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1. Jayant is working as Head Relationship Manager in the wealth management

division of a private sector bank. He has created an internal environment which
is conducive to an effective and efficient performance of his team of ten
relationship management executive” A typical day at work in Jay ant’s life consists
of a series of interrelated and continue functions. He decides the targets for his
department which are in line with the objectives of the organization as a whole.
The future course of action for his team members is laid out well in advance. The
various resources required by the relationship managers like an iPad with GPS
system, account opening forms, brochures, details of account holders etc. are
made readily available to them. The executives are given sufficient authority to
carry out the work assigned to them. Jayant works in close coordination with the
Human Resource Manager in order to ensure that he is able to create and
maintain a satisfactory and satisfied workforce in his department. Through
constant guidance and motivation, Jayant inspires them to realise their full
potential. He offers them various types of incentives from time to time keeping
in view their diverse individual needs. Moreover, he keeps a close watch on their
individual performances in order to ensure that they are in accordance with the
standards set and takes corrective actions whenever needed.
In context of the above case:

(i) Identify the concept being referred to in the following line, “He has created an
internal environment which is conducive to an effective and efficient
performance of his team of ten relationship management executives.”

(ii) Identify and describe the various functions of the concept as identified in
part (a) of the question by quoting lines from the paragraph. (5)
2. Kartik joins a garment factory as a plant supervisor in Lucknow. He observes that
the output of some workers is very low as compared to the standards set for their
performance. On analyzing the reasons for the same, he finds out that a lot of
time of the workers is wasted in getting the requisite materials issued from the
store. Whereas on asking, the store keeper complains that there is no harmony
in the working of the production department as a whole. Every day the workers
approach him at the last minute to procure different kinds of threads, laces,
mirrors, buttons etc. If it is not available in the store then he has to place an order
with the purchase officer. As a result, a lot of time of the workers is wasted. So,
in order to integrate the various production activities, henceforth, Kartik ensures,
that the store keeper is informed well three days in advance about the requisite
material. Consequently, the store keeper is able to keep the materials ready for
the workers every morning in accordance with their requirements.
In context of the above case:

(i)Identify and explain the quality of management that Kartik has introduced in
the working of the production department as a corrective measure to control the
output of the workers.

(ii)State briefly any two points highlighting the importance of quality of

management identified in part (a).
3. Saagar Ltd. believes in coordination among departments and activities. The
company relies heavily on professional coordination. For this the company takes
steps throughout the year. Coordination is kept in mind by all the managers
regardless of the level they are working at. Throughout the year the various
activities are synchronized without failure. Every department ensures that within
it every employee and operation is guided by the theme of proper coordination.
Whenever an employee takes an action he consults others, whenever needed,
thus properly contributing to his team. The process of coordination is just not
limited to the employees. Even at the departmental level the various
departments use this binding force to create perfect harmony among them so
that the organisational goals can be fulfilled. All the coordination that occurs in
the organisation is a result of proper training and premeditated attempts by the
company to get the best results possible. .
The above case represents all the characteristics of coordination. Identify the
lines which represent them and also name the characteristics.
4. In an island there is a famous ship company. Hundreds of workers work here. All
of them belong to a culture where they help each other. The environment in the
company is about helping each other thus leading to a great environment in the
company. However the company lacks professionalism. Most of the workers are
school dropouts and they hardly know how to make their work synchronized as
a team. Failing of plans is common in this company.
After reading the above case find out the concept of management which is
followed and its advantage. Also find out one concept of management which is
violated and its outcome on the company.
5. Clean Sanity ware is a big company. Managing many employees at the same
moment is a challenge which this company always faces. Since the company has
many departments it is necessary for the company to ensure unity of action
among various departments. The various departments are human resources,
marketing, finance, operations and sales. The employees are always concerned
about the company and are a useful resource to their organisation. Though they
have diverse interests and have to perform different activities the management
ensures that the efforts of the employees should be given a focus so as to achieve
the organisation goals. The different departments have their own interests but
due to proper coordination the conflicts of interest in the departments is
minimized to a nil. When it comes to the employees the organisation shows its
concern. The career of employees is shown a developmental path through proper
training modules and job enrichment. Rajeev is a manager who takes care of all
the duties and responsibilities to be assigned to his employees in the department.
He uses all sources to develop a proper communication with them and leaves no
attempt to motivate them. This year the company has decided to give the best
manager award to Rajeev for his contribution to the organisation.
Which characteristics of coordination have been highlighted in the above case?
Which type of objective is fulfilled here? At which level of management does
Rajeev work? Which function of management does he perform here? Also
identify the lines in each case.

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