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National Ultrasound Curriculum for Medical Students

Oksana H. Baltarowich, MD,* Donald N. Di Salvo, MD,Þ Leslie M. Scoutt, MD,þ Douglas L. Brown, MD,§
Christian W. Cox, MD,|| Michael A. DiPietro, MD,¶# Daniel I. Glazer, MD,#
Ulrike M. Hamper, MD, MBA,** Maria A. Manning, MD,ÞÞ Levon N. Nazarian, MD,*þþ
Janet A. Neutze, MD,§§ Miriam Romero, MD,|||| Jason W. Stephenson, MD,¶¶
and Theodore J. Dubinsky, MD##

Key Words: ultrasound, curriculum, medical student, medical

Abstract: Ultrasound (US) is an extremely useful diagnostic imaging
student education, medical school curriculum, diagnostic ultrasound
modality because of its real-time capability, noninvasiveness, porta-
bility, and relatively low cost. It carries none of the potential risks of (Ultrasound Quarterly 2014;30:13Y19)
ionizing radiation exposure or intravenous contrast administration.
For these reasons, numerous medical specialties now rely on US not
only for diagnosis and guidance for procedures, but also as an ex-
tension of the physical examination. In addition, many medical
school educators recognize the usefulness of this technique as an aid
U ltrasound (US) has long been recognized as an extremely
useful diagnostic imaging modality because of its real-
time capability, noninvasiveness, portability, and relatively low
to teaching anatomy, physiology, pathology, and physical diagnosis. cost. In addition, imaging with US does not carry the risks
Radiologists are especially interested in teaching medical students the associated with the administration of intravenous contrast ma-
appropriate use of US in clinical practice. Educators who recognize terial or the potential hazards of ionizing radiation. Hence,
the power of this tool have sought to incorporate it into the medical many medical and surgical subspecialties are increasingly em-
school curriculum. The basic question that educators should ask bracing the use of US, finding it to be an adjunct to or exten-
themselves is: ‘‘What should a student graduating from medical sion of the physical examination. Some have referred to it as
school know about US?’’ To aid them in answering this question, US the ‘‘sonoscope.’’1 Others have described US as ‘‘the visual
specialists from the Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound and the stethoscope of the 21st century.’’2 The use of US beyond its
Alliance of Medical School Educators in Radiology have collabo- traditional role within the department of radiology has been
rated in the design of a US curriculum for medical students. The termed ‘‘point of care’’ US. Furthermore, some medical schools,
implementation of such a curriculum will vary from institution to taking advantage of recent technical advances in portable US
institution, depending on the resources of the medical school and technology, have begun to incorporate education in US within
space in the overall curriculum. Two different examples of how US the medical school curriculum.3Y7
can be incorporated vertically or horizontally into a curriculum are While welcoming the increasing general awareness of
described, along with an explanation as to how this curriculum the utility of US, both the Society of Radiologists in Ultra-
satisfies the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education sound and the Alliance of Medical School Educators in Ra-
competencies, modified for the education of our future physicians. diology (AMSER) believe that radiologists should play an
important role in the creation of a US curriculum. As imaging
experts, radiologists are best able to instruct medical students
Received for publication December 20, 2013; accepted December 26, 2013. how to utilize the diagnostic capability of US most effectively
*Department of Radiology, Jefferson Ultrasound Radiology & Education Insti- and in addition are best able to direct the clinician to other
tute and Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA; †Harvard Medical more appropriate imaging tests when US is not likely to be
School and Dana Farber Cancer Institute/Brigham and Women’s Hospital,
Boston, MA; ‡Department Diagnostic Radiology, Yale University School of clinically useful (ACR Appropriateness Criteria\).8 Accord-
Medicine, New Haven, CT; §Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Mayo ingly, this document highlights what aspects of US should be
Clinic, Rochester, MN; ||University of Colorado School of Medicine, Rocky taught to medical students, as well as when and how US can be
Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine, and National Jewish Health, most effectively introduced into medical school preclinical
Denver, CO; ¶CS Mott Children’s Hospital and #University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, MI; **Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological and clinical curricula.
Science, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine; and ††Department of The broad goals of this curriculum are 2-fold:
Radiology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD; (1) Preclinical: utilization of US to enhance student under-
‡‡Department of Radiology, Thomas Jefferson University; and §§Penn State standing of anatomy, physiology, and pathology.
Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA; ||||Department of Radiology, University (2) Clinical: teach students how to use US effectively as a
of Southern California Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA;
¶¶Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine problem-solving tool in the diagnosis of disease. As a cor-
and Public Health, Madison, WI; and ##Department of Radiology, Uni- ollary, students also need to learn the limitations of US and
versity of Washington, Seattle, WA. when other imaging modalities may be more appropriate.
Reprints: Oksana H. Baltarowich, MD, Department of Radiology, Jefferson
Ultrasound Radiology & Education Institute, Thomas Jefferson Univer-
sity Hospital, 132 S 10th St, Suite 763D Philadelphia, PA 19107 (e<mail: Achieving these goals can be greatly facilitated through direct ‘‘hands-on’’ experience. Through an appreciation of
Copyright * 2014 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins how US is performed, students will learn its strengths and

