive Software.

Problem 269. Right Triangle, Altitude, Perpendicular, Projection

The figure shows a right triangle ACB, BH is the altitude drawn to the hypotenuse, HE is perpendicular to BC, HF is perpendicular to
AC, and EM and FN are perpendicular to AB. If BC = a, AC = b, AB = c, and CH = h, prove that

(1) , (2) , (3) , (4) , (5) HM = HN, and (6)

, twice the geometric mean of AN and BM.

Home | Sitemap | Geometry | Altitude | Problems | 261-270 | Email | Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:45:47 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 270. Tangent Circles, Common external tangent, ...cher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 270. Tangent Circles, Common external tangent, Fractional exponents

Activate Flash plug-in or JavaScript and reload to view problem about: Problem 270: Triangle, Cevian, Incircle, Excircle, Inradius,
Exradius, Congruence.

In the figure below, A and B are tangent circles of diameters FC and CG respectively. If DE is the common external tangent, FD = a, EG
= b, and FG = x, prove that: a2/3 + b2/3 = x2/3. Post a comment.

Home | Sitemap | Geometry | Problems | 261-270 | Search | Email | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:45:57 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 271. Tangent Circles, the Cube of the Common external tangent. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All problems 271-280 Semicircle Post a comment or solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 271. Tangent Circles, the Cube of the Common external tangent Recent Additions

In the figure below, A and B are tangent circles of diameters FC and CG respectively. If DE is the common external tangent, FD
= a, EG = b, FG = c, and DE = x, prove that . [12/31/2015 5:46:21 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 272. Tangent Circles, the Cube of the Common external tangent. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All problems 271-280 Semicircle Post a comment or solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 272: Tangent Circles, the Cube of the Common external tangent Recent Additions

In the figure below, A and B are tangent circles of diameters FC and CG respectively. If DE is the common external tangent, CD
= a, CE = b, FG = c, and DE = x, prove that . [12/31/2015 5:46:29 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 273: Triangle, Perpendiculars, Area of Squares. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All problems 271-280 Post a comment or solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 273: Triangle, Perpendiculars, Area of Squares Recent Additions

In the figure below, from a point O inside or outside of a triangle ABC, perpendiculars are drawn to the sides meeting AB, BC,
and AC , at points D, E, and F, respectively. If S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, and S6 are the areas of the squares of sides AD, DB, BE, EC,
CF, and FA, respectively, prove that S1 +S3 + S5 = S2 + S4 + S6. [12/31/2015 5:46:32 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 274: Isosceles Triangle, 80-80-20, Angles. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All problems Isosceles Triangle 80-20-80 271-280 Post a comment or solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 274: Isosceles Triangle, 80-80-20, Angles Recent Additions
Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry.
In the figure below, triangle ABC is isosceles with AB = BC. If angle B = 20° and angle CAD = 70°,
prove that angle CED = 20°. Try to use elementary geometry (Euclid's Elements.) [12/31/2015 5:46:39 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 275: Right Triangle, Circumcircle, Sagitta, Inradius. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All problems Sagitta 271-280 Post a comment or solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 275: Right Triangle, Circumcircle, Sagitta, Inradius Recent Additions
Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry.
In the figure below, ABC is a right triangle inscribed in a circle 1 (circumcircle). If r is the inradius, a is the sagitta of chord BC,
and b is the sagitta of chord AB prove that . [12/31/2015 5:46:47 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 276: Square, 90 degree Arcs, Circle, Radius. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems Art All problems Square Circle Circular Sector Circle Inscribed in a Square 271-280 Solution / comment By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 276: Square, 90 degree Arcs, Circle, Radius Recent Additions
Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry.
This figure shows a square ABCD of side a. It contains arcs BD and AC drawn with centers at A and D, respectively. If x is the
radius of circle tangent to BC and arcs AC and BD, prove that . [12/31/2015 5:46:58 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 277: Tangent Circles, Common External Tangent. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All problems Circle 271-280 Post a comment or solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 277: Tangent Circles, Common External Tangent Recent Additions
Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry.
In the figure below, the circles of centers A and B with radius a and b, respectively, are tangent externally at point C.
If DE is the common external tangent, prove that DE = . [12/31/2015 5:47:02 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 278: Tangent Circles, Common External Tangent, Chord. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All problems Circle 271-280 Post a comment or solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 278: Tangent Circles, Common External Tangent, Chord Recent Additions
Level: High School, SAT Prep, College geometry.
In the figure below, the circles of centers A and B with radius a and b, respectively, are tangent externally at point C.
If DE is the common external tangent, prove that chord CD = . [12/31/2015 5:47:07 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 279: Tangent Circles, Common External Tangent, Chords, Inradius. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All problems Circle 271-280 Post a comment or solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 279: Tangent Circles, Common External Tangent, Chords, Inradius. Level: High Recent Additions
School, SAT Prep, College geometry.
In the figure below, the circles of centers A and B with radius a and b, respectively, are tangent externally at point C.

