OIl Anlysis

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Oil Analysis Explained

Oil analysis is a routine activity for analyzing oil health, oil contamination and
machine wear. The purpose of an oil analysis program is to verify that a
lubricated machine is operating according to expectations. When an abnormal
condition or parameter is identified through oil analysis, immediate actions can be
taken to correct the root cause or to mitigate a developing failure.  

Why Perform Oil Analysis

An obvious reason to perform oil analysis is to understand the condition of the oil,
but it is also intended to help bring to light the condition of the machine from
which the oil sample was taken. There are three main categories of oil analysis:
fluid properties, contamination and wear debris.

Fluid Properties
This type of oil analysis focuses on identifying the oil’s current physical and
chemical state as well as on defining its remaining useful life (RUL). It answers
questions such as:

 Does the sample match the specified oil identification?

 Is it the correct oil to use?
 Are the right additives active?
 Have additives depleted?
 Has the viscosity shifted from the expected viscosity? If so, why?
 What is the oil’s RUL?

By detecting the presence of destructive contaminants and narrowing down their
probable sources (internal or external), oil analysis can help answer questions
such as:

 Is the oil clean?

 What types of contaminants are in the oil?
 Where are contaminants originating?
 Are there signs of other types of lubricants?
 Is there any sign of internal leakage?

Wear Debris
This form of oil analysis is about determining the presence and identification of
particles produced as a result of mechanical wear, corrosion or other machine
surface degradation. It answers questions relating to wear, including:

 Is the machine degrading abnormally?

 Is wear debris produced?
 From which internal component is the wear likely originating?
 What is the wear mode and cause?
 How severe is the wear condition?

You need to know if any actions should be taken to keep the machine healthy
and to extend the life of the oil. Oil analysis for machines can be compared to
blood analysis for the human body. When a doctor pulls a blood sample, he puts
it through a lineup of analysis machines, studies the results and reports his
conclusions based on his education, research and detailed questions asked to
the patient.
Likewise, with oil analysis, careful oil samples are taken, and elaborate machines
yield the test results. Laboratory personnel interpret the data to the best of their
ability, but without crucial details about the machine, a diagnosis or prognosis can
be inaccurate. Some of these important details include:
 The machine’s environmental conditions (extreme temperatures, high
humidity, high vibration, etc.)
 The originating component (steam turbine, pump, etc.), make, model and
oil type currently in use
 The permanent component ID and exact sample port location
 Proper sampling procedures to confirm a consistently representative
 Occurrences of oil changes or makeup oil added, as well as the quantity of
makeup oil since the last oil change
 Whether filter carts have been in use between oil samples
 Total operating time on the sampled component since it was purchased or
 Total runtime on the oil since the last change
 Any other unusual or noteworthy activity involving the machine that could
influence changes to the lubricant
Interpreting an oil analysis report can be overwhelming to the untrained eye.
Oil analysis isn’t cheap, and neither is the equipment on which it reveals
information. Every year, industrial plants pay millions of dollars for commercial
laboratories to perform analysis on used and new oil samples. Unfortunately, a
majority of the plant personnel who receive these lab reports do not understand
the basics of how to interpret them.
What to Look for When Reviewing an Oil
Analysis Report
1. Read and check the data on the oil type and machine type for accuracy.
2. Verify that reference data is shown for new oil conditions and that trend
data is at an understood frequency (preferably consistent).
3. Check the measured viscosity.
4. Verify elemental wear data and compare to reference and trended data.
Use a wear debris atlas to match elements to their possible source.
5. Check the elemental additive data and compare to reference and trended
data. Use a wear debris atlas to match elements to their possible source.
6. Verify elemental contamination data along with particle counts and
compare with reference and trended data. Use a wear debris atlas to
match elements to their possible source.
7. Check moisture/water levels and compare to reference and trended data.
8. Verify the acid number and base number and compare to reference and
trended data.
9. Check other analyzed data such as FTIR oxidation levels, flash point,
demulsibility, analytical ferrography, etc.
10. Compare any groups of data that are trending toward unacceptable levels
and make justifications based on these trends.
11. Compare written results and recommendations with known information on
the oil and machine, such as recent changes in environmental or
operational conditions or recent oil changes/filtration.
12. Review alarm limits and make adjustments based on the new information.
Typically, an oil analysis report comes with a written summary section that
attempts to put the results and recommendations in layman’s terms. But, since
the laboratory has never seen the machine or know its full history, these
recommended actions are generic and not tailored to your individual
circumstances. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the plant personnel who
receive the lab report to take the proper action based on all known facts about
the machine, the environment and recent lubrication tasks performed.