Ultrasound Quarterly & Volume 30, Number 1, March 2014 13

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Baltarowich et al Ultrasound Quarterly & Volume 30, Number 1, March 2014

weaknesses far better than by passive examination of US Control buttons: freeze, save images, cine loop, measure
images. However, such hands-on experience should not be with calipers
expected to guarantee that students will become adept at
rendering diagnoses from images or become competent at Describe Advantages of Ultrasound
performing complete diagnostic US examinations, because the Real-time dynamic imaging (importance of real-time multiplanar
acquisition of such interpretive and scanning skills requires scanning; advantage of cine clips over static images)
prolonged exposure and dedicated practice. Such skills are Multiplanar imaging (nonstandard imaging planes)
typically acquired during a formal residency or fellowship.9 Portable
The intended audience for this curriculum includes US Lack of ionizing radiation
practitioners, departments of radiology, and deans of medical Lower cost
schools. We recognize that the proposed curriculum is a Improved soft tissue resolution compared with noncontrast
comprehensive one, and teaching all elements may not be computed tomography (CT)
feasible at any given institution. In particular, the inclusion Safe, noninvasive
of the ‘‘hands-on’’ portion is labor intensive. Introducing this
curriculum onto preexisting courses may increase the likeli-
Describe Limitations of Ultrasound
hood of successful implementation. Although it is not our Obese patients (attenuation, scatter, image degradation)
intention to dictate how medical schools may apply the cur- Impedance to transmission of sound waves: air (lung, bowel
riculum, by providing 2 different models (Appendices 1 and gas), bone, metal
2), we hope to stimulate medical school educators to consider Smaller field of view
its implementation. Operator dependence
The proposed curriculum has been organized as follows: Less interexamination reproducibility relative to CT
part 1 deals with content, part 2 with a mechanism for po- Correlate Patient Safety and Ultrasound
tential deployment over a 4-year period, whereas part 3 ad-
dresses how the curriculum meets the Accreditation Council Obstetrics: no ionizing radiation; however, US is not enter-
for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) competencies, as tainment and thus should not be used to create a ‘‘pre-
modified for medical students. natal family photo album’’
Pediatrics: no sedation, no ionizing radiation
Gynecology: pelvic imaging in women of reproductive age
PART 1: THE NATIONAL ULTRASOUND US and magnetic resonance imaging are methods to reduce
CURRICULUM FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS ionizing radiation exposure
The curriculum is based on the AMSER National Heat deposition, cavitation: Doppler, gray-scale imaging
Medical Student Curriculum in Radiology.10 The following ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable) principle
sections outline goals for both preclinical and clinical years.
Identify Classic Appearances of Normal Structures
Preclinical on Ultrasound
Familiarity With the Basic Principles of the Liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, aorta, inferior
Physics of Ultrasound vena cava (IVC)
Analogy to SONAR Urinary bladder, uterus, ovaries, prostate
Image acquisition: sound transmission and reflection, scatter, Obstetrical scan: basic fetal anatomy (head, abdomen, heart-
acoustic window beat, limbs, umbilical cord, placenta, cervix)
Image optimization: depth, focal zone, time-gain compensa- Subxiphoid view of heart for pericardial effusion
tion, gain, field of view Femoropopliteal venous system (with and without compression)
Posterior acoustic properties: posterior enhancement (in- Internal jugular vein, subclavian vein (for venous access)
creased sound transmission), sound attenuation, acous- Carotid artery (relation to internal jugular vein, carotid bifurcation)
tical shadowing Diaphragm (hyperechogenicity and movement)
Artifacts: near field, reverberation, edge refraction, mirror image Normal lung (pleural line, sliding lung sign)
Terminology: echogenic, hyperechoic, hypoechoic, anechoic, Thyroid
isoechoic Musculoskeletal: tendon (principle of anisotrophy), muscle,
Characteristics of simple fluid, complex fluid, soft tissue/solid, surface of bone, joint fluid
air/gas, bone/calcium Note: Hands-on scanning is ideal and should be organized, if at
Imaging modes: B-mode (gray scale), Doppler (spectral, color, all possible. Students can scan each other under supervi-
and power), M-mode sion, which can be arranged with attending physicians,
staff sonographers, local school of sonography, and so on.
Knowledge of Instrumentation
Basic probe and image orientation: sagittal, transverse, coronal
Transducers: frequencies, types (linear, curvilinear, sector, List Appropriate Indications for Common
transvaginal), near field, far field Ultrasound Examinations
Machine settings: transducer frequency, depth, focus, gain, time- (Students should be familiar with the ACR Appropriateness
gain compensation Criteria\ Web site as a general guide for all imaging studies)

