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Thailand in the year 3000

Can you imagine yourself aboard a spaceship for your summer holidays? Or playing
handball in Mars? Well, this will be the reality for Thailand residents in 3000 if the project
for building a town on Mars is successful. Thailand is planning to make a town in Mars by
2117, as they announced in the Dream for the Future forecast. If this happens, then
Thailand will be completely different from now. For example, there will be spaceports and
not just airports and people will be travelling back and forth from Mars easily. Since
Thailand will be the first country to build such a town, Bangkok as the capital will be
renowned globally. This will attract tourists and will lead to economic development. As oil
reserves will have been depleted, the town in space will be a solution to the economic

Moreover, Thailand will be highly developed technologically and there will be flying cars
that will be using solar energy, thus there will be no need for fossil fuels. In general,
buildings will be built with respect to the environment using renewable energy sources for
lights and air-conditions. As local people will have realized the importance of tradition, the
houses will have a unique style that is both traditional and modern. People will still be
wearing their traditional clothes and family will be their first priority. Since nowadays
technology is being overused and abused and people become more and more obsessed
with it, by 3000 they will have learned from the mistakes of the present and they will
make different choices. For example, mobile phones which will resemble a wristwatch will
be de-activated at homes so that there will be more interaction among family members.

As far as the environment is concerned, the use of renewable energy sources will
definitely reduce pollution and conserve energy. Thailand will have plenty of forests and
green due to the cloud seeding and the landscape will be totally transformed. Disposable
cups will be banned in the city and litter will be greatly reduced. Endangered species will
be sheltered in animal parks that will resemble natural habitats. Overall, Thailand will
have a leading role in environmental efforts around the world. Furthermore, it will also
participate actively in efforts to help people in need such as refugees and disaster
survivors. Actually, the city on Mars can provide a much-needed shelter for them and
maybe a refuge for the rest of the world in case things on earth go terribly wrong. Given
all this, living in Thailand in 3000 will certainly be rewarding and worthwhile.

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