Oil Analysis Tests

For a standard piece of equipment undergoing the normal recommended oil
analysis, the test slate would consist of “routine” tests. If more testing is needed
to answer advanced questions, these would be considered “exception” tests.
Routine tests vary based on the originating component and environmental
conditions but should almost always include tests for viscosity, elemental
(spectrometric) analysis, moisture levels, particle counts, Fourier transform
infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and acid number. Other tests that are based on the
originating equipment include analytical ferrography, ferrous density, demulsibility
and base number testing.
The table on the left shows how tests are used in each of the three main oil
analysis categories.

Several methods are used to measure viscosity, which is reported in terms of
kinematic or absolute viscosity. While most industrial lubricants classify viscosity
in terms of ISO standardized viscosity grades (ISO 3448), this does not imply that
all lubricants with an ISO VG 320, for example, are exactly 320 centistokes (cSt).
According to the ISO standard, each lubricant is considered to be a particular
viscosity grade as long as it falls within 10 percent of the viscosity midpoint
(typically that of the ISO VG number).

of lubrication professionals would not

32% understand how to interpret an oil analysis

report from a commercial laboratory, based on
a recent poll at MachineryLubrication.com

Viscosity is a lubricant’s most important characteristic. Monitoring the oil’s

viscosity is critical because any changes can lead to a host of other problems,
such as oxidation, glycol ingression or thermal stressors.
Too high or too low viscosity readings may be due to the presence of an incorrect
lubricant, mechanical shearing of the oil and/or the viscosity index improver, oil
oxidation, antifreeze contamination, or an influence from fuel, refrigerant or
solvent contamination.
Limits for changes in the viscosity depend on the type of lubricant being analyzed
but most often have a marginal limit of approximately 10 percent and a critical
limit of approximately 20 percent higher or lower than the intended viscosity.

Acid Number/Base Number

Acid number and base number tests are similar but are used to interpret different
lubricant and contaminant-related questions. In an oil analysis test, the acid
number is the concentration of acid in the oil, while the base number is the
reserve of alkalinity in the oil. Results are expressed in terms of the volume of
potassium hydroxide in milligrams required to neutralize the acids in one gram of
oil. Acid number testing is performed on non-crankcase oils, while base number
testing is for over-based crankcase oils.
An acid number that is too high or too low may be the result of oil oxidation, the
presence of an incorrect lubricant or additive depletion. A base number that is too
low can indicate high engine blow-by conditions (fuel, soot, etc.), the presence of
an incorrect lubricant, internal leakage contamination (glycol) or oil oxidation from
extended oil drain intervals and/or extreme heat.

FTIR is a quick and sophisticated method for determining several oil parameters
including contamination from fuel, water, glycol and soot; oil degradation products
like oxides, nitrates and sulfates; as well as the presence of additives such as
zinc dialkyldithiophosphate (ZDDP) and phenols.
The FTIR instrument recognizes each of these characteristics by monitoring the
shift in infrared absorbance at specific or a range of wavenumbers. Many of the
observed parameters may not be conclusive, so often these results are coupled
with other tests and used more as supporting evidence. Parameters identified by
shifts in specific wavenumbers are shown in the table below.

Elemental Analysis
Elemental analysis works on the principles of atomic emission spectroscopy
(AES), which is sometimes called wear metal analysis. This technology detects
the concentration of wear metals, contaminants or additive elements within the
oil. The two most common types of atomic emission spectroscopy are rotating
disc electrode (RDE) and inductively coupled plasma (ICP).
Both of these methods have limitations in analyzing particle sizes, with RDE
limited to particles less than 8 to 10 microns and ICP limited to particles less than
3 microns. Still, they are useful for providing trend data. Possible sources of
many common elements are shown in the table below.
The best way to monitor this type of data is to first determine what is expected to
be in the oil. An effective oil analysis report will provide reference data for the
new oil so any amounts of additive elements can be easily distinguished from
those of contaminants. Also, because many types of elements should be
expected at some level (even contaminants in certain environments), it is better
to analyze trends rather than focus on any specific measurement of elemental
analysis data.

Particle Counting
Particle counting measures the size and quantity of particles in the oil. Many
techniques can be used to assess this data, which is reported based on ISO
4406:99. This standard designates three numbers separated by a forward slash
providing a range number that correlates to the particle counts of particles greater
than 4, 6 and 14 microns. Here's an illustration of how different particle counts
are assigned specific ISO codes.

