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Laboratory Exercise No. 1 External and Internal Structure of the Chicken Introduction ‘The ditferent species of pouty have beso studied in detail ae a great dea is now known sbout ther structre and ther exironmenta, physiological and behavioral requirements. This exercise presents us with the opportunity to take into ‘account all the features of poultry in designing production systems. Objectives ‘To familiarize the suident on the extemal and intemal structure of chicken 2 To enable the student to know the differest parts and function of various parts To enable the students to understand the factors that intluence the ‘hicken's ability to grow and lay eggs Materials 3 IMlustrations‘posters of @ tow! Procedure 1. Lectureldiscussion The extemal pars of the chicken and other poultry species b the digestive system of a fow! © thereproducuve system of a male and female tow! 4. Other binlogeat systems of the fow! 2, Accomplish and submit auached laboratory repor! References: 1. Poultry Production by Leslie &. Cand & Maiden ©: Neshelm 2. Poultry Husbandry by Money A. Jull 3. Pouliry Science by M. E. Ensminger ‘Supplementary tnformation ‘A. the Digestive Systems of Pow! ‘The digestive system inclues the digestive tract and its associated glands. It is consist of a tubular structure where mam function ws for the mgestion and digestion of ‘ood: tts ultinate purpose sto provide efficient essulation of nets necessary for ie, BION fad reproduction Ihe gastromesina tact proves the most Teadily accessibie route for substances to emter the body. it has te ability to select and reject {ood materins(paatabily/satey) ‘he towis’ digestive system is also called modified simple type of digestive tract. ‘its 1s So due 10 the presence of some peculiar parts such as the crop, Proventriculus and the gizzard. The location of the proventriculus being situared before the gizzard helps the fowl to be more elticient digester of food. 1B Tne Reproductive System OF Chickens 1. The Hemate Keeproauctive System a. The Ovary, ‘The ovary is the primary reproductive organ of the female chicken. PNormatty, there ss onty one function ovary and #16 the left tt located at the median line of the body jest posterior to the fungs and at the antenor end of the kidney. it atached 19 the doresl wall ofthe body cavity. ‘The ovary begins to develop as early as 12 weeks od in female chickens Jn an inscave condition, st 1s a whibsh mass of regular contour. im the active condition, rt appears asa yellowish cluster of spheres of varying sizes. ‘The ovary produces the reproductive cells called ove (ovum singular, ‘There are as many as 3,600 ova thal ean be counted in the ovacy of a he. {he eRe cell tova) is provided with a large amount of yolk material in preparation for the nutrient supply of the expected embryo thar wit! be developed from it » The Oviduct ‘hs 1s 9 very important accessory organ of the female reproductive system in order produce a compiesciy formed exe The oviduct is a coiled tube and if it is man actye stage, it occupies a large part of the left halt of the abdominal cavity pposteriar tothe ovary. Hi suspended from the dorsal wall of the body ‘The ovtducal tube 1s composed of several pars. Fach part has very specie function in egg formation. ‘The vagina is also the closest in proximity to the cloaca. When natural mating takes place or when artificial insemination is done, the postertor end of the vagina tube is everied to receive the seminal discharge ofthe male. ‘The imerval benween laying (oviposition) and the next ovulation is approximately 2D seinutes. In an open mated flock especialy the cormmon bam yard towls (oative chickens), the females & very receptive to mating shortly after eg laying since at this time the line is free On the average if takes about 25-26 hours for an egg to pass the entire length of the oviduct. ‘The Mate Reproductive System “The testes are the primary repreductve organs of the male tis focated in the body cavity st the anterior end of the kidneys and postenor 1o the tungs. They are bean

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