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Sentence Exercise -continued

2. Turn each of the following groups of simple sentences into one complex sentence , using any method
you think suitable.

Maria was feeling bored. She had been on holiday for three days. It had been raining all week.
She decided that she must get out of the house and hang out with some friends.

a) Maria picked up the telephone. She dialed the number of her friend, Consuela. Consuela
answered in a sleepy and tired voice which makes me assume that she’s not feeling 100%.

b) Consuela was pleased when she heard Maria’s voice . She had been very depressed by the bad
weather. Now there might be a chance to do something interesting that would make her feel
even better.

c) Maria suggested that they went into town. Her older brother was at home. She would ask him if
he would drive them in his car. They would call for Consuela in thirty minutes who will get ready

d) Consuela put down the telephone . She was very pleased with Maria’ s suggestion. She ran into
her bedroom. She needed to get ready quickly. She also wanted to eat some breakfast that she
wouldn’t been able to get shower

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