Moisture Analysis
Moisture content within an oil sample is often measured with the Karl Fischer
titration test. This test reports results in parts per million (ppm), although data is
often shown in percentages. It can find water in all three forms: dissolved,
emulsified and free. The crackle test and hot-plate test are non-instrument
moisture tests for screening before the Karl Fischer method is used. Possible
reasons for a moisture reading being too high or too low would include water
ingression from open hatches or breathers, internal condensation during
temperature swings or seal leaks.

Interpreting Oil Analysis Reports

The first thing to check on an oil analysis report is the information about the
customer, originating piece of equipment and lubricant (see Section A of the
sample report below). Including these details is the customer’s responsibility.
Without this information, the effectiveness of the report will be diminished.
Knowing which piece of equipment the oil was sampled from affects the ability to
identify potential sources of the measured parameters, especially wear particles.
For example, the originating piece of equipment can help associate reported
wear particles with certain internal components.
The lubricant information can provide a baseline for several parameters, such as
the expected viscosity grade, active additives and acid/base number levels.
These details may seem straightforward but are often forgotten or illegible on the
oil sample identification label or request form.
ref. Fluid Life
The next section (Section B) of the oil analysis report to examine is the elemental
analysis or FTIR breakdown. This data can help identify contamination, wear
metals and additives present within the oil. These parameters are reported in
parts per million (ppm). Still, this does not mean a contamination particle, for
example, can only be indicated by sodium, potassium or silicon spikes.
In the example above, the rise in silicon and aluminum could indicate dust/dirt
contamination as the root cause. One likely explanation for these spikes is that as
dirt (silicon) enters the oil from an external source, three-body abrasion occurs
within the machine, causing wear debris including aluminum, iron and nickel to
With a better understanding of the metallurgy within the system’s components,
any spikes in wear metals can be better associated, allowing a proper conclusion
for which internal components are experiencing wear. Keep in mind that for trend
analysis, it is important that samples are taken at an appropriate and
uninterrupted frequency.
Graphs in an oil analysis report can help illustrate notable trends in the data.
(Ref. Fluid Life)
With elemental data related to contaminants and wear metals, alarms are set for
upward trends in the data. For elemental data about additives, alarms are set for
downward trends. Having a baseline of new lubricant reference data is critical in
assessing which additives are expected and at what levels. These baselines are
then established to help determine any significant reduction in specific additives.
Another section of the oil analysis report presents previously identified sample
information from the customer such as oil manufacturer, brand, viscosity grade
and in-service time, as well as if an oil change has been performed. This is
important data that can provide an explanation for what could be false positives in
alarming data changes.
The “physical tests” section of a report offers details on viscosity at both 40
degrees C and 100 degrees C, along with the viscosity index and percentage of
water. For common industrial oils, the viscosity measurement at 40 degrees C is
usually given, since this correlates to the oil’s ISO viscosity grade. If the viscosity
index must also be calculated, such as for engine oil, then these additional
viscosity measurements will be identified. The viscosity for engine crankcase oils
is reported at 100 degrees C.
Water contamination, which often is measured by the Karl Fischer test, is
presented in percentages or ppm. While some systems are expected to have
high levels of water (more than 10,000 ppm or 10 percent), the typical alarm
limits for most equipment are between 50 to 300 ppm.
The “additional tests” section shows two final tests: acid number (AN) and particle
size distribution (aka, particle count). When analyzing the acid number, you
should have both a reference value and the ability to trend from past analysis.
The acid number often will jump considerably at some point. This may be your
best indicator for when the oil is oxidizing rapidly and should be changed.
*Gas compressors only ** Air compressors only ***For phosphate ester fluids,
consult the fluid supplier and/or turbine manufacturer. R = Routine testing E =
Exception test keyed to a positive result from the test in parentheses
The last section of the oil analysis report generally provides written results for
each of the final few test samples along with recommendations for required
actions. Typically, these recommendations are entered manually by laboratory
personnel and based on information provided by the customer and the data
collected in the lab.
If there is an explanation for the data that stems from something not explicitly
stated by the customer, the results must be reinterpreted by those familiar with
the machine’s history of environmental and operating conditions. Understanding
the information given here is critical. Remember, there is always an explanation
for each exceeded limit, and the root cause should be investigated.
In addition to the raw data shown throughout the oil analysis report, graphs can
help illustrate notable trends in the data. Below is an example of trended data
points from analyzed data, with the water test having the most notable
unfavorable spike.
Along with the trend data, graphs should show typical averages, warning
(marginal) limits and alarm (critical) limits. These limits should be modified
depending on the type of data collected, the type of lubricant and the machine’s
known operating conditions.
Standard alarm limits will be set by the oil analysis laboratory. Yet, if there is any
reason to adjust these limits higher or lower, they should be identified properly.
Examples of limits that should be lowered would be those for critical assets or
assets that are consistently healthy. A small spike in data would be cause to run
an exception test or an immediate second sample for analysis.
In such cases, a second sample would ensure the data received is representative
of the oil conditions and not simply a human error in sampling or analysis. If
exception tests are needed, the chart above shows which tests would be
appropriate when a given routine test limit has been exceeded.