If DE is the common external tangent and r is the inradius of triangle DCE, prove that . [12/31/2015 5:47:15 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 280: Quadrilateral, Perpendiculars, Area of Squares. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Problems All problems Areas 271-280 Post a comment or solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 280: Quadrilateral, Perpendiculars, Area of Squares Recent Additions

In the figure below, from a point O inside or outside of a quadrilateral ABCD, perpendiculars are drawn to the sides meeting AB,
BC, CD, AD at points D, E, F, and G, respectively. If S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, and S8 are the areas of the squares of sides AD,
DB, BE, EC, CF, FD, DG, and GA, respectively, prove that S1 +S3 + S5 + S7 = S2 + S4 + S6 + S8 . [12/31/2015 5:47:20 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 281: Triangle, Isosceles, Equilateral, Angles, Congruence. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Sitemap Geometry Problems All problems 281-290 Post a comment or solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 281: Triangles, Angles, Isosceles, Equilateral, Congruence Recent Additions

The figure shows a triangle ABC. If AC = BD, angle DAC = 2α, angle ACD = 90º - 3α, angle BDC = 150º - α, prove that angle
BCD = 30º. [12/31/2015 5:47:24 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 282: Right Triangle, Cevian, Angles, Perpendicular, Congruence. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Sitemap Geometry Problems Collinear Points 281-290 Post a comment or solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 282: Right Triangle, Cevian, Angles, Perpendicular, Congruence. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, SAT Prep.
The figure shows a right triangle ABC with a cevian AD. If angle DAC = 2 angle BAD, DE perpendicular to AC and BF
perpendicular to AD, prove that BF = DE / 2. [12/31/2015 5:47:39 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 552: Parallel lines, Transversal, Angles. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Sitemap Geometry Problems All problems Parallel Visual Index 551-560 Post a comment or solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 552: Parallel lines, Transversal, Angles Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, Math Education
The figure shows line L1 parallel to L2 with the angles a, b, c, d, e, and f. Prove that a + c + e = b + d + f.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." [12/31/2015 5:47:46 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 553: Quadrilateral, Angles, Sum. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Sitemap Geometry Problems All problems Parallel Visual Index 551-560 Post a comment or solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 553: Quadrilateral, Angles, Sum Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, Math Education
The figure shows a quadrilateral ABCD with angles a, b, c, and d. Prove that a + c = b + d.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." [12/31/2015 5:47:48 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 554: Concave Quadrilateral, Angles, Sum. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Sitemap Geometry Problems All problems Parallel Visual Index 551-560 Post a comment or solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 554: Concave Quadrilateral, Angles, Sum Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, Math Education
The figure shows a concave quadrilateral ABCD with angles a, b, c, and x. Prove that x= a+ b + c.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." [12/31/2015 5:47:51 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 555: Parallel lines, Angles, Sum. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Sitemap Geometry Problems Art All problems Parallel Visual Index 551-560 Post a comment or solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 555: Parallel lines, Angles, Sum Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, Math Education
The figure shows line L1 parallel to line L2 with angles a, x, y, and z. Find x + y + z.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." [12/31/2015 5:47:58 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 556: Quadrilateral, Diagonal, Angles, Auxiliary Lines. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Sitemap Geometry Problems All problems Parallel Visual Index 551-560 Post a comment or solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 556: Quadrilateral, Diagonal, Angles, Auxiliary Lines Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, Math Education
The figure shows a quadrilateral ABCD with diagonal AC and BC = CD. If angle CAD = 39 degrees, angle ACB = 21 degrees,
