Design of Fire Protection System and Fdas For A Paint Factory

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An Executive Summary for the Design Report
Submitted to


Professor of the School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering
Muralla St., Intramuros, Manila

Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the

Subject ME158P-2/B1 – Industrial Plant Engineering in the
Degree Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Group No. 2
Asst. Group Leader: 14 GACOSCOS, JULIUS T.
Members are: 09 DAVID, JERICHO DUNE C.

June 10, 2022

Design of Fire Protection System and FDAS for a Paint Factory
GROUP # 2 / June 10, 2022
Professor: Engr. Rofuat “Pat” L. Lu, PME, MSME

paint and coating manufacturers in the Philippines

ABSTRACT have been meeting the market demand so far. The
Philippine paint and coating industry, composed of
This paper aims to design a fire protection more than 20 paint and coating manufacturers, has
system and FDAS for a paint factory with the maintained a steady growth of more than 6% in coating
application of industrial methods. The design of a fire online in the past five years.
protection system and FDAS is needed to avoid risk to
life and damage to the paint factory. Fire protection The Design for fire protection system and
systems and FDAS have significant benefits when the FDAS aims to ensure the safety and security of the
systems perform as expected. These systems reduce workers and the paint factory. Also, to prevent or limit
damage to the building, expensive equipment,
documents, and inventory. Fire suppression systems,
smoke detectors, and sprinkler systems are all types of the escalation of fire and minimize material
fire protection systems that help fire detection and damage until the source of hazard has been isolated or
protect building occupants and equipment. The design consumed.
of the system includes calculating size/capacity,
equipment selection and layout, and calculation of


1. Title Page
2. Abstract
3. Table of Contents
3.1 Determine a product to be manufactured
3.2 Capacity / Demand & Supply / Current
Market Cost of the Product
3.3 General Manufacturing Diagram
4. Statement of the Design Problem
5. Objectives of the Design
6. Significance of the Design
7. Scope and Limitation
8. Review of Related Literature
Figure 1. Paint Factory Diagram
9. Application of Design Methodology
9.1 Analysis
9.2 Health and Safety Hazard
9.3 Ethical, Social, and Environmental The objectives that the group aims to achieve are
the following:
9.4 Paint Factory Capacity
• To design a Fire Protection System and
9.5 Equipment Layout
FDAS for a paint factory
9.6 Equipment Selection
• To study fire protection and detection for
9.7 Paint Factory Layout
paint factory in line with internationally
9.8 Detection Basis
accepted standards and NFPA guidelines.
10. Conclusion & Recommendations
11. References • To apply the concepts of industrial design
methodology in a paint factory.
STATEMENT OF THE DESIGN PROBLEM • To find out recommendations and remedial
measures for the best code of Practices.
Paints provide two primary functions that are
of considerable economic importance—decoration SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY
and protection. About 55% of the coatings produced
worldwide are used to decorate and protect new 1. The design will prevent or limit the escalation
construction as well as to maintain existing structures. of fire, minimalizing the material damage.
Another 35% of the coatings are used to decorate 2. The design will provide an early warning to
and/or protect industrial products. Without coatings, the personnel (By initiating alarms, horns,
product lives might be shortened drastically and many beacons) of the existence of a potentially
products would not even be marketable. Domestic
dangerous situation such as flammable systems mentioned formerly were not quite
atmospheres, gas release, or fire. established properly in the paint industries in Kenya,
3. The design of the fire protection system and which was regarded as unsafe given that the fire
FDAS ensures that it is complete and meets safety preparedness was lacking.
the internationally accepted standards and
NFPA guidelines. By analyzing thoroughly, the main reasons of
these accidents occur because of the process.
SCOPE AND LIMITATION Moreover, paint is a material considered to be highly
flammable, so it is very prone to combustion. In light
This study shall focus on designing a fire of this, the process in which paint is created was
protection system and FDAS for a paint factory. The checked, as well as the prevention measures, in
design aims to improve the existing fire protection another study by Chang and Liang (2009). Their
system and FDAS for a paint factory. The study is study aimed to assess or evaluate the performance
limited to fire protection systems and remedial shown by the safety management systems of the
measures for system effectiveness and design process in the paint manufacturing facilities.
fulfilment basis for a paint factory.
Furthermore, it is also essential to remember that
The study will also analyze the important in cases where prevention is impossible, then the next
operations and procedures that are included in a fire step would be to avoid spreading the fire or in other
protection system of a paint factory. It will tackle the words, minimize the damage done by the accident. In
issues regarding the health and safety hazards in a the off chance that fire is not managed properly and a
paint factory in addition to the ethical, social, and fire accident happens, the fire detection and alarm
environmental aspects that it has an effect to. The systems will be invaluable. While the common fire
study also covers the base requirements for a paint alarm system is entirely reliant on a wiring network,
factory concerning its design such as its layout, this causes some problems with flexibility and
capacity, as well as the selection for equipment. limitations appear. As such, the study of Piera and
Included in this paper are the calculations and Salva in 2019, titled A Wireless Sensor Network for
specifications required to create a proper and working Fire Detection and Alarm System, sought to realize
system for the paint factory. Diagrams and figures will the ideal of creating a wireless sensor for the fire
be included to give a better view of the layout of the detection and alarm system in hopes of providing
plant. The study concludes with the effectiveness of more options in its applications.
the designed system for the paint factory.
Evaluation / Analysis
Occupational hazards are commonly considered
to be the risks present in certain natures of a job or The majority of paints are either oil or water
working conditions. There are multiple types of based (What You Need to Know about Flammable
hazards in the workplace, and are classified into Paint Storage Buildings, 2019). Oil-based paints are
physical hazards, chemical hazards, and ergonomic classified as combustible by OSHA because they
hazards (Shaw, 2021). One of the physical hazards contain a high quantity of solvents. However, it's vital
that can occur in the work area is fire. As most to note that some water-based paints might be
things, machines and appliances require heat so the hazardous. Thus, the implementation of a fire
risk of fire breaking out is present everywhere. protection system and FDAS in a paint factory, since
this counts as a protection of the company’s assets or
Fire outbreaks in the workplace is considered to products and for the protection of the workers in the
be one of the most common hazards to occupational factory from fire hazards. As such, the standards to be
safety of most industries around the world. followed in operating the facility are vital in providing
Manufacturing industries in the recent past have and ensuring safety of workers and non-workers alike.
experienced several fire incidences which have led to
loss of life, life threatening injuries, loss of business Environmental Standards
and investment opportunities (Mutuku, 2020). It is • RA 8749: Clean Air Act of 1999
imperative that the fire prevention systems as well as Air quality management in order to
the fire safety managements are to be ensured in maintain a clean and healthy air.
order to minimize the risks once an accident occurs. • RA 6969: Toxic Substances and Hazardous
As also stated by Mutuku in the same article, the and Nuclear Waste Control Act of 1990
Proper control and supervision of
hazardous, toxic and nuclear