What Is the Best Oil Analysis Lab?

Oil analysis labs have varying capabilities and specialties. Some focus more on
specific types of lubricants, such as engine oil, as compared to industrial
lubricants like turbine or circulating oil. Most offer a wide array of testing to
provide useful information and actionable data.
With all the variables to consider, it would be virtually impossible to identify a
single lab as being the best. Simply put, the right oil analysis lab for you will be
the one that delivers quality data in a reasonable time and at a reasonable price. 
To better understand your lab’s capabilities, open an honest dialogue with them
and ask about their core competencies. Be upfront about the type of testing you
would like performed. Also, inform the lab about your machine classes
(gearboxes, turbines, hydraulics, engines, etc.) and inquire about their expertise
with these types of equipment.
Probe into their turnaround times and discuss their price for analysis. Don’t forget
to ask about volume discounts. This could be a way for both you and the lab to
benefit from the partnership. You'll also want to read How to Select the Right Oil
Analysis Lab. 

Do I Need to Find an Oil Analysis Lab Near

The geographic location of an oil analysis lab is tertiary to the quality of the data
and the turnaround time for the results. Selecting a lab that can conduct the type
of testing required for your plant with a high level of confidence in the data should
be your primary concern.
Look for ISO-accredited laboratories that take part in the ASTM Crosscheck
Program. This will give insight into the usefulness of the data coming from the
Having a lab nearby does offer some benefits, as it would allow for frequent
surprise audits where you could hand-deliver samples to the lab, tour the facility
and watch the analysis as it is performed. There may also be a chance to save
on shipping costs.
Depending on how close the lab is, the samples might even arrive on the same
day. Yet, there would be minimal savings in turnaround time, since most data
from the lab will be transmitted electronically.

What Is an Oil Analysis Kit?

An oil analysis sampling kit should include everything required to obtain a
representative sample from a piece of equipment. Generally, the lab performing
the analysis will offer this kit with their service. It should contain disposable
tubing, a sample label, a vessel for mailing back the sample and a sample bottle.
Verify that the bottle in the kit is at least certified as “clean.” Tools often not found
in the kit include a vacuum sampling pump, an adapter to attach to a sample port,
and a purge bottle for flushing purposes. These are all required items that you
should keep in your internal kit.
An oil analysis test kit has equipment that will allow for onsite testing of new and
in-service oils. Many kits can provide valuable data on key parameters such as
viscosity, acid number, moisture content, particle contamination and wear debris.
Before being allowed into the plant, all new lubricants should undergo these tests
along with laboratory analysis.
Based on inspection results or other condition-based maintenance (CBM)
technologies, an oil analysis kit can quickly reveal the condition of the equipment
and the lubricant. Each kit should be stored in the lube room and contain testing
devices such as a Visgage, acid number/base number test strips, a calcium-
hydroxide water-content tester and a patch test kit. You'll also want to take a look
at The Basics of Used Oil Sampling

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The Basics of Used Oil Sampling

Proper oil sampling is critical to an effective oil analysis program. Without a
representative lube sample, oil analysis cannot be used effectively to monitor oil
condition, predict machine failures or help you extend asset life. Whether you are
using a test kit from service supplier or your own equipment, getting a few key
details right when you take oil samples will give you more accurate, consistent
and useful data.

Sample Data Density & Distrubance

There are two primary goals in obtaining a representative oil sample. The first
goal is to maximize data density. The sample should be taken in a way that
ensures there is as much information per milliliter of oil as possible.
This information relates to such criteria as cleanliness and dryness of the oil,
depletion of additives, and the presence of wear particles being generated by the
Sampling oil with a vacuum pump can help reduce contamination during
the sampling procedure.
The second goal is to minimize data disturbance. The sample should be
extracted so that the concentration of information is uniform, consistent and
representative. It is important to make sure that the sample does not become
contaminated during the sampling process.
Oil analysis services like Shell LubeAnalyst can help simplify tracking and
reporting processes.
This can distort and disturb the data, making it difficult to distinguish what was
originally in the oil from what came into the oil during the sampling process.
To ensure good data density and minimum data disturbance in oil sampling, the
sampling procedure, sampling device and sampling location should be
considered. The procedure by which a sample is drawn is critical to the success
of oil analysis.
Sampling procedures should be documented and followed uniformly by all
members of the oil analysis team. This ensures consistency in oil analysis data
and helps to institutionalize oil analysis within the organization. It also provides a
recipe for success to new members of the team.
The hardware used to extract the sample should not disturb sample quality. It
should be easy to use, clean, rugged and cost-effective. In addition, it is
important to use the correct bottle type and bottle cleanliness to assure that a
representative sample is achieved.
A successful oil analysis program requires an investment of time and money to
make sure the proper sampling hardware is fitted to the machinery.