14 * 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Copyright © 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Ultrasound Quarterly & Volume 30, Number 1, March 2014 Ultrasound Curriculum for Medical Students

Characterization of masses (cystic, solid, complex) Fluid accumulations (pleural, ascites, hemoperitoneum, he-
Clinically suspected fluid accumulations (ascites, pleural ef- matoma, abscess)
fusion, pericardial effusion, abscess, hematoma) Gallstones, acute cholecystitis, biliary obstruction, hydronephrosis,
Evaluation of right-upper-quadrant (RUQ) pain abdominal aortic aneurysm, renal calculi, splenomegaly
Obstructive jaundice Overdistended urinary bladder, Foley catheter in urinary blad-
Clinically suspected appendicitis in children, young patients, der, enlarged prostate
or pregnant women Gynecology: uterine fibroid, thickened endometrium; hemor-
Suspected splenomegaly rhagic ovarian cyst, corpus luteum, ovarian cancer
Renal failure, hematuria, flank pain Obstetrics: first-trimester pregnancy complications (subchorionic
Screening (and following) abdominal aortic aneurysms hemorrhage, embryonic demise), ectopic pregnancy, pla-
Pelvic mass, pain, abnormal vaginal bleeding centa previa, incompetent cervix, polyhydramnios,
Obstetrics: abnormal bleeding, dating, heartbeat, fetal anato- oligohydramnios
my, decreased fetal activity, suspected ruptured mem- Acute deep vein thrombosis in femoropopliteal system, in-
branes, premature labor ternal jugular vein
Evaluation of palpable neck/thyroid mass Testicular mass, hydrocele, torsion, epididymitis, varicocele
Evaluation of scrotal pain, mass Thoracic conditions: large pericardial effusion (pericardial
Pediatrics: recurrent urinary tract infections, suspected neo- tamponade), paralyzed hemidiaphragm, pneumothorax
natal brain hemorrhage, abdominal or pelvic mass, ab- Pediatrics: intussusception, hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, in-
normal neonatal hip examination, tethered cord tracranial hemorrhage
Echocardiography: pericardial effusion with or without Note: These pathological conditions should be recognized in
tamponade, right-sided heart strain, valvular dysfunction, still images (lecture format); however, real-time images
cardiac/chamber enlargement, calculate ejection fraction (including cine loops) are encouraged.
Carotid bruit; evaluation of transient ischemic attack
Lower- or upper-extremity swelling or pain (suspected deep Describe Clinical Situations Where Ultrasound Is
vein thrombosis) Used to Guide Interventional Procedures
Evaluation of musculoskeletal pain (muscle, tendon, or other
Paracentesis, thoracentesis
superficial soft tissue origin), effusions, collections
Vascular access: peripherally inserted central catheter line,
Guidance for interventional procedures (see separate listing)
venous or arterial access
Observe the Following Ultrasound Studies Biopsies: liver, renal, transplant, breast, prostate, thyroid, lymph
nodes, masses
RUQ US (liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, right kidney, head of
Localization for aspiration and drainage: abscess, hydronephrosis,
Upper abdominal US (RUQ plus spleen, left kidney)
Musculoskeletal procedures: injections, aspirations, foreign
Aorta, IVC
body localization, biopsies
Pelvic ultrasound (transabdominal and transvaginal scans):
Amniocentesis, fetal therapeutic procedures
urinary bladder, uterus, ovaries, cul de sac, prostate
Sonohysterography, also known as SIS (saline infusion
First-trimester US (gestational sac, yolk sac, embryo, M-mode sonography)
Pericardiocentesis (tamponade)
Second/third-trimester fetal US (fetal heart beat, placenta,
amniotic fluid, cervix)
Breast US (cyst vs solid, US-guided cyst aspiration or biopsy PART 2: IMPLEMENTATION
of mass, if possible) Incorporating the above curricular content into a 4-year
Thyroid US medical school curriculum has many challenges, including
Venous US (but certainly not limited to) competing content from multiple
- Upper- or lower-extremity deep vein thrombosis study fields of medicine, variability in the medical school curriculum
- Internal jugular vein and subclavian vein (versus com- structure, and limitations in time and resources for teaching
panion arteries; important distinction) hands-on skills such as US imaging.
Echocardiogram (basic views) The following examples for implementation of a US
Neonatal brain US (if possible) curriculum (offered as Appendices 1 and 2) provide a few op-
Carotid US (if possible) tions that have been developed at specific institutions and need
Biopsy guidance/fluid aspiration or drainage (if possible) not be used in their entirety, but serve as models that can be
Note: These studies may be observed on live patients, models, adapted and applied as deemed appropriate for each institution.
students scanning each other under supervision, recorded The majority of medical schools begin with a 2-year
examples, videos, and so on. didactic preclinical curriculum followed by 2 years of clinical
experience, as proposed by Flexner11 over 100 years ago.
Recognize or at Least See Classic Examples of Acknowledging this, the authors have divided the curricular
Common Pathological Conditions on Ultrasound content into ‘‘preclinical’’ and ‘‘clinical’’ sections, which assists
Cyst versus complex cyst versus solid mass (could be within in differentiating essential ‘‘preclinical’’ material best suited for
liver, spleen, kidney, ovary, breast, testis, thyroid) didactic presentations and the occasional workshop/laboratory

* 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 15

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Baltarowich et al Ultrasound Quarterly & Volume 30, Number 1, March 2014

