Module 1, Test B: Listening

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Hot Spot 3 – Module 1, Test B Name..................................................................


Module 1, Test B
3 Write the words in the correct column.
interesting    clap     small    call
1 Listen and choose the correct answers.
beautiful     write    big    sleep 
1 A good rabbit’s cage has got one / two worry    expensive   walk

Verb Adjective
2 Feed your rabbit once / twice a day.
3 Rabbits eat fruit, vegetables / meat and clap interesting
4 Give your rabbit a chocolate biscuit / carrot
for a treat.
5 Rabbits like exercise / sleeping.
6 Never pick up your rabbit by its legs / ears.

Score       /5

2 Label the pictures with the words.
Score       /5
cinema     coming back     dentist Grammar
going away     netball     practising sketch
4 Write present simple questions.

1 Where / Lukas live?

Where does Lukas live?                                        

2 Where / Amish people live?

1 cinema                     4
3 What / people call Dongguan County?

4 How / Rachel help her parents?

5 When / bears hibernate?

2 5

6__Why / Dongguan farmers sometimes swim

to their fields?

3 6 Score       /5

Score       /5

© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2009. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class. 1
Hot Spot 3 – Module 1, Test B

5 Complete the sentences with the correct 7 Choose the correct words.
form of these words.
1 Her room is bigger / the biggest than his.
travel    not swim     help
work     live    not watch 2 This book is the most expensive / the more
1 Mary       lives       in Canada.

2 Lots of people                   on 3 Your room is the messiest / messier than
farms. mine.
3 Fred                  in the creek. 4 That’s the oldest / the older car in the shop.
4 Arthur                   TV in the
morning. 5 Our bikes are cheaper / the cheapest than
5 Jenny often                  her
6 My blue T-shirt is the nicest / nicer than
6 We                  to school by car. hers.
Score       /5 Score       /5

6 Complete the questions and sentences Reading

with the present continuous form of the
verb. 8 Read the text. Are the sentences True or
1 Alexia           is playing           (play) netball
Parrots are popular pets and they need special
tomorrow. care. The African grey parrot is popular
because they can learn to talk. Macaws are
2 Charlie                  (do) his more beautiful but they are more difficult to look
homework right now.
All parrots need a warm, dry cage with lots of
space. They like climbing so a tall cage is best.
3 What                  your friends
But Long-tailed parrots need an outdoor cage
                 (do) on Friday? with space to fly. It’s important to clean the
cage every week.
4 I                  (meet) my friends at Feed your parrot fruit, vegetables, nuts and
seeds. You can buy special parrot food from
the weekend.
pet shops. Don’t feed them chocolate or
5 When                 you         
Parrots are intelligent and they often get bored.
(practise) your sketch? They are friendly and don’t like being alone. So,
play games with them and teach them to talk.
6 Dina                  (go) to the
1 The African grey is the most beautiful
cinema on Saturday. parrot. T/F

Score       /5 2 Tall cages are best for parrots. T/F

3 All parrots need an outdoor cage. T/F

4 You can feed parrots fruit. T/F

5 They can eat chocolate. T/F

6 Parrots don’t like being alone. T/F

Score       /5

© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2009. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class. 2
Hot Spot 3 – Module 1, Test B

9 Think of a pet. Write a short text about
how to look after it. Use the text in
Activity 8 as a model.

Score       /5

Score       /45

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