Oil Sample Location

It is important to understand that not all locations in a machine will produce the
same data. Some are far richer in information than others. In addition, some
machines require multiple sampling locations to answer specific questions related
to the machine’s condition, usually on an exception basis.

Oil Sampling on System Returns

There are several rules for properly locating oil sampling ports on circulating
systems. These rules cannot always be precisely followed because of various
constraints in the machine’s design, application and plant environment. However,
the rules outlined below should be followed as closely as possible:
Turbulence. The best sampling locations are highly turbulent areas where the oil
is not flowing in a straight line but is turning and rolling in the pipe. Sampling
valves located at right angles to the flow path in long straight sections of pipe can
result in particle fly-by, which basically leads to a substantial reduction of the
particle concentration entering the sample bottle. This can be avoided by locating
sampling valves at elbows and sharp bends in the flow line (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Highly Turbulent Area
Ingression Points. Where possible, sampling ports should be located
downstream of the components that wear, and away from areas where particles
and moisture ingress. Return lines and drain lines heading back to the tank offer
the most representative levels of wear debris and contaminants. Once the fluid
reaches the tank, the information becomes diluted.
Filtration. Filters and separators are contaminant removers, therefore they can
remove valuable data from the oil sample. Sampling valves should be located
upstream of filters, separators, dehydrators and settling tanks unless the
performance of the filter is being specifically evaluated.
Drain Lines. In drain lines where fluids are mixed with air, sampling valves
should be located where oil will travel and collect. On horizontal piping, this will
be on the underside of the pipe. Sometimes oil traps, like a goose neck, must be
installed to concentrate the oil in the area of the sampling port. Circulating
systems where there are specific return lines or drain lines back to a reservoir are
the best choice for sampling valves (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Return or Drain Line

They allow the sample to be taken before the oil returns to the tank and always
before it goes through a filter. If the oil is permitted to return to the tank, then the
information in the sample becomes diluted, potentially by thousands of gallons of
fluid in large lubricating and hydraulic systems.
In addition, debris in the reservoir tends to accumulate over weeks and months
and may not accurately represent the current condition of the machine.

Live Zone Oil Sampling from Circulating Systems

When a sample is taken from a line in a circulating system it is referred to as a
live zone sample. There are things that can be done during the sampling process
that improve the quality and effectiveness of live zone oil sampling.
These include sampling from the system’s turbulent zones where the fluid is
moving and the oil is well mixed; sampling downstream of the equipment after it
has completed its primary functions, such as lubricating a bearing or a gear or
has passed through a hydraulic pump or actuator; sampling during typical
working conditions, on the run and under normal applications; and, where
required, employing secondary sampling locations to localize problems.
Just as there are factors that can improve the quality of a sample, there are also
other factors that can diminish a sample’s quality and thus should be avoided.
For example, it is important not to sample from dead pipe legs, hose ends and
standing pipes where the fluid isn’t moving or circulating.
Samples should not be collected after filters or separators or after an oil change,
filter change or at some time when the fluid wouldn’t represent typical conditions.
Samples should not be taken when the machine is cold and hasn’t been
operating or has been idling. In addition, samples should not be taken from
laminar flow zones where a lack of fluid turbulence occurs.