and angle ADC = 78 degrees, find angle BAC.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." [12/31/2015 5:48:08 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 557: Quadrilateral, Midpoints, Sides, Varignon Parallelogram, Area. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Sitemap Geometry Problems All problems Parallel Area of a Triangle Visual Index 551-560 Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 557: Quadrilateral, Midpoints, Sides, Varignon Parallelogram, Area. Level: High Recent Additions
School, College, Math Education
The figure shows a quadrilateral ABCD. If E, F, G, and H are the midpoints of the sides, prove that: (1) EFGH is a parallelogram
known as Varignon parallelogram; (2) Area of EFGH is one half the area ABCD.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." [12/31/2015 5:48:13 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 558: Quadrilateral, Trisection, Sides, Wittenbauer Parallelogram, Area. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Sitemap Geometry Problems All problems Parallel Area of a Triangle Segment Trisection Visual Index 551-560 Post a comment or solution
By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 558: Quadrilateral, Trisection, Sides, Wittenbauer Parallelogram, Area. Level: Recent Additions
High School, College, Math Education
The figure shows a quadrilateral ABCD. Points E, E', F, F', G, G', H, and H' trisect the sides AB, BC, CD, and AD, respectively.
Extension of lines EH', E'F, F'G, and G'H meet at K, L, M and N, respectively. Prove that: (1) KLMN is a parallelogram known
as Wittenbauer parallelogram; (2) Area of KLMN is 8/9 of area ABCD.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:48:30 AM]
Geometry classes, Problem 558: Quadrilateral, Trisection, Sides, Wittenbauer Parallelogram, Area. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:48:30 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 559: Triangle, Cevian, Incenters, Angle, 90 Degrees. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Sitemap Geometry Problems All problems Incenter Visual Index 551-560 Post a comment or solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 559: Triangle, Cevian, Incenters, Angle, 90 Degrees. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, Math Education
The figure shows a triangle ABC with a cevian BD. If E is the incenter of triangle ABD and F the incenter of triangle BCD,
prove that the measure of angle EDF is 90 degrees.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill- (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:48:42 AM]
Geometry classes, Problem 559: Triangle, Cevian, Incenters, Angle, 90 Degrees. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:48:42 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 561: Triangle, Cevian, Incenter, Perpendicular, 90 Degrees, Incircle. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Sitemap Geometry Problems All problems Visual IndexIncenter 561-570 Post a comment or solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 561: Triangle, Cevian, Incenter, Perpendicular, 90 Degrees. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, Math Education
The figure shows a triangle ABC with a cevian BD. Points E, F, and O are the incenters of triangles ABD, BCD, and ABC,
respectively. If OG is perpendicular to AC, prove that the measure of angle EGF is 90 degrees.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary
construction, the difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill- (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:49:10 AM]
Geometry classes, Problem 561: Triangle, Cevian, Incenter, Perpendicular, 90 Degrees, Incircle. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.
structured problem. By “construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t
mentioned as "given." (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:49:10 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 562: Triangle, Cevian, Incenter, Incircle, Perpendicular, Concyclic points, Cyclic Quadrilateral.

Problem 562: Triangle, Cevian, Incenter, Incircle, Perpendicular, Concyclic points,

Cyclic Quadrilateral. Level: Math Education, High School, SAT Prep, College

The figure shows a triangle ABC with a cevian BD. Points E, F, and O are the incenters of triangles ABD, BCD, and ABC,
respectively. If OG is perpendicular to AC, prove that points D, E, and G are concyclic (lie on a same circle). (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:49:18 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 562: Triangle, Cevian, Incenter, Incircle, Perpendicular, Concyclic points, Cyclic Quadrilateral.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 561-570 | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:49:18 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 563: Regular Pentagon, Center, Rectangle, Diagonals, Angle.

Problem 563: Regular Pentagon, Center, Rectangle, Diagonals, Angle.