versus the ‘‘clinical’’ material with ‘‘hands-on’’skills best suited Y pros and cons of US imaging to assess clinical problems
for clinical clerkships.12 Y accuracy of US for diagnosis of common diseases
Preclinical 2. Patient care: ‘‘Medical students should provide care that is
In the preclinical years, the US curriculum can be inte- safe, compassionate, and effective in diagnosis and man-
grated into the overall curriculum to supplement general un- agement of common health problems.’’
derstanding of anatomy, physiology, and pathology.13,14 This a. Diagnostic management skills
horizontal incorporation of a US curriculum is likely best Y how to choose the appropriate imaging examination
organized and implemented by a multidisciplinary group in- (ACR Appropriateness Criteria\).
cluding radiologists and other US specialists with the course Y importance of proper clinical information to interpret
directors of the anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology US findings
preclinical courses. Hands-on sessions can also be incorpo- Y influence of patient variables on the US image: body
rated into a physical diagnosis course. Appendix 1 describes habitus, sex, age
such a course taken from a 4-year curriculum being piloted at Y difference between preliminary and final report
Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass. b. Visual interpretation skills
Ideally, the curricular content would be taught in di- Y basic US anatomy: neck/abdomen/pelvis/vessels
dactic lectures and small-group sessions, enriched by the ex- Y recognize poor US technique
perience and contribution of US imaging experts. This would Y importance of prior images/correlative examinations
include 1 or 2 introductory lectures in US physics, image acqui- Y recognize classic critical findings
sition, indications, and limitations. Alternatively, some medical c. Image acquisition skills
schools may choose a more vertical approach, assigning spe- Y demonstrates the ability to image select normal anat-
cific hours to ultrasound imaging for didactics and workshops to omy in standard views, as outlined in the curriculum
cover the complete preclinical curriculum. By applying the con- d. Knowledge of US interventional procedures
structivist theory of learning,15 the content can be separated into Y biopsies; fluid drainages
several sessions over the 2 preclinical years to allow building on e. Patient safety and US exposure
prior content to improve understanding and retention. Y Doppler and potential for cavitation
Clinical Y appropriate use: US is not entertainment
Two models are outlined in Appendix 2. The first one f. Knowledge of new developments in US
offers graduated levels of exposure and imaging experience Y contrast enhanced US: potential uses
for medical students during third-year clerkships (Harvard g. Interacting compassionately with a patient
Medical School, Boston, Mass).16 A second model is more Y answering questions, explaining the examination
compact, organized as a dedicated 3-day program (Thomas Y how to give bad results
Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa). We offer both
examples but realize that ongoing graduate medical educa- 3. Practice-based learning and improvement: ‘‘Medical stu-
tion in US imaging will be necessary before competency is dent should continually seek to improve their knowledge
reached.17 With the current wide variability in clinical clerk- and skills by multiple means, be able to self-evaluate, and
ship requirements, it is conceivable that a student could apply new knowledge to his/her practice.’’
complete a medical school curriculum without ever directly a. Use evidence-based methods for selecting when to use
scanning a patient with US. Although not optimal, the authors US and what US criteria to apply to clinical problems.
recognize that US imaging is largely skill based and requires Y ACR Appropriateness Criteria\
significant experience to achieve competency. Y Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound consensus panels
on ovarian cysts, endometrial assessment, thyroid
nodule biopsy, carotid, shoulder, and first trimester
PART 3: ULTRASOUND AND MEDICAL STUDENT b. Research presentation topics appropriately using peer-
FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS) Y prepare a PowerPoint presentation on a US topic
The curriculum must follow the ACGME-mandated c. Self-assessment modules
competency-based model of learning. The residency compe-
tencies have been modified for medical students.18 These have 4. Interpersonal and communication skills: ‘‘Medical student
served as a template, which we have subsequently applied to can communicate and interact effectively with patients and
US knowledge and practice. health care providers.’’
1. Medical knowledge: ‘‘The medical student should dem- a. calms anxious patients, obtains adequate history be-
onstrate basic knowledge of normal anatomy, disease fore doing a US examination, answers questions, ex-
processes, and US’’ plains findings, gives results to patients (or, observes a
a. General medical knowledge US specialist’s interactions with a patient in similar
Y normal anatomy circumstances)
Y disease processes b. presents US findings using PACS (picture archiving
b. Ultrasound specific knowledge and communications system) in the context of a clin-
Y outlined in the Ultrasound Curriculum ical conference with peers

16 * 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

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Ultrasound Quarterly & Volume 30, Number 1, March 2014 Ultrasound Curriculum for Medical Students