Sampling from Pressurized Lines

When samples need to be taken from pressurized feed lines leading to bearings,
gears, compressors, pistons, etc., the sampling method is simpler. Figure 3
shows four different configurations.
Figure 3. Pressurized Lines
Portable High-Pressure Tap Sampling. The uppermost configuration on Figure
3 is a high-pressure zone where a ball valve or needle valve is installed and the
outlet is fitted with a piece of stainless steel helical tubing. The purpose of the
tubing is to reduce the pressure of the fluid to a safe level before it enters the
sampling bottle. A similar effect can be achieved using a small, hand-held
pressure reduction valve.
Minimess Tap Sampling. This alternative requires installation of a minimess
valve, preferably on an elbow. The sampling bottle has a tube fitted with a probe
protruding from its cap. The probe attaches to the minimess port allowing the oil
to flow into the bottle.
There is a vent hole on the cap of the sampling bottle so that when the fluid
enters the bottle the air can expel or exhaust from the vent hole. This particular
sampling method requires lower pressures (less than 500 psi) for safety.
Ball Valve Tap Sampling. This configuration requires the installation of a ball
valve on an elbow. When sampling, the valve should be opened and adequately
flushed. Extra flushing is required if the exit extension from the valve is
Once flushed, the sampling bottle’s cap is removed and a sample is collected
from the flow stream before closing the valve. Care should be taken when
removing the bottle cap to prevent the entry of contamination. This technique is
not suitable for high- pressure applications.
Portable Minimess Tap Sampling. This option requires installing a minimess
onto the female half of a standard quick-connect coupling. This assembly is
portable. The male half of a quick-connect is permanently fitted to the pressure
line of the machine at the desired sampling location.
To sample, the portable female half of the quick-connect is screwed or snapped
(depending on adapter type) onto the male piece affixed to the machine. As the
adapter is threaded onto the minimess valve, a small spring loaded ball is
depressed within the minimess valve allowing oil to flow through the valve and
into the sample bottle.
In many cases, these male quick-connect couplings are preexisting on the
equipment. A helical coil or pressure reduction valve, previously described,
should be used on high-pressure lines.

Sampling from Low-pressure Circulating Lines

Occasionally a drain line, feed line or return line is not sufficiently pressurized to
take a sample. In such cases, sampling requires assistance from a vacuum pump
equipped with a special adapter allowing it to attach momentarily to a valve, such
as a minimess valve. With the adapter threaded onto the minimess valve, fluid
can be drawn by vacuum into the bottle (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Drain Line Vacuum Sampling

Sampling Wet Sumps

Frequently, there are applications where a drain line or a return line can’t be
accessed or no such line exists; these are typically called wet sump systems.
Examples of wet sump systems are diesel engines, circulating gearboxes and
circulating compressors. In these applications, because there is no return line,
fluid must be sampled from the pressurized supply line leading to the gearing and
the bearings (Figure 5). The sample should be collected before the filter, if one
Figure 5. Pressure or Feed Line
The best place to sample engine crankcase oil is also just before the filter. The
sampling valve should be installed between the pump and filter. This sample
location is highly preferred over sampling from a drain port or using a vacuum
pump and tube inserted down the dipstick port. Many newer model engines come
with an appropriately located sample valve right on the filter manifold.

Figure 6. Off-line Sampling

Another example of a wet sump involving circulation is shown in Figure 6 where
there is a side loop that is often referred to as a kidney loop filter. This off-line
circulating system provides an ideal location to install a sampling valve between
the pump and filter.
A ball valve or a minimess valve can be used so that the fluid under pressure
flows easily into the sample bottle without disturbing the operating system or
filtration system.
Sampling Noncirculating Systems
There are numerous examples where no forced circulation is provided and a
sample must be taken from a system’s sump or casing. This often must be done
with “in-service” equipment on the run.
Ring or collar bath-lubricated bearings and splash-lubricated gearboxes are
common examples of these systems. All of these situations increase the
challenge of obtaining a representative sample.
The most basic method for sampling such sumps is to remove the drain plug from
the bottom of the sump allowing fluid to flow into the sample bottle. For many
reasons, this is not an ideal sampling method or location.
Most important is the fact that bottom sediment, debris and particles (including
water) enter the bottle in concentrations that are not representative of what is
experienced near or around where the oil lubricates the machine. The drain plug
sampling method should be avoided if at all possible.
Drain port sampling can be greatly improved by using a short length of tubing,
extending inward and up into the active moving zone of the sump. This ball valve
and tube assembly shown in Figure 7 can, in many cases, be threaded into the
drain port and can be easily removed to facilitate draining the oil.
Ideally, the tip of the tube, where the oil sample is taken should be half way up
the oil level, two inches in from the walls and at least two inches from the rotating
elements within the sump.

Figure 7. Drain Port Tap Sampling

A third option is called drain port vacuum sampling. With this method a minimess
valve is installed as previously described, but instead of fluid passing into a
sample bottle by gravity, it is assisted by a vacuum sampler. This is particularly
helpful where the oil is viscous and difficult to sample through a narrow tube.
Still another method for sampling a gearbox or bearing housing is to use a
portable oil circulating system such as a filter cart. In this case, the filter cart is
attached to the sump (Figure 8).
Figure 8. Portable Off-line Sampling
Here the cart circulates the fluid off the bottom of the sump and back into the
sump. To keep from cleaning the oil before sampling, the filters must be by-
passed using a directional valve.
The fluid should become homogenous when it is circulated for about 5 to 15
minutes, depending on the size of the unit, the amount of fluid in the unit, and the
flow rate of the filter cart. Once sufficient mixing has occurred, a sample can be
taken from the sampling valve (installed between the pump and the filter).

