To Throw or Not To Throw by Koh Cheng Boon

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Two million people evacuated the nation by sea to many Southeast Asian
countries when the Vietnam War ended. Singapore had to limit the entry of
refugees due to its tiny size. Singapore was the first nation to prevent
individuals from attempting to cross coastlines as a result.

The Vietnamese boat people were barred from entering other Asian countries.
Southeast Asian countries have also declared that they have reached their
breaking point and will not accept any new residents.

The boat people encountered numerous difficulties along the way.

They lacked food and water.

Many of them had health problems.

While sending the refugees away, they also gave them food and fuel. RSN and
the Singapore Army collaborated on an operation they called a thunderstorm.

Peacetime training: OOTW

A line of lights was strung from front to back on the patrol craft by the crew.
Anyone utilising night vision equipment to scan the horizon would see their
image flare when they passed across the highly lit craft. The RSN's primary
combatants included patrol craft.

In the South China Sea, the PCs were given a variety of tasks, including
intercepting refugee boats and stopping them from boarding in Singapore.
Over the previous year, the warship had successfully completed the task
numerous times. The crew was well familiar with training because this
procedure had become normal.

Making situation better:

The presence of police and coast guard would improve the situation. Arranging
a team of doctors near the coast to provide medical assistance to refugees, this
would the situation better in the training programme.

2A) If I were a seaman, I would take that infant to the boat's doctor and ask
him to examine her to determine whether she is ill or not, additionally, since

she is plainly malnourished, I would ask the doctor to give her some food. I
would then take her onto the boat and convey the matter to the higher
authorities. Additionally, I would persuade them not to return the infant back
to the Vietnamese boat people because she is extremely ill and may perish in
their care due to her malnutrition. We will then deliver her to the base camps
after this. For Vietnamese immigrants in Singapore, these base camps have
been set up.

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