c. communicates report findings appropriately to a clinician ACKNOWLEDGMENT

d. interacts appropriately with other US radiologists and The authors express their gratitude and appreciation to
technicians the members of both committees for their contributions toward
e. if possible, presents US-related research at a conference the preparation of the curriculum:
(ie, AMSER) Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound
Training and Outreach Committee
5. Professionalism: ‘‘Medical student should demonstrate a & Theodore J. Dubinsky, MD, Chair
commitment to carrying out professional responsibilities & Teresita L. Angtuaco, MD
and an adherence to ethical principles’’ & Oksana H. Baltarowich, MD
a. accepts the limits of their training for utilization of US & Douglas L. Brown, MD
and the need for and utilization of specialized US training & Eve D. Clark, MD
b. demonstrates appropriate physician/patient interaction & John J. Cronan, MD
during US examinations & Brian Garra, MD
c. demonstrates appropriate sensitivity to the invasiveness & Ulrike M. Hamper, MD, MBA
of some US procedures & Robert D. Harris, MD
d. recognizes the importance of image archiving and & Mariam Moshiri, MD
documentation to ensure appropriate standards of care & Levon N. Nazarian, MD
e. timely communication of results, especially critical & Carl Reading, MD
findings & Leslie M. Scoutt, MD
f. recognizes the importance of continuing medical ed-
ucation and of the maintenance of an accurate up-to- Alliance of Medical Student Educators in Radiology
date CME log Subcommittee on Medical Student Ultrasound Education
g. demonstrates awareness of AMSER Web site & Donald N. Di Salvo, MD, Chair
& Eve D. Clark, MD
6. Systems-based practice: ‘‘Medical student demonstrates & Christian W. Cox, MD
awareness of the complexities, interactions, and consid- & Michael A. DiPietro, MD
erations involved in working in the modern health care & Andrea Donovan, MD, MMEd
environment’’ (ie, the ‘‘culture’’ of the workplace) & Daniel I. Glazer, MD
a. observes radiology-clinician interaction in US or & Theodore R. Hall, MD
emergency department (verbal, written) & Tracy Hillier, MD
b. awareness of goal of cost-effective imaging & Kate Klein, MD
Y knowledge of basic examination cost of US relative & Maria A. Manning, MD
to other imaging modalities & Janet A. Neutze, MD
Y how proper utilization of US can decrease cost of & Susan Rachlin, MD
imaging & Miriam Romero, MD
Y awareness of potential impact of contrast-enhanced & Jason W. Stephenson, MD
US on future workflow patterns and the political im-
pediments to its implementation in the United States
c. awareness of the impact of radiation on the potential
cancer risk for the population as a whole REFERENCES
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the beginning of medical school as they learn gross anatomy to curricular course according to certified EFSUMB standards during
much more advanced rotations such as a US clerkship, hands- undergraduate medical education: a prospective study. BMC Med Educ.
on experience with medical imaging is a valuable part of any 6. Bahner DP, Adkins EJ, Hughes D, et al. Integrated medical school
student’s medical education. This medical student US curric- ultrasound: development of an ultrasound vertical curriculum.
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content, didactics, and teaching, we believe that it is essential to 8. ACR appropriateness criteria\. Available at:
include the basics of US in the greater framework of general Quality-Safety/Appropriateness-Criteria/Diagnostic.
medical education. Accessed December 6, 2013.

* 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 17

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Baltarowich et al Ultrasound Quarterly & Volume 30, Number 1, March 2014