Drop-tube Vacuum Sampling

One of the most common methods for sampling a bath- or splash-lubricated wet
sump is to use the drop-tube vacuum sample method. A tube is inserted through
a fill port or dip stick port and lowered into the sump cavity, usually about midway
into the oil level. This sampling method has a number of drawbacks and should
be avoided if the sampling methods previously described can be used instead.
Some of the primary risks and problems associated with drop-tube vacuum
sampling are:
Tube Location. A tube that is directed into the fill or dipstick port is extremely
difficult to control. The tube’s final resting place is hard to predict, resulting in
samples being taken from different locations each time. There is also a risk of the
tube actually going all the way to the bottom of the sump where debris and
sediment are picked up.
Drop Tube Contamination. There is considerable concern that when the tube is
being inserted into the sump it will scoop up debris from the sides of the casing.
Also, the tube itself may be contaminated due to poor cleanliness control when it
was produced or while it was stored.
Large Flush Volume. The drop-tube method substantially increases the volume
of fluid that must be flushed to obtain a representative sample. For some small
sump systems this practically results in an oil change. In addition, if the removed
volume of fluid is not replaced, the machine might be restarted with inadequate
lubricant volume.
Particle Fallout. For most systems, a shutdown is required to deploy the drop-
tube method. This means that production must be disturbed for the sake of oil
sampling, or sampling frequency must suffer because of production priorities.
Neither situation is ideal. Futhermore, particles begin to settle and stratify
according to size and density immediately upon shutdown, compromising the
quality of oil analysis.
Machine Intrusion. The drop-tube method is intrusive. The machine must be
entered to draw a sample. This intrusion introduces the risk of contamination, and
there is always the concern that the machine might not be properly restored to
run-ready condition before startup. Whenever drop-tube sampling is used, it
should be considered a sampling method of last resort.
However, there are situations where no other practical method of sampling is
available. In situations where drop-tube vacuum sampling must be used on
circulating systems, the best sampling location is between the return line and the
suction line (Figure 9). This is known as the short circuit.

Figure 9. Drop-tube Vacuum Sampling

Oil Sampling Bottles and Hardware

An important factor in obtaining a representative sample is to make sure the
sampling hardware is completely flushed prior to obtaining the sample. This is
usually accomplished using a spare bottle to catch the purged fluid. It is important
to flush five to 10 times the dead space volume before obtaining the sample. All
hardware in which the oil comes into contact is considered dead space and must
be flushed, including:
 System dead-legs
 Sampling ports, valves and adapters
 Probe on sampling devices
 Adapters for using vacuum sample extraction pumps
 Plastic tubing used for vacuum pumps (this tubing should not be reused to
avoid cross-contamination between oils)
There is an assortment of sampling bottles that are commonly used in oil
analysis. An appropriate bottle needs to be selected for the application and the
test that is planned. Several features including size, material and cleanliness
must be considered when selecting a sample bottle.
A number of different-sized sampling bottles are available. They vary from 50 mL
(or about two ounces of fluid) to a more common 100 to 120 mL bottle. The larger
bottle is preferred when tests such as particle count and viscosity analysis are
Where a considerable number of different tests are required, a 200 ml bottle (or
two 100 ml bottles) may be required. It is important to coordinate with the
laboratory to select the bottle size that will provide a sufficient volume to conduct
all the required tests and leave some extra for storage in case a rerun is
Another consideration in selecting the bottle size is that the entire volume of the
bottle should not be filled with fluid during the sampling process. Only a portion of
the sampling bottle should be filled. The unfilled portion, called the ullage, is
needed to allow proper fluid agitation by the laboratory to restore even
distribution of suspended particles and water in the sample. The general
guidelines for filling bottles are:
 Low Viscosity (ISO VG 32 or less) - Fill to about three-fourths of the total
 Medium Viscosity (ISO VG 32 to ISO VG 100) - Fill to about two-thirds of
the total volume.
 High Viscosity (over ISO VG 100) - Fill to about one-half of the total
Bottles are available in several materials. Plastic polyethylene is one of the most
common bottle materials. It is an opaque material similar to a plastic milk jug.
This type of sampling bottle presents a drawback because the oil can’t be visually
examined after the sample is obtained. Important oil properties, such as
sediment, darkness, brightness, clarity and color, can be immediately learned
from a visual inspection.
Another material is PET plastic. It is a completely clear, glass-like material and is
available in standard-sized bottles. This plastic is found to be compatible with
most types of lubricating oils and hydraulic fluids, including synthetics.
Of course, glass bottles are also available. These bottles tend to be more
expensive, are heavier, and there is the risk of breakage during the sampling
process. One advantage with glass bottles is that they can be cleaned and used
over and over. The cleanliness of glass bottles often exceeds that of plastic
One of the most important considerations in selecting a sampling bottle is to
make sure it is sufficiently clean. The bottle’s required cleanliness level should be
determined in advance. (See the article titled “Bottle Cleanliness: Is a New
Standard Needed?” in the March-April 2003 issue of Practicing Oil Analysis
magazine for additional information on sample bottle cleanliness.)