Level: Math Education, High School, SAT Prep, College

The figure shows a regular pentagon ABCDE of center O. Point H is on DE and OHGF is a rectangle whose diagonals intersect at D.
OF intersects CD at M. Find the angle CMF. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:49:36 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 563: Regular Pentagon, Center, Rectangle, Diagonals, Angle.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 561-570 | Email | Post a comment or solution | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:49:36 AM]

Educational Software Geometry Problem 564: Complete Quadrilateral, Incenter, Excenter, Concyclic Points. Math teacher Master Degree. College, HS. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 564: Complete Quadrilateral, Incenter, Excenter, Concyclic Points, Incircle, Excircle. Level: High
School, SAT Prep, College

The figure shows a complete quadrilateral ABCDEF. G and N are the excenters of triangles ABE and ADF, respectively. H and M
are the incenters of triangles BCF and CDE, respectively. Prove that the points G, H, M, and N are concyclic (lie on a same circle). (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:49:44 AM]

Educational Software Geometry Problem 564: Complete Quadrilateral, Incenter, Excenter, Concyclic Points. Math teacher Master Degree. College, HS. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home | Search | Geometry | Incenter | Excenter | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 561-570 | Email | Post a comment or solution |
By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:49:44 AM]

Educational Software Geometry Problem 565: Triangle, Isogonal lines, Angles, Congruence, Concyclic Points. Math teacher Master Degree. College, HS. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Math: Geometry Problems 542. Activate Flash plug-in or JavaScript and reload to view the Math Geometry Proposed Problems, online geometry classes, Educational
Software, Geometry help, College, Online Learning. Site created and maintained by Antonio Gutierrez.

Problem 565: Triangle, Isogonal lines, Angles, Congruence, Concyclic Points. Level: High School, SAT Prep,

The figure shows a triangle ABC. Angles BAD and CAE are congruent and AD = AE. Angles ABF and CBG are congruent and BF =
BG. Angles ACG and BCE are congruent and CE = CG. Prove that the points D, E, G, and F are concyclic (lie on a same circle). (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:49:46 AM]

Educational Software Geometry Problem 565: Triangle, Isogonal lines, Angles, Congruence, Concyclic Points. Math teacher Master Degree. College, HS. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Visual Index | 561-570 | Isogonal lines | Email | Solution/comment | By Antonio
Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:49:46 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 566: Quadrilateral, Diagonals, Parallel, Problem Solving, Mind Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Mind Map Problems All Problems Visual Index 561-570 Post a solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 566: Quadrilateral, Diagonals, Parallel. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, Math Education.
The drawing shows a quadrilateral ABCD with BE parallel to CD (E on diagonal AC) and CF parallel to AB (F on diagonal BD).
Prove that EF is parallel to AD.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map

George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving. It
suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better?

Mind Map Help. To see a note: Hover over a yellow note button. To Fold/Unfold: click a branch. To Pan: click and drag the map canvas.
Problem Solving. Activate Flash plugin or Javascript and reload to view the Mind Map of How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map,
Elearning. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:49:50 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 566: Quadrilateral, Diagonals, Parallel, Problem Solving, Mind Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:49:50 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 567: Right triangle, Incircle, Excircle, Collinear tangency point...nd Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home Geometry Mind Map Problems Art All Problems Visual Index 561-570 Post a solution By Antonio Gutierrez
Problem 567: Right triangle, Incircle, Excircle, Collinear tangency points. Recent Additions
Level: High School, College, Math Education.
The drawing shows a right triangle ABC. The incircle D is tangent to AB and AC at G and H, respectively. The excircle E is
tangent to CB extended at F. Prove that F, G, and H are collinear points.

Geometry problem solving

Geometry problem solving is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn. When a problem requires auxiliary construction, the
difficulty of the problem increases drastically, perhaps because deciding which construction to make is an ill-structured problem. By
“construction,” we mean adding geometric figures (points, lines, planes) to a problem figure that wasn’t mentioned as "given."

How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map

George Pólya's 1945 book "How to Solve It, A new aspect of Mathematical Method", is a book describing methods of problem solving. It
suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem: (1) First, you have to understand the problem. (2) After
understanding, then make a plan. (3) Carry out the plan. (4) Look back on your work. How could it be better?