9. Hertzberg BS, Kliewer MA, Bowie JD. Physician training requirements aorta/pulmonary relationships, pericardial space, limited
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13. Swamy M, Searle RF. Anatomy teaching with portable ultrasound to
chiatry, are taught. It consists of four 3-hour modules that
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15. Bruner J. Toward a Theory of Instruction. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
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Ultrasound is introduced, along with all other imaging
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2. Imaging for Surgery
Y Right-upper-quadrant pain (biliary colic: US, abdomen CT)
APPENDIX 1: PRECLINICAL CURRICULUM MODEL Y Right-lower-quadrant pain (appendicitis: abdomen CT, US)
Ultrasound and Physical Diagnosis Course 3. Imaging for Obstetrics-Gynecology/Pediatrics
Y abnormal uterine bleeding (eg, endometrial hyperplasia: US)
‘‘Ultrasound in physical diagnosis’’ course (introducing
Y first trimester bleeding (eg, ectopic pregnancy or mis-
ultrasound [US] into a physical diagnosis course, allowing for
carriage: US)
small-group hands-on sessions). Students scan each other,
Y projectile vomiting (eg, hypertrophic pyloric stenosis: US,
models, or patients under direct supervision of fellows/at-
upper gastrointestinal imaging)
tending physicians/US specialists from pertinent clinical spe-
Y abnormal neonatal hip examination (eg, neonatal hip US,
cialties. These are five 2-hour sessions organized as follows:
plain film)
Session I. Physical Principles of Ultrasound/Intro to Scanning
Y premature neonatal brain hemorrhage (neonatal head US)
a. Short plenary lecture covering basic physics concepts (as
4. Imaging for Neurology/Psychiatry
per curriculum)
Y Transient ischemic attack (eg, head CT, carotid US)
b. Scanning time: students get introduced to the transducer
Y Worst headache (eg, subarachnoid hemorrhage: head CT,
and basic machine controls by scanning the neck and
transcranial Doppler)
identifying structures outlined in the curriculum
Session II. Abdomen US Additional opportunities for US teaching in year 3 for
a. Short plenary introduction to main abdominal organs schools with radiology clerkship or elective
b. Scanning time: students scan models and identify many 1. Students scan each other, under supervision of technolo-
of the structures outlined in the curriculum. Physical gist/radiologist, concentrating on recognizing structures as
findings (liver or spleen tip, aortic pulsation) are corre- outlined in curriculum. For schools with US simulators,
lated with US findings these may be utilized at this time.
Session III. Thyroid US 2. Students spend time observing in the US department,
a. Short plenary introduction by thyroid endocrinologist, under guidance of a staff member, and are brought in on
followed by US specialist all types of scans.
b. Scanning time: students scan patients, if possible 3. Students present cases of US examinations to a different
Session IV. Musculoskeletal US staff member using hospital PACS (picture archiving and
