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Name of Group : Group 17

Member :

1. Nola Aulia Tasya 2010914120023

2. Wafa Azizah 2010914220022

Departement of : Psychology

Task 1 :

Question : What comes in your mind when you see those pictures? Why?

Based on our observation, it’s a Humans and Environment, because in the

pictures we can see the relationship between humans and the environment. Picture
one, a tree-human shape has two sides. That means humans very dependent with the
environment. If we choose the good environment, our behavior will good too and vic
versa. Picture two, humans need to interact with the environment to obtain food,
water, and many other things.

Nowadays, there is so much damage to our environment. Like air pollution,

fewer trees around us, overcrowding, and many other things. Currently, the awareness
to maintain the environment is very concerning. We must protect the environment so
that we can live well and more comfortable. The environment is one of the factors
that influence the formation and development of individual behavior, both the
physical environment and the socio-psychological environment. If the environment is
good, the individual will have a good existence as well and vice versa.

Task 2 :

Find the meaning in Indonesia of the underlined words/phrases based on the

context. Determine the part of speech of the underlined words/phrases whether it is
noun, verb, adjective, or adverb.

No Word/Phrases Category Translate (Indo)

1. Environmental psychology Noun Psikologi lingkungan
2. Very broadly Adjective Sangat luas
3. Built environments Noun Lingkungan buatan
4. Predicts Verb Memprediksi
5. Likely outcome Adverb Kemungkinan hasilnya
6. Way finding Verb Menemukan cara
7. Durable Adjective Tahan lama
8. Related disciplines Adverb Disiplin terkait
9. Recurrent elements Adjective Elemen berulang
10. Notice Verb Pemberitahuan
11. Image Noun Gambar
12. Neural networks Noun Jaringan Saraf
13. Being engaged with Adverb Bertunangan dengan
14. Hang together Verb Bertahan bersama
15. Worth learning Adjective Layak dipelajari
16. Stimulus overload Adjective Stimulus berlebihan
17. Restorative settings Noun Pengaturan restoratif
18. Enhancing Verb Meningkatkan
19. Early and genuine Adjective Awal dan tulus
20. Bear upon Verb Menanggung

Task 3 :

1. What is the passage mainly about?

Answer :
The passage is mainly about environmental psychology that have a
interrelationship between environments and human behavior.

2. What field of studies environmental psychology related to?

Answer :
The field of studies environmental psychology is related to
psychology, sociology, anthropology, biology, ecology, etc.

3. What elements can be used to define environmental psychology?

Answer :
The elements can be used to define environmental psychology is
attention, perception and cognitive maps, preferred environments,
environmental stress and coping, participant and the last is
conservation behavior.

4. Do you think human stress and environment are related? Why?

Answer :
Yes, they are related. It because human can notice their environments.
Our brain have two kinds of stimuli: those that involuntarily, even
distractingly, command human notice, as well as those places, things
or ideas to which humans must voluntarily, and with some effort (and
resulting fatigue) direct their awareness. The bad environment such as
unsupportive friends, dirty place, and crowded city can affect to our
behavior and make stress. In contrast, if the environment are nice and
comfortable, we will never get stress.
Task 4 :

Draw your concept map containing the main points discussed in the passage
about environmental psychology above.


Human nature that predicts the

environmental conditions

Examines the interrelationship between

environments and human behaviour

The field of
ENVIRONMENTAL environmental
PSYCHOLOGY psychology
recognizes to need
problem - oriented

Understanding Human Behaviour

Perception and Cognitive Maps

Preferred Environments

Environmental Stress and Coping


Conservation Behaviour

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