Mind Map Help. To see a note: Hover over a yellow note button. To Fold/Unfold: click a branch. To Pan: click and drag the map canvas.
Problem Solving. Activate Flash plugin or Javascript and reload to view the Mind Map of How to Solve It, Interactive Mind Map,
Elearning. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:49:54 AM]

Online Geometry Tutoring Problem 567: Right triangle, Incircle, Excircle, Collinear tangency point...nd Map Software. Math teacher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS. (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:49:54 AM]

Geometry classes, Problem 568: Triangle, Excircles, Tangency Point, Congr...cher Master Degree. College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Problem 568: Triangle, Excircles, Tangency Point, Congruence

The figure shows a triangle ABC with the excircle D tangent to AB at F and excircle E tangent to BC at G, DF extended and EG
extended meet at H. Prove that DH = EH.

Home | Sitemap | Geometry | Search | Problems | All | Visual Index | 561-570 | Email Post a comment | By Antonio Gutierrez [12/31/2015 5:50:01 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 831: Quadrilateral, Diagonal, Midpoint, Opposite Angles, Congru...logram. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 831: Quadrilateral, Diagonal, Midpoint, Opposite Angles,

Congruence, Parallelogram. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics

The figure below shows a quadrilateral ABCD with angle BAD = angle BCD and O midpoint of diagonal BD. Prove that ABCD is a
parallelogram. Problem submitted by Jacob Ha, Keith Law .... (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:50:05 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 831: Quadrilateral, Diagonal, Midpoint, Opposite Angles, Congru...logram. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 831-840 | Triangles | Quadrilaterals
| Angles | Congruence | Midpoint | Parallelogram | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:50:05 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 832: Quadrilateral, Isosceles triangle, 70-70-40 degrees, Congrue...triangle. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 832: Quadrilateral, Isosceles triangle, 70-70-40 degrees,

Congruence, Auxiliary lines, Equilateral triangle. Level: High School, SAT Prep,
College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a quadrilateral ABCD with AD = BC, angle BAD = angle ADB = 70 degrees, and angle BDC = 20 degrees.
Find the measure of angle CBD. Problem submitted by Charles T. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:50:15 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 832: Quadrilateral, Isosceles triangle, 70-70-40 degrees, Congrue...triangle. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 831-840 | Triangles | Quadrilaterals
| Angles | Congruence | Equilateral | Isosceles | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:50:15 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 833: Parallelogram, Diagonal, Similarity, Proportion. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 833: Parallelogram, Diagonal, Similarity, Proportion.

Level: High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a parallelogram ABCD. E is a point on AD and BE cuts diagonal AC at F. Prove that (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:50:27 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 833: Parallelogram, Diagonal, Similarity, Proportion. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 831-840 | Triangles | Parallelogram
| Similarity, Ratios, Proportions | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:50:27 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 834: Parallelogram, Diagonal, Similarity, Geometric Mean, Mean P...rtional. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 834: Parallelogram, Diagonal, Similarity, Geometric Mean,

Mean Proportional. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a parallelogram ABCD. E is a point on AD, BE cuts diagonal AC at F and CD at G. Prove that BF is the
geometric mean or mean proportional of FG and FE. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:50:34 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 834: Parallelogram, Diagonal, Similarity, Geometric Mean, Mean P...rtional. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 831-840 | Triangles | Parallelogram
| Similarity, Ratios, Proportions | Geometric Mean | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:50:34 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 835: Isosceles Triangle, Double Angle, Triple Angle, Auxiliary Lines. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 835: Isosceles Triangle, Double Angle, Triple Angle,
Auxiliary Lines. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows an isosceles triangle ABC (AC = BC). Angle CAD = 2 angle CBD and angle ACD = 3 angle BCD. Find the
measure of angle BDC. Try to use elementary geometry (Euclid's Elements). (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:50:43 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 835: Isosceles Triangle, Double Angle, Triple Angle, Auxiliary Lines. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 831-840 | Triangles | Isosceles |
Angles | Double Angle | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:50:43 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 836: Parallelogram, Perpendicular, Diagonal, Similarity, Metric Relations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 836: Parallelogram, Perpendicular, Diagonal, Similarity,

