Police Personnel and Records Management

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Management pertains to the utilization of available resources in an organization to achieve its
organizational objectives. It also refers to the process of directing and facilitating the work of people
organized in formal groups in order to achieve a desired goal. It is concerned in placing the right people on
the right job and in maintaining a satisfied work force.


1. Authority – is the right to command and control the behavior of employees in lower positions
within an organizational hierarchy. A particular position within an organization carries the same
regardless of who occupies that position.


1. Law
2. Tradition
3. Delegation

2. Responsibility – means that the management shall be held accountable for whatever result that
may arise in the exercise of authority. Thus, responsibility limits the exercise of one’s authority.
CommandResponsibility -is the doctrine that imposes commensurate accountability to
one who is vested with management and leadership functions.

- is an organizational process concerned with the implementation of objectives and plans and
internal operating efficiency. It connotes bureaucratic structure and behavior, relatively routine
decision making and maintenance of the internal status quo.

1. PLANNING - refers to the determination in advance of how the objectives of the organization will be

2. ORGANIZING - involves the determination and allocation of the men and women as well as the
resource of an organization to achieve pre-determined goals or objectives of the organization.

3. DIRECTING - involves the overseeing and supervising of the human resources and the various
activities in an organization to achieve through cooperative efforts the pre-determined goals or objectives
of the organization.

4. STAFFING - the task of providing competent men to do the job and choosing the right men for the
right job. It involves good selection and processing of reliable and well-trained personnel.
5. CONTROLLING - involves the checking or evaluation and measurement of work performance and
comparing it with planned goals or objectives of the organization, and making the necessary corrective
actions so that work is accomplished as planned.

6. REPORTING - the making of detailed account of activities, work progress, investigations and unusual
in order to keep everyone informed or what is going on.

7. BUDGETING - the forecasting in detail of the results of an officially recognized program of operations
based on the highest reasonable expectations of operating efficiency.

Scientific Management
- proposed by Frederick Taylor
Under this theory, workers are motivated by economic rewards and that if they are paid

commensurate to work being done they produce maximum amount of work. This management theory
entails that good salary and incentives must be given to workers to ensure their hard work, innovative
action and good will.

This behavioral science approach was introduced by D.McGregor. Theory X assumes that people
have little ambition, dislike work, and must be coerced in order to perform satisfactory. Theory Y assumes
that people do not inherently dislike work and if properly rewarded, people will perform well on the job.


- the art of preparing, organizing and directing the efforts of members of a police force in order that
they may achieve the accomplishment of the police purpose. The primary objective of an effective police
personnel management is the establishment and maintenance for the public service of a competent and
well-trained police force.


1. Police Personnel Planning – study of the labor supply of jobs which are composed of the demands for
employees in an organization to determine future personnel requirements which either increase or

2. Police Recruitment – is the process of encouraging police applicant form outside an organization to
seek employment in an organization. It consists of developing a recruitment plan, recruitment strategy and
maintaining a list of qualified applicants.

3. Police Screening/Selection – the process of determining the most qualified police applicant for a
given position in the police organization.

4. Police Placement – the process of making police officers adjusted and knowledgeable in a new job
and/or working environment.

5. Police Training and Development – refers to any method used to improve the attitude, knowledge and
skill or behavior pattern of an employee for adequate performance of a given job.

6. Police Appraisal – process of measuring the performance of people in achieving goals and objectives.
Also known as Performance Evaluation System

7. Police Compensation – constitute the largest single expenditure for most organizations

- the process of attracting candidates who have maximum qualifications to be eligible for
selection procedure. It is the process of searching the candidates for employment and
stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization.

- the process of screening out or eliminating undesirable applicants who do not meet the
organization’s criteria.

In the Philippine National Police, the recruitment and selection of applicants who will be appointed
to the police service is the responsibility of the Directorate for Personnel and Records Management
(DPRM). DPRM is tasked in the management of PNP uniformed and non-uniformed personnel as
individuals, manpower procurement and control and in the records management of the organization.

- responsible for the widest dissemination of vacancies in their respective areas, the evaluation of
the applicant’s qualifications and the selection of the most qualified applicants to be recommended for
appointment to the police service.
- establishedattheNHQ,NSU’sandPRO’s.


