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2 : acid- T(4rahon - Abe contm}mhon

ObjccfivQ : q sld0docd oxalic acid


Slamldfdise 0-2M Na0H golulion

{he of HCI

Acqoite {he (UrQc} 4QChniqu@s •li{rqhon.


Tlfrah'on is 0 ( used 40 devrmiDQ {he of a

•Iulion usin an04her sduhon Wilh a cononlration. OQ of 4be soluh•cns

a usQd as a or sQ(ooda cfopdord cduhon.

A is proparccl by dissolvincy an dtcuralgly weighed pure

solid a knun molar mas a volume dislilled untQr

The of secon&rtJ colodion be determine usin

Q ima rc • For exam IL/ acid/ / and eqssium hydro phJrh41a

kHCsH404/ 4110 tmmon fin-tan standards used dehermine (Docentrahbo og

bags (Qonda shand(

Thc soluåion ued in kilraiions nod be s4aodarclizcd becaucQ

Oiain impuriåiQS solid Na0H is hygroscopis which difficull to ob+ain

accumfQ mass s}Nodardizc' b@comes standard QN.

ulvalcna poin
is at whicb 4hQ added racis complekl wi
c(QdtÖly+Q otordmg 40 €åöichiomQ4ry which 4hQ •n ica}Orchan cs

colour is called 4hC ond (he mc andi 0UivatCf7Q c}Wd be same

. creativeproducts

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A) frepard{i0n s an ar so(ulion

l. Flgdra¯d oxalic add, .21)" (DQigVQd 0-0001 about

ga)g in a 5NmL IOQr

2. hppmlmolely 30mL of disl(lled wales de 40 dissolve 4he oxalic aci

3. THQ so(ulion has bæn -lmnsfQ@ a 250mL voume}öc •The bearer,

rinsed and mur into flask . Olgfillc cvavr dded 40

4hQ calibrate mark 4hQ yo(urneåric flask

4. avas aq 4hQ flask was shaken 40 ob4ain a httqogenous

5. The 0 4bQ s}andard oxalic acic SDIu\ion been calula

use blufion 40 slamardize NaoH pa4(6).

•g Smdar isa4ion O M NaoH olu+ion

l. h bUfQ}iC wacprinsed a OiYQn Na0H Øu{ion40 be rclize

2. ThQ bure++Q filled (.4)iP) khe tda0H olu+ion was ensure Ahah 4here are no air bbles

3. Tyv in-Aia\ f0C0rdQ decim places

lb 25mL o? oxalic aci cluåiÖD fivm Parå(A a 250mL conical

2 drops phenolph+ha(ein 4he oxalic aci cduåion

5. h -QIQ is P(acQ un flask so Ahab ant chan e can

clcorl o&crve

6. Tho aa Ahe NaoH from butcHQ, Jiårqfion

4hQ f(qgk swifIQcl conåinuousl

The go(ufons inner wall conical flask rinse Wilh

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9' upon Qccchln {he end Q{Qmporacy pink

is swi(Q (olovr

rsislQd for morQ 30 secon s. is end .

utcffe iS fQcor d 41M) dQtima laces

4ijros .

(l. calcula

(C molar conceo+rttfi(Y) 06 HCI sduh'(h

26ml of inn IOCt golulion is 10+0 a 250mL conical Has

Two d s phono æhalQi0

3 g-q •n ale


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A of a (lclüdu{ion

•t) mass of hydmted oxa(ic acid 30001 g

3-0001 q
126 g moi-l

iii) Molari of oxalic

o, 15 L
o•oq52 M
b) Siaqdacdisaiim of 0.2M Nq0H cdufion

readin9 mL Gross
Final readin 27-40 26-00 25-q0 25 -to

readin 2-00 1.00 000 (.00

volume of Nd0H uod [mL 25-40 25-00 24-90

Avera Q volumo of used 2500 * 04-80

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c) Odem(naåion moiar HCI


Final reacfinq
96. q o 25.qo 27.00

Tnibial I-oo 0-00

VDlomc 06 Na014 Iml- 27 c"

• 25. qo 26 .00

A1, aragQ volume HCI used - 25 -e 25- qo 4 26 .00



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calculate Na011 sold ion


o•ooagy mot

I mol oP (QOCA 2 mol Na0H

mol of HIGO fQac4 2 of NQOH 40 c(uQ 0004B NJa0H.

2 mol Na0H
000238 mol

2 NaoH X O•00238mol of
x 0•COA76

Molari 0001+76

www.cpstationery corn my

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CalcutaiQ -lhc of 4he HCI coluHoo

-D NaOH( ) -t -.--—.9 NaCl Caq,)

ii) moles Nd0H (o.tq

o •oogq

I mol Of NqoH (mol of H C!

00050 mol

x' ( HCI

060050 mol HCI

Mo(ari+ of HCI o.00hq

0-025 L

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ThQ molarilg of Naoh aod HCf 4hroct9b alcutalions iS O.

Qnc( O. (q 7M.

fre pfQcau4ion .slep nad 40 is add 4hQ

a dropper when +e oxalic acid cotillion (tad reache 4hcoroduafed
mctrk of vdumc\ric qask dlso 40 rinSQ bQakQr 40 ensure
4hQCQ is no impurihQS in bQaker. we also reed rinse 4bQ
ureå+Q wifb Nao * rornoQ in because 4he presence
wafQr mi h} dilde dill chan e 4Ro (Onan+mfion of Naoff. uu nQd
romovQ air bubbles in hQ bureffe -h' avoid bobbles

WQ 40 3 4iiYU åhQ average value as

40 ensure 4hQ SO(uiion (0m (e Aeiy

ddiåion of wcdQr step 7 par} 6 does Ahe readin as is

uSu 40 make sure au 4hQ Nq0H colufion reacts Wilh aci

Conclusion 00152 M oxalic ac' prepare .

Tbc molariåy of Ha0B soluhon (s (q12M ,

ThQ Of ACI SOIUå(bn (9. I q -l M.

RQRfQnces .
h}} W}U.bc/DY0dVJhvOXl

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