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Memorize the 7 major diagnostic categories in the DSM-5

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1. A: Anxiety panic disorder, agoraphobia, 7. How do you diagnose SIGECAPS

disorders include? generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), major depression? 4/8, with depressed mood or
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) anhedonia for 2 weeks.
S: sleep disorder
2. CAGE questions? 2/4 affirmative answers indicate high
I: interest deficit (anhedonia)
probability of alcohol use disorder.
G: guilt (worthlessness,
1. Have you felt you should cut back on
hopelessness, regret)
your drinking?
E: energy deficit
2. Has anybody annoyed you with
C: concentration deficit
comments on your drinking?
A: appetite disorder
3. Have you felt guilty about your
P: psychomotor retardation or
4. Have you had an eye-opener in the
S: suicidality
morning to get rid of a hangover?
8. How do you diagnose DIGFAST
3. C: Cognitive dementia, mental retardation, ADHD
manic episode? elevated mood with 3/7, or
disorders include?
irritable mood with 4/7, for 1
4. D: Depression and major depression, bipolar disorder, week.
other mood dysthymia D: distractibility
disorders include? I: indiscretion (excessive
5. How do you 2 criteria. involvement in
diagnose 1. fear of being places where escape pleasurable activity)
agoraphobia? might be difficult G: grandiosity
2. efforts to avoid such places F: flight of ideas
A: activity increased
6. How do you Three sx clusters: the heart,
S: sleep deficit
diagnose a panic breathlessness, fear.
T: talkativeness (pressured
attack? Then think of 3-5-5. numbers refer #sx in
*remember.. the speed that a
manic patient would dig a hole..
1 palpitations
2 chest pain 9. How do you diagnose The presence of obsessions,
3 nausea obsessive-compulsive compulsion, or both.
Breathlessness: disorder? Washing and Straightening Make
1 shortness of breath Clean House.
2 choking sensation WSMCH
3 dizziness W: washing
4 paresthesias S: straightening (ordering rituals)
5 chills or hot flashes M: mental rituals (magical words,
Fear: numbers)
1 fear of dying C: checking
2 fear of going crazy H: hoarding
3 shaking
4 sweating
5 derealization or depersonalization
10. How do you ACHEWS 13. How do you diagnose Tempted With Cognac
diagnose persistent 2/6, with depressed mood, for 2 years. substance use TWC
depressive disorder A: appetite disorder disorder? 2/11
(dysthymia)? C: concentration deficit T: tolerance, a need to increase
H: hopelessness amount to
E: energydeficit achieve intoxication
W: worthlessness W: withdrawal syndrome
S: sleep disorder C: loss of control
*remember.. the dysthymic patient is 1 more alcohol ingested than
allergic to happiness.. ACHEWS intended
2 unsuccessful attempt to cut down
11. How do you the PTSD patient Remembers Atrocious
3 much time spent r/t obtaining &
diagnose Nuclear Attacks.
posttraumatic RANA
4 craving alcohol
stress disorder? R: re-experiencing the trauma via
5 alcohol use continued knowing its
memories, flashbacks, or nightmares.
6 important activities given up
1 is required.
7 failure to fulfill major role
A: avoidance of stimuli associated with
8 persistent social & interpersonal
N: negative alterations in cognitions
and mood
9 recurrent use in situation which are
(amnesia for the trauma, negative
physically hazardous
about oneself or the world, irrationally 14. P: Personality there are 10 personality disorders:
blaming oneself for the trauma, disorders include? 1 cluster A, paranoid
negative 2 cluster A, schizoid
emotional state, restricted interests and 3 cluster A, schizotypal
activities, detachment, and inability to 4 cluster B, borderline personality
have disorder
positive emotions). 5 cluster B, antisocial
2 is required. 6 cluster B, histrionic
7 cluster B, narcissistic
12. How do you Delusions Herald Schizophrenic's Bad
8 cluster C, avoidant
diagnose News
9 cluster C, dependent
schizophrenia? DHSBN
10 cluster C, obsessive-compulsive
2 sx for 1 month, plus 5 months of
prodromal or residual sx. At least 1 sx 15. P: Psychotic disorders schizophrenia, schizoaffective
must be (delusions, hallucinations, include? disorder, delusional disorder
speech disorganization).
16. S: Somatic disorders somatic symptom disorder, eating
D: delusions
include? disorders
H: hallucinations
S: speech/thought disorganization 17. S: Substance abuse alcohol and drug use, psychiatric
B: behavior disorganization disorders include? syndromes induced by drug and
N: negative symptoms alcohol use
18. what's the mnemonic for the 7 major diagnostic categories in the DSM- Depressed Patients Sound Anxious, So Claim
5? Psychiatrist.
D: Depression and other mood disorders
P: Psychotic disorders
S: Substance abuse disorders
A: Anxiety disorders
S: Somatic disorders
C: Cognitive disorders
P: Personality disorders

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