Health and Safety / Hazard

Paint is made by a number of methods that

can be hazardous to one's health (Olufunsho &
Awodele, n.d.). As a result, safety actions are
implemented to reduce danger exposure and increase
worker safety. It is clear that adequate frameworks
must be developed to begin the integration and Figure 2. Factory Layout Diagram
enforcement of safety rules in paint manufacturing.
There is a need to promote adherence to these practice Equipment Selection
standards when they exist. Other than the dangers of
chemicals, there is also the danger of various 1. Smoke Detector
equipment that are in the factory, workers must always 2. Heat Detector
have their personal protective equipment with them, 3. Manual Lever
and they should strive to prevent hazardous 4. Water Sprinkler
probabilities among the factory and their workers. 5. Alarm
6. Fire Alarm Panel
Ethical, Social, and Environmental Aspects
Paint Factory Layout
One of the most well-known environmental
impacts of paint is the presence of Volatile Organic
Compounds (VOC) that are released to the
environment during the production of paint
(Healthcare Environmental Resource Center, n.d.).
VOCs contribute to the formation of ozone once
released in the atmosphere in which it can create a very
toxic substance in the atmosphere known as smog.
Production of paint also contributes to elevated carbon
emission released in the atmosphere thereby
contributing in the global warming. Moreover,
improper paint disposal also leads to various
environmental problems such as land and water
pollutions, and endangering wildlife. However,
emerging productions of eco-friendly paint are being Detection Basis
produced to minimize the environmental risk of paint
production. The utilization of eco-friendly materials Basis Detector/Alarm
resulted to reduced carbon emission, less energy spent, Smoke Smoke detectors with
and reduced waste disposal that does not harm the high sensitivity and an
environment. optical sensor
Flame Triple IR Flame
Paint Factory Capacity detector
Heat Temperature-
a. Fire incidents in the Philippines in 2021 = dependent rate of rise
203 using linear heat
b. Philippine population in 2021 = detector cable (LHD)
c. Target Capacity = 6% of the total CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION
The design paper mainly focuses on the fire
Equipment Layout protection system and FDAS for a paint factory. The
design aims to achieve the safety needed for a paint
factory properly. So, it is expected to have a helpful
utility for safety and proper equipment to avoid Philippine paint market has grown by more than 6%
casualties. It is recommended that before this, the annually in the past 5 years. (2019). Retrieved from
group that was given this kind of topic should be
prepared and have a proper plan for the design
methodology. Moreover, in designing a fire protection WEEKLY ACTIVITIES
system and FDAS for a paint factory, the group must Week Activities
be well known for the needed systems to have fewer Week 1 Formation of group members
errors. Lastly, planning systematically provides a Submission of proposed title
sound output. Week 2 Submission of Executive Summary
Week 3 Calculations
REFERENCES Further in-depth research on related
Mein, S. (2019). What is a Fire Protection System. Submission of the revised Executive
Retrieved from Summary Report
protection-blog/what-is-a-fire-protection-system Week 4 Discussion on topic
Revision and Finalization of Executive
Chang, J. & Liang, C. (2009). Performance evaluation Summary
of process safety management systems of paint Results
manufacturing facilities. Week 5 Analysis of Results Conclusion and Recommendation
Week 6 Submission of final Executive
Mutuku, V. (2020). Evaluation of Fire Safety Summary
Compliance in Paint Industry in Nairobi County. Finalization of Plate report
Retrieved from Week 7 Preparations through discourse and meetings
Design Plate Defense
Shaw, G. (2021). Occupational Hazards: an overview. Week 8 Submission of Final Plate report
Retrieved from or 9

WHAT IS THE CLEAN AIR ACT? (n.d.). Retrieved



STANDARDS. (1989). Retrieved from

Lu, R. L. (2022). Executive Summary Format.

Retrieved from Blackboard

Lu, R. L. (2022). IPE Design Methodology Notes

rev1. Retrieved from Blackboard

R. L. Lu. (2022). Industrial Plant Design

Fundamentals. Retrieved from Blackboard

Linak, E. (2021). Paint and Coatings Industry

Overview. Retrieved from

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