a. Short plenary introduction by musculoskeletal specialist communications system) to illustrate the findings.
b. Scanning time: students scan each other, or patients from 4. Students are matched with colleagues on a clinical clerk-
rheumatology, physical medicine and rehabilitation, or ship (this works best with obstetrics-gynecology or pedi-
sports medicine clinic atric clerkships) and are brought together for a combined
Session V: Cardiac US clinical-radiology conference. Student from clinical clerk-
a. Short plenary introduction by cardiologist, followed by ship presents a case; radiology clerkship/elective student
demonstration, emphasizing chamber and valve recognition, then shows images on PACS; discussion of management or

18 * 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Copyright © 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Ultrasound Quarterly & Volume 30, Number 1, March 2014 Ultrasound Curriculum for Medical Students

differential follows (eg, neonate with a fetal renal anomaly Day 3:

discovered on prenatal US, followed postnatally with US, - Cardiac US (lecture on basic echocardiographic views and
voiding cystourethrogram, nuclear scan, etc). common abnormalities)
- Cardiac US demonstration (observation of student being
Model for a 3-Day Program (Year 3 or 4) scanned)
The following model is designed for a Compact Ultra- - Ultrasound guidance for procedures (lecture on principles
sound Course implemented in a total of 3 days, not necessarily and examples)
in succession. It may be incorporated into the radiology - Workshop, hands-on for venous access, and needle place-
elective or a stand-alone course (preferably in the third or ment into phantoms
fourth year). - Using appropriate US imaging: case-based discussions
Day 1: Didactic lectures
- Ultrasound physics, instrumentation and knobology with
demonstration Ultrasound Elective (Year 4)
- Abdominal US (emphasis on where US is most useful) For students with an interest in pursuing US and for
- Pelvic US (urinary bladder, gynecology, obstetrics) hospitals with sufficiently large US departments, an intensive
- Ultrasound of superficial structures (scrotum, breast, thyroid, elective in US imaging may be offered. Under the direct su-
superficial soft tissues, musculoskeletal, eye, neonatal brain) pervision of a physician or sonographer, the student will scan
Day 2: patients and perform focused US examinations. Student will
- Hands-on workshop: students scan each other and identify demonstrate knowledge of instrumentation, knobology, transducer
liver, gallbladder, bile duct, spleen, kidneys, aorta, inferior selection, presets, machine settings, and so on. The student will
vena cava, urinary bladder, thyroid, internal jugular vein, begin with scans of the abdomen, followed by pelvis, small parts,
carotid artery, subclavian vein. vascular, first trimester, and so on, and may participate in simple
- Observation in US clinical reading area guidance procedures (paracentesis, thoracentesis).

* 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 19

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