Important Tips for Effective Oil Sampling

To achieve bull’s-eye oil analysis data, where oil sampling and analysis produce
the most representative and trendable information, follow these basic sampling
1) Machines should be running in application during sampling. That means
samples should be collected when machines are at normal operating
temperatures, loads, pressures and speeds on a typical day. If that is achieved,
the data will be typical as well, which is exactly what is desired.
2) Always sample upstream of filters and downstream of machine components
such as bearings, gears, pistons, cams, etc. This will ensure the data is rich in
information. It also ensures that no data (such as particles) is being removed by
filters or separators.
3) Create specific written procedures for each system sampled. This ensures that
each sample is extracted in a consistent manner. Written procedures also help
new team members quickly learn the program.
4) Ensure that sampling valves and sampling devices are thoroughly flushed prior
to taking the sample. Vacuum samplers and probe-on samplers should be
flushed too, and if there are any questions about the cleanliness of the bottle
itself, it should also be flushed.
5) Make sure that samples are taken at proper frequencies and that the
frequency is sufficient to identify common and important problems. Record the
hours on the oil where possible, especially with crankcase and drive train
This can be a meter reading or some other record identifying the amount of time
that the oil has been in the machine. If there has been any makeup fluid added or
any change to the oil such as the addition of additives, a partial drain or anything
similar, communicate this information to the lab.
6) Forward samples immediately to the oil analysis lab or oil analysis service
partner after sampling. The properties of the oil in the bottle and the oil in the
machine begin to drift apart the moment after the sample is drawn. Quickly
analyzing the sample ensures the highest quality and timely decisions.

Case Study: Corn Milling Plant Learns the

Value of Proper Sampling
Under the guidance of Jim Smith of Allied Services Group, a corn milling plant in
the southern United States started an oil analysis program in the fall of 2003.
With a predominance of conveyors and other milling equipment, a significant
number of the plant’s critical assets are large splash-lubricated gearboxes.
In early fall, all the plant’s critical gearboxes were sampled. Because the
equipment was not equipped for best practice oil sampling - though a sampling
point survey was planned - there was no choice but to use the drop tube method
to obtain the samples. Even though plant personnel understood this was not the
best method for sampling, with no other option, they decided a baseline sample
before making any changes was warranted.
Fairly aggressive cleanliness targets of 18/16/13 for major gearboxes were set.
Based on these targets, 28 samples from these gearboxes were returned as
“critical” due in every case to high particle counts.
Immediately after the first baseline samples were taken, a sample point survey
was conducted. Shortly thereafter, the report’s recommendation of installing pitot
tube style sample valves in all of the plant’s splash-lubricated gearboxes was
implemented, in conjunction with a filtration program.
At the prescribed time, these gearboxes were resampled, using the new sample
valves, and submitted to the lab for analysis. Of the 28 boxes deemed initially to
be “critical,” 22 of 28 were returned as “normal.”

All oil analysis tools, techniques and diagnostic processes are worthless if the oil
sample fails to effectively represent the actual condition of the oil in service in the
machine. Proper sampling procedures are the foundation of an effective oil
analysis program.
Without good sampling procedures, time and money are wasted, and incorrect
conclusions based upon faulty data could be reached. To ensure that an oil
analysis program is perceived as valuable and to boost confidence in the
program, it is important to determine, understand and practice the processes that
are necessary to obtain a representative oil sample.
The moral of this story is that if you want to get accurate data, particularly where
particle counting is a required test, the use of appropriate sample valves is of
paramount importance. To receive and act on an analysis report that indicates a
“critical problem” but turns out to be nothing more than poor sampling, is the
easiest way to erode confidence in any oil analysis program.

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