Chairman: Deputy Director for Administration of the respective National Support Unit/ the Deputy
Director General for Administration.
Vice Chairperson: Senior NAPOLCOM official with Salary Grade 24 or higher which shall be
designated by the Vice Chairperson and Executive Officer of the NAPOLCOM.

1. National Peace and Order Council (NPOC) member designated by the NPOC Chairman;
2. Private Sector representative designated by the NPOC Secretary General; and
3. Women’s representative from private sector with known probity designated by the NSU Director.

Secretariat: Assistant Director for Personnel and Records Management (ADPRM) / Human
Resource Management Officer (HRMO)


Chairman: Deputy Regional Director for Administration

Vice Chairperson: Senior NAPOLCOM official with Salary Grade 24 or higher which shall be designated by
the NAPOLCOM Regional Director

1. Regional Peace and Order Council (RPOC) member designated by the RPOC Chairman;
2. Senior Regional DILG Officer designated by the DILG Regional Director;
3. Women’s representative from private sector with known probity designated by the PNP
Regional Director.

Secretariat: Chief, Regional Personnel on Human Resource and Doctrine Development (RPHRDD) PNP


1. Preparation and proper approval of quota allocation
The PNP shall prepare, through the Directorate for Personnel and Records Management (DPRM) and
submit it to the NAPOLCOM for approval of the PNP annual recruitment quota.

2. Posting and publication of Notice of Recruitment

The Notice of Recruitment shall include the following data for the information of prospective
1. quota for the city/municipal police station;
2. vacancies are open to both male and female applicant;
3. general qualification standards;
4. documentary requirements;
5. where to submit the application papers and documents;
6. deadline for submission; and
7. schedule of screening/evaluation.

3. Submission of the application folders

4. Selection and evaluation process by the PNP Screening Committee
5. Psychiatric/Psychological Examination (PPE)
6. Complete Physical, Medical and Dental Examination (PMDE)
7. Physical Agility Test
8. Final Committee Interview
9. Certification by the NAPOLCOM and attestation by the Civil Service Commission
10. Issuance of appointment order and oath taking

The final evaluation includes the sequential conduct of the following examinations, test and

1. Psychiatric/Psychological Examination (PPE) – to exclude applicants that may be suffering from any
mental disorder. It shall be administered to all applicants under the supervision of the PNP Medical Officer
and NAPOLCOM Representative. Only those applicants who passed the PPE shall proceed to the next
stage, the Physical, Medical and Dental Examination (PMDE).

2. Complete Physical, Medical and Dental Examination (PMDE) – this test shall determine whether
or not the applicants are in good health and free from any contagious diseases. It shall be conducted by
the PNP Health Service under the supervision of the PNP Medical Officer and NAPOLCOM Representative.
Applicants who passed the PMDE shall be indorsed for the conduct of the Physical Agility Test (PAT).

3. Physical Agility Test (PAT) – this test shall determine whether or not the applicant
possesses the required coordination, strength and speed of movement necessary in the police
service. The PAT consists of the following:
- Pull-up for Men; Horizontal Bar Hang for Women;
- Two (2) Minutes Push-ups;
- Two (2) Minutes Sit-ups;
- 100 meter dash; and
- 100 meter run.

4. Final Committee Interview (FCI) – it shall determine the applicants’ aptitude to join the
police service, likableness, affability, outside interest, conversational ability, disagreeable
mannerisms, etc.

The drug test (DT) shall not follow the sequential steps but shall be conducted on
passers only anytime after the PPE, PMDE, or PAT but before the Final Committee Interview. It
shall be administered by the PNP Crime Laboratory.
The conduct of the Physical Agility Test (PAT) and Neuro-Psychiatric (NP) examination
shallbe simultaneous nationwide to prevent a retake in another place of said tests by
applicants who initially failed on the same.
The complete Character and Background Investigation (CBI) shall be conducted on all
PPE passers and must be completed before the start of the Final Committee Interview. The
complete CBI shall determine their reputation and possible involvement in any questionable or
criminal activities or violent incidents.

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