Metric Relations. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a parallelogram ABCD with AE perpendicular to BC and AF perpendicular to CD. If AE = 4, AB = 5, and AC
= 9, find EF. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:50:51 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 836: Parallelogram, Perpendicular, Diagonal, Similarity, Metric Relations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 831-840 | Triangles | Parallelogram
| Perpendicular | Similarity | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:50:51 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 837: Triangle, Orthocenter, Circumcenter, Concyclic Points. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 837: Triangle, Orthocenter, Circumcenter, Circle,

Concyclic Points. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a triangle ABC with orthocenter O. If O is the circumcenter of a triangle BFG, prove that the points
A,F,O,G,C are concyclic (lie on a same circle). (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:50:57 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 837: Triangle, Orthocenter, Circumcenter, Concyclic Points. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 831-840 | Triangles | Circle |
Orthocenter | Circumcenter | Concyclic Points | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:50:57 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 838: Parallelogram, Perpendicular, Diagonal, Metric Relations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 838: Parallelogram, Perpendicular, Diagonal, Triangle,

Metric Relations. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a parallelogram ABCD with AE perpendicular to BC. If AB = 4, BC = 5, and BE = 3, find BD. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:51:01 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 838: Parallelogram, Perpendicular, Diagonal, Metric Relations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 831-840 | Triangles | Parallelogram
| Perpendicular | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:51:01 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 839: Parallelogram, Perpendicular, Diagonal, Metric Relations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 839: Parallelogram, Perpendicular, Diagonal, Triangle,

Metric Relations. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a parallelogram ABCD with AE perpendicular to BC and AF perpendicular to CD. If AB = 4, BC = 5, and BE
= 3, find DF. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:51:07 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 839: Parallelogram, Perpendicular, Diagonal, Metric Relations. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 831-840 | Triangles | Parallelogram
| Perpendicular | Similarity | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:51:07 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 840: Parallelogram, Perpendicular, Diagonal, Metric Relations, Similarity. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 840: Parallelogram, Perpendicular, Diagonal, Triangle, Metric Relations, Similarity.
Level: High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a parallelogram ABCD with AE perpendicular to BC and AF perpendicular to CD. Prove that
AC2 = CE.BC + CF.CD (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:51:13 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 840: Parallelogram, Perpendicular, Diagonal, Metric Relations, Similarity. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 831-840 | Triangles | Parallelogram
| Perpendicular | Similarity | Email | Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:51:13 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 841: Triangle, Medians, Centroid, Circumcenters, Perpendicular, ...ilarity. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 841: Triangle, Medians, Centroid, Circumcenters, Perpendicular, Congruence,
Similarity. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a triangle ABC, medians AD, BE,CF, and centroid G. O1, O2, O3, O4, O5, O6, are the circumcenters of
triangles AFG, AGE, BGF, BGD, CGD, and CGE, respectively. O1O2 cuts O4O3 at H. HM is perpendicular to O2O6 and HN is
perpendicular to O4O5. Prove that (1) HM = BE/2, HN = AD/2; (2) HO4.HM = HO2.HN (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:51:24 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 841: Triangle, Medians, Centroid, Circumcenters, Perpendicular, ...ilarity. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 841-850 | Triangles | Centroid
/Barycenter | Circumcenter | Perpendicular | Perpendicular Bisector | Congruence | Similarity | van Lamoen Circle | Email | Solution /
comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:51:24 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 842: Triangle, Medians, Centroid, Four Circumcenters, Perpendicu...ilarity. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 842: Triangle, Medians, Centroid, Four Circumcenters, Perpendicular, Congruence,
Similarity. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a triangle ABC, medians AD, BE, CF, and centroid G. O1, O2, O3, O4 are the circumcenters of triangles AFG,
AGE, BGF, and BGD, respectively. O1O2 cuts O4O3 at H. Prove that HO4.BE = HO2.AD. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:51:31 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 842: Triangle, Medians, Centroid, Four Circumcenters, Perpendicu...ilarity. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 841-850 | Triangles | Centroid
/Barycenter | Circumcenter | Perpendicular | Perpendicular Bisector | Congruence | Similarity | van Lamoen Circle | Email | Solution /
comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:51:31 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 843: Triangle, Medians, Centroid, Four Circumcenters, Perpendicu...ilarity. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 843: Triangle, Medians, Centroid, Four Circumcenters, Perpendicular, Parallel,
Congruence, Similarity. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College, Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a triangle ABC, medians AD, BE, CF, and centroid G. O1, O2, O3, O4 are the circumcenters of triangles AFG,
AGE, BGF, and BGD, respectively. O1O2 cuts O4O3 at H. CP is parallel to AD (P on BE extended). Prove that HO3.CP = HO1.GP. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:51:34 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 843: Triangle, Medians, Centroid, Four Circumcenters, Perpendicu...ilarity. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 841-850 | Triangles | Centroid
/Barycenter | Circumcenter | Perpendicular | Perpendicular Bisector | Parallel | Congruence | Similarity | van Lamoen Circle | Email |
Solution / comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:51:34 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 844: Triangle, Medians, Centroid, Four Circumcenters, Perpendicu...ilarity. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 844: Triangle, Medians, Centroid, Four Circumcenters,

