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Health Education

 It promotes a healthy lifestyle and raises

awareness about the importance of health.
 It enhances the quality of life.
 It builds students’ knowledge, skills, and
positive attitudes about health.
 It motivates students to maintain their health,
prevent diseases and reduce risky behaviors.
 It is a combination of planned learning
experiences based on sound theories that
provide individuals, groups, and communities to
acquire information and the skills needed to
make quality health decisions.

Areas of concern are the ff:

a. Physical health
b. Social health
c. Emotional health
d. Intellectual health
e. Environmental health
f. Spiritual health  Both consist of the basic elements of
assessment, planning implementation and
Importance of Health Education
 Empowers people to decide for themselves  They are logical, scientifically based frameworks
what options to choose to enhance their quality for nursing processes providing for a rational
of life. basis for nursing practice rather than an
 Equips people with knowledge and intuitive one.
competencies to prevent illness, maintain  Both are methods for monitoring and judging
health or apply first aid measures. the overall quality of nursing interventions
 Enhances the quality of life by promoting health based on objective data and scientific criteria.
 Creates awareness regarding the importance of
preventive and promotive care.

● Focus: Planning and implementation of care based

on assessment and diagnosis of the patient’s physical
1 Physical Activity and Nutrition and psychosocial needs
2 Overweight and Obesity
● Bases of outcome: When the physical and
3 Smoking
psychosocial needs of client are met.
4 Substance abuse
6 Mental Health
● Focus: Instructional content and methods based on
7 Injury and Violence
assessment of the client’s learning needs, readiness to
8 Environmental Quality
learn and learning styles
9 Immunization
10 Access to Health Care ● Bases of outcome: When changes in knowledge,
skills and attitudes occur
● A change behavior (knowledge, skills,
NURSING PROCESS PARALLELS EDUCATION PROCESS attitudes) that van be observed or
measured and that occurs at any time or
any place resulting from exposure to
environmental stimuli.
● LEARNING THEORY – a coherent
framework of integrated constructs and
principles that describe, explain and predict
how people learn.
● PATIENT EDUCATION – is a process of
assisting people to learn health-related
behaviors that they can incorporate into
everyday life with the goal of achieving
optimal health and independent in self care.

EDUCATION PROCESS Application Questions to Keep in Mind

- Is a systematic, sequential, logical, scientifically
 How does learning occur?
based, planned course of action consisting of
two major interdependent operations:  What kind of experiences facilitate
- Teaching - teacher or hinder the process
- Learning – learner  What helps ensure that learning
TEACHING becomes permanent
● Deliberate interventions that involves sharing
information and experiences to meet intended learner
outcomes in the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor
domains according to an educational plan.

● It can be :

1. Formal – structured and organized activities

2. Informal – spur-of-the moment education sessions

that occur during conversations and incidental
encounters with the learner.

Behaviorism refers to the school of psychology

LEARNING founded by John B. Watson based on the belief
● a relatively permanent change mental that behaviors can be measured, trained, and
changed. Behaviorism was established with the
processing, emotional functioning, and
publication of Watson classic paper “Psychology as
behavior as a result of experience. the Behaviorist Views It” (1913).

● Behaviorism is a philosophy of psychology which has

a profound influence on the understanding of mental
and behavioral aspects of life.

● Behaviorist theory is based on the concept of learning

which refers to a relatively permanent change in
behavior or knowledge due to experience.

● Behaviorism originated in Russia with Ivan Petrovich

Pavlov (1849-1936)

● Behaviorism as a discipline was founded by John

Watson (1878- 1958).

● Skinner and Thondlike extended the theory.

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