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Writing a Research Title


■ Writing a research title is
not like a manna that will fall
from heaven, and presto! You
have a title!
■ A research title or the
research project of real
world observations, dilemmas,
wide reading, selective
viewing (television programs,
films documentaries, videos
etc.) meaningful interactions
with significant others, and
deep reflections
■How to write a title?
Writing the Title
■ The title gives a name to
the research and it is
also a means to identify
the contribution of the
■ It should be clear enough
to express the global
content of the article in
a brief and concrete way
Considering the Reader

■ The title is the first

thing that the readers
meet. Therefore, it
should be attractive
and create a good
Length and Key Words

■ The title should be no

longer than 15 words
and should summarize
the main topic of the
report, and identify the
crucial issues (key
Examples of GOOD TITLE
The following are some
■ If you have written an guidelines in writing the
essay in which you research title
assessed the influence  The research title sums up the
of psychoanalysis on variable being studied in the
modern counseling  Usually, the general problem is
practice, a catchy and reflected in the research title
informative title be:  Avoid titles that are too long.
“Modern Counseling:  A good research title is usually
composed of 12 to 15 words
Freuduian Theory with
a New Face ”
Lets conceptualize
start-up activity
Topic: heart disease
among older men
If I we’re to ask you to write a
research title about heart disease (very
broad). Is there a way to narrow it down?
■ Does any of you know what causes an
older man die from heart attacks?
■ Based on your personal experience do
you have a relative that suffered from
heart attack?
GO for all,
all for abm
research Cultural expectations and
Mental health practices

Homosexuality alcoholism
LGBT category

Pick your Choice
In the previous slide, there are
categories to choose; example cancer,
mental health or weight issues and
more. You need to pair one picture to
the other, and be put together to
create one narrow topic.
Once all pairs has done, Write a
suggested title/topic from the chosen
Category: Mental Health
Topic: Post-Partum Depression:
Possible title
Personality Traits that Put Mothers
at Risk Cause by Post-Partum
Big Idea

The research
title reflects
the problem of
the study
What Have I learned So Far?
 The research title sums up
the variables being studied
in the research
■ What are the  Usually, the general
guidelines in writing a problem is reflected in the
research title? research title
■ What can be used as  Avoid titles that are too
basis for writing the
 Problem that seeks to be
research title? answered is the basis for
■ What is the ideal writing the research title
length of a research  A good title is usually
title? composed of 12 to 15
Being an ABM student, do
you have in mind what do
you want to know and
investigate in your specific
Now, let us move on to the Senior High School
track you are enrolled in

Before you make a final decision on your topic, reflect on these questions:
1. What area/s not covered in classroom lessons/discussions do I still
want to know/investigate in my specific track?
2. If I do this research project, how useful will it be to me as a senior high school
graduate and to the community where I belong, and even to the larger community, the
Philippines, ASEAN, and the world?
Multiple Choices: Below are situations and statements in selecting and writing
research title and topics. Analyze and understand each
number, then choose the letter(s) that you think the best
You may START now.
1. What is the reason for consulting handbooks, yearbooks, encyclopedias,
or reviews in the initial stages of identifying a research topic?
A. They are readily available
B. They provide an overview of the issues related to a topic
C. They are primary sources
D. They avoid reporting statistical data so one can interpret the results
more readily
2. Which of the following are excellent sources for research topics?
A. Theory D. All of the above
B. Personal Experience
C. Replication of prior research
3. Mr. Apolonio identified his research topic as classroom assessment. “He
recognized very quickly his topic was far too broad. Which of the following is
likely to have led to that conclusion?
A. There was far too much written on the topic to understand it all.
B. It was difficult to organize the material he was collecting in an
effective manner
C. The potential problems he began thinking about would be next
impossible to study
D. All of the above
4. A statement of the problem goes this way,
(1) What are the causes of the addiction of most teenagers to online games?
(2) What are the reasons of their addiction to online games?
(3) What are the possible effects of online game addiction
What do you think is the research title of the study?
A. The Effects of Online Games: A study on Online Game Addiction AmongTeenagers
B. Causes of Addiction of the Teenagers
C. Online Gaming, More Earnings
D. The Legalization of Online Gaming in the Philippines Its’ Contribution to the Youth
5. The research title reflects the _____________
A. skills of the researcher
B. scope and delimitation
C. statistical treatment
D. Problem of the study
Multiple Choices: Below are situations and statements in selecting and writing
research title and topics. Analyze and understand each
number, then choose the letter(s) that you think the best
You may START now.
1. What is the reason for consulting handbooks, yearbooks, encyclopedias,
or reviews in the initial stages of identifying a research topic?
A. They are readily available
B. They provide an overview of the issues related to a topic
C. They are primary sources
D. They avoid reporting statistical data so one can interpret the results
more readily
2. Which of the following are excellent sources for research topics?
A. Theory D. All of the above
B. Personal Experience
C. Replication of prior research
3. Mr. Apolonio identified his research topic as classroom assessment. “He
recognized very quickly his topic was far too broad. Which of the following is
likely to have led to that conclusion?
A. There was far too much written on the topic to understand it all.
B. It was difficult to organize the material he was collecting in an
effective manner
C. The potential problems he began thinking about would be next
impossible to study
D. All of the above
4. A statement of the problem goes this way,
(1) What are the causes of the addiction of most teenagers to online games?
(2) What are the reasons of their addiction to online games?
(3) What are the possible effects of online game addiction
What do you think is the research title of the study?
A. The Effects of Online Games: A study on Online Game Addiction Among Teenagers
B. Causes of Addiction of the Teenagers
C. Online Gaming, More Earnings
D. The Legalization of Online Gaming in the Philippines Its’ Contribution to the Youth
5. The research title reflects the _____________
A. skills of the researcher
B. scope and delimitation
C. statistical treatment
D. problem of the study
Your school principal is alarmed
on the dwindling attendance of the
students in coming to school. As a
guidance councilor, you are requested to
investigate the cause of this problem.
On your initial investigations, you found
out that one possible cause of this
problem is the rampant use of computer
applications such as social networking
sites and online games. Your task now is
to survey and come up with the report
on the possible effects of computer
applications like social networking sites
and online games on the attitude of
students toward school attendance.
Your report should be well written, the
data are presented in a table or graph,
and possible recommendations are
suggested to minimize the problem
Thank You..

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