Perpendicular, Congruence, Similarity. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College,
Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a triangle ABC, medians AD, BE, CF, and centroid G. O1, O2, O3, O4 are the circumcenters of triangles AFG,
AGE, BGF, and BGD, respectively. O1O2 cuts O4O3 at H. Prove that HO3.AD = HO1.BE. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:51:38 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 844: Triangle, Medians, Centroid, Four Circumcenters, Perpendicu...ilarity. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 841-850 | Triangles | Centroid
/Barycenter | Circumcenter | Perpendicular | Perpendicular Bisector | Congruence | Similarity | van Lamoen Circle | Email | Solution /
comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:51:38 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 845: Triangle, Medians, Centroid, Four Circumcenters, Perpendicu...ilarity. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Online Geometry Problem 845: Triangle, Medians, Centroid, Four Circumcenters,

Perpendicular, Congruence, Similarity. Level: High School, SAT Prep, College,
Mathematics Education

The figure below shows a triangle ABC, medians AD, BE, CF, and centroid G. O1, O2, O3, O4 are the circumcenters of triangles AFG,
AGE, BGF, and BGD, respectively. O1O2 cuts O4O3 at H. Prove that HO3.HO4 = HO1.HO2. (1 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:51:46 AM]

Math Education Geometry Problem 845: Triangle, Medians, Centroid, Four Circumcenters, Perpendicu...ilarity. Level: High School, Honors Geometry, College, Mathematics Education. Distance learning.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | 841-850 | Triangles | Centroid
/Barycenter | Circumcenter | Perpendicular | Perpendicular Bisector | Congruence | Similarity | van Lamoen Circle | Email | Solution /
comment | By Antonio Gutierrez (2 of 2) [12/31/2015 5:51:46 AM]

Geometry Problem 1173: Triangle, Cevian, Angle, Similarity. Math teacher Master Degree. School, College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Infographic Geometry Problem 1173: Triangle, Cevian, Angle, Congruence, Similarity. Level: High School,
College, Mathematics Education

In a triangle ABC (see the figure), D is on BC and E on AC such that AB = 6, BD = 4, DC = 5, and AD = AE.
Prove that (1) angle BAD = angle C; (2) angle ABD = 2 angle CDE, (3) AD = 2CE.
This entry contributed by Sumith Peiris. (1 of 2) [01/04/2016 5:08:41 AM]

Geometry Problem 1173: Triangle, Cevian, Angle, Similarity. Math teacher Master Degree. School, College, SAT Prep. Elearning, Online math tutor, LMS.

Home | Search | Geometry | Problems | All Problems | Open Problems | Visual Index | 10 Problems | Problems Art Gallery | Art | 1091-
1100 | Triangles | Angles | Similarity | Congruence
Last updated: Dec 24, 2015 by Antonio Gutierrez

Add a Solution to the Problem 1173 (2 of 2) [01/04/2016 5:08:41 AM]

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